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Patagonian toothfish Dissostichus eleginoides Smitt 1898, is an important commercially targeted Notothenioid species in South-Atlantic waters. In this study we aimed to clarify several aspects of reproductive biology of Patagonian toothfish in the Falkland Islands waters. Histological examination of female gonads indicates that with the beginning of maturation females maintain at least two populations of oocytes, suggesting that toothfish requires up to two years for oocytes development. Females become mature at an average size of 79.1 cm indicating a decrease of first maturity size if toothfish females in the Falkland Island waters. The majority of females spawn at the size from 101 to 130 cm total length. Distribution of reproductive phases shows an increase of females at developing stage in December and March prior to the spawning peaks in May and August respectively. However, the majority of the toothfish population consist of non-spawning individuals remaining in regressing phase (55.8 to 85.6%) including the spawning period. The skip-spawning for toothfish has been defined as reabsorbing non-reproductive and resting types. The abbreviation of oocytes development in the gonads was observed from 1 to 22.1% of females which omitted the spawning season. Most likely females which remain in the spawning area have the opportunity to spawn more often, whereas females which undergo foraging migration toward Northern parts of the Falklands waters return to the spawning ground less often. Females remain Northern area longer to accumulate necessary amount of energy. This hypnotise is supported by the presence of females in immature, developing and regressing phase throughout surrounding Falkland Islands waters. Presence of post-spawning females in regressing stage throughout the Falklands waters suggest that toothfish may undertake irregular spawning/foraging migration when favourable for spawning condition occur.  相似文献   

Monthly variations in the somatic indexes and energetic content of organs were investigated in Loxechinus albus from the Beagle Channel. Samples were collected monthly from May 2004 to May 2005. Lantern and test indexes did not vary significantly. A major peak of gonad index (GI) was observed in winter (sexual maturation period), with a strong declination in November suggesting a spawning period in spring. In coincidence a shortening of feeding activities was expressed by the lower values of gut index (Gut I), suggesting that the gut is a storage organ. The values of gonad energetic content (GEC) and total gonad energetic content (TGEC) showed minimum values in winter (ripe stage) and the maximum in spring (spawned stage). The TGEC reached higher monthly average values (50–200 kJ) than total gut energetic content (TGuEC) (20–40 kJ). These differences indicate that the gonads constitute the most important store organs in L. albus. Moreover, organic stores are built up in the gonads after spawning, and then utilized during gamete production.  相似文献   

The annual reproductive cycle of the Antarctic soft-shelled clam, Laternula elliptica, in Marian Cove, King George Island was studied over a 2-year period from February 1998 to January 2000. Annual changes in the gametogenesis were investigated by measuring the percentage of area occupied by oocytes in a follicle [follicle index (FI)] and the oocyte size. In 1998, the monthly mean FI increased significantly from October to November, peaked in December, and decreased rapidly from December to January. In February and March 1999, degenerated eggs were observed in the spent follicles. Degeneration and resorption of residual eggs by phagocytosis occurred mostly in February and March in both 1998 and 1999, although the resorption process was observed year-round. The histology indicated that complete vitellogenic growth of L. ellpitica at Marian Cove takes at least a year and the clams spawn annually during the austral summer. The ripening and subsequent spawning of clams at Marian Cove in 1998 and 1999 coincided with the algal blooming (September–October 1998 and December and January 1999–2000) suggesting that in coastal Antarctica food supply is a crucial factor that governs gonad maturation and subsequent spawning along with the water temperature.  相似文献   

