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Plant virology, born with Mayer's work, saw a first (embryonic) phase of development during two decades (1900-1920) with outstanding contributions from Dimitri Ivanovski, Martinus Beijerinck, Erwin Baur and Harry Allard. Between 1920 and 1930 a second phase saw the elaboration of surprising hypotheses concerning the enigmatic nature of viruses and experimental evidence of great stress was obtained. Revolutionary renewal began from the mid-1930s on the basis of a body of knowledge which was organically assembled into the first textbook of plant virology published by Kenneth Smith in 1933. In 1922, the geneticist Hermann Muller put forward the hypothesis that considered viruses as possible genes. The theory was resumed in an apparently independent way by Benjamin Duggar and Joanne Karrer Armstrong in 1923, who considered TMV a biocolloidal self-reproducing protein, like genes appeared to be. This hypothesis, even if neglected by virologists, anticipated by some decades the functional nature of viruses and represented the first conceptual response to virus enigma. Considerable experimental results were obtained by James Johnson, who showed that plants could be infected by different viruses and who introduced a first rational system of plant virus classification. Harold McKinney showed that TMV could mutate. Harold Storey, Kenneth Smith and Harry Severin demonstrated that several viruses could be transmitted by insects and supplied the first interpretation of the relationship between virus and insect. Mayme Dvorak and Helen Purdy obtained the first experimental evidence of the antigenic power of plant viruses. Virus purification, first tentatively accomplished with physical methods, was brilliantly performed by chemical means. Finally, Francis Holmes elaborated the first suitable test to estimate virus infectivity. The evolution of plant virology from an empirical discipline to a biological science took place thanks to the work of one group of American and English scientists who must be regarded as the fathers of modern plant virology.  相似文献   

In the early twentieth century, viruses had yet to be defined in a material way. Instead, they were known better by what they were not – not bacteria, not culturable, and not visible with a light microscope. As with the ill-defined “gene” of genetics, viruses were microbes whose nature had not been revealed. Some clarity arrived in 1929 when Francis O. Holmes, a scientist at the Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research (Yonkers, NY) reported that Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) could produce local necrotic lesions on tobacco plants and that these lesions were in proportion to dilutions of the inoculum. Holmes’ method, the local lesion assay, provided the first evidence that viruses were discrete infectious particles, thus setting the stage for physicochemical studies of plant viruses. In a field where there are few eponymous methods or diseases, Holmes’ assay continues to be a useful tool for the study of plant viruses. TMV was a success because the local lesion assay “made the virus visible” and standardized the work of virology towards determining the nature of the virus.  相似文献   

Genetics has a tradition that dates back to the Ancient Greeks. It developed, between insight and contradiction, from the post-Renaissance to the mid-1800s, when Mendel and Darwin gave it the first experimental and conceptual bases. From 1910, genetics became a true experimental discipline of Biology thanks to the work of Morgan's group. On the contrary, virology is a relatively young discipline which had origin only after the success of the "germ theory" of Pasteur and Koch, by the hypothesis of the contagium vivum fluidum of Beijerinck, in 1898. In spite of their historical difference, the modern development of the two disciplines had a close connection. In 1922, the geneticist Muller first compared the bacteriophage to the gene and, in 1923, the (phyto)physiologists Benjamin Duggar and Joanne Karrer Armstrong suggested the analogy between gene and Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV). Knowledge on the biochemical nature of gene and virus developed in the early 1940s when the biochemists began to suspect that the nucleic acids might be the genetical determinants for both the bionts. Avery and co-workers discovered in 1944 that DNA was the principle of the transmission of hereditary characters in bacteria and, in 1948, a little group of English (phyto)virologists (Markham, Matthews and Smith) discovered that the RNA of a plant virus (Turnip yellow mosaic virus) was directly involved in virus replication. The fundamental significance of the two discoveries was not gathered by geneticists and virologists, even because the respective groups did not gave the necessary emphasis to their results. Thus, the discovery of the role of the nucleic acids in virus replication is historically attributed to Hershey and Chase for DNA phage, and to Fraenkel-Conrat and the German virologists Gierer and Schramm for plant viruses.  相似文献   

