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Putrescine (1,4-diaminobutane) is the simplest of the mammalian polyamines. These are small, positively charged molecules which are essential for cell growth and are thought to play a role in regulation of anabolic events such as synthesis of DNA, RNA, and protein. Recent reports have indicated the potential for dietary precursor amino acids of putrescine to alter tissue putrescine concentrations. The current study was conducted to determine the physiologic significance of these effects by feeding up to flooding doses of putrescine to determine any influence on whole body growth and polyamine metabolism. A total of 96 chicks were fed purified crystalline amino acid diets containing 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, or 1.0% purified putrescine (four birds per pen, four pens per diet) for 14 days. The feeding of 0.2% putrescine increased growth rate beyond that of controls while further supplements reduced growth and were toxic when 0.8 and 1.0% putrescine were fed. Hepatic and muscle concentrations of ornithine increased with dietary putrescine while the effect in kidney was much less. Putrescine concentrations in liver, kidney, and muscle rose when 0.4% putrescine or more was fed. This effect was particularly obvious in muscle in which there were also increases in the concentrations of spermidine and spermine. In a subsequent similar experiment, putrescine was fed at 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, or 0.5% to determine the effect on the activities of the key enzymes regulating polyamine synthesis. The feeding of putrescine at even 0.1% caused a rapid reduction in hepatic ornithine decarboxylase activity while S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase and arginase activities were not influenced by diet. It was concluded that excess tissue putrescine can be toxic to whole organisms but small, orally administered doses of this metabolite can promote growth.  相似文献   

The genusAlternaria is responsible for different plant diseases such as tobacco brown spot, tomato blight, and citrus seedling chlorosis but can also be present during storage of grain. The objective of the present paper is to summarize the knowledge concerning regulation of secondary metabolism inAlternaria, particularA alternata (A tenuis). The paper mainly deals with regulation of polyketide biosynthesis, one of the major pathways leading to the biosynthesis of mycotoxins inAlternaria. The mostly studiedAlternaria mycotoxins are dibenzopyrones such as alternariol (AOH) and alternariol monomethyl ether (AME) and altenuene along with the tetramic acid tenuazonic acid. The biosynthesis ofAlternaria mycotoxins has been reviewed by Stinson (12). Most information is available for the biosynthesis of the polyketides AOH / AME while a few biosynthetic studies have been accomplished for tenuazonic acid (11).  相似文献   

The effect of dietary fat on body composition, whole body lipogenesis, and enzyme activity was measured in rats over the first 16 weeks post-weaning. Rats were fed either a low fat (5% w/w fat) or high fat (20% w/w fat) diet for the first 4 weeks. After this time all rats were fed the low fat diet. The results showed no significant effect of diet on the rate of fat synthesis over the first 8 weeks of the experiment. However, the activities of the enzymes of fatty acid synthesis [glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase, malic enzyme, adenosine triphosphate-citrate lyase, acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase (ACCX), fatty acid synthetase] were dependent on the age and dietary status of the animals. The exact pattern depended on the specific enzyme and the tissue source. No significant differences in pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) activity were observed. Mathematical analysis of the enzyme activities suggested that ACCX and PDH were the most likely sites of fat synthesis regulation. In addition, an examination of body composition and overall weight retention showed that the "weight increasing" effect of a high fat diet could be completely reversed by subsequent feeding of a low fat diet. However, the reversal required an additional 12 weeks. Interestingly, at this time the rats switched from a high fat to a low fat diet had a lower body weight and lower body fat content than rats fed a low fat diet throughout the course of the experiment.  相似文献   

