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为了探究碱性氨基酸转运载体(CAT1)基因在尼罗罗非鱼(Oreochromis niloticus)饥饿0、7 d肌肉和肝的昼夜表达规律,实验分别在尼罗罗非鱼饥饿0,7 d 06:00、09:00、12:00、15:00、18:00、21:00和24:00、第2天03:00、06:00,分别对应区时(Zone time, ZT) ZT0、ZT3、ZT6、ZT9、ZT12、ZT15、ZT18、ZT21、ZT24采样,采样在一昼夜内完成。每组随机取3尾鱼进行解剖,取其肌肉和肝样品分析。结果表明:CAT1基因在正常投喂的尼罗罗非鱼肌肉表达具有显著性时间差异(p0.05),呈现昼低夜高的节律性振荡(p0.3),达到峰值的时间为ZT 0.72。饥饿7 d后,虽然在各时间点上CAT1基因表达有显著性差异(p0.05),但无昼夜节律性(p0.3);CAT1基因表达为在光周期先升后降,在暗周期先降后升,峰值相位在光照阶段,为ZT 7.44。在尼罗罗非鱼肝中,CAT1基因在正常投喂时表达具有显著性时间差异(p.05),呈现节律性振荡(p0.3),CAT1基因表达为在光周期先降后升,在暗周期则先升后降,峰值相位在黑暗阶段,达到峰值的时间为ZT 16.56。饥饿7 d后,在各时间点上CAT1基因表达无显著性时间差异(p0.05),且表达无昼夜节律性(p0.3);CAT1基因表达为在光周期先降后升,在暗周期则先升后降,峰值相位在黑暗阶段,为ZT 21.60。以上结果说明CAT1基因在尼罗罗非鱼肌肉和肝表达的昼夜节律不同。  相似文献   

在12h光照、12h黑暗交替(Light-Dark; LD)光制下,研究分析了褪黑素和皮质醇水平在鳜血清中的昼夜变化规律,以及13个生物钟基因(Arntl1、Clock、Cry1a、Cry3、Cry-dash、Npas2、Npas4、Nr1d1、Nr1d2、Per1、Per3、Rora和Tim)在鳜(Siniperca chuatsi)肝脏和心脏中的昼夜表达规律。试验在一昼夜内的ZT0(06:00)、ZT3(09:00),ZT6(12:00),ZT9(15:00),ZT12(18:00),ZT15(21:00),ZT18(24:00),ZT21(03:00,2nd d),ZT24(06:00,2nd d) (Zone time,ZT) 9个时间点随机抽取3尾鳜采集其血清、肝脏和心脏。经SPSS 单因素方差分析和Matlab余弦分析,结果显示: 鳜血清中褪黑素和皮质醇含量均呈现出昼夜节律性振荡,褪黑素含量白天显著降低(P0.05),夜间显著上升,皮质醇含量白天缓慢降低,夜间ZT15(21:00)-ZT18(24:00)显著升高,随后开始缓慢降低; 两种激素最低相位都为ZT15(21:00)。在13个生物钟基因中,Cry-dash、Npas4、Nr1d1、Per1和Tim 5个基因在鳜肝脏内具有明显的昼夜节律性,其中Npas4、Nr1d1、Per1、Tim的表达规律相似,皆呈现出光照阶段表达降低,黑暗阶段表达升高的趋势; 但Cry-dash则表现出光照阶段先升高后降低,黑暗阶段先降低后升高的规律。在鳜心脏中,Arntl1、Clock、Cry1a、Npas2、Nr1d1、Nr1d2、Per3、Rora和Tim 9个基因都表现出明显的昼夜节律,表达趋势分为两种: Arntl1、Clock、Nr1d2的表达量在光照阶段降低,黑暗阶段升高; 而Cry1a、Npas2、Nr1d1、Per3、Rora和Tim的表达量在ZT0(06:00)-ZT15(21:00)持续低水平,ZT15(21:00)-ZT18(24:00)表达量显著上升,ZT18(24:00)-ZT21(03:00)表达量降低。研究结果表明: 生物钟基因在鳜肝脏和心脏中所表达的昼夜节律不同。  相似文献   

