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In the late-Middle Ages and at the onset of the early modern period, the Dutch population was taller than in the first half of the 19th century. This inference is partially based on skeletal evidence, mainly collected by the Dutch physical anthropologist George Maat and his co-workers. A spectacular increase in Dutch heights began in the second half of the 19th century and accelerated in the second half of the 20th century. At the end of the 20th century, the Dutch became tallest in the world.  相似文献   

The history of ranges of the great tit (Parus major) and Japanese tit (P. minor) in the Amur River basin is described on the basis of original data collected between 1970 and 2010 and published data. The main factor accounting for the expansion of the great and Japanese tits to the Amur basin and neighboring territories in the 19th to 21st centuries is economic activity, primarily agriculture and timber harvesting. The approximate range boundaries and the sympatry zone of these two species have been determined for the second half of the 19th century; the beginning, middle, and third quarter of the 20th century; and the turn of the 21st century. Three different ecological channels consecutively played the main role in the eastward expansion of the great tit: the Amur River valley (from the mid-19th to the early 20th century), the Trans-Siberian Railroad (since the early 20th century), and the Baikal-Amur Railroad (since the 1970s). It is shown that the concept concerning the finding of great tits in Udskii Ostrog by Middendorff’s expedition is erroneous: according to dates on the labels, the corresponding two specimens were in fact collected in a different geographic locality. It has been found that Komsomolsk-on-Amur is a new locality jointly inhabited by both species, independent of the main zone of their sympatry. It has appeared very recently, at the turn of the 21st century.  相似文献   

To study natural polymorphism, pollen grains should be collected from ecologically clean sites. Taking the ecological conditions at the end of the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century as more favorable than the modern state, herbarium material (LE) was examined. In addition to typical (normally developed) pollen grains, we found two more morphological types within the range of natural polymorphism of pollen grains of Acer tataricum L. that were produced at the end of the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century.  相似文献   

Records of New World manatees in 16th and 17th century literature extend the former distribution of Trichechus manatus to about 20° S. Early 19th century records confirm this range, but the species has since been exterminated from these southerly localities and is now rarely found to the south of Cayenne (French Guiana). Manatees probably did not occur at Rio de Janeiro or Santos, the Sao Vicente "monster" most likely being a pinnepede. The former distribution of T. manatus seems to have been bounded by the 24° C mean annual isotherm.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism in cranial measurements was studied in Ural populations of two species of the genus Martes, M. martes and M. zibellina. The index of sexual dimorphism averaged 8.39% in the former and 9.03% in the latter, being subject to geographic variation. For the first time, temporal variability of sexual dimorphism in dimensional characters was revealed in mammals by analyzing M. zibellina samples collected in different decades of the second half of the 20th century. The majority of corresponding microtrends had reciprocating dynamics.  相似文献   

The use of complementary methods to animal experiments is very old. Spallanzani (1785) apparently was the first who used such methods in his studies on digestion. In the 19th century Eberle, Pappenheim, Purkyné and others used on their studies on the process of digestion artificial chyme. On this view, Beaumont published in 1834 an interesting paper on the digestion of men after observations in vivo and parallel in vitro. All papers show, that the using of complementary methods to animal experiments was not unusual in the 19th century.  相似文献   

Evidence for reduced sensitivity of tree growth to temperature has been reported from multiple forests along the high northern latitudes. This alleged circumpolar phenomenon described the apparent inability of temperature-sensitive tree-ring width and density chronologies to parallel increasing instrumental temperature measurements since the mid-20th century. In addition to such low-frequency trend offset, the inability of formerly temperature-sensitive tree growth to reflect high-frequency temperature signals in a warming world is indicated at some boreal sites, mainly in Alaska, the Yukon and Siberia. Here, we refer to both of these findings as the ‘divergence problem’ (DP), with their causes and scale being debated. If DP is widespread and the result of climatic forcing, the overall reliability of tree-ring-based temperature reconstructions should be questioned. Testing for DP benefits from well-replicated tree-ring and instrumental data spanning from the 19th to the 21st century. Here, we present a network of 124 larch and spruce sites across the European Alpine arc. Tree-ring width chronologies from 40 larch and 24 spruce sites were selected based on their correlation with early (1864–1933) instrumental temperatures to assess their ability of tracking recent (1934–2003) temperature variations. After the tree-ring series of both species were detrended in a manner that allows low-frequency variations to be preserved and scaled against summer temperatures, no unusual late 20th century DP is found. Independent tree-ring width and density evidence for unprecedented late 20th century temperatures with respect to the past millennium further reinforces our results.  相似文献   

