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Carotenoids are essential dietary components utilized not only in pigmentation but also as immuno-stimulants and antioxidants. Reduced availability can have consequences on individual health and survival, thus making carotenoids a good indicator of environmental stress. We compared carotenoid profiles and plumage colour characteristics of an endangered passerine species in New Zealand, between its remnant island source population and two reintroduced island populations. Circulating carotenoids were predominantly lutein (mean of 82.2%) and zeaxanthin (mean of 14.8%), and these were the major carotenoids present as yellow pigments in the males' plumage. There were clear differences in total carotenoid concentrations and plumage colour among the three populations. Circulating carotenoid concentration was significantly higher in one of the reintroduced populations, and the yellow plumage of males was significantly higher in both reintroduced populations in comparison with the remnant population (reflected as a significant increase in hue). Understanding how these differences arise may be of importance to this species given the health benefits carotenoids impart and our ability to select plant species containing these compounds or artificially supplement them.  相似文献   

The absorbance of melanin content from dorsal feathers was compared between wild-type Japanese quail and nine other quail plumage colours determined by single mutations in one of seven genes: extended brown ( MC1R ), yellow ( ASIP ), silver ( MITF ), lavender ( MLPH ), roux ( TYRP1 ), imperfect albinism ( SLC45A2 ) and rusty . As compared with wild-type quail, all mutations but extended brown decreased total melanins. The largest decrease was observed in quail with one of the dilution mutations at TYRP1 , MLPH or SLCA45A2 . No difference in eumelanins was found between the 10 plumage colours. Despite visible colour differences, homozygous and heterozygous mutants at MITF , or the two imperfect albino (white) and cinnamon (pale yellow) alleles at SLC45A2, could not be differentiated on the basis of melanins. In contrast, the two white phenotypes caused by mutations at MITF and SLC45A2, or the two reddish plumage colours caused by the roux and rusty non-allelic mutations had different total melanin contents. The results showed that rusty was not likely to be a dilution mutation.  相似文献   

We studied polymorphism in all species of birds that are presently known to show intraspecific variation in plumage colour. At least three main mechanisms have been put forward to explain the maintenance of polymorphism: apostatic, disruptive and sexual selection. All of them make partly different predictions. Our aims were to investigate evolutionary causes and adaptive functions of colour polymorphism by taking into account a number of ecological and morphological features of polymorphic species. Overall, we found 334 species showing colour polymorphism, which is 3.5% of all bird species. The occurrence of colour polymorphism was very high in Strigiformes, Ciconiiformes, Cuculiformes and Galliformes. Phylogenetically corrected analysis using independent contrasts revealed that colour polymorphism was maximally expressed in species showing a daily activity rhythm extended to day/night, living in both open and closed habitats. All these findings support the hypothesis that colour polymorphism probably evolved under selective pressures linked to bird detectability as affected by variable light conditions during activity period. Thus, we conclude that selective agents may be prey, predators and competitors, and that colour polymorphism in birds may be maintained by disruptive selection.  相似文献   

Jumping spiders (Salticidae) have acute vision with some cells in the retina that are sensitive to ultraviolet (UV) spectra (< 400 nm). However, no study has documented the use of UV signals in salticids. To appreciate the function of UV vision, it is necessary to characterize the UV colours of salticids. In the present study, the UV and human-visible wavelengths of a tropical ornate salticid spider, Cosmophasis umbratica , were analysed using reflectance spectrometry to obtain evidence of sex-specific UV colours. An absolute sexual dimorphism in the UV colours of this salticid species was found. All of the body parts of adult males that are displayed to conspecifics during intra-specific interactions reflected UV (300–400 nm) light, whereas the adult females and juveniles did not reflect UV light from any body part. A great deal of variation was also found in the UV wavebands among males. This is the first full UV characterization of a salticid spider and the first study to demonstrate an extreme sexual UV dimorphism in jumping spiders. The findings obtained provide evidence that UV reflectance may comprise important sexual signals in jumping spiders.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 89 , 397–406.  相似文献   

Many bird species use feathers as lining material, and its functionality has traditionally been linked to nest insulation. However, nest lining feathers may also influence nest detection by predators, differentially affect reproductive investment of mates in a post‐mating sexual selection process, and affect the bacterial community of the nest environment. Most of these functions of nest lining feathers could affect hatching success, but the effect might vary depending on feather coloration (i.e. pigmented versus white feathers). This would be the case if coloration is related to: (1) thermoregulatory properties; (2) attractiveness of feathers in the nest for mates; (3) eggshell bacterial density. All of these hypothetical scenarios predict that feathers of different colours would differentially affect the hatching success of birds, and that birds should preferentially choose the most beneficial feather colour for lining their nests. Results from two different experiments performed with a population of Danish barn swallow, Hirundo rustica, were in accordance with these predictions. First, H. rustica preferentially selected white experimentally offered feathers for lining their nests. Second, the experimental manipulation of the feather colour composition of nests of H. rustica had a significant effect on hatching success. Experimental nests with more white feathers added at the beginning of incubation had a lower probability of hatching failures, suggesting differential beneficial effects of lining nests with feathers of this colour. We discuss the relative importance of hypothetical functional scenarios that predicted the detected associations, including those related to sexual selection or to the community of microorganisms associated with feathers of different colours. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 102 , 67–74.  相似文献   