【目的】生物钟普遍存在于生物体的生长发育、行为及生理等各个方面。本研究旨在探究光周期和温度对生物钟基因cwo在棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera幼虫昼夜节律表达的影响。【方法】通过转录组测序获得了生物钟基因cwo的c DNA开放阅读框全长,利用实时荧光定量PCR技术分析了生物钟基因cwo在棉铃虫幼虫中的时空表达,以及其在不同光周期和不同温度条件下的昼夜表达节律。【结果】序列分析结果显示,棉铃虫生物钟基因cwo的c DNA序列开放阅读框为1 335 bp,编码444个氨基酸残基,预测蛋白的分子质量为49.95 ku。时空表达分析表明,cwo基因在棉铃虫幼虫组织中以脑和腹神经索表达量较高,在卵孵化期、蜕皮期、蛹变态期及羽化前1 d高峰度表达。头部昼夜节律表达分析表明,正常光周期条件下生物钟基因cwo呈昼夜节律表达,在暗期高表达;短时间持续暗期/光期处理使cwo表达的时间相位提前,长时间持续暗期/光期处理使cwo表达的节律性显著降低;38℃处理使cwo表达短期内显著上调,并改变了其节律性,18℃处理使cwo表达在暗期显著下调,但是节律性不变。【结论】生物钟基因cwo在棉铃虫幼虫头部的昼夜节律表达受到光周期和温度的影响。  相似文献   

Krüppel样转录因子15 (Krüppel-like factors,KLF15)是Krüppel样转录因子家族的一员。Krüppel样转录因子家族的特征是含有3个高度保守的Cys2His2锌指结构,与DNA的CACCC元件和富含GC区连接,从而调控转录激活或抑制。KLF15在糖、脂肪酸、氨基酸代谢过程中发挥重要的调控作用。本研究克隆了尼罗罗非鱼(Oreochromis niloticus) KLF15基因全长cDNA序列,根据推测的氨基酸序列分析,发现其具有KLF15的两个典型结构域zf-H2C2-2和zf-C2H2。系统进化树的比较分析表明,尼罗罗非鱼KLF15与雪鲷(Maylandia zebra) KLF15亲缘关系最为接近。尼罗罗非鱼短期饥饿实验结果显示:正常进食状态时尼罗罗非鱼肌肉、肝中KLF15基因都呈现明显的昼夜节律性,均为昼低夜高;饥饿7 d后KLF15基因依然有显著昼夜节律性,但振幅降低,且在肝中表现出昼高夜低现象。以上结果说明尼罗罗非鱼的营养变化在一定程度上直接或间接影响KLF15基因节律性表达。  相似文献   

生物钟调控机制广泛存在于各种类型的细胞中,控制着细胞代谢的节律性变化.最近的研究发现,NAD+依赖的组蛋白去乙酰化酶Sirt1参与了生物钟调控过程,对维持正常的生物钟节律具有重要作用;另一方面,Sirt1的表达也受到生物钟系统的调控,呈现出昼夜节律性的表达.因此Sirt1能与生物钟进行相互调控,并且这一作用机制很可能广泛参与了不同类型细胞内的信号转导和能量代谢过程.本文总结了Sirt1与生物钟之间相互调控的一些研究进展,对它们之间的分子调控机制进行了概述.  相似文献   

<正>哺乳动物的昼夜节律生物钟主要通过调控代谢开关或限速酶的表达来调节新陈代谢。真核生物的生物钟包括一个转录-翻译负反馈调节通路,通过这个通路,生物钟基因调节它们自身以及重要代谢基因的表达。多年前人们就已知道肝脏中大约10%的基因具有昼夜节律性,而近些年的RNA测序研究表明,在这些节律性的基因中,仅有大约五分之一是由从头转录所驱使的。这一发现提示对RNA剪接和加工的调控具有非常重要的生物学意义。  相似文献   

蓝藻是具有内源性生物钟的简单生物.虽然蓝藻生物钟具有跟真核生物同样的基础特征,但其相关基因和蛋白质与真核生物没有同源性.蓝藻生物钟的核心是kai基因簇及其编码的蛋白KaiA,KaiB和KaiC.这三种Kai蛋白相互作用调节KaiC的磷酸化状态,从而产生昼夜节律信息.KaiC的磷酸化循环是昼夜节律的起博器,调控包括kai基因在内的相关基因的节律性表达.组氨酸蛋白激酶的磷酸化传递可将环境信息输入和将节律信息输出生物钟核心.  相似文献   

