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In this paper we tested the hypothesis that logging effects in the adult tree community reverberate upon the regeneration contingent. We examined the differences on the tree community between forest reserves and 10 year-old logged areas in the Yucatan Peninsula. We used a paired design in three independent sites to estimate the effects of logging on tree species richness, diversity, composition and structure. Analyses were conducted differentiating individuals of four diameter-size classes: 1–5, 5–10, 10–25, and >25 cm DBH. We found out that there were differential effects by size. Species richness in the smaller and larger diameter-size classes was significantly lower in logged areas. Floristic composition was also different between logged and unlogged areas, with a trend towards more secondary forest associated species and less primary forest associated species in logged areas, and a higher density of species represented by a single individual in unlogged reserves. In terms of structure, trees DBH <10 cm, lianas, and re-sprouting stumps were more abundant in logged areas. Our findings suggest that 10 years after logging, harvested areas show alterations in structure, and potentially a reduction in species richness. We suggest that to make timber extraction and forest conservation compatible at this site, it is necessary to gain a better understanding of the ecology and regeneration requirements of the less abundant species, and to assess whether current logging practices might hinder their permanence in the study area.  相似文献   

Processes of forest regeneration in two unlogged areas and in three areas that were logged nearly 25 years ago were quantified in Kibale National Park, Uganda. For forests to recover from logging, one would predict recruitment and growth processes to be accelerated in logged areas relative to unlogged areas, facilitating increased recruitment of trees into the adult size classes. We examined this prediction first by determining the growth of 4733 trees over a 51 to 56 month period and found that growth rates in the most heavily logged area were consistently slower than in the two unlogged areas. In contrast, the lightly logged forest had similar growth rates to unlogged areas in the small size classes, but trees in the 30 to 50 cm DBH size cohort exhibited elevated growth rates relative to the unlogged areas. Mortality was highest in the heavily logged areas, with many deaths occurring when healthy trees were knocked over by neighboring treefalls. We found no difference in the density or species richness of seedlings in the logged and unlogged forests. The number of seedlings that emerged from the disturbed soil (seed bank+seed rain) and initially seed-free soil (seed rain) was greater in the logged forest than in the unlogged forest. However, sapling density was lower in the heavily logged areas, suggesting that there is a high level of seedling mortality in logged areas. We suggest that the level of canopy opening created during logging, the lack of aggressive colonizing tree species, elephant activity that is concentrated in logged areas, and an aggressive herb community, all combine to delay vegetation recovery in Kibale Forest.  相似文献   

Isaiah Owiunji 《Ostrich》2013,84(1-2):216-219
Owiunji, I. 2000. Changes in avian communities of Budongo Forest Reserve after 70 years of selective logging. Ostrich 71 (1 & 2): 216–219.

Budongo Forest Reserve, located in the west of Uganda, has been selectively logged for timber for over 70 years, and has a well documented management history. Changes in the avian community, species diversity and relative densities were assessed in two unlogged and three logged and arboricidally treated compartments. Tree-species diversity was highest in the disturbed forest. Over 100 forest bird species were recorded (including a new record for East Africa, Puvel's Illadopsis Illadopsis puveli. Both point counts and mist-netting showed that bird species diversity was higher in the logged and treated than in the unlogged forest. Five species had significantly higher densities in logged forest, three species had significantly higher densities in unlogged forest and 14 species showed no significant change in densities. The response of Budongo Forest birds to disturbance was species-specific.  相似文献   

The avifauna 23 years after logging in Kibale National park, Uganda   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
The bird fauna of logged and unlogged forest in Kibale National Park, western Uganda were studied and comparisons made. Species diversity and richness were higher in the logged areas. A single species, the Yellow-whiskered Greenbul Andropadus latirostris dominated in the logged compartment. However, the majority of individual birds found in the logged forest were generalist or forest-edge species. Over 84% of the forest interior specialist species that occurred in primary forest had recolonized or persisted in the logged forest; however, there were seven out of 48 understorey forest specialists that had not done so. Although there was moderate species overlap between the two habitats, the logged forest compartment had not fully recovered from logging after 23 years.  相似文献   

