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A study of the inflorescences ofMonsteraandAnthuriumwas usedto establish a relationship between biological and physicalconstraints for the structure of plant organs. The physicalconstraint between flowers in the compact inflorescences ofAnthuriumandMonsteraisexpressed by Aboav-Weaire's law. The application of this lawto inflorescences indicates a linear relationship between thenumber of sides of a flower and the number of sides of neighbouringflowers. However, the slope of this straight line is significantlyhigher forAnthuriumandMonsterathan that expected in theory.This deviation from the law is attributable to a biologicalcause that can be estimated using Aboav-Weaire's law. Actingalone, the biological constraint tends to produce four-sidedflowers. The equilibrium between biological and physical constraintsreduces the number of sides per flower from six (theoreticalvalue) to 5.9 (inAnthurium) or 5.8 (inMonstera) with a varianceof the measures less than that expected in theory. Furthermore,when flower density in an inflorescence increases (towards themiddle of the inflorescence inMonsteraand towards the lowersection forAnthurium) the number of sides approaches six (i.e.the physical constraint dominates). When flower density decreases(towards the top of the inflorescence) the number of sides approaches5.5 (i.e. the biological constraint dominates). The geometryof the inflorescences ofAnthuriumandMonsterais the result ofthe joint action of biological and physical constraints.Copyright1998 Annals of Botany Company Monstera,Anthurium, Araceae, Aboav-Weaire, inflorescence, constraint, flower.  相似文献   

Biomass and nutrient allocation in sawgrass (Cladium jamaicense Crantz) and cattail (Typha domingensis Pers.) were examined along a nutrient gradient in the Florida Everglades in 1994. This north to south nutrient gradient, created by discharging nutrient-rich agricultural runoff into the northern region of Water Conservatio ea 2A, was represented by three areas (impacted, transitional and reference). Contrasting changes of plant density and size along the gradient were found for communities of both species. For the sawgrass community, more small plants were found in ref ce areas, whereas few large plants were found in impacted areas. In contrast, for the cattail community, bigger plants were found in reference areas, and smaller plants were found in impacted areas. Both species allocated approximately 60% of their total biomass to leaves and 40% to belowground tissues. However, sawgrass biomass allocation to leaves, roots, shoot bases and rhizomes (65%, 19%, 11%, and 5%, respectively) was similar among the three areas. In contrast, cattail plants growing in referen reas showed higher root allocation (27.3%), but lower leaf allocation (51.1%) than those growing in impacted areas (14.6% and 65.8% for root and leaf allocation, respectively). Cattail had higher phosphorus concentrations than sawgrass in tissues associated with growth functions (leaves, roots, and rhizomes). In contrast, sawgrass had higher phosphorus and nitrogen concentrations than cattail in tissues primarily associated with resource storage (shoot bases). From impacted to reference areas, for sawgrass, there was a decrease of leaf TP from 605 to 248 (mg/kg), root TP from 698 to 181 (mg/kg), rhizome TP from 1,139 to 142 (mg/kg), and shoot base TP from 5,412 to 400 to (mg/kg). For cattail, leaf TP decreased from 1,175 to 556 (mg/kg), root TP de sed from 1,100 to 798 (mg/kg), rhizome TP decreased from 1390 to 380 (mg/kg), and shoot base TP decreased from 2,990 to 433 (mg/kg). N/P ratios of sawgrass in reference areas were 27, 63, 38, and 50 for leaves, roots, rhizomes, and shoot bases, respectively, whereas in impacted areas they were 11, 21, 6, and 2, respectively. The greatest TP storage was found in impacted areas. Differences in seed output, seed number, and mean seed weight were found for both species as well. Each cattail flower stalk duced approximately 105 tiny seeds (0.048 ± 0.001 mg) while each sawgrass flower stalk produced about 103 large seeds (3.13 ± 0.005 mg). These results suggest that phosphorus is a limiting resource in the Everglades and that the two species have different life history strategies. These data provide an ecological basis for making informed management and planning decisions to protect and restore the Everglades.  相似文献   

