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The concentration of FSH and LH in peripheral plasma was studied in sheep from 8 h before to 17.5 h after injection (i.v.) with antisera to the steroids androstenedione, oestradiol, oestrone and testosterone. The fitted mean concentration of LH increases after all treatments and the increase was associated with a higher frequency of LH pulses. The greater concentration was evident for all groups by the period 3.5-6.5 h after injection, but by the end of the sampling period the concentration had returned to or towards the values in the controls. For FSH, significant change was limited to those animals given anti-oestrogen sera but it was more rapid than for LH, both groups receiving anti-oestrogen sera showing an increase during the period 0.5-3.0 h after injection. The ovulation rate was increased by treatment and an effect close to 0.75 corpora lutea per ewe was maintained by treatment in subsequent oestrous cycles. This declined to 0.25 corpora lutea after two oestrous cycles without treatment.  相似文献   

Two groups of 12 seasonally anoestrous ewes were infused with Gn-RH at the rate of 125 or 250 ng/h for 48 h. Four control ewes were infused with the saline vehicle alone. Mean LH concentrations increased significantly in response to Gn-RH infusion and were significantly higher (P less than 0.05) in ewes receiving 250 ng Gn-RH/h. LH concentrations remained unchanged in the control ewes. Oestrus was detected in 22/24 Gn-RH-treated ewes and occurred at a mean time of 37.0 +/- 1.2 h after the start of infusion. Ovulation occurred in all but one of the 24 Gn-RH-treated ewes with mean ovulation rates of 1.27 +/- 0.14 (125 ng-Gn-RH/h) and 1.75 +/- 0.22 (250 ng Gn-RH/h). These results demonstrate that a sustained elevation in mean circulating concentrations of LH induced by continuous administration of Gn-RH is sufficient to invoke the final phases of follicular development, and thereby ovulation, in the seasonally anoestrous ewe.  相似文献   

The estrus — ovulation time relationships was examined in Romney ewes treated with progestogen (intravaginal sponge) and gonadotropins (PMSG + HCG or PMSG alone) prior to (January) and during (April) the breeding season. The conception rate of ewes inseminated at predetermined times after treatment was also investigated.Ewes exhibited estrus sooner after sponge removal in April than in January (34.9 v 38.9 hrs, P < 0.001). The interval from sponge removal to ovulation was also shorter in April than in January (56.3 – 62.1 hrs, P < 0.01). There were no significant differences between treatments or season on the mean interval from estrus to ovulation. Types of gonadotropin treatment had no effect on the estrus — ovulation time relationships. There were no significant effects of season, hormone treatment or time of insemination on lambing rate.  相似文献   

The mean duration of oestrus, ovulation rate, duration of the preovulatory LH discharge, time interval between sponge removal and beginning of the LH discharge, total LH discharged, maximum LH value observed and the concentration of progesterone in the peripheral plasma during the luteal phase of the oestrous cycle was similar in Galway adult ewes and 8-month-old ewe lambs after treatment with intravaginal sponges containing 30 mg cronolone for 12 days and injection of 500 i.u. PMSG. The interval between sponge removal and the onset of oestrus was shorter for adults than for ewe lambs; the interval between the onset of oestrus and the beginning of the LH discharge was longer in adults. During the period 12-36 h after sponge removal the mean plasma total oestrogen concentration was significantly higher in lambs than in adults. In a separate study of the time of ovulation in Galway ewe lambs given the same progestagen-PMSG treatment, ovulation did not occur in any lamb before 17 h after the onset of oestrus and the majority ovulated close to the end of oestrus.  相似文献   

Nineteen Scottish Blackface ewes were given LH-RH (3 X 30 micrograms i.v., 90-min intervals) during anoestrus when prolactin levels were elevated. Plasma levels of prolactin were suppressed with CB 154 (twice daily, i.m.) on Days -5 to 0 (N = 5), 0 to +5 (N = 5) or -5 to +5 (N = 5) around the day of LH-RH treatment (Day 0). Control animals (N = 4) received saline on Days -5 to +5. Nine animals ovulated forming corpora lutea as judged by laparoscopy on Day +7. No difference in FSH or LH levels was found between treatments and ovulations occurred equally in all treatment groups. Progesterone levels were less than ng/ml in all animals up to Day 14. It is concluded that short-term suppression of prolactin does not affect the incidence of ovulation or corpus luteum progesterone production in LH-RH-treated anoestrous ewes.  相似文献   