Nineteenth-century British entomologist William Kirby is best known for his generic division of bees based on tongues and his vigorous defence of natural theology. Focusing on these aspects of Kirby’s work has lead many current scholars to characterise Kirby as an “essentialist.” As a result of this characterisation, many important aspects of his work, Monographia Apum Angliæ (1802) have been over-looked or misunderstood. Kirby’s religious devotion, for example, have lead some scholars to assume Kirby used the term “type” for connecting an ontological assumption about essences with a creationist assumption about species fixity, which I argue conceals a variety of ways Kirby employed the term. Also, Kirby frequently cautioned against organising a classification system exclusively by what he called “analytic reasoning,” a style of reasoning 20th century scholars often associate with Aristotelian logic of division. I argue that Kirby’s critique of analytic reasoning brought the virtues of his own methodological agenda into sharp relief. Kirby used familiar metaphors in the natural history literature – Ariadne’s thread, the Eleusinian mysteries, and Bacon’s bee and spider metaphors – to emphasise the virtues of building tradition and cooperation in the goals and methodological practices of 19th century British naturalists.  相似文献   

Robert Earle Buchanan (1883-1973), 19th President of the Society of American Bacteriologists (later American Society for Microbiology), was one of the more important 20th century microbiologists. He was a dominant force in creating the field of bacterial systematics and made significant contributions to microbial physiology. He also numbered a number of influential textbooks. A reasonable conclusion is that Buchanan was a major cultivator of modern microbiology. To justify that assertion, I have four major objectives in this essay: i) a brief biographical review of Buchanan's early life; ii) a brief review of his scientific contributions, many of which go beyond his recognized contributions to bacterial systematics; iii) Buchanan was an important academic administrator who created the microbiology program and fostered a strong graduate education program at Iowa State, iv)finally, I close the essay with a focus on Buchanan's "moral character."  相似文献   

A core from Töölönlahti, a bay close to the central business district of Helsinki, the capital of Finland, was analysed for its pollen stratigraphy. The extrapolated age-depth curve based on137Cs dating, sphaeroidal carbonaceous particle analysis and historical data suggests that the core goes back to the 17th or early 18th century. Four local pollen assemblage zones (LPAZ) were identified. Detrended correspondence analysis was used to detect the main phases of change represented by these zones. The basal LPAZ indicates that the vegetation was characterized by forest dominated byPinus sylvestris andPicea abies during the early history of the city of Helsinki and that human impact remained relatively minor until the end of the 19th century. A drastic change in vegetation took place at the turn of the 19/20th century when bothPinus andPicea declined rapidly while pollen values of several anthropogenic indicators rose. These changes were synchronous with the rapid expansion of population and urban area in Helsinki. Rarefaction analysis shows that palynological richness was highest during the early phase of increased human impact but then started to fall. During the 20th century the main vegetational trend has been the proliferation of introduced park trees. Palynological richness has decreased.  相似文献   

