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The ability of strong-binding myosin heads to activate the thin filament was investigated by incubating skinned single muscle fibers with N-ethylmaleimide-(NEM) modified myosin subfragment-1 (S1). Isometric force was influenced in a complex manner: during maximal calcium activation, NEM-S1 inhibited force with half-maximal inhibition at 20 microM while at submaximal calcium, NEM-S1 potentiated force with greatest effect at 6 microM. When fibers were treated with NEM-S1 (4-8 microM), the tension-pCa (-log [Ca2+]) relationship became less steep (i.e. the Hill coefficient decreased from 5.4 to 3.0 upon treatment with NEM-S1), but the midpoint was unchanged. These results support the idea that strong binding of intrinsic heads contributes to the cooperativity observed in Ca2+ activation of force. The NEM-S1-induced increase in force at low Ca2+ was associated with an acceleration of a kinetic transition, and this transition was activated to near maximum while force was not. The rate of force redevelopment following restretch (ktr) at submaximal calcium was increased by NEM-S1 in a concentration-dependent manner, yielding a maximum rate at low [Ca2+] which was similar to that observed during full activation. The effects of NEM-S1 on force and ktr indicate that strong-binding myosin cross-bridges are involved in activation of the thin filament. 相似文献
It has been shown by polarization microfluorimetry that phosphorylation of myosin light chain 2, in stretched single glycerinated fibers of rabbit skeletal muscle, results in changes in polarized fluorescence anisotropy of both the tryptophan residues of myosin molecules and the fluorescent label, N-iodoacetyl-N'-(5-sulfo-1-naphthyl)ethylenediamine, associated with the fast-reacting thiol group in myosin heads. These changes are also dependent on the presence or absence of Mg2+ in the medium: they are most pronounced in the presence of 5 mM MgCl2. It is assumed that both Mg2+ binding to myosin and phosphorylation of light chain 2 associated with myosin heads induce structural changes in myosin filaments of muscle fibres which are expressed as changes in the orientation of myosin heads and in the conformation of myosin rods. 相似文献
The action of ruthenium red (RR) on Ca2+ loading by and Ca2+ release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) of chemically skinned skeletal muscle fibers of the rabbit was investigated. Ca2+ loading, in the presence of the precipitating anion pyrophosphate, was monitored by a light-scattering method. Ca2+ release was indirectly measured by following tension development evoked by caffeine. Stimulation of the Ca2+ loading rate by 5 microM RR was dependent on free Ca2+, being maximal at pCa 5.56. Isometric force development induced by 5 mM caffeine was reversibly antagonized by RR. IC50 for the rate of tension rise was 0.5 microM; that for the extent of tension was 4 microM. RR slightly shifted the steady state isometric force/pCa curve toward lower pCa values. At 5 microM RR, the pCa required for half-maximal force was 0.2 log units lower than that of the control, and maximal force was depressed by approximately 16%. These results suggest that RR inhibited Ca2+ release from the SR and stimulated Ca2+ loading into the SR by closing Ca2+-gated Ca2+ channels. Previous studies on isolated SR have indicated the selective presence of such channels in junctional terminal cisternae. 相似文献
An elevated heat-shock protein (HSP) content protects cells and tissues, including skeletal muscles, from certain stressors. We determined if heat stress and the elevated HSP content that results is correlated with protection of contractile characteristics of isolated fast and slow skeletal muscles when contracting at elevated temperatures. To elevate muscle HSP content, one hindlimb of Sprague–Dawley rats (21–28 days old, 70–90 g) was subjected to a 15 min 42 °C heat-stress. Twenty-four hours later, both extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and soleus muscles were removed, mounted in either 20 °C or 42 °C Krebs-Ringer solution, and electrically stimulated. Controls consisted of the same muscles from the contra-lateral (non-stressed) hindlimbs as well as muscles from other (unstressed) animals. Isolated muscles were twitched and brought to tetanus every 5 min for 30 min. As expected, HSP content was elevated in muscles from the heat-stressed limbs when compared with controls. Regardless of prior treatment, both EDL and soleus twitch tensions were lower at 42 °C when compared with 20 °C. In addition, when incubated at 42 °C, both muscles showed a drop in twitch tension between 5 and 30 min. For tetanic tension, both muscles also showed an increase in tension between 5 and 30 min when stimulated at 20 °C regardless of treatment but when stimulated at 42 °C no change was observed. No protective effect of an elevated HSP content was observed for either muscle. In conclusion, although heat stress caused an elevation in HSP content, no protective effects were conferred to isolated contracting muscles. 相似文献
