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The transforming proteins of DNA tumor viruses SV40, adenovirus and human papillomaviruses (HPV) bind the retinoblastoma and p53 cell cycle regulatory proteins. While the binding of SV40 large T antigen and the adenovirus E1B 55 kDa protein results in the stabilization of the p53 protein, the binding of HPV16 and 18 E6 results in enhanced degradation in vitro. To explore the effect of viral proteins on p53 stability in vivo, we have examined cell lines immortalized in tissue culture by HPV18 E6 and E7 or SV40 large T antigen, as well as cell lines derived from cervical neoplasias. The half-life of the p53 protein in non-transformed human foreskin keratinocytes in culture was found to be approximately 3 h while in cell lines immortalized by E6 and E7, p53 protein half-lives ranged from 2.8 h to less than 1 h. Since equivalent levels of E6 were found in these cells, the range in p53 levels observed was not a result of variability in amounts of E6. In keratinocyte lines immortalized by E7 alone, the p53 half-life was found to be similar to that in non-transformed cells; however, it decreased to approximately 1 h following supertransfection of an E6 gene. These observations are consistent with an interaction of E6 and p53 in vivo resulting in reductions in the stability of p53 ranging between 2- and 4-fold. We also observed that the expression of various TATA containing promoters was repressed in transient assays by co-transfection with plasmids expressing the wild-type p53 gene.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In its wild-type form, p53 is a major tumor suppressor whose function is critical for protection against cancer. Many human tumors carry missense mutations in the TP53 gene, encoding p53. Typically, the affected tumor cells accumulate excessive amounts of the mutant p53 protein. Various lines of evidence indicate that, in addition to abrogating the tumor suppressor functions of wild-type p53, the common types of cancer-associated p53 mutations also endow the mutant protein with new activities that can contribute actively to various stages of tumor progression and to increased resistance to anticancer treatments. Collectively, these activities are referred to as mutant p53 gain-of-function. This article addresses the biological manifestations of mutant p53 gain-of-function, the underlying molecular mechanisms, and their possible clinical implications.Mutations in the TP53 gene, encoding the p53 tumor suppressor, are arguably the most frequent type of gene-specific alterations in human cancer. This attests to the centrality of p53 as a major mainstay in the body’s built-in anticancer defense mechanisms. Not surprisingly, this pivotal role of the wild-type p53 (wtp53) protein in tumor suppression has attracted many researchers to study it in detail, resulting in an avalanche of information and publications. One might expect that, similar to other tumor suppressor genes, the sole outcome of mutations in the TP53 gene will be loss of wtp53 function, characteristically manifested as total lack of p53 expression or production of unstable or truncated mutant proteins. Yet, quite strikingly, the vast majority of cancer-associated p53 mutations actually lead to production of full length protein, typically with only a single amino acid substitution, which tends to accumulate in the tumor cells and reach steady-state levels that greatly exceed those of wtp53 in noncancerous cells (Rotter 1983). This remarkable feature has suggested early on in p53 research that cancer-associated mutant p53 (mutp53) isoforms may be more than just relics of wtp53 inactivation, and may instead play distinctive roles in the tumor cells.In principle, emergence of a p53 mutation within a cell might have three, not mutually exclusive, types of outcome (Michalovitz et al. 1991; Sigal and Rotter 2000; Weisz et al. 2007b). First, such mutation is expected to abrogate the tumor suppressor function of the affected TP53 allele, reducing the overall capacity of the cell to mount a proper p53 response; if both alleles eventually become mutated, or if the remaining allele is lost, such cells will be totally deprived of anticancer protection by p53. Second, many common mutp53 isoforms can exert dominant–negative effects over coexpressed wtp53, largely by forming mixed tetramers that are incapable of DNA binding and transactivation. Hence, even if one wt allele is retained, the cell may be rendered practically devoid of wtp53 function through such mechanism, particularly if the mutant protein is expressed in excess over its wt counterpart. Third, and most relevant for this article, the emergent mutp53 protein might possess activities of its own, often not present in the original wtp53 protein, which can actively contribute to various aspects of tumor progression. Such activities, commonly described as mutp53 gain-of-function (GOF), are the subject of this article. Several recent reviews address in detail the various aspects of mutp53 GOF (Brosh and Rotter 2009; Donzelli et al. 2008; Lozano 2007; Olivier et al. 2009; Peart and Prives 2006; Petitjean et al. 2007; Song and Xu 2007; Strano et al. 2007; Weisz et al. 2007b). Therefore, we focus here mainly on general principles as well as on some of the more recent findings.  相似文献   

