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Genome replication of poliovirus, as yet unsolved, involves numerous viral polypeptides that arise from proteolysis of the viral polyprotein. One of these proteins is 3AB, an RNA-binding protein with multiple functions, that serves also as the precursor for the genome-linked protein VPg (= 3B). Eight clustered charged amino acid-to-alanine mutants in the 3AB coding region of poliovirus were constructed and analyzed, together with three additional single-amino acid exchange mutants in VPg, for viral phenotypes. All mutants expressed severe inhibition in RNA synthesis, but none were temperature sensitive (ts). The 3AB polypeptides of mutants with a lethal phenotype were overexpressed in Escherichia coli, purified to near homogeneity, and studied with respect to four functions: (1) ribonucleoprotein complex formation with 3CDpro and the 5'-terminal cloverleaf of the poliovirus genome; (2) binding to the genomic and negative-sense RNA; (3) stimulation of 3CDpro cleavage; and (4) stimulation of RNA polymerase activity of 3Dpol. The results have allowed mapping of domains important for RNA binding and the formation of certain protein-protein complexes, and correlation of these processes with essential steps in viral genome replication.  相似文献   

Modification of Saccharomyces cerevisiae tRNA anticodons at the wobble uridine (U34) position is required for tRNA cleavage by the zymocin tRNase killer toxin from Kluyveromyces lactis . Hence, U34 modification defects including lack of the U34 tRNA methyltransferase Trm9 protect against tRNA cleavage and zymocin. Using zymocin as a tool, we have identified toxin-resistant mutations in TRM9 that are likely to affect the U34 methylation reaction. Most strikingly, C-terminal truncations in Trm9 abolish interaction with Trm112, a protein shown to individually purify with Lys9 and two more methylases, Trm11 and Mtq2. Downregulation of a GAL1-TRM112 allele protects against zymocin whereas LYS9 , TRM11 and MTQ2 are dosage suppressors of zymocin. Based on immune precipitation studies, the latter scenario correlates with competition for Trm112 and in excess, some of these Trm112 partners interfere with formation of the toxin-relevant Trm9·Trm112 complex. In contrast to trm11 Δ or lys9 Δ cells, trm112 Δ and mtq2 Δ null mutants are zymocin resistant. In line with the identified role that methylation of Sup45 by Mtq2 has for translation termination by the release factor dimer Sup45·Sup35, we observe that SUP45 overexpression and sup45 mutants suppress zymocin. Intriguingly, this suppression correlates with upregulated levels of tRNA species targeted by zymocin's tRNase activity.  相似文献   

Vaults are highly conserved ubiquitous ribonucleoprotein particles with an undefined function. Three protein species (p240/TEP1, p193/VPARP, and p100/MVP) and a small RNA comprise the 13-MDa vault particle. The expression of the unique 100-kDa major vault protein is sufficient to form the basic vault structure. Previously, we have shown that stable association of the vault RNA with the vault particle is dependent on its interaction with the p240/TEP1 protein. To identify other proteins that interact with the vault RNA, we used a UV-cross-linking assay. We find that a portion of the vault RNA is complexed with the La autoantigen in a separate smaller ribonucleoprotein particle. La interacts with the vault RNA (both in vivo and in vitro) presumably through binding to 3'-uridylates. Moreover, we also demonstrate that the La autoantigen is the 50-kDa protein that we have previously reported as a protein that co-purifies with vaults.  相似文献   

We report the isolation, cloning and recombinant expression of a Trypanosoma brucei homolog of the La RNA-binding protein. Based on peptide sequence information we have isolated a cDNA clone which encodes a protein of 335 amino acids with a predicted molecular weight of 37.7 kDa. The amino acid sequence fits the domain structure of known La proteins and contains a putative ATP-binding site located in the COOH-terminal domain. The cDNA was expressed as a glutathione S-transferase fusion protein in Escherichia coli, and the recombinant protein displayed RNA-binding activity in an electrophoretic mobility shift assay.  相似文献   

The exosome is a complex of 3′→5′ exoribonucleases which is involved in many RNA metabolic processes. To regulate these functions distinct proteins are believed to recruit the exosome to specific substrate RNAs. Here, we demonstrate that M-phase phosphoprotein 6 (MPP6), a protein reported previously to co-purify with the TAP-tagged human exosome, accumulates in the nucleoli of HEp-2 cells and associates with a subset of nuclear exosomes as evidenced by co-immunoprecipitation and biochemical fractionation experiments. In agreement with its nucleolar accumulation, siRNA-mediated knock-down experiments revealed that MPP6 is involved in the generation of the 3′ end of the 5.8S rRNA. The accumulation of the same processing intermediates after reducing the levels of either MPP6 or exosome components strongly suggests that MPP6 is required for the recruitment of the exosome to the pre-rRNA. Interestingly, MPP6 appeared to display RNA-binding activity in vitro with a preference for pyrimidine-rich sequences, and to bind to the ITS2 element of pre-rRNAs. Our data indicate that MPP6 is a nucleolus-specific exosome co-factor required for its role in the maturation of 5.8S rRNA.  相似文献   