The 9th annual meeting of the Italian Society for Virology (SIV) comprised seven plenary sessions focused on: General virology and viral genetics; Virus–Host interaction and pathogenesis; Viral oncology; Emerging viruses and zoonotic, foodborne, and environmental pathways of transmission; Viral immunology and vaccines; Medical virology and antiviral therapy; Viral biotechnologies and gene therapy. Moreover, four hot topics were discussed in special lectures: the Pioneer in human virology lecture regarding the control of viral epidemics with particular emphasis on the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the Pioneer in plant virology lecture focused on cell responses to plant virus infection, a Keynote lecture on the epidemiology and genetic diversity of Crimea–Congo Hemorrhagic Fever virus, and the G.B. Rossi lecture on the molecular basis and clinical implications of human cytomegalovirus tropism for endothelial/epithelial cells. The meeting had an attendance of about 160 virologists. A summary of the plenary lectures and oral selected presentations is reported. J. Cell. Physiol. 226: 285–287, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The 8th annual meeting of the Italian Society of Virology (SIV) took place in Orvieto, Italy from the 21st to the 23rd of September 2008. The meeting covered different areas of Virology and the scientific sessions focused on: general virology and viral genetics; viral oncology, virus–host interaction and pathogenesis; emerging viruses and zoonotic, foodborne and environmental pathways of transmission; viral immunology and vaccines; viral biotechnologies and gene therapy; medical virology and antiviral therapy. The meeting had an attendance of about 160 virologists from all Italy. In this edition, a satellite workshop on “Viral biotechnologies” was organized in order to promote the role of virologists in the biotechnological research and teaching fields. A summary of the plenary lectures and oral selected presentations is reported. J. Cell. Physiol. 219: 797–799, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The Pca crown rust resistance cluster in the diploid Avena genus confers gene-for-gene specificity to numerous isolates of Puccinia coronata f. sp. avenae. Recombination breakpoint analysis indicates that specificities conferred by the Pca cluster are controlled by at least five distinct genes, designated Pc81, Pc82, Pc83, Pc84, and Pc85. Avena plants with the appropriate genotype frequently respond to P. coronata by undergoing hypersensitive cell death at the sites of fungal infection. Autofluorescence of host cells in response to P. coronata occurs in plants that develop visible necrotic lesions but not in plants that lack this phenotype. Two newly described, non-Pc loci were shown to control hypersensitive cell death. Rds (resistance-dependent suppressor of cell death) suppresses the hypersensitive response (HR), but not the resistance, mediated by the Pc82 resistance gene. In contrast, Rih (resistance-independent hypersensitive cell death) confers HR in both resistant and susceptible plants. Linkage analysis indicates that Rds is unlinked to the Pca cluster, whereas Rih is tightly linked to it. These results indicate that multiple synchronous pathways affect the development of hypersensitive cell death and that HR is not essential for resistance to crown rust. Further characterization of these genes will clarify the relationship between plant disease resistance and localized hypersensitive cell death.  相似文献   

Cross protection is a type of induced resistance developing in plants against viruses. Its basis is that prior infection with one virus affords protection against closely related ones. Its history started about seventy years ago, when the Dutchman Thung and the Englishman Salaman described the phenomenon independently. During the 1930s, several virologists confirmed the discovery, which was considered the first possibility to protect plants against virus infection. Growing interest also led plant virologists to formulate the first hypotheses on its mechanism, with the onset of a still unsolved debate. The hypotheses, that have been succeeded until the 1970s, included (i) antibody formation, (ii) exhaustion of essential metabolites, (iii) limited sites for virus multiplication, and (iv) specific adsorption by new cell compounds. These hypotheses were re-proposed and discussed on several occasions without arriving at a final conclusion. The statement of molecular genetics of viruses produced new interesting "theories", fundamentally based on the interference between virus strains. A model developed by the Americans Palukaitis and Zaitlin in 1984 indicates that excess of progeny positive-sense RNA of the protecting strain would sequester the minus-strand RNA of the challenging strain. Other models involve a function of the coat protein, or gene recombination. However, no model that could unify all the various facets of cross protection has hitherto been proposed. All that has not stopped the phenomenon having practical application. From the first attempts against a severe disease of cocoa in West Africa realized by Posnette in the 1940s, a number of crops (such as tomato, tobacco, citrus, cucurbits, grapevine, soybean, papaya, and so on) have been submitted to this practice. During the 1980s, cross protection came to a standstill because of the development of new resistant or tolerant cultivars. Its story is by no means ended, and much work is needed to understand its limits and possibilities.  相似文献   

