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A binuclear complex has been produced by the reaction of an iron porphyrin (sodium tetra-p-sulfophenylporphine iron (III)-FeTPPS) with a copper metallo-tripeptide (copper (II) glycylglycyl-L-histidine-N-methylamide-CuGGH) in aqueous solution. The system has been characterized by electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy, optical absorption spectroscopy, and electrochemical methods. Room-temperature ESR spectra of the copper complex and low-temperature ESR spectra of the iron porphine provide evidence for the formation of a binuclear complex. These findings are supported by absorption spectroscopy and electrochemical studies, and lead to a value of ca. 2 X 10(-3) M-1 (at room temperature) for the equilibrium constant for complex formation. The relevance of this system to the enzymic active site of mammalian cytochrome c oxidase is discussed.  相似文献   

The oxidation of sheep hemoglobin, in both the oxygenated and deoxygenated forms, by cuprous ions have been studied by spectrophotometric and stopped-flow techniques. Mixing of both the oxy and deoxy forms with excess Cu2+ leads to the rapid oxidation of the iron atoms of all four of the hem groups of the tetrameric protein, followed by the slow formation of hemichromes (low spin FeIII forms of hemoglobin). Stopped-flow studies show that the oxidations follow simple monophasic kinetics with second-order rate constants of 65 and 310 M?1 sec?1 for the oxy and deoxy forms, respectively. Variable temperature studies yield Arrhenius activation energies of 43 for the oxy form and 113 kJ mole?1 for the deoxy form. For each form of the protein the activation energy is very similar to the activation enthalpy. While the deoxy form is characterized by an activation energy and enthalpy that is more than twice the corresponding value in the oxy form. The activation entropies show highly significant differences being ?128 e.u. and 136 e.u. at 25°C for the oxy and deoxy forms, respectively.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet difference spectroscopy has been used to study Fe (III)-apoferritin complexes formed after addition of Fe (II) to apoferritin in air. At constant iron, the recorded spectra varied with time after Fe (II) addition and with the number of iron atoms/molecule (protein concentration). The results indicate that after production of an initial complex, rearrangement or migration of Fe (III) atoms occurs, with polynuclear species forming as end-product, probably by hydrolytic polymerization. The presence of Tb3+ or Zn2+ ions affected the Fe (III) spectra and their development in different ways. The combined data suggest that more than one site, or processes, are involved in ferritin iron-core formation and that some of the metal sites are clustered.  相似文献   

The binding of copper(II) and zinc(II) to oxidized glutathione   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1H and 13C NMR studies of Zn(II) binding to oxidized glutathione (GSSG) in aqueous solution over the pH range 4-11 show that it forms a complex with a 1:1 Zn:GSSG stoichiometry. At pH values between 6 and 11 the metal ligands are the COO- and NH2 groups of the glutamate residues. Below pH 5 the glycine end of the molecule also binds to the metal ions. EPR and visible absorption spectra of Cu(II) GSSG solutions suggest that similar complexes are formed with Cu(II). The solid products obtained from these solutions are shown by analysis and EPR to be primarily binuclear with Cu2GSSG stoichiometry, although the structures depend on the pH and stoichiometry of the solution from which they were obtained.  相似文献   

Solid dipyridine hemes which are unreactive toward oxygen lose both pyridine ligands upon heating under vacuum to give a solid which takes up O2, reversibly, one O2 per heme. Replacement of 16O2 by 18O2 reduces only infrared bands near 1660 and 1590 cm?1, frequencies near the vibrational band for gaseous O2. No FeO bands are detected. EPR spectra reveal a free radical and ferric iron; Mössbauer, NMR and infrared spectra support an iron(III) oxidation state. Limited molecular weight data indicate a dimer. Possibly two dioxygen molecules are held sandwich fashion between two porphyrins via donor-acceptor interactions, which are facilitated by electron transfer from iron(II) into the porphyrin forming a π-anion. Such O2 bonding is not found in oxy Hb and Mb or in oxyhemerythrin but may occur with cytochrome c oxidase and other oxygen utilizing (or producing) heme and other proteins.  相似文献   