Cleary DF 《Oecologia》2003,135(2):313-321
The impact of disturbance on species diversity may be related to the spatial scales over which it occurs. Here I assess the impact of logging and ENSO (El Niño Southern Oscillation) -induced burning and forest isolation on the species richness (477 species out of more than 28,000 individuals) and community composition of butterflies and butterfly guilds using small (0.9 ha) plots nested within large (450 ha) landscapes. The landscapes were located in three habitat classes: (1) continuous, unburned forest; (2) unburned isolates surrounded by burned forest; and (3) burned forest. Plots with different logging histories were sampled within the two unburned habitat classes, allowing for independent assessment of the two disturbance factors (logging and burning). Disturbance within habitat classes (logging) had a very different impact on butterfly diversity than disturbance among habitat classes (due to ENSO-induced burning and isolation). Logging increased species richness, increased evenness, and lowered dominance. Among guilds based on larval food plants, the species richness of tree and herb specialists was higher in logged areas but their abundance was lower. Both generalist species richness and abundance was higher in logged areas. Among habitat classes, species richness was lower in burned forest and isolates than continuous forest but there was no overall difference in evenness or dominance. Among guilds, generalist species richness was significantly lower in burned forest and isolates than continuous forest. Generalist abundance was also very low in the isolates. There was no difference among disturbance classes in herb specialist species richness but abundance was significantly higher in the isolates and burned forest than in continuous forest. Tree specialist species richness was lower in burned forest than continuous forest but did not differ between continuous forest and isolates.The scale of assessment proved important in estimating the impact of disturbance on species richness. Within disturbance classes, the difference in species richness between primary and logged forest was more pronounced at the smaller spatial scale. Among disturbance classes, the difference in species richness between continuous forest and isolates or burned forest was more pronounced at the larger spatial scale. The lower levels of species richness in ENSO-affected areas and at the larger (landscape) spatial scale indicate that future severe ENSO events may prove one of the most serious threats to extant biodiversity.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the recovery of insect communities after forest disturbance in tropical Africa is very limited. Here, fruit‐feeding butterflies in a tropical rain forest at Kibale National Park, Uganda, were used as a model system to uncover how, and how fast, insect communities recover after forest disturbance. We trapped butterflies monthly along a successional gradient for one year. Traps were placed in intact primary forest compartments, heavily logged forest compartments with and without arboricide treatment approximately 43 years ago, and in conifer‐clearcut compartments, ranging from 9 to 19 years of age. The species richness, total abundance, diversity, dominance, and similarity of the community composition of butterflies in the eight compartments were compared with uni‐ and multivariate statistics. A total of 16,728 individuals representing 88 species were trapped during the study. Butterfly species richness, abundance, and diversity did not show an increasing trend along the successional gradient but species richness and abundance peaked at intermediate stages. There was monthly variation in species richness, abundance, diversity and composition. Butterfly community structure differed significantly among the eight successional stages and only a marginal directional change along the successional gradient emerged. The greatest number of indicator species and intact forest interior specialists were found in one of the primary forests. Our results show that forest disturbance has a long‐term impact on the recovery of butterfly species composition, emphasizing the value of intact primary forests for butterfly conservation.  相似文献   

In the face of the continuing destruction of tropical rainforests, a major challenge is to understand the consequences of these habitat changes for biodiversity and the time scale at which biodiversity can recover after such disturbances. In this study, we assessed the patterns in communities of birds among forests of varying age consisting of clear-cuts of former coniferous plantations, selectively logged compartments and primary forests in Kibale National Park, Uganda. Birds were surveyed by 10-minute point counts at 174 randomly located points in nine forest areas during September–October 2011. A total of 2 688 birds representing 115 species were recorded. The species density, diversity and dominance of all birds, and dominance of forest specialists showed no differences between forest areas, whereas the species density and diversity of forest specialists differed significantly between forest areas. The composition of communities of all birds and of forest specialists varied significantly among the forest areas. Our results show that even after 19 and 43 years, respectively, communities of birds in clear-cuts of former coniferous plantations and selectively logged forests have not fully recovered from the disturbances of logging, highlighting the need to preserve primary forests for conservation of birds.  相似文献   

