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Tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase 1 (Tdp1) catalyzes the hydrolysis of the phosphodiester linkage between the DNA 3' phosphate and a tyrosine residue as well as a variety of other DNA 3' damaged termini. Recently we have shown that Tdp1 can liberate the 3' DNA phosphate termini from apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) sites. Here, we found that Tdp1 is more active in the cleavage of the AP sites inside bubble-DNA structure in comparison to ssDNA containing AP site. Furthermore, Tdp1 hydrolyzes AP sites opposite to bulky fluorescein adduct faster than AP sites located in dsDNA. Whilst the Tdp1 H493R (SCAN1) and H263A mutants retain the ability to bind an AP site-containing DNA, both mutants do not reveal endonuclease activity, further suggesting the specificity of the AP cleavage activity. We suggest that this Tdp1 activity can contribute to the repair of AP sites particularly in DNA structures containing ssDNA region or AP sites in the context of clustered DNA lesions.  相似文献   

[5'-32P]pdT8d(-)dT7, containing an AP (apurinic/apyrimidinic) site in the ninth position, and [d(-)-1',2'-3H, 5'-32P]DNA, containing AP sites labelled with 3H in the 1' and 2' positions of the base-free deoxyribose [d(-)] and with 32P 5' to this deoxyribose, were used to investigate the yields of the beta-elimination and delta-elimination reactions catalysed by spermine, and also the yield of hydrolysis, by the 3'-phosphatase activity of T4 polynucleotide kinase, of the 3'-phosphate resulting from the beta delta-elimination. Phage-phi X174 RF (replicative form)-I DNA containing AP (apurinic) sites has been repaired in five steps: beta-elimination, delta-elimination, hydrolysis of 3'-phosphate, DNA polymerization and ligation. Spermine, in one experiment, and Escherichia coli formamidopyrimidine: DNA glycosylase, in another experiment, were used to catalyse the first and second steps (beta-elimination and delta-elimination). These repair pathways, involving a delta-elimination step, may be operational not only in E. coli repairing its DNA containing a formamido-pyrimidine lesion, but also in mammalian cells repairing their nuclear DNA containing AP sites.  相似文献   

Carey DC  Strauss PR 《Biochemistry》1999,38(50):16553-16560
Apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease (AP endo) is believed to play a critical role in repair of oxidative damage of DNA and is proposed to initiate repair of most abasic sites in the base excision repair pathway. AP endo makes a single nick 5' to an abasic site in double-stranded DNA. In this study, we investigated whether AP endo locates an abasic site through a processive or a distributive mechanism. We used a linear multi-abasic site substrate (concatemer), synthesized by ligating together identical 25-nucleotide monomeric units (25-mers). We first determined that the 25-mer monomer from which the concatemers were prepared was nicked by AP endo in a fashion similar to that of the previously published 49-mer substrate with a different sequence. Steady state parameters K(m) and k(cat) and single-turnover parameters for substrate binding were comparable to previously published values. Using the multi-abasic site concatemer, we demonstrated that AP endo was capable of cleaving approximately seven to eight abasic sites, traveling at least 200 nucleotides, before dissociating from its substrate. Thus, AP endo, like uracil DNA glycosylase, behaves in a quasi processive fashion. Processivity could be separated from catalysis, since processivity was maximal at 25 mM NaCl, while the rate of cleavage was maximal at 125 mM salt. In short, nicking activity was maximized close to physiological salt molarities while processivity was midrange at physiological salt concentrations. The latter is likely to be subject to tight regulation by small changes in ionic strength.  相似文献   

