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The structure and function of myosin crossbridges in asynchronous insect flight muscle (IFM) have been elucidated in situ using multiple approaches. These include generating “atomic” models of myosin in multiple contractile states by rebuilding the crystal structure of chicken subfragment 1 (S1) to fit IFM crossbridges in lower-resolution electron microscopy tomograms and by “mapping” the functional effects of genetically substituted, isoform-specific domains, including the converter domain, in chimeric IFM myosin to sequences in the crystal structure of chicken S1.We prepared helical reconstructions (∼ 25 Å resolution) to compare the structural characteristics of nucleotide-free myosin0 S1 bound to actin (acto-S1) isolated from chicken skeletal muscle (CSk) and the flight muscles of Lethocerus (Leth) wild-type Drosophila (wt Dros) and a Drosophila chimera (IFI-EC) wherein the converter domain of the indirect flight muscle myosin isoform has been replaced by the embryonic skeletal myosin converter domain. Superimposition of the maps of the frozen-hydrated acto-S1 complexes shows that differences between CSk and IFM S1 are limited to the azimuthal curvature of the lever arm: the regulatory light-chain (RLC) region of chicken skeletal S1 bends clockwise (as seen from the pointed end of actin) while those of IFM S1 project in a straight radial direction. All the IFM S1s are essentially identical other than some variation in the azimuthal spread of density in the RLC region. This spread is most pronounced in the IFI-EC S1, consistent with proposals that the embryonic converter domain increases the compliance of the IFM lever arm affecting the function of the myosin motor. These are the first unconstrained models of IFM S1 bound to actin and the first direct comparison of the vertebrate and invertebrate skeletal myosin II classes, the latter for which, data on the structure of discrete acto-S1 complexes, are not readily available.  相似文献   

Many studies have established a correlation of differences in the activities of various muscle types with differences in the expression of myosin isoforms. In this paper we report the sequence determination of myosin light chain-2 from rabbit slow skeletal (LC2s) and ventricular (LC2v) nmscles. We sequenced tryptic peptides from LC2v which account for all except a few terminal amino acid residues. The major part (87 residues) of the rabbit LC2s sequence, obtained from tryptic and cyanogen bromide (CNBr) peptides, was found to be identical to rabbit LC2v. Our results provide the first sequence information on LC2s from any species, and lend strong support to the hypothesis that LC2s and LC2v are identical. Comparisons of rabbit LC2v and LC2s with rabbit LC2f (from fast skeletal muscle), and also with chicken LC2f and LC2v, show clearly that LC2s and LC2v from mammalian and avian species are more closely related to each other than they are to LC2f isoforms from the same species.  相似文献   

We report the initial biochemical characterization of an alternatively spliced isoform of nonmuscle heavy meromyosin (HMM) II-B2 and compare it with HMM II-B0, the nonspliced isoform. HMM II-B2 is the HMM derivative of an alternatively spliced isoform of endogenous nonmuscle myosin (NM) II-B, which has 21-amino acids inserted into loop 2, near the actin-binding region. NM II-B2 is expressed in the Purkinje cells of the cerebellum as well as in other neuronal cells [X. Ma, S. Kawamoto, J. Uribe, R.S. Adelstein, Function of the neuron-specific alternatively spliced isoforms of nonmuscle myosin II-B during mouse brain development, Mol. Biol. Cell 15 (2006) 2138-2149]. In contrast to any of the previously described isoforms of NM II (II-A, II-B0, II-B1, II-C0 and II-C1) or to smooth muscle myosin, the actin-activated MgATPase activity of HMM II-B2 is not significantly increased from a low, basal level by phosphorylation of the 20 kDa myosin light chain (MLC-20). Moreover, although HMM II-B2 can bind to actin in the absence of ATP and is released in its presence, it cannot propel actin in the sliding actin filament assay following MLC-20 phosphorylation. Unlike HMM II-B2, the actin-activated MgATPase activity of a chimeric HMM with the 21-amino acid II-B2 sequence inserted into the homologous location in the heavy chain of HMM II-C is increased following MLC-20 phosphorylation. This indicates that the effect of the II-B2 insert is myosin heavy chain specific.  相似文献   