Questions: How is seedling regeneration of woody species of semi‐deciduous rain forests affected by (a) historical management for combinations of logging, arboricide treatment or no treatment, (b) forest community type and (c) environmental gradients of topography, light and soil nutrients? Location: Budongo Forest Reserve, Uganda. Methods: Seedling regeneration patterns of trees and shrubs in relation to environmental factors and historical management types were studied using 32 0.5‐ha plots laid out in transects along a topographic gradient. We compared seedling species diversity, composition and distribution patterns along topographic gradients and within types of historical management regimes and forest communities to test whether environmental factors contributed to differences in species composition of seedlings. Results: A total of 85 624 woody seedlings representing 237 species and 46 families were recorded in this rain forest. Cynometra alexandri C.H. Wright and Lasiodiscus mildbraedii Engl. had high seedling densities and were widely distributed throughout the plots. The most species‐rich families were Euphorbiaceae, Fabaceae, Rubiaceae, Meliaceae, Moraceae and Rutaceae. Only total seedling density was significantly different between sites with different historical management, with densities highest in logged, intermediate in logged/arboricided and lowest in the nature reserve. Forest communities differed significantly in terms of seedling diversity and density. Seedling composition differed significantly between transects and forest communities, but not between topographic positions or historical management types. Both Chao‐Jaccard and Chao‐Sørensen abundance‐based similarity estimators were relatively high in the plot, forest community and in terms of historical management levels, corroborating the lack of significant differences in species richness within these groups. The measured environmental variables explained 59.4% of variance in seedling species distributions, with the three most important being soil organic matter, total soil titanium and leaf area index (LAI). Total seedling density was positively correlated with LAI. Differences in diversity of >2.0 cm dbh plants (juveniles and adults) also explained variations in seedling species diversity. Conclusions: The seedling bank is the major route for regeneration in this semi‐deciduous tropical rain forest, with the wide distribution of many species suggesting that these species regenerate continuously. Seedling diversity, density and distribution are largely a function of adult diversity, historical management type and environmental gradients in factors such as soil nutrient content and LAI. The species richness of seedlings was higher in soils both rich in titanium and with low exchangeable cations, as well as in logged areas that were more open and had a low LAI.  相似文献   

The carbon storage and conservation value of old-growth tropical forests is clear, but the value of logged forest is less certain. Here we analyse >100,000 observations of individuals from 11 taxonomic groups and >2,500 species, covering up to 19?years of post-logging regeneration, and quantify the impacts of logging on carbon storage and biodiversity within lowland dipterocarp forests of Sabah, Borneo. We estimate that forests lost ca. 53% of above-ground biomass as a result of logging but despite this high level of degradation, logged forest retained considerable conservation value: floral species richness was higher in logged forest than in primary forest and whilst faunal species richness was typically lower in logged forest, in most cases the difference between habitats was no greater than ca. 10%. Moreover, in most studies >90% of species recorded in primary forest were also present in logged forest, including species of conservation concern. During recovery, logged forest accumulated carbon at five times the rate of natural forest (1.4 and 0.28?Mg?C?ha?1?year?1, respectively). We conclude that allowing the continued regeneration of extensive areas of Borneo??s forest that have already been logged, and are at risk of conversion to other land uses, would provide a significant carbon store that is likely to increase over time. Protecting intact forest is critical for biodiversity conservation and climate change mitigation, but the contribution of logged forest to these twin goals should not be overlooked.  相似文献   

