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中国棕背(鼠平)亚种分化的研究(啮齿目:仓鼠科:田鼠亚科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对中国山西、河北、内蒙古南部、大、小兴安岭、长白山及新疆等地区的215号棕背(鼠平)(Clethrionomys rufocanus)标本的外形和头骨的形态进行了亚种分化研究,认为分布于山西、河北、内蒙古南部棕背(鼠平)的亚种为Clethrionomys rufocanus shanseius(Thomas);大、小兴安岭及新疆地区的亚种为Cl.r.irkutensis(Ognev);而将分布于长白山地区的亚种定为一新亚种——棕背(鼠平)长白山亚种(Clethrionomys rufocanus changbaishanensis)。  相似文献   

刘少英  靳伟  唐明坤 《兽类学报》2020,40(3):290-301
䶄亚科田鼠族(Microtini)是一个分布广、物种多、在分类学上存在争议也较多的类群。通常认为该族在全世界有10属81种,中国有7属24种。近年来,通过广泛采集标本,开展分类与系统发育研究,基本厘清了我国䶄亚科田鼠族分类与系统发育问题。确认田鼠族在全世界仅8属,分别是东方田鼠属(Alexandromys)、雪田鼠属(Chionomys)、毛足田鼠属(Lasiopodomys)、艾草田鼠属(Lemmiscus)、田鼠属(Microtus)、松田鼠属(Neodon)、沟牙田鼠属(Proedromys)和川西田鼠属(Volemys)。帕米尔田鼠属(Blanfordimys)被证明是田鼠属的亚属,白尾松田鼠属(Phaiomys)是松田鼠属 的同物异名,水䶄属(Arvicola)被证明不属于田鼠族。而东方田鼠属是从田鼠属的亚属提升为属。中国田鼠族包括6属26种。青海毛足田鼠(Lasiopodomys fuscus)、白尾松田鼠(Phaiomys leucurus)和克氏田鼠(Microtus clarkei)均是松田鼠属成员。凉山沟牙田鼠(Proedromys liangshanensis)、林芝松田鼠(Neodon linzhiensis)、聂拉木松田鼠(Neodon nyalamensis)和墨脱松田鼠 (Neodon medogensis)是近年来命名的新种。  相似文献   

绒属Caryomys原为Thomas(1911)命名的Microtus属中的一个新亚属,Hinton(1923)将它升格为独立属,但很快又于1926年否定了此属的存在,从此各国学者或认为它是属Clethrlonomys的同物异名,或认为它是绒鼠属Eothenomys的亚属,近70年间再无人承认此属名。本文通过对Campmys所包含的inez和eva两种的形态学及染色体核型进行研究,并与绒鼠属Eothenomys和属Clethrionomys代表种类的相关特征进行了比较分析,结果表明,inez和eva除在形态上与绒鼠属及属种类有一些明显差异外,在染色体核型上也有显著不同,主要表现在:inez及eva的染色体数目2n=54,且在常染色体中,其最大的一对染色体均为亚端部着丝粒染色体;而绒鼠属和属的染色体数目则为2n=56,且在常染色体中无此对端部着丝粒染色体。为此,作者认为应恢复Caryomxs属的分类地位。  相似文献   

绒Ping属地位的恢复(啮齿目:仓鼠科:田鼠亚科)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

绒鼠类系统学研究(啮齿目:仓鼠科:田鼠亚科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在系统综述的基础上对绒鼠属Eothenomys的分类进行了探讨,认为Eothenomys属的典型特征应力;下颌骨臼齿咀嚼面左右两侧的三角形齿环均不呈交错排列,而是两两相对,彼此相融合;二倍染色体数2m=56,全部常染色体均为端部着丝粒(T),东方绒鼠亚属Antheliomys5种中,至少玉龙绒鼠E.proditor不属于此属不能排除恢复Antheliomys属级分类地位的可能性,同意将Caryomys独立为绒Ping属;将Craseomys shanseius Thomas,1908(=E.shanseius)订正为棕背Ping的山西亚种C.r.shanseius。台湾绒鼠Eothenomys kanoi Tokuda,1937的染色体特征与Clethrionomys属相似,不应收入绒鼠属,其分类地位待定。Clethrionomys属和Eothenomys属化石种均最早出现于早更新世,目前还不能断定此二属究竟谁起源于谁,也许它们共同起源于第三者。  相似文献   

