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目的:探讨弱磁场对提取的骨骼肌肌质网系(SR)Ca(2+)转运、钙泵(Ca(2+)-Mg(2+)-ATPase)及钙释放通道(RyR)活性的影响,从分子水平和细胞信号系统的角度来解释生物电磁效应。方法:利用动态光谱法检测0.4 mT弱磁场辐照过的SR Ca(2+)转运、Ca(2+)-ATPase活性,还原型辅酶(NADH)的氧化初速率和超氧(O_2-)产率,以及用同位素标记方法检测[3H]-Ryanodine与RyR的平衡结合度。结果:弱磁场辐照引起SR的Ca(2+)摄取功能和Ca(2+)-ATPase的活性明显下降,Ca(2+)释放和[3H]-Ryanodine平衡结合度上升,同时上调了NADH的氧化初速率和O_2-的产率。结论:提示0.4 mT弱磁场辐照30 min对SR Ca(2+)-ATPase活性有明显抑制,对RyR有一定的激活效果。  相似文献   

川楝素是我国学者从驱蛔中药中分离、鉴定的一个三萜化合物,已证明具选择地影响神经递质释放,有效地对抗肉毒中毒,促进细胞分化、凋亡,抑制肿瘤增殖,抑制昆虫发育和取食,影响K 、Ca2 通道活动等多种生物效应.综述了证明川楝素抑制多种K 通道,选择地易化L型Ca2 通道和进而升高胞内Ca 浓度的研究资料,并对川楝素产生这些生物效应的机制进行了讨论.  相似文献   

钙通道与钙释放通道   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1.Ca~(2+)的重要生理作用胞内游离钙浓度([Ca~(2+)])的变化调节着细胞的代谢、基因表达等细胞共有的活动,以及始动兴奋、收缩或出胞分泌以及激活和失活离子通道等细胞不同的反应。[Ca~(2+)]的升高主要依赖于胞外钙经质膜上的钙通道内流或/和胞内储存钙的释放。释放的内钙也是藉细胞器膜的钙释放通道进入胞浆。可见通道启闭活动的正常是维持[Ca~(2+)]正常的一个重要保证。2.离子通道及其分类离子通道是贯穿于质膜或细胞器膜的大分子蛋白质,其中央形成能通过离子的亲水性孔道(pores)。离子的跨膜转运是通过膜上通道蛋白的功能来完  相似文献   

肌质网(sarcoplasmic reticulum,SR)中的钙释放通道利阿诺定受体(ryanodine receptor,RyR)是调控胞浆钙离子浓度的重要蛋白,其活性受多种调控剂影响.调控剂的不同电子传递性质可能作用于RyR的功能性巯基,进而影响其门控状态.了解具有不同电子传递性质的调控剂影响钙通道的作用机制具有重要意义.本研究采用光子相关光谱法(PCS)、CPM(7-二乙 基-3-(4′-马来酰亚胺苯基)4-甲基香豆素)荧光标记法及[3H]-ryanodine结合等实验,分别检测多种调控剂对RyR1的蛋白及复合体粒度分布、自由巯基量及对通道状态的影响,利用光漂白法检测各调控剂的电子传递性质.结果显示,激活剂和巯基氧化剂具有类似电子受体的性质并产生相似作用,即自由蛋白粒度增加,自由巯基量减少,具有激活通道作用;抑制剂和巯基还原剂则具有类似电子供体的性质,作用效果相反.  相似文献   

Ca2+预处理对热胁迫下辣椒叶肉细胞中Ca2+-ATP酶活性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在常温下生长的辣椒(Capsicum annum L.)叶肉细胞中Ca2+-ATP酶主要分布于质膜、液泡膜上,叶绿体的基质和基粒片层上也有少量分布;在40℃下热胁迫不同的时间,酶活性逐渐下降,直至叶绿体超微结构解体.同样条件下,经过Ca2+预处理后,分布在上述细胞器膜或片层上的酶活性大大提高,表明Ca2+预处理对该酶活性具有激活作用;Ca2+预处理对热胁迫下的超微结构的完整性具有一定的保护作用,并且能使Ca2+-ATP酶在热胁迫下维持较高活性.结果表明,Ca2+预处理增强辣椒幼苗的抗热性,可能与其稳定细胞膜、从而使Ca2+-ATP酶在热胁迫下保持较高活性有一定关系.  相似文献   

