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A single-projection X-ray technique showed an increase in functional residual capacity (FRC) in conscious mice in response to aerosolized methacholine (MCh) with little change in airway resistance (Raw) measured using barometric plethysmography (Lai-Fook SJ, Houtz PK, Lai Y-L. J Appl Physiol 104: 521-533, 2008). The increase in FRC presumably prevented airway constriction by offsetting airway contractility. We sought a more direct measure of airway constriction. Anesthetized Balb/c mice were intubated with a 22-G catheter, and tantalum dust was insufflated into the lungs to produce a well-defined bronchogram. After overnight recovery, the conscious mouse was placed in a sealed box, and bronchograms were taken at maximum and minimum points of the box pressure cycle before (control) and after 1-min exposures to 25, 50, and 100 mg/ml MCh aerosol. After overnight recovery, each mouse was studied under both room and body temperature box air conditions to correct for gas compression effects on the control tidal volume (Vt) and to determine Vt and Raw with MCh. Airway diameter (D), FRC, and Vt were measured from the X-ray images. Compared with control, D decreased by 24%, frequency decreased by 35%, FRC increased by 120%, and Raw doubled, to reach limiting values with 100 mg/ml MCh. Vt was unchanged with MCh. The limiting D occurred near zero airway elastic recoil, where the maximal contractility was relatively small. The conscious mouse adapted to MCh by breathing at a higher lung volume and reduced frequency to reach a limit in constriction.  相似文献   

The BOD POD, anew air-displacement plethysmograph for measuring human bodycomposition, utilizes the inverse relationship between pressure andvolume (Boyle's law) to measure body volume directly. The quantity ofair in the lungs during tidal breathing, the average thoracic gasvolume (Vtg), is also measured by the BOD POD by using a standardplethysmographic technique. Alternatively, the BOD POD provides the useof a predicted Vtg (Vtgpred).The validity of using Vtgpred inplace of measured Vtg (Vtgmeas)to determine the percentage of body fat (%BF) was evaluated in 50 subjects (36 women, 14 men; ages 18-56 yr). There wasno significant difference betweenVtgmeas andVtgpred (mean difference ± SE, 53.5 ± 63.3 ml) nor in %BF by usingVtgmeas vs.Vtgpred (0.2 ± 0.2 %BF). Onan individual basis, %BF measured by usingVtgmeas vs.Vtgpred differed within ±2.0%BF for 82% of the subjects; maximum differences were 2.9 to+3.0% BF. For comparison, data from 24 subjects who had undergonehydrostatic weighing were evaluated for the validity of using predictedvs. measured residual lung volume(VRpred vs.VRmeas,respectively). Differences between VRmeas andVRpred andin %BF calculated by usingVRmeas vs.VRpred weresignificant (187 ± 46 ml and 1.4 ± 0.3% BF, respectively; P < 0.001). On an individual basis,%BF determined by usingVRmeas vs.VRpreddiffered within ±2.0% BF for 46% of the subjects; maximum differences were 2.9 to +3.8% BF. With respect to %BF measured by air displacement, our findings support the use ofVtgpred for group mean comparisonsand for purposes such as screening in young to middle-aged individuals.This contrasts with the use ofVRpred inhydrostatic weighing, which leads to significant errors in theestimation of %BF. Furthermore, although the use ofVtgpred has some application,determining Vtgmeas is relativelysimple in most cases. Therefore, we recommend that the use ofVtgmeas remain as standardexperimental and clinical practice.


The neurological expression of mutations at defined gene loci in isogenic mice provides a singular opportunity to investigate the developmental pathophysiology of inherited central nervous system (CNS) diseases. Analysis of the single locus mutants that are currently available shows that CNS diseases that include spontaneous seizures as symptoms can be inherited as simple recessive traits. Mutant gene dose is highly correlated with the spontaneous occurrence of seizures. Single gene defects at one of multiple chromosomal loci may give rise to similar epileptic patterns. One mutation, tottering (tg, chromosome 8, recessive) produces in young mice a focal motor seizure pattern with a somatotopic progression, and behavioral absence seizures accompanied by abnormal bursts of bilaterally synchronous, spike-wave discharges in the electrocorticogram. Spontaneous electrographic and clinical seizures of this general pattern bear close resemblance to common forms of human epilepsy. Defined alterations in restricted neuronal pathways of the mouse brain produced by single locus mutations can be used to infer general principles of inherited epileptogenesis, and may provide specific biological test systems for the development of more selective chemical antagonists of seizure activity.  相似文献   

