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野生动物栖息地选择与日活动节律是其长期生存适应的结果,对物种生存繁衍具有重要意义。2017年4月至2019年7月,组在梵净山国家级自然保护区内布设了41台红外相机进行监测和研究。基于红外相机监测数据,利用占域模型(Occupancy model)和核密度估计方法(Kernel density estimation),对食蟹獴(Herpestes urva)的栖息地选择和日活动节律进行了分析探讨。结果表明:(1)食蟹獴在常绿落叶阔叶混交林出现频率最高,在落叶阔叶林和针阔混交林出现频率最低,并集中出现于中低海拔区域;(2)在8种栖息地选择影响因素中,具有重要影响的因子为针阔混交林、海拔、水源地和常绿阔叶落叶混交林4种。其中,食蟹獴明显选择常绿阔叶落叶混交林(β=1.79±1.19 SE),明显排斥针阔混交林(β=-1.93±1.30 SE),海拔高度、离水源地的距离与占用率呈明显负相关;(3)年活动节律显示,食蟹獴在雨季活动明显增多,4-9月的活动频次在全年活动中占比达83.50%;(4)食蟹獴为完全昼行性物种,日活动时间分配较为平均,在9:00-10:00和13:00-14:00活跃度低,日活动高峰出现在11:00-13:00。梵净山地区作为食蟹獴分布区的北端,其典型的山地气候特征和植被类型与其他分布区存在显著差异,并面临不同的捕食风险和不同程度的人为干扰,食蟹獴对栖息地的选择方式和活动节律也出现了适应性的变化。 相似文献
生态位分化是同域分布的潜在竞争物种长期稳定共存的基础。研究对比一个物种与其同域分布的潜在竞争者的生态位分化,可用于指导多物种保护工作的实践。2018年6月—2019年5月利用红外相机技术对云南省玉溪市新平和峨山交界处同域分布的绿孔雀Pavo muticus和白鹇Lophura nycthemera进行野外调查,使用Wilcoxon秩和检验和非参数核密度分析旱季和雨季对植被、海拔的利用情况和日活动节律进行比较。结果表明,该地区同域分布6种雉类中,绿孔雀和白鹇的RAI指数最高(分别为0.73和0.56),为优势物种。绿孔雀活动的平均海拔高于白鹇(1 486 m±75.2 m vs. 1 390 m±71.9 m; w=8 122.5,P 0.001),且海拔生态位宽度更宽。绿孔雀对4种植被类型利用较为平均,而白鹇则倾向于利用半湿润常绿阔叶林(旱季利用率93.00%,雨季利用率77.27%)。绿孔雀的日活动节律为正常的晨昏双峰模式,白鹇却呈现出与其他研究结果不同的单峰模式,且与绿孔雀差异明显。二者在不同生态位维度上的分化可能是种间竞争的结果。建议将该地区划为以绿孔雀为主的重点雉类保护区域,未来开展更多关于野生绿孔雀的基础生态学研究。 相似文献
生态位分化是解释物种共存的重要理论。Schonenr认为空间维度对生态位差异形成的影响程度最高,营养维度次之,时间维度则最后被启动。为验证这一假说,我们于2018年12月至2019年11月,在浙江清凉峰国家级自然保护区龙塘山区域采用公里网格法布设52台红外相机,对同域分布且食性相似的黑麂和小麂种群进行监测,计算平均拍摄率,分析不同季节黑麂和小麂对不同植被类型、海拔、坡位、水源距离的选择差异,并运用核密度估计法分析二者日活动节律及重叠程度。结果显示,(1)黑麂和小麂对空间生态位的选择出现分化:黑麂偏好针阔混交林,主要栖息于1 301~1 500 m的高海拔地区,回避下坡位和谷地,在距离水源较近的区域内活动频繁;小麂则偏好落叶阔叶林,主要栖息于901~1 100 m的中海拔地区,偏好中坡位,回避谷地,对水源距离没有明显的选择倾向。(2)黑麂和小麂均为晨昏性活动的昼行性动物,二者全年日活动节律重叠程度较高(Δ4=0.86),仅冬季较低(Δ1=0.65)。上述结果支持Schonenr的假说:首先,空间维度对物种生态位分化的影响大于时间维度,龙塘山区域黑麂和小麂主要通过选择不同的栖息地来增加空间... 相似文献