Ca2+与植物抗旱性的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关军锋  李广敏 《植物学报》2001,18(4):473-478
干旱是制约植物生长发育的主要逆境因素,并抑制根系对钙的吸收。近年来研究表明,外源钙能提高植株的抗旱性,抑制干旱胁迫下活性氧物质的生成,保护细胞质膜的结构,维持正常的光合作用,以及调节激素和一些重要的生化物质代谢;此外,细胞内Ca2+可作为第二信使传递干旱信号,调节干旱胁迫导致的生理反应。  相似文献   

电生理学研究表明心脏组织细胞主要存在L型和T型两种不同的Ca2 通道,其中T型Ca2 通道主要存在于正常成熟心脏的浦肯野纤维和起搏点细胞以及胚胎心室肌细胞,而正常成熟心肌细胞中存在很少,但在心脏肥大和心衰等心脏疾病的心肌细胞中表达明显增加,提示T型Ca2 通道与心脏正常节律的形成和心脏发育以及一些心脏疾病的发生与发展密切相关.  相似文献   

喜钙和嫌钙植物对外源Ca2+的生长生理响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以喜钙植物伞花木和嫌钙植物大白杜鹃为实验材料,以Hoagland营养液并设置其Ca2+浓度分别为0、5、10、25、50mmol/L培养试验,比较不同浓度外源Ca2+对其生长、叶绿素含量、渗透调节和矿质元素积累的影响,探索喜钙植物生长的适应特征,为喀斯特地区喜钙植物嗜钙机制研究提供基础资料。结果显示:(1)随着外源Ca2+浓度的增加,伞花木植株高度、茎粗以及叶干重、叶长、叶宽和叶形指数均得到不同程度提高,叶绿素和可溶性蛋白质含量增加,脯氨酸和可溶性糖含量无显著变化;而嫌钙植物大白杜鹃的生长却受到抑制,叶绿素和蛋白质含量降低,脯氨酸和可溶性糖含量增加;当Ca2+浓度为50mmol/L时,伞花木叶绿素和蛋白质含量分别为2.99mg/g和17.10mg/g,大白杜鹃叶绿素和蛋白质含量分别为1.39mg/g和14.30mg/g。(2)在实验设置的钙范围内,Ca2+可促进伞花木对P、N吸收并稳定体内Ca、K动态;而低浓度的Ca2+(<10mmol/L)促进大白杜鹃对Ca累积,抑制N、P吸收。  相似文献   

FK-506结合蛋白对钙释放通道的调控   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
细胞内自由钙作为一种重要的细胞信使广泛地参与细胞生理功能调控.胞内钙库(内质网系和肌浆网系)对调节细胞内自由钙水平起着重要的作用.钙库膜上的钙释放通道(ryanodine受体和三磷酸肌醇受体)受许多因素调控,其中之一就是新近研究得相当多的FK506结合蛋白.免疫抑制剂FK506能特异地结合钙库上一种分子质量为12 ku左右的蛋白,这种FK506结合蛋白与钙释放通道形成一种紧密连接的复合体,在正常生理情况下对钙释放通道起着十分重要的调控作用.  相似文献   

钠通道是参与心肌兴奋传导和维持心脏节律的重要物质。ca2+在心肌细胞的兴奋-收缩偶联中起重要  相似文献   

In striated muscle contraction is under the tight control of myoplasmic calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i): the elevation in [Ca2+]i and the consequent binding of calcium to troponin C enables, while the decrease in [Ca2+]i prevents the actin-myosin interaction. Calcium ions at rest are stored in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) from which they are rapidly released upon the depolarisation of the sarcolemmal and transverse (T-) tubular membranes of the muscle cell. The protein responsible for this controlled and fast release of calcium is the calcium release channel found in the membrane of the terminal cisternae of the SR. This review focuses on the physiological and pharmacological modulators of the calcium release channel and tries to draw an up-to-date picture of the events that occur between T-tubular depolarisation and the release of calcium from the SR.  相似文献   

