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Laboratory studies were conducted on certain aspects of biology ofDiadegma semiclausum Hellén, a larval parasite of a crucifer pest,Plutella xylostella (L.). Within the range of 15°C to 35°C, the higher temperature, the shorter was the duration of larval and adult stages. Egg hatching and adult emergence were high at 15°C to 30°C but were significantly reduced at 35°C. The higher the temperature, the higher was the proportion of males produced. Temperature threshold was 5.74°C for eggs, 3.80°C for larvae, 5.91°C for pupae and 6.60°C for adults.D. semiclausum oviposition in the first threeP. xylostella larval instars produced more parasite males than females but oviposition in the fourth instar produced significantly more females than males. Parasite adults tended to emerge from their pupae from 06∶00 to 09∶00 hours although some emerged at other hours during the photophase. Adult longevity and production of eggs increased when adults were provided with a food source (honey) compared with no food or provision of water alone. Parasite adults survived and laid eggs for 28 days when provided with food but for only three days when deprived of food.  相似文献   

Eulophus pennicornis, a hymenopteran parasitoid of several Lepidoptera, was found onMamestra brassicae in a commercial sweet pepper crop in 1990 in Belgium. The rearing of the parasitoid and some additional data on biology are described.  相似文献   

Tetrastichus howardi (Olliff) preferred the lepidopteran hosts,Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) (Pyralidae) andHelicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Noctuidae) to their parasitoids,Xanthopimpla stemmator (Thunberg) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) andPalexorista laxa (Curran) (Diptera: Tachinidae). IfT. howardi had previously experienced parasitising a certain host, its preference for that host increased, but not significantly. When reared on a certain host, the preference for that host increased.T. howardi showed no preference to any particular age of its hosts.T. howardi was able to discriminate between parasitised and unparasitised hosts, initially preferring parasitised hosts, but two days later preferring unparasitised hosts.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The endoparasitoid Thripobius semiluteus Bouček was recently introduced to Italy from Israel for the biological control of Heliothrips haemorrhoidalis (Bouché). In this study, some aspects of the biology of T. semiluteus were determined in the laboratory. Developmental time (egg to adult), potential fecundity, realized fecundity, progeny, daily rate of deposition of eggs and several demographic growth parameters were evaluated. Studies of the longevity of fed and starved adults at seven temperatures (3, 10, 15, 20, 23, 25 and 30 ± 1°C) showed that fed T. semiluteus lived longest at 15°C (36.45 days) and shortest at 3°C (1.45 days). Longevity was reduced significantly at higher and lower temperatures than 15°C and when honey was not provided. Development time was measured at six temperatures. Pupae did not complete development at 10°C. The lower theoretical temperature threshold was 9.0°C; the optimum developmental temperature and the upper lethal threshold were 28.0°C and 34.1°C respectively. The most rapid development was found at 30°C, but waSPS suffered significantly higher mortality at this temperature than at other temperatures. Ovigeny index showed that T. semiluteus is synovigenic, with a mean realized fecundity of 78.8 eggs per female. The mean progeny was 68.2 adults per female on fed adults.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted to study the influence of cabbage monoculture and mixed cropping on the parasitism of diamondback moth,Plutella xylostella (L.), a destructive pest of all crucifers, by 2 larval parasites,Diadegma semiclausum Hellén andCotesia plutellae Kurdjumov. There was no significant difference in parasitism by either species whether cabbage was planted in insecticide-free monoculture or in mixed cropping with 8 noncrucifers which were sprayed twice a week with chemical insecticides mevinphos, methamidophos and permethrin. Population ofP. xylostella increased as the cabbage plants grew older. Parasitism byC. plutellae was higher soon after cabbage transplanting but decreased as the plants grew older. Parasitism byD. semiclausum was very low soon after cabbage planting but increased as the plants grew older. A significant negative correlation was found betwen parasitism byC. plutellae andD. semiclausum. In a caged field study where only one parasite species was used in an individual cage, parasitism ofP. xylostella by both species decreased as theP. xylostella population increased. This is believed to be due to the absence of competition between the two parasites inside the cage. There was no relationship between host-plant age and parasitism ofP. xylostella larvae by either parasite species.  相似文献   

