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Diel patterns in mobility and feeding behaviour of the larvae of the stream-dwelling trichopteran Sericostoma personatum larvae were investigated. Larvae fed at night on coarse particulate organic matter (CPOM) at the sediment surface. In the daytime they rested a few cm below the sediment surface, during which time their defaecation activity effected a release of fine particulate organic matter (FPOM) into the sediment. The amount of faeces (mean particle size = 0.1 ± 0.044 mm, x ± SD, n = 500) introduced into the sediment by the larvae, evaluated in two experiments, was 0.4–0.56 mg day–1. This amount did not differ significantly from the organic input resulting from bacterial activity (0.36–0.64 mg day–1). The presence of S. personatum larvae increased the sediment organic content by 42.9 mg (75.8 %) and 59.8 mg (185.6%) AFDW per 16 cm3 sediment over a 90-day period, as compared with control systems containing no larvae.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution of common bully (Gobiomorphus cotidianus) and koaro (Galaxias brevipinnis) larvae in the limnetic zone of Lake Coleridge were determined using a high-frequency (200 KHz) echosounder. Planktonic bully larvae first appeared in appreciable numbers in January. By February, they formed a scattering layer between depths of 12 to 24 m during the day, where they achieved a maximum density of 0.59 fish m-3. Larger (> 18mm) fish migrated to the littoral zone and densities declined to < 0.01 fish m-3 by July, when remaining larval fish occupied greater daytime depths. Their vertical distribution during the day appeared to be influenced mainly by light levels and water temperatures. Larvae grew more slowly (0.12 mm d-1) than in more productive North Island lakes, and were also present in lower densities for a more restricted period of time. Koaro larvae first appeared in November and December and were found in low numbers (< 0.01 fish m-3) in summer at depths of 10 to 26 m. Salmonid production in the limnetic zone is probably limited by the small size and relative scarcity of forage fish present.  相似文献   

With a few clear exceptions (e.g., Daphnia) it is uncertain if most aquatic invertebrates can detect and respond to ultraviolet radiation (UVR). It is known that many aquatic invertebrates are vulnerable to UVR and that anthropogenically-induced increases in surface UVR have occurred in recent decades. We examined the photoresponses of late larval instars of Chaoborus punctipennis to different combinations of UVA (320–400 nm), UVB (300–320 nm) and visible light (400–700 nm) to determine whether the larvae can detect and/or avoid UVR. To accomplish this, we exposed late instar C. punctipennis larvae to a directional light source of UVR only (peak wavelength at 360 nm), visible light only or visible plus various wavebands of UVR. We examined negative phototaxis for 10 min at a quantum flux of 2.62 x 1013 quanta s–1 cm–2 (S.D. = 3.63 x 1012 quanta s–1 cm–2). In the dark, larvae stayed close to the surface of the experimental vessels. Under all treatments containing visible light the larvae exhibited negative phototaxis and occupied the bottom of the vessels. Under UVR only, the larvae occupied the middle of the water column. Our results suggest that late instar C. punctipennis larvae are unable to detect and avoid UVB and short UVA wavelengths but they can detect long UVA wavelengths.  相似文献   

The aquatic larvae of two simuliid species, Austrosimulium furiosum (Skuse) and Simulium ornatipes Skuse, which often occur together in Victorian streams, were shown in laboratory experiments to have preferences for different water velocities: larvae of A. furiosum preferred water velocities of 0.2–0.3 m s–1, and S. ornatipes preferred water velocities of 0.9–1.3 m s –1 . Final instar larvae of both species selected slow water speeds of less than 0.25 m s –1 prior to pupation. Flow patterns around a cylinder in a laboratory stream were mapped, and the distribution of A. furiosum larvae within the wake, paired vortices and horseshoe vortex was recorded. Larvae selected areas with suitable water velocities and aligned with the flow, providing flow visualization of micro-current speed and direction. The potential for micro-habitat partitioning is discussed in relation to benthic sampling strategies.  相似文献   