Many types of DNA damage induce a cellular response that inhibits replication but allows repair by up-regulating the p53 pathway and inducing p21(Cip1, Waf1, Sdi1). The p21 regulatory protein can bind proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) and prohibit DNA replication. We show here that p21 also inhibits PCNA stimulation of long patch base excision repair (BER) in vitro. p21 disrupts PCNA-directed stimulation of flap endonuclease 1 (FEN1), DNA ligase I, and DNA polymerase delta. The dilemma is to understand how p21 prevents DNA replication but allows BER in vivo. Differential regulation by p21 is likely to relate to the utilization of DNA polymerase beta, which is not sensitive to p21, in the repair pathway. We have also found that apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease 1 (APE1) stimulates long patch BER. Furthermore, neither APE1 activity nor its ability to stimulate long patch BER is significantly affected by p21 in vitro. We propose that APE1 serves as an assembly and coordination factor for long patch BER proteins. APE1 initially cleaves the DNA and then facilitates the sequential binding and catalysis by DNA polymerase beta, DNA polymerase delta, FEN1, and DNA ligase I. This model implies that BER can be regulated differentially, based upon the assembly of relevant proteins around APE1 in the presence or absence of PCNA.  相似文献   

Apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease 1 (APE1 or Ref-1) is the major enzyme in mammals for processing abasic sites in DNA. These cytotoxic and mutagenic lesions arise via spontaneous rupture of the base-sugar bond or the removal of damaged bases by a DNA glycosylase. APE1 cleaves the DNA backbone 5′ to an abasic site, giving a 3′-OH primer for repair synthesis, and mediates other key repair activities. The DNA repair functions are essential for embryogenesis and cell viability. APE1-deficient cells are hypersensitive to DNA-damaging agents, and APE1 is considered an attractive target for inhibitors that could potentially enhance the efficacy of some anti-cancer agents. To enable an important new method for studying the structure, dynamics, catalytic mechanism, and inhibition of APE1, we assigned the chemical shifts (backbone and 13Cβ) of APE1 residues 39-318. We also report a protocol for refolding APE1, which was essential for achieving complete exchange of backbone amide sites for the perdeuterated protein.  相似文献   

Human major apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease (APE1) is a multifunctional enzyme that plays a central role in DNA repair through the base excision repair (BER) pathway. Besides BER, APE1 is involved in an alternative nucleotide incision repair (NIR) pathway that bypasses glycosylases. We have analyzed the conformational dynamics and the kinetic mechanism of APE1 action in the NIR pathway. For this purpose we recorded changes in the intensity of fluorescence of 2-aminopurine located in two different positions in a substrate containing dihydrouridine (DHU) during the interaction of the substrate with the enzyme. The enzyme was found to change its conformation within the complex with substrate and also within the complex with the reaction product, and the release of the enzyme from the complex with the product seemed to be the limiting stage of the enzymatic process. The rate constants of the catalytic cleavage of DHU-containing substrates by APE1 were comparable with the appropriate rate constants for substrates containing apurinic/apyrimidinic site or tetrahydrofuran residue, which suggests that NIR is a biologically important process.  相似文献   

Our genomic DNA is endlessly exposed to a wide variety of exogenous and endogenous DNA-damaging agents. One of the most abundant DNA lesions is an apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) site, which in vivo, can form spontaneously or through various cellular pathways, including the repair activity of DNA glycosylase enzymes (Wilson & Barsky, 2001). Persistence of these AP sites is both highly mutagenic and cytotoxic to the cell (Loeb & Preston, 1986). AP endonuclease 1 (APE1), an Mg2+ dependent enzyme, is the major human endonuclease responsible for incising the DNA backbone at AP sites. Repair to canonical duplex DNA is then completed by DNA polymerase and DNA ligase. Recently, APE1, in conjunction with delivery of DNA-damaging agents, has become a target for chemotherapeutic research with the aim to inhibit APE1 activity (Fishel & Kelley, 2007). Therefore, an understanding of APE1 activity and its molecular mechanism is essential. In vitro, the authentic AP site is highly unstable and can undergo β-elimination, leading to a strand break (Strauss, Beard, Patterson & Wilson, 1997). Due to the fragility of the AP site, stable AP site analogs, such as the reduced AP site or tetrahydrofuran (THF) site, are typically used to study APE1 (Maher & Bloom, 2007; Strauss, Beard, Patterson & Wilson, 1997). In this work, we have performed the first comprehensive kinetic study of APE1 acting on the authentic AP site as well the reduced AP site and THF AP site analog. Transient-state kinetic experiments reveal that the strand incision chemistry step is fast, upwards of ~700?s?1 for all substrates, making APE1 one of the fastest DNA repair enzymes. Steady-state kinetic experiments reveal for each substrate, a slow, post chemistry step limits the steady-state rate. The steady-state rate for APE1 acting on authentic AP and AP-Red substrates is highly dependent on Mg2+ concentration, while the steady-state rate for THF site was not dependent on Mg2+ concentration. This comprehensive kinetic analysis reveal differences and similarities in the way APE1 processes the authentic AP site compared to AP site analogs. Furthermore, these differences require consideration when choosing AP site analogs to study APE1.  相似文献   