弄岗熊猴的活动节律和活动时间分配 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
2005年9月至2006年9月,采用瞬时扫描取样法,在弄岗国家级自然保护区对野生熊猴(Macaca assamensis)进行了连续跟踪观察,收集相关的活动节律和活动时间分配的数据,通过分析其与气候及食物组成的关系,从中探讨影响熊猴活动节律及活动时间分配的因素。研究结果发现:在熊猴的日活动节律中,觅食活动表现为逐渐增强的趋势,最高峰值出现在下午15:00,休息活动在中午出现一个小的高峰;其日活动节律表现出明显的季节性差异,主要表现为旱季大部分时间段的觅食强度均高于雨季,且早上7:00-10:00出现一段长时间的休息,而雨季里长时间的休息则发生在中午12:00-14:00;在活动时间分配上,熊猴平均花费39.6%时间用于休息,33.2%用于移动,18.3%用于摄食,5.1%用于理毛,2.4%用于玩耍,1.4%用于其他行为,其活动时间分配也表现出明显的季节性差异;与雨季相比,在旱季熊猴明显增加用于觅食的时间,而相应地减少用于休息的时间,活动时间分配的季节性变化明显与食物组成的变化有关;在不同年龄组个体间,青少年猴花费更多的时间用于玩耍,而用于休息和理毛的时间明显少于成年猴。 相似文献
广西扶绥黑叶猴活动节律和日活动时间分配 总被引:12,自引:5,他引:12
2002 年8 月至2003 年7 月,对生活在完全被周围农田隔离的石山中的一群黑叶猴的昼夜活动节律和日活动时间分配进行研究。采用以群为单位的焦点动物观察法和连续记录法,每月对猴群连续10 d 跟踪观察。结果表明:3 月至10 月,黑叶猴的昼夜活动节律由8 个环节组成,11 月至2 月由9 个环节组成,移动、觅食和休息在活动节律中重复出现,晒太阳仅出现在11 月至翌年2 月。休息占黑叶猴日活动时间的比例最大,其次是觅食、移动、晒太阳和理毛。黑叶猴的日活动时间分配具有明显的月变化规律,相关性分析表明,环境温度、栖息地的食物丰富度和光照强度是影响黑叶猴日活动时间分配的主要因素。进一步分析认为,黑叶猴的活动时间分配体现了叶食性灵长类的特点,更体现了黑叶猴对北热带喀斯特石山环境的适应特点。 相似文献
完全的竞争者不能共存,物种间生态位分化是同域物种长期稳定共存的基础。不同物种在同一分布区时间生态位的分化对其共存至关重要。为研究同域分布物种的共存机制,在2018年11月到2021年7月利用远红外相机监测技术对穆棱东北红豆杉国家级自然保护区同域分布的野猪(Sus scrofa)和狍(Capreolus pygargus)进行了野外监测研究,并利用核密度估计方法和雅各布斯选择指数(JSI)对日活动节律和一段时间内的活动周期选择进行了评估,同时还利用非参数检验评估了2个物种的活动与月光周期的关系。研究结果表明,狍不管在全年还是在不同的季节,日活动节律均为双峰模式,而野猪的活动模式表现出明显的可塑性,在全年和冷季为单峰型,暖季为双峰型,二者在日活动节律上的重叠程度较高(Dhat>0.59),在暖季的重叠系数最高(Dhat=0.65)。此外,在时间段的选择上,狍在全年和冷季更喜欢在黎明和黄昏活动(0.170.32),而野猪活动在全年和冷季对白天和黄昏的选择更多(JSI>0.3),暖季则更喜欢在白天活动(J... 相似文献
2012年8月至2013年11月,在15 hm2弄岗森林动态监测样地及其周边地区以1台/2 hm2密度布设了35台红外相机,对研究区域内大中型兽类和林下鸟类资源进行连续监测。共记录到20种兽类和26种鸟类,包括2种国家I级、8种国家II级重点保护野生动物。其中,小泡巨鼠(Leopoldamys edwardsi)、帚尾豪猪(Atherurus macrourus)、赤腹松鼠(Callosciurus erythraeus)、北树鼩(Tupaia belangeri)、赤麂(Muntiacus muntjak)等5种动物拍摄率和相对丰富度均居于兽类的前5位;白鹇(Lophura nycthemera)、橙头地鸫(Zoothera citrina)和蓝背八色鸫(Pitta soror)的相对丰富度居于鸟类的前3位。