Little is known about the natural enemies of the leafhopperDalbulus spp. (Homoptera: Cicadellidae). Searches for its dryinid (wasps) parasitoids were made in Jalisco, Mexico. Jalisco contains the greatest number ofDalbulus species, and is considered to be near to the center of origin of this leafhopper genus and its host plants: maize, teosintes (Zea spp.) and gamagrasses (Tripsacum spp.). The dryinidGonatopus bartletti was found parasitizingD. maidis on maize and on annual teosinteZea mays spp.parviglumis. G. flavipes was found parasitizingD. elimatus on perennial teosinteZ. perennis; and a new speciesG. moyaraygozai andAnteon ciudadi parasitizingD. quinquenotatus onTripsacum pilosum andT. dactyloides. Parasitism by dryinids was found at altitudes of 680–2,000 m.Dalbulus maidis, the leafhopper species which causes the greatest losses in maize in Latin America, was found to be parasitized from 680–1,760 m. TheDalbulus species associated with annual host plants (maize andZ. mays spp.parviglumis) were parasitized by dryinids during the rainy season, while theDalbulus species associated with perennial host plants (Z. perennis andTripsacum) were parasitized by dryinids during both the rainy and dry season. The greatest diversity of dryinid parasitoids ofDalbulus spp. and the highest levels of parasitism were recorded from perennial plants, indicating that such species are reservoirs of natural enemies ofDalbulus spp.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of Bt-cotton (Event 531) plants expressing the Bacillus thuringiensis δ-endotoxin CryIA(c) on two hymenopteran endoparasitoids, Cotesia marginiventris and Copidosoma floridanum. In the laboratory, parasitized and unparasitized Pseudoplusia includens larvae were reared on foliage from a conventional soybean cultivar (Pioneer 97B61), a conventional cotton cultivar (DPL 5415), or a Bt-cotton cultivar (NuCotn 33B). C. marginiventris developed significantly faster within P. includens larvae feeding on Pioneer 97B61 and DPL 5415 compared to those feeding on NuCotn 33B. C. marginiventris that developed inside P. includens larvae feeding on NuCotn 33B suffered reduced longevity, and females had fewer ova. NuCotn 33B also affected the growth and development of P. includens parasitized with C. floridanum and life history parameters of adult C. floridanum. Parasitized and unparasitized P. includens developed more slowly when they were fed NuCotn 33B and the prepupae weighed less. Survival of parasitized and unparasitized P. includens was lower when larvae were fed NuCotn 33B and some evidence points to higher susceptibility of parasitized caterpillars to intoxication by NuCotn 33B. Fewer C. floridanum adults emerged from hosts fed NuCotn 33B, but pupal weight and adult longevity were unaffected. Analysis comparing the two experiments conducted with C. floridanum suggests that older NuCotn 33B plants (90–120 days after planting) may affect parasitoid development and adult survival less than younger NuCotn 33B plants (60–90 days after planting). Feeding on NuCotn 33B by P. includens affected the survival and development of the two hymenopteran endoparasitoids studied here, and the degree of the effect was similar to that observed with natural resistance found in soybean plants. It remains to be determined if the effects demonstrated here are less than, equal to, or greater than the impact of conventional insecticide applications used in conventional, non-transgenic, cotton.  相似文献   

Biological studies withChrysocharis parksi Crawford, a parasite of agromyzid leafminers, were conducted.C. parksi successfully parasitized the following species in the genusLiriomyza Mik.,L. huidobrensis (Blanchard),L. sativae Blanchard,L. trifolii (Burgess), andL. trifoliearum Spencer. Successful parasite development was recorded from 8 plant families and 16 genera. Host plants which were suitable for leafminer development to the adult stage were also suitable for parasite development. Mean immature developmental period (egg to adult, usingL. trifolii as the host) at 21.1°, 26.7°, and 32.2° C was (for both sexes) 23, 14, and 14 days, respectively. Longevity of females provided only water was inversely related to temperature; significantly longer survival occurred at 21.1° C (5.0 days) compared to 26.7° C and 32.2° C (3.2 and 2.1 days, respectively). The addition of honey to the diet significantly improved longevity of both sexes at all temperatures. Adult female parasites which were provided an average of 33.0L. trifolii larvae per day produced an average of 135 offspring at a constant 26.7° C.C. parksi host-fed on ca. 3.7 leafminer larvae per day over an 11-day adult lifespan.   相似文献   