The skeletal muscle (RyR1) and cardiac muscle (RyR2) ryanodine receptor calcium release channels contain a single, conserved calmodulin (CaM) binding domain, yet are differentially regulated by CaM. Here, we report that high-affinity [(35)S]CaM binding to RyR1 is driven by favorable enthalpic and entropic contributions at Ca(2+) concentrations from <0.01 to 100 microM. At 0.15 microM Ca(2+), [(35)S]CaM bound to RyR2 with decreased affinity and binding enthalpy compared with RyR1. The rates of [(35)S]CaM dissociation from RyR1 increased as the temperature was raised, whereas at 0.15 microM Ca(2+) the rate from RyR2 was little affected. The results suggest major differences in the energetics of CaM binding to and dissociation from RyR1 and RyR2.  相似文献   

Combined patch-clamp and fura-2 measurements were performed to study the calcium release properties of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells transfected with the rabbit skeletal muscle ryanodine receptor cDNA carried by an expression vector. Both caffeine (1-50 mM) and ryanodine (100 microM) induced release of calcium from intracellular stores of transformed CHO cells but not from control (non-transfected) CHO cells. The calcium responses to caffeine and ryanodine closely resembled those commonly observed in skeletal muscle. Repetitive applications of caffeine produced characteristic all-or-none rises in intracellular calcium. Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) neither activated the ryanodine receptor channel nor interfered with the caffeine-elicited calcium release. These results indicate that functional calcium release channels are formed by expression of the ryanodine receptor cDNA.  相似文献   

《FEBS letters》1988,240(1-2):88-94
Four subtypes of muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (mAChR) were stably expressed in neuroblastoma-glioma hybrid cells (NG108-15). By combining fluorescent indicator dye (fura-2) studies with electrophysiological measurements it is shown that stimulation of mAChR I and mAChR III readily leads to release of calcium from intracellular stores and to associated conductance changes, whereas stimulation of mAChR II and mAChR IV exerts no such effect. Dose-response curves describing the amplitude or the delay of the calcium rise induced by acetylcholine suggest that the apparent affinity of mAChR III for its agonist is higher by about one order of magnitude than that of mAChR I. Ionic substitution experiments and current fluctuation analysis indicate that calcium activates a K+-specific conductance of ‘small’ single-channel amplitude similar to the SK type [1]. Furthermore, an outward current (M current) suppressed by activation of mAChR I and mAChR III has a single-channel amplitude corresponding to a conductance of approximately 3 pS.  相似文献   

The thermal behaviour and structural changes associated with the phase transformation of 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycerol (DPG) were studied by means of simultaneous X-ray diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry. Metastable DPG solid phases are crystallized from the melted sample by thermal quenching. The metastable phase (alpha-phase) formed initially is converted into a stable phase (beta' phase) at approximately 50 degrees C on heating. It was found that the behaviour of the alpha- to beta'-phase transformation depends on the thermal history. DPG solid samples incubated at approximately 3 degrees C for more than 10 h after cooling transformed directly into the beta'-phase with heat release. On the other hand, in the solid samples without incubation, the alpha-phase once melted and then the crystallization of the beta'-phase occurred successively from the melted state.  相似文献   

Dantrolene reduces the elevated myoplasmic Ca(2+) generated during malignant hyperthermia, a pharmacogenetic crisis triggered by volatile anesthetics. Although specific binding of dantrolene to the type 1 ryanodine receptor (RyR1), the Ca(2+) release channel of skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum, has been demonstrated, there is little evidence for direct dantrolene inhibition of RyR1 channel function. Recent studies suggest store-operated Ca(2+) entry (SOCE) contributes to skeletal muscle function, but the effect of dantrolene on this pathway has not been examined. Here we show that azumolene, an equipotent dantrolene analog, inhibits a component of SOCE coupled to activation of RyR1 by caffeine and ryanodine, whereas the SOCE component induced by thapsigargin is not affected. Our data suggest that azumolene distinguishes between two mechanisms of cellular signaling to SOCE in skeletal muscle, one that is coupled to and one independent from RyR1.  相似文献   

Caged calcium and the ryanodine receptor.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
C F Louis 《Biophysical journal》1994,66(6):1739-1740