A series of experiments was conducted to determine how dietary protein, alfalfa, or zeolite influence the excretory patterns of zearalenone (Z), a uterotropic mycotoxin synthesized by Fusarium fungi. Rats were fed diets containing 16.3% casein, 40% casein, 11.2% casein + 25% alfalfa, or 25% casein + 25% alfalfa. Also fed were diets containing 0, 1, 2, or 5% anion exchange zeolite. Tracer doses of [3H]Z were administered either as a constituent of the diet or as a topical application on the skin at the base of the skull. When Z was administered orally, no differences were seen in the fraction of the dose excreted in urine or feces as a result of varying dietary levels of alfalfa and protein. Topical doses resulted in rats fed 25% casein + 25% alfalfa or 40% casein excreting more Z in urine than those fed 25% alfalfa or 16.3% casein. Fecal excretion of Z was greatest for rats fed 25% casein + 25% alfalfa whereas rats fed 40% casein excreted more fecal Z than those fed 16.3% casein. Feeding Z to rats receiving dietary zeolite resulted in a positive correlation between dietary zeolite and fecal excretion of Z but a negative correlation with urinary excretion of Z. Topical administration of Z produced a positive correlation between dietary zeolite and fecal Z excretion but no effect on urinary excretion. It may be concluded that protein and alfalfa treatments alleviate Z toxicosis through increased metabolism whereas zeolite binds Z in the digestive tract to prevent absorption.  相似文献   

Two experiments were carried out with male broilers to examine excretion kinetics of zearalenone (ZEA) and its metabolites (Exp. 1) and their occurrence in blood plasma and bile fluid (Exp.2) after a single oral dose of ZEA (approximately 6 µg/kg body weight) from naturally contaminated wheat. In addition, this ZEA bolus was administered either in absence or presence of a detoxifying agent (Mycofix® Plus, Biomin GmbH, Herzogenburg, Austria). Specimens were sampled at different times after ZEA bolus of up to 48 h. Excretion of ZEA and alpha-zearalenol as the only detectable metabolite of ZEA peaked at approximately 6.5 h after administration of the bolus. Cumulative excretion of both substances amounted approximately 58 % of ZEA intake after 48 h. Peak concentrations of ZEA and alpha-zearalenol in bile were detected in the time period of approximately 2 to 6 h after bolus whereas detection in plasma was not possible for each measurement point. Mycofix® Plus supplementation seemed to have only minor or no effects on the parameters examined.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of Lactobacillus acidophilus ATCC 43121 (LAB) on cholesterol metabolism in hypercholesterolemia-induced rats. Four treatment groups of rats (n = 9) were fed experimental diets: normal diet, normal diet+LAB (2 x 10(6) CFU/day), hypercholesterol diet (0.5% cholesterol, w/w), and hypercholesterol diet + LAB. Body weight, feed intake, and feed efficiency did not differ among the four groups. Supplementation with LAB reduced total serum cholesterol (25%) and VLDL + IDL + LDL cholesterol (42%) in hypercholesterol diet groups, although hepatic tissue cholesterol and lipid contents were not changed. In the normal diet group, cholesterol synthesis (HMG-CoA reductase expression), absorption (LDL receptor expression), and excretion via bile acids (cholesterol 7 alpha-hydroxylase expression) were increased by supplementation with LAB, and increased cholesterol absorption and decreased excretion were found in the hypercholesterol diet group. Total fecal acid sterols excretion was increased by supplementation with LAB. With proportional changes in both normal and hypercholesterol diet groups, primary bile acids (cholic and chenodeoxycholic acids) were reduced, and secondary bile acids (deoxycholic and lithocholic acids) were increased. Fecal neutral sterol excretion was not changed by LAB. In this experiment, the increase in insoluble bile acid (lithocholic acid) reduced blood cholesterol level in rats fed hypercholesterol diets supplemented with LAB. Thus, in the rat, L. acidophilus ATCC 43121 is more likely to affect deconjugation and dehydroxylation during cholesterol metabolism than the assimilation of cholesterol into cell membranes.  相似文献   