The intrinsic fluorescence of smooth muscle myosin is sensitive to both nucleotide binding and hydrolysis. We have examined this relationship by making MDE mutants containing a single tryptophan residue at each of the seven positions found in the wild-type molecule. Previously, we have demonstrated that a conserved tryptophan residue (W512) is a major contributor to nucleotide-dependent changes of intrinsic fluorescence in smooth muscle myosin. In this study, an MDE containing all the endogenous tryptophans except W512 (W512 KO-MDE) decreases in intrinsic fluorescence upon nucleotide binding, demonstrating that the intrinsic fluorescence enhancement of smooth muscle myosin is not solely due to W512. Candidates for the observed quench of intrinsic fluorescence in W512 KO-MDE include W29 and W36. Whereas the intrinsic fluorescence of W36-MDE is only slightly sensitive to nucleotide binding, that of W29-MDE is paradoxically both quenched and blue-shifted upon nucleotide binding. Steady-state and time-resolved experiments suggest that fluorescence intensity changes of W29 involve both excited-state and ground-state quenching mechanisms. These results have important implications for the role of the N-terminal domain (residues 1-76) in smooth muscle myosin in the molecular mechanism of muscle contraction.  相似文献   

Interaction of myosin with actin in striated muscle is controlled by Ca2+ via thin filament associated proteins: troponin and tropomyosin. In cardiac muscle there is a whole pattern of myosin and tropomyosin isoforms. The aim of the current work is to study regulatory effect of tropomyosin on sliding velocity of actin filaments in the in vitro motility assay over cardiac isomyosins. It was found that tropomyosins of different content of α- and β-chains being added to actin filament effects the sliding velocity of filaments in different ways. On the other hand the velocity of filaments with the same tropomyosins depends on both heavy and light chains isoforms of cardiac myosin.  相似文献   

Subfragment 2 (S2), the segment that links the two myosin heads to the thick filament backbone, may serve as a swing-out adapter allowing crossbridge access to actin, as the elastic component of crossbridges and as part of a phosphorylation-regulated on-off switch for crossbridges in smooth muscle. Low-salt expansion increases interfilament spacing (from 52 nm to 67 nm) of rigor insect flight muscle fibers and exposes a tethering segment of S2 in many crossbridges. Docking an actoS1 atomic model into EM tomograms of swollen rigor fibers identifies in situ for the first time the location, length and angle assignable to a segment of S2. Correspondence analysis of 1831 38.7 nm crossbridge repeats grouped self-similar forms from which class averages could be computed. The full range of the variability in angles and lengths of exposed S2 was displayed by using class averages for atomic fittings of acto-S1, while S2 was modeled by fitting a length of coiled-coil to unaveraged individual repeats. This hybrid modeling shows that the average length of S2 tethers along the thick filament (except near the tapered ends) is approximately 10 nm, or 16% of S2's total length, with an angular range encompassing 90 degrees axially and 120 degrees azimuthally. The large range of S2 angles indicates that some rigor bridges produce positive force that must be balanced by others producing drag force. The short tethering segment clarifies constraints on the function of S2 in accommodating variable myosin head access to actin. We suggest that the short length of S2 may also favor intermolecular head-head interactions in IFM relaxed thick filaments.  相似文献   