The epiphytic algae on surfaces of the macrophyte Ranunculus penicillatus (Dumort.) Bab. var. calcareus (R. W. Butcher) C. D. K. Cook and on Cladophora glomerata (L.) Kütz growing in the River Itchen at Otterbourne near Southampton were studied between February 1984 and June 1985. The river at this site has a mean flow rate of 0.33 m s–1, and is about 16 m wide and on average 20 cm deep, with a discharge ranging through the year between 0.34 and 2.46 m3 s–1. The pH of the river varies little around 8.2, with a mean alkalinity of 236 mg HCO inf3 sup1 l–1, because of its origin from chalk springs. Ranunculus grows throughout the year, with peaks of biomass in spring and autumn. It forms a very large surface for attachment of epiphytes, and covers on average 40% of the stream bed. Numbers of epiphyte cells removed from Ranunculus ranged through the year between 52 × 103 and 271 × 103 cells mm–2 stream floor, with maximum numbers in April, and a secondary peak in October. This pattern partly reflects fluctuations in the biomass of Ranunculus; the number of cells per unit area of plant surface showed a broader spring peak and lower fluctuations in other seasons. Diatoms formed 65 to 98% of these epiphyte cells, with chlorophytes reaching their peak (10%) in summer and cyanophytes (25%) in autumn. Estimates of biomass of these epiphytic forms, derived from measurements of chlorophyll c, indicate a range between 30 and 100 g dry weight m–2 of weed bed. Colonisation studies showed that the algae grow and reproduce throughout the year, with a mean generation time of about 5 days, suggesting an annual production of about 3 kg dry weight m–2 of weed bed, which makes epiphytic algae the principal primary producers in the stream. The numbers and biomass of epiphytic algae on Cladophora are considerably less.The species of epiphytic algae found on Ranunculus were generally similar to those growing on Cladophora, and to epilithic algae on pebbles of the stream bed, but different species were dominant on the different substrata. Algal cells in the water column were all derived from benthic habitats, although their relative abundance was very different.  相似文献   

Water sources of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn. trees were investigated on a semiarid floodplain in south-eastern Australia. The trees investigated ranged in distance from 0.5 to 40 m from a stream, with electrical conductivity 0.8 dSm–1, and grew over groundwater with electrical conductivity ranging from 30 to 50 dSm–1. The sources of water being used by the trees were investigated using the naturally occurring stable isotopes of water and measurements of soil water potential. Xylem water potential and leaf conductance were also examined to identify the trees' response to using these sources of water. Trees at distances greater than about 15 m from the stream used no stream water. The trees used groundwater in summer and a combination of groundwater and rain-derived surface-soil water (0.05–0.15 m depth) in winter. In doing so they suffered water stress at electrical conductivities higher than approximately 40 dSm–1 (equivalent to approximately –1.4 MPa). Trees adjacent to the stream used stream water directly in summer, but may have used stream water from the soil profile in winter, after the stream had risen and recharged the soil water. E. camaldulensis appeared to be partially opportunistic in the sources of water they used.  相似文献   

The seasonal abundance of epilithic algae was correlated with major physico-chemical parameters in a first-order, heavily shaded stream in northern Arizona. Diatoms made up over 85%, by numerical abundance, of the epilithon community Light energy, water temperature, and stream discharge were most highly correlated with seasonal abundance of epilithic diatom taxa when analyzed with stepwise multiple regression. None of the chemical variables measured in the study (NO3-N, O-PO4, SiO2, including PH) was found to be significantly correlated with the seasonal community structure of epilithic diatoms. Total diatom cell densities showed a significant negative correlation to stream bed light energy. Likewise, total diatom cell densities along a transect in the stream bed showed a negative correlation to current velocity during those months when base flow was low and stable, and current velocity was ≤25 cm·sec-1. Most diatom taxa had highest cell densities at temperatures < 16°C and at daily mean stream bed light levels < 400 μE·m?2·s?1. Highest cell densities of green algae occurred at temperatures between 6–16°C and at daily mean stream bed light levels of > 400 μE·m?2·s?1. Blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) grew best at the highest recorded water temperatures and daily mean stream bed light energy (16–20°C and 900–1200 μE·m?2·s?1). Abrupt increases in NO3-N coincided with a brief pulse of Nostoc pruniforme colonies during June, and leaf drop from Alnus oblongifolia during October.  相似文献   