目的:探讨萎缩骨骼肌单位面积上等长收缩最大张力(Pt)降低的机理.方法:采用肌球蛋白ATP酶抑制剂BDM(Butanedione monoxime)灌流,观测其对离体骨骼肌肌条等长收缩功能的影响.结果:研究表明,BDM可使比目鱼肌(SOL)与趾长伸肌(EDL)等长收缩Pt明显降低,BDM对骨骼肌收缩功能的抑制呈剂量依赖性关系,且完全可逆.低浓度BDM(1 mmol/L)仅降低骨骼肌等长收缩的Pt而不影响其收缩时程,高浓度(10 mmol/L)下使收缩时程明显缩短.与SOL相比,在10mmol/LBDM作用下,使EDL等长收缩Pt降低一半的时间明显加快.无论在低浓度还是高浓度下,BDM对EDL肌球蛋白ATP酶活性的抑制作用均大于SOL.在相同浓度下,BDM对Pt的抑制程度远远大于对肌球蛋白ATP酶活性的抑制.结论:这些结果提示骨骼肌横桥功能降低可能是其等长收缩pt下降的原因之一;BDM并非特异型肌球蛋白ATP酶抑制剂,可对兴奋-收缩偶联的多个环节产生影响. 相似文献
The structural changes of phalloidin-rhodamin labelled F-actin at relaxed and contracted skeletal muscle fibre containing phosphorylated myosin and at contracted state after dephosphorylation were investigated by measuring of polarized fluorescence of the fluorophore. The mechanical properties (isometric tension development) of fibre were studied in parallel. At submaximal concentration of Ca ions (0.6 mumol/l) the isometric tension was decreased after dephosphorylation of fibre myosin. The changes in polarization of fluorophore bound to actin filament were correlated with isometric tension developed by the muscle fibre. The angles between the actin filament long axis and the absorption and emission dipoles for contracted and relaxed fibre were different, suggesting changes in the organization of the actin monomers in thin filament, dependent on the physiological state of the fibre. The flexibility of the thin filaments during transition of the fibre from relaxed to "contracted" state increases as indicated by greater average angle between the F-actin long axis and the fibre axis. 相似文献
Murphy RM Stephenson DG Lamb GD 《American journal of physiology. Cell physiology》2004,287(6):C1589-C1595
Increasing the intramuscular stores of total creatine [TCr = creatine (Cr) + creatine phosphate (CrP)] can result in improved muscle performance during certain types of exercise in humans. Initial uptake of Cr is accompanied by an increase in cellular water to maintain osmotic balance, resulting in a decrease in myoplasmic ionic strength. Mechanically skinned single fibers from rat soleus (SOL) and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles were used to examine the direct effects on the contractile apparatus of increasing [Cr], increasing [Cr] plus decreasing ionic strength, and increasing [Cr] and [CrP] with no change in ionic strength. Increasing [Cr] from 19 to 32 mM, accompanied by appropriate increases in water to maintain osmolality, had appreciable beneficial effects on contractile apparatus performance. Compared with control conditions, both SOL and EDL fibers showed increases in Ca2+ sensitivity (+0.061 ± 0.004 and +0.049 ± 0.009 pCa units, respectively) and maximum Ca2+-activated force (to 104 ± 1 and 105 ± 1%, respectively). In contrast, increasing [Cr] alone had a small inhibitory effect. When both [Cr] and [CrP] were increased, there was virtually no change in Ca2+ sensitivity of the contractile apparatus, and maximum Ca2+-activated force was 106 ± 1% compared with control conditions in both SOL and EDL fibers. These results suggest that the initial improvement in performance observed with Cr supplementation is likely due in large part to direct effects of the accompanying decrease in myoplasmic ionic strength on the properties of the contractile apparatus. ergogenic aid; muscle contraction; fatigue 相似文献
The effects of partial extraction of TnC upon the tension-pCa relationship in rabbit skinned skeletal muscle fibers 总被引:8,自引:6,他引:8

