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日本血吸虫胞蚴期超微结构的初步观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文用扫描与透射电镜观察了我国大陆品系37日和45日龄日本血吸虫母胞蚴及其体内未成熟子胞蚴体被的结构。同时观察了取自螺肝组织的62日龄成熟子胞蚴。初次揭示日本血吸虫胞蚴期体被的超微结构,基本上与曼氏血吸虫胞蚴期相似。日本血吸虫母胞蚴和成熟子胞蚴除体被无体棘外,其他很相似。比较未成熟的子胞蚴与未成熟的尾蚴,揭示外质膜由两层结构构成;随后,外层结构溶化消失,而同时出现微绒毛。构成这样母子二代胞蚴及其体内胚胎既相同又有差别,认为与幼虫寄生部位及生殖生理状态有关。  相似文献   

1. 本文介绍研究日本血吸虫幼虫在钉螺體内发育过程的结果。 2.有12.5—34.3%的陽性钉螺内合有二个以上的母胞蚴,证明钉螺内只能有一个毛蚴发育之说不確。 3.母胞蚴发育及生长的埸所,最初多在足及鳃,以後多在内臟。 4.日本血吸虫幼虫的连续繁殖,主要是在子胞蚴世代。 5.对钉螺内的各期幼虫的形态详加描述。  相似文献   

藁杆双脐螺(Biotaphafaria straminea)是曼氏血吸虫中间宿主。曼氏血吸虫(Shistosoma mansoni)是寄生在人体内的血吸虫,生活史与日本血吸虫生活史大体相似,成虫交配产卵,卵随大便、偶从小便排出体外,在水中孵出毛蚴,毛蚴入双脐螺体内,发育成母胞蚴、子胞蚴,尾蚴,然后到终末宿主(人)。曼氏血吸虫与日本血吸虫在终末宿主体内的移行径路极为相似,常能数次通过肝毛细血管、肺及大循环,最后定  相似文献   

本文通过活体标本、连续切片、全封标本及扫描电镜观察了大陆品系日本血吸虫Schistosomajaponicum子胞蚴体内尾蚴发育期的形态。日本血吸虫尾蚴发育分为五期,即胚细胞期、胚球期、尾蚴雏体期、成熟前期和成熟期。与曼氏血吸虫尾蚴发育进行比较,日本血吸虫尾蚴在胚球期无极化现象;尾蚴雏体期的尾芽形态多非圆球形,尾叉形成较早。钻腺及焰细胞均在此期发生,较曼氏血吸虫尾蚴早。除了上述头器、头腺、钻腺、焰细胞及消化器官进一步发育外,体内散在胚细胞结集为生殖始基,体表感觉乳突分化与体尾肌细胞的发育,尾蚴从成熟前期过渡到成熟期。 电镜首次原位观察尾蚴发育在子胞蚴育腔内的自然状态。尽管偶尔可见到胞蚴体壁与胚元之间某些结构联系,但大部份的胚元各自独立混杂在育腔之中。此外尚注意到尾蚴体棘发生在成熟前期,但其密度较成熟尾蚴小,而其大小却比成熟尾蚴的大。尾蚴头器上感觉乳突和围褶可能先于内部腺体细胞的分化。  相似文献   

梅柏松  周述龙 《水生生物学报》1989,13(4):326-333,T001
本文报道了4种培养基,4种血清,不同浓度的半乳糖,二巯基苏糖醇及部分三羧酸循环中间产物对日本血吸虫毛蚴体外转变为母胞蚴及其存活的影响,发现稀释一倍的RPM1 1640加10%兔血清为较适宜的培养基,上述添加剂对毛蚴转变和母胞蚴存活均无有益作用,其中柠檬酸可显著抑制毛蚴的转变,文中描述了毛蚴的体外转变成母胞蚴的过程,对血吸虫的糖代谢途径进行了讨论。  相似文献   