平正明  徐月莉 《昆虫学报》1989,32(3):330-336
原鼻白蚁属(Prorhinotermes Silvestri, 1909)广布于全球的热带和亚热带地区,长期来被公认作为一个岛屿分布属,已知16种。近年来,对此属的额腺化学分析,进一步确立了这个属由Quenneday et Deligne(1975)建立单属亚科Prorhinotermitinae的进化位置。 我国已知记录为2种,本文记述2新种。海南原鼻白蚁Prorhinotermes hainanen-sis新种是据海南省崖县标本经同美国自然历史博物馆保存的台湾省兰屿的模式标本核对后而定名的;崖县标本曾被认为是P, japonicus(Holmgren)。奇丽原鼻白蚁P.  相似文献   

Puntius是典型的热带和亚热带鱼类类群,主要生活在山涧溪流及敞水环境.Hamilton(1822)建立此分类单元时将它作为Cyprinus属的一个亚属.Bleeker(1863)用Puntius Hamilton属名代替Systomus Mc'Clelland,确立了其属的地位,并分成3个亚属:Barbodes Bleeker, Capoeta Cuvier et Valencience和Puntius Hamilton,分别包括4须、2须和无须的种类.此后许多学者对Puntius属进行过研究,但其属级概念仍然模糊不清,该属的界限和命名的有效性还存在争议.现在较多将它用于亚洲的种类.  相似文献   

现有的分类系统尚缺乏可用于减少䶄属物种种间鉴定不确定性的形态学鉴别特征。鉴于此,本研究旨在筛选出能够对同域分布的棕背䶄(Myodes rufocanus), 红背䶄(M. rutilus)和堤岸䶄(M. glareolus)进行可靠鉴定的头骨形态指标和方法。为了达到以上目的,本文一方面筛选出能够用于种间鉴别的头骨和齿列形态特征,另一方面提出可用于鉴别以上三个物种的计算公式。对不同研究者提出来用于鉴别以上三个同域分布物种的35个特征进行筛选。头骨形态测量数据的获取需要花费较长的时间,而且结果变异很大。在本研究中,在分析中剔除15个形态特征,20个相对保守的特征被选择用于分析(包括来自头盖骨、牙齿和头骨其它部位的特征)。在20个特征中,有8个特征被选择出来,并使用Statistica 10 计算出判别公式。这些特征使准确鉴定不同个体各自所属种类成为可能。  相似文献   

游兰韶  王宗典 《昆虫学报》1990,33(2):237-242

鼠平亚科田鼠族(Microtini)是一个分布广、物种多、在分类学上存在争议也较多的类群。通常认为该族在全世界有10属81种,中国有7属24种。近年来,通过广泛采集标本,开展分类与系统发育研究,基本厘清我国鼠平亚科田鼠族分类与系统发育问题。确认田鼠族在全世界仅8属,分别是东方田鼠属(Alexandromys)、雪田鼠属(Chionomys)、毛足田鼠属(Lasiopodomys)、艾草田鼠属(Lemmiscus)、田鼠属(Microtus)、松田鼠属(Neodon)、沟牙田鼠属(Proedromys)和川西田鼠属(Volemys)。帕米尔田鼠属(Blanfordimys)被证明是田鼠属的亚属,白尾松田鼠属(Phaiomys)是松田鼠属的同物异名,水鼠平属(Arvicola)被证明不属于田鼠族。而东方田鼠属是从田鼠属的亚属提升为属。中国田鼠族包括6属26种。青海毛足田鼠(Lasiopodomys fuscus)、白尾松田鼠(Phaiomys leucurus)和克氏田鼠(Microtus clarkei)均属于松田鼠属。凉山沟牙田鼠(Proedromys liangshanensis)、林芝松田鼠(Neodon linzhiensis)、聂拉木松田鼠(Neodon nyalamensis)和墨脱松田鼠(Neodon medogensis)是近年来命名的新种。  相似文献   