The Thirties testified on the outstanding development of plant virology: the new discoveries formalized the concept of virus on a physicochemical background. Plant viruses, which had received their own taxonomical position at the end of the Twenties, were no longer considered as simple "infective pathogens" as their size, shape and chemical nature were determined, particularly for one of them--tobacco mosaic virus (TMV). This paramount contribution was achieved as a consequence of a functional interaction between biology on one side, and chemistry and physics on the other side, from the development of which molecular biology was born. The chemical characterization of TMV developed from the first determination of nitrogen presence in purified virus, performed by Carl Vinson, through the identification of TMV as Wendell Stanley's infective, autoreplicative protein macromolecule, to the final discovery of its nucleoprotein nature by the British group of Frederick Bawden. Thorough analytical techniques--in particular electron microscopy--led to disclose the exact shape and size of TMV particle. These discoveries, that opened a new era of virology, were corroborated by new knowledge that, although less explosive, can be considered of great importance for the development of plant virology. The methodologies to estimate viral activity; the study of the relationships between viruses and insect vectors; the studies on virus spread within plants; the identification of non-sterile type of resistance and of correlation between single plant genes and viral pathogenesis benefited plant virology of a set of knowledge that, together with the discoveries on the physico-chemical properties of TMV, raised plant virology from a secondary branch of plant pathology to a new independent science by itself.  相似文献   

Identification of virulence determinants of viruses is of critical importance in virology. In search of such determinants, virologists traditionally utilize comparative genomics between a virulent and an avirulent virus strain and construct chimeras to map their locations. Subsequent comparison reveals sequence differences, and through analyses of site-directed mutants, key residues are identified. In the absence of a naturally occurring virulent strain, an avirulent strain can be functionally converted to a virulent variant via an experimental evolutionary approach. However, the concern remains whether experimentally evolved virulence determinants mimic those that have evolved naturally. To provide a direct comparison, we exploited a plant RNA virus, soybean mosaic virus (SMV), and its natural host, soybean. Through a serial in vivo passage experiment, the molecularly cloned genome of an avirulent SMV strain was converted to virulent variants on functionally immune soybean genotypes harboring resistance factor(s) from the complex Rsv1 locus. Several of the experimentally evolved virulence determinants were identical to those discovered through a comparative genomic approach with a naturally evolved virulent strain. Thus, our observations validate an experimental evolutionary approach to identify relevant virulence determinants of an RNA virus.  相似文献   

The discovery 45 years ago that many Pseudomonas syringae pathovars elicit the hypersensitive response in plant species other than their hosts fostered the use of these bacteria as experimental models. However, the basis for host specificity and the corresponding resistance of nonhosts remain unclear. Pseudomonas syringae is now known to inject into the host cytoplasm, via the type III secretion system, effector proteins that suppress basal innate immunity, but may be recognized by cognate resistance (R) proteins in a second level of defence. The identification and manipulation of complete repertoires of type III effectors have revealed the highly polymorphic nature of effector repertoires and their potential to limit the host range. However, the maintenance of compatible effector repertoires may be driven by adaptations to life in a given plant species involving many factors. Tools are now available to test several hypotheses for the nature and evolution of P. syringae host specificity and nonhost resistance.  相似文献   

Following the conceptual development of virus resistance strategies ranging from coat protein-mediated interference of virus propagation to RNA-mediated virus gene silencing, much progress has been achieved to protect plants against RNA and DNA virus infections. Geminiviruses are a major threat to world agriculture, and breeding resistant crops against these DNA viruses is one of the major challenges faced by plant virologists and biotechnologists. In this article, we review the most recent transgene-based approaches that have been developed to achieve durable geminivirus resistance. Although most of the strategies have been tested in model plant systems, they are ready to be adopted for the protection of crop plants. Furthermore, a better understanding of geminivirus gene and protein functions, as well as the native immune system which protects plants against viruses, will allow us to develop novel tools to expand our current capacity to stabilize crop production in geminivirus epidemic zones.  相似文献   