复殖类吸虫的生活史通常要经过虫卵、毛蚴、胞蚴、雷蚴、尾蚴及囊蚴几个阶段。随大便排出的虫卵有的是单细胞的,有的卵内已含有成熟的胚胎(毛蚴)。有的虫卵在子宫内孵化(如棘口科并睾吸虫属的一种Parochis acanthus),有的要经过体外发育后才孵化(如姜片虫),有的成熟卵进入螺体后才孵化(如华枝睾吸虫),但大多数吸虫卵落入水内,经发育后,孵出毛蚴,若侵入适当的中间宿主后才能继续发育。吸虫的第一中间宿主是软体动物,通常是腹足类,有时是瓣鳃类或掘足类,但未见于头足类和双神经类。在软体动物体内大多数都要经过胞蚴阶段,有的还有子胞蚴(如日本血吸)。由胞蚴或子胞蚴产生雷蚴,但也有的没有雷蚴  相似文献   

日本血吸虫尾蚴头器、腺体及体被超微结构的观察   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
本文报告用扫描与透射电镜观察大陆品系日本血吸虫(Schistosoma japonicum)尾蚴的头器、膆体及体被的超微结构。 从不同角度扫描电镜观察日本血吸虫的尾蚴头器前端,见有5对钻腺的开口,开口的周围有围褶,围褶的外侧分布有7对无鞘单纤毛的感觉乳突,这些结构靠近头器的腹侧围成马蹄形,顶端为无棘区。作者综合有关图像重建日本血吸虫尾蚴头器表面结构的示意图,供参考。 日本血吸虫尾蚴的体被、头腺及钻腺与曼氏血吸虫尾蚴基本相似,但在前钻腺分泌小体我们另见有连续性条索状透明物,对它的形成及其性质进行了讨论。  相似文献   

形态’‘’-食蟹猴疟原虫晚期卵囊,成抱子细胞与子抱子扫描电镜观察·……:’’’·…_ ························……陈佩惠吴洪张穗时云林郭保忠31(3);232鼠疟原虫裂殖子的超微结构研究········……,.·······,……严共华‘王贵杰31(3):2 36日本血吸虫尾蜘的组织化学及扫描电镜观察一何毅勋郁琪芳夏明仪31(1):6金黄滴虫粘液泡的研究……陈阅增朱桦李荫葵曹同庚罗泽华31(2):132日本血吸虫在小鼠体内发育形态的扫描电镜观察···……何毅勋.彭辛午31(2)江38日本血吸虫胞蜘期超微结构的初步观察··…  相似文献   

本文首次阐明卵形半肠吸虫(Mesocoelium ovatum Goto et Ozaki,1930)的全程生活史。在福州,终宿主为黑眶蟾蜍(Bufo melanostictus),实验中间宿主为蜗牛,Bradybaena similaris和Cathaica ravida sieboldtiana。蜗牛吞食本吸虫卵而受感染。毛蚴在蜗牛肠管内孵化,而后钻到肠壁外发育为母胞蚴、子胞蚴、尾蚴和囊蚴各发育期。囊蚴可在子胞体中形成并可感染黑眶蟾蜍。本文讨论了半肠属(Mesocoelium)的演化系统问题及与外斜睾总科(Plagiorchioidea)中一些吸虫类群的关系。  相似文献   

日本血吸虫成虫培养细胞的超微结构观察   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
报告日本血吸虫成虫培养细胞的超微结构。在透射电镜下日本血吸虫成虫培养细胞呈多角形、圆颗粒形,三角扇形和鞭毛形等多种形状,其中以多角形为主。细胞表面光滑,或有乳头乳突起,微绒毛和微饮泡等。胞质内有不同数量的线粒体,内质网,核糖体和糖原颗粒等分布,高尔基复合体很少或无;其中线粒体超微结构的变化可以作为评判培养条件优劣的一个指标。核常呈圆形,核膜为一单位膜,核孔清晰;核内具较丰富的异染色质,核膜内缘常有  相似文献   