Amphilius uranoscopus is a catfish species, restricted to rivers and streams in east, southern and central Africa. It is likely to be displaced due to both competition and predation by exotic trout and other introduced fish. In high altitude mountain streams it can be the only species occurring, which means that this habitat may act as a refuge for this species. Ecosystems like this are threatened by habitat alteration and are therefore in need of protection. The abiotic environment, population structure, behavior and feeding biology of Amphilius uranoscopus were studied in a small, high-altitude perennial tributary of the Limpopo River in the Soutpansberg mountain range, Limpopo Province, South Africa, during 2005–2006. Here A. uranoscopus showed nocturnal behavior. It used dark hollow crevices in rapids as shelters during the daytime. The rapids are characterized by a high flow rate, high dissolved oxygen content and coarse riverbed substrate consisting mainly of boulders without fallen leaves. In contrast to the adults, juveniles found shelter among the fallen leaves in pools. At night, A. uranoscopus moved out of the rapids into the open water of the pools. The main food of A. uranoscopus consisted of macroinvertebrates, mainly Trichoptera larvae. Amounts of algae and detritus in its diet were negligible. A. uranoscopus foraged mainly in rapids and on rock surfaces, spending less time foraging between the fallen leaves at the bottom of pools, in open water, at the surfaces of bottom and bank and near the water surface. At the water surface, it also fed opportunistically on terrestrial insects that dropped into the stream, like flying termites. A. uranoscopus was the top predator of the stream system and reached a high density (0.71 fish m−2). There was no competition from other fish species at the study site as they were lacking. A. uranoscopus showed a striking ability to climb and cling on to vertical substrates to conquer waterfalls and very shallow streams that sometimes become dry, using its fins, adhesive body and protruding mouth teeth.  相似文献   

Quantification of submerged wood in a lowland Australian stream system   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1. The importance of submerged wood (snags) as macroinvertebrate habitat was evaluated in the Pranjip-Creightons Creek system, a lowland stream system in northern Victoria. Snag surface area and biomass were measured at ten sites along the system. The first four upstream sites, located in the foothills of the Strathbogie Ranges, and the next three sites, on the northern Victorian riverine plain, were affected by streambank erosion and high sediment loads and contained little instream wood. A further three sites (Sites 8, 9 and 10) downstream on the riverine plain were not as affected by erosion and possessed extensive stands of riparian river redgum, Eucalyptus camaldulensis, which contributed large amounts of wood to the stream channel. 2. Wood quantities at Site 8 were less than at Sites 9 and 10 downstream where the density of riparian redgum was greater. At Sites 9 and 10, snag surface area per m2 of stream bed was 0.57–0.92m2 and 0.38–0.71m2 depending on discharge. Total snag biomass in the stream channel at the same sites was 26 and 41kg m?2, respectively. Redgum was important to macroinvertebrates as habitat, at one site contributing 25% of total macroinvertebrate densities and over 30% of total macroinvertebrate biomass m?2 of stream bed. 3. Estimations of nitrogen content and C:N ratios of decayed redgum were carried out to provide information on its putative nutritional quality to xylophagous macroinvertebrates. Decayed redgum wood has a comparatively high N content and therefore a low C:N ratio, but appeared to be unpalatable to most macroinvertebrates. Only two macroinvertebrate species, the chironomid larvae Stenochironomus sp. and Dicrotendipes sp., were found to consume decayed redgum.  相似文献   

B. Malmqvist 《Oecologia》1980,45(1):35-38
Summary The burrowing larvae of the brook lamprey Lampetra planeri (Bloch) were shown by discriminant analysis to inhabit stream sites having certain qualities. Although a few larvae occurred in far-from-optimal habitats, most larvae selected those with low current velocity, low water depth, a low number of particles in the 0.5–1 mm range, and with low chlorophyll content. Other factors normally positively attributed to larval lamprey distribution such as organic content, shade, and presence of algae did not improve the discriminant model. The last factor even showed a negative correlation. Stream bed stability was considered to be of great importance although it was not possible to estimate quantitatively.  相似文献   

