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白头叶猴及其觅食生物   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
白头叶猴仅分布在我国广西南部四县境内的喀斯特石山地区,数量少,分布范围狭窄,栖息环境特殊,白头叶猴偏爱植物丰富的山脚部分;选择生物量大的植物为食,并选择含水量高的部位。  相似文献   

近年来,关于白头叶猴的分类地位颇有争议,争论的焦点是白头叶猴是一个独立种还是黑叶猴Trachypithecus francoisi 的一个亚种.  相似文献   

白头叶猴食谱与觅食时间分配的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
白头叶猴生活在喀斯特石山环境 ,以树叶为食。对其进行跟踪观察表明白头叶猴有食物 42种 ,其中乔木占 42 .8% ,灌木占 2 6.1 % ,藤本占 2 1 .5% ,草本占 9.6% ,食物组成中树叶占63%— 95% ,果实占 5%— 35% ,花占 0— 6%。白头叶猴有两种觅食方式 ,每天猴群有觅食高峰 2次。白头叶猴觅食的持续时间占日活动时间分配的比例在一年中有季节性变化 ,表现为夏天低冬天高 ,分别为 1 0 .0 3% (6月份 )— 2 3.2 1 % (1 2月份 ) ,这与食物的丰盛状况有关。  相似文献   

2012年10~12月采用访问法、小区蹲点数量统计方法对广西崇左白头叶猴国家级自然保护区驮逐片及周边相邻的昌平片的黑叶猴种群数量与分布进行了调查。结果显示,驮逐片黑叶猴分布面积为9714 hm2,种群数量为10群55只;昌平片黑叶猴分布面积为1073 hm2,种群数量为7群33只;两处合计为17群88只。驮逐片和昌平片黑叶猴种群数量分别占广西黑叶猴种群数量的14%和10%。驮逐片通过加强能力建设、宣传力度和保护力度,昌平片通过建立自然保护小区,加大对黑叶猴及其栖息地的保护力度。  相似文献   

杂交白头叶猴F1代及其后代性状和行为跟踪观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对白头叶猴与黑叶猴杂交所得的雌杂白头叶猴F1代(F1f)的性状及行为观察,以及F1代与黑叶猴进行回交繁殖出来的后代Be1、Be2、Be3和Be4的性状表现及生长发育的长期观察,结果表明:杂交白头叶猴及其回交代的性状、形态特征与黑叶猴十分相似,黑毛性状占绝对的优势。白头叶猴所拥有的性状在杂白头叶猴及其后代中几乎不表现,仅是在生长中存在部分印记,在发育过程中的颜色转变时间延长,毛色转变也有痕迹的现象。这说明白头叶猴的基因控制在回交代中只起到辅助作用,但总的以黑叶猴的基因控制为主。白头叶猴回交代个体弱仔率比例高达50%,高于同期的黑叶猴弱仔率,后者一般为10%—20%,呈现出远交衰退迹象。杂交代F1在繁殖行为及对后代的哺育投资上与黑叶猴无明显区别;回交代的生长发育和行为发育与黑叶猴的行为有趋同性。综合上述特征,结合杂交白头叶猴F1f的连续繁殖成功,可以断定白头叶猴不是一个独立种,而是黑叶猴的一个亚种。  相似文献   

RAPD分析与白头叶猴分类地位探讨   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
为确定白头叶猴的分类地位,分析了菲氏叶猴、紫面叶猴、长尾叶猴、黑叶猴、白头叶猴、共13个个体的随机扩增DNA多态。用于检测的30个随机引物中有22个产生清晰的条带。根据遗传距离建立的系统树显示,黑叶猴与白头叶猴亲缘关系最近,且两者都不是单系群。白头叶猴3与黑叶猴6的亲缘关系比与白头叶猴1、2的更近。根据系统树中的关系对群体进行了t检验,结果显示:在5%水平上,白头叶猴与黑叶猴有显著差异;然而,在同  相似文献   

黑叶猴和菲氏叶猴颅骨的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

黑叶猴和菲氏叶猴的皮纹   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  

白头叶猴的分布及生态习性   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
江海声  吴名川 《兽类学报》1991,11(3):236-237,193

白头叶猴的性比与社会结构   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
白头叶猴的性比与社会结构STUDYONSEXRATIOANDSOCIO-STRUCTUREOFFWHITE-HEADEDLEAFMONKEYKeywordsWhite-headedleafmonkey;Sexratio;Socio-structure...  相似文献   