In vivo studies of hepatic carbohydrate metabolism in (genetically modified) conscious mice are hampered by limitations of blood and urine sample sizes. We developed and validated methods to quantify stable isotope dilution and incorporation in small blood and urine samples spotted onto filter paper. Blood glucose and urinary paracetamol-glucuronic acid were extracted from filter paper spots reproducibly and with high yield. Fractional isotopomer distributions of glucose and paracetamol-glucuronic acid when extracted from filter paper spots were almost identical to those isolated from the original body fluids. Rates of infusion of labeled compounds could be adjusted without perturbing hepatic glucose metabolism. This approach was used in mice to find the optimal metabolic condition for the study of hepatic carbohydrate metabolism. In fed mice, no isotopic steady state was observed during a 6-h label-infusion experiment. In 9-h-fasted mice, isotopic steady state was reached after 3 h of label infusion and important parameters in hepatic glucose metabolism could be calculated. The rate of de novo glucose-6-phosphate synthesis was 143 +/- 17 micromol kg(-1) min(-1) and partitioning to plasma glucose was 79.0 +/- 5.2%. In 24-h-fasted mice, abrupt changes were noticed in whole body and in hepatic glucose metabolism at the end of the experiment.  相似文献   

To date there is a lack of tools to map the spatio-temporal dynamics of diverse cells in experimental heart models. Conventional histology is labor intensive with limited coverage, whereas many imaging techniques do not have sufficiently high enough spatial resolution to map cell distributions. We have designed and built a high resolution, dual channel Born-normalized near-infrared fluorescence optical projection tomography system to quantitatively and spatially resolve molecular agents distribution within whole murine heart. We validated the use of the system in a mouse model of monocytes/macrophages recruitment during myocardial infarction. While acquired, data were processed and reconstructed in real time. Tomographic analysis and visualization of the key inflammatory components were obtained via a mathematical formalism based on left ventricular modeling. We observed extensive monocyte recruitment within and around the infarcted areas and discovered that monocytes were also extensively recruited into non-ischemic myocardium, beyond that of injured tissue, such as the septum.  相似文献   

Available surfactants for treatment of respiratory distress syndrome in newborn infants are derived from animal lungs, which limits supply and poses a danger of propagating infectious material. Poly-Val-->poly-Leu analogs of surfactant protein (SP)-C can be synthesized in large quantities and exhibit surface activity similar to SP-C. Here, activity of synthetic surfactants containing a poly-Leu SP-C analog (SP-C33) was evaluated in ventilated premature newborn rabbits. Treatment with 2.5 ml/kg body wt of 2% (wt/wt) SP-C33 in 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-3-glycero phosphoryl choline (DPPC)-1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-3-glycero phosphoryl choline (POPC)-1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-3-glycero phosphoryl glycerol (POPG), 68:0:31, 68:11:20, or 68:16:15 (wt/wt/wt) suspended at 80 mg/ml gave tidal volumes (Vt) of 20-25 ml/kg body wt, with an insufflation pressure of 25 cmH2O and no positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP), comparable to the Vt for animals treated with the porcine surfactant Curosurf. Nontreated littermates had a Vt of approximately 2 ml/kg body wt. The Vt for SP-C33 in DPPC-egg phosphatidylglycerol-palmitic acid [68:22:9 (wt/wt/wt)], DPPC-POPG-palmitic acid [68:22:9 (wt/wt/wt)], and DPPC-POPC-POPG [6:2:2 (wt/wt/wt)] was 15-20 ml/kg body wt. Histological examination of lungs from animals treated with SP-C33-based surfactants showed incomplete, usually patchy air expansion of alveolar spaces associated with only mild airway epithelial damage. Lung gas volume after 30 min of mechanical ventilation were more than threefold larger in animals treated with Curosurf than in those receiving SP-C33 in DPPC-POPC-POPG, 68:11:20. This difference could be largely counterbalanced by ventilation with PEEP (3-4 cmH2O). An artificial surfactant based on SP-C33 improves Vt in immature newborn animals ventilated with standardized peak pressure but requires PEEP to build up adequate lung gas volumes.  相似文献   