Sawgrass (Cladium jamaicense) is the predominant plant and vegetation community in the Florida Everglades. Germination of sawgrass seeds in the laboratory or nursery has been difficult and problematic, yet little is known about the physiological mechanistic regulation of the sawgrass seed germination process. In the present study, we examined the factors and mechanisms that influence sawgrass seed germination. We found that removal of seed husk and bracts, pre-soaking with bleach (hypochlorite), breaking the seed coat, or combinations of these treatments promoted the rate and success of germination, whereas presence of seed-encasing structures or treatment with husk/bract extract inhibited germination. We further detected the presence of abscisic acid (ABA) in the husk and bract. Experiments with ABA and gibberellin biosynthesis inhibitors fluridone and tetcyclacis suggested that ABA already presented in the pre-imbibed seeds, and not derived through post-dormancy de novo synthesis, contributed to the inhibition of seed germination. Examination of bleach and mechanical treatments indicated the physical barrier presented by the seed-encasing structures provided additional mechanism for the long-term delay of seed germination. Based on the results of this study and others, we discussed the implications of sawgrass seed dormancy and germination in relation to its natural habitat and proposed a hypothesis that the protracted seed dormancy in sawgrass offered an adaptive advantage in the pre-anthropogenic Everglades environment, but may become a liability in the current man-managed Everglades water system.  相似文献   

Eleutherococcus senticosus has two reproduction modes: vegetative propagation and sexual reproduction. In this paper, flower number per inflorescence, seed set and plump seed ratio,some aspects of rhizome morphology and morphogenesis of three morphs with different filament lengths are reported, and the breeding system is studied by hand-pollination. It is clear from the two tables presented in the present paper that plants with long filaments cannot fruit, plants with short filaments can fruit annually, but their seed setting ratio is different in different years and different habitats, plants with medium-long filaments can also fruit but their plump seed ratio may be low. In ordinary years, the seed setting ratio of plants with short filament reaches 40% and plants at the edge of forests have slightly higher seed setting ratio than those on cleared area and those in natural secondary forests. Considering the existence of only a few populations with medium-long filaments in the area studied,we conclude that most of seeds in Eleutherococcus senticosus should be the products of cross pollination;and with the coexistence of vegetative propagation and sexual reproduction, the species of Eleutherococcus senticosus should not be endangered,if not destructed by human beings.  相似文献   

刺五加的有性生殖与营养繁殖   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13  
刺五加 Eleutherococcus senticosus (Rupr.et Maxim.)Maxim,既可进行有性繁殖,又可进行营养繁殖。本文报道其三类花丝长度不同的植株每个花序的花朵数量、座果率、饱满种子率及根茎形态和形态发生的某些特点。通过人工受精,检测了其繁育系统。结果表明:长花丝植株不座果,短花丝植株座果,但不同年份、不同生境中座果率不同,中花丝植株也座果但饱满种子率教低。在正常年份,短花丝植株的座果率接近40%,并且林缘的座果率稍高于皆伐迹地和次生林下的。考虑到中花丝植株在所研究地区居群数很少,我们认为绝大多数刺五加种子是异花传粉的产物,其有性生殖与营养繁殖相配合,在无人为破坏的前提下,该物种不应该濒危。  相似文献   

Sawgrass, Cladium jamaicense, is the dominant macrophyte in the Florida Everglades. We examined sawgrass flowering phenology and compatibility reactions in ex situ and in situ populations over 2 yr. Sawgrass flowers in May in southern Florida. Flower maturation was relatively synchronous within an inflorescence. Along the entire inflorescence, functionally male flowers emerged initially, followed by stigmas, then anthers of hermaphroditic flowers. Flowers of each sex expanded over 2 d with less than 1 d in between, totaling 6- 7 d for an inflorescence to complete flowering. Hand pollinations showed that sawgrass was self-compatible and not pollen-limited, because open pollinations produced fruit set similar to self- and cross-pollinations. Fruit set was low in autogamy and manipulation treatments. Manipulation treatments were used to study the effect of exposure to airborne pollen during hand pollinations. This treatment thus provides a useful technique for studies on the in situ compatibility of wind-pollinated graminoids. Sawgrass was able to self-fertilize, but the timing of flower maturation on an inflorescence promoted outcrossing. Actual outcrossing rates in sawgrass thus depend on clonal architecture and the timing of floral maturation on other inflorescences within a clone rather than on inflorescences of other genets in a population.  相似文献   

