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Abstract The knowledge about the relative contributions of additive genetic and maternal effects, as well as the proximate determinants of maternal effects variation, on population differentiation remains elusive. Likewise, although embryonic performance is often an important component of fitness, it has been relatively little explored in respect to population differentiation. By conducting reciprocal crosses between an acid and a neutral origin population of moor frogs ( Rana arvalis ), we investigated the relative importance of additive genetic versus maternal effects in local adaptation to acidity in embryonic traits. Furthermore, by performing removal experiments of gelatinous egg capsules (jelly), we evaluated the possibility that differences in the extraembryonic membranes might explain the interpopulation variation in embryonic acid tolerance found in this and earlier studies. Embryos were raised from fertilization to hatching at three different pH levels (pH 4.0, 4.25, and 7.5) in the laboratory, and acid stress tolerance was measured in terms of embryonic survival, growth and development (i.e., size and age at hatching). The results show that the higher acid tolerance of acid population embryos (in terms of survival) was maternally determined, indicating adaptive maternal effects. The jelly removal experiment revealed that adaptation to acidity in embryonic survival may arise through variation related to structure/composition of the egg capsules. There was no evidence for a genetic basis in acid tolerance in sublethal effects, but additive and nonadditive genetic effects were found in embryonic growth and development, independently of treatment. The results indicate a role for maternal effects in local adaptation to acidity in amphibians, and genetically based differences in early life-histories among the populations.  相似文献   

Knowledge on the relative contribution of direct genetic, maternal and environmental effects to adaptive divergence is important for understanding the drivers of biological diversification. The moor frog (Rana arvalis) shows adaptive divergence in embryonic and larval fitness traits along an acidification gradient in south-western Sweden. To understand the quantitative genetic basis of this divergence, we performed reciprocal crosses between three divergent population pairs and reared embryos and larvae at acid and neutral pH in the laboratory. Divergence in embryonic acid tolerance (survival) was mainly determined by maternal effects, whereas the relative contributions of maternal, additive and nonadditive genetic effects in larval life-history traits differed between traits, population pairs and rearing environments. These results emphasize the need to investigate the quantitative genetic basis of adaptive divergence in multiple populations and traits, as well as different environments. We discuss the implications of our findings for maintenance of local adaptation in the context of migrant and hybrid fitness.  相似文献   

Microevolutionary responses to spatial variation in the environment seem ubiquitous, but the relative role of selection and neutral processes in driving phenotypic diversification remain often unknown. The moor frog (Rana arvalis) shows strong phenotypic divergence along an acidification gradient in Sweden. We here used correlations among population pairwise estimates of quantitative trait (P(ST) or Q(ST) from common garden estimates of embryonic acid tolerance and larval life-history traits) and neutral genetic divergence (F(ST) from neutral microsatellite markers), as well as environmental differences (pond pH, predator density, and latitude), to test whether this phenotypic divergence is more likely due to divergent selection or neutral processes. We found that trait divergence was more strongly correlated with environmental differences than the neutral marker divergence, suggesting that divergent natural selection has driven phenotypic divergence along the acidification gradient. Moreover, pairwise P(ST) s of embryonic acid tolerance and Q(ST) s of metamorphic size were strongly correlated with breeding pond pH, whereas pairwise Q(ST) s of larval period and growth rate were more strongly correlated with geographic distance/latitude and predator density, respectively. We suggest that incorporating measurements of environmental variation into Q(ST) -F(ST) studies can improve our inferential power about the agents of natural selection in natural populations.  相似文献   

Intraspecific variation in the ability of individuals to tolerate environmental perturbations is often neglected when considering the impacts of climate change. Yet this information is potentially crucial for mitigating deleterious effects of climate change on threatened species. Here we assessed patterns of intraspecific variation in desiccation tolerance in the frog Pseudophryne guentheri, a terrestrial-breeding species experiencing a drying climate. Adult frogs were collected from six populations across a rainfall gradient and their dehydration and rehydration rates were assessed. We also compared desiccation tolerance of embryos and hatchlings originating from within-population parental crosses from four of the populations. Embryos were reared on soil at three soil–water potentials and their desiccation tolerance was assessed across a range of traits. We found significant and strong patterns of intraspecific variation in almost all traits, both in adults and first-generation offspring. Adult frogs exhibited clinal variation in their water balance responses, with populations from drier sites both dehydrating and rehydrating more slowly compared to frogs from more mesic sites. Similarly, desiccation tolerance of first-generation offspring was significantly greater in populations from xeric sites. Our findings suggest that populations within this species will respond differently to the regional reduction in rainfall predicted by climate change models.  相似文献   