Aim  We aim to assess the impact of forest fragmentation on lepidopteran larval community and study the associations of microclimate and tree community with lepidopteran assemblage.
Location  Kibale National Park, Uganda.
Methods  We investigated the effects of forest fragmentation on leaf herbivory, density of lepidopteran caterpillars, species richness and diversity as well as the composition of herbivorous lepidopteran larval community. Microclimate, size of the fragment, distance to the continuous forest, and tree diversity were studied as possible explanatory factors. We sampled 10 Neoboutonia macrocalyx Pax. (Euphorbiaceae) trees in each fragment during dry and rainy season, total of four times, in a year to cover the seasonal variation.
Results  The rates of herbivory, total larval density and species richness were significantly lower in the forest fragments than in the continuous forest but species diversity expressed as Fisher's alpha did not differ. The dominance structure and community composition of the larval communities in the fragments was different from that of the continuous forest. None of the differences we observed were related to the fragment area or distance to the continuous forest. Instead, we found an indication of association between the herbivore and the tree communities. The fragments had significantly lower humidity during most of the day and higher temperature during the afternoons (14–17 h), which might partially explain the differences in lepidopteran larval communities.
Main conclusions  Decreased larval density and species richness as well as differences in the community composition and structure all highlight the importance of large continuous forest areas for maintaining larval biodiversity.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The impact of logging on the relative abundance, species richness and community composition of four butterfly guilds (generalists, herb specialists, liana specialists and tree specialists) was assessed in differentially disturbed logging treatments located within the province of Central Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo. Logging affected the overall butterfly composition by increasing the dominance of liana specialists at the expense of tree specialists and increasing the species richness of herb specialists and, to a lesser extent, generalists. There was no significant difference, however, in the species richness of liana specialists or tree specialists across logging treatments. The species composition of all guilds differed significantly among logging treatments with the greatest difference between unlogged forest and road sites with older and recently logged forest intermediate between these extremes. Our results indicate that logging has a disparate effect on abundance and species richness within each butterfly guild. We suggest that shifts in the dominance of butterfly guilds are due to large-scale logging-induced changes in vegetation, particularly in relation to liana abundance. The higher butterfly species richness in logged areas on the other hand is probably because of butterfly species associated with open areas entering the logged forest from roads or other large open areas.  相似文献   

Making generalizations about the impact of commercial selective logging on biodiversity has so far remained elusive. Species responses to logging depend on a number of factors, many of which have not been studied in detail. These factors may include the natural forest conditions (forest types) under which logging impacts are investigated; but this question has so far remained unexamined. In a large‐scale replicate study we aimed at clarifying the relationship between logging and forest types on leaf litter frogs. We contrast three distinct and naturally occurring forest types, including wet evergreen, moist evergreen and semi‐deciduous forests. Selectively logged sites were compared with primary forest sites for each forest type. We found that the response of frog communities to logging varies in different forest types. In the wet evergreen forest, richness was higher in logged forest than primary forest, while diversity measures were not different between logged and primary forest habitats. In the moist evergreen, richness and diversity were higher in selectively logged areas compared with primary forest habitats. In the semi‐deciduous, logged forests were characterized by drastic loss of forest specialists, reduced richness, and diversity. These results indicate that the net effect of logging varies with respect to forest type. Forest types that are characterized by adverse climatic conditions (i.e., low rainfall and protracted dry seasons) are more likely to produce negative effects on leaf litter anuran communities. For comparisons of the impact of logging on species to be effective, future research must endeavor to include details of forest type.  相似文献   

Selective logging with natural regeneration is advocated as a near‐to‐nature strategy and has been implemented in many forested systems during the last decades. However, the efficiency of such practices for the maintenance of forest species are poorly understood. We compared the species richness, abundance and composition of ground‐dwelling beetles between selectively logged and unlogged forests to evaluate the possible effects of selective logging in a subtropical broad‐leafed forest in southeastern China. Using pitfall traps, beetles were sampled in two naturally regenerating stands after clearcuts (ca. 50 years old, stem‐exclusion stage: selectively logged 20 years ago) and two mature stands (> 80 years old, understory re‐initiation stage: selectively logged 50 years ago) during 2009 and 2010. Overall, selective logging had no significant effects on total beetle richness and abundance, but saproxylic species group and some abundant forest species significantly decreased in abundance in selectively logged plots compared with unlogged plots in mature stands. Beetle assemblages showed significant differences between selectively logged and unlogged plots in mature stands. Some environmental characteristics associated with selective logging (e.g., logging strategy, stand age, and cover of shrub and moss layers) were the most important variables explaining beetle assemblage structure. Our results conclude that selective logging has no significant impacts on overall richness and abundance of ground‐dwelling beetles. However, the negative effects of selective logging on saproxylic species group and some unlogged forest specialists highlight the need for large intact forested areas for sustaining the existence of forest specialist beetles.  相似文献   