Three experiments were carried out during seasonal anoestrus in Finnish Landrace and Scottish Blackface ewes, to establish whether the differences between the breeds in ovulation rate are functional during the non-breeding season and are therefore independent of the mechanism controlling ovulation. In Expt 1, follicles greater than or equal to 2 mm in diameter were dissected from the ovaries of both breeds and incubated individually for 2 h to assess their ability to secrete oestradiol and testosterone. In both breeds, follicles producing greater than or equal to 500 pg oestrogen/ml/h (oestrogen-active) were readily identifiable from a population producing less (oestrogen-inactive). The number of oestrogen-active follicles in each breed was similar to the number of ovulations near the end of the breeding season. Oestrogen-active follicles also had more luteinizing hormone (LH) receptors and larger diameters than oestrogen-inactive follicles. There were, however, no significant differences between the two follicle types in follicular fluid or in-vitro testosterone concentrations. In Expt 2, seasonally anoestrous Scottish Blackface ewes were unilaterally ovariectomized; the second ovary was removed 7 days later. Follicles from both ovaries were processed as described for Expt 1; oestrogen-active follicles were categorized according to their ability to produce greater than 500 pg/ml/h. There were twice as many oestrogen-active follicles in the second ovary as in the first ovary; the number of oestrogen-active follicles in the second ovary was also similar to the total number of oestrogen-active follicles in both ovaries of the Scottish Blackface ewes in Expt 1.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Injection of steroid-free bovine follicular fluid (bFF; 2 X 5 ml s.c. 12 h apart) into anoestrous ewes lowered plasma FSH concentrations by 70% and after 24 h had significantly (P less than 0.01) reduced the number of non-atretic follicles (greater than or equal to 1 mm diam.) without influencing the total number of follicles (greater than 1 mm diam.) compared to untreated controls. Hourly injections of FSH (10 micrograms i.v. NIH-FSH-S12) for 24 h did not influence the number of non-atretic follicles but did negate the inhibitory effects of bFF on follicular viability. Hourly injections of FSH (50 micrograms i.v., NIH-FSH-S12) + bFF treatment for 24 h significantly increased the total number of non-atretic follicles, and particularly the number of medium to large non-atretic follicles (greater than 3 mm diam.) compared to the untreated controls (both P less than 0.01). The 10 micrograms FSH regimen (without bFF) significantly increased aromatase activity in granulosa cells from large (greater than or equal to 5 mm diam.; P less than 0.01) but not medium (3-4.5 mm diam.) or small (1-2.5 mm diam.) follicles compared to controls. The 10 micrograms FSH + bFF regimen had no effect on granulosa-cell aromatase activity compared to the controls. However, the 50 micrograms FSH plus bFF regimen increased the aromatase activity of granulosa cells from large, medium and small non-atretic follicles 2.6-, 8.3- and greater than or equal to 11-fold respectively compared to that in the control cells. Ewes (N = 11) that ovulated 2 follicles had significantly higher plasma FSH concentrations from 48 to 24 h and 24 to 0 h before the onset of a cloprostenol-induced follicular phase (both P less than 0.01) than in the ewes (N = 12) that subsequently ovulated one follicle. Hourly FSH treatment (1.6 micrograms i.v., NIAMDD-FSH-S15) for 24 h but not for any 6 h intervals between 48 and 24 h or 24 and 0 h before a cloprostenol-induced luteolysis also resulted in significant increases (P less than 0.05) in the number of ewes with 2 ovulations.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

High prolificacy due to a gene that has a large effect on ovulation rate has been noted in Booroola and Inverdale ewes. High prolificacy in the Belclare breed (a composite developed from stocks selected for very large litter size or high ovulation rate) may be related to the segregation of two genes. The aims of this study were (i) to compare the morphological and functional features of ovulatory follicles from carriers (which could only be heterozygous for the genes of interest) and non-carriers, and (ii) to identify markers of the Belclare genes among secreted or cellular ovarian proteins. Belclare carrier ewes had more ovulatory follicles (4.9 +/- 0.4) than did non-carrier ewes (2.0 +/- 0.2) (P < 0.001). Ovulatory follicles from carriers were also smaller (4.4 +/- 0.1 mm versus 5.7 +/- 0.2 mm, P < 0.001) and contained a significantly reduced number of granulosa cells (P < 0.001). However, the proportion of proliferating granulosa cells in ovulatory follicles was similar in both groups. The in vitro secretion of steroids per follicle was only marginally lower in follicles from Belclare carriers compared with non-carriers. Furthermore, similar concentrations of steroidogenic enzymes were present in both groups, indicating that steroidogenic potential per granulosa cell is similar between carriers and non-carriers. Possible markers of the Belclare genes were identified among cellular proteins of follicular walls by two-dimensional PAGE and image analysis. Two spots at 78 and 49 kDa were always absent in samples from non-carriers. When secreted proteins in follicles from carriers were compared with those from non-carriers, two spots at 53 and 41 kDa were restricted to samples from carriers and three spots at 97, 91 and 45 kDa were unique to samples from non-carriers. Interestingly, the spot at 91 kDa is also affected by the Booroola gene.  相似文献   