Aranda Tay Swee Eng, an orchid hybrid with monopodial growthhabit, has a highly integrated source-sink assimilate partitioningpattern. The current inflorescence receives assimilate frommany rather than a few leaves, the vegetative apical shoot competeswith the inflorescence for assimilate supply in the upper shoot,and the fully-expanded leaves themselves constitute a majorsink for assimilate. Implications of these findings for improvementof harvestable yield in monopodial orchids are discussed. Aranda Tay Swee Eng, monopodial orchids, assimilate partitioning, source-sink relationships  相似文献   

The relative assimilatory activity of the inflorescence, itsindividual components, and the leaves of flowering tillers ofPoa annua L. and Lolium perenneL. was determined over the periodfrom inflorescence emergence to seed shedding. The pattern of14CO2 fixation was similar for both species and the inflorescencewas by far the most important assimilatory organ of the reproductivetiller, particularly over the latter period of seed developmentas leaf senescence progressed. With the exception of the seedsall parts of the inflorescence showed significant assimilatoryactivity and the lemmas and paleas accounted for 40–50per cent of the total 14C fixed by the inflorescence in bothspecies. The importance of the grass inflorescence as a photosyntheticstructure is discussed in relation to similar studies on cereals. Poa annua, Lolium perenne, carbon dioxide assimilation, inflorescence  相似文献   

To investigate the genetic mechanisms regulating the transitionfrom vegetative to reproductive phase in Arabidopsis, doublemutants between two embryonic flower (emf) and 12 differentlate-flowering mutants were constructed and analyzed. Doublemutants in all combinations displayed the emf phenotypes withoutforming rosettes during early development; however, clear variationsbetween different double mutants were observed during late development,fwa significantly enhanced the vegetative property of both emfmutants by producing a high number of sessile leaves withoutany further reproductive growth in emf1 fwa double mutants.It also produced numerous leaf-like flower structures similarto those in leafy ap1 double mutant in emf1 fwa double mutants.Nine late-flowering mutants, ft, fca, ld, fd, fpa, fe, fy, fha,and fve, caused different degrees of increase in the numberof sessile leaves, the size of inflorescence, and the numberof flowers only in weak emf1 and emf2 mutant alleles background.Two late-flowering mutants, co and gi, however, had no effecton either emf1 and emf2 mutant alleles in double mutants. Ourresults suggest that FWA function in distinct pathways fromboth EMF genes to regulate flower competence by activating geneswhich specify floral meristem identity. CO and GI negativelyregulate both EMF genes, whereas the other nine late-floweringgenes may interact with EMF genes directly or indirectly toregulate shoot maturation in Arabidopsis. 1 To whom correspondence should be addressed.  相似文献   

The pattern of breakdown of seed coat impermeability of seedwithin the burrs of two cultivars of subterranean clover (Trifoliumsubterraneum L.) was closely associated with relative differencesin flowering sequence within the inflorescence. The patternof seed weight variation showed very little relationship withthe pattern of breakdown, while that for seed moisture contentshowed no relationship. Within a burr it was almost invariably the seed which developedfrom the latest flower within the inflorescence which was thefirst to become permeable. An ordering of the timing of breakdownwas evident only within the burr; there was no evidence fora pattern of breakdown of impermeability between the differentburrs along the runner. Trifolium subterraneum L., subterranean clover, seed coat impermeability, seed weight, seed moisture, hardseededness  相似文献   