虽然每月监测的鸟兽种数、多样性指数和均匀度指数均不存在显著的季节性差异,但不同季节记录到的兽类和鸟类种类存在一定差异:黑叶猴(Trachypithecus francoisi)、野猪(Sus scrofa)2种兽类和斑头鸺鹠(Glaucidium cuculoides)、长尾阔嘴鸟(Psarisomus dalhousiae)、红胁蓝尾鸲(Tarsiger cyanurus)3种鸟类仅在旱季记录到;而仙八色鸫(Pitta nympha)和凤头鹰(Accipiter trivirgatus)2种鸟类仅在雨季记录到。活动节律分析结果表明赤麂、北树鼩、赤腹松鼠和白鹇为昼行性动物,帚尾豪猪与小泡巨鼠为夜行性动物。以上研究结果有助于监测喀斯特生境大中型兽类和林下鸟类种群的变化,为保护区有效管理提供数据支持。 相似文献
Food habits of three carnivore species (Viverricula indica, Herpestes urva, and Melogale moschata) in Fushan Forest, northern Taiwan 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
The food habits and degrees of dietary overlap of lesser oriental civet ( Viverricula indica ), crab-eating mongoose ( Herpestes urva ), and ferret badger ( Melogale moschata ) inhabiting the Fushan Forest, northern Taiwan, were studied using faecal analysis between February 1993 and June 1994. Laboratory analysis of 154 civet faeces, and 174 mongoose faeces showed that both species fed on a wide variety of food items, including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, crustaceans, insects, oligochaetes, gastropods, chilopods, arachnids, and plants. Insects, oligochaetes, plants, and mammals were the four most important food items in the civets' diet, whereas crustaceans, insects, amphibians, and reptiles were the four most important food items consumed by mongooses. Amphibians were the only vertebrates, together with invertebrates and plants, found in the 64 ferret badger faeces we analysed, and oligochaetes, insects, and amphibians were the most important food items consumed by ferret badgers. The diversity of diet was highest in the mongoose, followed by the civet, and was lowest in the ferret badger.
