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Cultured human skin fibroblasts were shown to contain an androgen binding activity (receptor) which was heat-labile and destroyed by trypsin. Specific binding was seen after incubations of these cells with 1,2-3-H-testosterone, 1,2-3-H17beta-hydroxy-5alpha-androstan-3-one (dihydrotestosterone, DHT) and 1,2-3-H-5alpha-androstane-3alpha, 17beta-diol. This receptor had a high affinity (Kd=0,2-1.6 nM) and a high degree of specificity for DHT. It was measured as a 3-H-DHT-protein complex by gel filtration chromatography using a method which distinguishes specific from nonspecific binding. Receptor activity was distributed about equally between nuclear and extranuclear components at all times studied and was present in both compartments when cell incubations were carried out at 4 degrees and 37 degrees. Saturation analysis indicated that there were 1250-18,600 binding sites per whole cell. By sucrose gradient centrifugation the receptor had a sedimentation coefficient (S20,w) of about 4. Cells grown for 8 days without serum in the medium maintained the same levels of 3-H-DHT binding. Within 15 hours puromycin (20 mug/ml) in serum-free medium caused a 40-60 percent decrease in binding for the same cell lines. Although the highest levels of 3-H-DHT binding were observed in fibroblasts from newborn foreskin, appreciable cytosol and nuclear binding were seen in cells from forearm, neck and abdominal skin. Receptor activity was stable during prolonged culture. Fibroblasts from several skin sites from patients with the androgen insensitivity syndrome (testicular feminization) had no detectable specific DHT binding. In this study it was demonstrated that skin fibroblasts can rapidly convert testosterone to its active form, DHT, bind DHT to a specific receptor protein and transport this complex to their nuclei. Therefore this may prove to be a convenient system for studying androgen action in vitro.  相似文献   

Apoptosis is essential in the death process induced by Amyloid-β (Aβ), a major constituent of diffuse plaques found in Alzheimer's disease patients. However, we have found that caspase activation and cell death induced by staurosporine, employed to induce the intrinsic mitochondria-dependent apoptotic pathway, were significantly reduced by 42 amino-acid Aβ42, implying that the peptide also has a negative effect on the apoptotic process. The inhibitory effect of Aβ42 on the apoptotic pathway is associated with its interaction with procaspase-9 and consequent inhibition of Apaf-1 apoptosome assembly. We detected the inhibitory effect in the early stage (< 8 h) of apoptosis, but later caspase activation becomes obvious. Thus we inferred that the inhibitory process on apoptosis begins at an early stage, and the later robust activation surpasses it. We propose that the apoptotic manifestation in Aβ-treated cells is a combined consequence of those anti- and pro-apoptotic processes.  相似文献   

The gene 5 protein (g5p) of the Ff virus contains five Tyr, individual mutants of which have now all been characterized by CD spectroscopy. The protein has a dominant tyrosyl 229-nm L(a) CD band that is shown to be approximately the sum of the five individual Tyr contributions. Tyr41 is particularly important in contributing to the high cooperativity with which the g5p binds to ssDNA, and Y41F and Y41H mutants are known to differ in dimer-dimer packing interactions in crystal structures. We compared the solution structures and binding properties of the Y41F and Y41H mutants using CD spectroscopy. Secondary structures of the mutants were similar by CD analyses and close to those derived from the crystal structures. However, there were significant differences in the binding properties of the two mutant proteins. The Y41H protein had an especially low binding affinity and perturbed the spectrum of poly[d(A)] in 2 mM Na(+) much less than did Y41F and the wild-type gene 5 proteins. Moreover, a change in the Tyr 229 nm band, assigned to the perturbation of Tyr34 at the dimer-dimer interface, was absent in titrations with the Y41H mutant under low salt conditions. In contrast, titrations with the Y41H mutant in 50 mM Na(+) exhibited typical CD changes of both the nucleic acid and the Tyr 229-nm band. Thus, protein-protein and g5p-ssDNA interactions appeared to be mutually influenced by ionic strength, indicative of correlated changes in the ssDNA binding and cooperativity loops of the protein or of indirect structural constraints.  相似文献   

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