Blind (previously sighted) subjects are able to analyse, describe and graphically represent a number of high-contrast visual images translated into musical form de novo. We presented musical transforms of a random assortment of photographic images of objects and urban scenes to such subjects, a few of which depicted architectural and other landmarks that may be useful in navigating a route to a particular destination. Our blind subjects were able to use the sound representation to construct a conscious mental image that was revealed by their ability to depict a visual target by drawing it. We noted the similarity between the way the visual system integrates information from successive fixations to form a representation that is stable across eye movements and the way a succession of image frames (encoded in sound) which depict different portions of the image are integrated to form a seamless mental image. Finally, we discuss the profound resemblance between the way a professional musician carries out a structural analysis of a musical composition in order to relate its structure to the perception of musical form and the strategies used by our blind subjects in isolating structural features that collectively reveal the identity of visual form.  相似文献   

P Yang  T Tameyasu    G H Pollack 《Biophysical journal》1998,74(3):1473-1483
Single relaxed myofibrils of bumblebee flight muscle were subjected to motor-imposed ramp-length changes. The image of the striations was projected onto a linear photodiode array, and sarcomere length was computed as the spacing between centroids of contiguous A-bands. Centroid position was determined by integrating the respective A-band intensity peak and computing the location at which the area on one side was equal to the other. The resulting trace of centroid to centroid span versus time was stepwise, with periods of rapid shortening alternating with periods of pause. An alternative nondiscrete sensor gave similar steps. If thick filament length remains constant, stepwise sarcomere length changes imply that length changes in the connecting filament must be stepwise. Thus, shortening of the connecting filament occurs as a sequence of discrete events rather than as a continuous event.  相似文献   

R Peters 《The EMBO journal》1984,3(8):1831-1836
Fluorescence microphotolysis was used to measure nucleocytoplasmic flux in single rat hepatocytes for a series of dextrans ranging in molecular mass from 3 to 150 kd. The cytoplasmic translational diffusion coefficient DC and the nucleoplasmic diffusion coefficient DN of a 62-kd dextran were also determined. DC was approximately 2 X 10(-8) and DN approximately 3 X 10(-8) cm2/s, i.e., 1/20-1/15 of the value in free solution. The mobile fraction amounted to 0.7-0.8 in measurements of both intracellular diffusion and nucleo-cytoplasmic flux. The flux of dextrans from cytoplasm to nucleus depended inversely on molecular mass with an exclusion limit between 17 and 41 kd suggesting that the nuclear envelope has functions of a molecular sieve. Employing the Pappenheimer-Renkin equations, a functional pore radius of 50-56 A was derived. By comparison with recent measurements on isolated liver cell nuclei, large quantitative differences between the intracellularly located and the isolated nucleus were revealed.  相似文献   

Absolute lung volumes such as functional residual capacity, residual volume (RV), and total lung capacity (TLC) are used to characterize emphysema in patients, whereas in animal models of emphysema, the mechanical parameters are invariably obtained as a function of transrespiratory pressure (Prs). The aim of the present study was to establish a link between the mechanical parameters including tissue elastance (H) and airway resistance (Raw), and thoracic gas volume (TGV) in addition to Prs in a mouse model of emphysema. Using low-frequency forced oscillations during slow deep inflation, we tracked H and Raw as functions of TGV and Prs in normal mice and mice treated with porcine pancreatic elastase. The presence of emphysema was confirmed by morphometric analysis of histological slices. The treatment resulted in an increase in TGV by 51 and 44% and a decrease in H by 57 and 27%, respectively, at 0 and 20 cmH(2)O of Prs. The Raw did not differ between the groups at any value of Prs, but it was significantly higher in the treated mice at comparable TGV values. In further groups of mice, tracheal sounds were recorded during inflations from RV to TLC. All lung volumes but RV were significantly elevated in the treated mice, whereas the numbers and size distributions of inspiratory crackles were not different, suggesting that the airways were not affected by the elastase treatment. These findings emphasize the importance of absolute lung volumes and indicate that tissue destruction was not associated with airway dysfunction in this mouse model of emphysema.  相似文献   