This study investigated maturation and spawning of Patagonian toothfish Dissostichus eleginoides in the Heard Island and McDonald Islands (HIMI) fishery on the Kerguelen Plateau in the Indian Sector of the Southern Ocean based on gonads and otoliths collected between 2004 and 2015 and using histological analyses and calibration of macroscopic staging criteria. Dissostichus eleginoides at HIMI spawn throughout the austral late autumn and winter months of May–August and spawning activity is concentrated on slopes along the west and south of the plateau around HIMI at depths of 1500–1900 m. Comparison between histological analyses and macroscopic gonad staging indicated that many fish that had spawned, as indicated by the presence of post‐ovulatory follicles, returned to a resting stage which was macroscopically indistinguishable from maturing fish. Furthermore, the occurrence of females of all size classes with low gonado‐somatic index and low macroscopic gonad stage during the spawning season suggested that a proportion of mature females did not spawn every year. Age‐at‐maturity estimates, based on the assumption that fish of macroscopic stages ≥2 were mature, decreased between the 2004–2009 and 2010–2015 periods for both sexes. The magnitude of this temporal variation in age at maturity, however, varied between gear types and fishing depths and variable sampling regimes probably influenced these variations. This study highlights the importance of correct interpretation of macroscopic gonad stages and understanding the influence of fishery operations on estimations of life‐history parameters.  相似文献   

Quasi-monthly samples of the Antarctic pectinid bivalve Adamussium colbecki were examined to determine the gametogenic pattern and periodicity. Both female and male gametogenic patterns show a very distinct seasonal development, with the initiation of gametogenesis in October and spawning in late September and early October of the following year. The duration of the gametogenic cycle is unusually short for Antarctic benthos, being 12 months. Reproductive effort (ratio of gonad mass to total tissue mass) is significantly higher in males than females, and males are ready to spawn earlier in the austral winter than females. The digestive gland also shows a strong seasonal cycle but develops earlier than the gonad. We propose that energy from the spring bloom is stored in the digestive gland before being transferred to the gonads. Gonad size, digestive-gland size and, to a lesser extent, adductor-muscle size, are related to adult size in most samples. The length of the gametogenic cycle suggests that reproduction in A. colbecki is more pectinid than Antarctic.  相似文献   

Information on gonad morphology and its relation to basic reproductive parameters such as clutch size and spawning frequency is lacking for Acartia clausi, a dominant calanoid copepod of the North Sea. To fill this gap, females of this species were sampled at Helgoland Roads from mid March to late May 2001. Gonad structure and oogenesis were studied using a combination of histology and whole-body-analysis. In addition, clutch size and spawning frequency were determined in incubation experiments, during which individual females were monitored at short intervals for 8 and 12 h, respectively. The histological analysis revealed that the ovary of A. clausi is w-shaped with two distinct tips pointing posteriorly. It is slightly different from that of other Acartia species and of other copepod taxa. From the ovary, two anterior diverticula extend into the head region, and two posterior diverticula extend to the genital opening in the abdomen. Developing oocytes change in shape and size, and in the appearance of the nucleus and the ooplasm. Based on these morphological characteristics, different oocyte development stages (OS) were identified. Mitotically dividing oogonia and young oocytes (OS 0) were restricted to the ovary, whereas vitellogenic oocytes (OS 1–4) were present in the diverticula. The development stage of the oocytes increased with distance to the ovary in both, anterior and posterior diverticula. Most advanced oocytes were situated ventrally, and their number varied between 1 and 18, at a median of 4. All oocyte development stages co-occur indicating that oogenesis in A. clausi is a continuous process. These morphological features reflect the reproductive traits of this species. In accordance with the low numbers of mature oocytes in the gonads, females usually produced small clutches of one to five eggs. Clutches were released throughout the entire observation period at intervals of 90 min (median) resulting in mean egg production rates of 18–28 eggs female−1 day−1.  相似文献   

 Oogenesis and gonad development of Calanus finmarchicus during the winter spring transition in a fjord in Northern Norway were studied. A combination of observations on whole animals (macroscopic), taking advantage of their transparency, and histological sections was used to establish a system of gonad maturation stages, to describe the spawning cycle and to estimate egg production rates from preserved samples. During their development, oocytes change their shape and size, the morphology of the nucleus, and the appearance of the ooplasm. Four oocyte development stages were identified and related to a macroscopic system of four gonad developmental stages (GS) that can be applied to whole stained animals. During gonad development, the macroscopic morphological modifications of the gonads are mainly manifested in an increase in number and size of the oocytes and their distribution in diverticula and oviducts. The maturation processes during the spawning cycle (the period between egg depositions) were described from histological sections of females preserved at regular intervals after egg deposition. The macroscopic GS did not vary during the spawning cycle. This GS was a highly significant indicator for females, which spawned within 24 h after collection at 5°C. Another histological indicator for the last third of the spawning cycle is the appearance of distinct chromosomes, which, however, are only seen in histological sections. For the prediction of egg production rate of a Calanus population, in addition to the number of females spawning, knowledge of clutch size and the interval of clutch deposition is required. Clutch size was determined by counting the number of the oocyte stages to be released during the next spawning event in serial sections of the gonads. There was no significant difference in clutches laid by the females during 5 days before preservation. From the observations it seems that GS 4 predicts females that are ready to spawn within the minimum spawning interval characterisitic for a given temperature. If this holds true, it should be possible to predict in situ egg production rates solely from preserved samples. Received: 18 August 1995/Accepted: 6 January 1996  相似文献   