Whether fluctuating asymmetry (FA) provides a useful metric indicator of the degree of environmental stress experienced by populations is still a contentious issue. We investigated whether the degree of FA in skeletal elements is useful in elucidating the degree of environmental stress experienced by frog populations, and further, tested the proposition that a trait’s sensitivity to stress—as reflected in the degree of FA—is related to the degree of directional selection experienced by the given trait. We compared the degree of FA in four bilateral skeletal elements of male and female moor frogs (Rana arvalis) originating from low (acidified) and neutral pH populations. While the degree of uncorrected FA was unrelated to the degree of acidity, the growth rate and age of the individuals, the size-corrected FA was significantly higher in low than in neutral pH populations and decreased with individual ages and growth rates. In addition, both measures of FA were significantly higher in males and in particular in traits presumably under high sexual selection as indicated by the degree of sexual size dimorphism. All in all, the results indicate that individuals from acidified localities are smaller, younger and exhibit a significantly higher degree of FA than individuals from neutral pH populations. These results constitute the first assessment of FA in amphibians and suggest that the degree of FA in skeletal traits can be a useful indicator of the degree of environmental stress experienced by amphibian populations.  相似文献   

The moor frog Rana arvalis is a lowland species with a broad Eurasiatic distribution, from arctic tundra through forest to the steppe zone. Its present-day range suggests that glacial refugia of this frog were located outside southern European peninsulas. We studied the species-wide phylogeographical pattern using sequence variation in a 682 base pairs fragment of mtDNA cytochrome b gene; 223 individuals from 73 localities were analysed. Two main clades, A and B, differing by c. 3.6% sequence divergence were detected. The A clade is further subdivided into two subclades, AI and AII differing by 1.0%. All three lineages are present in the Carpathian Basin (CB), whereas the rest of the species range, including huge expanses of Eurasian lowlands, are inhabited solely by the AI lineage. We infer that AII and B lineages survived several glacial cycles in the CB but did not expand, at least in the present interglacial, to the north. The geographical distribution and genealogical relationships between haplotypes from the AI lineage indicate that this group had two glacial refugia, one located in the eastern part of the CB and the other probably in southern Russia. Populations from both refugia contributed to the colonization of the western part of the range, whereas the eastern part was colonized from the eastern refugium only. The effective population size as evidenced by theta(ML) is an order of magnitude higher in the AI lineage than in the AII and B lineages. Demographic expansion was detected in all three lineages.  相似文献   

1. The effects of habitat fragmentation on the distribution pattern of the moor frog Rana arvalis were investigated. Also, the possible isolation effects of the road network were taken into account.
2. Indications were found that habitat fragmentation partly explains the distribution pattern of the moor frog. The statistical models showed a positive effect of pond size (or marsh area) and a negative effect of road density on the probability of occupation of a moorland pond.
3. Because of the strong correlation between habitat quality variables and isolation variables, no unambiguous effects of isolation, described as the amount of suitable terrestrial habitat (moorland) in the surroundings of a moorland pond in a radius of 100–2000 m, could be demonstrated.
4. Spatial differences in road density can play a role in the selection of optimal locations for nature protection areas. The regression model used in this study predicts a reduced occupation probability in 55% of the study area. In the part of the study area adjacent to a motorway, occupation probability is lowered to less than 30%.
5. European studies of habitat fragmentation on amphibian species revealed a mean distance between occupied ponds of <1 km in all studies. This could be a general rule of thumb for persistent amphibian populations. Effects of pond size on the probability of occupation were more variable.
6. When discussing the effects of habitat fragmentation on amphibians and other ground dwelling species, the negative effects of roads are often underestimated.  相似文献   