Muscle contraction involves the interaction of the myosin heads of the thick filaments with actin subunits of the thin filaments. Relaxation occurs when this interaction is blocked by molecular switches on these filaments. In many muscles, myosin-linked regulation involves phosphorylation of the myosin regulatory light chains (RLCs). Electron microscopy of vertebrate smooth muscle myosin molecules (regulated by phosphorylation) has provided insight into the relaxed structure, revealing that myosin is switched off by intramolecular interactions between its two heads, the free head and the blocked head. Three-dimensional reconstruction of frozen-hydrated specimens revealed that this asymmetric head interaction is also present in native thick filaments of tarantula striated muscle. Our goal in this study was to elucidate the structural features of the tarantula filament involved in phosphorylation-based regulation. A new reconstruction revealed intra- and intermolecular myosin interactions in addition to those seen previously. To help interpret the interactions, we sequenced the tarantula RLC and fitted an atomic model of the myosin head that included the predicted RLC atomic structure and an S2 (subfragment 2) crystal structure to the reconstruction. The fitting suggests one intramolecular interaction, between the cardiomyopathy loop of the free head and its own S2, and two intermolecular interactions, between the cardiac loop of the free head and the essential light chain of the blocked head and between the Leu305-Gln327 interaction loop of the free head and the N-terminal fragment of the RLC of the blocked head. These interactions, added to those previously described, would help switch off the thick filament. Molecular dynamics simulations suggest how phosphorylation could increase the helical content of the RLC N-terminus, weakening these interactions, thus releasing both heads and activating the thick filament.  相似文献   

Muscle myosin heavy chain (MHC) rod domains intertwine to form alpha-helical coiled-coil dimers; these subsequently multimerize into thick filaments via electrostatic interactions. The subfragment 2/light meromyosin "hinge" region of the MHC rod, located in the C-terminal third of heavy meromyosin, may form a less stable coiled-coil than flanking regions. Partial "melting" of this region has been proposed to result in a helix to random-coil transition. A portion of the Drosophila melanogaster MHC hinge is encoded by mutually exclusive alternative exons 15a and 15b, the use of which correlates with fast (hinge A) or slow (hinge B) muscle physiological properties. To test the functional significance of alternative hinge regions, we constructed transgenic fly lines in which fast muscle isovariant hinge A was switched for slow muscle hinge B in the MHC isoforms of indirect flight and jump muscles. Substitution of the slow muscle hinge B impaired flight ability, increased sarcomere lengths by approximately 13% and resulted in minor disruption to indirect flight muscle sarcomeric structure compared with a transgenic control. With age, residual flight ability decreased rapidly and myofibrils developed peripheral defects. Computational analysis indicates that hinge B has a greater coiled-coil propensity and thus reduced flexibility compared to hinge A. Intriguingly, the MHC rod with hinge B was approximately 5 nm longer than myosin with hinge A, consistent with the more rigid coiled-coil conformation predicted for hinge B. Our study demonstrates that hinge B cannot functionally substitute for hinge A in fast muscle types, likely as a result of differences in the molecular structure of the rod, subtle changes in myofibril structure and decreased ability to maintain sarcomere structure in indirect flight muscle myofibrils. Thus, alternative hinges are important in dictating the distinct functional properties of myosin isoforms and the muscles in which they are expressed.  相似文献   

The N-terminal region of myosin's rod-like subfragment 2 (S2) joins the two heads of this dimeric molecule and is key to its function. Previously, a crystal structure of this predominantly coiled-coil region was determined for a short fragment (51 residues plus a leucine zipper) of the scallop striated muscle myosin isoform. In that study, the N-terminal 10-14 residues were found to be disordered. We have now determined the structure of the same scallop peptide in three additional crystal environments. In each of two of these structures, improved order has allowed visualization of the entire N-terminus in one chain of the dimeric peptide. We have also compared the melting temperatures of this scallop S2 peptide with those of analogous peptides from three other isoforms. Taken together, these experiments, along with examination of sequences, point to a diminished stability of the N-terminal region of S2 in regulated myosins, compared with those myosins whose regulation is thin filament linked. It seems plain that this isoform-specific instability promotes the off-state conformation of the heads in regulated myosins. We also discuss how myosin isoforms with varied thermal stabilities share the basic capacity to transmit force efficiently in order to produce contraction in their on states.  相似文献   