Gonad development of the silver therapon Leiopotherapon plumbeus in two volcanic crater  lake  habitats (Sampaloc Lake, Taal Lake) in south Luzon, Philippines was examined during the annual reproductive cycle. The minimum body size‐at‐maturity of fish in these two lake habitats was also compared. Four gonad development stages were characterized as basis for the classification of ovarian (immature, maturing, mature, spawned) and testicular maturation (immature, maturing, mature) phases. The occurrence of all development stages in individual gonads suggest an asynchronous development whereby advanced stages are recruited continuously from a pool of younger stage germ cells to result in elevated female and male GSI throughout the annual cycle due to active gonadogenesis. Together with the increasing occurrence of advanced stage oocytes and spermatozoa from March until October, the elevated GSI of fish may indicate peak gonadal growth during the onset of the dry season (December–January) for eventual spawning from the beginning (May–June) until the end of the wet season (October–November). In both lake habitats, male fish were smaller than females but, regardless of sex, the minimum size‐at‐maturity of fish in Sampaloc Lake was significantly smaller than fish in Taal Lake. Overall, asynchronous development during oogenesis and spermatogenesis allows for year‐round reproduction of silver therapon, with elevated gonad growth in the dry season in preparation for spawning during the wet season. Compared with fish in Taal Lake, a smaller size‐at‐maturity of fish in Sampaloc Lake may be a response of the wild fishery stock to long‐term high fishing mortality and degradation of the lake habitat.  相似文献   

Synopsis The reproductive biology of eastern sea garfish Hyporhamphus australis, eastern river garfish H. regularis ardelio, and snub-nosed garfish Arrhamphus sclerolepis were described throughout their respective ranges in the coastal waters of New South Wales (NSW), Australia. Peaks in gonadosomatic indices indicated that spawning of eastern sea garfish occurred in late spring and early summer (November–December) on the south coast of NSW, and in winter and early spring (June–September) on the north coast. Eastern river garfish spawned between July and December in NSW estuaries and snub-nosed garfish spawned between October and January in the Clarence River. The sex ratios in commercial catches of eastern sea garfish from the north coast of NSW were biased toward male fish, but approached equality for fish caught from the south coast. Sex ratios were significantly biased toward female snub-nosed garfish, and female eastern river garfish from all estuaries sampled. Mean (±SE) batch fecundity was 1498 ± 110 (range: 98 – 3449) ripe oocytes per female for eastern sea garfish, 917 ± 36 (range: 102 – 2268) ripe oocytes per female for eastern river garfish, and 716 ± 104 (range: 20 – 2956) ripe oocytes per female for snub-nosed garfish across the range of mature sizes examined. There was a linear relationship between batch fecundity and fish size for all three species of garfish. Eastern sea garfish approached 50% maturity at a larger size than snub-nosed, or eastern river garfish. Size at 50% maturity was similar for male and female eastern river and snub-nosed garfish, but male eastern sea garfish matured at a significantly smaller size than females. All three species appear capable of spawning in the spawning season immediately following the one in which they were born. Mature female fish of all three species had distributions of oocyte diameters consisting of three or four modes, which strongly suggests asynchronous oocyte development and a multiple spawning strategy during the spawning season. Implications for the management of garfish fisheries in NSW are also discussed.  相似文献   