The degree of dietary overlap was greatest between the civet and the ferret badger, followed by that of the civet and mongoose. The mongoose and ferret badger had the lowest degree of dietary overlap. However, the degree of dietary overlap varied in different seasons. Invertebrates were the most important food source for the carnivores in Fushan Forest. 相似文献
The degree of dietary overlap was greatest between the civet and the ferret badger, followed by that of the civet and mongoose. The mongoose and ferret badger had the lowest degree of dietary overlap. However, the degree of dietary overlap varied in different seasons. Invertebrates were the most important food source for the carnivores in Fushan Forest. 相似文献
Rodrigues M Fernandes CA Palomares F Amorim IR Bruford MW Santos-Reis M 《Molecular ecology resources》2009,9(4):1205-1208
We report the isolation of 11 polymorphic tetranucleotide microsatellite loci in the Egyptian mongoose (Herpestes ichneumon). In a sample of 27 individuals, we observed between 4 and 7 alleles per locus and their observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.37 to 0.85 and from 0.44 to 0.79, respectively. All genotypic frequencies conformed to Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium expectations and there were no instances of linkage disequilibrium detected between pairs of loci. 相似文献
acta ethologica - Crab-eating mongooses (Herpestes urva) are widely distributed across Southeast Asia. In Taiwan, the mongoose (H. urva formosanus, endemic subspecies) is a protected species under... 相似文献
Razie Oboudi Mansoureh Malekian Rasoul Khosravi Davoud Fadakar Mohammad Ali Adibi 《Ecology and evolution》2021,11(21):14813
Combining genetic data with ecological niche models is an effective approach for exploring climatic and nonclimatic environmental variables affecting spatial patterns of intraspecific genetic variation. Here, we adopted this combined approach to evaluate genetic structure and ecological niche of the Indian gray mongoose (Urva edwardsii) in Iran, as the most western part of the species range. Using mtDNA, we confirmed the presence of two highly differentiated clades. Then, we incorporated ensemble of small models (ESMs) using climatic and nonclimatic variables with genetic data to assess whether genetic differentiation among clades was coupled with their ecological niche. Climate niche divergence was also examined based on a principal component analysis on climatic factors only. The relative habitat suitability values predicted by the ESMs for both clades revealed their niche separation. Between‐clade climate only niche comparison revealed that climate space occupied by clades is similar to some extent, but the niches that they utilize differ between the distribution ranges of clades. We found that in the absence of evidence for recent genetic exchanges, distribution models suggest the species occurs in different niches and that there are apparent areas of disconnection across the species range. The estimated divergence time between the two Iranian clades (4.9 Mya) coincides with the uplifting of the Zagros Mountains during the Early Pliocene. The Zagros mountain‐building event seems to have prevented the distribution of U. edwardsii populations between the western and eastern parts of the mountains as a result of vicariance events. Our findings indicated that the two U. edwardsii genetic clades in Iran can be considered as two conservation units and can be utilized to develop habitat‐specific and climate change‐integrated management strategies. 相似文献
弄岗黑叶猴的日活动类型和活动时间分配 总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9
2005年10月-2006年9月,用瞬时扫描法对广西弄岗自然保护区内的一群黑叶猴(Trachypithecusfran oisi)的日活动节律和活动时间分配进行研究。结果表明:黑叶猴日活动中出现2个觅食高峰和1个休息高峰。觅食高峰分别出现在7:00-9:00和16:00-18:00;休息高峰出现在10:00-14:00。黑叶猴日活动节律表现出明显的季节性变化,表现为旱季上午的觅食高峰被推迟了1h,且觅食时间长于雨季;旱季下午的觅食活动提前1h结束。猴群在雨季较早进入休息高峰,而且中午休息时很少有移动或零星觅食。研究期间,猴群用于休息的时间平均占日活动时间分配的51.99%,移动占20.25%,觅食占18.61%,理毛占7.61%,玩耍占1.20%,其它行为(包括打斗、交配等)仅占0.14%。活动时间分配有明显的季节性差异,主要表现为:与雨季相比,黑叶猴在旱季花费更多的时间用于觅食和移动,而相应地减少用于休息的时间。活动时间分配在不同年龄和性别的个体之间也存在显著差异,表现为成年个体花费更多的时间用于休息和觅食,未成年个体则花费更多的时间用于移动和玩耍;雌性个体比雄性个体花费更多的时间用于理毛。 相似文献