The distribution and behaviour of larval and juvenile perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) were studied for two years in large, deep Lake Constance. After hatching larvae were transported by water currents to the open water. The majority of larvae remained in the pelagic zone for about one month. In both years, their return to the littoral zone coincided with the decline of pelagic zooplankton abundance. After returning to the littoral zone, juveniles stayed among submerged macrophytes within 5 m depth and lived apart from larger perch which lived at depths of 6–20 m. By late summer, juveniles changed their distribution pattern: during the day they stayed intensively close to piers and ports, but increased their swimming activity at dusk, cruising among shallow and deep waters and feeding on zooplankton, and rested on the bottom at night. This behaviour appears to be related to the decrease of inshore food resources and to the presence of predators in deeper water. 0+ perch left the littoral zone and moved into deep waters when autumnal mixing began in late October. They overwintered near the bottom at depths of more than 30 m. During most of the year, juvenile and adult perch were separated from each other. But as soon as they occupied the same habitat, the occurrence of cannibalism increased.  相似文献   

Synopsis We employed stable isotope analysis (δ13C, δ15N) to evaluate the sources of nutrients used by amphidromous gobiid fishes (Lentipes concolor, Sicyopterus stimpsoni, Awaous guamensis) caught migrating into and living in Hakalau Stream, Hawaii. Although considerable variation amongst the stable isotope values of stream items was noted across all 4 years of our study, the relationships between the fishes were relatively constant. Stable isotope values of recruiting gobies were consistently closer to those of both inshore plankton and freshwater adults than those of offshore plankton, suggesting that the larvae of these species derive much of their nutrition from inshore environments influenced by fresh water. Small differences between the stable values of these species further suggested that their larvae come from different inshore locations. After entering fresh water all species appear to swim rapidly upstream without feeding. Finally, once well upstream, adult L. concolor and A. guamensis appear to assume an omnivorous diet while adult S. stimpsoni rely upon autochthonous production within streams. We propose that freshwater food webs play an integral yet complex role in the lives of both larval and adult amphidromous Hawaiian fishes.  相似文献   

The effect of interspecific competition between the solitary endoparasitoid Glyptapanteles porthetriae Muesebeck (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and the gregarious Glyptapanteles liparidis Bouché (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), was investigated in larvae of Lymantria dispar L. (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae). Host larvae were parasitized by both wasp species simultaneously in premolt to the 2nd or the 3rd host instar or in an additional approach with a 4-day delay in parasitization by the second wasp species. Host acceptance experiments revealed that both wasp species do not discriminate between unparasitized host larvae and larvae parasitized previously by the same or the other species. In more than 90% female wasps parasitized the larva they encountered first. During the period of endoparasitic development, larvae of the competing parasitoid species never attacked the egg stage of the other species. When host larvae were parasitized simultaneously by both wasp species, the rate of successful development of both species depended on the age of the host larva at the time of its parasitization; G. liparidis emerged successfully from 44% of host larvae parasitized during the premolt to 2nd instar, G. porthetriae from 28%, and in 20% of the hosts both parasitoid species were able to develop in one gypsy moth larva. However, when host larvae were parasitized simultaneously during premolt to the 3rd instar, G. liparidis was successful in 90% of the hosts, compared to 8% from which only G. porthetriae emerged. In the experiments with delayed oviposition, generally the species that oviposited first succeeded in completing its larval development. Larvae of the species ovipositing with four days delay were frequently attacked and killed by larvae of the first parasitizing species or suffered reduced growth. As the secondary parasitoid species, G. porthetriae-larvae were never able to complete their development, whereas G. liparidis developed successfully in at least 12,5% of the multiparasitized host larvae. Thus, multiparasitism of gypsy moth larvae by both Glyptapanteles species corresponds to the contest type; however, G. porthetriae is only able to develop successfully as the primary parasitoid of young host larvae.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. The effects of catchment urbanisation on water quality were examined for 30 streams (stratified into 15, 50 and 100 km2 ± 25% catchments) in the Etowah River basin, Georgia, U.S.A. We examined relationships between land cover (implying cover and use) in these catchments (e.g. urban, forest and agriculture) and macroinvertebrate assemblage attributes using several previously published indices to summarise macroinvertebrate response. Based on a priori predictions as to mechanisms of biotic impairment under changing land cover, additional measurements were made to assess geomorphology, hydrology and chemistry in each stream. 2. We found strong relationships between catchment land cover and stream biota. Taxon richness and other biotic indices that reflected good water quality were negatively related to urban land cover and positively related to forest land cover. Urban land cover alone explained 29–38% of the variation in some macroinvertebrate indices. Reduced water quality was detectable at c. >15% urban land cover. 3. Urban land cover correlated with a number of geomorphic variables such as stream bed sediment size (–) and total suspended solids (+) as well as a number of water chemistry variables including nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations (+), specific conductance (+) and turbidity (+). Biotic indices were better predicted by these reach scale variables than single, catchment scale land cover variables. Multiple regression models explained 69% of variation in total taxon richness and 78% of the variation in the Invertebrate Community Index (ICI) using phi variability, specific conductance and depth, and riffle phi, specific conductance and phi variability, respectively. 4. Indirect ordination analysis was used to describe assemblage and functional group changes among sites and corroborate which environmental variables were most important in driving differences in macroinvertebrate assemblages. The first axis in a non‐metric multidimensional scaling ordination was highly related to environmental variables (slope, specific conductance, phi variability; adj. R2=0.83) that were also important in our multiple regression models. 5. Catchment urbanisation resulted in less diverse and more tolerant stream macroinvertebrate assemblages via increased sediment transport, reduced stream bed sediment size and increased solutes. The biotic indices that were most sensitive to environmental variation were taxon richness, EPT richness and the ICI. Our results were largely consistent over the range in basin size we tested.  相似文献   