Experimental control of flowering and vivipary in timothy (Phleum pratense)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Environmental and hormonal control of flowering and vivipary in four Norwegian timothy ( Phleum pratense L.) cultivars has been studied in phytotron and by aseptic culture of inflorescence explants. The critical photoperiod for flowering increased with increasing temperature (12–18°C) and it was 13 to 15 h for the southern and 14 to 16.5 h for the northern cultivars. Diurnal temperature fluctuation significantly stimulated flower formation compared to the corresponding constant temperature treatment. Plants grown in 16-h photoperiod contained normal sexual flowers, but a high percentage of spikes developed in 12- or 14-h photoperiod contained viviparous plantlets. One- to four-weeks in continuous light before treatment with 12-h photoperiod increased the number of spikes per plant, but did not enhance the frequency of vivipary. Experiments with aseptic cultures showed that generative versus vegetative development of timothy inflorescence was affected by plant hormones. Kinetin stimulated the vegetative development and induced proliferation both in inflorescence initials and in spikelets isolated at heading time.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis thaliana ecotype Columbia and Landsberg erecta were studied. Horizontal clinorotation affected little germination of seeds, growth and development of rosette leaves and roots during early vegetative growth stage, and the onset of the bolting of inflorescence axis and flower formation in reproductive growth stage, although it suppressed elongation of inflorescence axes. The clinorotation substantially reduced the numbers of siliques and seeds in Landsberg erecta, and completely inhibited seed production in Columbia. Seeds produced in Landsberg erecta on the clinostat were capable of germinating and developing rosette leaves normally on the ground. On the other hand, growth of pin-formed mutant (pin/pin) of Arabidopsis ecotype Enkheim, which has a unique structure of inflorescence axis with no flower and extremely low levels of auxin polar transport activity, was inhibited and the seedlings frequently died during vegetative stage on the clinostat. Seed formation and inflorescence growth of the seedlings with normal shape (pin/+ or +/+) were also suppressed on the clinostat. These results suggest that the growth and development of Arabidopsis, especially in reproductive growth stage, is suppressed under simulated microgravity conditions on a clinostat. To complete the life cycle probably seems to be quite difficult, although it is possible in some ecotypes. Received 18 June 1999/ Accepted in revised form 27 August 1999  相似文献   

Hormonal control of flower induction and inflorescence development in vitro was investigated in Spathiphyllum. The effects of gibberellic acid (GA3) and sucrose on inflorescence development were studied in plantlets regenerated in tissue culture. GA3 was mandatory for the shift from the vegetative to the reproductive stage. The effect of sucrose concentration on inflorescence bud development was studied in plantlets cultured in MS medium supplemented with 10 mg l−1 GA3. Sucrose concentration at 3 or 6% induced inflorescence development in, respectively, 83–85% of the plantlets. The effect of GA3 and sucrose on inflorescence differentiation and development were also recorded in liquid culture using air-lift bioreactor. The best response was found in the same medium which was standardized as an optimum for solid culture, but the results were better than solid culture. In order to study the relationship between glutathione (GSH) and flowering, we also measured the oxidized and reduced GSH content in leaves throughout the culture period on 2 weeks interval. The GSH accumulation was more after 4 weeks until 6 weeks in GA3 treated plantlets. Similarly, glutathione reductase which is involved in the recycling of reduced GSH providing a constant intracellular level of GSH, was also higher in GA3 treated plantlets. The transient increase in GSH contents also correlated with the changes in measured γ-glutamylcysteine synthetase (γ-ECS) activity over the same period. The antioxidant enzyme activity in GA3 treated plantlets also suggests that the plants suffered increased oxidative stress during the period of GA3 treatment which subsequently increases GSH synthesis through activation of γ-ECS and this promotes flowering by increasing endogenous GSH.  相似文献   