In 1990, two selection lines of Merino sheep were established for low and high behavioural reactivity (calm and nervous temperament) at the University of Western Australia. Breeding records consistently showed that calm ewes weaned 10% to 19% more lambs than the nervous ewes. We hypothesise that calm ewes could have a higher ovulation rate than nervous ewes and/or calm ewes could have a lower rate of embryo mortality than nervous ewes. We tested these hypotheses by comparing the ovulation rate and the rate of embryo mortality between the calm and nervous lines before and after synchronisation and artificial insemination. Merino ewes from the temperament selection lines (calm, n=100; nervous, n=100) were synchronised (early breeding season) for artificial insemination (day 0) (intravaginal sponges containing fluogestone acetate and eCG immediately after sponge withdrawal). On day-17 and 11 ovarian cyclicity and corpora lutea, and on days 30 and 74 pregnancies and embryos/foetuses were determined by ultrasound. Progesterone, insulin and leptin concentrations were determined in blood plasma samples from days 5, 12 and 17. Ovarian cyclicity before and after oestrus synchronisation did not differ between the lines, but ovulation rate did (day-17: calm 1.63; nervous 1.26; P<0.01; day 11: calm 1.83; nervous 1.57; P<0.05). Ovulation rate on day 11 in nervous ewes was higher than on day-17. Loss of embryos by day 30 was high (calm: 71/150; nervous: 68/130); but nervous ewes had a lower proportion (15/47) of multiple pregnancies compared with calm ewes (30/46; P<0.01). Reproductive loss between days 30 and 74 represented 7.3% of the overall loss. Temperament did not affect concentrations of progesterone, but nervous ewes had higher insulin (32.0 pmol/l±1.17 SEM; P=0.013) and lower leptin (1.18 μg/l±0.04 SEM; P=0.002) concentrations than calm ewes (insulin: 27.8 pmol/l±1.17 SEM; leptin: 1.35 μg/l±0.04 SEM). The differences in reproductive outcomes between the calm and nervous ewes were mainly due to a higher ovulation rate in calm ewes. We suggest that reproduction in nervous ewes is compromised by factors leading up to ovulation and conception, or the uterine environment during early pregnancy, that reflect differences in energy utilisation.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to determine effects of active and passive immunoneutralization of inhibin on FSH secretion and ovulation rate. A synthetic peptide (alpha-IF) matching the N-terminus of the alpha-subunit of ovine inhibin was coupled to human alpha-globulin (h alpha-G) and used as an immunogen. In experiment 1, estrus was synchronized in 10 sheep that had been actively immunized against alpha-IF-h alpha-G or h alpha-G. Plasma FSH levels were similar in the two groups of ewes at -52 and -48 h (0 h = onset of estrus). In alpha-IF-h alpha-G-immunized ewes, FSH increased from -48 to -44 h (18.8-22.1 ng/ml), and then fell to 16.2 ng/ml by 0 h. In h alpha-G-immunized ewes, FSH decreased from -48 to 0 h (17.6-7.2 ng/ml). Ovulation rate was higher in alpha-IF-h alpha-G- than h alpha-G-immunized ewes (9.4 vs. 2.4). In experiment 2, antibodies (Ab) were extracted from sera obtained from experiment 1 ewes and then were injected i.v. into 12 other ewes. Estrus was synchronized twice during the breeding season using progesterone-releasing pessaries (CIDR-G). One day before CIDR-G withdrawal, alpha-IF-h alpha-G and h alpha-G Ab were administered in a crossover design. After injection of Ab against alpha-IF-h alpha-G, plasma FSH increased from 0 to 24 h post-injection (10.9-21.5 ng/ml), after which levels fell to 14.2 ng/ml by onset of the preovulatory LH surge.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The suppression of prolactin in anoestrous ewes by daily injections of bromocriptine reduced the average number of corpora lutea on Day 8 after induced oestrus from 2.8 to 1.6 (P less than 0.02). There was a significant correlation (r = 0.87, P less than 0.05) between the preovulatory peak values for prolactin and ovulation rate in treated but not in control ewes. Bromocriptine failed to prevent the ewes from returning to anoestrus after the induced oestrus.  相似文献   