植食性昆虫与寄主植物关系的本质是化学。植食性昆虫搜寻寄主的嗅觉媒介是植物气味即化学信息物质。在介绍植物气味构成及其扩散模型基础上,阐述了植物气味在地上植食性昆虫成虫、幼虫和地下植食性昆虫搜寻寄主过程中的嗅觉导向作用,并指出了今后相关研究需要注意的问题。从植物与环境因子的关系来看,植物气味包括构成性气味和诱发性气味两类,这两类气味的概念既相联系而又不同。构成性气味组分及构成因植物分类地位等而不同。诱发性气味组分因植食性昆虫取食、植物病原微生物、机械致伤等因子的胁迫而变化,这种变化性状随植物属和/或种、植株生长发育阶段、胁迫因子性质及其作用方式而不同。无论是哪种植物气味,其释放均具有节律性。气味扩散过程比较复杂,扩散状态可用数学模型表征。对于地上植食性昆虫成虫,植物气味对其寄主搜寻行为具有导向特异性,重点分析了这种特异性形成的两个假说;鳞翅目昆虫幼虫,能够利用植物化学信息物质趋向寄主植物或回避非寄主植物;地下植食性昆虫搜寻寄主,既与寄主植物地下组织释放或分泌的次级代谢物有关,又与一些初级代谢物有关。初级代谢物中的CO2,起着“搜寻触发器”作用。有助于增强人们对昆虫与植...  相似文献   

The World Society for Virology (WSV) was founded and incorporated as a nonprofit organization in the United States in 2017. WSV seeks to strengthen and support both virological research and virologists who conduct research of viruses that affect humans, other animals, plants, and other organisms. One of the objectives of WSV is to connect virologists worldwide and support collaboration. Fulfilling this objective, virologists from fourteen countries in North America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East met on 25–27th August 2019 in Stockholm, Sweden at the Karolinska University Hospital for the first Committee Meeting of WSV. This meeting included compelling keynote and honorary speeches and a series of 18 scientific talks were given encompassing a diverse array of subjects within virology. Followed by the scientific session, a business session was held where multiple aspects and next steps of the society were discussed and charted out.  相似文献   

Transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) with altered levels of mitochondrial alternative oxidase (AOX) were used to examine the potential role of this electron transport chain protein in resistance to tobacco mosaic virus. We examined the effect of AOX expression on the salicylic acid-induced resistance in susceptible plants and the resistance responses of plants harboring the N-gene. A lack of AOX did not compromise the ability of salicylic acid treatment to heighten the resistance of susceptible plants. In plants with the N-gene, a lack of AOX did not compromise the ability of the hypersensitive response to restrict the virus or the ability of the plant to develop systemic acquired resistance. Overexpression of AOX did not heighten the resistance of susceptible plants, but did result in smaller hypersensitive response lesions, suggesting a link between mitochondrial function and this programmed cell death event. We conclude that AOX is not a critical component of the previously characterized salicylhydroxamic acid-sensitive pathway important in viral resistance.  相似文献   

Food security is threatened by various biotic stresses that affect the growth and production of agricultural crops. Viral diseases have become a serious concern for crop plants as they incur huge yield losses. The enhancement of host resistance against plant viruses is a priority for the effective management of plant viral diseases. However, in the present context of the climate change scenario, plant viruses are rapidly evolving, resulting in the loss of the host resistance mechanism. Advances in genome editing techniques, such as CRISPR-Cas9 [clustered regularly interspaced palindromic repeats-CRISPR-associated 9], have been recognized as promising tools for the development of plant virus resistance. CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing tool is widely preferred due to high target specificity, simplicity, efficiency, and reproducibility. CRISPR-Cas9 based virus resistance in plants has been successfully achieved by gene targeting and cleaving the viral genome or altering the plant genome to enhance plant innate immunity. In this article, we have described the CRISPR-Cas9 system, mechanism of plant immunity against viruses and highlighted the use of the CRISPR-Cas9 system to engineer virus resistance in plants. We also discussed prospects and challenges on the use of CRISPR-Cas9-mediated plant virus resistance in crop improvement.  相似文献   

Plants resist to the majority of their potential aggressors by opposing physical and chemical barriers: cell walls, secondary metabolites.... Phenomena of specific recognition between a plant variety and a pathovar induce on the one hand, a local (hypersensitive) reaction that tends to limit pathogen growth and, on the other hand, a cascade of signals that allows the activation of a non-specific general (systemic) resistance. The contribution of genetics to the fight against pathogens depends on the natural variability that comes from the co-evolution between plants and their aggressors. Many plant varieties resistant to one or several pathogens have been obtained and are cultivated. The use of biotechnology will facilitate the rapid generation of new, resistant cultivars and cultivars with multiple resistances. New methods in order to increase the efficiency and the durability of resistance are envisaged.  相似文献   

