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Transgenic mouse model for monitoring endoplasmic reticulum stress in vivo   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mao C  Dong D  Little E  Luo S  Lee AS 《Nature medicine》2004,10(10):1013-4; author reply 1014

Autophagy is a cellular response to adverse environment and stress, but its significance in cell survival is not always clear. Here we show that autophagy could be induced in the mammalian cells by chemicals, such as A23187, tunicamycin, thapsigargin, and brefeldin A, that cause endoplasmic reticulum stress. Endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced autophagy is important for clearing polyubiquitinated protein aggregates and for reducing cellular vacuolization in HCT116 colon cancer cells and DU145 prostate cancer cells, thus mitigating endoplasmic reticulum stress and protecting against cell death. In contrast, autophagy induced by the same chemicals does not confer protection in a normal human colon cell line and in the non-transformed murine embryonic fibroblasts but rather contributes to cell death. Thus the impact of autophagy on cell survival during endoplasmic reticulum stress is likely contingent on the status of cells, which could be explored for tumor-specific therapy.  相似文献   

A comparative study of proteins adsorbed on outer surface of microsomal membranes was carried out. Electrophoretic differences between endoplasmic reticulum proteins from liver and brain cells were revealed. These differences were not observed in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulphate. Proteins of brain microsomes are shown to bind in vitro with membranes of brain endoplasmic reticulum to a higher extent than with liver microsomal membranes.  相似文献   

The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a multifunctional organelle responsible for production of both lumenal and membrane components of secretory pathway compartments. Secretory proteins are folded, processed, and sorted in the ER lumen and lipid synthesis occurs on the ER membrane itself. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, synthesis of ER components is highly regulated: the ER-resident proteins by the unfolded protein response and membrane lipid synthesis by the inositol response. We demonstrate that these two responses are intimately linked, forming different branches of the same pathway. Furthermore, we present evidence indicating that this coordinate regulation plays a role in ER biogenesis.  相似文献   

Yamamoto H  Fujita H  Kida Y  Sakaguchi M 《Biochemistry》2012,51(17):3596-3605
Various proteins are translocated through and inserted into the endoplasmic reticulum membrane via translocon channels. The hydrophobic segments of signal sequences initiate translocation, and those on translocating polypeptides interrupt translocation to be inserted into the membrane. Positive charges suppress translocation to regulate the orientation of the signal sequences. Here, we investigated the effect of membrane cholesterol on the translocational behavior of nascent chains in a cell-free system. We found that the three distinct translocation processes were sensitive to membrane cholesterol. Cholesterol inhibited the initiation of translocation by the signal sequence, and the extent of inhibition depended on the signal sequence. Even when initiation was not inhibited, cholesterol impeded the movement of the positively charged residues of the translocating polypeptide chain. In surprising contrast, cholesterol enhanced the translocation of hydrophobic sequences through the translocon. On the basis of these findings, we propose that membrane cholesterol greatly affects partitioning of hydrophobic segments into the membrane and impedes the movement of positive charges.  相似文献   

Calcium is actively transported into intracellular organelles and out of the cytoplasm by Ca2+/Mg2+-ATPases located in the endoplasmic reticulum and plasma membranes. We studied the effects of aluminum on calcium transport in the adult rat brain. We examined 45Ca-uptake in microsomes and Ca2+-ATPase activity in microsomes and synaptosomes isolated from the frontal cortex and cerebellum of adult male Long-Evans rats. ATP-dependent45Ca-uptake was similar in microsomes from both brain regions. The addition of 50-800 μM AICI3 resulted in a concentration-dependent inhibition of 45Ca-uptake. Mg2+-dependent Ca2+-ATPase activity was significantly lower in synaptosomes compared to microsomes in both frontal cortex and cerebellum. In contrast to the uptake studies, AICI3 stimulated Mg2+-dependent Ca2+-ATPase activity in both microsomes and synaptosomes from both brain regions. To determine the relationship between aluminum and Mg2+, we measured ATPase activity in the presence of increasing concentrations of Mg2+ or AICI3. Maximal ATPase activity was obtained between 3 and 6 mM Mg2+. When we substituted AICI3 for Mg2+, ATPase activity was also stimulated in a concentration-dependent manner, but to a greater extent than with Mg2+. One interpretation of these data is that aluminum acts at multiple sites to displace both Mg2+ and Ca2+, increasing the activity of the Ca2+-ATPase, but disrupting transport of calcium.  相似文献   

The lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) differs from the cytosol in its content of ions and other small molecules, but it is unclear whether the ER membrane is as impermeable as other membranes in the cell. Here, we have tested the permeability of the ER membrane to small, nonphysiological molecules. We report that isolated ER vesicles allow different chemical modification reagents to pass from the outside into the lumen with little hindrance. In permeabilized cells, the ER membrane allows the passage of a small, charged modification reagent that is unable to cross the plasma membrane or the lysosomal and trans-Golgi membranes. A larger polar reagent of approximately 5 kDa is unable to pass through the ER membrane. Permeation of the small molecules is passive because it occurs at low temperature in the absence of energy. These data indicate that the ER membrane is significantly more leaky than other cellular membranes, a property that may be required for protein folding and other functions of the ER.  相似文献   

Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was used to examine the polypeptide patterns of rat liver rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane fractions stripped of ribosomes. Approximately 67 polypeptides were resolved from the rough ER membrane fraction. The polypeptide pattern of the smooth ER membrane fraction was similar to that of the rough ER membrane fraction, but exhibited substantially lower amounts of some seven polypeptides. Three of these polypeptides, of apparent molecular weights 63,000, 65,000, and 87,000, were of particular interest, as they could not be ascribed to contamination of stripped rough ER membrane fractions by residual ribosomal polypeptides. Conditions of treatment with low concentrations of trypsin were established that markedly diminished the capacity of the stripped rough ER membrane fraction to bind ribosomes in vitro and that also effected a partial detachment of ribosomes from nonstripped rough ER membranes; the results of electrophoretic analyses of rough ER membrane fractions treated in these manners are described. Comparison of the polypeptide patterns of guinea pig, mouse, and rabbit liver ER membrane fractions with rat liver ER membrane fractions revealed considerable variations in the distribution of the polypeptides of 63,000, 65,000, and 87,000 molecular weight among the ER membrane fractions of these species. The combined results of these studies indicate that the polypeptide of 87,000 molecular weight, although particularly sensitive to attack by trypsin, is not involved in the binding of ribosomes to the rough ER membrane fraction. Studies by others (cf. Kreibich, G., Grebenau, R., Mok, W., Pereyra, B., Rodriguez-Boulan, E., and Sabatini, D. D. (1977) Fed. Proc. 36, 656) have implicated the polypeptides of 63,000 and 65,000 molecular weight in this process. The patterns of phosphorylated polypeptides of rough and smooth ER membrane fractions of rat and mouse liver were also examined, using labeling in vivo with sodium [32p]phosphate or in vitro with [gamma-32P]ATP. Approximately 25 phosphorylated components were resolved by electrophoresis in the ER membrane fractions of both species. Evidence is presented that suggests that the great majority of these components are phosphopolypeptides. Differences were noted in the patterns of phosphorylation produced by in vivo and in vitro labeling; minor differences were also observed between the patterns of phosphorylation of the rough and smooth ER membrane fractions in either situation. The overall results afford an indirect approach toward evaluating the possible involvement of specific rough ER membrane polypeptides in ribosome-binding and reveal that liver ER membranes contain a substantially greater number of phosphorylated polypeptides thatn previously reported.  相似文献   

Methionine-R-sulfoxide reductases (MsrBs) catalyze a stereospecific reduction of methionine-R-sulfoxides to methionines in proteins. Mammals possess three MsrB genes. MsrB1 (SelR) is a selenoprotein located in the cytosol and nucleus, MsrB2 (CBS-1) is a mitochondrial protein, and MsrB3 is a recently identified protein with an unusual localization pattern. Human MsrB3 occurs in two protein forms, MsrB3A and MsrB3B, which can be targeted to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and mitochondria, respectively. These forms are generated by alternative first exon splicing that introduces contrasting N-terminal signal peptides. Herein, we characterized mouse MsrB3 and found no evidence of alternative splicing of its gene. The ER signal was located upstream of the predicted mitochondrial signal sequence in a single coding region, whose product was targeted to the ER. Although the mitochondrial signal could function if placed at the N-terminus, it did not target MsrB3 to mitochondria as part of the entire coding region. In addition, immunoblot assays detected no mitochondrial MsrB3 in examined mouse tissues. The data suggest that, in mice, MsrB3 is largely or exclusively an ER-resident protein, and that the reduction of methionine-R-sulfoxides in different cellular compartments is provided by individual MsrB isozymes.  相似文献   

