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When the anthracycline daunomycin (DNM) is incorporated into isolated plasma membranes from P388 murine leukemia cells, the drug partitions between 'deep' and 'surface' membrane domains. Such domains have been characterized on the basis of: (1) fluorescence resonance energy transfer between 1,6-diphenylhexa-1,3,5-triene or 1-[4-(trimethylamino)phenyl]-6-phenylhexa-1,3,5-triene as energy donors, which are well known in their positioning within the membrane, and daunomycin as the energy acceptor, and (2) quenching of the fluorescence of the membrane-associated drug by the water-soluble quencher iodide. The distribution of DNM between the two plasma membrane domains is different depending on the cellular phenotype. Thus, in membranes from drug-sensitive cells, DNM is preferentially confined to 'surface' domains, while in membranes from drug-resistant cells, the drug distributes more homogeneously between 'surface' and 'deep' domains. Experiments using artificial lipid vesicles suggest that differences in the relative levels of certain lipids in the plasma membranes from drug-sensitive and drug-resistant cells, namely phosphatidylserine and cholesterol, are partly responsible for the observed differences in the distribution of DNM. Since drug-membrane interactions are important in anthracycline cytotoxicity, it is possible that our observations on a different membrane distribution of daunomycin, may be related to the different sensitivity to the drug exhibited by these cells.  相似文献   

O P Clausen 《Cytometry》1987,8(6):612-617
DNA synthesis kinetics of P388 leukemic cells growing in ascites form in BDF1 hybrid mice were investigated during the periods of exponential growth and growth restriction. Incorporation of tritiated thymidine, and in some instances tritiated uridine, was studied by autoradiography in cells sorted from S-phase fractions during DNA flow cytometry. During exponential growth continuous labeling with tritiated thymidine indicated a growth fraction of unity, whereas the growth fraction was about 30% during growth restriction. At this growth phase the majority of cells with S phase DNA content remained unlabeled after pulse labeling with tritiated thymidine or uridine, indicating that both the "salvage" and the "de novo" DNA synthesis pathways were blocked in most S-phase cells. After pulse labeling with tritiated thymidine the DNA synthesis rate pattern was investigated by sorting of consecutive fractions of cells throughout the S phase followed by quantitative autoradiography. With exception of a reduced rate in the middle of S phase, the DNA synthesis rate increased as the cells progressed through S phase during exponential growth. In contrast, the DNA synthesis rate pattern had a relative peak in the middle of S phase during growth restriction, which is otherwise characterized by a low mean DNA synthesis rate.  相似文献   

The natural killer activity and phenotypic properties of six different subpopulations of normal human peripheral blood lymphocytes obtained by four-color immunofluorescence cell sorting were examined. Phycoerythrin-conjugated CD16 and CD56 were used simultaneously to identify (CD16 + CD56+) NK cells. The cells most effective in mediating NK cytolysis against K562 target cells were CD3-(16 + 56+)57 -8+. Although most of the K562 killing was found in the CD3-(16 + 56 +) groups of cells, a substantial degree of NK activity was detected in the CD3+(16 + 56 +) subpopulations of some individuals. The level of expression of CD57 and CD8 was significantly higher on CD3+(16 + 56 +) than on CD3-(16 + 56 +) cells.  相似文献   

The germ line represents a cell type of unique interest in mammals because it retains complete genotypic totipotency while undergoing significant phenotypic differentiation. Analysis of the mechanism that underlies the maintenance of this totipotency requires the ability to isolate and study all stages of the germ cell lineage. The primordial germ cells (PGC) are the earliest identifiable germ cells in the embryo. It has not previously been possible to isolate PGC in sufficient numbers and purity to facilitate biochemical and/or molecular analysis. We report here that the use of a monoclonal antibody in combination with flow cytometry does permit the isolation of reasonably large and pure yields of viable mouse PGC.  相似文献   

We have used a mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV)-infected rat hepatoma cell line as a model system for studying glucocorticoid action. These cells induce tyrosine aminotransferase and MMTV in response to the synthetic glucocorticoid, dexamethasone. The major viral antigen, a glycoprotein of 52,000 daltons (gp52), appears on the surface of infected cells in amounts which reflect the cytoplasmic content of viral RNA. Using an anti-gp52 antiserum and a fluorescence-activated cell sorter (FACS), we have selected variants which display low levels of pg52 in the presence of the hormone. Multiple cycles of enrichment for cells that fluoresce weakly in the presence of hormone have generated a population which fails to produce a detectable increase in cell surface gp52 in response to dexamethasone. This population of nonresponders and a number of independent clones derived from this population were analyzed for their ability to induce gp52 and TAT and for these presence of glucocorticoid receptors. All nonresponder clones exhibited little or no induction of either glucocorticoid-inducible marker. Two of the clones contained reduced levels of glucocrticoid receptor, while the remainder of the clones showed no detectable specific hormone binding. These results provide genetic evidence that a single class of glucocorticoid receptors is involved in the induction of both MMTV and TAT in HTC cells.  相似文献   