Some observations on the biology of Mastacembelus armatus (Lacepède) from Muzaffarnagar (U.P., India) have been made during the period July 1966 to June 1969. At a particular stage of maturity of the fish there is a close relationship between the gonad weight and the body weight which helps in determining the breeding period of the fish. Both male and female fishes mature simultaneously. The gonad weight influences the relative condition, while the visceral weight does not exert any significant effect on it. The development of the female gonads greatly affect the curve of relative condition, more than the development of male gonads, though the curve for male fish also shows a steady rise and fall in the seasonal variations of the relative condition. Seasonal fluctuations in relative condition correspond to its spawning season. In M. armatus , the presence of two peaks in the curve confirm two breeding seasons. The present studies have also elucidated to a certain extent the important aspect of the maturation and spawning habits of M. armatus in North India. The fish has two breeding seasons of short duration during June and July and again in November. The mature ovaries of each season contain slight maturing ova of next season along with mature ova of the present season. The entire stock of ova measuring 0.16 mm and above are shed during spawning.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology and gonad cycle of three Cyprinid fish species:Barbus canis (Valenciennes, 1842),B. longiceps (Valenciennes, 1842) andCapoeta damascina (Valenciennes, 1842), in the upper Jordan River system of Israel were studied by monthly sampling over a two-year period. The reproductive activity of the three species was found to peak from January to April, mostly involving upstream migration towards spawning grounds on river beds 400–900 m above the Jordan River. Hybrids of the three species were collected in nature: in those ofBarbus canis ×Capoeta damascina, the gonads possessed both types of gametes, spermatogonia and oogonia, all of which became arrested at an early stage of development, and infertile; in hybrids of detected in nature, males had oocytes dispersed in the testis, whereas in females, the ovaries had small islets of spermatogonial tissue. In these female hybrids the oocytes ripened normally and spawning occurred.  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial variability in gonad development, duration of spawning period, and size/age at maturity were investigated in sand flathead, Platycephalus bassensis. A 3‐year study (2001–2003) revealed that variation in gonad weight with somatic weight was a function of an interaction between season and study location (Coles Bay, Georges Bay, and Tamar River estuary). Highest gonad weight was recorded in Coles Bay in early summer, which in comparison to Georges Bay, was approximately 50% higher and occurred 3 months later. Tamar River mature individuals were reproductively inactive during the spawning season. The proportion of mature individuals at different stages of maturity differed significantly among the three locations across all times. Coles Bay individuals were reproductively active from October to March, while in Georges Bay females with hydrated oocytes were seen in September but were absent from the population by November. Interannual variation in initiation and duration of spawning activity was evident in each location. Apart from male size at maturity, for both sexes the size and age at maturity (L50) was higher in Georges Bay compared to Coles Bay. The results emphasize the necessity of temporal and spatial management based on population differences in reproductive ecology.  相似文献   

Jost Borcherding 《Oecologia》1991,87(2):208-218
Summary The annual development of the gonads of Dreissena polymorpha was studied at three sampling sites in two lakes over 3 and 1 1/2 years, respectively. A resting stage occurred after the last spawning in summer/autumn. Oogenesis (accompanied by multiplying segmentation of the oogonia and early growth processes of its oocytes) restarted in specimens at least 1 year old at low temperatures (below 10° C) during winter and early spring. At one location (Fühlinger See) the onset of the spawning season was correlated with an increase of water temperatures above 12° C. At 2 m depth, two main spawning periods in May and August were normally recognized, the first at temperatures of 12–16° C, the second at 16–21° C. It was clearly demonstrated for the first time in Dreissena polymorpha that the oocytes became mature in successive cohorts within one gonad. A female mussel may spawn several times during the reproductive season. At 9 m depth, the onset of spawning also started at about 12° C; this occurred in late summer, with two spawning periods within 1 month at a temperature range of 12–16° C. At another location (Heider Bergsee) the size of the gonads and the oocytes was reduced during April of both years studied, when food supply was low simultaneously with rapidly rising water temperatures in this shallow lake. There was no spawning period during spring. The major spawning period was delayed until July (temperatures 19–22°C). This shows (1) the synchronizing influence of low winter temperatures on the annual reproductive cycle and (2) a temperature threshold of at least 12° C for the start of the spawning processes. The results are discussed with regard to the geographical limits of further spread of Dreissena polymorpha.  相似文献   

