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从2007年3月9日至4月14日,调查了高黎贡山赧亢的白眉长臂猿的食性和时间分配,旨在为该物种的栖息地保护和食物资源的管理提供指导.观察时,将白眉长臂猿的行为分为取食、移动、休息3种活动类型,利用瞬时扫描取样法取样记录,并记录取食种类及部位.白眉长臂猿春季取食植物种类共有10种,其中果实类植物3种,果汁类植物1种,嫩叶类植物6种.相对其它灵长类而言,其春季的食物多样性较低.白眉长臂猿移动、休息和取食的时间分配分别为33%、35%和32%,较叶猴属动物休息少,移动多.赧亢的白眉长臂猿1天中有3个觅食高峰期,9:00~10:00为第1个觅食高峰;11:00~13:00为第2个觅食高峰;16:00~17:00为第3个觅食高峰.而孟加拉国 Lawachara 的白眉长臂猿仅在早上有两次觅食高峰.这种差异可能是不同区域的白眉长臂猿对环境的适应结果.  相似文献   

邦亮东黑冠长臂猿日食性与活动节律的季节性变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
日食性变化和活动节律是动物行为的重要方面,通过对日食性变化与活动节律的研究,可以了解食物、温度和光照时间等环境因素的变化对动物行为的影响,以及动物在行为上的应对策略。2009 年1 -12 月,在广西靖西县邦亮东部黑冠长臂猿自治区级自然保护区内,采用瞬时扫描取样法对2 群东黑冠长臂猿觅食行为和活动节律进行了研究。结果显示,东黑冠长臂猿的活动和食性在旱季和雨季都具有明显的节律。鸣叫只发生在12:00之前,但旱季的鸣叫时间偏晚。在日节律上,东黑冠长臂猿在离开过夜树后和进入过夜树前各有一个取食高峰,07:00 喜欢取食果实和无花果,16:00 也选择更多的果实,但无花果较少,13:00 - 15:00 取食更多的叶和芽。在10:00 - 12:00,其用于休息和社会活动的时间增加。在雨季,东黑冠长臂猿以果实和无花果为主要食物,并且花大量时间觅食无脊椎动物;但在旱季,其食物以叶和芽为主。与之相适应,东黑冠长臂猿在旱季通过减少移动增加休息来节约能量开支和应对低温,同时它们增加取食的时间以获得等价的能量和营养。雨季时社会行为的比例明显高于旱季,而且其高峰出现在08:00 - 10:00,但旱季社会行为主要出现在11:00 - 14:00。在雨季东黑冠长臂猿没有出现休息高峰,相反在旱季10:00 左右出现一个明显的休息高峰。上述行为节律体现了东黑冠长臂猿对环境季节性变化的良好适应,使其能够在寒冷并且退化的喀斯特森林中生存繁衍。  相似文献   

高黎贡山赧亢白眉长臂猿食性及日取食量   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过确定白眉长臂猿的取食特征及日取食量,探讨不同个体间和春、秋季间日取食量是否存在差异,分析影响日取食量和取食特征的因素,为白眉长臂猿日能量需求及其营养容纳量研究奠定基础。2007—2008年春、秋季,在高黎贡山赧亢采用焦点动物取样法观察和记录数据。结果发现,白眉长臂猿取食36种食物的40个部位,其果实的食物单元、取食速度、单个鲜重值等取食特征不同于嫩叶。春、秋季白眉长臂猿每日取食果实量所占百分比最高、嫩叶所占百分比次之、茎和花所占百分比最低。春、秋季家群中雌猿的日取食量均高于雄猿。与家群的雌猿相比,独猿(♀)春季的日取食量稍高。在春季,独猿取食果实持续时间约为家群的2倍,而取食嫩叶的则与家群几乎相等。相同个体秋季的日取食量高于春季的,且春、秋季日取食各部位的量所占百分比也不同。分析结果表明,食性及日取食部位的量反映了白眉长臂猿选择食物的最基本策略。雌雄个体大小差异、能量消耗、食物特征、动物生理需求等因素影响白眉长臂猿的日取食量。白眉长臂猿取食持续时间与觅食树的食物资源量相关。  相似文献   