广西扶绥白头叶猴的欺骗信号   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李兆元 《动物学报》2005,51(2):335-337
1997年9月至1998年9月,我们在广西扶绥珍贵动物保护区对白头叶猴(Trachypithecus leucocephalus)进行保护生物学研究。在本研究中,我们试图评价生境质量的下降对白头叶猴生存造成的负面影响。我们用系统的方法采集行为数据,用典型的野外记录技术(ad libitum)记录稀少行为事件。观察结果表明,生活在高质量生境中的猴群极力地保卫其家域;相反地,生活在低质量生境中的猴群不尽力保卫其家域。群体中的繁殖雄性在雄性替代过程中一旦被逐出群外,就会变成孤猴,并失去家域。这时,由于生境质量低劣,孤猴将面临食物短缺。我们的观察显示,这些猴子通过欺骗信号保持群间距离,使其得以呆在有食物资源的生境中。依据Zahavi的理论,在通讯行为中,信号接受者总是在检查信号发出者,防止其发出欺骗信号。因此,可以预测欺骗信号无法得以演化。然而,我们的观察结果不支持这种预测。  相似文献   

贵州麻阳河自然保护区黑叶猴繁殖周期的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黑叶猴(Trachypithecus francoisi francoisi),属灵长目(Primates),猴科(Cercopithecidae),疣猴亚科(Colobinae)。分布于越南北部和中国的广西、贵州和重庆等地的山地岩溶地区(Fooden,1976;王应祥等,1999)。由于生境特殊,受人为活动影响较大(汪松,1998),该物种近20年来数量呈下  相似文献   

We studied the locomotor behaviour of white-headed langurs Trachypithecus leucocephalus and Fran(c)ois' langurs T.fran(c)oisi to test two hypotheses: (1) these monkeys have evolved locomotor ability to support their activities on limestone hills,and (2) Fran(c)ois' langurs have evolved more diverse locomotor skills than white-headed langurs. Data were collected from 1996 - 1998 and in 2005 in Fusui Nature Reserve,Guangxi,and showed that the two species had similar locomotor types,but Francois' langurs had more locomotor modes (26) than white-headed langurs (12). Quadrupedal walking and leaping were two major types,and white-headed langurs were more arboreal than Fran(c)ois' langurs. We suggest that,while keeping their ancestral locomotor types,the two species have evolved new types allowing them to live on limestone cliffs. Compared to white-headed langurs,Francois' langurs have more diverse locomotor modes that probably have allowed them to live in more habitat types. As an evolutionary outcome,Fran(c)ois' langurs have a larger distribution range.  相似文献   

2002 年8 月17 日, 对在广西弄岗国家级自然保护区附近楞垒自然屯发生的黑叶猴攻击人的事件进行实地考察。当小车发出鸣笛后, 一只亚成体雄性黑叶猴从保护区边缘的丛林中冲出来。十分冲动或激怒地冲到了汽车旁,后来在路边的树上、石头、矮墙上不停地跳来跳去。围观群众躲到很远的地方观望, 其中一人被扑到身上, 幸好逃得及时而没有被咬伤。据访问了解, 这只亚成体公猴从2001 年初开始在保护区边界村庄附近已连续伤害了15 个人和2 只狗。分析和探讨这种攻击人类行为的形成是十分有意义的。  相似文献   

2002 年3~12 月, 采用焦点动物观察法和全事件行为记录法对南宁动物园人工饲养的5 群黑叶猴的拟母亲行为进行了观察。5 群黑叶猴中, 有幼体9 只, 成年个体19 只。观察发现非母雌性黑叶猴的拟母亲行为有怀抱、携带、接近、理毛、吻婴5 种类型; 各种行为类型发生的频次从高到低分别为接近(46.19 %) 、怀抱和携带(24.14 %) 、吻婴(20.36 %) 和理毛(9.31 %) 。通过比较还发现: 1) 幼体出生几个月内(4~8 月龄) , 黑叶猴拟母亲行为经常发生。2) 拟母亲行为的强度与幼体的年龄具有较大的关联性, 与非母雌性的育婴经验有关, 育婴经验缺乏的非母雌性对幼体表现出比有育婴经验的个体更强烈的兴趣。3) 拟母亲行为发生受幼猴母亲的默认程度的影响, 有些母亲不允许其它雌猴接触幼体。4) 拟母亲行为有助于缓解群内雌性个体间的冲突, 调节群内个体间的关系。  相似文献   

