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Cockroach pharate first instar larvae (Periplaneta americana) spontaneously initiate eclosion and hatch from the oötheca after 30 days' incubation at 29°C. The caudal-to-rostral peristaltic movements involved in both eclosion and hatching are initiated even when the first instar larvae have been removed from the oötheca and incubated separately in organ culture dishes. Therefore, environmental stimuli and conditions in situ are not necessary for the onset of eclosion. However, environmental factors associated with the cuticle control the termination and/or duration of the eclosion behaviour sequence. Larvae which had cuticles glued to their bodies had longer than normal eclosion episodes while larvae which experienced premature cuticle removal immediately ceased the movements. Cuticle removal immediately ‘switched’ behaviour from that of the larva to that of the adult with the characteristic walking gait. Eclosion in larvae removed from the oötheca could be initiated by tactile stimulation. A rôle for this response in synchronizing the eclosion-hatching movements of the many larvae within an oötheca is suggested.  相似文献   

Organismal traits such as ecological specialization and migratory behaviour may affect colonization potential, population persistence and degree of isolation, factors that determine the composition and genetic structure of communities. However, studies focusing on community assembly rarely consider these factors jointly. We sequenced 16 nuclear genes and one mitochondrial gene from Caucasian and European populations of 30 forest‐dwelling avian species that represent diverse ecological (specialist–generalist) and behavioural (migratory‐resident) backgrounds. We tested the effects of organismal traits on population divergence and community assembly in the Caucasus forest, a continental mountain island setting. We found that (i) there is no concordance in divergence times between the Caucasus forest bird populations and their European counterparts, (ii) habitat specialists tend to be more divergent than generalists and (iii) residents tend to be more divergent than migrants. Thus, specialists and residents contribute to the high level of endemism of Caucasus forest avifauna more than do generalists and migrants. Patterns of genetic differentiation are better explained by differences in effective population sizes, an often overlooked factor in comparative studies of phylogeography and speciation, than by divergence times or levels of gene flow. Our results suggest that the Caucasus forest avifauna was assembled through time via dispersal and/or multiple vicariant events, rather than originating simultaneously via a single isolation event. Our study is one of the first multilocus, multispecies analyses revealing how ecological and migratory traits impact the evolutionary history of community formation on a continental island.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Understanding how insect pests forage on their food plants can help optimize management strategies. Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lep., Noctuidae) is a major polyphagous pest of agricultural crops worldwide. The immature stages feed and forage on crops at all stages of plant development, damaging fruiting and non-fruiting structures, yet very little is known about the influence of host type or stage on the location and behaviour of larvae. Through semi-continuous observation, we evaluated the foraging (movement and feeding) behaviours of H. armigera first instar larvae as well as the proportion of time spent at key locations on mungbean [ Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek] and pigeon pea [ Cajanus cajan (L.) Millspaugh] of differing developmental stages: seedling- and mature (flowering/pod fill)-stage plants. Both host type and age affected the behaviour of larvae. Larvae spent more time in the upper parts of mature plants than on seedlings and tended to stay at the top of mature plants if they moved there. This difference was greater in pigeon pea than in mungbean. The proportion of time allocated to feeding on different parts of a plant differed with host and age. More feeding occurred in the top of mature pigeon pea plants but did not differ between mature and seedling mungbean plants. The duration of key behaviours did not differ between plant ages in either crop type and was similar between hosts although resting bouts were substantially longer on mungbeans. Thus a polyphagous species such as H. armigera does not forage in equivalent ways on different hosts in the first instar stage.  相似文献   

Relationships between egg size, egg components, and neonate size have been investigated across a wide range of oviparous taxa. Differences in egg traits among taxa reflect not only phylogenetic differences, but also interactions between biotic (i.e., maternal resource allocation) and abiotic (i.e. nest environment conditions) factors. We examined relationships between egg mass, egg composition, and hatchling size in leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) because of the unique egg and reproductive characteristics of this species and of sea turtles in general. Albumen comprised 63.0%+/-2.8% (mean+/-S.D.) of egg mass and explained most of the variation in egg mass, whereas yolk comprised only 33.0%+/-2.7%. Additionally, leatherback albumen dry mass was approximately 16% of albumen wet mass. Whereas hatchling mass increased significantly with egg mass (n = 218 clutches), hatchling mass increased by only approximately 2 g for each 10 g increase in egg mass and was approximately 10-20 g greater than yolk mass. Taken together, our results indicate that albumen might play a particularly significant role in leatherback embryonic development, and that leatherback eggs are both capable of water uptake from the nest substrate and also possess a large reservoir of water in the albumen. Relationships between egg mass and egg components, such as variation in egg mass being largely explained by variation in albumen mass and egg mass containing a relatively high proportion of albumen solids, are more similar to bird eggs than to eggs of other non-avian reptiles. However, hatchling mass correlates more with yolk mass than with albumen mass, unlike patterns observed in bird eggs of similar composition.  相似文献   