生物钟(circadian clock)是机体内在的自主性计时系统,包括视交叉上核(suprachiasmatic nucleus, SCN)中枢生物钟与各组织外周生物钟。分子生物钟的核心机制包括CLOCK/BMAL1二聚体诱导抑制因子CRYs和PERs的转录,CRYs/PERs复合物反馈抑制前者转录活性,进而使这些生物钟核心因子以及节律输出基因的转录水平呈24 h振荡的反馈调节核心环路,以及REV-ERBα和RORα调控BMAL1转录的补充环路。机体大约80%的蛋白编码基因表达呈现明显的昼夜节律性特征,生物钟系统使生物能够适应地球自转所产生的昼夜节律(近日节律),使机体的代谢平衡与能量相互协同。生物钟与代谢稳态相互依存、互为基础,使机体能够高效利用能量,协同机体不同组织,快速适应内外环境变化。肝脏作为机体代谢的中枢器官,其进行的各种生理活动几乎都受到生物钟的控制。生物钟与肝脏代谢调控之间存在多重交互调控机制,两者的交互平衡失调是代谢性疾病的高风险因素。本文主要就肝脏的糖、脂和蛋白质代谢的节律性调控进行了综述,并强调了线粒体功能的振荡,讨论了肝脏代谢对生物钟的反馈调节,并对生物钟研究方法和应用进行展望。  相似文献   

为了研究尼罗罗非鱼耐寒性状的分子基础并为耐寒品种选育提供参考,研究从尼罗罗非鱼中克隆了HSP60家族TCP-1-beta和TCP-1-eta基因并对其在低温诱导下的表达特征进行了分析。尼罗罗非鱼TCP-1-beta cDNA长度为1755 bp,包括1605 bp的完整开放阅读框,编码534个氨基酸;尼罗罗非鱼TCP-1-eta cDNA长度1651 bp,包括1638 bp的完整开放阅读框,编码545个氨基酸。与其他物种同源基因的蛋白序列比对结果显示,TCP-1-beta和TCP-1-eta蛋白在物种间同源性很高,且都具有保守的ATP结合结构域等,预示其在物种间功能的保守性。实时荧光定量PCR结果表明:TCP-1-beta和TCP-1-eta在各组织中呈遍在表达,但在肌肉中表达量最高;诱导温度从22℃降至12℃,不同低温诱导48h后TCP-1-beta和TCP-1-eta均呈上调表达,在18℃时表达开始上调,随着低温胁迫程度加强,表达上调幅度增大,至12℃时表达量达到最高,TCP-1-beta和TCP-1-eta上调幅度分别达到常温的12.2倍和10.7倍。这些结果预示在尼罗罗非鱼中,TCP-1-beta和TCP-1-eta是潜在的耐寒相关基因。  相似文献   

目的:分析ATP7B基因缺陷(Wilson's disease,WD)小鼠肝脏组织中自噬相关基因的表达和自噬相关蛋白的相互作用方式,探讨铜累积诱导肝内自噬活化的可能机制。方法:对4周龄和12周龄WD小鼠肝组织进行铜含量检测和转录组测序,对差异基因进行GO和KEGG富集分析,筛选自噬相关差异基因做qRT-PCR和Western blot验证,采用GeneMANIA数据库构建自噬相关差异蛋白的互作网络(PPI)并进行功能注释分析,抑制自噬相关蛋白的表达分析其对自噬的影响。结果:与野生型小鼠相比,WD小鼠肝铜含量显著升高,铜累积导致基因表达模式改变;基于GO数据库统计自噬相关差异基因数目,4周龄和12周龄分别有8个、51个,基于KEGG数据库统计,4周龄和12周龄分别有5个、19个;筛选Ulk1Ddit4Plk3等9个基因进行qRT-PCR,定量结果与测序结果表达趋势基本一致;其编码的蛋白质通过共表达、共定位等方式互相作用;Western blot结果显示铜累积导致Ulk1、Plk3、Park2蛋白表达显著增加和细胞自噬发生,抑制Ulk1、Plk3、Park2的蛋白质表达可显著下调细胞自噬水平。结论:WD不同阶段的铜累积可调节肝脏多个自噬相关基因的表达,通过其编码的自噬相关蛋白的互相作用共同诱导肝脏自噬活化以缓解肝损伤。  相似文献   

LINE-1编码蛋白L1-ORF1的原核表达纯化和多克隆抗体制备   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的: 制备具有肿瘤组织特异性表达的L1-ORF1蛋白多克隆抗体并进行初步应用研究。方法:采取基因工程表达方法制备L1-ORF1蛋白,免疫家兔制备多克隆抗体,间接ELISA检测抗体效价,Western blot和细胞免疫荧光方法检测抗体特异性,免疫检测验证其识别肿瘤细胞内L1-ORF1蛋白的特异性。结果:制备的抗L1-ORF1蛋白多克隆抗体具有很高的敏感性与特异性,免疫学检测表明该抗体不仅能检测出正常细胞中瞬时表达的L1-ORF1蛋白,而且可检测出肿瘤细胞中天然表达的L1-ORF1蛋白。结论:制备的多克隆抗体具有较高的敏感性与特异性,为以后该抗体的进一步应用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