The remarkable capability of planarian regeneration is mediated by a group of adult stem cells referred to as neoblasts. Although these cells possess many unique cytological characteristics (e.g. they are X-ray sensitive and contain chromatoid bodies), it has been difficult to isolate them after cell dissociation. This is one of the major reasons why planarian regenerative mechanisms have remained elusive for a long time. Here, we describe a new method to isolate the planarian adult stem cells as X-ray-sensitive cell populations by fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS). Dissociated cells from whole planarians were labeled with fluorescent dyes prior to fractionation by FACS. We compared the FACS profiles from X-ray-irradiated and non-irradiated planarians, and thereby found two cell fractions which contained X-ray-sensitive cells. These fractions, designated X1 and X2, were subjected to electron microscopic morphological analysis. We concluded that X-ray-sensitive cells in both fractions possessed typical stem cell morphology: an ovoid shape with a large nucleus and scant cytoplasm, and chromatoid bodies in the cytoplasm. This method of isolating X-ray-sensitive cells using FACS may provide a key tool for advancing our understanding of the stem cell system in planarians.  相似文献   

[目的]建立适用于海洋微生物的流式细胞分选与高通量单细胞培养的方法,通过该方法从印度洋深海样品中分离微生物纯培养菌株.[方法]利用流式细胞仪单细胞分选功能,以前向角(FSC)和侧向角(SSC)散射光信号代替荧光信号作为分选逻辑,对深海水体和沉积物样品中微生物进行单细胞高通量分选和培养.[结果]确定了流式细胞分选的区域和...  相似文献   

Multidrug-resistant (MDR) cells are characterized by a defect in drug accumulation caused by activity of an energy-dependent rapid drug efflux pump. The action of this drug pump can be inhibited by specific agents, referred to as membrane transport modulating agents (MTMAs), resulting in a restoration of the intracellular drug accumulation. This paper presents a flow cytometric assay for the detection of MDR cells, which is based on the ability of these cells to respond to MTMAs. Daunorubicin net-uptake kinetics were measured of anthracycline-sensitive (A2780/S) and -resistant (A2780/R) human ovarian carcinoma cells in vitro. A2780/R cells accumulated significantly less (about a factor of 5) daunorubicin as compared to A2780/S cells. Addition of verapamil or cyclosporin A to A2780/R cells at steady-state daunorubicin uptake led to a dose-dependent increase in cellular daunorubicin accumulation. The sensitivity of the assay was determined by testing mixtures of A2780/S and A2780/R cells. Analysis of A2780/S cells contaminated with A2780/R cells showed that as few as 2.5% MDR cells could readily be detected in the mixture. In conclusion, this functional assay enables the detection of MDR cells in a heterogeneous cell suspension and is ideally suited for the study of the occurrence of typical MDR in human cancer.  相似文献   

Techniques for selective cloning of murine hybridoma cells by flow cytometric cell sorting and use of automated laser nephelometry to determine the resultant clones' immunoglobulin secretion levels are described. Using a commercially available attachment to a fluorescence-activated cell sorter, individual hybridoma cells were successfully distributed into microtiter wells in an automated manner based on their forward angle light scatter properties and their reaction to fluorescein-conjugated anti-mouse-IgG. The techniques were used to estimate successfully the frequency of immunoglobulin-secreting cells in established cultures. In addition, heterogeneity of cell surface immunoglobulin expression was observed and utilized as a criterion for flow sorting of new hybridoma variants. In these studies, clones derived from high (anti-IgG) intensity sorting regions yielded cultures with enhanced immunoglobulin secretion levels, as determined by automated laser nephelometry. Furthermore, the surface immunoglobulin phenotype of the derived clones was conserved in subsequent progeny. Finally, it was established that inclusion of propidium iodide in the hybridoma cell sorting mixtures improved cloning efficiency by facilitating enhanced discrimination and elimination of nonviable cells. Our results indicate that flow cytometric-assisted single cell deposition provides positive attributes of several traditional hybridoma cloning techniques and, in addition, furnishes a tool for steering the cloning process toward selection of enhanced immunoglobulin producing cultures.  相似文献   

In this study, cell nuclei from aneuploid breast cancer samples were sorted with respect to DNA content into pure diploid and aneuploid fractions using flow cytometry. The nuclear proteins were then separated by one-dimensional gel electrophoresis (1D-PAGE) and differences in protein expression patterns, between diploid and aneuploid nuclei from the same tumours, were compared. Using a combination of peptide finger printing and peptide identification by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry, we identified proteins and confirmed that the proteins were of nuclear origins. The results in this study add further information to the knowledge about the breast cancer disease complexity and heterogeneity at molecular level. For some of the tumours studied different nuclei protein patterns were obtained, in the diploid respective aneuploid nuclei populations, whilst other tumours did not show these differences.  相似文献   