Identification of rodents is very difficult mainly due to high similarities in morphology and controversial taxonomy. In this study, mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) was used as DNA barcode to identify the Murinae and Arvicolinae species distributed in China and to facilitate the systematics studies of Rodentia. In total, 242 sequences (31 species, 11 genera) from Murinae and 130 sequences (23 species, 6 genera) from Arvicolinae were investigated, of which 90 individuals were novel. Genetic distance, threshold method, tree‐based method, online BLAST and BLOG were employed to analyse the data sets. There was no obvious barcode gap. The average K2P distance within species and genera was 2.10% and 12.61% in Murinae, and 2.86% and 11.80% in Arvicolinae, respectively. The optimal threshold was 5.62% for Murinae and 3.34% for Arvicolinae. All phylogenetic trees exhibited similar topology and could distinguish 90.32% of surveyed species in Murinae and 82.60% in Arvicolinae with high support values. BLAST analyses yielded similar results with identification success rates of 92.15% and 93.85% for Murinae and Arvicolinae, respectively. BLOG successfully authenticated 100% of detected species except Leopoldamys edwardsi based on the latest taxonomic revision. Our results support the species status of recently recognized Micromys erythrotis, Eothenomys tarquinius and E. hintoni and confirm the important roles of comprehensive taxonomy and accurate morphological identification in DNA barcoding studies. We believe that, when proper analytic methods are applied or combined, DNA barcoding could serve as an accurate and effective species identification approach for Murinae and Arvicolinae based on a proper taxonomic framework.  相似文献   

Here, we present a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis based on nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences of rodents of the subfamily Sigmodontinae. The emphasis is placed on the large tribe Phyllotini; sampling includes for the first time in any molecular‐based phylogenetic analysis representatives of several genera traditionally considered to be phyllotines. Given the broad taxonomic sampling, results provide substantial improvements in our knowledge on both the structure of the sigmodontine radiation and of phyllotine phylogenetic relationships. For instance, the tribe Ichthyomyini was not recovered monophyletic. Similarly, in a novel hypothesis on the contents of the tribe Phyllotini, it is shown that unlike Galenomys, the genera Chinchillula, Neotomys and Punomys are not phyllotines. The later genera together with Andinomys, Euneomys, Irenomys and Juliomys form part of novel generic clades of mostly Andean sigmodontine rodents. More in general, results strongly suggest the occurrence of several instances of putative morphological convergence among distinct sigmodontine lineages (e.g. among now considered to be ichthyomyines; between Phyllotini and some Andean taxa; among EuneomysNeotomys and Reithrodon). Finally, we suggest that the historical biogeography of the sigmodontine rodents is far more complex than earlier envisioned.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analysis of the supraspecies relationships was carried out using partial sequences of two nuclear genes in the subfamily Arvicolinae, which is one of the youngest and species-rich groups of myomorph rodents. The analysis with the new data resolved the majority of polytomy nodes in the phylogenetic trees reported for Arvicolinae, suggesting a gradual, rather than a saltatory, mode for their evolution. Mole voles Ellobiusini, steppe voles Lagurini, and gray voles Arvicolini were fount to be a monophyletic group that corresponds to the latest third wave of radiation within the subfamily. Red-back voles Myodini (=Clethrionomini) are a sister clade to this group and correspond to the second radiation wave. The order of divergence remained unresolved for the earliest radiation wave (Ondatrini, Prometheomyini, Dicrostonychini, and Lemmini). The close relationships observed for mole, gray, and steppe voles are unexpected and contradict the conventional views that Ellobiusini are an ancient group and are separate from all other voles on evidence of the extreme simplicity of their rooted molars and the peculiar structure of their skull and postcranial skeleton. It was assumed that many of these morphological characters indicate adaptation to subterranean life and provide no phylogenetic signal.  相似文献   

Drepanocnemis Stein (Diptera, Muscidae) is a small genus of flies that occur in high altitudes in the Colombian Andes, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia. Herein we describe Drepanocnemis aurifronssp. nov. from Cuzco, Peru, which is found from high (2904 m) to lower altitudes (707 m). An updated phylogeny, key to species and map of species’ distributions are provided, together with images and illustrations of the male and the female terminalia.  相似文献   