A survey of the parasitoids ofIllinoia liriodendri (Monell) in northern California conducted from 1988–1990 revealed the presence of 12 primary and 14 hyper-parasitoid species. The most common primary parasitoid wasAphidius polygonaphis (Fitch), which was imported from the eastern United States in the 1970's and is now established throughout the area. New host records were noted forA. ervi Haliday,A. avenaphis (Fitch), Praon occidentale Baker,P. unicum Smith,Diaeretiella rapae M'Intosh,Lysiphlebus testaceipes (Cresson), andMonoctonus nervosus (Haliday) (all Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae), andAphelinus sp. nr.asychis Walker (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae). The most common hyperparasitoid species werePachyneuron aphidis (Bouché) andAsaphes californicus Girault (both Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae). New hyperparasitoid host records were noted forPachyneuron californicum Girault on Aphidiine and Aphelinidae spp. andCoruna clavata Walker (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) onAphelinus sp.  相似文献   

The encapsulation of eggs ofMetaphycus swirskii Annecke &; Mynhardt (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) by the pyriform scale,Protopulvinaria pyriformis (Cockerell) (Homoptera: Coccidae), collected in the coastal plain of Israel, was determined during April 1986 to May 1987. The rates of encapsulation were low in November (13.0%) and relatively high in April, May, August and September (32.0–89.0%). The seasonal variations in the encapsulation of eggs ofM. stanleyi Compere and/orM. swirskii byP. pyriformis infesting avocado (Persea americana) and jambolan (Syzygium cumini) were studied at Miqwe Yisra'el (coastal plain) during October 1986 to February 1988. Encapsulation rates were similar in scales infesting either of the two host plants. They were highest during July to August (49.0–75.0%) and lowest during December to February (0.9–10.0%). Encapsulation incidence at Miqwe Yisra'el was correlated with the ambient temperatures (r=0.89). The rate of encapsulation of parasitoid eggs (M. stanleyi and/orM. galbus Annecke) recorded inP. pyriformis sent to Israel from Spain in September 1987 was 42.2%. The high rates of encapsulation ofMetaphycus spp. eggs byP. pyriformis during the summer, may interfere with efficient biological control of the pest.  相似文献   

A. Dutton  F. Bigler 《BioControl》1995,40(2):223-233
A laboratory and a field test for flight initiation ofTrichogramma brassicae Bezdenko (Hymenoptera, Trichogrammatidae) (synonymous toT. maidis Pintureau et Voegele) were developed with the aim to establish a simple, cheap and quick flight quality control method forTrichogramma producers. The flight quality of four strains ofT. brassicae reared onEphestia kuehniella Zeller eggs were compared. The material tested consisted of four strains: two strains reared for two (F2) and 39 to 42 (F39–42) generations onE. kuehniella eggs without storage treatment, a diapause strain reared six generations (F6) onE. kuehniella eggs and a commercial strain also reared onE. kuehniella eggs whose production and storage conditions were unknown. Clear differences in flight activity among strains were observed. Both, the F2 and commercial strain showed significantly better flight activity under laboratory conditions compared to the other strains. Flight field cage experiments were made for comparison between field and laboratory results. Similar differences among strains in field cage experiments were observed when compared to laboratory tests.  相似文献   

Following the successful introduction ofEpidinocarsis lopezi (De Santis) for biological control of the cassava mealybug (CM)Phenacoccus manihoti Mat.-Ferr. in southwestern Nigeria in 1981 and 1982, 11 groups of cassava fields were sampled every 2 weeks up to 1988 for impact assessment. After 1984, CM populations remained mostly below 10 per tip despite the presence of native hyperparasitoids, demonstrating the long-term success of biological control byE. lopezi in the region. Indigenous polyphagous coccinellids were found only during peak host densities, whereas the specificE. lopezi was common throughout the year. During some periods, percentage parasitism indicated delayed density dependence. Since 89% of all sampled cassava tips had no CM at all and the parasitisme is very mobile, parasitization rates were also calculated for individual infested tips (N=4,878). Parasitism increased slightly with host density on tips having between 1 and 10 CM of the 3rd and 4th instars, indicating positive density dependence. Such tips comprised 64% of all infested tips. At higher host densities, parasitism rates fell rapidly. The results are discussed in view of different theories on population regulation by biological control agents.   相似文献   