Subspecies complexes may provide valuable insights into the early stages of the speciation process. The bluethroat (Luscinia svecica) consists of many morphologically distinct subspecies that differ most strikingly in the ornamental colour pattern of the male throat. We investigated the genetic and phenotypic differentiation in this subspecies complex, using (i) microsatellite genotyping (11 loci) of a sample of 364 individuals from bluethroat populations in Europe and Asia, and (ii) spectrometric and morphological measurements of a sample of 131 museum skin specimens. Population genetic analyses, based on microsatellite allele frequency variation, revealed a slight but significant overall population differentiation (F(ST) = 0.042). There was a well-differentiated southern group of subspecies with white or no throat spots and a less-differentiated northern group of chestnut-spotted populations. Phylogenetic analyses indicated that the southern all-blue and white-spotted forms are ancestral to the chestnut-spotted subspecies. In addition to the qualitative variation in throat plumage pattern already described in the literature, we found significant quantitative variation among subspecies in hue, chroma and brightness of the ultraviolet (UV)/blue throat coloration, and this variation seemed to be unrelated to the phylogenetic distance between subspecies.  相似文献   

A full‐length complementary (c)DNA encoding ultraviolet (UV)‐sensitive opsin (sws1) was isolated from the retina of the Japanese sardine Sardinops melanostictus. The sws1 phylogenetic tree showed a sister group relationship with the Cypriniformes, following the ray‐finned fish phylogeny. By expressing reconstituted opsin in vitro, it was determined that the maximum absorbance spectrum (λmax) of sws1 is around 382 nm, being intermediate in position between two subtypes of sws1 pigment that are UV sensitive (λmax = 355–380 nm) and violet sensitive (λmax = 388–455 nm), which have been reported to date. The ocular media transmitted >20% transmittance of light in the range of 360–600 nm. In situ hybridization analyses revealed that sws1 messenger (m)RNA is localized in a central single cone surrounded by four double cones in a square mosaic. The square mosaic occupies the ventro‐temporal quadrant of the retina and the in situ hybridization signals were dominant in this area suggesting that the fish may use UV vision when looking upward. Based on these results, considerable significances of potential UV sensitivity, in relation to characteristic habits of S. melanostictus, are discussed.  相似文献   

The extreme polygyny expressed by male lekking birds leads to the expectation that sexual dimorphism should be greater in lekkers than related non-lekkers. However, evidence for this association is weak, and many lekkers are actually monomorphic in size and plumage. To better understand the kinds of plumages associated with lekking, I characterized plumage variation for combinations of sexual dichromatism and colourfulness-and-conspicuousness (COCO) among lekking and related non-lekking birds. Compared in this way, the plumages of lekkers and non-lekkers differ dramatically for both sexes. Correlations between sexual dichromatism and COCO for phylogenetically independent contrasts are significant for male lekkers (positive) and female non-lekkers (negative), but not for female lekkers or male non-lekkers. Moreover, the total number of character–state combinations, and multivariate measures of variability, are greater in non-lekkers than lekkers.The characteristic plumages of lekkers (duller monochromatic, brighter dichromatic and intermediate between these extremes) comprise just a subset of those observed among non-lekkers, and exclude extremely dull dichromatic and extremely bright monochromatic plumages. I suggest that predation, and foraging behaviours compatible with lekking, may restrict plumage variation among lekkers. Thus ecological rather than overt sexual characteristics may explain monomorphism in birds under intense mate competition, as well as the paradox of strong female mate preferences on leks, where males appear to contribute only sperm to female reproductive efforts.  相似文献   

Animals rely on auditory cues to relay important information between individuals regarding territoriality, mating status, and individual condition. The efficacy of acoustic signals can depend on many factors, including the transmitter, the receiver, and the signalling environment. In the present study, we evaluate the effect of body size and habitat on the evolution of learned vocal displays across the tanagers (Aves: Thraupidae), a group that comprises nearly 10% of all songbird species. We find that body size affects tanager vocalizations, such that nine out of ten song characters and scores from two principal component axes were correlated with mass. More specifically, larger tanagers tended to produce slower‐paced, lower‐pitched vocal displays within narrower bandwidths. In contrast, habitat was correlated with only three out of ten song characters, and only one of these characters corroborated the directional predictions of the acoustic adaptation hypothesis. Thus, morphological characters, such as body mass, may play a more important role than variation among signalling environments in the evolution of avian vocal displays. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 114 , 538–551.  相似文献   

