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Krüppel样转录因子15 (Krüppel-like factors,KLF15)是Krüppel样转录因子家族的一员。Krüppel样转录因子家族的特征是含有3个高度保守的Cys2His2锌指结构,与DNA的CACCC元件和富含GC区连接,从而调控转录激活或抑制。KLF15在糖、脂肪酸、氨基酸代谢过程中发挥重要的调控作用。本研究克隆了尼罗罗非鱼(Oreochromis niloticus) KLF15基因全长cDNA序列,根据推测的氨基酸序列分析,发现其具有KLF15的两个典型结构域zf-H2C2-2和zf-C2H2。系统进化树的比较分析表明,尼罗罗非鱼KLF15与雪鲷(Maylandia zebra) KLF15亲缘关系最为接近。尼罗罗非鱼短期饥饿实验结果显示:正常进食状态时尼罗罗非鱼肌肉、肝中KLF15基因都呈现明显的昼夜节律性,均为昼低夜高;饥饿7 d后KLF15基因依然有显著昼夜节律性,但振幅降低,且在肝中表现出昼高夜低现象。以上结果说明尼罗罗非鱼的营养变化在一定程度上直接或间接影响KLF15基因节律性表达。  相似文献   

为了探究碱性氨基酸转运载体(CAT1)基因在尼罗罗非鱼(Oreochromis niloticus)饥饿0、7 d肌肉和肝的昼夜表达规律,实验分别在尼罗罗非鱼饥饿0,7 d 06:00、09:00、12:00、15:00、18:00、21:00和24:00、第2天03:00、06:00,分别对应区时(Zone time, ZT) ZT0、ZT3、ZT6、ZT9、ZT12、ZT15、ZT18、ZT21、ZT24采样,采样在一昼夜内完成。每组随机取3尾鱼进行解剖,取其肌肉和肝样品分析。结果表明:CAT1基因在正常投喂的尼罗罗非鱼肌肉表达具有显著性时间差异(p0.05),呈现昼低夜高的节律性振荡(p0.3),达到峰值的时间为ZT 0.72。饥饿7 d后,虽然在各时间点上CAT1基因表达有显著性差异(p0.05),但无昼夜节律性(p0.3);CAT1基因表达为在光周期先升后降,在暗周期先降后升,峰值相位在光照阶段,为ZT 7.44。在尼罗罗非鱼肝中,CAT1基因在正常投喂时表达具有显著性时间差异(p.05),呈现节律性振荡(p0.3),CAT1基因表达为在光周期先降后升,在暗周期则先升后降,峰值相位在黑暗阶段,达到峰值的时间为ZT 16.56。饥饿7 d后,在各时间点上CAT1基因表达无显著性时间差异(p0.05),且表达无昼夜节律性(p0.3);CAT1基因表达为在光周期先降后升,在暗周期则先升后降,峰值相位在黑暗阶段,为ZT 21.60。以上结果说明CAT1基因在尼罗罗非鱼肌肉和肝表达的昼夜节律不同。  相似文献   

为揭示尼罗罗非鱼Ikaros基因结构特征及其在抗病原感染中的免疫调控机制, 实验采用RT-PCR和RACE方法克隆了尼罗罗非鱼Ikaros的cDNA序列以及利用PCR和染色体步移技术克隆了Ikaros的基因组DNA序列, 通过荧光定量PCR分析了Ikaros mRNA的组织分布及其对无乳链球菌感染的响应。结果表明, 克隆的尼罗罗非鱼Ikaros基因组DNA为20454 bp, 包括7个内含子和8个外显子, 经可变剪接可形成6种不同的mRNA剪接异构体, 其编码的氨基酸序列均具有Ikaros家族典型的锌指结构域且与硬骨鱼类Ikaros氨基酸序列同源性较高(70.6%—93.7%)。Ikaros基因在尼罗罗非鱼各组织中均有表达, 在血液中的表达量最高, 其次为胸腺、脾脏和头肾。人工感染无乳链球菌后, 血液、胸腺、脾脏、头肾中Ikaros基因的相对表达量均显著上调, 并在48h达到峰值, 这表明Ikaros基因参与调控尼罗罗非鱼抵御无乳链球菌的免疫应答反应。研究可为进一步探索Ikaros基因在罗非鱼抗病原感染中的作用机制奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