Zhang HL  Tang ZY  Yang JX  Zhang Y  Li Y  Lin Y 《FEBS letters》2006,580(2):469-473
This study is to reveal the characteristics of bidirectional regulation of emodin (1,3,8-trihydroxy-6-methyl-anthraquinone) and quercetin on gizzard smooth muscle myosin. Our results indicate that: (a) emodin demonstrates stimulatory effects, and quercetin produces inhibitory effects on myosin phosphorylation and Mg(2+)-ATPase activities of Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent phosphorylated myosin in a dose-dependent manner; (b) a combination of emodin and quercetin enhances phosphorylation and Mg(2+)-ATPase activities for partially phosphorylated myosin and inhibits those activities for fully phosphorylated myosin; (c) 1-(5-Chloronaphthalene-1-sulfonyl)-1H2-hexahydro-1,4-diazepine inhibits myosin phosphorylation in the presence of emodin and/or quercetin. A combination of emodin and quercetin indicates its potential for modulating gastric-intestinal smooth muscle.  相似文献   

Myosin filaments from many muscles are activated by phosphorylation of their regulatory light chains (RLCs). To elucidate the structural mechanism of activation, we have studied RLC phosphorylation in tarantula thick filaments, whose high-resolution structure is known. In the relaxed state, tarantula RLCs are ∼ 50% non-phosphorylated and 50% mono-phosphorylated, while on activation, mono-phosphorylation increases, and some RLCs become bi-phosphorylated. Mass spectrometry shows that relaxed-state mono-phosphorylation occurs on Ser35, while Ca2+-activated phosphorylation is on Ser45, both located near the RLC N-terminus. The sequences around these serines suggest that they are the targets for protein kinase C and myosin light chain kinase (MLCK), respectively. The atomic model of the tarantula filament shows that the two myosin heads (“free” and “blocked”) are in different environments, with only the free head serines readily accessible to kinases. Thus, protein kinase C Ser35 mono-phosphorylation in relaxed filaments would occur only on the free heads. Structural considerations suggest that these heads are less strongly bound to the filament backbone and may oscillate occasionally between attached and detached states (“swaying” heads). These heads would be available for immediate actin interaction upon Ca2+ activation of the thin filaments. Once MLCK becomes activated, it phosphorylates free heads on Ser45. These heads become fully mobile, exposing blocked head Ser45 to MLCK. This would release the blocked heads, allowing their interaction with actin. On this model, twitch force would be produced by rapid interaction of swaying free heads with activated thin filaments, while prolonged exposure to Ca2+ on tetanus would recruit new MLCK-activated heads, resulting in force potentiation.  相似文献   

Drosophila expresses several muscle myosin isoforms from a single gene by alternatively splicing six of the 19 exons. Here we investigate exon 7, which codes for a region in the upper 50 kDa domain near the nucleotide-binding pocket. This region is of interest because it is also the place where a large insert is found in myosin VI and where several cardiomyopathy mutations have been identified in human cardiac myosin. We expressed and purified chimeric muscle myosins from Drosophila, each varying at exon 7. Two chimeras exchanged the entire exon 7 domain between the indirect flight muscle (IFI, normally containing exon 7d) and embryonic body wall muscle (EMB, normally containing exon 7a) isoforms to create IFI-7a and EMB-7d. The second two chimeras replaced each half of the exon 7a domain in EMB with the corresponding portion of exon 7d to create EMB-7a/7d and EMB-7d/7a. Transient kinetic studies of the motor domain from these myosin isoforms revealed changes in several kinetic parameters between the IFI or EMB isoforms and the chimeras. Of significance were changes in nucleotide binding, which differed in the presence and absence of actin, consistent with a model in which the exon 7 domain is part of the communication pathway between the nucleotide and actin-binding sites. Homology models of the structures suggest how the exon 7 domain might modulate this pathway.  相似文献   