We conducted laboratory and field experiments to elucidate the life history of Ixodiphagus hookeri, a parasitoid of the ixodid tick Amblyomma variegatum in Western Kenya. Ixodiphagus hookeri females oviposited in unfed host nymphs as well as engorged nymphs, but rarely in engorged larvae. While I. hookeri developed to adults in engorged nymphs, the eggs laid in unfed nymphs disappeared within 2 days after oviposition. As temperature increased, development time of I. hookeri from oviposition to adult emergence in engorged nymphs decreased from 46 days at 23 °C to 35 days at 28 °C, and their immature survival in engorged nymphs decreased from 67% at 23 °C to 22% at 28 °C. No parasitoid adult emerged from hosts at 30 °C. Individual hosts parasitized by single females produced 42–53 adult wasps, 73% of which were females. As a typical pro-ovigenic species, I. hookeri females had an average of 84 mature eggs at emergence and lived only for a few days. When laboratory-reared, unfed nymphs of A. variegatum were attached to cattle for 4–9 days in subsistence farmers’ fields in Western Kenya, 25% of the engorged nymphs and 4% of the unfed nymphs on cattle were parasitized by I. hookeri, demonstrating that I. hookeri females search for and oviposit in A. variegatum nymphs on cattle. Unlike other strains of I. hookeri that overwinter as eggs in unfed nymphs, I. hookeri could continuously reproduce throughout the year in Western Kenya.  相似文献   

The whitefly,Parabemisia myricae (Kuwana) is one of the most serious citrus pests in the Eastern Mediterranean region of Turkey. In 1986, a host-specific parasitoid ofP. myricae, the aphelinidEretmocerus debachi Rose and Rosen, was imported from California to Turkey and released into citrus orchards along the Eastern Mediterranean coast. In the following yearsP. myricae-populations were rapidly reduced from about 17 whitefly-immature stages per leaf to less than 0.1 stages per leaf in all citrus orchards where the parasitoids were released. Furthermore,E. debachi was shown to be a good disperser and it is well adapted to the climatic conditions in the Eastern Mediterranean region. Since the successful colonization ofE. debachi, the whitefly is no longer a serious pest and it is difficult to find unparasitized individuals in the Eastern Mediterranean region of Turkey.  相似文献   

Lathrolestes nigricollis(Thomson) and Grypocentrus albipes Ruthe,Palearctic specialist parasitoids of thebirch-leafmining sawfly Fenusa pusilla(Lepeletier), were imported from central Europe andreleased at three locations in Edmonton, Alberta,Canada during 1994–1996. Parasitoids becameestablished at two locations, L. nigricollis atboth and G. albipes at one, and were recoveredfor 3–5 years after release. Lathrolestesnigricollis has dispersed throughout most ofEdmonton, and at least 13 km from release sites, butG. albipes has been recovered only 400–500 mfrom one release site. Five years after introductionat one site, percent parasitism by L.nigricollis was 78% and 84% for the first andsecond generations, respectively, and about 48% ofparasitoid eggs were encapsulated.  相似文献   

Interspecific host discrimination by adults, and larval competition among the endoparasitoidsMicroplitis croceipes (Cresson),Microplitis demolitor Wilkinson,Cotesia kazak (Telenga) andHyposoter didymator (Thunberg) were investigated usingHeliothis virescens (F.) as the host. In ovipositional choice tests, the mean number of encounters and ovipositions for unparasitized hosts was not significantly different from the mean number of encounters and ovipositions for parasitized hosts for each treatment combination (P>0.05). Thus, none of the parasitoid species discriminated between host larvae recently parasitized once by a female of another species und unparasitized hosts. However, in all but two cases, females did discriminate between unparasitized hosts and hosts in which an early first instar of the first-attacking species was developing.Cotesia kazak andH. didymator did not discriminate between unparasitized hosts and hosts parasitized by an early first instar ofM. demolitor. Larval competition among these parasitoid species was studied for three time intervals between the first and second species parasitization: 1) second species attack immediately (5–15 sec) after the first; 2) second species attack 24 h after the first; and 3) second species attack 48 h after the first. Time until egg eclosion was shortest forM. demolitor, thenC. kazak, thenM. croceipes, and longest forH. didymator. When the second parasitoid species attacked a host immediately after the first species, the species in which egg eclosion occurred first was the victor more frequently, except whenM. demolitor competed withC. kazak andH. didymator. With a 24 h delay between the first and second species to attack, the older first instar from the first parasitization usually outcompeted the younger first instar from the second attack. A first instar from the second species to attack generally outcompeted the second instar of the first species when the second parasitization had been delayed 48 h. Competiors were eliminated mainly by physical attack, butC. kazak andM. croceipes apparently also killedH. didymator eggs by physiological processes.  相似文献   