Ultrastructure of daughter sporocysts and cercariae of Schistosoma japonicum were studied 2 and 4 months after infection of Oncomelania hupensis hupensis. The body walls of daughter sporocysts are similar at all infectious stages. They consist of an external syncytial tegument on a basement membrane, and an internal cellular subtegument surrounding a body cavity containing developing cercariae. The cercariae embryos develop 2 months after infection from germinal balls in the brood chamber of the daughter sporocyst. They are at first enveloped by a primitive epithelium rising from the daughter sporocyst. Four months after infection, the cercariae were almost fully developed and the primitive epithelium had degenerated. The body wall of the cercaria consists of a thin tegument covered by a surface coat of fibrous material and connected to the subtegumental cells by cytoplasmic processes. The matrix of the tegument contains numerous dense bodies, vacuoles, and spines. Two types of sensory structures - uniciliated and multiciliated - are found at the anterior tip of the cercaria. There are five pairs of penetration gland cells of two distinct types differentiated by the morphology of secretory granules. Flame cells are found in both daughter sporocysts and in cercariae. The cilia of the flame cells are characterized by the typical 9 and 2 cilium pattern.  相似文献   

During the larval development of S. mansoni in the snail host, morpho-anatomic changes occur in the daughter sporocyst by a sectorization of this larval stage. Three sectors can be distinguished: an anterior zone with a well-differentiated birth pore; dilated zones containing the developing cercariae; constricted zones without cercarial embryo. The photonic and electronic microscopical study shows variations in the tegumental structure of these sectors. This evolution of the daughter sporocysts is discussed in relation with the dynamics of larval stages and the replication process of sporocysts.  相似文献   

日本血吸虫毛蚴对钉螺的钻穿及在螺体内的分布和移行   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
舒利民 《动物学报》2000,46(3):249-254
采自安徽省池的钉螺每粒感染50只湖南株日本血吸虫毛后的组织学观察说明:毛蚴钻穿钉螺有从螺鳃部、头足总后有皮以及实质组织(外套膜、触角和阴茎)等三方面途径,其中以前二者尤为重要;毛蚴进入螺鳃丝后直接进入血液循环系统,从头足表皮进入的毛蚴,除了少数在钻穿部位附近滞留外,多数继续向头足部深层的肌肉和窦状组织间隙移行,以前头足窦、直肠和消化道外的组织间隙以及肾脏为主要的移行部位;从外套膜、触角、阴茎等部位  相似文献   

The teguments of developing and mature cercariae, recently transformed, and 1-wk-old schistosomula and adult worms were examined for the ultrastructural location of macromolecular carbohydrates and polyelectrolytes. The surface of mature cercariae within sporocysts and cercariae released from the snail is covered by a filamentous coat which reacts with cytochemical reagents for the demonstration of vicinal glycols, but neither the coat nor the surface of the tegument plasmalemma binds cationic colloidal iron at low pH.Upon penetrating mammalian skin, the cercaria sheds its surface coat; the tegument surface of newly transformed schistosomula, older schistosomula and adult worms stains en bloc with acidic colloidal iron, as does the tegument plasmalemma of mature cercariae if the overlying filamentous coat is first removed by physicochemical means. The cercarial coat thus serves to mask anionic groups at the surface of the tegument plasmalemma which become functionally exposed after penetration of the mammalian host. The distribution of colloidal iron binding sites coincides with those for the carbohydrate-complexing phytohemmagglutnin, concanavalin A, which suggests that these membrane-fixed anions are acid mucopolysaccharides, glycoproteins or glycolipids. Carbohydrate-containing material was also localized within membrane-bound vesicles of the tegument matrix and perikarya of developing cercariae and postcercarial schistosomes, suggesting that surface mucosubstances contributing to the tegument glycocalyx of these worms are elaborated, at least in part, by the tegument itself.  相似文献   

The tegumental ultrastructure of the intestinal fluke Bucephalus anguillae was studied with the use of scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The surface of the tegument is covered by transverse ridges from which protrude numerous closely packed, digitated, and claw-shaped spines. Cobblestone-like units of the tegument were observed on the crescent-shaped formation of the rhynchus and at the posterior part of the body. Three types of sensory structures were examined, i.e., 2 uniciliated receptors and 1 without cilia. As anterior-posterior differences were observed, particular attention was given to spines and sensory receptors. Spine insertion zones and average cilia length are variable between anterior and posterior tegument areas. Ultrastructural study revealed that the tegument of B. anguillae has a typical syncytial organization with a distal cytoplasm lying over a basal matrix and cytons below. Cytoplasmic bridges allowed transit of secretory vesicles and granules. Diagrams of spines and sensory receptors were made to help in understanding the nature of these structures.  相似文献   

