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We report here characterization of calmodulin-stimulated Ca2+ transport activities in synaptic plasma membranes (SPM). The calcium transport activity consists of a Ca2+-stimulated, Mg2+-dependent ATP hydrolysis coupled with ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake into membraneous sacs on the cytosolic face of the synaptosomal membrane. These transport activities have been found in synaptosomal subfractions to be located primarily in SPM-1 and SPM-2. Both Ca2+-ATPase and ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake require calmodulin for maximal activity (KCm for ATPase = 60 nM; KCm for uptake = 50 nM). In the reconstituted membrane system, KCa was found to be 0.8 microM for Ca2+-ATPase and 0.4 microM for Ca2+ uptake. These results demonstrate for the first time the calmodulin requirements for the Ca2+ pump in SPM when Ca2+ ATPase and Ca2+ uptake are assayed under functionally coupled conditions. They suggest that calmodulin association with the membrane calcium pump is regulated by the level of free Ca2+ in the cytoplasm. The activation by calmodulin, in turn, regulates the cytosolic Ca2+ levels in a feedback process. These studies expand the calmodulin hypothesis of synaptic transmission to include activation of a high-affinity Ca2+ + Mg2+ ATPase as a regulator for cytosolic Ca2+.  相似文献   

Lipid composition of the roots and the shoot of the salt-sensitive Plantago media L., the salt-tolerant P. maritima L. and the less salt-tolerant P. coronopus L. was followed under saline conditions. In the roots of P. media the level of phospho-, galacto- and sulpholipids decreased strongly with increased NaCl concentration, indicating decreased control of permeability of the root cell membranes. In the roots of the two salt-tolerant species the level of most lipid classes was maintained or even raised up to 75 mM NaCl, and a decrease was noted only at higher NaCl concentrations. In P. maritima, a species from relatively nutrient-rich habitats, decreased lipid levels in the roots and shoot were observed with increasing salinity in combination with a low nutrient availability. The Ca2+- and Mg2+-stimulated ATPase activities of the microsomal fraction of the roots of P. maritima was decreased at a salinity level in excess of 150 mM, while in P. coronopus they were decreased at all NaCl levels tested. The obtained results are discussed as part of the adaptation of the species to salinity.  相似文献   

A plasma membrane-rich microsome fraction isolated from barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Conquest) roots contained considerable divalent cation-dependent ATPase activity when assayed at 16°C. The maximal divalent cation-stimulation of the apparent basal ATPase activity varied as Ca2+ > Mg2+ > Mn2+= Zn2+ > Co2+ > Ni2+, with all other divalent cations tested being inhibitory. Double reciprocal plots of the Ca2+- and Mg2+-dependent ATPase velocities as a function of substance concentration were nonlinear, suggesting the presence of multiple catalytic sites. Both MgATP2- and CaATP2- served as the true substrates and apparently bind to the same catalytic sites. Free ATP and Ca2+ could inhibitit the Ca2+- and Mg2+-dependent ATPase. Increasing free Mg2+ levels enhanced the affinity of the Mg2+-dependent ATPase for MgATP2-, while slightly inhibiting the Vmax values. Other divalent cation-nucleoside triphosphate complexes produced maximal enzyme velocities equal to or greater than those generated by CaATP2- and MgATP2-. However, the ATPase had significantly higher affinities for CaATP2- and MgATP2-, than for the alternative substrates. The high and low affinity components of the Ca2+- and Mg2+-dependent ATPase exhibited optimal Vmax values at pH 5 and 6, respectively. Analysis of the pH-dependence of the enzyme Km values indicated enzyme-substrate binding with charge neutralization at neutral and alkaline pH's. Nonlinear double reciprocal plots were obtained at all assay temperatures. However, the complexity of the enzyme kinetics became less apparent at the higher assay temperatures. The kinetics of the barley root divalent cation-dependent ATPase activities are discussed in terms of the kinetics of ATPases from other plants and the methods used to obtain them, and compared to the kinetics of ion transport ATPases from animal membranes.  相似文献   