Hepatitis B virus (HBV) may contribute to hepatocarcinogenesis by blocking p53 function. A p53 response element-like binding sequences, TGCCT?TGCCT, was found in HBV genome. To clarify whether HBV DNA can, like some other DNA viruses, bind to P53 protein and form a DNA-protein complex, we used a series of plasmids encoding full-length or mutant HBV or p53 fragments to determine the binding ability of HBV DNA after cotransfected into cells by electrophoretic mobility shift (and supershift) assay. We found that HBV DNA could bind to P53 protein and form DNA-protein complexes in human hepatoma cell lines. Cotransfection with p53 and HBV DNA increased the replication of HBV, CAT activity, tumor cell apoptosis, and cytoplasmic P53 accumulation in the hepatoma cells. In conclusions, our observations suggest that the interaction of HBV and p53 at the levels of protein-protein and DNA-protein, which resulted in inactivation of p53 transactivation.  相似文献   

p53蛋白是人体内十分重要的肿瘤抑制因子,通过调节细胞周期阻滞、诱导细胞凋亡等作用发挥肿瘤抑制功能。突变后的p53蛋白不仅具有显性负性效应(dominant negative effect,DN)抑制野生型p53蛋白功能,而且还通过功能获得性效应(gain of function,GOF)调节细胞代谢、侵袭、迁移等方式促进肿瘤的发生。p53蛋白在超过50%的肿瘤组织中发生突变,是肿瘤细胞区别于正常细胞的一个特异性药物靶点。因此,针对突变p53蛋白开发新型抗癌药物一直是研究的热点。长期以来,由于突变p53蛋白表面较为光滑,缺乏药物结合口袋,使其被认为是一个不可成药的靶点。随着高通量筛选技术的发展以及对突变p53蛋白结构的深入了解,许多靶向突变p53蛋白的小分子化合物被报道并在体外展现出较好的抗肿瘤活性,多款基于突变p53蛋白研发的化合物已经进入临床试验阶段。本文就靶向p53蛋白治疗肿瘤的直接和间接策略进行综述,重点针对突变p53蛋白重激活剂与降解突变p53蛋白的小分子化合物作用机制进行梳理,以期为后续开发靶向突变p53蛋白药物的创新提供帮助。  相似文献   

The importance of p53 in chemotherapy-induced apoptosis of cancer cells is well established. p53 plays a critical role in the cellular response to DNA damage by regulating genes involved in cell cycle progression, apoptosis, and genomic stability. As a result, p53 tumor status is a critical determinant of both responses to anti-cancer treatment and clinical prognosis. Interestingly, tumors expressing certain mutant forms of p53 (“gain of function”) are particularly resistant to chemotherapy, even when compared to cells that lack any detectable p53. Until recently, the explanation for this enhanced chemoresistance was not clear. Recent studies have shown that the p53 homologues, p73 and p63, are also activated by chemotherapies, leading to tumor cell death. Now the discovery that mutant p53 interacts with p73, and that regulation of this interaction by a p53 polymorphism can modulate chemosensitvity provide a new model for how p53-family interactions can influence the response of tumors to anti-cancer therapies. Since p53 mutations are found in more than 50% of human tumors, strategies aimed at manipulating these interactions may prove useful in enhancing the chemotherapy response, and perhaps, overcoming chemoresistance.  相似文献   