Nemerteans possess serially arranged gonads that lie between the midgut pouches. In both sexes the gonads are lined with an epithelium. During maturity, they gain contact to the exterior by a ciliated duct, which is generally assumed to be a derivative of the gonad. Gonad lining and sperm ultrastructure are little known in heteronemerteans, a group of nemerteans belonging to the Anopla, one of the two large nemertean subgroups. Reproduction biology in heteronemertean Lineus viridis allows predicting a modified sperm type, so-called introsperm for this taxon. Nothing is known on the fate of the testes at the end of the reproductive period of this perennial species. In order to test the predictions and to broaden the data base, males of L. viridis were collected at different times of the year. Histological and ultrastructural data show that the gonad wall is lined with different aciliated endothelial cells and germ cells, while the gonoduct is formed by densely ciliated cells. The testes are completely filled with sperm cells during maturity; there is no hint at ongoing spermiogenesis at this time. The sperm consists of head, midpiece and tail. Externally, head and midpiece cannot be discriminated. The acrosome is cup-shaped and lies anterior to the nucleus which contains 6–8 lateral ridges. Three long mitochondria mark the midpiece. They line the posterior section of the nucleus and extend up to the level of the ciliary basal structures. The sperm morphology corroborates the predictions derived from the mode of reproduction. At the end of the reproductive period the male gonads change cellular composition, while the gonoduct degenerates. Provided that both sexes show the same growth rate, male offspring acquire sexual maturity earlier than female offspring, since L. viridis males are always smaller than the females. In contrast to the males, females keep their gonads and gonoducts during most time of the year. Since large males were never found within the studied population, these data indicate that L. viridis might be a consecutive hermaphrodite.  相似文献   

La Mesa  M.  Caputo  V.  Rampa  R.  Vacchi  M. 《Polar Biology》2003,26(9):621-628
A macroscopic and histological analysis of gonads was carried out during the spawning season of the high-Antarctic channichthyid Chionodraco hamatus in the western Ross Sea. Samples were collected between December and February during several years in the coastal waters of Terra Nova Bay. Gonad maturity stages were described for males and females according to macroscopic and histological scales. Using multi-year data, the estimated length at first spawning of females was about 35 cm TL, very similar to that obtained indirectly for males. Similar to many other high-Antarctic fish, C. hamatus is a summer spawner. The greater part of the stock was indeed in spawning condition between December and February, although a large proportion of females large enough to spawn probably did not spawn in that season. The present data confirm that C. hamatus, as is typical for Antarctic fish, probably spawns a single batch of oocytes once a year. In addition, vitellogenesis is a slow process that extends over at least 1 year. Discrepancies between the macroscopic and histological appearance of gonads were found. These were associated mainly with spent and resting females (maturity stages 5 and 2, respectively). This study demonstrates the importance of histological analysis of gonads in order to confirm the results of the macroscopic analyses routinely carried out in studies of reproductive biology. This is of particular importance in determining size at maturity and spawning stock biomass, for assessment purposes.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of the Tristan klipfish, Bovichtus diacanthus, was investigated by macroscopic and histological analyses of the gonads. Fish samples were collected in tide pools at Tristan da Cunha in July 2004. Most specimens of both sexes were developing, or sexually mature, with a gonadosomatic index (GSI) of 7.0–9.2% in females and 0.2–0.6% in males. Histologically, testes showed a random distribution of spermatogonia along the lobules, a condition defined as the unrestricted spermatogonial type. Ripe males exhibited lobules with all spermatogenic stages of development from spermatogonia to spermatozoa. In mature females, the ovarian follicles consisted of three main cohorts of oocytes of different sizes; the smaller one represented by previtellogenic oocytes of 15–150 μm and the other two by yolked oocytes measuring, respectively, 300–1000 and 800–1500 μm. The overlap between the stock of advanced yolked oocytes and the early yolked oocytes was low, decreasing progressively with final maturation. As a result, B. diacanthus was considered a batch spawner, with a spawning season extending from July to August onward. Batch fecundity, based on the most advanced yolked oocytes, was 2,047–8,317 mature oocytes/female, whereas the relative fecundity was 77–141 mature oocytes/g. In the light of the phyletically basal position of bovichtids in the suborder, the reproductive traits of B. diacanthus were compared with those previously described in other Antarctic and non-Antarctic notothenioids.  相似文献   