Some RNA plant viruses contain satellite RNAs which are dependent upon their associated virus for replication and encapsidation. Some cucumber mosaic virus satellite RNAs induce chlorosis on any of several host plants, including either tobacco or tomato. The exchange of sequence domains between cDNA clones of chlorosis-inducing and non-pathogenic satellite RNAs delimited the chlorosis domain for both tobacco and tomato plants to the same region. Site-directed mutagenesis of one nucleotide (149) within this domain changed the host plant specificity for a chlorotic response to satellite RNA infection from tomato to tobacco. Within the chlorosis domain, three conserved nucleotides are either deleted or altered in all satellite RNAs that do not induce chlorosis. Deletion of one of these nucleotides (153) did not affect satellite RNA replication but rendered it non-pathogenic. Thus, two single nucleotides have been identified which play central roles in those interactions between the virus, its satellite RNA and the host plant, and together result in a specific disease state.  相似文献   

The resistance to the potyvirus Bean common mosaic virus (BCMV) conferred by the I allele in cultivars of Phaseolus vulgaris has been characterized as dominant, and it has been associated with both immunity and a systemic vascular necrosis in infected bean plants under field, as well as controlled, conditions. In our attempts to understand more fully the nature of the interaction between bean with the I resistance allele and the pathogen BCMV, we carefully varied both I allele dosage and temperature and observed the resulting, varying resistance responses. We report here that the I allele in the bean cultivars we studied is not dominant, but rather incompletely dominant, and that the system can be manipulated to show in plants a continuum of response to BCMV that ranges from immunity or extreme resistance, to hypersensitive resistance, to systemic phloem necrosis (and subsequent plant death). We propose that the particular phenotypic outcome in bean results from a quantitative interaction between viral pathogen and plant host that can be altered to favor one or the other by manipulating I allele dosage, temperature, viral pathogen, or plant cultivar.  相似文献   

Rice dwarf virus (RDV), with 12 double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) genome segments (S1 to S12), replicates in and is transmitted by vector insects. The RDV-plant host-vector insect system allows us to examine the evolution, adaptation, and population genetics of a plant virus. We compared the effects of long-term maintenance of RDV on population structures in its two hosts. The maintenance of RDV in rice plants for several years resulted in gradual accumulation of nonsense mutations in S2 and S10, absence of expression of the encoded proteins, and complete loss of transmissibility. RDV maintained in cultured insect cells for 6 years retained an intact protein-encoding genome. Thus, the structural P2 protein encoded by S2 and the nonstructural Pns10 protein encoded by S10 of RDV are subject to different selective pressures in the two hosts, and mutations accumulating in the host plant are detrimental in vector insects. However, one round of propagation in insect cells or individuals purged the populations of RDV that had accumulated deleterious mutations in host plants, with exclusive survival of fully competent RDV. Our results suggest that during the course of evolution, an ancestral form of RDV, of insect virus origin, might have acquired the ability to replicate in a host plant, given its reproducible mutations in the host plant that abolish vector transmissibility and viability in nature.  相似文献   

The rapid and effective activation of disease resistance responses is essential for plant defense against pathogen attack. These responses are initiated when pathogen-derived molecules (elicitors) are recognized by the host. We have developed a strategy for creating novel disease resistance traits whereby transgenic plants respond to infection by a virulent pathogen with the production of an elicitor. To this end, we generated transgenic tobacco plants harboring a fusion between the pathogen-inducible tobacco hsr 203J gene promoter and a Phytophthora cryptogea gene encoding the highly active elicitor cryptogein. Under noninduced conditions, the transgene was silent, and no cryptogein could be detected in the transgenic plants. In contrast, infection by the virulent fungus P. parasitica var nicotianae stimulated cryptogein production that coincided with the fast induction of several defense genes at and around the infection sites. Induced elicitor production resulted in a localized necrosis that resembled a P. cryptogea-induced hypersensitive response and that restricted further growth of the pathogen. The transgenic plants displayed enhanced resistance to fungal pathogens that were unrelated to Phytophthora species, such as Thielaviopsis basicola, Erysiphe cichoracearum, and Botrytis cinerea. Thus, broad-spectrum disease resistance of a plant can be generated without the constitutive synthesis of a transgene product.  相似文献   

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