K. S. Seshadri 《Biotropica》2014,46(5):615-623
Vast areas of tropical evergreen forests have been selectively logged in the past, and many areas continue to be logged. The impacts of such logging on amphibians are poorly understood. I examined the response of anuran communities to historical selective logging in a wet evergreen forest in south India. Anuran assemblages in unlogged forest were compared with assemblages in selectively logged forest. Forty 10 m × 10 m quadrats in forest, riparian zones, and streams of unlogged and selectively logged forests were searched at night for anurans. Species richness did not appear to be affected by logging. However, anuran density varied significantly and was 42 percent lower in selectively logged forests compared to unlogged forests. Anuran densities also varied significantly across microhabitats, with highest densities in streams of both selectively logged and unlogged forests. Patterns of niche overlap varied with selective logging as niche breadth either expanded, contracted, or remained neutral for different species. Ordination analysis explained 95 percent of the variation in species assemblage across selectively logged and unlogged forests. The assemblage in selectively logged forest was nested within unlogged forest. Among the habitat characteristics, litter thickness and water depth had the highest influence on the assemblage. This was followed by litter/water temperature, air temperature, and lastly relative humidity. It appears that species richness and composition of anurans in selectively logged forests is converging with unlogged forests, but the effects of historical logging seem to persist on anuran densities and their niche characteristics even ca 40 yr since logging ceased.  相似文献   

Conservation agencies are increasingly advocating that the survival of many tropical forest species may depend on disturbed forests and are directing scarce conservation resources to managing logged forests. This requires critical evaluation. In this 10-year study, we quantify tree community dynamics in three selectively logged areas harvested at different intensities and compare their recovery to two unlogged areas in Kibale National Park, Uganda. Over the 10 years, 527 of the original 4840 tagged trees (10cm DBH) died; while the mortality rate was highest in the heavily logged area, it was only significantly greater than one of the unlogged sites. The density of new trees varied significantly among areas being highest in the lightly logged area, but the density of new recruits in the heavily logged area did not differ from the unlogged areas. Overall, the more heavily logged areas had higher growth rates than the unlogged or lightly logged areas. However, there was no difference among areas in the magnitude of the change in basal area; and in both 1990 (20+ years post-harvest) and 2000 the basal area in the heavily logged area was significantly less than the unlogged areas. In general, findings from the heavily logged area suggest that the expectation that in logged areas a number of processes of forest regeneration will be accelerated relative to unlogged forest was not met. Thus, 30+ years after logging evidence suggests that forest recovery will be slower than expected. We also present evidence to suggest that the climate in the region is changing, which may account for changes in the population dynamics of certain species in the unlogged forests.  相似文献   

Predicting the recovery processes in tree communities after logging is critical when developing conservation strategies. We assessed the patterns in tree communities in logged and primary forests in Kibale National Park, Uganda, representing 9‐ to 19‐year‐old clear‐cuts of former conifer plantations, 42‐ to 43‐year‐old logged forests and primary forests. Species density and diversity were lower and dominance higher in the 9‐ to 19‐year‐old forests compared to the 42‐ to 43‐year‐old forests or primary forests. The tree species density, diversity and dominance of 42‐ to 43‐year‐old forests did not differ significantly from primary forests. However, they had a lower stem density, and higher cover of Acanthus pubescens, a shrub known to arrest the succession in Kibale. The tree community compositions of 9‐ to 19‐year‐old, 42‐ to 43‐year‐old and primary forests differed from each other. A large group of tree species (21) were primary forest indicators, that is, they were either missing or relatively rare in logged forests. The results of this study show that even after four decades of natural recovery, logged Afrotropical forests can still be distinguished from primary forests in their tree community compositions, emphasizing the slow community recovery and the important role of primary forests when preserving the tree communities in tropical rainforests.  相似文献   