The activation of contraction in vertebrate skeletal muscle involves the binding of Ca2+ to low-affinity binding sites on the troponin C (TnC) subunit of the regulatory protein troponin. The present study is an investigation of possible cooperative interactions between adjacent functional groups, composed of seven actin monomers, one tropomyosin, and one troponin, along the same thin filament. Single skinned fibers were obtained from rabbit psoas muscles and were then placed in an experimental chamber containing relaxing solution maintained at 15 degrees C. Isometric tension was measured in solutions containing maximally and submaximally activating levels of free Ca2+ (a) in control fiber segments, (b) in the same segments after partial extraction of TnC, and finally (c) after recombination of TnC into the segments. The extraction was done at 11-13 degrees C in 20 mM Tris, 5 mM EDTA, pH 7.85 or 8.3, a procedure derived from that of Cox et al. (1981. Biochem. J. 195:205). Extraction of TnC was quantitated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the control and experimental samples. Partial extraction of TnC resulted in reductions in tension during maximal Ca activation and in a shift of the relative tension-pCa (i.e., -log[Ca2+]) relationship to lower pCa's. The readdition of TnC to the extracted fiber segments resulted in a recovery of tension to near-control levels and in the return of the tension-pCa relation to its original position. On the basis of these findings, we conclude that the sensitivity to Ca2+ of a functional group within the thin filament may vary depending upon the state of activation of immediately adjacent groups. 相似文献
Contraction of rabbit skinned skeletal muscle fibers at low levels of magnesium adenosine triphosphate 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4

The contractile properties of skinned single fibers from rabbit psoas muscle were investigated under conditions of low MgATP and no Ca2+ (i.e., less than 10(-8) M). At 1 microM MgATP, fibers shortened at a maximum velocity of 660 +/- 420 A/half sarcomere/s (n = 9), compared with 34,000 A/half sarcomere/s measured during maximum Ca2+-activation at 1 mM MgATP (Moss, R. L., 1982. J. Muscle Res. Cell. Motil ., 3:295-311). The observed dependence of Vmax on pMgATP between 7.0 and 5.3 was similar to that of actomyosin ATPase measured previously by Weber, A., R. Herz , and I. Reiss (1969, Biochemistry, 8:2266-2270). Isometric tension was found to vary with pMgATP in a manner much like that reported by Reuben , J. P., P. W. Brandt, M. Berman , and H. Grundfest (J. Gen. Physiol. 1971. 57:385-407). A simple cross-bridge model was developed to simulate contractile behaviour at both high and low levels of MgATP. It was found that the pMgATP dependence of Vmax and ATPase could be successfully modeled if the rate of detachment of the cross-bridge was made proportional to the concentration of MgATP. In the model, the similar dependence of Vmax and ATPase on pMgATP was derived from the fact that in this range of pMgATP every pass of a cross-bridge by an actin site resulted in an attachment-detachment cycle, and every such cycle caused hydrolysis of one molecule of ATP. 相似文献
Seow C. Y.; Morishita L.; Bressler B. H. 《American journal of physiology. Cell physiology》1998,274(5):C1306
Direct action of the cardiotonic bipyridine milrinone on thecross bridges of single fibers of skinned rabbit skeletal muscle wasinvestigated. At 10°C and pH 7.0, milrinone reduced isometric tension in a logarithmically concentration-dependent manner, with a55% reduction in force at 0.6 mM. Milrinone also reducedCa2+ sensitivity of skinned fibersin terms of force production; the shift in the force-pCa curveindicated a change in the pCa value at 50% maximal force from 6.10 to5.94. The unloaded velocity of shortening was reduced by 18% in thepresence of 0.6 mM milrinone. Parts of the transient tension responseto step change in length were altered by milrinone, so that the testand control transients could not be superimposed. The results indicatethat milrinone interferes with the cross-bridge cycle and possiblydetains cross bridges in low-force states. The results also suggestthat the positive inotropic effect of milrinone on cardiac muscle isprobably not due to the drug's direct action on the muscle crossbridges. The specific and reversible action of the bipyridine on muscle cross bridges makes it a potentially useful tool for probing the chemomechanical cross-bridge cycle. 相似文献
Changes in contractile properties with selective digestion of connectin (titin) in skinned fibers of frog skeletal muscle. 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
H Higuchi 《Journal of biochemistry》1992,111(3):291-295
