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In each ovariole of Gerris remigis, nurse cells arise by mitotic divisions at the anterior end of the germarium. These cells enlarge as they move posteriorly. This size increase is possibly caused by fusion of cells, but probably by endopolyploidy as well. The nurse cells then establish connections with a central trophic core, which receives the products of subsequent nurse cell degradation. Two possible pathways of nuclear degradation are suggested: one involves the condensation of chromatin within the nucleus; the other, the release of DNA as fine granules into the cytoplasm. Cytoplasmic areas containing such DNA are also rich in proteinaceous granules, but have a meager content of RNA. The remainder of the cytoplasm of the mature nurse cells contains a high concentration of RNA, as do the nucleoli. Posteriorly the trophic core connects via nutritive cords with each developing oocyte in the prefollicular region and in the anterior vitellarium. RNA is apparently contributed to the ooplasm via the trophic stream. Patches of cytoplasmic DNA are present in the young oocytes; the origin and fate of this DNA is uncertain. During early oocyte maturation chromosomal stainability decreases, and the nucleolus enlarges. In previtellogenic stages, numerous proteinaceous bodies appear in association with the nucleolus-chromosome complex. These bodies, like the nucleolus, have only a low RNA content. They may pass to the cytoplasm, but cannot be traced with certainty. During the latter part of this period a complex population of small proteinaceous and lipid preyolk bodies accumulates peripherally in the oocyte. Definitive protein and lipid yolk are probably derived by the enlargement and inward migration of these bodies. The oocytes are each surrounded by a layer of follicle cells proliferated in the prefollicular region. These become binucleate and enlarge as the enclosed oocytes grow and elongate. RNA also increases in the nucleoli and cytoplasm of the follicle cells as they move posteriorly in the vitellarium. There is no evidence of transfer of nucleic acids or protein from the follicle cells to the oocyte. The nurse cells are therefore implicated as the major source of nucleic acids for the maturing oocyte.  相似文献   

Endometrial blood flow was measured in seven goats twice before, once during, and twice after the close intra-arterial infusion of 300 pmol/min of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP). A saline solution of 85krypton was injected intra-arterially and local blood flow calculated from the disappearance rate of the isotope from tissue surrounding a miniature Geiger-Müller probe in the uterine lumen. Initial blood flows (median and range) in animals pretreated with oestradiol-17β (N = 4) or with a regimen of oestradiol-17β and progesterone (N = 3), respectively, were 0.21 (0.11–0.35) and 0.20 (0.06–0.27) ml min?1 g?1. No significant change in endometrial blood flow occurred during or after the infusion of VIP, although the dose was sufficient to increase heart rate from 2.14 ± 0.15 to 2.32 ± 0.16 Hz (P < 0.001). The results indicate that VIP, in a dose known to increase myometrial blood flow in goats, is unable to evoke vasodilatation in the endometrium of this species. Since there is a corresponding variation in the density of nerve fibers containing VIP, it is suggested that VIP may play a role in regulating the partition of uterine blood flow in goats.  相似文献   

Distinct morphological regions, initial, middle and terminal segments, were distinguishable histologically; the middle segment was further subdivided into proximal, intermediated and distal parts. PAS-positive, diastase-resistant reaction was detected in the blood vessels, subepithelial tissue and stereocilia of all segments. Acid phosphatase was demonstrated in the epithelial cells with the highest activity being in the proximal part of the middle segment. Non-specific esterase gave a similar reaction but the strongest activity was in the terminal segment. Alkaline phosphatase, adenosine triphosphatase and adenosine monophosphatase were of similar activity in the subepithelial tissue, blood vessels, stereocilia and luminal contents; the strongest reaction occurred in the middle segment. Lactate, succinate, glutamate and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenases were examined; LDH was more active than the others particularly in the terminal segment. Some reaction was found in the epithelial cells, subepithelial tissue and luminal contents.  相似文献   

B Boesiger 《Acta anatomica》1986,126(2):103-109
The morphology of the peroneus longus muscle was compared in three Galliformes and five Passeriformes in relation to partial behavioral characteristics. In the quail two fibre types are found, while the muscle of the other species is composed of three fibre types. The frequencies of these fibres are different, especially between Galliformes and Passeriformes. The peroneus longus muscle in the quail is innervated only from the phasic system. The other species show phasic and tonic innervation. There is a correlation between the muscle fibre calibre and the extent of the synaptic gutter.  相似文献   

The anatomy and enzyme histœhemistry of the œsophagus of a freshwater teleost perch ( Perca fluviatilis L.) has been studied. The mucosa is composed of an undifferentiated layer of basal epithelial cells, mucous cells and surface epithelial cells. The submucosa is compact and contains blood vessels, nerves and bundles of striated longitudinal muscles. The outer circular muscular layer contains both striated and smooth muscle fibres. Electron microscopy shows that the surface epithelial cells are degenerative and that they surround and support pores of the mucous cells. Undifferentiated epithelial cells undergo cytoplasmic changes and eventually become surface epithelial cells. Mucous cells arise from the undifferentiated epithelial cells and their droplets contain acid and neutral mucosubstances. Alkaline phosphatase, non-specific carboxylic esterases and aminopeptidase activity is absent in the mucosa. However, acid phosphatase activity is localized in the surface epithelial cells.  相似文献   