Annual variations in estrous and ovulation behavior were studied in 23 bicolored Peulh ewes for a period of 30 months. The percentages of estrus and ovulation shown over a year of observation were 76 and 86%, respectively. The average rate of ovulation was 1.3 +/- 0.04 (X +/- SEM). Reproductive activity was minimal from January to April, as the percentages of estrus and ovulation varied between 43.8 and 61% and between 53.1 and 86%, respectively. This period was marked by the advent of anestrus, interrupted frequently by silent and irregular ovulations. Anestrus lasted an average of 81.9 +/- 9.8 days (X +/- SEM). Reproductive activity was maximal from May to December, as the percentages of estrus and ovulation varied between 77 and 97% and between 87.5 and 100%, respectively. During this period ovarian activity was interrupted by prolonged diestrus which lasted an average of 24.9 +/- 3.3 days (X +/- SEM). The ovulation rate did not differ significantly (P greater than 0.05) between periods of minimal and maximal sexual activity. These results suggest that the reproductive potentialities of Peulh sheep on a good diet are comparable to those of certain ovine breeds in temperate zones. The results also suggest that anestrus in bicolored Peulh sheep is probably a different physiological process than the one observed in some breeds of sheep in which anestrus is marked by total ovarian inactivity.  相似文献   

Charcoal-treated bovine follicular fluid (bFF) given as four 5-ml subcutaneous injections to 13 Merino-Border Leicester ewes around the time of natural luteolysis suppressed (P<0.01) plasma levels of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) [from 1.08 ± 0.05 to 0.41 ± 0.03, mean ± s.e.m. of loge (ng+ 1) /mlplasma]. This was followed (P < 0.01) by hypersecretion or a rebound of FSH (to 1.46 ± 0.11) lasting 32 h in 10 of the treated ewes, and then by a further fall (to 0.73 ± 0.03, P < 0.05) before the surge (1.21 ± 0.07, P < 0.05) associated with the preovulatory surge of luteinizing hormone (LH).Plasma FSH at 56–72 h before the LH surge (i.e., at the time of the FSH rebound) was correlated with the subsequent ovulation rate (n=13, r= + 0.73, P < 0.01). Fewer ewes treated with four injections of 2 or 5 ml of bFF than control ewes (injected with bovine plasma) became pregnant (28 of 41 vs. 38 of 41, χ2 = 4.05, P < 0.05), although plasma progesterone was similar at Day 11 in treated and control ewes. It is concluded that plasma FSH during such a rebound influences the subsequent ovulation rate in sheep.  相似文献   

The 24 h i.v. infusion of Merino ewes with 60 or 100 microgram mouse epidermal growth factor (EGF)/kg body weight on Days 4, 9 or 14 of the oestrous cycle decreased the strength of wool attachment and caused marked changes in subsequent reproductive performance. In ovaries removed 2 days after EGF treatment all follicles greater than or equal to 0.6 mm diameter were atretic. After 7 days either a normal pattern of atresia or no atresia was evident while after 12 days the pattern of follicular atresia was similar to that in controls. Irrespective of stage of cycle EGF caused dose-dependent increases in plasma FSH concentrations that persisted for up to 14 days. Changes in plasma LH concentrations were generally similar after infusion on Days 4 and 14, but were smaller and shorter-lived after infusion on Day 9. Irrespective of dose, the infusion of EGF on Days 4 and 14 caused immediate luteolysis then the formation of a luteinized follicle in many ewes. Most ewes treated on Day 4 returned to oestrus between Days 17 and 21 with the same ovulation rate (1.3) as the controls. Of those infused on Day 14 oestrus occurred about a cycle length later than expected and their ovulation rate then (1.9) was also similar to that of the controls (1.7). Luteal function was not affected in ewes infused on Day 9, and most returned to oestrus between Days 17 and 20 with an ovulation rate of 3.2. Fertile rams were not placed with the ewes until after the differences in ovulation rate had been observed. Mating occurred generally 2-4 weeks after treatment, and there were no differences between EGF-treated and control ewes in fertility or fecundity. The results are interpreted as indicating that mouse EGF induces ovarian follicular atresia but has differential effects on luteal function according to the stage of the oestrous cycle at which it is given. As a consequence of these two effects, which lead to differential changes in gonadotrophin secretion, ovarian function may be temporarily impaired, little affected or improved.  相似文献   

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