A parallel exists between the threefold parallelism of Agassiz and Haeckel and the three valid methods of polarity determination in phylogenetic systematics. The structural gradation among taxa within a linear hierarchy, ontogenetic recapitulation, and geological succession of the threefold parallelism resemble outgroup comparison, the ontogenetic method, and the paleontological method, respectively, which are methods of polarity determination in phylogenetic systematics. The parallel involves expected congruence among similar components of the distribution of character states among organisms. The threefold parallelism is a manifestation of a world view based on linear hierarchies, whereas polarity determination is part of the methodology of phylogenetic systematics which assumes that organisms are grouped into a nested hierarchy. The threefold parallelism facilitated the ranking of previously established taxa into linear hierarchies consisting mostly of paraphyletic groups. In contrast, methods of polarity determination identify apomorphies that determine and diagnose monophyletic taxa (clades) in the nested genealogical hierarchy. Taxa in linear hierarchies are defined by sets of character states, whereas clades are defined by common ancestry. Although the threefold parallelism was ostensibly abandoned with the rejection of Haeckel's biogenetic law, some of its components continue to facilitate the progressive scenarios that are common in evolutionary thought. Although a general view of progression in organismal history may be invalid, the progressive or directional sequence of character state changes that results in the characterization of a particular clade has considerable heuristic value. Agassiz's ostensibly nested hierarchy and other pre-Darwinian classifications do not provide support for the view that the natural system can be discovered without recourse to the principle of common descent.  相似文献   

Caelius Aurelianus was a Greek-Roman physician in the fifth century. He translated the work of Soranus from Ephesus into Latin and extended the medical knowledge of his time in several textbooks. His book “De Morbis acutis et chronicis” was reprinted many times up to the 19th century and served as the handbook for physicians. Aurelianus aready described in detail the rhythmic pattern – daily and seasonally – of asthma. Tooth pain was also first described by Caelius Aurelianus to peak at night and that drugs were not able to fully suppress the pain, a first indication of chronopharmacology.  相似文献   

n the occasion of the 150th anniversary of his death, the scientific work of the famous German anatomist Johann Friedrich Meckel (1781 to 1833) in Halle is appreciated. The Younger Meckel is counted to the most outstanding figures in the history of anatomy and medicine in the first third of 19th century. According to his founded knowledges in the normal, comparative, and pathologic anatomy and embryology he was able to give a scientific argument of malformations first of all in the history of medicine and biology. The edition of Meckel's Handbook of Pathologic Anatomy (in German language; 1st vol. 1812) is the birth of scientific teratology. Through his contributions to teratology Meckel directly participated in the raising of general pathology and pathologic anatomy to scientific disciplines. Meckel's interceding for C. F. Wolff's theory of epigenesis, not at last by translation of Wolff's paper "De formatione intestinorum" (1768 to 1769) into the German language, accelerated the development of the general and special embryology during the 19th century. In the contemporary medicine the succeeding eponyms are reminding of the imposing German physician and anatomist: the Meckel's diverticulum of ileum (1809), the Meckel's cartilage of the mandibular arch (1820) and the so-called Meckel syndrome (1822).  相似文献   

Ever since Rudolf Virchow in 1858 publicly announced his apprehension of neuroglia being a true connective substance, this concept has been evolving to encompass a heterogeneous population of cells with various forms and functions. We briefly compare the 19th–20th century perspectives on neuroglia with the up-to-date view of these cells as an integral, and possibly integrating, component of brain metabolism and signalling in heath and disease. We conclude that the unifying property of otherwise diverse functions of various neuroglial cell sub-types is to maintain brain homoeostasis at different levels, from whole organ to molecular.  相似文献   

Historical research on the work of Émile Durkheim has often been confined to textual analysis aiming to reconstruct his research in the context of anthropological discourses at the turn of the 20th century. As radical changes in the visual culture of the late 19th century shaped the formation of anthropology as an academic discipline, the ambition of this article is to elaborate the ways Durkheim's use of ethnographic data and visual material formed the foundation of the theoretical and methodological design of his approach to religion. By tracing features in his Basic Forms that emphasize visual material and prioritize religious practice, I submit that the photographic evidence given in Spencer and Gillen's account of Aboriginal religion allowed Durkheim to theorize religion primarily through ritual. Photography, as a visual means of representation, enhanced the study of religion by focusing on ritual without necessarily demanding consideration of its mythical narratives and cosmological accounts. Based on a thorough analysis of his Basic Forms, this article argues that Durkheim used the photographs of the Aborigines of Central Australia systematically and that this use of photographs consequently guided his ethnographic depiction and his selection of theoretical concepts and methodological procedures.  相似文献   