Crtam作为NK细胞和CD8+T细胞的活化标志物,已被证实在哺乳动物中参与多种免疫途径,但在罗非鱼中的作用未知.本研究克隆鉴定了尼罗罗非鱼(Oreochromis niloticus) Crtam cDNA全长(命名为On-Cr-tam),对该基因进行生物信息学分析,并运用荧光定量PCR对无乳链球菌刺激后On-Crt...  相似文献   

为了研究尼罗罗非鱼耐寒性状的分子基础并为耐寒品种选育提供参考,研究从尼罗罗非鱼中克隆了HSP60家族TCP-1-beta和TCP-1-eta基因并对其在低温诱导下的表达特征进行了分析。尼罗罗非鱼TCP-1-beta cDNA长度为1755 bp,包括1605 bp的完整开放阅读框,编码534个氨基酸;尼罗罗非鱼TCP-1-eta cDNA长度1651 bp,包括1638 bp的完整开放阅读框,编码545个氨基酸。与其他物种同源基因的蛋白序列比对结果显示,TCP-1-beta和TCP-1-eta蛋白在物种间同源性很高,且都具有保守的ATP结合结构域等,预示其在物种间功能的保守性。实时荧光定量PCR结果表明:TCP-1-beta和TCP-1-eta在各组织中呈遍在表达,但在肌肉中表达量最高;诱导温度从22℃降至12℃,不同低温诱导48h后TCP-1-beta和TCP-1-eta均呈上调表达,在18℃时表达开始上调,随着低温胁迫程度加强,表达上调幅度增大,至12℃时表达量达到最高,TCP-1-beta和TCP-1-eta上调幅度分别达到常温的12.2倍和10.7倍。这些结果预示在尼罗罗非鱼中,TCP-1-beta和TCP-1-eta是潜在的耐寒相关基因。  相似文献   

Chen WB  Wang X  Zhou YL  Dong HY  Lin HR  Li WS 《动物学研究》2011,32(3):285-292
该文采用RT-PCR和cDNA末端快速扩增技术(rapid-amplification of cDNA ends,RACE)的方法,从尼罗罗非鱼(Oreochromis niloticus)下丘脑总RNA中获得了尼罗罗非鱼Orexin前体基因的cDNA全长序列。该cDNA全长648bp,其中开放阅读框的长423bp,编码Orexin前体蛋白为140个氨基酸,包括37个氨基酸的信号肽、43个氨基酸的Orexin-A、28个氨基酸的Orexin-B和末尾32个氨基酸组成的功能不详的多肽。采用Real-time PCR技术对尼罗罗非鱼Orexin前体基因的组织表达模式以及在摄食前后、饥饿和再投喂状态下的表达量变化进行了研究。结果显示,在脑部和外周等18个组织中都检测到了Orexin前体基因的表达,其中在下丘脑中表达量最高;在摄食前后,尼罗罗非鱼Orexin前体基因的表达量显著低于在摄食状态中;饥饿2、4、6和8d后,Orexin前体基因在下丘脑中的表达量与正常投喂组相比均显著升高,饥饿4d再投喂后,表达量又恢复至正常水平。这些结果表明,Orexin在尼罗罗非鱼摄食中可能有着重要的调节作用。  相似文献   

通过"灭非灵"对尼罗罗非鱼(Oreochromis niloticus)(体重为34.65±5.69 g)的急性毒性试验及对鳃、肝、肾的组织学研究,从组织学角度探讨了"灭非灵"对尼罗罗非鱼的致死机理。结果表明:"灭非灵"对尼罗罗非鱼的24、48、72和96 h-LC50分别为0.148、0.103、0.048和0.032 mg·L-1;其组织病理学损伤表现为鳃小片萎缩、卷曲、坏死、脱落和融合,鳃间隙分泌大量的粘液细胞;肝细胞肿大,空泡化,细胞界限模糊,细胞核固缩;肾细胞肿大,充血;"灭非灵"对3种组织的损伤程度为鳃肝脏肾脏,3种组织的损伤很有可能是造成尼罗罗非鱼死亡的主要原因。  相似文献   