Endonuclease activity which specifically cleaves baseless (apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP] sites in supercoiled DNA has been purified from mitochondria of the mouse plasmacytoma cell line, MPC-11. Two variant forms separate upon purification; these have small but reproducible differences in catalytic and chromatographic properties, but similar physical properties. Both have a sedimentation coefficient of 4.0, corresponding to a molecular weight of 61,000 (assuming a globular configuration) and a peptide molecular weight of about 65,000 as determined by immunoblot analysis with antiserum raised against the major AP endonuclease from HeLa cells. Thus mitochondrial AP endonuclease appears to be a monomer of about 65 kDa, making it distinguishable from the major AP endonuclease of MPC-11 cells which, like those of other mammalian cells, appears to be a monomer of about 41 kDa. A possible 82-kDa precursor form was also detected by immunoblot analysis of a crude mitochondrial fraction. Mitochondrial AP endonuclease activity is greatly stimulated by divalent cations, has a pH optimum between 6.5 and 8.5, and cleaves the AP site by a class II mechanism to generate a 3'-OH nucleotide residue. These properties resemble those of the major mammalian AP endonucleases but, unlike those enzymes, mitochondrial AP endonuclease activity is neither inhibited by adenine or NAD+ nor stimulated by Triton X-100. Since the mitochondrial activity generates active primer termini for DNA synthesis, it could function in base excision DNA repair; alternatively, it might have a role in eliminating damaged mitochondrial genomes from the gene pool.  相似文献   

S Kanno  S Iwai  M Takao    A Yasui 《Nucleic acids research》1999,27(15):3096-3103
UV damage endonuclease (UVDE) initiates a novel form of excision repair by introducing a nick imme-diately 5" to UV-induced cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers or 6-4 photoproducts. Here, we report that apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) sites are also nicked by Neurospora crassa and Schizosaccharomyces pombe UVDE. UVDE introduces a nick immediately 5" to the AP site leaving a 3"-OH and a 5"-phosphate AP. Apyrimidinic sites are more effectively nicked by UVDE than apurinic sites. UVDE also possesses 3"-repair activities for AP sites nicked by AP lyase and for 3"-phosphoglycolate produced by bleomycin. The Uvde gene introduced into Escherichia coli cells lacking two types of AP endonuclease, Exo III and Endo IV, gave the host cells resistance to methylmethane sulfonate and t-butyl hydroperoxide. We identified two AP endonuclease activities in S.pombe cell extracts. Besides cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers and 6-4 photoproducts, N. crassa UVDE also nicks Dewar photoproducts. Thus, UVDE is able to repair both of the major forms of DNA damage in living organisms: UV-induced DNA lesions and AP sites.  相似文献   

Apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease (AP endo) is a key enzyme in the repair of oxidatively damaged DNA. Using single-turnover conditions, we recently described substrate binding parameters for wild type human AP endo. In this study, we utilized four enzyme mutants, D283A, D308A, D283A/D308A, and H309N, and assayed them under steady state and single-turnover conditions. The turnover number of the single aspartate mutants was decreased 10-30-fold in comparison to that of the wild type. The decrease in the turnover number was accompanied by a 17- and 50-fold decrease in the forward rate constant (kon) for substrate binding by D308A and D283A, respectively. The dissociation rate constant for substrate (koff) was unchanged for the D308A mutant but was 10 times faster for the D283A mutant than for the wild type. The apparent Km values for both of the single aspartate mutants were about equal to their respective KD values. To account for the kinetic behavior of the D308A mutant, it was necessary to insert a conformational change into the kinetic scheme. In contrast to the single aspartate mutants, the turnover number for the double mutant was 500-fold lower than that of the wild type, its apparent Km was 2.5-fold higher, and binding to substrate was weak. Mutation of His309 caused the greatest decrease in activity, resulting in a turnover number that was more than 30000-fold lower than that of the wild type and an apparent Km that was 13-fold higher, supporting the notion that His309 is intimately involved in catalysis. Molecular dynamics simulation techniques suggested that conversion of either aspartate to alanine resulted in major shifts in the spatial localization of key amino acids. Despite the fact that the two aspartates flank His309, the movement they engendered was distinct, consistent with the differences in catalytic behavior. We suggest that the conformation of the active site is largely maintained by the two aspartates, which enable efficient binding and cleavage of abasic site-containing DNA.  相似文献   

Human apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonuclease 1 (APE1) is a multifunctional enzyme involved in base excision repair (BER). APE1 cleaves DNA 5′ of an AP site to produce a single-strand break with 5′-OH and 3′-deoxyribose phosphate. In addition to its AP-endonucleolytic function, APE1 possesses 3′-phosphodiesterase, 3′–5′ exonuclease, and 3′-phosphatase activities. Independently of its function as a repair protein, APE1 was identified as a redox factor (Ref-1). The review summarizes the published and original data on the role of the additional functions of APE1 in DNA repair and apoptosis and regulation of the BER system via APE1 interaction with DNA and other repair proteins.  相似文献   

We have recently identified apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease 1 (APE1) as an endoribonuclease that cleaves c-myc mRNA in vitro and regulates c-myc mRNA levels and half-life in cells. This study was undertaken to further unravel the RNA-cleaving properties of APE1. Here, we show that APE1 cleaves RNA in the absence of divalent metal ions and, at 2 mM, Zn2+, Ni2+, Cu2+, or Co2+ inhibited the endoribonuclease activity of APE1. APE1 is able to cleave CD44 mRNA, microRNAs (miR-21, miR-10b), and three RNA components of SARS-corona virus (orf1b, orf3, spike) suggesting that, when challenged, it can cleave any RNAs in vitro. APE1 does not cleave strong doublestranded regions of RNA and it has a strong preference for 3’ of pyrimidine, especially towards UA, CA, and UG sites at single-stranded or weakly paired regions. It also cleaves RNA weakly at UC, CU, AC, and AU sites in single-stranded or weakly paired regions. Finally, we found that APE1 can reduce the ability of the Dicer enzyme to process premiRNAs in vitro. Overall, this study has revealed some previously unknown biochemical properties of APE1 which has implications for its role in vivo.  相似文献   

Addition of thiol compounds containing an anionic group to the 3'-terminal unsaturated sugar of the 5' fragment obtained from an oligonucleotide containing an AP site cleaved by beta-elimination, can be followed by gel electrophoresis. The technique enables to distinguish between two mechanisms of cleavage of the C3'-O-P bond 3' to an AP site: hydrolysis or beta-elimination. Addition of thiols to the double-bond of the 3'-terminal sugar resulting from beta-elimination prevents a subsequent delta-elimination. The interpretation of the action of enzymes that start by nicking 3' to AP sites must take into account the presence or absence of thiols in the reaction medium. In living cells, thiols might influence the pathways followed by the repair processes of AP site-containing DNA.  相似文献   