PCTAIRE1, also known as CDK16, is a cyclin-dependent kinase that is regulated by cyclin Y. It is a member of the serine-threonine family of kinases and its functions have primarily been implicated in cellular processes like vesicular transport, neuronal growth and development, myogenesis, spermatogenesis and cell proliferation. However, as extensive studies on PCTAIRE1 have not yet been conducted, the signaling pathways for this kinase involved in governing many cellular processes are yet to be elucidated in detail. Here, we report the association of PCTAIRE1 with important cellular proteins involved in major cell signaling pathways, especially cell proliferation. In particular, here we show that PCTAIRE1 interacts with AKT1, a key player of the PI3K signaling pathway that is responsible for promoting cell survival and proliferation. Our studies show that PCTAIRE1 is a substrate of AKT1 that gets stabilized by it. Further, we show that PCTAIRE1 also interacts with and is degraded by LKB1, a kinase that is known to suppress cellular proliferation and also regulate cellular energy metabolism. Moreover, our results show that PCTAIRE1 is also degraded by BRCA1, a well-known tumor suppressor. Together, our studies highlight the regulation of PCTAIRE1 by key players of the major cell signaling pathways involved in regulating cell proliferation, and therefore, provide crucial links that could be explored further to elucidate the mechanistic role of PCTAIRE1 in cell proliferation and tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Most strains of the insecticidal bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis have a combination of different protoxins in their parasporal crystals. Some of the combinations clearly interact synergistically, like the toxins present in B. thuringiensis subsp. israelensis. In this paper we describe a novel joint activity of toxins from different strains of B. thuringiensis. In vitro bioassays in which we used pure, trypsin-activated Cry1Ac1 proteins from B. thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki, Cyt1A1 from B. thuringiensis subsp. israelensis, and Trichoplusia ni BTI-Tn5B1-4 cells revealed contrasting susceptibility characteristics. The 50% lethal concentrations (LC50s) were estimated to be 4,967 of Cry1Ac1 per ml of medium and 11.69 ng of Cyt1A1 per ml of medium. When mixtures of these toxins in different proportions were assayed, eight different LC50s were obtained. All of these LC50s were significantly higher than the expected LC50s of the mixtures. In addition, a series of bioassays were performed with late first-instar larvae of the cabbage looper and pure Cry1Ac1 and Cyt1A1 crystals, as well as two different combinations of the two toxins. The estimated mean LC50 of Cry1Ac1 was 2.46 ng/cm2 of diet, while Cyt1A1 crystals exhibited no toxicity, even at very high concentrations. The estimated mean LC50s of Cry1Ac1 crystals were 15.69 and 19.05 ng per cm2 of diet when these crystals were mixed with 100 and 1,000 ng of Cyt1A1 crystals per cm2 of diet, respectively. These results indicate that there is clear antagonism between the two toxins both in vitro and in vivo. Other joint-action analyses corroborated these results. Although this is the second report of antagonism between B. thuringiensis toxins, our evidence is the first evidence of antagonism between toxins from different subspecies of B. thuringiensis (B. thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki and B. thuringiensis subsp. israelensis) detected both in vivo and in vitro. Some possible explanations for this relationship are discussed.  相似文献   

Overexpression of JNK binding domain inhibited glucose deprivation-induced JNK1 activation, relocalization of Daxx from the nucleus to the cytoplasm, and apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1 (ASK1) oligomerization in human prostate adenocarcinoma DU-145 cells. However, SB203580, a p38 inhibitor, did not prevent relocalization of Daxx and oligomerization of ASK1 during glucose deprivation. Studies from in vivo labeling and immune complex kinase assay demonstrated that phosphorylation of Daxx occurred during glucose deprivation, and its phosphorylation was mediated through the ASK1-SEK1-JNK1-HIPK1 signal transduction pathway. Data from immunofluorescence staining and protein interaction assay suggest that phosphorylated Daxx may be translocated to the cytoplasm, bind to ASK1, and subsequently lead to ASK1 oligomerization. Mutation of Daxx Ser667 to Ala results in suppression of Daxx relocalization during glucose deprivation, suggesting that Ser667 residue plays an important role in the relocalization of Daxx. Unlike wild-type Daxx, a Daxx deletion mutant (amino acids 501-625) mainly localized to the cytoplasm, where it associated with ASK1, activated JNK1, and induced ASK1 oligomerization without glucose deprivation. Taken together, these results show that glucose deprivation activates the ASK1-SEK1-JNK1-HIPK1 pathway, and the activated HIPK1 is probably involved in the relocalization of Daxx from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. The relocalized Daxx may play an important role in glucose deprivation-induced ASK1 oligomerization.  相似文献   