Effects on the linoleic acid metabolism in vivo of three dietary fats, rich in either oleic acid, trans fatty acids or alpha-linolenic acid, and all with the same linoleic acid content, were investigated in male Wistar rats. After 6 weeks of feeding, the rats were intubated with [1-14C]linoleic acid and [3H]oleic acid. The incorporation of these radiolabels into liver, heart and serum was investigated 2, 4, 8, 24 and 48 h after intubation. The amount of 14C-labelled arachidonic acid incorporated into the liver phospholipid of the group fed the oleic acid-rich diet was significantly higher than that of the other groups. However, compared to the trans fatty acids-containing diet, the oleic acid-rich diet induced only a slightly higher arachidonic acid level in the phospholipid fraction of the tissues as determined by GLC. Dietary alpha-linolenic acid more than halved the arachidonic acid levels. Our results do not support the hypothesis that the delta 6-desaturase system actually determines the polyunsaturated fatty acid levels in tissue lipids by regulating the amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids (e.g., arachidonic acid) synthesized. The biosynthesis of polyunsaturated fatty acids only is not sufficient to explain the complicated changes in fatty acid compositions as observed after feeding different dietary fats.  相似文献   

Eight-month-old Sprague-Dawley rats were fed on diets containing dietary fiber at the 5% level for 3 weeks to examine the effect on the lipid metabolism and immune function. Among cellulose, guar gum, partially hydrolyzed guar gum (PHGG), glucomannan and highly methoxylated pectin, guar gum induced a significant decrease in the food intake and weight gain, as well as a significant increase in the liver weight. In addition, the epidydimal adipose tissue weight of the rats fed on PHGG was significantly higher than that of the rats fed on cellulose. There was no significant effect on the serum lipid levels, but the serum IgG level of the rats fed on guar gum was significantly lower than that of the rats fed on cellulose. The IgA and IgG productivity in mesenteric lymph node (MLN) lymphocytes was significantly higher in the rats fed on guar gum, glucomannan and pectin than in those fed on cellulose, while the effect on Ig productivity in spleen lymphocytes was not as marked. In addition, only guar gum induced a significant increase of IgM productivity in MLN lymphocytes when compared to the cellulose group. These results suggest that enhancement of the immune function by dietary fiber is mainly expressed in the gut immune system.  相似文献   

The addition of 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40% sun-cured alfalfa meal to a high-energy, low-fiber, basal diet for weanling rabbits gave increased average daily gains as compared to gain on the basal diet. Deaths from enteritis complex occurred only at the 0% and 10% alfalfa levels. When 2.5%, 5%, 7.5%, and 10% alfalfa meal were used, the average daily gains were numerically higher for all alfalfa-fed groups than for the basal diet. Maximum gains were achieved at the 20% alfalfa level. Alfalfa extracted with 95% ethanol retained its growth-stimulating effect when added to the basal diet. Feed preference trials gave conflicting results. In one trial, the basal diet was preferred over all alfalfa diets in a two-choice feed preference test, while in a second trial, all alfalfa diets were preferred over the basal diet. It was concluded that the growth of weaning rabbits fed a high energy diet was improved by the addition of alfalfa meal.  相似文献   

In rats, zinc deficiency has been reported to result in elevated hepatic methionine synthase activity and alterations in folate metabolism. We investigated the effect of zinc deficiency on plasma homocysteine concentrations and the distribution of hepatic folates. Weanling male rats were fed ad libitum a zinc-sufficient control diet (382.0 nmol zinc/g diet), a low-zinc diet (7.5 nmol zinc/g diet), or a control diet pair-fed to the intake of the zinc-deficient rats. After 6 weeks, the body weights of the zinc-deficient and pair-fed control groups were lower than those of controls, and plasma zinc concentrations were lowest in the zinc-deficient group. Plasma homocysteine concentrations in the zinc-deficient group (2.3 +/- 0.2 micromol/L) were significantly lower than those in the ad libitum-fed and pair-fed control groups (6.7 +/- 0.5 and 3.2 +/- 0.4 micromol/L, respectively). Hepatic methionine synthase activity in the zinc-deficient group was higher than in the other two groups. Low mean percentage of 5-methyltetrahydrofolate in total hepatic folates and low plasma folate concentration were observed in the zinc-deficient group compared with the ad libitum-fed and pair-fed control groups. The reduced plasma homocysteine and folate concentrations and reduced percentage of hepatic 5-methyltetrahydrofolate are probably secondary to the increased activity of hepatic methionine synthase in zinc deficiency.  相似文献   