Adaptive genetic differentiation along a climatic gradient as a response to natural selection is not necessarily expressed at phenotypic level if environmental effects on population mean phenotypes oppose the genotypic effects. This form of cryptic evolution--called countergradient variation--has seldom been explicitly demonstrated for terrestrial vertebrates. We investigated the patterns of phenotypic and genotypic differentiation in developmental rates of common frogs (Rana temporaria) along a ca. 1600 km latitudinal gradient across Scandinavia. Developmental rates in the field were not latitudinally ordered, but displayed large variation even among different ponds within a given latitudinal area. In contrast, development rates assessed in the laboratory increased strongly and linearly with increasing latitude, suggesting a genetic capacity for faster development in the northern than the southern larvae. Experiments further revealed that environmental effects (temperature and food) could easily override the genetic effects on developmental rates, providing a possible mechanistic explanation as to why the genetic differentiation was not seen in the samples collected from the wild. Our results suggest that the higher developmental rates of the northern larvae are likely to be related to selection stemming from seasonal time constrains, rather than from selection dictated by low ambient temperatures per se. All in all, the results provide a demonstration of environmental effects concealing substantial latitudinally ordered genetic differentiation understandable in terms of adaptation to clinal variation in time constrains.  相似文献   

Several recent studies have found amphibian populations to be genetically highly structured over rather short geographical distances, and that the rate of genetically effective dispersal may differ between the sexes. However, apart from the common frog ( Rana temporaria ) little is known about the genetic structuring and sex-biased dispersal in northern European amphibians. We investigated the patterns of genetic diversity and differentiation within and among Scandinavian populations of the moor frog ( Rana arvalis ) using microsatellite markers. The genetic diversity within local R. arvalis populations was not a simple linear negative function of latitude but a convex one: genetic diversity peaked in mid-latitude populations, and declined thereafter dramatically towards the north. The average degree of genetic differentiation among populations ( F ST = 0.14) was lower than that observed for the common frog ( F ST = 0.21), though the pattern of isolation by distance was similar for both species. Contrary to common frogs, no evidence for female-biased dispersal was found. The results reinforce the view that amphibian populations are—in general—highly structured over relatively small geographical distances, even in comparatively recently colonized areas.  相似文献   

Microgeographic countergradient variation in the wood frog, Rana sylvatica   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Prior studies have shown that macrogeographic gradients in temperature associated with latitude and altitude can lead to countergradient patterns of variation in a number of taxa: individuals from colder environments are known to grow or develop faster than their conspecifics from warmer environments when placed in a common setting. In this study, I hypothesized that countergradient variation also is important at microgeographic scales. The wood frog, Rana sylvatica, breeds in open-canopied, temporary wetlands as well as those heavily shaded by vegetation. Shading leads to cooler thermal environments that are associated with embryonic development rates as much as 50% slower than those in unshaded wetlands. Wetlands with contrasting canopy environments are often found within tens or hundreds of meters of each other. In a common garden experiment, embryos from nearby natural wetlands displayed countergradient variation: individuals collected from shaded wetlands developed up to 12% faster than those collected from relatively unshaded wetlands. The results of this study suggest that the concept of countergradient variation may be extended to small scales of space. In addition, the rate and scale of vegetation dynamics (the agent of wetland shading) imply that divergence in development among residents of nearby wetlands may be relatively rapid, on the order of decades.  相似文献   