Diurnal vertical distribution of rotifers was investigated in the Chara bed and the water immediately above it in the shallow region (ca. 1 m depth) of Budzyskie Lake (Wielkopolski National Park, Poland) in early September 1998. Eighty one rotifer species were identified – 71 among Chara and 59 in the open water. Significant differences in rotifer densities were observed in the Chara, with highest numbers during the day (2316 ind. l–1) and lowest numbers early morning (521 ind. l–1) and at dusk (610 ind. l–1). Above the Chara, the numbers of rotifers did not change significantly (615–956 ind. l–1). Littoral- or limnetic-forms differed in their diel vertical distribution between both zones. One group of littoral species was characterized by increased densities in the Chara in the daytime, while a second group increased in density during the night. The densities of limnetic species, which were much higher in open water, decreased in the morning or daytime in this zone. These differences in the diel behaviour of particular groups of rotifers may be dependent on microhabitat and may also be related to different kinds of predation, the exploitative competition for shared food resources between rotifers and crustaceans, as well as typical adaptation to littoral or limnetic life.  相似文献   

While many studies have measured effects of nutrient enrichment on higher trophic levels in grazing food webs, few such studies exist for detritus-based systems. We measured effects of nitrogen and phosphorus addition on growth of larval Eurycea wilderae in a heterotrophic headwater stream using a repeated mark-recapture design. Growth estimates for 208 recaptured larvae (control stream n = 92; treatment stream n = 116) resulted in a growth rate of 0.0027 d−1 in each stream prior to enrichment, whereas during enrichment treatment growth rates (g = 0.0069 d−1 [±0.0019, 95% C.I.]) were significantly higher than control (g = 0.0043 d−1 [±0.0007, 95% C.I.]). Results indicate that E. wilderae growth is tightly linked to the detrital resource and that growth may be indirectly affected by both quantity and quality of detritus. This study provides some of the first evidence that nutrient enrichment of detritus-based systems can influence multiple trophic levels in ways similar to autotrophic systems.  相似文献   