HERBERT  S. J. 《Annals of botany》1979,43(1):55-63
In an August-sown experiment the pattern of flower developmentwas followed for cv. Ultra (Lupinus albus L.) and cv. Unicrop(L. angustifolius L.) grown at low (10 plants m–2) andhigh (93 and 83 plants m–2, Ultra and Unicrop respectively)densities. Dry weight increase of flowers on the main-stem inflorescenceand first lateral below the main-stem were compared at differentfloral stages. Maximum flower weight was reached just priorto the open flower stage and remained constant or declined untila pod formed or abscission occurred. The time period betweenmaximum flower weight and pod formation or abscission was upto 10 days. Emergence of the inflorescence was earlier and thefirst flower of Ultra opened 10 days before Unicrop. Developmentof each terminal raceme (inflorescence) was acropetal, withpods having formed on lower flower nodes when terminal flowerswere still quite immature. Laterals forming the next generationof inflorescences grew from axillary leaf buds below an inflorescencewhile it was in full flower. Sources of competition from connectedreproductive and vegetative metabolic sinks are discussed. Lupinus spp., lupins, flower development, planting density  相似文献   

The adverse effect of lodging on grass seed yield may be attributed,in part, to assimilate limitation during the seed filling period.This investigation examined plant dry matter assimilate partitioningand seed yield as affected by lodging in three species thatare closely related but phenotypically different: tall fescue(Festuca arundinacea Schreber.), Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorumLam.), and perennial ryegrass (L. perenne L.). Studies wereperformed in field plots at Corvallis, Oregon, USA. Seed yieldcomponents (seed number per inflorescence, seed yield per inflorescence,and single seed mass) and leaf, stem (lower, middle, and peduncle)and seed inflorescence dry mass were measured just prior toanthesis to seed maturity. Dry mass and water soluble carbohydrates(WSC) were determined for shoot components. The reduction indry mass and WSC in leaves and stem components following anthesiswas often greater in lodged plants compared to upright plants.The relatively low seed yield depression in lodged tall fescuesuggested a higher compensation potential for partitioning reserveassimilate from leaves and stems to support seed growth anddevelopment. This potential does not appear to be present tothe same degree in Italian ryegrass and to an even lesser extentin perennial ryegrass. These findings suggest that the potentialto compensate for reduced assimilate supply during the periodof high assimilate demand by seeds may be attributed, in part,to the total assimilate reserve accumulated prior to photoassimilatereduction caused by the lodged condition. Copyright 2000 Annalsof Botany Company Tall fescue, Festuca arundinacea Schreber., Italian ryegrass, Lolium multiflorum Lam., perennial ryegrass, L. perenne L., assimilate partitioning, source–sink  相似文献   

Flowering and apical meristem growth dynamics   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The shoot apical meristem generates stem, leaves, and lateralshoot meristems during the entire shoot ontogeny. Vegetativeleaves are generated by the meristem in the vegetative developmentalphase, while in the reproductive phase either bracts subtendinglateral flower primordia (or paraclades), or perianth and strictlyreproductive organs are formed. Meristem growth is fully characterizedby the principal growth rates, directions, volumetric, and arealgrowth rates. Growth modelling or sequential in vivo methodsof meristem observation complemented by growth quantificationallow the above growth variables to be estimated. Indirectly,growth is assessed by cell division rates and other cell cycleparameters. Temporal and spatial changes of growth and geometrytake place at the meristem during the transition from the vegetativeto the reproductive phase. During the vegetative phase, meristemgrowth is generally indeterminate. In the reproductive phaseit is almost always determinate, but the extent of determinacydepends on the inflorescence architecture. In the vegetativephase the central meristem zone is the slowest growing region.The transition from the vegetative to the reproductive phaseis accompanied by an increase in mitotic activity in this zone.The more determinate is the meristem growth, the stronger isthis mitotic activation. However, regardless of the extent ofthe activation, in angiosperms the tunica/corpus structure ofthe meristem is preserved and therefore the mitotic activityof germ line cells remains relatively low. In the case of thethoroughly studied model angiosperm plant Arabidopsis thaliana,it is important to recognize that the flower primordium developsin the axil of a rudimentary bract. Another important featureof growth of the inflorescence shoot apical meristem is theheterogeneity of the peripheral zone. Finally, the role of mechanicalfactors in growth and functioning of the meristem needs furtherinvestigation. Key words: Flower primordium, geometry, growth, inflorescence, shoot apical meristem, transition from vegetative to reproductive phase Received 4 October 2007; Revised 5 November 2007 Accepted 6 November 2007  相似文献   