In aphidiine parasitoids, resources for growth and adult body size increase with host instar used by ovipositing females, but the fitness consequences of body size on fitness are poorly documented. We compared the fitness of male and female A. nigripesadults that varied in size as a consequence of developing in different instars of their host Macrosiphum euphorbiae. When reproductive fitness was measured without considering time, female wasps from small and large hosts performed similarly, contributing 125–175 foundresses plus 100–180 sons to the next generation. However, when expressed as the innate capacity for increase (r m), female fitness correlated with host-induced variation of wasp size, indicating that micropopulations initiated by large wasps would increase faster. In a wind-tunnel, a sex pheromone plume from large female wasps induced more males to fly upwind when released at a distance of 50 cm downwind than small females, indicating that large females were sexually more attractive. With respect to male body size effects on fitness, large individuals performed similar to small ones, whether fitness was measured by lifetime mating frequency, fertile inseminations, or proportion of daughters among progeny born from their mates. When young naive males of unequal size were directly competing for mating with a virgin female, small and large males had equal mating success, and large individuals were no more successful than small ones at displacing a competitor already positioned on a receptive female. In a wind-tunnel test where males were scored on their ability to reach a female pheromone source, small and large males were equally affected by wind speed but reached the source located 50 cm downwind in equal proportions, suggesting similar capacity for finding mates by flying upwind. Our results indicate that despite host resources not being fixed at the time of attack for the koinobiont A. nigripes, fitness consequences of resource limitation by the mother may be perceived to be greater for daughters than sons, which would explain male-biased sex ratio in early-instar hosts.  相似文献   

Egg size,postembryonic yolk,and survival ability   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Neonates of many species are dependent upon a post-embryonic yolk (PEY), a residual of the energy reserve of the developing embryo. Offspring hatching from large eggs have relatively more PEY than offspring from small eggs. Among daphniid Cladocera, large species produce larger eggs than smaller species. We have found that the proportional amount of energy reserve in eggs of five species of Cladocera is similar, but neonates of the larger Cladocera are born with a greater relative amount of postembryonic yolk, as triacylglycerol, than small species. Apparently, more of the reserve is metabolized by embryos of small species. This is correlated with the higher unitweight metabolic rates of smaller animals. It has been argued that animals should produce relatively larger eggs when exposed to low or unpredictable food conditions to increase the survivorship of their offspring. The physiological constraint of greater relative energy requirements of small embryos may limit PEY and explain why offspring of larger eggs survive better in low or unpredictable food resource environments.  相似文献   

The behaviour and ecology of the zebrafish, Danio rerio   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The zebrafish Danio rerio, is an important model organism in developmental genetics, neurophysiology and biomedicine, but little is known about its natural ecology and behaviour. It is a small, shoaling cyprinid, native to the flood-plains of the Indian subcontinent, where it is found in shallow, slow-flowing waters. Zebrafish are group spawners and egg scatterers, although females are choosy with respect to sites for oviposition and males defend territories around such sites. Laboratory studies of zebrafish behaviour have encompassed shoaling, foraging, reproduction, sensory perception and learning. These studies are reviewed in relation to the suitability of the zebrafish as a model for studies on cognition and learning, development, behavioural and evolutionary ecology, and behavioural genetics.  相似文献   

Mean egg cluster size of Luehdorfia puziloi yessoensis varied among habitats. The mean egg cluster size tended to be large when abundance of the larval food leaves expressed as the fresh weight of leaves per unit area at a given habitat was high. Since this variation was observed among closely located study plots (butterflies can easily move between study plots), the egg cluster size variation among habitats is likely to be a result of flexible response by females to varying food abundance for larvae.  相似文献   