东黑冠长臂猿是极度濒危物种,全球种群数量极其稀少。2015年5月和8月,采用在固定地点监听鸣叫的方法在广西邦亮长臂猿国家级自然保护区内对东黑冠长臂猿开展两次实地调查,发现在中国境内形成了由1只成年雄性,2只成年雌性和1只婴猿组成的新群体。这是自2006年该物种在中国被重新发现后,首次在中国境内发现形成新群体。中国境内东黑冠长臂猿的种群数量也由3群22只,增长到4群26只。有限的栖息地可能是未来限制东黑冠长臂猿新群体形成的主要因素之一,所以栖息地恢复对东黑冠长臂猿种群数量增长尤为重要。放牧不利于栖息地恢复,要逐步减少,进而杜绝在保护区内放牧。另外,东黑冠长臂猿跨国界分布,中越两国政府之间应加强协调,避免在保护区内实施对栖息地不利的边境管理活动。如果两国间出现种群隔离,对东黑冠长臂猿种群数量的增长将会非常不利。  相似文献   

高海拔栖息地中灵长类动物的行为适应一直以来都是灵长类研究中的重点内容,同物种在不同栖息地的行为差异也成为近年的热点问题。西黑冠长臂猿(Nomascus concolor)是我国国家一级重点保护野生动物,也是我国长臂猿科动物中种群数量最大的物种,滇中哀牢山、无量山是该物种的集中分布区。哀牢山和无量山的西黑冠长臂猿栖息地存在显著差异,且其社会组织不同。本研究首次报道了在哀牢山高海拔栖息地中一个一夫一妻长臂猿群体的活动时间分配和食性季节性变化。2014—2015年,采用3 min间隔瞬时扫描法记录了长臂猿的行为和食性,468 h的行为数据结果表明,移动行为比例最高38.1%,其次是休息行为36.4%,取食行为23.3%,最少为鸣叫行为1.9%和其他行为1.3%。3 784次取食行为可辨识食物类型,总体上叶类食物占41.1%,其次是果实类食物33.3%,花类食物21.0%,附生植物3.9%,其他食物0.6%。长臂猿的时间分配和食性在雨季和旱季均具有显著差异,在低温旱季,长臂猿增加休息时间,减少移动时间,提高叶类和花类食物的取食比例;在高温雨季,长臂猿增加移动时间,减少休息时间和取食时间,取食更...  相似文献   

生态限制模型(Ecological constraints model)认为随种群规模增加,灵长类种群会增加日移动距离、移动时间和取食时间,减少休息时间.果食性灵长类为取食斑块分布的高质量食物资源(如果实)而存在群内分摊竞争(Within-group scramble competition),很好地验证了生态限制模型...  相似文献   

高黎贡山赧亢白眉长臂猿春季食物选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2007年3月9日—4月28日,在高黎贡山赧亢跟踪观察白眉长臂猿(Hoolock hoolock)的春季食性及取食行为,将其行为分为食果、食果汁和食叶。采用瞬时扫描法记录白眉长臂猿的取食行为,取食的种类、部位和地点等。在其活动区域内,以取食树为中心设置20m×20m的利用样方和以随机方式设置同样大小的可利用样方各19个。在样方内收集与取食树及食物资源相关的6个因子的数据。统计食物种类和资源量、选择指数、取食点的选择性等。结果表明,赧亢白眉长臂猿春季取食的食物共10种,其中果实类植物3种,果汁类植物1种,嫩叶类植物6种。10种食物中,白眉长臂猿对印度木荷(Schima khasiana)的果实和缅甸木莲(Maglietia haokeri)的嫩叶呈弱选择,对其他8种食物资源均呈强选择。Mann-WhitneyU-检验结果表明,利用样方和可利用样方间的食物资源量及食物种类数均差异极显著,以利用样方的资源量大,每一样方食物种类较多。果实是赧亢白眉长臂猿春季的主要食物资源,而嫩叶是补充。呈强选择的食物并不一定是取食频次高的食物;反之,取食频次高的食物也不一定呈强选择。白眉长臂猿常选择易处理的果实和粗灰分含量少的嫩叶,且果实是它摄取水分的主要来源。白眉长臂猿通常选择食物资源和种类相对集中的区域取食,这可以减少动物因寻找食物所耗费的能量,同时获得多种食物,满足其生理对营养的需求。  相似文献   

云南无量山黑长臂猿对植物种子的传播作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2005年9月至2006年4月,对无量山一群黑长臂猿进行观察,研究黑长臂猿在植物种子传播中的作用.观察记录黑长臂猿一天的排便次数并收集粪便.通过直接观察和收集长臂猿粪便确定长臂猿取食的果实种类.以森林中采集的果实种子为对照标本,对粪便中的种子进行鉴定,并记录各种种子的数量,测量其长度、宽度和重量.结果表明观察期间黑长臂猿共取食31种果实,其中有1种在被取食时尚未成熟,另有2种果实的种子在取食后遭到破坏,还有1种植物的种子不能被长臂猿吞食而得不到传播,黑长臂猿可为27种植物传播种子.黑长臂猿个体平均每天排便2次,粪便的平均湿重为22.7 g,每份粪便平均含有1种植物的种子;在不包含小种子(直径<3 mm)的情况下,平均每份粪便中含有12粒种子.总的来说,黑长臂猿是有效的种子传播者.  相似文献   