The developing central nervous system of vertebrates contains an abundant cell type designated radial glial cells. These cells are known as guiding cables for migrating neurons, while their role as precursor cells is less clear. Since radial glial cells express a variety of astroglial characteristics and differentiate as astrocytes after completing their guidance function, they have been considered as part of the glial lineage. Using fluorescence-activated cell sorting, we show here that radial glial cells also are neuronal precursors and only later, after neurogenesis, do they shift towards an exclusive generation of astrocytes. These results thus demonstrate a novel function for radial glial cells, namely their ability to generate two major cell types found in the nervous system, neurons and astrocytes.  相似文献   

S1-nuclease was purified from the Soviet commercial enzyme amylorizin P10x prepared from the surface culture of Aspergillus oryzae. The enzyme yield was 33% of total activity. The molecular weight of the enzyme measured by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate was equal to 30,000. The enzyme showed high specificity to single-stranded DNA.  相似文献   

A highly pure and viable primordial germ cell (PGC) population appears to be an essential tool for establishing a cell line that can differentiate into a germ cell lineage and for studying the molecular biology and biochemistry of fish PGCs. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to establish a flow cytometric method for isolating highly pure and viable PGCs. As the material for PGC isolation, we used transgenic rainbow trout possessing the green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene driven by trout vasa-gene regulatory sequences (pvasa-GFP). Four independent transgenic strains were subjected to fluorescence microscopy and GFP-dependent flow cytometric analyses. We found that some of the pvasa-GFP transgenic strains exhibited ectopic background green fluorescence in the somatic cells aside from strong fluorescence in PGCs. Although flow cytometric analysis of genital ridge somatic cells in the four pvasa-GFP transgenic strains revealed a wide range of GFP intensities, we proved that somatic cell contamination of the GFP-positive cell population was markedly reduced if transgenic strains without the ectopic background green fluorescence were used. In addition, the forward light-scattering (FS) property, which is an indication of relative cell size, and the side light-scattering (SS) property, which is determined by cell shape and granularity, were employed to remove non-PGC contaminants from the GFP-positive cell population. By isolating GFP-positive cells with high FS/SS values, we were able to effectively remove cell blebs and the apoptotic fraction. Consequently, the purities and survival rates of isolated PGCs were greatly improved compared with those using GFP intensity as a single indicator. Thus, our flow cytometric method, in combination with the selection of suitable transgenic strains without the ectopic background green fluorescence, is capable of isolating highly pure and viable PGCs from rainbow trout. By using this method in combination with cell-cryopreservation and cell transplantation techniques, the isolated PGCs may also be used for preserving the genetic resources of endangered fish species and domesticated fish strains carrying commercially valuable traits. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 67: 91-100, 2004.  相似文献   

Total and active cell counts within soil samples were determined by culture-independent methods using flow cytometry and preparative Nycodenz gradient centrifugation. Whole cells were purified from soil cores and total extractable cell counts assessed by SYBR Green II fluorescence, while active cell counts were determined by 5-cyano-2,3-ditolyl tetrazolium chloride reduction (CTC+ cells). Parallel microcosms, maintained at either field water capacity or subjected to drying, indicated that the total extractable cell count remained between 10(8) and 10(9) g(-1) (dry weight). In contrast, the CTC+ active count fell threefold in dried microcosms (6% of total cell count) when compared to wetted microcosms (18% of total cell count). Specifically, these data highlighted an overall deactivation of microbial biomass during water stress, with 16S rDNA analyses of flow-sorted CTC+ cells demonstrating shifts within the active diversity. Flow cytometry coupled with cell purification techniques represents a significant tool for operationally defining an active and redundant microbial component within soil communities and is demonstrated during water stress.  相似文献   

Sequestration of drugs in intracellular vesicles has been associated with multidrug-resistance (MDR), but it is not clear why vesicular drug accumulation, which depends upon intracellular pH gradients, should be associated with MDR. Using a human uterine sarcoma cell line (MES-SA) and a doxorubicin (DOX)-resistant variant cell line (Dx-5), which expresses p-glycoprotein (PGP), we have addressed the relationship between multidrug resistance, vesicular acidification, and vesicular drug accumulation. Consistent with a pH-dependent mechanism of vesicular drug accumulation, studies of living cells vitally labeled with multiple probes indicate that DOX and daunorubicin (DNR) predominately accumulate in lysosomes, whose lumenal pH was measured at < 4.5, but are not detected in endosomes, whose pH was measured at 5.9. However, vesicular DOX accumulation is more pronounced in the drug-sensitive MES-SA cells and minimal in Dx5 cells even when cellular levels of DOX are increased by verapamil treatment. While lysosomal accumulation of DOX correlated well with pharmacologically induced differences in lysosome pH in MES-SA cells, lysosomal accumulation was minimal in Dx5 cells regardless of lysosomal pH. We found no differences in the pH of either endosomes or lysosomes between MES-SA and Dx5 cells, suggesting that, in contrast to other MDR cell systems, the drug-resistant Dx5 cells are refractory to pH-dependent vesicular drug accumulation. These studies demonstrate that altered endomembrane pH regulation is not a necessary consequence of cell transformation, and that vesicular sequestration of drugs is not a necessary characteristic of MDR.  相似文献   

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