C-protein is a major component of skeletal and cardiac muscle thick filaments. Mutations in the gene encoding cardiac C-protein [cardiac myosin binding protein-C (cMyBP-C)] are one of the principal causes of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. cMyBP-C is a string of globular domains including eight immunoglobulin-like and three fibronectin-like domains termed C0-C10. It binds to myosin and titin, and probably to actin, and may have both a structural and a regulatory role in muscle function. To help to understand the pathology of the known mutations, we have solved the structure of the immunoglobulin-like C1 domain of MyBP-C by X-ray crystallography to a resolution of 1.55 Å. Mutations associated with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy are clustered at one end towards the C-terminus, close to the important C1C2 linker, where they alter the structural integrity of this region and its interactions.  相似文献   

Smooth muscle myosin has two reactive thiols located near the C-terminal region of its motor domain, the “converter”, which rotates by ∼70° upon the transition from the “nucleotide-free” state to the “pre-power stroke” state. The incorporation rates of a thiol reagent, 5-(((2-iodoacetyl)amino)ethyl)aminonaphthalene-1-sulfonic acid (IAEDANS), into these thiols were greatly altered by adding ATP or changing the myosin conformation. Comparisons of the myosin structures in the pre-power stroke state and the nucleotide-free state explained why the reactivity of both thiols is especially sensitive to a conformational change around the converter, and thus can be used as a sensor of the rotation of the converter. Modeling of the myosin structure in the pre-power stroke state, in which the most reactive thiol, “SH1”, was selectively modified with IAEDANS, revealed that this label becomes an obstacle when the converter completely rotates toward its position in the pre-power stroke state, thus resulting in incomplete rotation of the converter. Therefore, we suggest that the limitation of the converter rotation by modification causes the as-yet unexplained phenomena of SH1-modified myosin, including the inhibition of 10S myosin formation and the losses in phosphorylation-dependent regulation of the basic and actin-activated Mg-ATPase activities of myosin.  相似文献   

Myosin 2 from vertebrate smooth muscle or non-muscle sources is in equilibrium between compact, inactive monomers and thick filaments under physiological conditions. In the inactive monomer, the two heads pack compactly together, and the long tail is folded into three closely packed segments that are associated chiefly with one of the heads. The molecular basis of the folding of the tail remains unexplained. By using electron microscopy, we show that compact monomers of smooth muscle myosin 2 have the same structure in both the native state and following specific, intramolecular photo-cross-linking between Cys109 of the regulatory light chain (RLC) and segment 3 of the tail. Nonspecific cross-linking between lysine residues of the folded monomer by glutaraldehyde also does not perturb the compact conformation and stabilizes it against unfolding at high ionic strength. Sequence comparisons across phyla and myosin 2 isoforms suggest that the folding of the tail is stabilized by ionic interactions between the positively charged N-terminal sequence of the RLC and a negatively charged region near the start of tail segment 3 and that phosphorylation of the RLC could perturb these interactions. Our results support the view that interactions between the heads and the distal tail perform a critical role in regulating activity of myosin 2 molecules through stabilizing the compact monomer conformation.  相似文献   

The kinetics of myosin regulatory light chain (MLC) phosphorylation by recombinant AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) were compared with commercial AMPK from rat liver and smooth muscle myosin light chain kinase (smMLCK). With identical amounts of activity units, initial rates of phosphorylation of MLC were at least 100-fold less with recombinant AMPK compared to smMLCK, whereas with rat liver AMPK significant phosphorylation was seen. In Madin-Darby Canine Kidney cells, AMPK activation led to an increase in MLC phosphorylation, which was decreased by a Rho kinase inhibitor without affecting AMPK activation. Therefore, MLC phosphorylation during energy deprivation does not result from direct phosphorylation by AMPK.