Abstract: It is well established that ischemia is associated with prolonged increases in neuronal intracellular free calcium levels. Recent data suggest that regulation of calcium uptake and release from the endoplasmic reticulum is important in maintaining calcium homeostasis. The endoplasmic reticulum Mg2+/Ca2+ ATPase is the major mechanism for sequestering calcium in this organelle. Inhibition of this enzyme may play a causal role in the loss of calcium homeostasis. In order to investigate the effect of ischemia on calcium sequestration into the endoplasmic reticulum, microsomes were isolated from control and ischemic whole brain homogenates by differential centrifugation. Calcium uptake was measured by radioactive calcium (45Ca2+) accumulation in the microsomes mediated by Mg2+/Ca2+ ATPase. Ischemia caused a statistically significant inhibition of presteady-state and steady-state calcium uptake. Duration of ischemia was directly proportional to the degree of inhibition. Decreased calcium uptake was shown not to be the result of increased calcium release from ischemic compared with control microsomes nor the result of selective isolation of ischemic microsomes from the homogenate with a decreased capacity for calcium uptake. The data demonstrate that ischemia inhibits the ability of brain microsomes to sequester calcium and suggest that loss of calcium homeostasis is due, in part, to ischemia-induced inhibition of endoplasmic reticulum Mg2+/Ca2+ ATPase.  相似文献   

Arrhenius plots of the maximal velocities for the Ca2+-and Mg2+-dependent ATPase activities found in a plasma membrane-rich microsome fraction isolated from the roots of barley ( Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Conquest) were nonlinear. Arrhenius plot analyses using a relation which produced curvilinear Arrhenius plots accurately fit the data and allowed the calculation of the activation enthalpies and molar heat capacities of activation. The temperature dependence of the computed Km values for the Ca2+- and Mg2+-dependent ATPase activities was complex, with the highest enzyme-substrate affinities being obtained near the barley seedling growth temperature (16°C). Using electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy with amphiphilic cationic and anionic spin probes, it was possible to demonstrate that temperature changes and increasing Ca2+ concentrations could alter the mobility of the membrane lipid polar head groups. Inhibition of the ATPase activities by high levels of Ca2+ may result from a Ca2+-induced reduction in the lipid polar head group mobility. The possible role of lipid polar head group-protein interactions in the complex temperature dependence of the barley root ATPase kinetic constants is discussed.  相似文献   

The Ca2+ and calmodulin sensitivity of endogenous protein kinase activity in synaptosomal membrane fragments from rat brain was studied in medium containing Ca2+ plus EGTA using a modified computer programme to calculate free Ca2+ concentrations that took into account the effect of all competing cations and chelators. The Ca2+-dependent phosphorylation of 10 major polypeptide acceptors with Mr values ranging from 50 to 360 kilodaltons required calmodulin in reactions that were all equally sensitive to Ca2+; half-maximal phosphorylation required a free Ca2+ concentration of 45 nM and maximal phosphorylation approximately 110 nM. The significance of these values in relation to published data on the intracellular concentration of free Ca2+ in the nervous system is discussed. One acceptor of 45 kilodaltons was phosphorylated in a Ca2+-dependent reaction that did not require calmodulin. This polypeptide appeared to correspond to the B-50 protein, an established substrate of the lipid-dependent protein kinase C. Further study of this phosphorylating system showed that the reaction was only independent of calmodulin at saturating concentrations of Ca2+; at subsaturating concentrations (in the range 50-130 nM), a small but significant stimulation of the enzyme by calmodulin was demonstrated. The possible significance of this finding is discussed.  相似文献   