The toxicity (LD,) of eight insecticides to 2–day-old first instar larvae of Pieris brassicue was determined by topical application. On this basis, the insecticides could be ranked in ascending order viz. dimethoate > pirimicarb > phosalone > endosulfan > fenitrothion > pirimiphos-methyl > fenvalerate > diflubenzuron. Relative to endosulfan, dimethoate and pirimicarb were 30–25 times less toxic while at the other extreme, fenvalerate (x 12) and diflubenzuron (x 26) were much more toxic to the larvae of P. brassicae. A methodology was developed for examining the effects of spray drift through bioassay using these 2–day-old larvae. Six field trials with commercial formulations were carried out in which variables other than the insecticide and wind speed were held constant as far as possible. Phosalone (700 g active ingredient ha) produced no effect beyond 1 m downwind at low wind speed (2 m s); at high wind speed (4 m s-1). larval mortality (5.3%) was recorded up to 2m. Fenitrothion (1050 g a.i. ha-1) at moderate wind speed (3 m s-l) caused mortality up to 4 m while fenvalerate (30 g a.i. ha-l) at the same wind speed affected larvae up to a distance of 8 m. Diflubenzuron at a very low dosage (6.5 g a.i. ha-1) also produced effects up to 8 m. At the maximum approved dosage (100 g a.i. ha-1), and at high wind speed (4.25 m s-l), diflubenzuron killed 8.4% of the larvae at 16 m distance. At wind speeds of 2 - 3.5 m s-1, spray deposits on the upper surfaces of water sensitive papers were high at 0 m and declined exponentially with distance. At higher wind speeds (4 - 4.25 m s-I) turbulence produced irregular deposits. Deposition on lower surfaces was much lower than on upper surfaces but the trends with distance and wind speed were the same. The exponential relationships between mortality and distance, and drift deposition and distance, were examined. The results are discussed with respect to laboratory toxicities, application rates, wind speeds and ecological factors.  相似文献   

Abstract. The morphology and chaetotaxy of the first instar larvae of six species belonging to the genera Hipparchia, Kanetisa and Chazara are described. Specific characters are stated, drawn mainly from size, setal length and morphology, and the shape of the suranal plate. Several characters, other than chaetotaxy, that are of potential use in nymphalid systematics are discussed. The larval chaetotaxy is briefly compared with that of both heliconiine and danaine first instar larvae.  相似文献   

Female adults of the migrant skipper, Parnara guttata guttata, lay different-sized eggs on different host plants in different generations. Moreover, P. g. guttata maintains large egg size variation either in the population or in the individual. Why such phenotypic plasticity in egg size is maintained has not been clarified. In the present study we performed a series of experiments to verify whether or not females of P. g. guttata discriminate between the different host plants, i.e., rice plant Oriza sativa in the first and second generations and cogon grass Imperata cylindrica in the third (overwintering) generation and manipulate egg size accordingly on these host plants. When a caged female was allowed to lay eggs alternatively on soft-leafed rice plant and tough-leafed cogon grass, the size of the eggs laid on cogon grass was significantly larger than that on rice plant. When a caged female was allowed to lay eggs on the two host plants that were supplied on alternate days, the size of eggs laid on cogon grass was also significantly larger than that on rice plant. A preliminary experiment using crude extract from the plants suggested that females did not manipulate egg size in response to chemical stimulants alone. The skipper female was able to lay different-sized eggs instantaneously after assessing the host plant. However, the reaction norm to different host plants differed among females. Eggs of various sizes were matured in each ovariole, and egg size variation at the lowest part of the ovariole ranged from the size of the larger eggs laid on cogon grass to that of the smaller eggs laid on rice plant, although how the female chose the appropriate-sized egg at each occasion is unknown.  相似文献   

Life history theory attempts to define the pattern of resource distribution among offspring and predicts that egg size should be positively correlated with offspring fitness. In this paper we investigated the effect of an array of ecological and reproductive factors on the size of eggs laid by Lobesia botrana, and the ecological significance of egg size by experimentally testing whether or not egg size increased larval performance in this moth. Egg size was significantly affected by female age at mating, water availability, pupal weight loss, the phenological stage of the vine in which larvae developed, female body weight, and oviposition day, but was unaffected by the size of the spermatophore received. The greater the size of the first eggs produced, the smaller the size of the last eggs laid, as predicted by the resource depletion hypothesis. As expected, the larger the size of eggs the larger the size of larvae emerging from them. Large larvae displayed a better ability to endure starvation than small ones. When small and large larvae were allowed to develop on grape clusters, an adverse environment, large larvae performed better, settling and survival being significantly enhanced, almost tripled. Instead, when the same experiment was carried out on an artificial diet in the laboratory, a much more favourable milieu, survival in both sized-larval groups was not significantly different. We discuss our results in the context of current ideas relating egg size, larval performance and fitness in the Lepidoptera.  相似文献   

在郑州通过室外埋卵观察,草履蚧Drosicha corpulenta Kuwana从1月初开始孵化,孵化后在土里等到2月初开始出土,此时日最高气温在6~8℃之间。若虫出土期约30d,2月中下旬为出土高峰期。经设置14,18,22,26和30℃5个温度梯度观察,草履蚧1龄若虫发育起点温度为7.9℃,有效积温为203.8日.度。利用树干绑缚杀虫药带防治效果达到98%以上。  相似文献   