猪尾鼠属(Typhlomys)是啮齿类中的孑遗类群,片段化分布于我国南方和越南最北部的山地森林。前期我们基于形态和分子系统学的方法将猪尾鼠属现生类群划分为4个物种。但该分类系统仍存在争议和有待于解决的问题:一方面,有学者对大娄山猪尾鼠等是否应属于种级分类单元抱有疑问;另一方面,秦岭、南岭和广西周边的猪尾鼠种群的分类地位仍未有定论。因此,本研究采用核型分析以及分子系统学分析的方法,对我国猪尾鼠的分类及分布进行进一步梳理。本研究首次报道了中华猪尾鼠和大娄山猪尾鼠的G带核型和Ag-NORs的数目和分布,其中中华猪尾鼠2n=36,核型为14(M, SM) + 20 (A),XY (SM, A),Ag-NORs 6个;大娄山猪尾鼠2n=56,核型为2 (SM) + 52 (A),XX (SM, SM ),Ag-NORs 4个。上述核型与已报道的沙巴猪尾鼠核型(2n=38)存在显著差异,支持上述类群均为独立物种。基于线粒体Cyt b,ND2COⅠ基因的进化关系分析,秦岭种群应属于大娄山猪尾鼠、南岭种群应属于中华猪尾鼠。而来自红河以东的云南南部的种群以及贵州南部的种群情况复杂,暗示云南、贵州和广西的喀斯特地区可能还存在未知的分类单元。  相似文献   

Jiang X  Gao J  Ni L  Hu J  Li K  Sun F  Xie J  Bo X  Gao C  Xiao J  Zhou Y 《Gene》2012,498(2):288-295
Microtus fortis is a special resource of rodent in China. It is a promising experimental animal model for the study on the mechanism of Schistosome japonicum resistance. The first complete mitochondrial genome sequence for Microtus fortis calamorum, a subspecies of M. fortis (Arvicolinae, Rodentia), was reported in this study. The mitochondrial genome sequence of M. f. calamorum (Genbank: JF261175) showed a typical vertebrate pattern with 13 protein coding genes, 2 ribosomal RNAs, 22 transfer RNAs and one major noncoding region (CR region).The extended termination associated sequences (ETAS-1 and ETAS-2) and conserved sequence block 1 (CSB-1) were found in the CR region. The putative origin of replication for the light strand (O(L)) of M. f. calamorum was 35bp long and showed high conservation in stem and adjacent sequences, but the difference existed in the loop region among three species of genus Microtus. In order to investigate the phylogenetic position of M. f. calamorum, the phylogenetic trees (Maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods) were constructed based on 12 protein-coding genes (except for ND6 gene) on H strand from 16 rodent species. M. f. calamorum was classified into genus Microtus, Arvcicolinae for the highly phylogenetic relationship with Microtus kikuchii (Taiwan vole). Further phylogenetic analysis results based on the cytochrome b gene ranged from M. f. calamorum to one of the subspecies of M. fortis, which formed a sister group of Microtus middendorfii in the genus Microtus.  相似文献   

The rich rissooidean fauna of Balkan Peninsula, the history of which began at the time of Paratethys, is not sufficiently studied yet. It includes, among others, many taxa of minute gastropods with a moderately high-spired shell, a penis with a double lobe on its left edge and female reproductive organs with a loop of coiled oviduct and two receptacles, the morphology of which does not allow for a certain determination. In the article we deal with five such populations. We describe the shell, radula, soft part morphology and anatomy of the reproductive organs of Grossuana codreanui (Grossu, 1946) from its type locality at the Techirghiol Lake, Dobrogea, Romania. The species is compared molecularly (fragments of two genes: mitochondrial CO1 and ribosomal 18 S) with G. codreanui from Bulgaria, G. serbica (Radoman, 1973) from its type locality, Belgrandiella haesitans (Westerlund, 1881) from the spring of the Louros River, and Orientalina delphica (Radoman, 1973) from the spring Kastalia at Delphi. All the five populations were found to belong to the genus Grossuana: G. codreanui, G. serbica, G. vurliana (Radoman, 1966), and G. dephica (Radoman, 1973), respectively. We applied 12 morphological characters of Grossuana and 17 other rissooidean genera (mostly of the Hydrobiidae s. stricto) to infer phylogeny, which has shown the position of the genus within the Hydrobiidae s. stricto, most close to Orientalina. All the molecular data confirm that Grossuana is a distinct genus belonging to the Hydrobiidae, Horatiinae, whose closest relatives are Belgrandia, Orientalina and Horatia. Handling editor: C. Sturmbauer  相似文献   

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