Four Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) have been designated in the Republic of Ireland for Twaite shad, Alosa fallax (Lacépède), based on recent historical information on spawning activity—the estuarine reaches of the Rivers Munster Blackwater, Suir, Barrow–Nore and Slaney. The spawning status of some of these populations is considered to have declined substantially in recent years, and no known spawning areas of Allis shad, Alosa alosa (L.), are known for Ireland. Data are presented confirming the presence of both Allis shad and Twaite shad in all four SACs. The majority of the material has come as by-catch from estuarine commercial salmon netsmen. Angling is the principal source of material from the R. Barrow. Examination of scale and gonad material of Allis shad indicates some degree of readiness for spawning as well as spawning having taken place. Gonadosomatic index (GSI) data from the R. Barrow for Twaite shad in the May spawning period (2000–2002) had mean GSIs of 13.7–15% with maxima in the range of 21–28%. GSI values of 18% and 22% have been recorded in the July period for individual Allis shad from the upper estuaries of the R. Slaney and R. Suir, respectively, with both fish displaying gonad maturity stage V or VI (after Pina, 2000). Low GSI values have been recorded from other Allis shad in the June–July period displaying gonad condition varying from stage III (immature) to stage VIII (spent). These findings point to a possibility that Allis shad do engage in spawning activity, whether mono-specifically or with Twaite shad. The possibility of the latter is supported by gill raker count data presented. These show clearly defined value ranges for Twaite and for Allis as well as a series of fish with intermediate counts. The apparently low population levels of Twaite shad within the SACs identify a need to examine what measures might be undertaken to ensure the favourable conservation status of this species. Submitted for oral presentation to Fish Diadromy in Europe conference, 27.1.2005. Guest editors: S. Dufour, E. Prévost, E. Rochard & P. Williot Fish and diadromy in Europe (ecology, management, conservation)  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine gonadal maturity in male and female vimba after induced spawning in the years 2001 throughout 2004, based on spawners derived from an anadromous population obtained from the Barycz River. For these 4 years, fry derived from each successive spawning were raised in carp ponds at the Experimental Hatchery Centre of the Polish Angling Association in Szczodre, Poland. In February 2005, gonads were collected from males and females and their maturity determined after histological preparations. Additionally, in females the diameters of oocytes undergoing trophoplasmic growth were determined and compared. Histological analysis showed that all females had gonads at maturity stage IV, except the youngest fish, in which maturity stage I was determined. It was also shown that the size of oocytes undergoing trophoplasmic growth was related to age: the older the females, the greater the proportion of large‐diameter oocytes. In addition, some 2‐year‐old females had a considerable proportion of oocytes undergoing trophoplasmic growth despite being at stage IV of ovarian maturity. Among males, 2‐ to 4‐year‐olds had gonads at maturity stage III, in which the spermatogenesis process was active. One‐year‐old males had testes at maturity stage II, with visible spermatogonia entering meiotic divisions. When keeping vimba under pond conditions, only 2 years are needed to obtain a mature spawner from a spawning school. The older the school, the higher the probability that a greater number of spawners will enter spawning.  相似文献   

The reproductive characteristics of Kyphosus bigibbus were examined using individuals collected between June 2004 and February 2009 off Nagasaki Peninsula in northwest Kyushu, Japan. The spawning season and size at sexual maturity of this species were characterized based on a gonad index and histological examination of the gonads. The spawning season extends from June to October. This species is assumed to be an indeterminate, multiple-batch spawner. Females reached sexual maturity at larger size than males (fork length at 50% sexual maturity: males 284 mm, females 360 mm).  相似文献   

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