Laboratory measurements of the functional response of adultCurinus coeruleus (Mulsant) to nymphs ofHeteropsylla cubana Crawford on filter paper and on leaves of different host plants showed a significant effect of these different substrates on nymph consumption at several different densities. Moreover, this effect may be explained by the influence of the substrate on the search rate of the predator. Host plants tested includedLeucaena leucocephala (Lam) de Witt,L. diversifolia (Schlecht.) Benth. andL. pallida Britton and Rose. Results obtained may be relevant to plant-protection research programs involving the integration of biological control with host-plant resistance.   相似文献   

In field populations of cereal aphids parasitism levels declined through the season as fungal infection increased. In laboratory trials the fungusErynia neoaphidis Remaudiere & Hennebert took 3 to 4 days to kill the rose-grain aphid,Metopolophium dirhodum (Walker), whereas the parasitoidAphidius rhopalosiphi De Stefani-Perez took 8 to 9 days at 20°C. When aphids were infected by the fungus less than 4 days after being parasitized the parasitoids were prevented from completing their development. Conversely, when infection occurred more than 4 days after parasitization development of the fungus was significantly impaired. There was no histological evidence that the fungus invaded the tissues of the parasitoid when both attacked the same aphid. Interference between parasitoids and fungal pathogens must be taken into account when estimating the impact of these mortality agents on pest populations.  相似文献   

Intraspecific host discrimination and larval competition were studied forMicroplitis croceipes (Cresson),Microplitis demolitor Wilkinson,Cotesia kazak (Telenga), andHyposoter didymator (Thunberg), solitary endoparasitoids of the tobacco budworm,Heliothis virescens (F.). In ovipositional choice tests between unparasitized and parasitized hosts, the mean number of ovipositions for unparasitized hosts was significantly higher than the mean number of ovipositions for hosts parasitized once by a conspecific female forC. kazak andH. didymator, demonstrating that females of these 2 species discriminate against hosts recently (within a few seconds) parasitized by a conspecific female. No significant difference in oviposition occurred between these 2 kinds of hosts forM. croceipes andM. demolitor. Mean percent parasitization by a 2nd conspecific female was determined at 24, 48, and 72-h delays in time between the 1rst and 2nd female attack, and with no delay. Except for the 0 h time delay forC. kazak andH. didymator, percent parasitization by a 2nd conspecific female generally decreased as the delay in time between the 1rst and 2nd female attack increased. When the 2nd parasitization immediately followed the 1rst, one parasitoid larva always eliminated the other by physical combat. With a 24 or 48 h delay between the 1rst and 2nd parasitization, the younger larva was the victor over the older larva forM. croceipes, M. demolitor andC. kazak in at least 50% of the cases. Elimination of older larvae by younger larvae was by physical attack. However, forH. didymator, the older instar was the victor, and elimination of younger larvae by older larvae was probably through physiological processes. Further, older larvae ofH. didymator apparently killed the eggs of the 2nd female by physiological processes.   相似文献   

Before parasitoids and predators are fully endorsed as biological control agents in storage facilities, a reliable technique must be developed to determine how much they contribute to the overall insect contamination of stored commodities. Because determining the origin of insect fragments by visual examination is difficult, labor-intensive, and requires special skills, we propose using immunological techniques to differentiate among insect species biochemically. In the example presented here, we generated monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against the parasitic wasps Laelius pedatus (Say) and Bracon hebetor Say. The MAbs reacted with all life stages and both sexes of the parasitoids. In Western blots of acrylamide and agarose gels, the MAbs recognized high molecular weight proteins (>500 kDa) composed of multiple subunits, with mildly acidic to neutral isoelectric focusing points. The MAbs did not cross-react with the additional 22 insect species we tested in an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. These data suggest that MAb-based immunoassays could be used to differentiate among beneficial and destructive insects found in stored products.  相似文献   

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