Females reproductive, size, and age characteristics were studied in isolated local populations of Rana arvalis in the southern and northern parts of its range. The yearlings of the southern populations used to get larger by their first overwintering due to earlier beginning of the breeding season, as compared with the yearlings of the northern population. As a result, "southern" females become sexually mature at the age of two years while the "northern" ones become mature at the age of three years. This causes geographic differences in age composition among two populations, the "southern" reproductive females being younger on average than the "northern" ones. The earlier female maturation in the first case is not compensated by respective rise of the growth rate; to the contrary, the "southern" females grow more slowly during the first two years of their life and appear to be smaller than the "norhern" ones. These reproduction and growth patterns arise supposedly due to paedomorphosis, which causes specific reproductive characteristics, namely decrease in the egg size, increase in the reproductive effort and more strong correlation between female fertility and body size. Local and geographic differences are expressed not in the extent but in the structure of reproductive pattern, as no negative correlation was revealed between female reproductive age and body size in the southern populations. Southern habitats cannot be considered as "unfavourable with respect to body size", so the geographic differences under consideration cannot be explained by optimization of the reproductive strategies at population level. Paedomorphosis appears as a result of the female maturation rate possessing a wider norm of reaction than the growth rate. At the same time, fixation of the specific growth rate narrows norm of reaction of some other characters important for the phenotype reproductive fitness thus predetermining their subsequent evolution.  相似文献   

Morphometric variation of 11 characters was studied in 14 samples of Rana arvalis from allopatric population groups in Central Europe, representing two subspecies formerly recognised: R. a. arvalis and R. a. wolterstorffi. All samples from Poland (nine) were collected from the area, which is believed to be populated by the nominal form. In addition, the isolated population of R. arvalis from the Eastern Carpathians of Romania was classified to that form. All the Hungarian samples fall into the range of R. a. wolterstorffi. No significant differences in body size between sexes and among the populations from the three geographic regions (Poland, Hungary and Romanian Eastern Carpathians) were found. Multivariate analysis of the differences in body shape among groups showed that the populations from Hungary differed from the nominal form mainly in the relative hindlimb length. However, substantial overlap in overall shape differences resulted in a relatively low percentage of correct classifications to the respective geographic groups in the Discriminant Analysis. Large intrapopulation variation in the values of the two ratios (SVL/TL and TL/IMT) formerly used for differentiate the two European subspecies of R. arvalis makes them unreliable characters for distinguishing the two forms. The pattern of morphometric variation does not match the overall genetic divergence of the R. arvalis populations, which suggests that the body shape differences in this species result from the phenotypic plasticity correlated with local climatic factors.  相似文献   

The Rana arvalis tadpoles at 27-40 stages responded to solution of some L-amino acids in concentration 10(-2) mol/l with feeding reactions. The range of perceptible amino acids increased during development from 10 to 16. The best feeding stimuli were aspartic and glutamic acids; amino-acids (proline and oxyproline), methionine, leucine and isoleucine did not evoke the significant reactions. The sensitivity to some amino acids (alanine, glutamine, lysine, ornithine, proline and valine) was 10(-5)-10(-4) mol/l at earlier stages and increased to 10(-6)-10(-5) mol/l during larval ontogenesis.  相似文献   

One of the main questions in evolutionary and conservation biology is how geographical and environmental features of the landscape shape neutral and adaptive genetic variation in natural populations. The identification of genomic polymorphisms that account for adaptive variation can aid in finding candidate loci for local adaptation. Consequently, a comparison of spatial patterns in neutral markers and loci under selection may help disentangle the effects of gene flow, genetic drift and selection at the landscape scale. Many amphibians breed in wetlands, which differ in environmental conditions and in the degree of isolation, enhancing the potential for local adaptation. We used microsatellite markers to measure genetic differentiation among 17 local populations of Rana arvalis breeding in a network of wetlands. We found that locus RC08604 deviated from neutral expectations, suggesting that it is a good candidate for directional selection. We used a genetic network analysis to show that the allele distribution in this locus is correlated with habitat characteristics, whereas this was not the case at neutral markers that displayed a different allele distribution and population network in the study area. The graph approach illustrated the genomic heterogeneity (neutral loci vs. the candidate locus for directional selection) of gene exchange and genetic divergence among populations under directional selection. Limited gene flow between wetlands was only observed at the candidate genomic region under directional selection. RC08604 is partially located inside an up‐regulated thyroid‐hormone receptor (TRβ) gene coordinating the expression of other genes during metamorphosis and appears to be linked with variation in larval life‐history traits found among R. arvalis populations. We suggest that directional selection on genes coding larval life‐history traits is strong enough to maintain the divergence in these genomic regions, reducing the effective recombination of locally adapted alleles but not in other regions of the genome. Integrating this knowledge into conservation plans at the landscape scale will improve the design of management strategies to preserve adaptive genetic diversity in wetland networks.  相似文献   