We have examined the thermodynamics of lanthanide ion binding to adriamycin by monitoring the effects of variations in temperature on the dissociation constants of various lanthanide ion complexes of the drug. These constants were obtained by analyzing the extent of quenching of the fluorecence of adriamycin in the presence of lanthanide ions in terms of an equilibrium binding process. Our binding model included the following features, all of which are supported by evidence derived from previous published reports, vide infra. The lanthanides form 1:1 complexes with adriamycin. The binding is dependent on the pH of the solution, indicating that only the nonprotonated amine form of the drug participates in lanthanide ion binding. And finally the drug self-associates in solution to for a dimeric species. Our present results indicate that the binding process is almost completely independent of temperature, indicating that the enthalpy of complex formation is extremely small. The entropy terms are consistent with the formation of a complex in which the adriamycin acts as a bidentate ligand. Our results suggest that the lanthanide complexes are isostructural, at least as far as the adriamycin is concerned, throughout the lanthanide series.  相似文献   

A study was made of the in vitro proliferative activity of thymus-derived lymphoid cells from cyclophosphamide-treated mice (Cy-mice) and the relationship between this and some in vivo immunological responses. The proliferative response to phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) and allogeneic cells was depressed for up to 3 weeks after drug treatment in spleen and lymph node cells, responsiveness recovering more rapidly in lymph node cells. Cell concentration in culture was shown to be important in such measurements as cells from some Cy-mice were able to inhibit their own proliferation and that of normal lymph node cells. No stable soluble factor responsible for this effect could be isolated. It was shown that in vitro proliferative activity is not a good indicator of in vivo T-cell capability as indicated by the very rapid recovery of ability to reject skin grafts and the fairly rapid recovery of ability to produce cytotoxic cells compared to the slower recovery of in vitro T-cell activities.  相似文献   

The ability of several metals to inhibit dopamine beta-monooxygenase was measured and compared with their ability to compete with the binding of 64Cu to the water-soluble form of the bovine adrenal enzyme at pH 6.0. In the presence of an optimal concentration of copper (0.5 microM in the present assay system), an inhibition was observed upon addition of Hg(II), Zn(II), or Ni(II). Only a small fraction of the inhibition with these metals may be due to uncoupling of electron transport from hydroxylation. Preincubation of these metals with the Cu-depleted apoenzyme before addition of copper, revealed a stronger inhibition than if copper was added before the other metals. Hg(II), Zn(II), and Ni(II) also compete with the binding of 64Cu(II) to the protein. Hg(II) was the most effective and Ni(II) the least effective of these metals, both with respect to inhibition of the enzyme activity and to prevent the binding of 64Cu(II). Competition experiments on the binding of Zn(II) and 64Cu in the presence and absence of ascorbate, indicated i) a similar affinity of Cu(I) and Cu(II) to the native enzyme, and ii) a more rapid binding of Cu(I) than Cu(II) to the Cu-depleted and Zn-containing enzyme. Al(III), Fe(II), Mg(II), Mn(II), Co(II), Cd(II), and Pb(II) neither inhibited the enzyme activity nor competed with the binding of 64Cu(II) to the protein (Fe(II) was not tested for binding). Of those metals cited above only Cu(II)/Cu(I) was able to reactivate the apoenzyme.  相似文献   

The effect of divalent cations on the near ultraviolet circular dichroism (CD) spectrum of yeast enolase showed that calcium, magnesium, and nickel ions produced identical changes. This was interpreted as indicating that the cations bound to the same sites on the enzyme and produced identical changes in tertiary structure. There was no effect of magnesium ion on the far ultraviolet spectrum. Evidently magnesium ion has no effect on the secondary structure. Substrate bound to the enzyme when the above cations were present although calcium permits no enzymatic activity. The CD spectral difference produced by the substrate was nearly the reverse of that produced by the metal ions. Glycolic acid phosphate, a competitive inhibitor lacking carbon-3, produced no effect, indicating carbon-3 was necessary for the CD spectral changes. The CD and visible absorption spectra of nickel and cobalt bound to various sites on the enzyme showed that the binding sites were octahedral or distorted octahedral in coordination and that the ligands appeared to be oxyligands: water molecules, hydroxyl or carboxyl groups. Examination of the effects of substrate and two compounds thought to be "transition state analogues" showed that these perturbed the "conformational" sites of the enzyme. The "catalytic" and "inhibitory" sites did not appear to be very CD active.  相似文献   