The microsomal fraction of frog sciatic nerves was found to contain Ca2+- or Mg2+-dependent hydrolytic activity toward different nucleoside di- and triphosphates. In the presence of Ca2+ substrate specificity was in the order CTP > UTP > GTP > ATP. When Mg2+ was used, the triphosphates were approximately equally good substrates. ATP hydrolytic activity was very similar with Ca2+ or Mg2+ as the cofactor, whereas Ca2+ was the more potent activator of hydrolysis of the other triphosphates tested. The preparation showed some activity toward the nucleoside diphosphates but none toward the monophosphates or p-nitrophenylphosphate. The enzymic properties of ATP hydrolysis were more closely studied. The hydrolysis was optimal at 18--24 degrees C in the presence of 1 mM-Ca2+ or 1 mM-Mg2+. Ca2+- and Mg2+-ATP hydrolysis displayed pH maxima around 8.0--8.5 and 7.4--8.0, respectively. Vmax values for Ca2+- and Mg2+-ATP hydrolysis similar: approx. 12 mumol Pi per h per mg protein with a Km value of approx. 0.05 mM. The ATP hydrolysis activity was inhibited by NaF but unaffected by ouabain, vanadate, cytochalasin B, and various drugs known to influence ATPase activity of mitochondria. Zn2+ stimulated the ATP hydrolysis activity at low concentrations (10(-6)-10(-5) M) and inhibited it at higher concentrations. The possibility that these observations account for stimulation and inhibition of axonal transport in frog sciatic nerves exposed to similar concentrations of Zn2+ is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract: Calmodulin was isolated as an electrophoretically homogeneous protein from bovine posterior pituitary glands. The yield indicated that this gland is a particularly rich source. Purified bovine posterior pituitary calmodulin and bovine brain calmodulin had identical electrophoretic mobilities on 10% and 12% polyacrylamide gels. The protein was further identified by molecular weight determination and by amino acid analysis which showed that it contained trimethyllysine, one residue per molecule. Bovine posterior pituitary calmodulin was found to activate a preparation of calmodulin-deficient phosphodiesterase from bovine heart. In addition, pituitary calmodulin stimulated Ca2++ Mg2+-ATPase activity associated with a purified nerve ending plasma membrane fraction. This dependence could only be demonstrated after successive washing of the membranes with EGTA buffers, a procedure designed to remove endogenous calmodulin.  相似文献   

Adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) activity stimulated by Ca2+ or Mg2+ was characterized in spinal nerve and spinal sensory ganglion of bullfrog. Enzyme activity of homogenates from both sources reached a maximum at a 1-2 mM concentration of either cation, although the level of maximal activity in nerve trunks was approximately twice that in ganglia. Enzyme activation was not observed with 2 mM-Sr2+ or Ba2+. Co2+ or Mn2+, at 2 mM, depressed Ca2+ activation of the enzyme by 50-60% in nerve but had no inhibitory effect on ganglia activity. In intact spinal ganglion/spinal nerve preparations, incubated for 20 h in medium containing 0.2 mM-Co2+, no effect was detected on Ca2+/Mg2+ ATPase activity in ganglia or nerve trunks whereas fast axonal transport was inhibited by 80%. Incubation in medium containing 0.02 mM-Hg2+ depressed enzyme activity in ganglia by 64% and in nerve trunks by 44%, whereas fast transport was again inhibited by 80%. When only nerve trunks were exposed to these ions, Hg2+ but not Co2+ was observed to slow the rate of fast axonal transport. The divalent cation specificity of the Ca2+/Mg2+ ATPase activity is distinct from the ion specificities, determined in previous work, of the Ca2+ requirement during initiation of fast axonal transport in the soma, and of the Ca2+ requirement during translocation in the axon. Thus, previous observations of Ca2+-dependent events in fast axonal transport cannot be taken per se to suggest the involvement of Ca2+/Mg+ ATPase in the transport process.  相似文献   

Mg2+- or Ca2+-Activated ATPase in Squid Giant Fiber Axoplasm   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A divalent cation-activated ATPase in axoplasm from the squid giant axon is described. The enzyme requires Mg2+ or Ca2+, has a K+ optimum of 60 mM, and has a pH optimum of 7.5. Several nucleotide triphosphates other than ATP can serve as substrates. The enzyme is inhibited by excess ATP or Mg2+. The enzyme is enriched in a rapidly sedimenting fraction of the axoplasm, and is eluted in the exclusion volume of a Sepharose 4B column, suggesting that it is associated with a highly aggregated structure. Comparison of the properties of enzyme with those of myosin and Na+-K+-ATPase suggests that differs from both of these enzymes. The enzyme has many similarities to vertebrate nerve ATPases previously described. The demonstration of the presence of this ATPase in squid axoplasm proves the neuronal localization of the enzyme.  相似文献   

The Mg2+- and Ca2+-stimulated ATPase activities of the microsomal fractions of the roots of four inbred lines of Plantago major L. were followed at two levels of mineral nutrition. In addition the response of a transfer of plants from one condition to the other was studied. Kinetic properties of the ATPases (Km and Vmax) were calculated and used to differentiate between genetic differences among the inbred lines and the plasticity within each inbred line. The Vmax values of the ATPase activity differed significantly between the lines and were directly related to seed number per capsule (low Vmax→ 11 seeds per capsule, high Vmax→ 33 seeds per capsule). In addition, the Vmax values of the ATPase acitivty may be related to ecological strategy. Plasticity of enzyme activity is expressed in differences in the Vmax values of the ATPase activity, as a response to nutritional level or changes of the strength of the nutrient solution. Differences in this plasticity in the four selected lines and in rapidity of response to a change in mineral nutrition were directly related to the ecological strategy. These results are discussed in relation to the strategy of the genotypes for survival in the field. The presence of plasticity in line 4 (ssp. pleiospema ) makes this genotype behave like an annual plant, following a ruderal strategy. The absence of plasticity in line 1 (ssp. major ) fits a more competitive strategy.  相似文献   