Thomas W. Jurik 《Oecologia》1985,66(3):394-403
Summary The CO2 costs of producing sexual and vegetative reproductive propagules were calculated for two species of wild strawberry, Fragaria virginiana and F. vesca. Five populations on sites representing a gradient of successional regrowth near Ithaca, New York, USA, were studied for two or three years each. Field studies of phenology, biomass, demography, and environment and laboratory studies of CO2 exchange were integrated using a computerbased model of CO2 dynamics to estimate costs of propagules.The percentage of plants flowering and the number of flower buds produced were highest in an open, recently disturbed habitat and lowest in a forest habitat. The openhabitat plants had the greatest success in converting flower buds into ripe fruits and also produced the highest numbers of runners and runner plantlets. On the basis of total investments in structure and respiration minus any photosynthetic gain of all reproductive structures, the cost per seed was lowest in the most open habitats and highest and increasingly variable in the more closed habitats. The cost of plantlets also was lowest in the most open habitat. The differences among habitats in cost of plantlets alive after one or two growing seasons increased due to differential survivorship of plantlets, with the open habitat continuing to have the lowest cost per plantlet. Theoretical treatments of life history characteristics such as reproductive effort should recognize that costs of equivalent type and size of propagule may vary among environments.  相似文献   

The performance of the crop plant and the ‘ratoon’plant (lateral shoot succeeding the harvested main shoot) of65 medium-sized False Horn plantains (Musa cv. AAB) was studiedby measuring vegetative and inflorescence (bunch) parameters.From significant regressions between different parameters itappears that taller pseudostems produce leaves at a faster rate,flower earlier and produce heavier infructescences which needmore time to mature. A high yield is determined by vigorousinitial growth of the planted sucker (lateral root). Beforeflowering, there is no sink competition between ratoon and mainpseudostem growth, and fast-growing main pseudostems are accompaniedby fast-growing ratoons. After flowering, competition occursbetween the fructifying inflorescence, a preferential sink andthe ratoon. The results indicate that plantain should not beconsidered as an annual crop. Growth, development, production parameters, bananas, plantains  相似文献   

Hormonal control of flower induction and inflorescence development in vitro was investigated in photoperiodically day-neutral calla lily (Zantedeschia spp., colored cultivars). The effects of gibberellins (GAs, 5.8–2900 M) and the cytokinin benzyl adenine (BA, 0.4–13.3 M) on inflorescence development were studied in plantlets regenerated in tissue culture. Plantlets were dipped in GA and BA solutions prior to replanting in new media. GA was mandatory for the shift from the vegetative to the reproductive stage. GA3, GA1 and GA4 had the same florigenic effect. Inflorescence development in the apical bud was observed after 30–50 days in GA-treated plantlets grown in vitro and resembled the pattern occurring under natural conditions. The transition from the vegetative to the reproductive phase was characterized by a swollen, dome-shaped apex that transformed into a smooth elongated apex surrounded by the spathe primordium, at the tip of the elongating peduncle primordium. Floret primordia developed in inflorescences at a more advanced stage. The female florets located at the base of the primordial spadix, could be clearly distinguished from male florets located above them. BA did not have an effect on flower induction but, in the presence of GA, BA at concentrations up to 4.4 M enhanced inflorescence differentiation. The results indicate that inflorescence development in Zantedeschia plantlets in tissue culture can serve as a potential model to study the role of GAs and other factors in the flowering process of day-neutral plants that do not require external signals for flower induction.  相似文献   

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