La is an RNA-processing-associated phosphoprotein so highly conserved that the human La protein (hLa) can replace the tRNA-processing function of the fission yeast La protein (Sla1p) in vivo. La proteins contain multiple trafficking elements that support interactions with RNAs in different subcellular locations. Prior data indicate that deletion of a nuclear retention element (NRE) causes nuclear export of La and dysfunctional processing of associated pre-tRNAs that are spliced but 5' and 3' unprocessed, with an accompanying decrease in tRNA-mediated suppression, in fission yeast. To further pursue these observations, we first identified conserved residues in the NREs of hLa and Sla1p that when substituted mimic the NRE deletion phenotype. NRE-defective La proteins then deleted of other motifs indicated that RNA recognition motif 1 (RRM1) is required for nuclear export. Mutations of conserved RRM1 residues restored nuclear accumulation of NRE-defective La proteins. Some RRM1 mutations restored nuclear accumulation, prevented disordered pre-tRNA processing, and restored suppression, indicating that the tRNA-related activity of RRM1 and its nuclear export activity could be functionally separated. When mapped onto an hLa structure, the export-sensitive residues comprised surfaces distinct from the RNA-binding surface of RRM1. The data indicate that the NRE has been conserved to mask or functionally override an equally conserved nuclear export activity of RRM1. The data suggest that conserved elements mediate nuclear retention, nuclear export, and RNA-binding activities of the multifunctional La protein and that their interrelationship contributes to the ability of La to engage its different classes of RNA ligands in different cellular locations.  相似文献   

The poly(A)-binding protein (PABP) is the major mRNA-binding protein in eukaryotes, and it is essential for viability of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The amino acid sequence of the protein indicates that it consists of four ribonucleoprotein consensus sequence-containing RNA-binding domains (RBDs I, II, III, and IV) and a proline-rich auxiliary domain at the carboxyl terminus. We produced different parts of the S. cerevisiae PABP and studied their binding to poly(A) and other ribohomopolymers in vitro. We found that none of the individual RBDs of the protein bind poly(A) specifically or efficiently. Contiguous two-domain combinations were required for efficient RNA binding, and each pairwise combination (I/II, II/III, and III/IV) had a distinct RNA-binding activity. Specific poly(A)-binding activity was found only in the two amino-terminal RBDs (I/II) which, interestingly, are dispensable for viability of yeast cells, whereas the activity that is sufficient to rescue lethality of a PABP-deleted strain is in the carboxyl-terminal RBDs (III/IV). We conclude that the PABP is a multifunctional RNA-binding protein that has at least two distinct and separable activities: RBDs I/II, which most likely function in binding the PABP to mRNA through the poly(A) tail, and RBDs III/IV, which may function through binding either to a different part of the same mRNA molecule or to other RNA(s).  相似文献   

Jeong EJ  Hwang GS  Kim KH  Kim MJ  Kim S  Kim KS 《Biochemistry》2000,39(51):15775-15782
Human bifunctional glutamyl-prolyl-tRNA synthetase (EPRS) contains three tandem repeats linking the two catalytic domains. These repeated motifs have been shown to be involved in protein-protein and protein-nucleic acid interactions. The single copy of the homologous motifs has also been found in several different aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases. The solution structure of repeat 1 (EPRS-R1) and the secondary structure of the whole appended domain containing three repeated motifs in EPRS (EPRS-R123) was determined by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. EPRS-R1 consists of two helices (residues 679-699 and 702-721) arranged in a helix-turn-helix, which is similar to other RNA binding proteins and the j-domain of DnaJ, and EPRS-R123 is composed of three helix-turn-helix motifs linked by an unstructured loop. When tRNA is bound to the appended domain, chemical shifts of several residues in each repeat are perturbed. However, the perturbed residues in each repeat are not the same although they are in the same binding surface, suggesting that each repeat in the appended domain is dynamically arranged to maximize contacts with tRNA. The affinity of tRNA to the three-repeated motif was much higher than to the single motif. These results indicate that each of the repeated motifs has a weak intrinsic affinity for tRNA, but the repetition of the motifs may be required to enhance binding affinity. Thus, the results of this work gave information on the RNA-binding mode of the multifunctional peptide motif attached to different ARSs and the functional reason for the repetition of this motif.  相似文献   

Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinases (CaM-kinases) II, IV, and I play important roles as Ca2+ responsive multifunctional protein kinases in controlling a variety of cellular functions in response to an increase in intracellular Ca2+, and hence regulation of their activities is very important. CaM-kinase II is activated through autophosphorylation of threonine-286 (in the case of alpha isoform), and CaM-kinases IV and I are activated through phosphorylation of threonine-196 and 177, respectively, by CaM-kinase kinase. After activation, CaM-kinases II and IV lose their Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent activity upon autophosphorylation of threonine-305 and serine-332, respectively, in the absence of Ca2+, becoming Ca2+/calmodulin-independent forms. The activated CaM-kinases II, IV, and I are deactivated upon dephosphorylation of phosphothreonine-286, 196, and 177, respectively, by CaM-kinase phosphatase or other multifunctional protein phosphatases and restored to the original ground states. Thus, the activities of the three multifunctional CaM-kinases are regulated by phosphorylation and dephosphorylation.  相似文献   

The protein component PhoRpp38 of Pyrococcus horikoshii ribonuclease P (RNase P) is known to be a multifunctional RNA-binding protein. Previous biochemical data indicate that it binds to two stem-loops in RNase P RNA (PhopRNA). Thermodynamic analysis revealed that PhoRpp38 and PhopRNA interact with each other with an association constant (Ka) of 1.56×10(7) M(-1). It was further found that PhoRpp38 simultaneously binds two stem-loop structures in PhopRNA with approximately equal affinity. Crystals of PhoRpp38 in complex with the stem-loop were grown and diffracted to a resolution of 7.0 ? on a synchrotron X-ray source.  相似文献   

By virtue of its preferential binding to poly(U) tails on small RNA precursors and nuclear localisation motif, the La protein has been implicated for a role in the stabilisation and nuclear retention of processing intermediates for a variety of small RNAs in eukaryotic cells. As the universal substrate for trans-splicing, the spliced leader RNA is transcribed as a precursor with just such a tail. La protein was targeted for selective knockdown by inducible RNA interference in Trypanosoma brucei. Of three RNA interference strategies employed, a p2T7-177 vector was the most effective in reducing both the La mRNA as well as the protein itself from induced cells. In the relative absence of La protein T. brucei cells were not viable, in contrast to La gene knockouts in yeast. A variety of potential small RNA substrates were examined under induction, including spliced leader RNA, spliced leader associated RNA, the U1, U2, U4, and U6 small nuclear RNAs, 5S ribosomal RNA, U3 small nucleolar RNA, and tRNATyr. None of these molecules showed significant variance in size or abundance in their mature forms, although a discrete subset of intermediates appear for spliced leader RNA and tRNATyr intron splicing under La depletion conditions. 5'-end methylation in the spliced leader RNA and U1 small nuclear RNA was unaffected. The immediate cause of lethality in T. brucei was not apparent, but may represent a cumulative effect of multiple defects including processing of spliced leader RNA, tRNATyr and other unidentified RNA substrates. This study indicates that La protein binding is not essential for maturation of the spliced leader RNA, but does not rule out the presence of an alternative processing pathway that could compensate for the absence of normally-associated La protein.  相似文献   

In both vertebrates and invertebrates, glial cells wrap axonal processes to ensure electrical conductance. Here we report that Crooked neck (Crn), the Drosophila homolog of the yeast Clf1p splicing factor, is directing peripheral glial cell maturation. We show that crooked neck is expressed and required in glial cells to control migration and axonal wrapping. Within the cytoplasm, Crn interacts with the RNA-binding protein HOW and then translocates to the nucleus where the Crn/HOW complex controls glial differentiation by facilitating splicing of specific target genes. By using a GFP-exon trap approach, we identified some of the in vivo target genes that encode proteins localized in autocellular septate junctions. In conclusion, here we show that glial cell differentiation is controlled by a cytoplasmic assembly of splicing components, which upon translocation to the nucleus promote the splicing of genes involved in the assembly of cellular junctions.  相似文献   

The polypyrimidine tract binding protein (PTB, or hnRNP I) contains four RNA-binding domains of the ribonucleoprotein fold type (RRMs 1, 2, 3, and 4), and mediates the negative regulation of alternative splicing through sequence-specific binding to intronic splicing repressor elements. To assess the roles of individual RRM domains in splicing repression, a neural-specific splicing extract was used to screen for loss-of-function mutations that fail to switch splicing from the neural to nonneural pathway. These results show that three RRMs are sufficient for wild-type RNA binding and splicing repression activity, provided that RRM4 is intact. Surprisingly, the deletion of RRM4, or as few as 12 RRM4 residues, effectively uncouples these functions. Such an uncoupling phenotype is unique to RRM4, and suggests a possible regulatory role for this domain either in mediating specific RNA contacts, and/or contacts with putative splicing corepressors. Evidence of a role for RRM4 in anchoring PTB binding adjacent to the branch site is shown by mobility shift and RNA footprinting assays.  相似文献   

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