The foot of Perna viridis is found to contain three main types of glands, the white gland, phenol gland and the enzyme gland. But in Perna indica there are only two glands, the phenol gland and the enzyme gland. Besides these, mucous glands are found in both of the species. The shape and size of the cells of these glands vary from species to species. Glycogen and 1 : 2 glycol groups are found in these gland cells. Proteins rich in disulfides and sulfhydryls are present in the phenol glands of both the species and in the white gland of p. viridis but they vary in the intensity of staining. The presence of phenols is confirmed in the phenol gland cells. Phospholipids and lipoproteins are intense in the white and phenol gland cells. They are absent in the enzyme gland. Alkaline and acid phosphatases activity in the enzyme gland cells could be demonstrated. The secretions of these glands help in the formation of the byssus threads. The mucous gland cells are subepithelial localised they secrete acid and neutral mucopolysaccharides together with glycoproteins. Which participate in the attachment of the byssus disc.  相似文献   

The Korean shuttles mudskipper Periophthalmus modestus has paired olfactory organs on its snout, consisting of anterior and posterior nostrils, a single olfactory canal with sensory and nonsensory epithelia, and a single accessory nasal sac. Its sensory epithelium consists of numerous islets forming a pseudostratified layer and contains various cells: olfactory receptor neurons, supporting cells, basal cells, lymphatic cells (LCs), and axon bundles. The sensory epithelium is a stratified squamous layer comprising stratified epithelial cells, mucous cells (MCs) with glycogen, flattened cells (FCs), LCs, and unidentified cells. Specific structures are as follows: (a) a tubular anterior nostril projecting outward, (b) a slit posterior nostril, (c) an elongated olfactory canal, (d) an ethmoidal accessory nasal sac, (e) axon bundles found only in the basal layer of the sensory epithelium, (f) FCs only at the top of the nonsensory epithelium, and (g) glycogen-containing MCs. Such structures seem to be unique in that they have not been observed in most teleost fishes spending their whole life in water.  相似文献   

Gross anatomical, histological and histochemical studies of heart development in Mexican salamanders, Ambystoma mexicanum, are reported. Gross observation suggests that heart development in this urodele species is similar to other amphibians. Histological studies in early embryos show the ventromedially migrating sheets of precardiac mesoderm to be composed of two layers of cells. The right and left dorsal layers fuse and give rise to the myocardium, while the ventral layers form the pericardium. The endocardium arises from cells released by the leading edges of the migrating mesoderm mantles. In early myocardial cells, most of the proteins and carbohydrates are contained in yolk platelets; subsequently, these substances become distributed throughout the cytoplasmic matrixes. In early heart cells free lipid droplets are abundant but decline in size and number as development progresses. Concomitantly, there is an increase in bound lipids. Reticular fibers are detected in the endocardial-myocardial spaces simultaneously with trabeculae formation. Collagen appears somewhat later in development.  相似文献   

Root nodules were collected from the existing plantation of Casuarina equisetifolia from three different agroclimatic zones of Tamil Nadu, India. Morphological variation, histology, histochemistry and nutrient contents of the nodules were studied. The nodules were found to be simple, dichotomously branched and coralloid. The stele in simple and branched nodules reached up to the tip of the nodules. Structure of Frankia nodules was described using histochemical methods to elucidate the nature of micro-symbiont within the nodules. The nodule consisted of a distinct periderm enclosing the cortex. The cortex showed patches of infected cells interspersed among the uninfected ones. Inside the cortex was a stele bound by an endodermis, which contained high amount of tannin. The micro-symbiont was observed in the nodule tisues in hyphal form and spore packed sporocorp was also seen in the cortex. The histochemical tests revealed the presence of proteins, insoluble polysaccharides and polyphenols.  相似文献   

Summary The structure of the snout and tactile hair system of the common shrew (Sorex araneus) and the distribution of cholinesterase and alkaline phosphatase activity were studied. The structure of the vibrissae is exceptional compared with that of other mammals studied. Differences are the attachment system of hair follicle to the capsule, the impossibility of dividing the blood sinus clearly into cavernous sinus and ring sinus, the lack of continuous ring-wulst, clear constriction in the outer root sheath at the neck of hair follicle and some specialized structures connected with this. Alkaline phosphatase was not found in the nervous structures of the vibrissae but cholinesterase activity occurs at least in two different structures upon or in the outer root sheath of the hair follicle. The role of these structures and the significance of vibrissae to the shrew is discussed.  相似文献   

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