Most strains of the insecticidal bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis have a combination of different protoxins in their parasporal crystals. Some of the combinations clearly interact synergistically, like the toxins present in B. thuringiensis subsp. israelensis. In this paper we describe a novel joint activity of toxins from different strains of B. thuringiensis. In vitro bioassays in which we used pure, trypsin-activated Cry1Ac1 proteins from B. thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki, Cyt1A1 from B. thuringiensis subsp. israelensis, and Trichoplusia ni BTI-Tn5B1-4 cells revealed contrasting susceptibility characteristics. The 50% lethal concentrations (LC50s) were estimated to be 4,967 of Cry1Ac1 per ml of medium and 11.69 ng of Cyt1A1 per ml of medium. When mixtures of these toxins in different proportions were assayed, eight different LC50s were obtained. All of these LC50s were significantly higher than the expected LC50s of the mixtures. In addition, a series of bioassays were performed with late first-instar larvae of the cabbage looper and pure Cry1Ac1 and Cyt1A1 crystals, as well as two different combinations of the two toxins. The estimated mean LC50 of Cry1Ac1 was 2.46 ng/cm2 of diet, while Cyt1A1 crystals exhibited no toxicity, even at very high concentrations. The estimated mean LC50s of Cry1Ac1 crystals were 15.69 and 19.05 ng per cm2 of diet when these crystals were mixed with 100 and 1,000 ng of Cyt1A1 crystals per cm2 of diet, respectively. These results indicate that there is clear antagonism between the two toxins both in vitro and in vivo. Other joint-action analyses corroborated these results. Although this is the second report of antagonism between B. thuringiensis toxins, our evidence is the first evidence of antagonism between toxins from different subspecies of B. thuringiensis (B. thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki and B. thuringiensis subsp. israelensis) detected both in vivo and in vitro. Some possible explanations for this relationship are discussed.  相似文献   

The MADS-box gene SOC1/TM3 (SUPPRESSOR OF OVEREXPRESSION OF CONSTANS 1/ Tomato MADS-box gene 3) is a main integrator in the Arabidopsis flowering pathway; its structure and function are highly conserved in many plant species. SOC1-like genes have been isolated in chrysanthemum, one of the most well-known ornamental plants, but it has not been well characterized thus far. We isolated and characterized ClSOC1-1 and ClSOC1-2, two putative orthologs of Arabidopsis SOC1, from the wild diploid chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemum lavandulifolium, to investigate the regulatory mechanisms of flowering time control in chrysanthemum. Expression analysis indicated that ClSOC1-1 and ClSOC1-2 were expressed in all examined organs/tissues (leaves, shoot apices, petioles, stems and roots) with different expression levels, and with high expression in the shoot apices and leaves during the early stage of floral transition. The expression levels of ClSOC1-1 and ClSOC1-2 in the shoot apices increased at different developmental stages with the highest expression levels after 7 days of short-day treatment. Overexpression of ClSOC1-1 and ClSOC1-2 in wild-type Arabidopsis resulted in early flowering, which was coupled with the upregulation of one of the flowering promoter genes LEAFY. Our results suggested that the ClSOC1-1 and ClSOC1-2 genes play an evolutionarily conserved role in promoting flowering in Chrysanthemum lavandulifolium and could serve as a vital target for the genetic manipulation of flowering time in the chrysanthemum.  相似文献   

Dou T  Gu S  Liu J  Chen F  Zeng L  Guo L  Xie Y  Mao Y 《Molecular biology reports》2005,32(4):265-271
Ubiquitin and other ubiquitin-like proteins play important roles in post-translational modification. They are phylogenetically well-conserved in eukaryotes. Activated by other proteins, ubiquitin and ubiquitin-like proteins can covalently modify target proteins. The enzymes responsible for the activation of this modification have been known to include UBA1, SAE2, UBA3, SAE1 and ULA1. Here we report a new ubiquitin activating enzyme like cDNA, named ubiquitin activating enzyme E1-domain containing 1 (UBE1DC1), whose cDNA is 2654 base pairs in length and contains an open reading frame encoding 404 amino acids. The UBE1DC1 gene consists of 12 exons and is located at human chromosome 3q22. The result of RT-PCR showed that UBE1DC1 is expressed in most of human tissues. These two authors contributed equally to this paper. The nucleotide sequence reported in this paper has been submitted to GenBank under accession number AY253672.  相似文献   

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