Delayed plumage maturation (DPM) is the delayed acquisition of an adult color and pattern of plumage until after the first potential breeding period. Among the hypotheses proposed to explain DPM, the female mimicry hypothesis (FMH) has received considerable attention. FMH predicts that after‐second‐calendar‐year (ASY) males should attack ASY males more than second‐calendar‐year (SY) males and females, while no difference between the two latter. Few studies have been thought as support for FMH, while in fact most of them give no conclusive evidence to the assumption of FMH that ASY males are unable to distinguish SY males from females. Thus, other support besides behavioral experiments, such as it is physiologically impossible to discriminate SY males and females from avian perspective, is important in testing FMH. We studied color differences in six plumage patches between ASY male, SY male and female by analyzing reflectance spectra in the avian visual system, and tested the prediction of FMH by conducting intrusion experiments on territorial males with three kinds of conspecifics (i.e., ASY males, SY males and females) as territory “intruders” in the green‐backed flycatcher (Ficedula elisae). It is physiologically impossible for ASY males to distinguish SY males and females through the plumage color of crown, mantle, rump, and throat patches, moreover difficult to distinguish through breast and belly patches even under reasonable viewing conditions. ASY males were more aggressive toward ASY males than SY males and females with no differences between the two latter. SY males showed a slightly but not significantly higher attack intensity on ASY males than SY males and females. Our results suggest that female mimicry is more likely to be the explanation for DPM in the green‐backed flycatcher. To our knowledge, this is the first study combining avian visual system and behavioral experiments in testing hypotheses of DPM.  相似文献   

Felids morphology and ecological role as hypercarnivores are quite constant, despite considerable body size variation among species. Skull morphological and functional features of 34 extant cat species were evaluated under a phylogenetic framework of the Felidae. Twenty skull measurements were analysed through Principal Component Analysis to assess the species morphofunctional spaces. Force indexes were obtained from static equilibrium equations to infer jaw mechanics. Correlations between morphological, functional, and ecological traits were tested by phylogenetically independent contrasts. In spite of the general cat‐like pattern, specific features on the skulls allowed differentiation among groups. Acinonyx jubatus, for instance, showed a shorter and shallower temporal fossa than other big cats, and their bite functionality is marked by an increased contribution of the masseteric system. A morphofunctional dichotomy between Neotropical and Eurasian/African small cats was detected, and is associated with the major transversal axes of the skulls. According to the contrast analyses, the skull size is correlated with the bite force and prey size, but it is uncorrelated with the variations on jaw mechanics (from temporalis or masseter muscle optimizations). Also, there was no correlation between functional differences on jaw muscles and the ratio of prey weight to cat weight. The efficiency of the jaw apparatus among cats is quite consistent; therefore, the different evolutionary trends of jaw mechanics seem to be caused by the casuistic fixation of phenotypical variations, rather than by specific adaptative selections. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 161 , 414–462.  相似文献   

The interplay between colour vision and animal signalling is of keen interest to behavioural ecologists and evolutionary biologists alike, but is difficult to address in terrestrial animals. Unlike most avian lineages, in which colour vision is relatively invariant among species, the fairy‐wrens and allies (Maluridae) show a recent gain of ultraviolet sensitivity (UVS). Here, we compare the rates of colour evolution on 11 patches for males and females across Maluridae in the context of their visual system. We measured reflectance spectra for 24 species, estimating five vision‐independent colour metrics as well as metrics of colour contrast among patches and sexual dichromatism in a receiver‐neutral colour space. We fit Brownian motion (BM) and Ornstein–Uhlenbeck (OU) models to estimate evolutionary rates for these metrics and to test whether male coloration, female coloration or dichromatism was driven by selective regimes defined by visual system or geography. We found that in general male coloration evolved rapidly in comparison with females. Male colour contrast was strongly correlated with visual system and expanded greatly in UVS lineages, whereas female coloration was weakly associated with geography (Australia vs. Papua New Guinea). These results suggest that dichromatism has evolved in Maluridae as males and females evolve at different rates, and are driven by different selection pressures.  相似文献   