Changes in contractile properties of mechanically skinned fibers were examined when connectin in the fibers was selectively digested by a low concentration (0.25 microgram/ml) of trypsin. Resting tension and isometric active tension were reduced as the digestion of the connectin progressed; the rate of reduction of active tension was larger than that of resting tension. Maximum shortening speed and calcium ion sensitivity of active tension were not changed by the digestion. Electron micrographs showed that A-bands in the fibers treated with trypsin are dislocated from I-bands. These results suggest that the digestion of connectin does not directly influence the reaction of actin-myosin-regulatory proteins, and thus the resultant reduction in the active tension is mainly due to disordering of the regular structure in a sarcomere. 相似文献
Influence of myosin isoforms on contractile properties of intact muscle fibers from Rana pipiens 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Lutz GJ Sirsi SR Shapard-Palmer SA Bremner SN Lieber RL 《American journal of physiology. Cell physiology》2002,282(4):C835-C844
The myosin heavy chain (MHC) andmyosin light chain (MLC) isoforms in skeletal muscle of Ranapipiens have been well characterized. We measured theforce-velocity (F-V) properties of single intact fast-twitchfibers from R. pipiens that contained MHC types 1 or 2 (MHC1or MHC2) or coexpressed MHC1 and MHC2 isoforms. Velocities weremeasured between two surface markers that spanned most of the fiberlength. MHC and MLC isoform content was quantified after mechanicsanalysis by SDS-PAGE. Maximal shortening velocity(Vmax) and velocity at half-maximal tension(VP 50) increased with percentage of MHC1(%MHC1). Maximal specific tension (Po/CSA, wherePo is isometric tension and CSA is fiber cross-sectional area) and maximal mechanical power (Wmax) alsoincreased with %MHC1. MHC concentration was not significantlycorrelated with %MHC1, indicating that the influence of %MHC1 onPo/CSA and Wmax was due to intrinsicdifferences between MHC isoforms and not to concentration. TheMLC3-to-MLC1 ratio was not significantly correlated withVmax, VP 50,Po/CSA, or Wmax. These data demonstrate the powerful relationship between MHC isoforms and F-V properties of the two most common R. pipiensfiber types. 相似文献
The effect of ethylene glycol on the contractile properties of skeletal muscles was studied using glycerinated rabbit psoas muscle fibers. Measurements were made at an ionic strength of 0.2 M, pH 7.0, and at 10 degrees C. Ethylene glycol reversibly reduced isometric tension, active stiffness, the tension-to-stiffness ratio, and the shortening velocity at zero load (Vo) in a dose-dependent fashion. Ethylene glycol also reduced the Ca sensitivity for contraction. The extent of the reduction in Vo by ethylene glycol was much larger than that in the actomyosin ATPase activity reported by Travers and Hillaire (Eur. J. Biochem. 98, 293-299 [1979]). Although ethylene glycol reduced tension and Vo, the MgATP concentration dependence of these two quantities was almost unaffected. These results suggest that in the presence of ethylene glycol, force produced by crossbridges in the principal force-producing state is reduced and/or the relative population of the attached crossbridges in the low-force state increases. The results also suggest that the reduction in Vo by ethylene glycol is caused not only by a reduction in the actomyosin ATPase activity but also by a reduction in the shortening distance per mole of ATP split. 相似文献
The efflux of 42K from single, skinned (sarcolemma removed) skeletal muscle fibers has been determined. Isotope washout curves are kinetically complex and can be fit as the sum of three exponentials, including a fast component (k = 0.25 s-1) with a pool size equivalent to 91% of the fiber volume, an intermediate component (k = 0.08 s-1) equivalent to 6% of the fiber volume, and a slow component (k = 0.008 s-1) equivalent to 0.5% of fiber volume. Only the intermediate kinetic component is significantly affected by pretreatment of fibers with detergent. Efflux curves from detergent-treated fibers could be fit as the sum of two exponentials with coefficients and rate constants comparable to those of the fast and slow component of washout of untreated controls. Similarly the washout of [14C]sucrose can be described as the sum of two exponentials. We conclude that the intermediate component of 42K washout results from the movement of ions from a membrane bound space within the skinned fiber. Because of its relative volume, the sarcoplasmic reticulum seems to be a reasonable choice as a structural correlate for this component. Our estimate of the potassium permeability for the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) based on the efflux data is 10(-7) cm/s. This value is less than previous estimates from isolated preparations. 相似文献