Exposure of chromaffin cells to digitonin causes the loss of many cytosolic proteins. Here we report that scinderin (a Ca(2+)-dependent actin-filament-severing protein), but not gelsolin, is among the proteins that leak out from digitonin-permeabilized cells. Chromaffin cells that were exposed to increasing concentrations (15-40 microM) of digitonin for 5 min released scinderin into the medium. One-minute treatment with 20 microM digitonin was enough to detect scinderin in the medium, and scinderin leakage levelled off after 10 min of permeabilization. Elevation of free Ca2+ concentration in the permeabilizing medium produced a dose-dependent retention of scinderin. Results were confirmed by immunofluorescence microscopy of digitonin-permeabilized cells. Subcellular fractionation of permeabilized cells showed that scinderin leakage was mainly from the cytoplasm (80%); the remaining scinderin (20%) was from the microsomal fraction. Other Ca(2+)-binding proteins released by digitonin and also retained by Ca2+ were calmodulin, protein kinase C, and calcineurins A and B. Scinderin leakage was parallel to the loss of the chromaffin cell secretory response. Permeabilization in the presence of increasing free Ca2+ concentrations produced a concomitant enhancement in the subsequent Ca(2+)-dependent catecholamine release. The experiments suggest that: (1) scinderin is an intracellular target for Ca2+, (2) permeabilization of chromaffin cells with digitonin in the presence of micromolar Ca2+ concentrations retained Ca(2+)-binding proteins including scinderin, and (3) the retention of these proteins may be related to the increase in the subsequent Ca(2+)-dependent catecholamine release observed in permeabilized chromaffin cells.  相似文献   

Abstract: With a partially purified, membrane-bound (Ca + Mg)-activated ATPase preparation from rat brain, the K0.5 for activation by Ca2+ was 0.8 p μm in the presence of 3 mm -ATP, 6 mm -MgCl2, 100 mM-KCI, and a calcium EGTA buffer system. Optimal ATPase activity under these circumstances was with 6-100 μm -Ca2+, but marked inhibition occurred at higher concentrations. Free Mg2+ increased ATPase activity, with an estimated K0.5, in the presence of 100 μm -CaCl2, of 2.5 mm ; raising the MgCl2 concentration diminished the inhibition due to millimolar concentrations of CaCl2, but antagonized activation by submicromolar concentrations of Ca2+. Dimethylsulfoxide (10%, v/v) had no effect on the K0.5 for activation by Ca2+, but decreased activation by free Mg2+ and increased the inhibition by millimolar CaCl2. The monovalent cations K+, Na+, and TI+ stimulated ATPase activity; for K+ the K0.5 was 8 mm , which was increased to 15 mm in the presence of dimethylsulfoxide. KCI did not affect the apparent affinity for Ca2+ as either activator or inhibitor. The preparation can be phosphorylated at 0°C by [γ-32P]-ATP; on subsequent addition of a large excess of unlabeled ATP the calcium dependent level of phosphorylation declined, with a first-order rate constant of 0.12 s?1. Adding 10 mm -KCI with the unlabeled ATP increased the rate constant to 0.20 s?1, whereas adding 10 mm -NaCl did not affect it measurably. On the other hand, adding dimethyl-sulfoxide slowed the rate of loss, the constant decreasing to 0.06 s?1. Orthovanadate was a potent inhibitor of this enzyme, and inhibition with 1 μm -vanadate was increased by both KCI and dimethylsulfoxide. Properties of the enzyme are thus reminiscent of the plasma membrane (Na + K)-ATPase and the sarcoplasmic reticulum (Ca + Mg)-ATPase, most notably in the K+ stimulation of both dephosphorylation and inhibition by vanadate.  相似文献   