Cd is an industrial and environmental pollutant that affects many organs in humans and other mammals. However, the molecular mechanisms of Cd-induced nephrotoxicity are unclear. In this study, we show that endoplasmic reticula (ER) played a pivotal role in Cd-induced apoptosis in mesangial cells. Using Fluo-3 AM, the intracellular concentration of calcium ([Ca2+]i) was detected as being elevated as time elapsed after Cd treatment. Co-treatment with BAPTA-AM, a calcium chelator, was able to significantly suppress Cd-induced apoptosis. Calcineurin is a cytosolic phosphatase, which was able to dephosphorylate the inositol-1,4,5-triphosphate receptor (IP3R) calcium channel to prevent the release of calcium from ER. Cyclosporine A, a calcineurin inhibitor, increased both [Ca2+]i and the percentage of Cd-induced apoptosis. However, EGTA and the IP3R inhibitor, 2-APB, were able to partially modulate Cd cytotoxicity. These results led us to suggest that the extracellular and ER-released calcium plays a crucial role in Cd-induced apoptosis in mesangial cells. Following this line, we further detected the ER stress after Cd treatment since ER is one of the major calcium storage organelles. After Cd exposure, GADD153, a hallmark of ER stress, was upregulated (at 4 h of exposure), followed by activation of ER-specific caspase-12 and its downstream molecule caspase-3 (at 16 h of exposure). The pan caspase inhibitor, Z-VAD, and BAPTA-AM were able to reverse the Cd-induced cell death and ER stress, respectively. Furthermore, the mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨm) was depolarized significantly and cytochrome c was released after 24 h of exposure to Cd and followed by mild activation of caspase-9 at the 36-h time point, indicating that mitochondria stress is a late event. Therefore, we concluded that ER is the major killer organelle in Cd-induced mesangial cell apoptosis and that calcium oscillation plays a pivotal role.  相似文献   

Summary Electron microscopic studies of neural processes in the cerebellum, optic tectum, and cerebral hemisphere of the frog reveal a distinctive system of SER cisternae lying at intervals (commonly 1–2 m apart) perpendicular to the long axis of axons and dendrites, interconnected by tubular, longitudinally orientated SER elements, and in direct continuity with the outer membrane of mitochondria. The transverse cisternae are fenestrated, with a single mierotubule (or rarely, two) passing through the centre of each 50–75 nm fenestration. Extensions of the SER-microtubule complex may be located parasynaptically in axon terminals and dendrites. The SER of dendritic spines also appears to be continuous with the fenestrated cisternae.Possible roles for the specialized SER (particularly of the parasynaptic extensions), such as calcium ion sequestration and ATP or monoamine oxidase transport, are discussed.Thanks are due to Profs. E. G. Gray and J. Z. Young for helpful discussion and to Mrs. N. Morgan and Mr. R. Boddy for technical assistance.  相似文献   

Retention of membrane proteins by the endoplasmic reticulum   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
《The Journal of cell biology》1985,101(5):1724-1732
We have used a monoclonal antibody specific for a hydrocarbon-induced cytochrome P450 to localize, by electron microscopy, the epitope- specific cytochrome P450. The cytochrome was found in the rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and the nuclear envelope of hepatocytes. Significant quantities of cytochrome P450 were not found in Golgi stacks. We also could not find any evidence of Golgi- associated processing of the Asn-linked oligosaccharide chains of two well-characterized ER membrane glycoprotein enzymes (glucosidase II and hexose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase), or of the oligosaccharides attached to the bulk of the glycoproteins of the ER membrane. We conclude that these ER membrane proteins are efficiently retained during a process of highly selective export from this organelle.  相似文献   

Higy M  Junne T  Spiess M 《Biochemistry》2004,43(40):12716-12722
Most eukaryotic membrane proteins are cotranslationally integrated into the endoplasmic reticulum membrane by the Sec61 translocation complex. They are targeted to the translocon by hydrophobic signal sequences, which induce the translocation of either their N- or their C-terminal sequence. Signal sequence orientation is largely determined by charged residues flanking the apolar sequence (the positive-inside rule), folding properties of the N-terminal segment, and the hydrophobicity of the signal. Recent in vivo experiments suggest that N-terminal signals initially insert into the translocon head-on to yield a translocated N-terminus. Driven by a local electrical potential, the signal may invert its orientation and translocate the C-terminal sequence. Increased hydrophobicity slows down inversion by stabilizing the initial bound state. In vitro cross-linking studies indicate that signals rapidly contact lipids upon entering the translocon. Together with the recent crystal structure of the homologous SecYEbeta translocation complex of Methanococcus jannaschii, which did not reveal an obvious hydrophobic binding site for signals within the pore, a model emerges in which the translocon allows the lateral partitioning of hydrophobic segments between the aqueous pore and the lipid membrane. Signals may return into the pore for reorientation until translation is terminated. Subsequent transmembrane segments in multispanning proteins behave similarly and contribute to the overall topology of the protein.  相似文献   