本文通过1年连续野外观察(2015年12月至2016月11月),对比研究了广东省内伶仃—福田国家级自然保护区野生群和台山上川岛猕猴省级自然保护区内半野生投食群的猕猴觅食策略异同,分析了食物数量和食物营养对猕猴觅食行为的影响,探讨了猕猴对生境变化的应对策略及其适应机制。研究结果表明,野生群和半野生群猕猴均偏好取食低灰分果实。另外,比起取食较少的果实,半野生群猕猴主要取食的果实具有低含水量和低蛋白等特点。全年来看,野生群猕猴偏好取食分布数量多的果实;半野生群猕猴食果频率月间波动受环境果实量影响,符合能量最大化理论。野生群和半野生群猕猴采食乔木树叶的行为均不受乔木数量的影响;而且两者采食所有生活型植被的叶的行为不受叶营养的影响。本研究表明猕猴会根据环境的食物资源数量和质量调整其觅食策略,具有对不同生活环境灵活适应的能力。  相似文献   

东黑冠长臂猿鸣叫特征及气象因子对鸣叫的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鸣叫是长臂猿非常典型的一个特征,并且受到生物因素和非生物因素(如气象因子) 的影响。为了解东黑冠长臂猿的鸣叫特征以及气象因子对鸣叫的影响,2008 年8 月至2009 年10 月,采用全事件记录法对栖息在广西邦亮自然保护区3 个东黑冠长臂猿野生群体的鸣叫行为进行观察。结果表明东黑冠长臂猿倾向于在早晨鸣叫,有91.4% 的鸣叫发生在日出前0.5 h 至日出后3 h 之间,其中53.1% 的鸣叫发生在日出后1 h 内。平均每个群体的鸣叫频次为69.7% ,一个群体平均每天鸣叫1.24 次,鸣叫的平均持续时间为18.3 min。一次二重唱中,雌性平均激动鸣叫4.4 次。长臂猿鸣叫的起始时间在光照强度的影响下差异显著,阴天和雾天鸣叫的起始时间延后,且雾天最迟;降雨致使长臂猿体能的损失和光照强度减弱,从而引起鸣叫起始时间的延后和持续时间缩短;温度对长臂猿鸣叫的影响并不显著。  相似文献   

The Cao Vit gibbon is a critically endangered species with only about 110 individuals remaining in a degraded karst forest along the China-Vietnam border. Behavioral data from this site are particularly useful in understanding gibbon behavioral adaptations to different sets of ecological conditions and will contribute to the conservation of the species. We studied seasonal variation in the time budget and diet of the Cao Vit gibbon in response to variation in food availability and ambient temperature by observing two groups for 1,379 hr between January and December 2009. We used 5-min scan samples to record the activity of gibbons. Both ambient temperature and food availability varied from month to month. Gibbon groups increased resting time and huddled together in sleeping places in cold months. Gibbons spent more time feeding on fruit when fruit was more abundant suggesting that fruit was their preferred food. Alternatively, leaf eating was negatively correlated with leaf availability which suggested that leaves may be used as a fallback food. Gibbons increased their diet diversity when they ate more leaves. This might be a strategy to cope with toxins or digestion inhibitor accumulation associated with feeding from a limited number of leaf species. Individuals consumed more buds when Broussonetia papyrifera produced buds in March and April. During this period, they decreased traveling time and engaged in less frequent social interactions. Gibbons spent more time searching for and feeding on invertebrates during June and October. However, we did not collect data on invertebrate abundance and therefore cannot determine the relationship between invertebrate feeding and availability. We conclude that flexibility in consuming diverse food types and food species, and in responding to the availability of preferred foods, has enabled the Cao Vit gibbon to survive in a degraded karst forest habitat.  相似文献   