为了研究尼罗罗非鱼(Oreochromis niloticus)蛋白激酶C theta(PKCθ)和Spartin的蛋白表达情况,本实验在大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)中表达和提纯了尼罗罗非鱼PKCθ和Spartin的重组蛋白,并利用日本大耳兔(Oryctolagus cuniculus)制备了相应的多克隆抗体。用间接ELISA技术检测抗体效价,Western Blot鉴定抗体的特异性,并检测其在罗非鱼肝、脾、肠和肌肉组织中的表达情况。结果表明,实验成功构建了原核表达载体p ET-B2m-PKCθ和pET-B2m-Spartin,实现了重组蛋白的原核表达和纯化。PKCθ重组蛋白主要存在于包涵体中,分子量约为56 ku;Spartin重组蛋白分子量约为30 ku,以包涵体蛋白的形式存在。获得的多克隆抗体效价均高达1︰512 000,Western Blot检测结果表明,制备的抗体能特异性识别尼罗罗非鱼PKCθ和Spartin多种异构体;PKCθ蛋白在罗非鱼肝、脾、肠与肌肉组织中均有表达;Spartin蛋白在罗非鱼的肝、脾和肠组织中不表达,在肌肉组织中表达。研究表明,尼罗罗非...  相似文献   

采用中心复合试验设计(CCD)和响应曲面方法(response surface methodology, RSM),探讨了温度(16~37 ℃)和盐度(0~18)对吉富罗非鱼幼鱼生长和肝脏抗氧化酶活力的协同影响.结果表明: 温度和盐度的一次与二次效应对吉富罗非鱼幼鱼特定生长率(SGR)有显著影响(P<0.05),随着温度或盐度的上升,其特定生长率呈先升后降的变化.温度与盐度间存在互作效应(P<0.05),温度为16~20 ℃时,幼鱼的特定生长率在盐度为9~10时较高;在温度27~32 ℃、盐度3~5时较高;高温环境下(35~37 ℃),淡水环境中的幼鱼生长较快.温度和盐度分别为28~30 ℃和6~8时,超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)的活力较高,温度的一次效应与盐度的二次效应对两种酶活力均有显著影响(P<0.05),温度与盐度对CAT活力有互作效应,高温与高盐环境会抑制SOD和CAT活力的表达.SGR、SOD和CAT因子与响应值间二次多项回归方程的决定系数分别达到0.954、0.831和0.942(P<0.05),可用于预测;温度效应对吉富罗非鱼幼鱼生长和抗氧化酶活力的影响较盐度明显.在罗非鱼的养殖过程中应合理安排养殖环境,降低氧化胁迫,以促进罗非鱼的生长与抗病力的提高.  相似文献   

载铜蒙脱石对尼罗罗非鱼肠道菌群和消化机能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本试验研究了饲粮中添加0.10%、0.15%、0.20%载铜蒙脱石对尼罗罗非鱼(Oreochromis niloticus)肠道菌群和消化机能的影响。结果显示,载铜蒙脱石显著降低了肠道细菌数量,明显改变了肠道菌群的组成,使气单胞菌属、假单胞菌属、黄杆菌属、不动杆菌属、产碱菌属、肠杆菌科、弧菌属的百分比减少。与对照组相比,饲料中添加0.10%、0.15%和0.20%载铜蒙脱石分别使干物质消化率显著提高了6.43%、8.47%和8.83% (p<0.05),粗蛋白消化率显著提高了5.63%、6.24%和6.91%(p<0.05),粗脂肪消化率显著提高了4.62%、5.65%和5.98%(p<0.05),添加0.15%和0.20%载铜蒙脱石使粗灰分消化率显著提高了18.77%和15.09% (p<0.05)。添加载铜蒙脱石显著提高了肠组织蛋白酶活性(p<0.05),且0.15%和0.20%载铜蒙脱石显著提高了肠组织淀粉酶和脂肪酶活性(p<0.05)。载铜蒙脱石显著提高了前肠、中肠、后肠绒毛和微绒毛高度。结果提示,载铜蒙脱石在鱼体内具有较强的抗菌活性,能有效抑制肠道病原菌的增殖,保护肠粘膜免受病原菌的侵袭,使肠粘膜始终处于健康状态,以益于消化酶的分泌和饲料养分的消化。  相似文献   

Behavioral rhythms of the Nile tilapia were investigated to better characterize its circadian system. To do so, the locomotor activity patterns of both male and female tilapia reared under a 12:12 h light-dark (LD) cycle were studied, as well as in males the existence of endogenous rhythmicity under free-running conditions (DD and 45 min LD pulses). When exposed to an LD cycle, the daily pattern of activity differed between individuals: some fish were diurnal, some nocturnal, and a few displayed an arrhythmic pattern. This variability would be typical of the plastic circadian system of fish. Moreover, reproductive events clearly affected the behavioral rhythms of female tilapia, a mouth-brooder teleost species. Under DD, 50% (6 of 12) of male fish showed circadian rhythms with an average period (τ) of 24.1±0.2 h, whereas under the 45 min LD pulses, 58% (7 of 12) of the fish exhibited free-running activity rhythms with an average τ of 23.9±0.5 h. However, interestingly in this case, activity was always confined to the dark phase. Furthermore, when the LD cycle was reversed, a third of the fish showed gradual resynchronization to the new phase, taking 7–10 days to be completely re-entrained. Taken together, these results suggest the existence of an endogenous circadian oscillator that controls the expression of locomotor activity rhythms in the Nile tilapia, although its anatomical localization remains unknown.  相似文献   