Summary Changes in the endoplasmic reticulum of mouse spermatids during spermiogenesis were examined by scanning electron microscopy, applying the OsO4-DMSO-OsO4 method, which permits 3-dimensional observation of cell organelles. At the same time, the endoplasmic reticulum was stained selectively by the Ur-Pb-Cu method, and 0.5 m-thick sections were prepared for observation by transmission electron microscopy. The results demonstrated stereoscopically the mode of disappearance of the endoplasmic reticulum. In spermatids of the early maturation phase, the endoplasmic reticulum was of uniform diameter, branched and anastomosed, forming a complicated three-dimensional network throughout the cytoplasm. A two-dimensional net was also noted to have formed just beneath the plasma membrane and about Sertoli cell processes invaginating the spermatid cytoplasm. As spermiogenesis progressed, the spread-out endoplasmic reticulum gradually aggregated to form a condensed, glomerulus-like structure consisting of a very thin endoplasmic reticulum connected to the surrounding endoplasmic reticulum. This structure corresponds to the so-called radial body. Thus, the endoplasmic reticulum may aggregate, condense, be transformed into a radial body, and be removed from the cytoplasm. The two-dimensional endoplasmic reticulum-net, just beneath the plasma membrane and surrounding processes of Sertoli cells, disappeared in spaces where the three-dimensional endoplasmic reticulum network was scarce. Both the two-dimensional endoplasmic reticulum-net structure and the three-dimensional endoplasmic reticulum network disappeared at the same time, indicating that they may be closely related.  相似文献   

l-Cycloserine can inhibit the synthesis of some sphingolipids, which may play a role in determining membrane fluidity. To evaluate the effects of l-cycloserine on neural cell membranes, adult mice were treated with 100 mg/kg of this drug twice daily for 1, 2, 4, 6, 13 and 17 days. Body weights in the treated mice decreased significantly. Cholesterol and total phospholipid per mass total lipid significantly increased with time. Fluorescence depolarization after the incorporation of diphenylhexatriene into membranes was measured in order to assess membrane fluidity. it increased significantly starting at treatment day 4, with a maximum increase in polarization value of 8%. These results show that l-cycloserine significantly changes the fluidity of brain membrane, but this does not correlate with changes in major lipid classes of the brain.  相似文献   

To explore interrelationship between the roles of cAMP and calcium ion in hormone-stimulated lipolysis, cAMP accumulation in rat adipocytes and calcium binding in the endoplasmic reticulum were investigated with special reference to the effects of lipolytic hormones under various conditions. ACTH, isoproterenol, DBcAMP and aminophylline significantly increased ATP-dependent calcium uptake in adipocyte endoplasmic reticulum, but only after they were incubated with intact cells and not when they were added after homogenization. In vivo dexamethasone treatment and A-23187 accelerated, while 2.4-dinitrophenol blunted ACTH-stimulated lipolysis, cAMP accumulation and microsomal calcium uptake in parallel. Adrenalectomy, Mn2+ and adenosine enhanced ACTH-stimulated cAMP accumulation in adipocytes but lowered the calcium uptake and lipolysis. Thus, there was consistent parallelism between hormone-stimulated lipolysis and microsomal calcium uptake throughout the study. These data suggest that changes in the microsomal calcium uptake plays a crucial role in the regulation of hormone-induced lipolysis, irrespective of whether or not the intracellular cAMP concentration is involved in the lipolytic mechanism.  相似文献   

The incorporation of 3H-glucosamine, 3H-choline and 14C-fucose into subcellular fractions of MPC-11 cells was studied. After a 20 min period of labelling with both 3H-glucosamine and 3H-choline, greatest incorporation was observed in nuclear-associated endoplasmic reticulum (NER). 14C-fucose, however, was incorporated to a greater extent in endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membranes. Pulse-chase experiments with 3H-glucosamine showed a loss of radioactivity from NER and a simultaneous increase in the ER fraction. In comparison to NER, ER membranes were poorly labeled with 3H-glucosamine after a 20 min pulse. Following a 2 h incubation there was a 12 fold increase in radioactivity in ER membranes in comparison to a 1.2 fold increase in NER. There were no individual differences between subfractions of ER membranes with respect to 3H-glucosamine content after the pulse, or following the 2 h incubation. The results indicate that the NER is a major, early site of the synthesis of 3H-glucosamine labeled membrane glycoproteins, and that these proteins migrate into other ER membranes early after their synthesis.  相似文献   

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