The present article analyzes locomotor activity rhythms in Tinca tinca. To that end, three different experiments were conducted on 24 animals (20 g body weight) kept in pairs in 60-liter aquaria fitted with infrared sensors connected to a computer to continuously record fish movements. The first experiment was designed to study the endogenous circadian clock under free-running conditions [ultradian 40:40 min LD pulses and constant dark (DD)] and after shifting the LD cycle. Our results demonstrate that tench has a strictly nocturnal activity pattern, an endogenous rhythm being evident in 45.8% of the fish analyzed. The second experiment was conducted to test the influence of different photoperiods (LD 6:18, 12:12, 18:6, and 22:2) on locomotor activity, the results showing that even under an extremely long photoperiod, tench activity is restricted to dark hours. The third experiment examined the effect of light intensity on locomotor activity rhythms. When fish were exposed to decreasing light intensities (from 300:0 lux to 30:0, 3:0, and 0.3:0 lux) while maintaining a constant photoperiod (LD 12:12), the highest percentage of locomotor activity was in all cases associated with the hours of complete darkness (0 lux). In short, our results clearly show that (a) tench is a species with a strictly nocturnal behavior, and (b) daily activity rhythms gradually entrain after shifting the LD cycle and persist under free-running conditions, pointing to their circadian nature. However, light strongly influences activity rhythms, since (c) the length of the active phase is directly controlled by the photophase, and (d) strictly nocturnal behavior persists even under very dim light conditions (0.3 lux). The above findings deepen our knowledge of tench behavior, which may help to optimize the aquacultural management of this species, for example, by adjusting feeding strategies to their nocturnal behavior. 相似文献
Arina L. Maltseva Marina A. Varfolomeeva Roman V. Ayanka Elizaveta R. Gafarova Egor A. Repkin Polina A. Pavlova Alexei L. Shavarda Natalia A. Mikhailova Andrei I. Granovitch 《Ecology and evolution》2021,11(16):11134
Divergence of ecological niches in phylogenetically closely related species indicates the importance of ecology in speciation, especially for sympatric species are considered. Such ecological diversification provides an advantage of alleviating interspecies competition and promotes more efficient exploitation of environmental resources, thus being a basis for ecological speciation. We analyzed a group of closely related species from the subgenus Neritrema (genus Littorina, Caenogastropoda) from the gravel‐bouldery shores. In two distant sites at the Barents and Norwegian Sea, we examined the patterns of snail distribution during low tide (quantitative sampling stratified by intertidal level, presence of macrophytes, macrophyte species, and position on them), shell shape and its variability (geometric morphometrics), and metabolic characteristics (metabolomic profiling). The studied species diversified microbiotopes, which imply an important role of ecological specification in the recent evolution of this group. The only exception to this trend was the species pair L. arcana / L. saxatilis, which is specifically discussed. The ecological divergence was accompanied by differences in shell shape and metabolomic characteristics. Significant differences were found between L. obtusata versus L. fabalis and L. saxatilis / L. arcana versus L. compressa both in shell morphology and in metabolomes. L. saxatilis demonstrated a clear variability depending on intertidal level which corresponds to a shift in conditions within the occupied microhabitat. Interestingly, the differences between L. arcana (inhabiting the upper intertidal level) and L. compressa (inhabiting the lower one) were analogous to those between the upper and lower fractions of L. saxatilis. No significant level‐dependent changes were found between the upper and lower fractions of L. obtusata, most probably due to habitat amelioration by fucoid macroalgae. All these results are discussed in the contexts of the role of ecology in speciation, ecological niche dynamics and conservatism, and evolutionary history of the Neritrema species. 相似文献
Monitoring daily activity patterns of animals in the field and in captivity often revealed different results. For example, Syrian hamsters Mesocricetus auratus showed diurnal surface activity in the field, but nocturnal patterns in the laboratory. The aim of our study was to monitor the field activity of a close relative of this species, the Ciscaucasian hamster Mesocricetus raddei from Dagestan. Using the radio-frequency identification (RFID) technique we were able to obtain field data from 20 Ciscaucasian hamsters. In contrast to the data obtained in captivity where the Ciscaucasian hamsters were active mainly at night, they showed a diurnal activity pattern in the field, i.e. animals were observed on surface between sunrise and sunset. Discussing the putative causes of the different activity patterns, we are focusing especially on ecological constraints and advantages. Also, we stress the necessity of more field observations. 相似文献