The effects of increased salinity on plant growth were examined in a greenhouse experiment with four species common to oligohaline marshes of the northern Gulf of Mexico: Eleocharis palustris, Panicum hemitomon, Sagittaria lancifolia, and Scirpus americanus. Effects of final salinity reached (6 or 12 g/L), salinity influx rate (3 d or 3 wk), and duration of exposure (1, 2, or 3 mo) were investigated. Sagittaria lancifolia was the first species to show visible signs of stress, with browning and curling of older leaf edges. The salt effect was delayed for 6-8 wk in P. hemitomon, but this species had the highest aboveground tissue mortality rate at 12 g/L as exposure continued. Final salt concentration affected all species to a greater degree than did salinity influx rate. No aboveground mortality occurred at 6 g/L, but growth suppression was apparent and varied with species. The magnitude of growth suppression in response to salinity increased for all species as the duration of exposure increased. Overall, we ranked the species as follows, in order from least to most salt tolerant: Panicum hemitomon < Sagittaria lancifolia < Eleocharis palustris < Scirpus americanus. This ranking reflects the field occurrence of these species along a gradient of increasing salinity in northern Gulf of Mexico coastal habitats from freshwater wetlands through oligohaline areas to mesohaline wetlands.  相似文献   

Latitudinal clines are considered a powerful means of investigating evolutionary responses to climatic selection in nature. However, most clinal studies of climatic adaptation in Drosophila have involved species that contain cosmopolitan inversion polymorphisms that show clinal patterns themselves, making it difficult to determine whether the traits or inversions are under selection. Further, although climatic selection is unlikely to act on only one life stage in metamorphic organisms, a few studies have examined clinal patterns across life stages. Finally, clinal patterns of heat tolerance may also depend on the assay used. To unravel these potentially confounding effects on clinal patterns of thermal tolerance, we examined adult and larval heat tolerance traits in populations of Drosophila simulans from eastern Australia using static and dynamic (ramping 0.06 °C min?1) assays. We also used microsatellites markers to clarify whether demographic factors or selection are responsible for population differentiation along clines. Significant cubic clinal patterns were observed for adult static basal, hardened and dynamic heat knockdown time and static basal heat survival in larvae. In contrast, static, hardened larval heat survival increased linearly with latitude whereas no clinal association was found for larval ramping survival. Significant associations between adult and larval traits and climatic variables, and low population differentiation at microsatellite loci, suggest a role for climatic selection, rather than demographic processes, in generating these clinal patterns. Our results suggest that adaptation to thermal stress may be species and life‐stage specific, complicating our efforts to understand the evolutionary responses to selection for increasing thermotolerance.  相似文献   

Uganda lies within the drier end of the natural distribution range of Coffea canephora and contains unexplored genetic material that could be drought-adapted and useful for developing climate-resilient varieties. Using water treatment: (i) ample and (ii) restricted-water, the response of 148 genotypes were studied comprising wild, feral and cultivated C. canephora. Biomass allocation, standing leaf area and leaf area growth data were collected. Linear mixed effect models and PCA were used to the analyze effect of water treatment on genotypes from different: (i) cultivation status, (ii) genetic groups and (iii) locations. We also assessed the relationship between drought tolerance for relative growth rate in leaf area (RGRA), total number of leaves (TNL), total leaf area (TLA) and total leaf dry weight (TLDW) of genotypes at final harvest. Restricted-water reduced RGRA across genetic groups (3.2–32.5%) and locations (7.1–36.7%) but not cultivation status. For TNL, TLA and TLDW, genotypes that performed well in ample-water performed worse under restricted-water, indicating growth-tolerance trade-off. Drought tolerance in RGRA and TNL were negatively correlated with wetness index suggesting some degree of adaptation to local climate. Findings indicate a growth-tolerance trade-off within this tropical tree species and drought tolerance of Uganda's C. canephora is somewhat associated with local climate.  相似文献   

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