Semipurified diets produce a marked hypercholesterolemia in rabbits and tend to elevate the level of plasma cholesterol in rats. They also decrease rates of oxidation of [26-14C]cholesterol to respiratory 14CO2 and excretion of label in fecal lipid, compared with commercial feed. In both species, the hypercholesterolemia was prevented and the rate of oxidation of [26-14C]cholesterol increased by using unmodified potato starch as the carbohydrate component of the semipurified diets. Potato starch was poorly digested by rats but appeared to be well utilized by rabbits. A semipurifed diet containing cooked potato starch gave results in rats comparable to those obtained with diets containing other types of carbohydrate. Cooked potato starch produced diarrhea in rabbits, thus complicating interpretation of the results. When the diarrhea was treated with antibiotics, the results were similar to those obtained with other carbohydrates. Rats fed commercial diet which had been heated in an oven or autoclaved had higher plasma levels than those fed untreated commercial diet but no significant differences in rates of oxidation or excretion of cholesterol were observed.  相似文献   

The effect of diets enriched with fat containing different fatty acids on glucose and glutamine metabolism of mesenteric lymph nodes lymphocytes, spleen, and thymus and lymphocyte proliferation was examined. The following fat-rich diets were tested: (1) standard chow (CC); (2) medium chain saturated fatty acids (MS)—coconut fat oil; (3) long chain saturated fatty acids (LS)—cocoa butter; (4) monounsaturated fatty acids (MU)—canola oil (n-9); (5) polyunsaturated fatty acids (PU)—soybean oil (n-6). Of the fat-rich diets tested, MS was the one to present the least pronounced effect. Lymphocyte proliferation was reduced by LS (64 per cent), MU (55 per cent), and PU (60 per cent). Hexokinase activity was enhanced in lymph node lymphocytes by PU (67 per cent), in the spleen by MS (42 per cent), and in the thymus by PU (30 per cent). This enzyme activity was reduced in the spleen (33 per cent) by LS and MU (35 per cent). In the thymus, this enzyme activity was reduced by LS (26 per cent) and MU (13 per cent). Maximal phosphate-dependent glutaminase activity was raised in lymphocytes by MS (70 per cent) and MU (20 per cent). This enzyme activity, however, was decreased in lymphocytes by PU (26 per cent), in the spleen by LS (15 per cent), and in the thymus by MU (44 per cent). Citrate synthase activity was increased in lymphocytes by MU (35 per cent), in the spleen by LS (56 per cent) and MU (68 per cent), and in the thymus by LS (42 per cent). This enzyme activity was decreased in lymphocytes by PU (24 per cent) only. [U-14C]-Glucose decarboxylation was raised by all fat-rich diets; MS (88 per cent), LS (39 per cent), MU (33 per cent), and PU (50 per cent), whereas [U-14C]-glutamine decarboxylation was increased by LS (53 per cent) and MU (55 per cent) and decreased by MS (17 per cent). The results presented indicate that the reduction in lymphocyte proliferation due to LS, LU and PU could well be a consequence of changes in glucose and glutamine metabolism. Copyright © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Dietary intake of beta- and gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane (beta- and gamma-HCH) by albino rats for two weeks (at 800 ppm level) resulted in impairment of lipid metabolism, viz. hyperlipemia and fatty metamorphosis of liver. Liver fat content was increased by both beta- and gamma-HCH. Significant increases were observed in triglyceride and phospholipid fractions of blood in these experimental animals. The incorporation of [14C]acetate and palmitate into liver and blood lipids was higher in HCH pretreated animals, suggesting a higher rate of fat synthesis in liver and of secretion as well.  相似文献   

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