The interaction of human heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) with human apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease (HAP1) was demonstrated by coimmunoprecipitation. A combination of HSP70 and HAP1 also caused a shift in the electrophoretic mobility of a DNA fragment containing an apurinic/apyrimidinic site. The functional consequence of the HSP70/HAP1 interaction was a 10-100-fold enhancement of endonuclease activity at abasic sites. The physical and functional interaction between HSP70 and HAP1 did not require the addition of ATP. The association of HSP70 and a key base excision repair enzyme suggests a role for heat shock proteins in promoting base excision repair. These findings provide a possible mechanism by which HSP70 protects cells against oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Human placental apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease. Mechanism of action   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The mechanism of action of the homogeneous preparation of human placental apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonuclease, described in the previous paper (Shaper, N. L., Grafstrom, R. H., and Grossman, L. (1982) J. Biol. Chem. 257, 13455-13458), has been investigated in detail. This enzyme cleaves apyrimidinic DNA both 5' and 3' to the site of damage in a ratio of 60:40, respectively. Even though this enzyme can cleave on both sides of an internal AP site, it does not release deoxyribose 5-phosphate from terminal AP sites. However, a compound, tentatively identified as alpha, beta unsaturated deoxyribose 5-phosphate, is nonenzymatically released only from 5'-terminal AP sites, presumably by a beta-elimination mechanism.  相似文献   

The individual steps in single-nucleotide base excision repair (SN-BER) are coordinated to enable efficient repair without accumulation of cytotoxic DNA intermediates. The DNA transactions and various proteins involved in SN-BER of abasic sites are well known in mammalian systems. Yet, despite a wealth of information on SN-BER, the mechanism of step-by-step coordination is poorly understood. In this study we conducted experiments toward understanding step-by-step coordination during BER by comparing DNA binding specificities of two major human SN-BER enzymes, apurinic/aprymidinic endonuclease 1 (APE) and DNA polymerase beta (Pol beta). It is known that these enzymes do not form a stable complex in solution. For each enzyme, we found that DNA binding specificity appeared sufficient to explain the sequential processing of BER intermediates. In addition, however, we identified at higher enzyme concentrations a ternary complex of APE.Pol beta.DNA that formed specifically at BER intermediates containing a 5'-deoxyribose phosphate group. Formation of this ternary complex was associated with slightly stronger Pol beta gap-filling and much stronger 5'-deoxyribose phosphate lyase activities than was observed with the Pol beta.DNA binary complex. These results indicate that step-by-step coordination in SN-BER can rely on DNA binding specificity inherent in APE and Pol beta, although coordination also may be facilitated by APE.Pol beta.DNA ternary complex formation with appropriate enzyme expression levels or enzyme recruitment to sites of repair.  相似文献   

Genomic structure of the mouse apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease gene   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A mammalian apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease (AP endonuclease) is known to have two distinct functional domains. One domain is responsible for regulating the activity of Fos/Jun proto-oncogene products to bind to DNA at specific recognition sites. The other domain which is highly conserved from bacteria to mammals, is responsible for repairing DNA damage caused by ionizing radiation, oxidative damage, and alkylating agents. This study reports on the isolation and characterization of the genomic structure of the mouse AP endonuclease gene (Apex). The genomic sequence of the Apex gene was 2.14 kb in length and contained four exons. Exon 1 contained a 0.24-kb untranslated 5 region upstream of the initiation codon. Consensus sequences for two CAAT boxes and a GC box were found upstream of the end of exon 1. A polymorphism was noted in the untranslated region of exon 1 in a comparison of a number of mouse strains. These data indicate that the 5 end of the mouse gene (Apex) differs from the previously isolated human gene (Ape), which has five exons and an untranslated region between exons 1 and 2. Data are also presented that suggest the presence of two pseudogenes in the mouse.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper has been submitted to the GeneBank data library, and the accession number is U12273.  相似文献   

Human apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonuclease 1 (APE1) is multifunctional enzyme. APEI is involved in the DNA base excision repair process (BER). APE1 participates in BER by cleaving the DNA adjacent to the 5' side of an AP site to produce a hydroxyl group at the 3' terminus of an unmodified nucleotide upstream of the nick and a 5' deoxyribose phosphate moiety downstream. In addition to its AP-endonucleolytic function, APE1 possesses 3' phosphodiesterase, 3'-5' exonuclease and 3' phosphatase activities. Independently of being characterized as DNA repair protein, APE1 was identified as redox-factor (Ref-1). Our own and literature data on the role of APE1 additional functions in cell metabolism and on interactions of APE1 with DNA and other proteins that participate in BER are analyzed in this review.  相似文献   

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