Markerless motion capture systems have developed in an effort to evaluate human movement in a natural setting. However, the accuracy and reliability of these systems remain understudied. Therefore, the goals of this study were to quantify the accuracy and repeatability of joint angles using a single camera markerless motion capture system and to compare the markerless system performance with that of a marker-based system. A jig was placed in multiple static postures with marker trajectories collected using a ten camera motion analysis system. Depth and color image data were simultaneously collected from a single Microsoft Kinect camera, which was subsequently used to calculate virtual marker trajectories. A digital inclinometer provided a measure of ground-truth for sagittal and frontal plane joint angles. Joint angles were calculated with marker data from both motion capture systems using successive body-fixed rotations. The sagittal and frontal plane joint angles calculated from the marker-based and markerless system agreed with inclinometer measurements by <0.5°. The systems agreed with each other by <0.5° for sagittal and frontal plane joint angles and <2° for transverse plane rotation. Both systems showed a coefficient of reliability <0.5° for all angles. These results illustrate the feasibility of a single camera markerless motion capture system to accurately measure lower extremity kinematics and provide a first step in using this technology to discern clinically relevant differences in the joint kinematics of patient populations.  相似文献   

Studies are reviewed in which the effect of treatment/sample protocol on the induction of micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes (MN-PCE) in male B6C3F1 mice by 3 carcinogens (benzidine, dimethylbenzanthracene and mitomycin C) were evaluated. 3 different treatment/sampling protocols were used, involving from 1 to 3 consecutive daily treatments and from 3 to 1, respectively, consecutive daily samplings beginning 24 h after the last injection. The results indicate that the 3-day injection/single sample time protocol eliminates the need for multiple sample times, minimizes the number of animals required in a study, decreases the time needed for data collection and simplifies data analysis. A comparison of the frequency of induced MN-PCE in peripheral blood and bone marrow suggests that, following a 3-injection protocol, either tissue can be used with equal efficiency.  相似文献   

Hypoglycemia-induced counterregulatory failure is a dangerous complication of insulin use in diabetes mellitus. Controlled hypoglycemia studies in gene knockout models, which require the use of mice, would aid in identifying causes of defective counterregulation. Because stress can influence counterregulatory hormones and glucose homeostasis, we developed glucose clamps with remote blood sampling in conscious, unrestrained mice. Male C57BL/6 mice implanted with indwelling carotid artery and jugular vein catheters were subjected to 2 h of hyperinsulinemic glucose clamps 24 h apart, with a 6-h fast before each clamp. On day 1, blood glucose was maintained (euglycemia, 178 +/- 4 mg/dl) or decreased to 62 +/- 1 mg/dl (hypoglycemia) by insulin (20 mU x kg(-1) x min(-1)) and variable glucose infusion. Donor blood was continuously infused to replace blood sample volume. Baseline plasma epinephrine (32 +/- 8 pg/ml), corticosterone (16.1 +/- 1.8 microg/dl), and glucagon (35 +/- 3 pg/ml) were unchanged during euglycemia but increased significantly during hypoglycemia, with a glycemic threshold of approximately 80 mg/dl. On day 2, all mice underwent a hypoglycemic clamp (blood glucose, 64 +/- 1 mg/dl). Compared with mice that were euglycemic on day 1, previously hypoglycemic mice had significantly higher glucose requirements and significantly lower plasma glucagon and corticosterone (n = 6/group) on day 2. Epinephrine tended to decrease, although not significantly, in repeatedly hypoglycemic mice. Pre- and post-clamp insulin levels were similar between groups. We conclude that counterregulatory responses to acute and repeated hypoglycemia in unrestrained, chronically cannulated mice reproduce aspects of counterregulation in humans, and that repeated hypoglycemia in mice is a useful model of counterregulatory failure.  相似文献   