Nicholson's distinction between 'scramble' and 'contest' modes of competition has received widespread attention in ecology and in behaviour, though the emphasis has been different between the two disciplines. In ecology the focus has been on the effects on population; in behavioural ecology the focus has been on the consequences at the individual level. This paper reviews and develops a theory of scramble competition at the individual level, deriving a general evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) for individual scramble expenditure in a patchy habitat in which individuals compete in local groups for available resources, and examines two population consequences. The critical parameter determining the relationship between individual scramble expenditure and the number of competitors in a patch is the expected resource per capita. If resource input, R, to a patch is constant and independent of the number of competitors, n, then as the number of competitors increases, the per-capita resources declines as R/n, and the ESS scramble level declines (in proportion to (n-1)/n2). However, if the resource input to a patch is positively related to the number of competitors in the patch, scramble expenditure may increase with the number of competitors. In the case where the per-capita resource input stays constant (i.e. R(n) = Rn), the scramble level increases with competitor number (in proportion to (n-1) /n). There are plausible ecological reasons why either of these extreme limits may be approached in nature, making it important to ascertain the relationship between R and n before predicting individual scramble expenditure. For example, resource input may be constant when groups of competitors are constrained to remain together in given patches, and constant per-capita resources may be approached when ideal-free foraging rules apply. However, in the latter case, scramble expenditure must be accounted for in determining the ideal-free distribution. An analysis shows that this leads to 'undermatching', i.e. the ratio of numbers of competitors for good/bad patches becomes progressively less than the ratio of input rates for good/bad patches as the difference between the good and bad patches increases. A second population consequence of the scramble ESS relates to the fact that scrambles may dramatically affect fitness. The per-capita gain in energy can be reduced by a factor of up to 1/n as a result of scramble expenditure, potentially reducing realized population size to as little as the square root of the maximum potential carrying capacity, though reasons are given why such large reductions are unlikely.  相似文献   

The general characteristics of the colubrid snake Coronella austriaca are described from observations made on populations examined in England. An account of the population ecology, breeding ecology, habitat preferences and general behaviour of this species is based on records collected at three study sites over a period of three years.
Level of recruitment to the populations is probably low because: 1, females do not breed usually until in their fourth year (three years old); 2, mortality of young seems to be high; 3, while gestation normally lasts about six or seven months it seems that some females may mate in alternative years. It is suggested that the location and density of C. austriaca populations is determined primarily by the topography and nature of the plant communities on the site, acting via the thermal requirements of the snakes. The abundance and location of prey species (young of small mammals and of other reptiles) may also effect the population density and local movements of this snake. The distribution of Vipera berus and C. austriaca on the study sites did not greatly overlap indicating that ecological competition may exist between these two species.
In view of the rare status of this snake, suggestions are put forward for its management and conservation, and areas of future research are outlined.  相似文献   

We studied causes and consequences of egg-size variation among clutches of American kestrels ( Falco sparverius ). Egg. from 275 clutches were measured 1990 to 1992. To test the hypothesis that the size of eggs was contrained by food availability in the pre-laying period, we censused small mammal populations in the three years and performed a food supplementation experiment in 1990 and 1991. Kestrels did not advance the date they laid their first egg but did lay significantly larger eggs in response to extra food. The size of eggs was correlated with small mammal abundance on the territoty, and females in good body condition tended to lay large eggs. Body size did not affect egg size, and there were no relationship between agg size and laying date except in 1900, the poorest food year. Clutches with a large mean egg volume had better hatching success than clutches containing small eggs. We argue that there is a phonetypic component to egg size in kestrels, and that kestrels use egg size to fine-tune reproductive investiment to available resources.  相似文献   

Bathylychnops exilis is an unusual north-eastern Pacific mesopelagic fish of which adults have previously been undescribed and the biology is poorly known. Its sensory and digestive systems are highly modified. Sensory modifications include the equivalent of four functional eyes, well developed nasal rosettes, and lateral line canals up to 4 mm in diameter. Digestive adaptations include a peculiar mouth, large tongue, crumenal organ, and a large caecal stomach. Bathylychnops exilis apparently lacks an anal light organ. Ontogenetic changes occur in the morphology of the head, eyes, body, and coloration. Bathylychnops exilis eats crustaceans and may be medusae and microscopic organisms. Reproduction probably occurs in late summer. Adults occur most commonly at about 500 m depth, possibly in groups, and may be diurnal vertical migrators.  相似文献   

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