The Cao Vit gibbon (Nomascus nasutus) has only one population with about 110 individuals living in a degraded karst forest along the China–Vietnam border. Investigation of food choice in relation to chemical nutrition will offer important insights into its conservation. We studied the food choice of two groups of Cao Vit gibbons using instantaneous scan sampling in Bangliang National Nature Reserve, Guangxi, China, over 4 years, and analyzed the chemical components (total nitrogen, TN; water-soluble sugar, WSS; crude fat, CF; neutral detergent fiber, NDF; acid detergent fiber, ADF; acid detergent lignin, ADL; condensed tannin, CT; and ash) of 48 food plant parts and 22 non-food plant parts. Fruits and figs that are rich in sugar are important food resources for gibbons. For other food types, flowers are a good source of total nitrogen and carbohydrates, and leaves and buds provide sources of protein and minerals. Cao Vit gibbons selected fruits that contain less total nitrogen, less acid detergent fiber and more water-soluble sugar than non-food fruits. Several food species that were heavily consumed by Cao Vit gibbons are suggested as potential tree species for ongoing habitat restoration.  相似文献   

We studied the ranging behavior of a habituated group of black crested gibbons (Nomascus concolor jingdongensis) in a high, seasonal habitat on Mt. Wuliang, central Yunnan, China, between March 2005 and April 2006. Our results indicated that the total home range size for the study group was 129 ha, or 151 ha if the lacunae within the borders in which gibbons were not observed were included. This is a much bigger range size than that of other gibbon species. However, 69.7% of their activities occurred within 29 ha. The intensity of quadrant use was significantly correlated with the distribution of important food patches. The mean yearly daily path length was 1,391 m. Gibbons traveled farther when they spent more time feeding on fruit. To avoid often passing through ridges with little food, gibbons usually stayed in the same valley for successive days, and then moved on to another valley for another several days, which resulted in a concentrated ranging pattern.  相似文献   

The Cao Vit gibbon (Nomascus nasutus) was rediscovered in 2002 in Vietnam and then in 2006 in China. This is the only known population with about 110 individuals located along the China-Vietnam border. Little is known about it other than its population size and distribution. We describe the social structure and group dynamics of the Cao Vit gibbons in China based on 2 years of monitoring from 2007 to 2009. Four established study groups at this site consisted of 1 adult male, 2 adult females and 2-6 offspring. Two juveniles in 2 groups disappeared during the research. Four infants were born in 3 groups from November 2008 to February 2009. In 2 of the groups, both adult females had dependent infants. These observations suggest that Cao Vit gibbons live in polygynous groups, contrary to the usual monogamous group with only 1 adult female, but nevertheless similar to the social organization of both N. concolor and N. hainanus. We observed a coordinated dispersal of 1 adult male and 2 large juveniles, and the male formed a pair with a newly arrived female. Our observations support a growing awareness of variability in gibbon social organization.  相似文献   

Generally, food abundance and distribution exert important influence on primate ranging behavior. Hoolock gibbons (genus Hoolock) live in lowland and montane forests in India, Bangladesh, Myanmar and China. All information about hoolock gibbons comes from studies on western hoolock gibbons (Hoolock hoolock) living in lowland forest. Between August 2010 and September 2011, we studied the ranging behavior of one habituated group of eastern hoolock gibbon (H. leuconedys) living in a seasonal montane forest in Gaoligongshan, Yunnan, China. Results show that the study group did not increase foraging effort, calculated in this study as the daily path length, when fruit was less available. Instead, the gibbons fed more on leaves and decreased traveling to conserve energy. They relied heavily on a single food species in most study months which was patchily distributed within their total (14-month) home range, and during most months they used only a small portion of their total home range. In order to find enough food, the group shifted its monthly home range according to the seasonal availability of food species. To satisfy their annual food requirements, they occupied a total home range of 93 ha. The absence of neighboring groups of gibbons and the presence of tsaoko cardamom (Amomum tsaoko) plantations may also have influenced the ranging behavior of the group. Further long-term studies of neighboring groups living in intact forests are required to assess these effects.  相似文献   