Schistosoma japonicum daughter sporocysts obtained from infected Oncomelania hupensis hupensis were successfully transplanted to parasite-free O. hupensis hupensis. Survival and infection rates of recipient snails were 80% and 75% respectively. Intramolluscan development of transplanted daughter sporocysts in recipient snails appears to proceed in a similar manner as those reported for transplanted S. mansoni and S. haematobium in their respective snail intermediate hosts. Complete colonization of the digestive gland of recipient snails by sporocysts was observed 80 days after transplantation. Cercarial production during a 10-day observation from recipient snails was characterized by periods of high and low and irregular daily emissions. The average daily cercarial production was 150 per snail. Cercariae produced by recipient snails were infective to mice. Of those cercariae exposed to mice, approximately 30% developed to adult schistosomes. These results have definitive utility in the maintenance of S. japonicum in the laboratory.  相似文献   

In order to elucidate the functional role of cercomer in larvae of the monocercus type their transplantation from the specific host Chironomus obtusidens to Gammarus lacustris was conducted. At early stages after the transplantation proceeds an increase in the functional activity of the tegument of follicles of the cercomer followed by their complete destruction in 3 or 4 days. On the surface of the exocyst membrane an adhesion of the host's haemocytes occurs, which becomes more distinct in 3-4 days when the process acquires a character of local encapsulation. Within the same period, in the places of haemocytes aggregation, a local resorption of the exocyst external membrane takes place. Later intensification of the host response to transplant is associated with the destruction of follicles of the cercomer. In one case the occurrence of follicles of the cercomer in the cavity of cysticercoid was observed that is caused by the microbe affection of the latter. In the zone of contact of the tegument of scolex and neck with follicles of the cercomer an increased secretion (the microapocrine type) of the tegument, disturbance of the microvillous tegument of the cercomer's follicles and their destruction are observed. Incompatibility of the tegument of definitive departments and cercomer, which arises during differentiation of larvae, is supposed to affect the formation of scolex invagination in the evolution of larvae of Hymenolepis.  相似文献   

Schistosoma mansoni: development of the cercarial glycocalyx   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The development of the cercarial glycocalyx of Schistosoma mansoni was studied by transmission electron microscopy and immunofluorescence light microscopy employing antibodies raised against extracted and chromatographed glycocalyx. By electron microscopy, cercariae present in the brood chamber of daughter sporocysts were surrounded by an electron-dense granular and fibrillar matrix. This material appeared structurally distinct from the glycocalyx which was coarsely fibrillar and located only on the surface of organisms that had developed a final tegument. The thickness of the glycocalyx apparently increased with the maturation of the tegument, since teguments that had many spines also had the thickest glycocalyx. Immunofluorescent staining of frozen sections of infected snail hepatopancreas showed that glycocalyx antigens were present on the surface of the cercariae and not in the matrix within the brood chamber or in snail tissues. Immunofluorescent staining of isolated larval cercariae showed staining of some but not all parasites with partially elongated tails. These studies suggest that the glycocalyx develops late in cercarial development (late in Stage 6 or in Stage 7 of Cheng and Bier), is made by the cercariae themselves, and is not a product of either the sporocyst wall cells or snail hepatopancreas.  相似文献   

The body wall of the daughter sporocyst of Cercaria vaullegeardi Pelseneer, 1906 is unusual for a species without a birth pore in consisting of an outer anucleated, microvillous syncytial tegument and a cellular subtegument which lacks secretory cells. In contrast, most other known daughter sporocysts without birth pores have a nucleated region above the microvillous region of the tegument. The significance and functional aspects of this structure are discussed.  相似文献   

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