Mg2+- and Ca2+-uptake was measured in dark-grown oat seedlings ( Avena sativa L. cv. Brighton) cultivated at two levels of mineral nutrition. In addition the stimulation of the ATPase activity of the microsomal fraction of the roots by Mg2+ was measured. Ca2+-uptake by the roots was mainly passive. Mg2+-uptake mainly active; the passive component of Mg2+-uptake was accompanied by Ca2+-efflux up to 60% of the Ca2+ present in the roots.
In general Mg2+ -uptake of oat roots was biphasic. The affinity of the second phase correspond well with that of the Mg2+-stimulation of the ATPase activity, in low-salt roots as well as in high-salt roots and in roots of plants switched to the other nutritional condition. Linear relationships were observed when [phase 2] Mg2+-uptake was plotted against Mg2+-stimulation of the ATPase activity of the microsomal fraction of the roots. In 5 days old high-salt plants 1 ATP (hydrolysed in the presence of Mg2+ J corresponded with active uptake of a single Mg2+ ion, but in older high-salt roots and in low-salt roots more ATP was hydrolysed per net uptake of a Mg2+ ion. The results are discussed against the background of regulation of the Mg2+-level of the cytoplasm of root cells by transport of Mg2+ by a Mg2+-ATPase to the vacuole, to the xylem vessels, and possibly outwards.  相似文献   

Abstract: The uptake of Ca2+ by a K+-depolarized rat brain cerebral cortical crude synaptosomal preparation (P2 fraction) was investigated. The characteristics of the Ca2+ uptake system are similar to those observed by other investigators. The preparation is also a suitable model with which to study the effects of adenosine on Ca2+ uptake and neurotransmitter release, as it is generally accepted that K+-evoked Ca2+ uptake is intimately related to depolarization-induced release of neurotransmitters. We have demonstrated that an extracellular receptor is involved in mediating the adenosine-evoked inhibition of K+-evoked Ca2+ uptake. The pharmacological properties of the receptor suggest that it may be similar in some respects to the A2-receptor associated with adenylate cyclase. The adenosine uptake inhibitor, dipyridamole, potentiated the action of adenosine, suggesting that re-uptake is important in controlling the extracellular adenosine concentration and thus in the regulation of the adenosine receptor. The adenosine receptor antagonist theophylline inhibited the effects of adenosine. Calmodulin inhibited K+- evoked uptake of Ca2+ by the synaptosomal fraction.  相似文献   

Synaptoneurosomes obtained from the cortex of rat brain prelabeled with [14C]arachidonic acid [( 14C]AA) were used as a source of substrate and enzyme in studies on the regulation of AA release. A significant amount of AA is liberated in the presence of 2 mM EGTA, independently of Ca2+, primarily from phosphatidic acid and polyphosphoinositides (poly-PI). Quinacrine, an inhibitor of phospholipase A2 (PLA2), suppressed AA release by about 60% and neomycin, a putative inhibitor of phospholipase C (PLC), reduced AA release by about 30%. An additive effect was exhibited when both inhibitors were given together. Ca2+ activated AA release. The level of Ca2+ present in the synaptoneurosomal preparation (endogenous level) and 5 microM CaCl2 enhance AA liberation by approximately 25%, whereas 2 mM CaCl2 resulted in a 50% increase in AA release relative to EGTA. The source for Ca(2+)-dependent AA release is predominantly phosphatidylinositol (PI); however, a small pool may also be liberated from neutral lipids. Carbachol, an agonist of the cholinergic receptor, stimulated Ca(2+)-dependent AA release by about 17%. Bradykinin enhanced the effect of carbachol by about 10-15%. This agonist-mediated AA release occurs specifically from phosphoinositides (PI + poly-PI). Quinacrine almost completely suppresses calcium-and carbachol-mediated AA release. Neomycin inhibits this process by about 30% and totally suppresses the effect of bradykinin. Our results indicate that both phospholipases PLA2 and PLC with subsequent action of DAG lipase are responsible for Ca(2+)-independent AA release. Ca(2+)-dependent and carbachol-mediated AA liberation occurs mainly as the result of PLA2 action. A small pool of AA is probably also released by PLC, which seems to be exclusively responsible for the effect of bradykinin.  相似文献   