Primates tend to prefer specific plant foods, and primate home ranges may contain only a subset of food species present in an area. Thus, primate feeding strategies should be sensitive to the phenology of specific species encountered within the home range in addition to responding to larger scale phenomena such as seasonal changes in rainfall or temperature. We studied three groups of Javan gibbons (Hylobates moloch) in the Gunung Halimun‐Salak National Park, Indonesia from April 2008 to March 2009 and used general linear mixed models (GLMM) and a model selection procedure to investigate the effects of variation in fruit and flower availability on gibbon behavior. Preferred foods were defined as foods that are overselected relative to their abundance, while important food species were those that comprised >5% of feeding time. All important species were also preferred. Season and measurements of flower and fruit availability affected fruit‐feeding time, daily path lengths (DPL), and dietary breadth. Models that included the availability of preferred foods as independent variables generally showed better explanatory power than models that used overall fruit or flower availability. For one group, fruit and preferred fruit abundance had the strongest effects on diets and DPL in the models selected, while another group was more responsive to changes in flower availability. Temporal variation in plant part consumption was not correlated in neighboring groups. Our results suggest that fine‐scale local factors are important determinants of gibbon foraging strategies. Am. J. Primatol. 74:1154‐1167, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Hoolock gibbons ( Hoolock hoolock ) are endangered small apes occurring in Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, and south China. All known populations have undergone declines primarily due to habitat destruction or alteration. We examined the influence of area of natural forests, area of plantations, area of agricultural land and edible plant species richness on the hoolock gibbon numbers from 22 sites in Bangladesh using multiple regression analysis. Area of natural forests and plantations were not linked to hoolock gibbon numbers, whereas area of agricultural land and edible plant species richness were both significantly linked. Higher edible plant species richness was directly related to hoolock gibbon numbers, while the area of agricultural land was inversely related. This is the first quantitative study illustrating the importance of these two variables with hoolock gibbon numbers. We also analyzed the existing habitat characteristics in two of the largest hoolock gibbon populations in Bangladesh: Lawachara (42 individuals) and Kaptai (84 individuals). Trees in Lawachara were generally smaller compared to those in Kaptai. Artocarpus , Tectona , and Dipterocarpus were the three most important genera in both sites, although Artocarpus was more important in Lawachara. Each site also had an abundant variety of tree species utilized by hoolock gibbons for food. We discuss the current context of primate conservation in Bangladesh and suggest that the current conservation priority for gibbons in the country should be protection and improvement of habitat.  相似文献   

Population size and distribution data for wildlife species play an important role in conservation and management, especially for endangered species. However, scientists seriously lack data on the population status of many species. The northern yellow-cheeked gibbon (Nomascus annamensis) is found in southern Lao PDR, central Vietnam, and northeastern Cambodia. The population of the species has significantly declined due to hunting, habitat loss, and the wildlife trade. To examine the population size and distribution of N. annamensis, we conducted a field survey in Song Thanh Nature Reserve, Quang Nam Province, central Vietnam from February to April 2019 using the audio point count method. We combined Distance Sampling and Ecological Niche Modeling to estimate the population of the gibbons. Results showed that the total suitable area for the gibbons was about 302.32 km2, with the two most important variables of the habitat model being the distance-to-villages and forest type. We detected 36 gibbon groups through field surveys and estimated 443 (95% CI, 278–707) gibbon groups in Song Thanh Nature Reserve. Our results indicate that the gibbon population in Song Thanh Nature Reserve is the largest known population of N. annamensis in Vietnam. In addition, our study was the first to combine species distribution modeling with distance sampling to estimate gibbon density and population size. This approach might be useful in surveying and monitoring gibbon populations because it takes imperfect detection probability into account in estimating gibbon population density while estimating the area of potential habitat using environmental variables.  相似文献   

The development of captive breeding programs for the crested gibbons (Hylobates [Nomascus]) of Indochina is hindered by the difficulty of sorting individuals into their correct species and subspecies groups. We describe taxon-specific DNA sequence variation in a 252-base pair region of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene, which can be used to identify individuals of the three taxa of crested gibbon commonly found in Western zoos. These molecular genetic markers can be amplified from plucked hair and will permit the identification of morphologically similar females and crested gibbons of either sex of unknown origin. Noninvasive genotyping of captive animals will facilitate the genetic management of these critically endangered primates. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Altitude influences forest structure and food abundance and distribution, which in turn affect primate feeding and ranging patterns. Javan gibbons (Hylobates moloch) are endemic to forests spanning a broad range of altitudes on Java, Indonesia. Most information about Javan gibbon behavior comes from studies in lowland forests, while the vast majority of wild gibbons remaining inhabit hill and lower montane forests. We studied the diets, activity patterns, and ranging behavior of three gibbon groups in hill/lower montane (950-1,100?m asl) forest in the Gunung Halimun-Salak National Park (GHSNP) from April 2008 to March 2009. The mean home range size was 37?ha and the mean daily path length was 1,180?m. The study groups spent 36% of time feeding, 41% resting, 15% traveling, 6% engaging in social behavior, and 2% in aggressive interactions. Fruit was the most important food (63% of feeding time) followed by leaves (24%), and flowers (12%). Our results suggest that Javan gibbons in higher elevation habitats have substantially larger home ranges than lowland populations, despite broad similarity in their activity budgets and diets. Conservation managers should consider the effects of altitude and habitat quality on gibbon ranging behavior when developing habitat corridors, selecting sites for translocation or reintroduction projects, and designating and managing protected areas.  相似文献   

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