Bright coloration of males in many animal species has inspiredresearchers for more than a century. In this field study, weinvestigated whether color variation between individuals isrelated to individual quality in pied flycatcher (Ficedulahypoleuca) males in terms of arrival time at the breeding sites.In addition to traditional visual color scoring, plumage color was measured using spectroradiometric measurements between 320and 700 nm. This range includes the near-ultraviolet wavebandfrom 320 to 400 nm. Males that arrived earlier at breedingsites had higher proportional UV reflectance in the crown andmantle. The proportional UV reflectance in the crown and mantlewas not related to traditionally scored general brownness inmales. However, adult males had a higher proportion of ultravioletin the plumage than yearling males or females. These resultssuggest that in pied flycatcher males, the UV reflectance ofplumage may be positively correlated with individual quality.  相似文献   

Aim We used mitochondrial DNA sequence data to reconstruct the phylogeny of a large clade of tanagers (Aves: Thraupini). We used the phylogeny of this Neotropical bird group to identify areas of vicariance, reconstruct ancestral zoogeographical areas and elevational distributions, and to investigate the correspondence of geological events to speciation events. Location The species investigated are found in 18 of the 22 zoogeographical regions of South America, Central America and the Caribbean islands; therefore, we were able to use the phylogeny to address the biogeographical history of the entire region. Methods Molecular sequence data were gathered from two mitochondrial markers (cytochrome b and ND2) and analysed using Bayesian and maximum‐likelihood approaches. Dispersal–vicariance analysis (DIVA) was used to reconstruct zoogeographical areas and elevational distributions. A Bayesian framework was also used to address changes in elevation during the evolutionary history of the group. Results Our phylogeny was similar to previous tanager phylogenies constructed using fewer species; however, we identified three genera that are not monophyletic and uncovered high levels of sequence divergence within some species. DIVA identified early diverging nodes as having a Northern Andean distribution, and the most recent common ancestor of the species included in this study occurred at high elevations. Most speciation events occurred either within highland areas or within lowland areas, with few exchanges occurring between the highlands and lowlands. The Northern Andes has been a source for lineages in other regions, with more dispersals out of this area relative to dispersals into this area. Most of the dispersals out of the Northern Andes were dispersals into the Central Andes; however, a few key dispersal events were identified out of the Andes and into other zoogeographical regions. Main conclusions The timing of diversification of these tanagers correlates well with the main uplift of the Northern Andes, with the highest rate of speciation occurring during this timeframe. Central American tanagers included in this study originated from South American lineages, and the timing of their dispersal into Central America coincides with or post‐dates the completion of the Panamanian isthmus.  相似文献   

The prevalence of nonalcoholic fatty liver (NAFLD) is rapidly increasing worldwide. When untreated, it may lead to complications such as liver cirrhosis or hepatocarcinoma. The diagnosis of NAFLD is usually obtained by ultrasonography, a technique that can underestimate its prevalence. For this reason, physicians aspire for an accurate, cost-effective, and noninvasive method to determine both the presence and the specific stage of the NAFLD. In this paper, we report an integrated approach for the quantitative estimation of the density of triglycerides in the liver based on the use of autofluorescence and reflectance signals generated by the abdomen of obese C57BL6/J mice. Singular value decomposition is applied to the generated spectra and its corresponding regression model provided a determination coefficient of 0.99 and a root mean square error of 240 mg/dl. This, in turn, enabled the quantitative imaging of triglycerides density in the livers of mice under in vivo conditions.  相似文献   

The pollen beetle Meligethes aeneus Fabricius (Coleoptera, Nitidulidae), a pest of oilseed rape (Brassica napus), is known to respond to coloured stimuli; however, current understanding of the underlying mechanisms of colour choice in this species is limited. In the present study, physiological and behavioural experiments are conducted to determine the response of the pollen beetle to colours in the field. Spectral sensitivity is measured in 10 animals using the electroretinogram technique. Light flashes (100 ms) at varied wavelengths (340–650 nm, 10‐nm steps) and at different light intensities are applied to the eye after dark adaptation. In behavioural experiments in the field, 100 water traps of varying colours (from yellow to green to blue with varying amounts of white and black added, and with known spectral reflectance) are set out on a bare soil field in May 2008. The mean spectral sensitivity curve of M. aeneus peaks at 520 nm; however, a model template fitted to the long wavelength tail of the observed curve reveals a peak at approximately 540 nm (green). A secondary sensitivity peak is observed in the ultraviolet (UV) range (370 nm). A total of 2482 pollen beetles are captured in the coloured traps. The results show that the pollen beetles' preference for yellow over other colours can be modelled as a colour opponent mechanism (green versus blue); however, further experiments are needed to specify responses to colours with higher UV reflectance. These findings may be used to optimize trap colours for monitoring to help develop integrated pest management strategies for pollen beetle control.  相似文献   

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