Yeast enolase binds one mole of 113Cd2+ per subunit at a site that consists of all oxyligands in a distorted octahedral environment. This "conformational" metal ion's environment undergoes further distortion on addition of substrate/product or analogs. At pH's below the optimum value the shifted resonance tends to break up into several, suggesting the existence of several slowly exchanging intermediate forms. At acid pH's, on addition of one additional mole/subunit of 113Cd2+, which greatly increases catalysis, "conformational" resonance(s) further broadens, suggesting that the second, "catalytic" metal ion increases the rates of interconversion between "conformational" species. At more alkaline pH's, near the optimum pH, the "conformational" peak is sharpened, which suggests that very fast interconversion is occurring. The position of the "catalytic" metal ion resonance also suggests all oxyligands in a distorted octahedral geometry. The "catalytic" resonance is often broadened to the point where it cannot be seen, suggesting rapid changes in its geometry due to interconversion of substrate and product.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the binding of cyanide to ferric chloroperoxidase have been studied at 25°C and ionic strength 0.11 M using a stopped-flow apparatus. The dissociation constant (KCN) of the peroxidase-cyanide complex and both forward (k+) and reverse (k?) rate constants are independent of the H+ concentration over the pH range 2.7 to 7.1. The values obtained are kcn = (9.5 ± 1.0) × 10-5 M, k+. = (5.2 ± 0.5) × 104 M?1 sec?1 and k- = (5.0± 1.4) sec-1. In the presence of 0 06 M potassium nitrate the affinity of cyanide for chloroperoxidase decreases due to the inhibition of the forward reaction. The dissociation rate is not affected. The nitrate anion exerts its influence by binding to a protonated form of the enzyme, whereas the cyanide binds to the unprotonated form. Binding of nitrate results in an apparent shift towards higher pKa values of the ionization of a crucial heme-linked acid group. Hence the influence of this group can be detected in the accessible pH range. Extrapolation to zero nitrate concentration yields a value of 3.1±0.3 for the pKa of the heme-linked acid group.  相似文献   

Activation of yeast enolase by Cd2+ exhibits properties similar to activation by the physiological cofactor Mg2+. The activity is weakly stimulated, then inhibited by increasing ionic strength. The activity increases, then falls with increasing Cd2+ concentration. The effect of pH on activity produced by Cd2+ is very similar to that produced by Mg2+, except that the Cd2+ profile is shifted one pH unit to more alkaline values, and the maximum activity of the Cd2+-enzyme is about 10% of that of the Mg2+-enzyme. The apparent kinetic parameters of Cd2+ activation show little effect of pH except for inhibition by high concentrations of Cd2+: the apparent Ki increases sharply with pH. This is interpreted as the result of Cd2+ being a less effective "catalytic" metal ion, and Cd2+ being more effective in stabilizing the enzyme at alkaline pH's. The similarity of effects of ionic strength, divalent cation, and pH may be due to interaction with the same six sites per mole of enzyme. We also characterized the dependence of what is believed to be the enzyme-catalyzed enolization of a substrate analog, D-tartronate semialdehyde-2-phosphate (TSP) on similar parameters of pH, ionic strength, etc. The putative enolization is dependent on catalytic metal ion, although the TSP binds to the conformational Cd2+-enzyme complex. The reaction is very slow and very pH dependent, increasing with pH with a midpoint of reaction velocity at pH 8.7. There is a strong qualitative correlation between pH dependencies of reaction velocity of substrate conversion and TSP enolization and absorbance of the enzyme-bound TSP enolate, whether with Mg2+ or Cd2+ as cofactor. The slowness of the Cd2+-TSP reaction is not limited by proton release or any reaction involving covalent bonds to hydrogen. The apparent reaction rate constant increases linearly with Cd2+ concentration. Addition of excess ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid reverses the TSP reaction, but again very slowly. The binding of Cd2+ to the catalytic sites is characterized by low association and dissociation rate constants.  相似文献   