Abstract: Amyloid β protein (Aβ), which accumulates in the senile plaques in the brain of Alzheimer's patients, is cytotoxic to neurons. A modified 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay, in which a yellow redox dye, MTT, is reduced to purple formazan, is very sensitive to the effect of Aβ. In primary hippocampal cultures, inhibition of MTT reduction starts within 2 h after the addition of low concentrations of Aβ and reaches a plateau in 12 h. This effect of Aβ is not blocked by Ca2+ channel blockers or in Ca2+-free medium. In contrast, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release and trypan blue exclusion, which are indices of cell death, start 3 days after exposure to high concentrations of Aβ and are blocked by Ca2+ channel blockers such as Co2+, nicardipine, and diltiazem. When Aβ was washed out from the medium after 12 h, MTT reduction recovers and LDH release does not occur, suggesting that a long-lasting inhibition of the cellular redox system may be required to induce cell death. These observations demonstrate that Aβ toxicity consists of two phases—a Ca2+-independent early phase and a Ca2+-dependent late phase—and that the early phase may be required to induce the late phase.  相似文献   

Abstract: Rat brain microsomes accumulate Ca2+ at the expense of ATP hydrolysis. The rate of transport is not modulated by the monovalent cations K+, Na+, or Li+. Both the Ca2+ uptake and the Ca2+-dependent ATPase activity of microsomes are inhibited by the sulfated polysaccharides heparin, fucosylated chondroitin sulfate, and dextran sulfate. Half-maximal inhibition is observed with sulfated polysaccharide concentrations ranging from 0.5 to 8.0 µg/ml. The inhibition is antagonized by KCl and NaCl but not by LiCl. As a result, Ca2+ transport by the native vesicles, which in the absence of polysaccharides is not modulated by monovalent cations, becomes highly sensitive to these ions. Trifluoperazine has a dual effect on the Ca2+ pump of brain microsomes. At low concentrations (20–80 µM) it stimulates the rate of Ca2+ influx, and at concentrations >100 µM it inhibits both the Ca2+ uptake and the ATPase activity. The activation observed at low trifluoperazine concentrations is specific for the brain Ca2+-ATPase; for the Ca2+-ATPases found in blood platelets and in the sarcoplasmic reticulum of skeletal muscle, trifluoperazine causes only a concentration-dependent inhibition of Ca2+ uptake. Passive Ca2+ efflux from brain microsomes preloaded with Ca2+ is increased by trifluoperazine (50–150 µM), and this effect is potentiated by heparin (10 µg/ml), even in the presence of KCl. It is proposed that the Ca2+-ATPase isoform from brain microsomes is modulated differently by polysaccharides and trifluoperazine when compared with skeletal muscle and platelet isoforms.  相似文献   

Abstract: Superfused cortical brain slices from neonatal rats demonstrated large increases in levels of NMR-detectable lipids after sample preparation and perfusion with standard artificial CSF. These increases were reduced by an average of 58% by perfusion with buffer with low (no added) Ca2+ or by perfusion in Ca2+-free buffer. Perfusion with buffer with elevated MgSO4 (10 mmol/L) reduced the lipid changes by 47%. A reduction of 88% was observed in samples perfused in buffer with both low Ca2+ and high Mg2+, suggesting a role for Mg2+ in reducing lipolysis distinct from its known ability to block Ca2+ influx.  相似文献   

Abstract: Phosphorylation of myelin basic protein (MBP) in rat or rabbit brain myelin was markedly stimulated by Ca2+, and this reaction was not essentially augmented by exogenous phosphatidylserine or calmodulin or both. Solubilization of myelin with 0.4% Triton X-100 plus 4 m M EGTA, with or without further fractionation, showed that Ca2+-dependent phosphorylation of MBP required phosphatidylserine, but not calmodulin. DEAE-cellulose chromatography of solubilized myelin revealed a pronounced peak of protein kinase activity stimulated by a combination of Ca2+ and phosphatidylserine; a protein kinase stimulated by Ca2+ plus calmodulin was not detected. These findings clearly indicate an involvement of phospholipid-sensitive Ca2+-dependent protein kinase in phosphorylation of brain MBP, although a possible role for the calmodulin-sensitive species of Ca2+-dependent protein kinase in this reaction could not be excluded or established. Phosphorylation of MBP in solubilized rat myelin catalyzed by the phospholipid-sensitive enzyme was inhibited by adriamycin, palmitoylcarnitine, trifluoperazine, melittin, polymyxin B, and N -(6-aminohexyl)-5-chloro-l-naphthalenesulfonamide (W–7).  相似文献   

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