Journal of Ichthyology - There is a relationship between concentrations of free amino acids in blood plasma in Nile tilapia and expression levels of hepatic enzymes involved in protein catabolism....  相似文献   

Journal of Ichthyology - The palatability of six species of aquatic animals and five species of plants for the Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus was evaluated. Aqueous extracts of most organisms...  相似文献   

Identification of the sex-determining genes of the Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) has important implications for commercial aquaculture. We previously identified an XX/XY sex-determining locus in this species within a 10-cM interval between markers GM201 and UNH995 on linkage group one (LG1). In order to refine this region, we developed new AFLP markers using bulked segregant analysis of the mapping families. We identified three AFLP markers that showed a sex-specific pattern of segregation. All three mapped near, but just outside, the previously identified sex-determining region on LG1. Hybridization of BAC clones containing these markers to chromosome spreads confirmed that the XX/XY sex-determining locus is on one of the small chromosomes in O. niloticus.  相似文献   



Sound production is widespread among fishes and accompanies many social interactions. The literature reports twenty-nine cichlid species known to produce sounds during aggressive and courtship displays, but the precise range in behavioural contexts is unclear. This study aims to describe the various Oreochromis niloticus behaviours that are associated with sound production in order to delimit the role of sound during different activities, including agonistic behaviours, pit activities, and reproduction and parental care by males and females of the species.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Sounds mostly occur during the day. The sounds recorded during this study accompany previously known behaviours, and no particular behaviour is systematically associated with sound production. Males and females make sounds during territorial defence but not during courtship and mating. Sounds support visual behaviours but are not used alone. During agonistic interactions, a calling Oreochromis niloticus does not bite after producing sounds, and more sounds are produced in defence of territory than for dominating individuals. Females produce sounds to defend eggs but not larvae.


Sounds are produced to reinforce visual behaviours. Moreover, comparisons with O. mossambicus indicate two sister species can differ in their use of sound, their acoustic characteristics, and the function of sound production. These findings support the role of sounds in differentiating species and promoting speciation. They also make clear that the association of sounds with specific life-cycle roles cannot be generalized to the entire taxa.  相似文献   

Fish stomachs, 1149 for Tilapia zillii and 1698 for Oreochromis niloticus, were collected from April 1984 till April 1985 from a Nile canal in the Egyptian delta. Both species showed a significant overlap of diet (Schoener's index) among individuals ranging from 12 to 17.9 cm standard length. Outside this range differences in the importance of food of animal origin occurred. Macrophytes were the main food of O. niloticus and aquatic insects of the food of T. zillii. This initial diet overlap may have contributed to irregularity in the increase of full stomachs with increasing length, and to a decline of the stomach index (SI = stomach weight × 100/fish weight) with increase in length in O. niloticus. The stomach of either species correlated significantly with water temperature, but with daily photoperiod in O. niloticus only.  相似文献   

Biological Trace Element Research - The present study was conducted to investigate the effects of nano-selenium (Nano Se) or/and vitamin E (VE) on growth performance, blood health, intestinal...  相似文献   

Gynogenetically produced XX and YY Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and diploid control groups were screened for amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) to search for sex-linked or sex-specific markers. Family-level bulked segregant analysis (XX and YY gynogenetic family pools) and individual screening (XX and YY gynogenetics and XX and XY control individuals) identified 3 Y-linked (OniY425, OniY382, OniY227) and one X-linked (OniX420) AFLP markers. OniX420 and OniY425 were shown to be allelic. Single locus polymerase chain reaction assays were developed for these markers. Tight linkage was demonstrated between the AFLP markers and the sex locus within the source families. However, these markers failed to consistently identify sex in unrelated individuals, indicating recombination between the markers and the sex-determining loci. O. niloticus bacterial artificial chromosome clones, containing the AFLP markers, hybridized to the long arm of chromosome 1. This confirmed previous evidence, based on meiotic chromosome pairing and fluorescence in situ hybridization probes obtained through chromosome microdissection, that chromosome pair 1 is the sex chromosomes.  相似文献   

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