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长链非编码RNA(Long non-coding RNA,lncRNA)因参与多个层级上的生物进程而成为当下生命科学领域的研究热点.LncRNA可以与DNA、RNA和蛋白质等生物分子结合,并进一步影响靶基因的转录、翻译以及翻译后修饰等过程,从而发挥在细胞生理代谢过程中的调控作用.目前研究显示,lncRNA通过多种途径在...  相似文献   

肝脏脂代谢紊乱与2型糖尿病、肥胖症、心血管疾病等多种慢性病密切相关。运动与二甲双胍均可通过作用于不同组织器官调节机体脂代谢,是防治脂代谢异常相关疾病的有效手段。运动可减少肝脏脂质摄入与分泌、降低脂质合成、促进脂肪酸分解,二甲双胍可抑制肝脏糖异生及脂质合成,达到控糖减脂的作用。两者在激活AMPK信号通路、促进肝脏因子分泌方面表现为协同效应,而对线粒体复合物I活性的调节却表现为拮抗效应,两者联合作用于肝脏脂代谢的分子机制有待进一步研究。该文基于运动与二甲双胍调控肝脏脂代谢的生物学机制进行综述,为慢病预防和治疗提供新的思路与策略。  相似文献   

糖脂代谢稳态平衡是多因素、多器官协调互作的结果,是维持人类健康的基本要素之一。肝脏作为最主要的代谢器官,在机体糖脂代谢稳态调控中发挥至关重要的作用。随着研究的不断深入,肝脏糖脂代谢相关的论文数量日益增长,给快速了解肝脏糖脂代谢领域的研究热点和发展趋势带来了挑战。为解决这一问题,本研究开发了一种信息分析方法,通过对肝脏糖脂代谢领域研究论文涉及的《医学主题词表》(Medical Subject Headings, MeSH)中的词条和相关高通量研究数据的收集与解析,对肝脏糖脂代谢领域近30年来的研究现状、研究手段和研究热点变化等因素进行了系统分析。结果显示,本世纪以来,肝脏糖脂代谢研究相关的论文数量,尤其是中国学者发表的论文数量快速提升,论文的篇均作者数量和篇均作者单位数量也显著增加,并且这一数量变化与论文的影响力之间存在一定的正相关。各种高通量方法逐渐成为肝脏糖脂代谢遗传学相关研究的主要手段,过氧化物酶体增殖物激活受体(peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors, PPARs)、固醇调节元件结合蛋白(sterol regulatory element binding proteins, SREBPs)、核因子E2相关因子2 (NF-E2-related factor 2, Nrf2)等转录因子成为肝脏糖脂代谢研究的新兴热点。这些结果系统展示了肝脏糖脂代谢研究的关注重点和变化趋势,本文所开发的方法也可被应用于对其他领域进行类似的研究热点分析。  相似文献   

孕烷X受体(pregnane X receptor,PXR)属于核受体超家族(NRs)中的NR1I亚家族,主要在肝脏、小肠、胃、肾脏等组织中高表达。自该受体发现以来已相继克隆出小鼠、大鼠、猴及人等哺乳动物的PXR。PXR作为内源及外源物激活受体在机体的防御机制中发挥重要的生物调节作用和"解毒"功能。此外,大量研究还表明PXR通过调节下游靶基因的表达而广泛参与机体的物质及能量代谢,并在某些疾病的发生发展中发挥重要作用。本文就PXR的新近研究进展做一综述。  相似文献   

AMP激活的蛋白激酶(AMP-activated protein kinase,AMPK)是一种异源三聚体复合物,作为机体能量平衡和糖脂代谢的重要激酶参与多种生理过程的调节。研究表明,炎症、糖尿病和癌症等多种慢性疾病也与AMPK功能和活性调节有密切关系。新近发现,糖尿病一线用药二甲双胍抑制肝糖产生改善病人高血糖的作用与AMPK激活有关,提示靶向AMPK可能是预防和治疗多种慢性疾病的有效策略之一。文中从AMPK的结构与活性、AMPK在糖代谢调控中的作用和AMPK在血脂代谢调控中的作用3个方面综述了AMPK研究的进展,旨在为糖脂代谢调控的基础和临床研究提供依据。  相似文献   

李美婷  曹林林  杨洋 《遗传》2014,(3):15-20
表观遗传学是研究没有DNA序列变化的、可遗传的基因表达改变。表观遗传修饰可以参与多种生命过程,其在糖脂代谢中也发挥了重要的作用。生物体内的糖脂代谢关系密切,糖脂代谢紊乱会导致多种代谢性疾病的发生。文章主要从DNA甲基化、组蛋白修饰、非编码RNA调控等方面综述了表观遗传修饰在糖脂代谢中的研究进展。  相似文献   

自噬是细胞内利用溶酶体降解细胞器和蛋白质的过程,在维持细胞稳态和更新中发挥作用,脂质自噬则是近10年来发现的特异性靶向脂滴的选择性自噬过程.各种细胞中均存在脂质自噬,在肝细胞中尤为明显.该文对肝细胞中调控脂质自噬的代谢酶、膜蛋白和转录因子进行总结,同时对脂质自噬在脂质代谢、细胞生存中的生理意义及其在脂肪肝、肝硬化、肝癌...  相似文献   