J Ma 《Biophysical journal》1995,68(3):893-899
Ca release channels from the junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) membranes of rabbit skeletal muscle were incorporated into the lipid bilayer membrane, and the inactivation kinetics of the channel were studied at large membrane potentials. The channels conducting Cs currents exhibited a characteristic desensitization that is both ligand and voltage dependent: 1) with a test pulse to -100 mV (myoplasmic minus luminal SR), the channel inactivated with a time constant of 3.9 s; 2) the inactivation had an asymmetric voltage dependence; it was only observed at voltages more negative than -80 mV; and 3) repetitive tests to -100 mV usually led to immobilization of the channel, which could be recovered by a conditioning pulse to positive voltages. The apparent desensitization was seen in approximately 50% of the experiments, with both the native Ca release channel (in the absence of ryanodine) and the ryanodine-activated channel (1 microM ryanodine). The native Ca release channels revealed heterogeneous gating with regard to activation by ATP and binding to ryanodine. Most channels had high affinity to ATP activation (average open probability (po) = 0.55, 2 mM ATP, 100 microM Ca), whereas a small portion of channels had low affinity to ATP activation (po = 0.11, 2 mM ATP, 100 microM Ca), and some channels bound ryanodine faster (< 2 min), whereas others bound much slower (> 20 min). The faster ryanodine-binding channels always desensitized at large negative voltages, whereas those that bound slowly did not show apparent desensitization. The heterogeneity of the reconstituted Ca release channels is likely due to the regulatory roles of other junctional SR membrane proteins on the Ca release channel.  相似文献   

The effect of gadolinium ions on the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) calcium release channel/ryanodine receptor (RyR1) was studied using heavy SR (HSR) vesicles and RyR1 isolated from rabbit fast twitch muscle. In the [(3)H]ryanodine binding assay, 5 microM Gd(3+) increased the K(d) of the [(3)H]ryanodine binding of the vesicles from 33.8 nM to 45.6 nM while B(max), referring to the binding capacity, was not affected significantly. In the presence of 18 nM[(3)H]ryanodine and 100 microM free Ca(2+), Gd(3+) inhibited the binding of the radiolabeled ryanodine with an apparent K(d) value of 14.7 microM and a Hill coefficient of 3.17. In (45)Ca(2+) experiments the time constant of (45)Ca(2+) efflux from HSR vesicles increased from 90.9 (+/- 11.1) ms to 187.7 (+/- 24.9) ms in the presence of 20 microM gadolinium. In single channel experiments gadolinium inhibited the channel activity from both the cytoplasmic (cis) (IC(50) = 5.65 +/- 0.33 microM, n(Hill) = 4.71) and the luminal (trans) side (IC(50) = 5.47 +/- 0.24 microM, n(Hill) = 4.31). The degree of inhibition on the cis side didn't show calcium dependency in the 100 microM to 1 mM Ca(2+) concentration range which indicates no competition with calcium on its regulatory binding sites. When Gd(3+) was applied at the trans side, EGTA was present at the cis side to prevent the binding of Gd(+3) to the cytoplasmic calcium binding regulatory sites of the RyR1 if Gd(3+) accidentally passed through the channel. The inhibition of the channel did not show any voltage dependence, which would be the case if Gd(3+) exerted its effect after getting to the cis side. Our results suggest the presence of inhibitory binding sites for Gd(3+) on both sides of the RyR1 with similar Hill coefficients and IC(50) values.  相似文献   

The local control concept of excitation-contraction coupling in the heart postulates that the activity of the sarcoplasmic reticulum ryanodine receptor channels (RyR) is controlled by Ca(2+) entry through adjoining sarcolemmal single dihydropyridine receptor channels (DHPRs). One unverified premise of this hypothesis is that the RyR must be fast enough to track the brief (<0.5 ms) Ca(2+) elevations accompanying single DHPR channel openings. To define the kinetic limits of effective trigger Ca(2+) signals, we recorded activity of single cardiac RyRs in lipid bilayers during rapid and transient increases in Ca(2+) generated by flash photolysis of DM-nitrophen. Application of such Ca(2+) spikes (amplitude approximately 10-30 microM, duration approximately 0.1-0.4 ms) resulted in activation of the RyRs with a probability that increased steeply (apparent Hill slope approximately 2.5) with spike amplitude. The time constants of RyR activation were 0.07-0.27 ms, decreasing with spike amplitude. To fit the rising portion of the open probability, a single exponential function had to be raised to a power n approximately 3. We show that these data could be adequately described with a gating scheme incorporating four sequential Ca(2+)-sensitive closed states between the resting and the first open states. These results provide evidence that brief Ca(2+) triggers are adequate to activate the RyR, and support the possibility that RyR channels are governed by single DHPR openings. They also provide evidence for the assumption that RyR activation requires binding of multiple Ca(2+) ions in accordance with the tetrameric organization of the channel protein.  相似文献   

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