The effect of ATP analogs on posthydrolytic and force development steps in skinned skeletal muscle fibers. 总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7

ATP, 2-deoxy ATP (dATP), CTP, and UTP support isometric force and unloaded shortening velocity (Vu) to various extents (Regnier et al., Biophys. J. 74:3044-3058). Vu correlated with the rate of cross-bridge dissociation after the power stroke and the steady-state hydrolysis rate in solution, whereas force was modulated by NTP binding and cleavage. Here we studied the influence of posthydrolytic cross-bridge steps on force and fiber shortening by measuring isometric force and stiffness, the rate of tension decline (kPi) after Pi photogeneration from caged Pi, and the rate of tension redevelopment (ktr) after a sudden release and restretch of fibers. The slope of the force versus [Pi] relationship was the same for ATP, dATP, and CTP, but for UTP it was threefold less. ktr and kPi increased with increasing [Pi] with a similar slope for ATP, dATP, and CTP, but had an increasing magnitude of the relationship ATP < dATP < CTP. UTP reduced ktr but increased kPi. The results suggest that the rate constant for the force-generating isomerization increases with the order ATP < dATP < CTP < UTP. Simulations using a six-state model suggest that increasing the force-generating rate accounts for the faster kPi in dATP, CTP, and UTP. In contrast, ktr appears to be strongly affected by the rates of NTP binding and cleavage and the rate of the force-generating isomerization. 相似文献
Chemically skinned mammalian skeletal muscle. I. The structure of skinned rabbit psoas. 总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18
We studied the morphology of rabbit psoas muscle fixed at increasing intervals of time in a chemical skinning solution (Wood et al., 1975), or after skinning and storage for times up to 1 week. The storage solution, in which the chemically skinned muscled fibers were kept at -20 degrees C, had the same ionic composition as the skinning solution but was made with 50% (v/v) glycerol. Progressive structural changes occurred in fibers exposed to skinning solution. The structural changes were essentially complete after 24-48 hr in skinning solution and no further changes were detected in fibers stored for periods up to 1 week. Structural changes were: (i) holes or gaps in the plasma membrane; (ii) swelling of mitochondria and disorganization of their internal structure; (iii) slight swelling of the sarcoplasmic reticulum; (iv) disappearance of sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) feet from triadic gaps. Other changes included loss of glycogen between fibrils and extraction of myoplasm, or the change of its staining properties. All architectural elements of the SR, except "feet", remained during skinning and storage, and the SR remained able to accumulate calcium. The morphology of the myofilaments during chemical skinning and during storage did not differ from control fibers. We conclude that chemical skinning alters the gross structure of the plasma membrane and mitochondria, but produces minimal changes in the sarcoplasmic reticulum and contractile proteins. 相似文献
《The Journal of cell biology》1984,99(4):1391-1397
Indirect immunofluorescence microscopy of highly stretched skinned frog semi-tendinous muscle fibers revealed that connectin, an elastic protein of muscle, is located in the gap between actin and myosin filaments and also in the region of myosin filaments except in their centers. Electron microscopic observations showed that there were easily recognizable filaments extending from the myosin filaments to the I band region and to Z lines in the myofibrils treated with antiserum against connectin. In thin sections prepared with tannic acid, very thin filaments connected myosin filaments to actin filaments. These filaments were also observed in myofibrils extracted with a modified Hasselbach-Schneider solution (0.6 M KCl, 0.1 M phosphate buffer, pH 6.5, 2 mM ATP, 2 mM MgCl2, and 1 mM EGTA) and with 0.6 M Kl. SDS PAGE revealed that connectin (also called titin) remained in extracted myofibrils. We suggest that connectin filaments play an important role in the generation of tension upon passive stretch. A scheme of the cytoskeletal structure of myofibrils of vertebrate skeletal muscle is presented on the basis of our present information of connectin and intermediate filaments. 相似文献