Structured summary

MINT-6800264: smMLCK (uniprotkb:P11799) phosphorylates (MI:0217) MLC (uniprotkb:P08590) by protein kinase assay (MI:0424)
MINT-6800252: AMPK (uniprotkb:Q13131) phosphorylates (MI:0217) ACC2 (uniprotkb:000763) by protein kinase assay (MI:0424)

We show that negative-stain electron microscopy and image processing of nucleotide-free (apo) striated muscle myosin-2 subfragment-1 (S1), possessing one light chain or both light chains, is capable of resolving significant amounts of structural detail. The overall appearance of the motor and the lever is similar in rabbit, scallop and chicken S1. Projection matching of class averages of the different S1 types to projection views of two different crystal structures of apo S1 shows that all types most commonly closely resemble the appearance of the scallop S1 structure rather than the methylated chicken S1 structure. Methylation of chicken S1 has no effect on the structure of the molecule at this resolution: it too resembles the scallop S1 crystal structure. The lever is found to vary in its angle of attachment to the motor domain, with a hinge point located in the so-called pliant region between the converter and the essential light chain. The chicken S1 crystal structure lies near one end of the range of flexion observed. The Gaussian spread of angles of flexion suggests that flexibility is driven thermally, from which a torsional spring constant of ~ 23 pN·nm/rad2 is estimated on average for all S1 types, similar to myosin-5. This translates to apparent cantilever-type stiffness at the tip of the lever of 0.37 pN/nm. Because this stiffness is lower than recent estimates from myosin-2 heads attached to actin, we suggest that binding to actin leads to an allosteric stiffening of the motor–lever junction.  相似文献   

The orientation of the ELC region of myosin in skeletal muscle was determined by polarized fluorescence from ELC mutants in which pairs of introduced cysteines were cross-linked by BSR. The purified ELC-BSRs were exchanged for native ELC in demembranated fibers from rabbit psoas muscle using a trifluoperazine-based protocol that preserved fiber function. In the absence of MgATP (in rigor) the ELC orientation distribution was narrow; in terms of crystallographic structures of the myosin head, the LCD long axis linking heavy-chain residues 707 and 843 makes an angle (β) of 120-125° with the filament axis. This is ∼30° larger than the broader distribution determined previously from RLC probes, suggesting that, relative to crystallographic structures, the LCD is bent between its ELC and RLC regions in rigor muscle. The ELC orientation distribution in relaxed muscle had two broad peaks with β ∼70° and ∼110°, which may correspond to the two head regions of each myosin molecule, in contrast with the single broad distribution of the RLC region in relaxed muscle. During isometric contraction the ELC orientation distribution peaked at β ∼105°, similar to that determined previously for the RLC region.  相似文献   

Skeletal and cardiac muscle contraction are inhibited by the actin-associated complex of tropomyosin-troponin. Binding of Ca(2+) to troponin or binding of ATP-free myosin to actin reverses this inhibition. Ca(2+) and ATP-free myosin stabilize different tropomyosin-actin structural arrangements. The position of tropomyosin on actin affects the binding of ATP-free myosin to actin but does not greatly affect myosin-ATP binding. Ca(2+) and ATP-free myosin alter both the affinity of ATP-free myosin for actin and the kinetics of that binding. A parallel pathway model of regulation simulated the effects of Ca(2+) and ATP-free myosin binding on both equilibrium binding of myosin-nucleotide complexes to actin and the general features of ATPase activity. That model was recently shown to simulate the kinetics of myosin-S1 binding but the analysis was limited to a single condition because of the limited data available. We have now measured equilibrium binding and binding kinetics of myosin-S1-ADP to actin at a series of ionic strengths and free Ca(2+) concentrations. The parallel pathway model of regulation is consistent with those data. In that model the interaction between adjacent regulatory complexes fully saturated with Ca(2+) was destabilized and the inactive state of actin was stabilized at high ionic strength. These changes explain the previously observed change in binding kinetics with increasing ionic strength.  相似文献   

To examine the role of two light chains (LCs) of the myosin II on Ca2+ regulation, we produced hybrid heavy meromyosin (HMM) having LCs from Physarum and/or scallop myosin using the smooth muscle myosin heavy chain. Ca2+ inhibited motility and ATPase activity of hybrid HMMs with LCs from Physarum myosin but activated those of hybrid HMM with LCs from scallop myosin, indicating an active role of LCs. ATPase activity of hybrid HMMs with LCs from different species showed the same effect by Ca2+ even though they did not support motility. Our results suggest that communication between the original combinations of LC is important for the motor function.  相似文献   

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