Logging can significantly change the structure of rainforest communities. To better understand how logging drives this change, butterflies and environmental variables were assessed within both unlogged and logged forest in Indonesian Borneo. In the whole dataset, we found local environmental variables and geographic distance combined captured 53.1% of the variation in butterfly community composition; 29.6% was associated with measured local environmental variables, 13.6% with geographic distance between sites, and 9.9% with covariation between geographic distance and environmental variables. The primary axis of variation in butterfly community composition represented a disturbance gradient from unlogged to logged forest. Subsequent axes represented gradients influenced by variables such as canopy cover and total tree density. There were significant associations between environmental variables and geographic range and larval host plant use of species. Specifically, butterflies using trees as larval host plants and those with distributions limited to Borneo were more likely to be present in unlogged forest. By contrast, species that tended to be more abundant in logged forest were those with widespread distributions and those using lianas and grasses as larval host plants. The results of this study highlight the importance of environmental variables and disturbance, e.g., selective logging, in structuring rainforest community diversity. Moreover, they confirm how species traits, such as larval food use and geographic distributions can determine patterns of species abundance following environmental change.  相似文献   

Deforestation is a global process that has strongly affected the Atlantic Forest in South America, which has been recognised as a threatened biodiversity hotspot. An important proportion of deforested areas were converted to forest plantations. Araucaria angustifolia is a native tree to the Atlantic Forest, which has been largely exploited for wood production and is currently cultivated in commercial plantations. An important question is to what extent such native tree plantations can be managed to reduce biodiversity loss in a highly diverse and vulnerable forest region . We evaluated the effect of stand age, stand basal area, as a measure of stand density, and time since last logging on the density and richness of native tree regeneration in planted araucaria stands that were successively logged over 60 years, as well as the differences between successional groups in the response of plant density to stand variables. We also compared native tree species richness in planted araucaria stands to neighbouring native forest. Species richness was 71 in the planted stands (27 ha sampled) and 82 in native forest (18 ha sampled) which approximate the range of variation in species richness found in the native forests of the study area. The total abundance and species richness of native trees increased with stand age and time since last logging, but ecological groups differed in their response to such variables. Early secondary trees increased in abundance with stand age 3–8 times faster than climax or late secondary trees. Thus, the change in species composition is expected to continue for a long term. The difference in species richness between native forest and planted stands might be mainly explained by the difference in plant density. Therefore, species richness in plantations can contribute to local native tree diversity if practices that increase native tree density are implemented.  相似文献   

Reduced-impact logging (RIL) is known to be beneficial in biodiversity conservation, but its effects on tree diversity remain unknown. Pattern of tree diversity following disturbance usually varies with spatial scale of sampling (i.e., plot size). We examined the impacts of RIL on species richness and community composition of tree species at different spatial scales, and the scale (plot size) dependency of the two metrics; species richness versus community similarity. One 2-ha and three to four 0.2-ha plots were established in each of primary, RIL, and conventionally logged (CL) forest in Sabah, Malaysia. Species richness (the number of species per unit number of stems) was higher in the RIL than in the CL forest at both scales. The relationship between species richness and logging intensity varied with plot size. Species richness was greater in the RIL than in the primary forest at the 2-ha scale, while it was similar between the two forests at 0.2-ha scale. Similarly, species richness in the CL forest demonstrated a greater value at the 2-ha scale than at the 0.2-ha scale. Greater species richness in the two logged forests at the 2-ha scale is attributable to a greater probability of encountering the species-rich, small patches that are distributed heterogeneously. Community composition of the RIL forest more resembled that of the primary forest than that of the CL forest, regardless of plot size. Accordingly, species richness is a scale-dependent metric, while community similarity is a more robust metric to indicate the response of tree assemblage to anthropogenic disturbance.  相似文献   

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