We have measured the rate of transesterification reactions between glycols (LO′) and oxo-osmium(VI) esters formed from thymine derivatives and a variety of nitrogen-containing ligands, LOMLN, according to the equation: LOMLN + LO
LO′MLN + LO. We have also measured the rates of transesterification for this system with the addition of external nitrogen-containing ligands, LN′. The order of effectiveness of the nitrogen-containing ligands in slowing the rate of transesterification is different depending on whether the ligand is present in the ester (LN) or whether it is added externally (LN′). Bathophenanthroline disulfonic acid is the most effective ligand when present in the ester. It forms exceptionally inert complexes. N,N,N′,N′-Tetramethylethylenediamine is the most effective ligand when added externally. The order of effectiveness of the nitrogen-containing ligand does not depend on the nature of either LO or LO′ but the nature of the glycol affects both the rate and the equilibria. We present mechanistic proposals, with limiting assumptions, to account for our findings.  相似文献   

Using visible absorption, CD, 1H nmr, and epr spectroscopy, the Cu(II) binging properties of daunomycin, adriamycin, and N-trifluoroacetyl daunomycin in water and ethanol have been explored. The drugs form two water soluble complexes having Cu-drug stoichiometries of 1:1 and 1:2, and with apparent pKas of formation of 5.6 and 6.5, respectively. At pH values above ~8, the drugs form insoluble polymeric complexes with Cu(II). Similar species are also observed in ethanol. The structure of the compounds have been interpreted in terms of binding of the deprotonated hydroxyquinone portion of the drug to the copper ion. No evidence for the binding of the amino group on daunosamine was found.  相似文献   

In rat basophilic leukemia (RBL-1) cells stimulated with A-23187, the major slow reacting substance (SRS) species contain glutathione, cysteinyl-glycine, or cysteine in their side chains, corresponding or closely related to leukotrienes LTC4, LTD4, and LTE4, respectively.3 Evidence is presented that most of the SRS produced during the first few minutes of stimulation by the ionophore has a glutathionyl side chain which is sequentially converted to cysteinyl-glycine and cysteine.  相似文献   

Purification of secretory granules on a urografin gradient   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A procedure is described for the preparation of highly purified secretory granules from rat parotid glands. A 250g supernatant fraction of parotid homogenates is layered over a gradient composed of 20, 30, and 40% solution of Urografin. The secretory granules form a layer at the 30–40% interface. Chemical and enzymatic analysis show the purified granules contain 63 ± 8% of the amylase, 2 ± 0.8% of the succinic dehydrogenase, little or no RNA, and 10% of the protein present in the 250g supernatant fraction.  相似文献   

Crown ethers are toxic to Escherichia coli. At a sublethal dosage, the crown ether affects the three phases in the bacterial growth curve as evidenced by an appearance of a lag period, an occasional decrease in the stationary phase at a lower microbial population. Potassium ion but not sodium ion can reduce the lag induced by the presence of 18-crown-6. On the contrary, the presence of either potassium ion or sodium ion lengthens the lag due to substituted 18-crown-6 ethers. Explanations to this variable toxicity are proposed.  相似文献   

We have previously characterized the activities, in vitro, of two different helper T-cell subpopulations, primed with human γ-globulin (HGG). One T-cell subpopulation helps the response of B cells to determinants (e.g., haptens) bound to the same antigen to which the T cells are primed (specific help); the other helper T-cell subpopulation responds to the same priming antigen by secreting a nonspecific molecule which helps B-cell responses to erythrocyte antigens co-cultured with the priming antigen (nonspecific help). These subpopulations also differ in their frequency and dose response to antigen, both in vivo and in vitro. They are similarly susceptible to the induction of unresponsiveness to HGG. In order to determine whether these T-cell subpopulations share or differ in their ranges of antigen recognition, we have compared the reaction of these two HGG-primed helper T-cell subpopulations to a number of γ-globulins (γG's) from other species. Plaque-forming cells generated in response to HGG shared little or no cross-reactivity with any of the heterologous (γG's) tested. In contrast, HGG-primed nonspecific helper T cells responded with significant cross-reactivity when challenged in vitro with dog γG, but HGG-primed specific helper T cells did not respond with any such cross-reactivity. No other heterologous γG tested stimulated any significant cross-reactivity from either HGG-primed T-cell subpopulation. Thus, these two T-cell subpopulations differ in their antigenic recognition. Possible explanations of these data include: (i) a difference in receptor specificity; (ii) a difference in the receptor affinity; (iii) a difference in Ia determinants of the two subpopulations.  相似文献   

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