Mortality of larval, pupal, and adult western cherry fruit fly, Rhagoletis indifferens (Tephritidae) exposed to the steinernematid nematodes Steinernema carpocapsae, Steinernema feltiae, and Steinernema intermedium, was determined in the laboratory and field. Larvae were the most susceptible stage, with mortality in the three nematode treatments ranging from 62 to 100%. S. carpocapsae and S. feltiae were equally effective against larvae at both 50 and 100 infective juveniles (IJs)/cm2. S. intermedium was slightly less effective against larvae than the other two species. Mortalities of R. indifferens larvae at 0, 2, 4, and 6 days following their introduction into soil previously treated with S. carpocapsae and S. feltiae at 50 IJs/cm2 were 78.6, 92.5, 95.0, and 77.5% and 87.5, 52.5, 92.5, and 70.0%, respectively, and at 100 IJs/cm2 were 90.0, 92.0, 100.0, and 84.0% and 90.0, 50.0, 42.0, and 40.0%, respectively. There was no decline in mortality caused by S. carpocapsae as time progressed, whereas there was in one test with S. feltiae. Larval mortalities caused by the two species were the same in a 1:1:1 vermiculite:peat moss:sand soil mix and a more compact silt loam soil. In the field, S. carpocapsae and S. feltiae were equally effective against larvae. Pupae were not infected, but adult flies were infected by all three nematode species in the laboratory. S. carpocapsae was the most effective species at a concentration of 100 IJs/cm2 and infected 11–53% of adults that emerged. The high pathogenicity of S. carpocapsae and S. feltiae against R. indifferens larvae and their persistence in soil as well as efficacy in different soil types indicate both nematodes hold promise as effective biological control agents of flies in isolated and abandoned lots or in yards of homeowners.  相似文献   

The distribution and abundance of chironomid larvae were investigated in experimental rice fields at the Bukit Merah Agricultural Experimental Research Station, Penang, Northern Malaysia. The mean density of chironomid larvae during the period of the study (including two cultivation seasons) was 121 larvae m?2. Chironomus kiiensis (48.6%) was the most abundant species, while four other species, Polypedilum trigonus (4.8%), Tanytarsus formosanus (22.6%), Tanypus punctipennis (13.9%), and Clinotanypus sp. (10.1%) occurred less frequently, although they were present during all wet phases of rice cultivation. Generally, water depth, rice plant height, conductivity, and nitrate–nitrogen content of the water only weakly influenced the abundance of the larvae. Other environmental parameters such as pH, dissolved oxygen, daytime water temperature, total suspended solids, phosphate, and sediment total organic matter did not significantly affect larval populations. The community structure of chironomids in this rice agroecosystem followed the dynamic changes of the field including agronomic practices, patterns of water availability, and phases of rice plant growth.  相似文献   

The life cycle of Sericostoma personatum (Spence) was studied at 6 °C, 10 °C and 14 °C and at each temperature at 8 and 14 hrs daylength. Embryogenesis was not temperature dependent in the 12°–18°C range. Only 7 of 38 (app. 18%) had a direct development, the rest remained in diapause with partly developed larvae. Hatching success of single egg masses was over 95%. At 6 °C at both LDs, about 452 days are required for larval development. At 10 °C 370 days (LD 8/16), or 320 days (LD 14/10) and at 14° C 319 days (LD 8/16) and 295 days (LD 14/10) were required. Duration of instars III and IV was longer at 6 °C (both LDs), compared with all other groups. Vth instar larvae of the 14 °C (LD 14/10) group grew fastest. Instar VI larvae of the 10 °C short day group developed faster than all others. Instar VII larvae of both 14 °C groups and of the 10 °C long day group develop faster than the rest. Duration of pupal instar is only temperature dependent, regardless of light regime. The field life cycle of S. personatum may require 2–5 years. Larvae are night active. They feed on Coarse Particular Organic Material (CPOM) on the sediment surface at night. They release faeces (Fine Particular Organic Material, FPOM) into the sediment where they rest by day at a few cm depth. Their burrowing behavior thus contributes to the retention of FPOM in the stream channel. Daily food consumption at constant 10 °C is significantly dependent on night length (r 2 = 0.979, p < 0.05). Two factors thus may limit food consumption: in winter, low temperatures, and in summer short nights. The species thus avoids competition by day-active shredders and predation by day-active predators.  相似文献   

Larvae of the caddisfly, Diplectrona modesta (Hydropsychidae), were found to be permanent inhabitants of a small, intermittent, headwater stream in southern Ontario. They survived desiccation for at least four weeks in summer. A laboratory experiment gave a mean survivorship of 50% after 30 days without water in stream gravel and stones after the larvae had been permitted to construct their shelters. Survivors were those that constructed their tubes deep in the substrate.  相似文献   

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