The number of males per group is the most variable aspect of primate social organization and is often related to the monopolizability of females, which is mainly determined by the number of females per group and their reproductive synchrony. Colobines show both inter‐specific and intra‐specific variations in the number of males per group. Compared with other colobine species, little is known about the social organization of white‐headed langur (Trachypithecus leucocephalus), despite its endangered status and unusual limestone habitat. As a part of a long‐term study of the white‐headed langurs in the Nongguan Karst Hills, Guangxi, China, we quantitatively investigated their social organization by analyzing census data from 1998 to 2003. The population censuses revealed that the predominant social organization of bisexual groups was the one‐male group, similar to a previous report on this species and many other Asian colobines. In such groups, one adult male associated with 5.1 adult females, 0.1 sub‐adult males, 2.6 juveniles and 2.9 infants on average, with a mean group size of 11.7 individuals. In addition, three multi‐male groups were recorded, consisting of 2–3 adult males, 1–5 adult females, 0–2 sub‐adult males, 0–7 juveniles and 0–2 infants. They did not contain more adult females than the one‐male groups and were unstable in group membership. The langurs outside bisexual groups were organized into small nonreproductive groups or lived as solitaries. The nonreproductive groups averaged 1.3 adult males, 1.3 sub‐adult males and 2.6 juveniles. Juvenile females were present in such groups on 52.4% of all occasions. As predicted by the monopolization model, the prevalence of the one‐male pattern in this species may mainly be attributed to the small number of females in the group. The possible reasons for the occurrence of multi‐male groups and the presence of juvenile females in nonreproductive groups are also discussed. Am. J. Primatol. 71:206–213, 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

2012年10月至2015年5月,对中国贵州省麻阳河国家级自然保护区黑叶猴(Trachypithecus francoisi)的种群数量和分布进行了调查研究。本次调查采用了直接观察猴群计数、夜宿地观察、问卷调查和访问、未出版资料及文献补充4种调查方法。结果表明,麻阳河国家级自然保护区及周边共有黑叶猴72群(含保护区外2群)。基于直接计数的25个猴群,计算猴群平均大小为(7.7±2.9)只,并以此计算保护区及周边黑叶猴数量为554只。其中,凉桥片区共有41群,315只;龚溪口片区共有16群,123只;务川片区共有15群,116只。调查发现保护区黑叶猴的分布基本以麻阳河、洪渡河及其支流兰子河为中轴,以箱状河谷的峭壁上和河岸附近的植被区作为主要活动范围。67群猴群发现点位于离河流中轴线缓冲距1 500 m区域以内,占总群数的93.1%。因此,为了确保该物种的生存以及缓解当地人猴冲突,建议重点加强对河流两岸栖息地的保护管理和自然植被恢复,尤其在人口稠密区更为必要。  相似文献   

针对物种分布格局与其环境变量关系的研究,对于生态廊道规划与环境恢复研究具有重要意义.本文以白头叶猴(Trachypithecus leucocephalus)为研究对象,针对广西崇左白头叶猴国家级自然保护区51个白头叶猴分布点和11个环境变量数据,利用MaxEnt模型(maximum entropy modeling)...  相似文献   

Play behavior is a significant trait of immature nonhuman primates (hereafter primates) that plays an important role in sensory, locomotor, socio‐cognitive, and developmental processes. It has been suggested that the function of play is to practice and improve motor skills related to foraging, avoiding predators, attracting mates, raising offspring, and strengthening the skills needed for the formation and maintenance of social bonds. From September 2009 to August 2010, we investigated the play behavior of 1–12 month‐old infant white‐headed langurs (Trachypithecus leucocephalus) a Critically Endangered primate species endemic to China. We carried out this study in the Guangxi Chongzuo White‐headed Langur National Nature Reserve, and recorded 4421 play bouts and 1302 min of play engaged in by seven infants. We found that infants of different ages exhibited different patterns of play behavior. Specifically, nonsocial play behaviors appeared at one month of age, social play behaviors at two months, and an expanded repertoire of social and non‐social play behaviors at three months of age. The frequency and duration of nonsocial play peaked at five months of age and then decreased, while social play gradually increased with age. Nonsocial play did not differ between the sexes, whereas social play showed sex specificity, with a higher frequency and longer duration of social play in male infants compared to female infants. In addition, male and female white‐headed langur infants appeared to prefer individuals of same sex as social playmates, but no obvious choice preference for a specific individual. In conclusion, we provide the first report of play behavior in a population of wild Critically Endangered white‐headed langurs. We suggest that age‐ and sex‐specific differences in play behavior of infants form the bases for age and sex‐based differences in the social interactions of adult langurs.  相似文献   

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