应用双向电泳及质谱技术对5周龄三基因(apoE-1- / LDLR-1-/Leprdb/db)联合突变小鼠和野生型小鼠肝组织的差异蛋白质进行比较研究,借此分析脂代谢相关三基因联合突变小鼠肝脏蛋白质表达特点,研究差异表达蛋白与血脂代谢紊乱和动脉粥样硬化的关系.在实验中检测到三基因联合突变小鼠和野生型小鼠肝脏中分别平均有(841±57)个和(1 017±50)个蛋白点(n=3),两者的平均匹配率分别为71.9%,83.2%.三基因联合突变小鼠有140个蛋白点未能与野生型小鼠匹配,其中相差5倍以上的上调点和下调点分别为7个和39个.选取其中的6个点做质谱分析,鉴定为endoplasmin precursor(Grp-94)、酸性富亮氨酸核磷蛋白32家族成员A(acidic leucin-rich nuclear phosphoprotein 32 family member A)、转铁蛋白前体、果糖二磷酸酶1、纤维连接蛋白前体、补体C3前体,纤维蛋白原B β多肽7种蛋白. 该结果提示,差异表达的蛋白对三基因联合突变小鼠的血脂代谢紊乱和动脉粥样硬化发生发展过程起一定作用.  相似文献   

倪德华 《生物学通报》1989,(11):21-21,20
《生理卫生》课本中提到“肝脏有贮藏养分的作用,例如能够把血中多余的葡萄糖贮藏起来。当血糖浓度减少时又可将糖元分解为葡萄糖,供人体能量需要”。“胰岛素能使血糖合成糖元,加速血糖分解”。由于这些话,有的教  相似文献   

Influence of valproic acid on hepatic carbohydrate and lipid metabolism   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Valproic acid (dipropylacetic acid), an antiepileptic agent known to be hepatotoxic in some patients, caused inhibition of lactate gluconeogenesis, fatty acid oxidation, and fatty acid synthesis by isolated hepatocytes. The latter process was the most sensitive to valproic acid, 50% inhibition occurring at ca. 125 microM with cells from meal-fed female rats. The medium-chain acyl-CoA ester fraction was increased whereas coenzyme A (CoA), acetyl-CoA, and the long chain acyl-CoA fractions were decreased by valproic acid. The increase in the medium chain acyl-CoA fraction was found by high-pressure liquid chromatography to be due to the accumulation of valproyl-CoA plus an apparent CoAester metabolite of valproyl-CoA. Salicylate inhibited valproyl-CoA formation and partially protected against valproic acid inhibition of hepatic metabolic processes. Octanoate had a similar protective effect, suggesting that activation of valproic acid in the mitosol is required for its inhibitory effects. It is proposed that either valproyl-CoA itself or the sequestration of CoA causes inhibition of metabolic processes. Valproyl-CoA formation also appears to explain valproic acid inhibition of gluconeogenesis by isolated kidney tubules. No evidence was found for the accumulation of valproyl-CoA in brain tissue, suggesting that the effects of valproic acid in the central nervous system are independent of the formation of this metabolite.  相似文献   

酒精滥用是一个重大的公共健康问题。酒精通过刺激脂肪酸合成,抑制脂肪酸的氧化导致肝脏脂质积累,进而诱发肝细胞病变,导致脂肪肝的病发。从转录调控脂质代谢的改变,异常甲硫氨酸代谢对内质网应激反应的作用等方面概述酒精与脂质代谢的相互调控机制,并阐述了这些调控机制之间的内在联系以及酒精如何影响肝脏脂质代谢,从而导致脂肪肝形成的最新相关研究进展。  相似文献   

Lovastatin, an inhibitor of HMG-CoA reductase, lowers cholesterol saturation of bile. To determine the mechanism of this effect and further define the role of cholesterol synthesis in regulation of biliary lipid metabolism, we studied ten human volunteers in a control period and again after 5-6 weeks on lovastatin, 40 mg b.i.d. Mean sterol production from acetate in mononuclear leukocytes fell from 1.18 to 0.84 pmol/min per 10(6) cells on lovastatin (P less than 0.02). Concomitantly there was reduction in mean biliary secretion of cholesterol from 143 to 96 mumol/h (P less than 0.02). On lovastatin, mean pool size of bile acids by the Lindstedt method fell from 3193 to 2917 mumol (one-sided P = 0.05) and mean pool size by the one-sample method fell from 5158 to 4091 mumol (P less than 0.002). Lovastatin had no effect on mean fractional turnover rate of either cholic acid (0.77 vs. 0.74 day-1) or chenodeoxycholic acid (0.51 vs. 0.54 day-1). Mean total bile acid synthesis was lower on lovastatin (1443 vs. 1240 mumol/day), but the difference did not quite achieve statistical significance. In humans, inhibition of cholesterol synthesis by lovastatin lowers biliary cholesterol saturation by reducing cholesterol secretion into bile. Bile acid pool size, and perhaps bile acid synthesis, are also reduced by this inhibition.  相似文献   

The mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling pathway regulates many metabolic and physiological processes in different organs or tissues. Dysregulation of mTOR signaling has been implicated in many human diseases including obesity, diabetes, cancer, fatty liver diseases, and neuronal disorders. Here we review recent progress in understanding how mTORC1 (mTOR complex 1) signaling regulates lipid metabolism in the liver.  相似文献   

Retinoic acid (RA) affects multiple aspects of development, embryogenesis and cell differentiation processes. The liver is a major organ that stores RA suggesting that retinoids play an important role in the function of hepatocytes. In our previous studies, we have demonstrated the involvement of small heterodimer partner (SHP) in RA-induced signaling in a non-transformed hepatic cell line AML 12.In the present study, we have identified several critical genes in lipid homeostasis (Apoa1, Apoa2 and ApoF) that are repressed by RA-treatment in a SHP dependent manner, in vitro and also in vivo with the use of the SHP null mice. In a similar manner, RA also represses several critical genes involved in bile acid metabolism (Cyp7a1, Cyp8b1, Mdr2, Bsep, Baat and Ntcp) via upregulation of SHP. Collectively our data suggest that SHP plays a major role in RA-induced potential changes in pathophysiology of metabolic disorders in the liver.  相似文献   

An improved ultra performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC/MS/MS) method was established for the simultaneous analysis of various bile acids (BA) and applied to investigate liver BA content in C57BL/6 mice fed 1% cholic acid (CA), 0.3% deoxycholic acid (DCA), 0.3% chenodeoxycholic acid (CDCA), 0.3% lithocholic acid (LCA), 3% ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA), or 2% cholestyramine (resin). Results indicate that mice have a remarkable ability to maintain liver BA concentrations. The BA profiles in mouse livers were similar between CA and DCA feedings, as well as between CDCA and LCA feedings. The mRNA expression of Cytochrome P450 7a1 (Cyp7a1) was suppressed by all BA feedings, whereas Cyp7b1 was suppressed only by CA and UDCA feedings. Gender differences in liver BA composition were observed after feeding CA, DCA, CDCA, and LCA, but they were not prominent after feeding UDCA. Sulfation of CA and CDCA was found at the 7-OH position, and it was increased by feeding CA or CDCA more in male than female mice. In contrast, sulfation of LCA and taurolithocholic acid (TLCA) was female-predominant, and it was increased by feeding UDCA and LCA. In summary, the present systematic study on BA metabolism in mice will aid in interpreting BA-mediated gene regulation and hepatotoxicity.  相似文献   

微藻中脂质代谢产生的化合物,可用于生物燃料、营养品和生物药品的生产,因此具有重要的经济价值。脂质代谢贯穿微藻的全部生命过程,对微藻的生长发育和应对外界胁迫都具有重要意义。微藻与研究较清楚的真菌和陆地植物在脂质代谢过程方面具有相似性。当然,随着微藻脂质代谢相关功能基因逐渐被鉴定,人们发现微藻的脂质代谢也具有区别真菌和陆地植物的独特性,因此针对微藻脂质代谢过程的分析具有重要意义。莱茵衣藻是研究脂质代谢过程的模式生物,已经通过基因组、转录组、蛋白质组和代谢组等方法,对其质体、内质网和过氧化物酶体中进行的脂质合成和分解过程进行了研究。本文总结了近年来莱茵衣藻质体、内质网和过氧化物酶体中脂质代谢过程的研究成果,并进行综合阐述。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the effect of glucocorticoid treatment in early neonatal life on plasma cholesterol and hepatic cholesterol 7 alpha-hydroxylase (CH-7A), the rate-limiting enzyme of bile acid biosynthesis from cholesterol, measured at weaning (Postnatal Day 20). Neonatal rat pups were injected subcutaneously with 5 micrograms of dexamethasone (DEXA) or vehicle (CON) for 5 days between Postnatal Days 4 and 8. On Postnatal Day 20, the animals were used for various studies. DEXA-treated pups weighed significantly less (P less than 0.001) than controls. Even though DEXA-treated animals had significantly smaller livers (P less than 0.001), microsomal protein per gram of liver was significantly greater (P less than 0.005) in the DEXA-treated animals. CH-7A activity (pmole/mg . min) was significantly lower (P less than 0.005) in the DEXA-treated animals (CON (4) 19.4 +/- 2.8; DEXA (4) 5.0 +/- 1.0). Plasma cholesterol (mg/100 ml) was significantly greater (P less than 0.005) in the DEXA-treated animals (CON (5) 179 +/- 7; DEXA (4) 223 +/- 5), a finding consistent with lower CH-7A activity in this group. Taurocholate absorption by in situ ileal loops in anesthetized rats was significantly greater in the DEXA-treated animals in agreement with the in vitro observations of Little and Lester. The basis for the reduced CH-7A activity in DEXA-treated pups is not known. It may be due in part to a new steady state in the enterohepatic circulation of bile acids resulting from a glucocorticoid-induced enhanced conservation of bile acids.  相似文献   

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