X-ray microcomputed tomography (μCT) is an invaluable tool for visualizing plant root systems within their natural soil environment noninvasively. However, variations in the x-ray attenuation values of root material and the overlap in attenuation values between roots and soil caused by water and organic materials represent major challenges to data recovery. We report the development of automatic root segmentation methods and software that view μCT data as a sequence of images through which root objects appear to move as the x-y cross sections are traversed along the z axis of the image stack. Previous approaches have employed significant levels of user interaction and/or fixed criteria to distinguish root and nonroot material. RooTrak exploits multiple, local models of root appearance, each built while tracking a specific segment, to identify new root material. It requires minimal user interaction and is able to adapt to changing root density estimates. The model-guided search for root material arising from the adoption of a visual-tracking framework makes RooTrak less sensitive to the natural ambiguity of x-ray attenuation data. We demonstrate the utility of RooTrak using μCT scans of maize (Zea mays), wheat (Triticum aestivum), and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) grown in a range of contrasting soil textures. Our results demonstrate that RooTrak can successfully extract a range of root architectures from the surrounding soil and promises to facilitate future root phenotyping efforts.  相似文献   

We measured agonist-induced changes in the iliac artery blood flow velocity (IFV) independent of baroreflex-mediated compensatory mechanisms in chronically instrumented New Zealand White rabbits (n = 8). Animals were instrumented with a Doppler flow probe around the right common iliac artery. A Teflon catheter was inserted into the right iliolumbar artery for local infusion of the vasoactive agonists. Another Teflon catheter was inserted in the left femoral artery for the measurement of pulsatile and mean arterial (MAP) blood pressures and heart rate (HR). The alpha-adrenergic receptor agonist phenylephrine (PE, 1.32-10.0 micrograms), the beta 1- and beta 2-adrenergic receptor agonist isoproterenol (IP, 0.022-0.11 micrograms), and the purinergic receptor agonist adenosine (AD, 10.0-100.0 micrograms) were injected into the functionally isolated hindlimb, and dose-response curves were generated. Changes in IFV were obtained without changes in MAP or HR. Exercise increased HR, MAP, and IFV (65.3 +/- 7.1 beats/min, 11.1 +/- 2.2 mmHg, and 2.2 +/- 0.3 kHz, respectively). The maximum responses to PE, AD, and IP were reduced 29.0 +/- 6.7, 50.7 +/- 8.5, and 61.0 +/- 8.1%, respectively, after exercise. In conclusion, exercise attenuated adrenergic and purinergic receptor-mediated vascular responses in the intact conscious rabbit.  相似文献   

The mouse is the most extensively studied animal species in respiratory research, yet the technologies available to assess airway function in conscious mice are not universally accepted. We hypothesized that whole body plethysmography employing noninvasive restraint (RWBP) could be used to quantify specific airway resistance (sRaw-RWBP) and airway responsiveness in conscious mice. Methacholine responses were compared using sRaw-RWBP vs. airway resistance by the forced oscillation technique (Raw-FOT) in groups of C57, A/J, and BALB/c mice. sRaw-RWBP was also compared with sRaw derived from double chamber plethysmography (sRaw-DCP) in BALB/c. Finally, airway responsiveness following allergen challenge in BALB/c was measured using RWBP. sRaw-RWBP in C57, A/J, and BALB/c mice was 0.51 +/- 0.03, 0.68 +/- 0.03, and 0.63 +/- 0.05 cm/s, respectively. sRaw derived from Raw-FOT and functional residual capacity (Raw*functional residual capacity) was 0.095 cm/s, approximately one-fifth of sRaw-RWBP in C57 mice. The intra- and interanimal coefficients of variations were similar between sRaw-RWBP (6.8 and 20.1%) and Raw-FOT (3.4 and 20.1%, respectively). The order of airway responsiveness employing sRaw-RWBP was AJ > BALBc > C57 and for Raw-FOT was AJ > BALB/c = C57. There was no difference between the airway responsiveness assessed by RWBP vs. DCP; however, baseline sRaw-RWBP was significantly lower than sRaw-DCP. Allergen challenge caused a progressive decrease in the provocative concentration of methacholine that increased sRaw to 175% postsaline values based on sRaw-RWBP. In conclusion, the technique of RWBP was rapid, reproducible, and easy to perform. Airway responsiveness measured using RWBP, DCP, and FOT was equivalent. Allergen responses could be followed longitudinally, which may provide greater insight into the pathogenesis of chronic airway disease.  相似文献   

The X-ray scattering diagram from single chromatin subunit particles is registered within a scattering vector intervall from s = 0 to s = 1 1/A. Preliminary results concerning the dimensions and the structure of the nucleosome core particle are communicated.  相似文献   

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