Discrimination of DNA binding sites by mutant p53 proteins.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Critical determinants of DNA recognition by p53 have been identified by a molecular genetic approach. The wild-type human p53 fragment containing amino acids 71 to 330 (p53(71-330)) was used for in vitro DNA binding assays, and full-length human p53 was used for transactivation assays with Saccharomyces cerevisiae. First, we defined the DNA binding specificity of the wild-type p53 fragment by using systematically altered forms of a known consensus DNA site. This refinement indicates that p53 binds with high affinity to two repeats of PuGPuCA.TGPyCPy, a further refinement of an earlier defined consensus half site PuPuPuC(A/T).(T/A) GPyPyPy. These results were further confirmed by transactivation assays of yeast by using full-length human p53 and systematically altered DNA sites. Dimers of the pentamer AGGCA oriented either head-to-head or tail-to-tail bound efficiently, but transactivation was facilitated only through head-to-head dimers. To determine the origins of specificity in DNA binding by p53, we identified mutations that lead to altered specificities of DNA binding. Single-amino-acid substitutions were made at several positions within the DNA binding domain of p53, and this set of p53 point mutants were tested with DNA site variants for DNA binding. DNA binding analyses showed that the mutants Lys-120 to Asn, Cys-277 to Gln or Arg, and Arg-283 to Gln bind to sites with noncanonical base pair changes at positions 2, 3, and 1 in the pentamer (PuGPuCA), respectively. Thus, we implicate these residues in amino acid-base pair contacts. Interestingly, mutant Cys-277 to Gln bound a consensus site as two and four monomers, as opposed to the wild-type p53 fragment, which invariably binds this site as four monomers.  相似文献   

The invasiveness of tumour cells depends on changes in cell shape, polarity and migration. Mutant p53 induces enhanced tumour metastasis in mice, and human cells overexpressing p53R273H have aberrant polarity and increased invasiveness, demonstrating the 'gain of function' of mutant p53 in carcinogenesis. We hypothesize that p53R273H interacts with mutant p53-specific binding partners that control polarity, migration or invasion. Here we analyze the p53R273H interactome using stable isotope labelling by amino acids in cell culture and quantitative mass spectrometry, and identify at least 15 new potential mutant p53-specific binding partners. The interaction of p53R273H with one of them--nardilysin (NRD1)--promotes an invasive response to heparin binding-epidermal growth factor-like growth factor that is p53R273H-dependant but does not require Rab coupling protein or p63. Advanced proteomics has thus allowed the detection of a new mechanism of p53-driven invasion.  相似文献   

p53 can induce apoptosis through mitochondrial membrane permeabilization by interaction of its DNA binding region with the anti-apoptotic proteins BclxL and Bcl2. However, little is known about the action of p53 at the mitochondria in molecular detail. By using NMR spectroscopy and fluorescence polarization we characterized the binding of wild-type and mutant p53 DNA binding domains to BclxL and show that the wild-type p53 DNA binding domain leads to structural changes in the BH3 binding region of BclxL, whereas mutants fail to induce such effects due to reduced affinity. This was probed by induced chemical shift and residual dipolar coupling data. These data imply that p53 partly achieves its pro-apoptotic function at the mitochondria by facilitating interaction between BclxL and BH3-only proteins in an allosteric mode of action. Furthermore, we characterize for the first time the binding behavior of Pifithrin-μ, a specific small molecule inhibitor of the p53-BclxL interaction, and present a structural model of the protein-ligand complex. A rather unusual behavior is revealed whereby Pifithrin-μ binds to both sides of the protein-protein complex. These data should facilitate the rational design of more potent specific BclxL-p53 inhibitors.  相似文献   

The knockout, knockdown or chemical inhibition of p53 stimulates autophagy. Moreover, autophagy-inducing stimuli such as nutrient depletion, rapamycin or lithium cause the depletion of cytoplasmic p53, which in turn is required for the induction of autophagy. Here, we show that retransfection of p53-/- HCT 116 colon carcinoma cells with wild type p53 decreases autophagy down to baseline levels. Surprisingly, one third among a panel of 22 cancer-associated p53 single amino acid mutants also inhibited autophagy when transfected into p53-/- cells. Those variants of p53 that preferentially localize to the cytoplasm effectively repressed autophagy, whereas p53 mutants that display a prominently nuclear distribution failed to inhibit autophagy. The investigation of a series of deletion mutants revealed that removal of the DNA-binding domain from p53 fails to interfere with its role in the regulation of autophagy. Altogether, these results identify the cytoplasmic localization of p53 as the most important feature for p53-mediated autophagy inhibition. Moreover, the structural requirements for the two biological activities of extranuclear p53, namely induction of apoptosis and inhibition of autophagy, are manifestly different.  相似文献   

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