《Behavioural processes》1986,12(2):159-168
The occurence of tied rank numbers in dominance hierarchies is discussed, especially its effect on the linearity of the hierarchy. This linearity is measured with Landau's index, that is calculated for several hierarchies with tied ranks on one, two of three levels. Linearity is mostly affected by ties in small groups with many ties. A distinction is made between a hierarchy of individuals and hierarchical levels. The phenomenon of despotism is called an extreme case of tied ranks. It is proposed to regard hierarchies with a linearity in a continuous scale.  相似文献   

The discipline of functional morphology grew out of a comparativeanatomical tradition, its transformation into a modern experimentalscience facilitated largely by technological advances. Earlymorphologists, such as Cuvier, felt that function was predictablefrom organismal form, to the extent that animals and plantsrepresented perfect adaptations to their habits. However, anatomyalone could not reveal how organisms actually performed theiractivities. Recording techniques capable of capturing fast motionwere first required to begin to understand animal movement.Muybridge is most famous for his pioneering work in fast photographyin the late 19th century, enabling him to "freeze" images ofeven the fastest horse at a full gallop. In fact, contemporarykinematic analysis grew directly out of the techniques Muybridgedeveloped. Marey made perhaps an even greater contribution toexperimental science through his invention of automatic apparatifor recording events of animal motion. Over the first half ofthe 20th century, scientists developed practical methods torecord activity patterns from muscles of a living, behavinghuman or animal. The technique of electromyography, initiallyused in clinical applications, was co-opted as a tool of organismalbiologists in the late 1960s. Comparative anatomy, kinematicanalysis and electromyography have for many years been the mainstayof vertebrate functional morphology; however, those interestedin animal form and function have recently begun branching outto incorporate approaches from experimental biomechanics andother disciplines (see accompanying symposium papers), and functionalmorphology now stands at the threshold of becoming a truly integrative,central field in organismal biology.  相似文献   

In 19th century and at the beginning 20th century, reports appeared in the field of comparative and ontogenetic physiology and the value of these methods for understanding of evolution of functions. The term "evolutionary physiology" was suggested by A. N. Severtsov in 1914. In the beginning of 30s, in the USSR, laboratories for researches in problems of evolutionary physiology were created, the results of these researches having been published. In 1956 in Leningrad, the Institute of Evolutionary Physiology was founded by L. A. Orbeli. He formulates the goals and methods of evolutionary physiology. In the following half a century, the evolutionary physiology was actively developed. The evolutionary physiology solves problems of evolution of function of functions evolution, often involving methods of adjacent sciences, including biochemistry, morphology, molecular biology.  相似文献   

This article presents a fossil diatom-based, semi-quantitative reconstruction of water level fluctuations for Lake Baringo over the past 200 years as a consequence of climatic variations. A 285 cm long sediment core sample was collected using a Rod-Operated Single-drive Stationary Piston corer. Lake level was inferred using indices based on the proportion of planktonic to benthic diatom taxa (P/B ratio). The sediment archive presented distinct zones dominated by planktonic and benthic diatom flora. An initial transgression in the early 19th century was characterised as a shallow water environment dominated by planktonic Aulacoseira spp. This was a response to extreme drought during the late 18th to early 19th century. Mid-19th century was defined by a high lake stand. The late 19th to early 20th centuries experienced low water level following the widely documented aridity at the time. The mid-20th century was marked by a spectacular rise in water level that coincided with remarkably wet years during the early 1960s and late 1970s. The first decade of the 21st century witnessed widespread changes in water level. The proxy records show that lake ramping and drawdown over the years follow approximately 50-year climatic cycles.  相似文献   

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