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Hypothesizing that emperor penguins (Aptenodytes forsteri) would have higher daily energy expenditures when foraging for their food than when being hand-fed and that the increased expenditure could represent their foraging cost, we measured field metabolic rates (FMR; using doubly labeled water) over 4-d periods when 10 penguins either foraged under sea ice or were not allowed to dive but were fed fish by hand. Surprisingly, penguins did not have higher rates of energy expenditure when they dove and captured their own food than when they did not forage but were given food. Analysis of time-activity and energy budgets indicated that FMR was about 1.7 x BMR (basal metabolic rate) during the 12 h d(-1) that penguins were lying on sea ice. During the remaining 12 h d(-1), which we termed their "foraging period" of the day, the birds were alert and active (standing, preening, walking, and either free diving or being hand-fed), and their FMR was about 4.1 x BMR. This is the lowest cost of foraging estimated to date among the eight penguin species studied. The calculated aerobic diving limit (ADL(C)), determined with the foraging period metabolic rate of 4.1 x BMR and known O(2) stores, was only 2.6 min, which is far less than the 6-min ADL previously measured with postdive lactate analyses in emperors diving under similar conditions. This indicates that calculating ADL(C) from an at-sea or foraging-period metabolic rate in penguins is not appropriate. The relatively low foraging cost for emperor penguins contributes to their relatively low total daily FMR (2.9 x BMR). The allometric relationship for FMR in eight penguin species, including the smallest and largest living representatives, is kJ d(-1)=1,185 kg(0.705).  相似文献   

1. The validity of the body mass loss (BML) method to estimate incubation and molting metabolic rate (MR) in sea birds is examined on the basis of data in emperor penguins (Aptenodytes forsteri). 2. The BML composition of emperors during mid incubation is revised (61.7% fat, 5.9% protein and 32.4% water; energy equivalent of BML = 25.5 kJ/g). 3. Using these data in short-term fasting petrels and penguins, or with BML obtained at the beginning or at the end of the fast in long-term fasting species, may lead to up to 2-fold overestimates of incubation metabolic rate (IMR). Similarly, molting MR may be overestimated by up to three times. 4. The use of the 25.5 kJ/g energy equivalent with BML obtained during middle part of the incubation shift seems valid in long-term fasting species. It is suggested that IMR within the thermoneutral zone might be close to basal MR in most antarctic and sub-antarctic sea birds.  相似文献   

The presence of 7-O-acyl okadaic acid (OA) esters was studied by LC–MS in the digestive glands of blue mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) and common cockle (Cerastoderma edule) from Albufeira lagoon, located 20 km south of Lisbon. The profile of free and total fatty acids (FA) was analysed using a similar LC separation with a reversed phase C8 column and mass spectrometry detection. In mussel the free FA profile was reflected in the FA esterified to OA, being palmitic acid for instance the most abundant in both cases. In cockle, 7-O-acyl esters with palmitic acid were almost absent and esters with a C16:0 isomer were dominant, followed by esters with C15:1 and C15:0. The cockle free FA profile was similar to mussel, and in accordance with literature findings in bivalves. After hydrolysis, a major difference in the FA profile occurred in both species, presenting a high percentage of a C16:0 isomer. The isomer found in general lipids and bound to OA seemed to be related, presenting similar relative retention times (RRT) to C16:0, differing from expected RRT of monomethyl-branched isomers (iso- or anteiso-). A tentative identification was made with the multimethyl-branched isoprenoid, 4,8,12-trimethyltridecanoic acid (TMTD). TMTD is a product of phytol degradation. This was also suspected when the proportion of this compound in relation to palmitic acid was reduced in vivo in mussels fed a chlorophyll-free diet. Extensive esterification of OA by, among others, phytol-degrading bacteria is discussed as a plausible hypothesis in cockle, but not in mussel, due to the relatively high specific proportion of odd-numbered and branched FA.  相似文献   

Marine endotherms in the polar regions face a formidable thermal challenge when swimming in cold water. Hence, they use morphological (fat, blubber) adjustment and peripheral vasoconstriction to reduce demands for heat production in water. The animals then regain normothermia when resting ashore. In the king penguin (Aptenodytes patagonicus) metabolic rate is lower in fed than in fasted individuals during subsequent rewarming on land. This has been suggested to be a consequence of diversion of blood flow to the splanchnic region in fed birds, which reduces peripheral temperatures. However, peripheral temperatures during recovery have never been investigated in birds with different nutritional status. The aim of this study was, therefore, to measure subcutaneous and abdominal temperatures during the rewarming phase on land in fasted and fed king penguins, and investigate to which extent any different rewarming were reflected in recovery metabolic rate (MRR) after long term immersion in cold water. We hypothesized that fed individuals would have a slower increase of subcutaneous temperatures compared to fasted penguins, and a correspondingly lower MRR. Subcutaneous tissues reached normothermia after 24.15 (back) and 21.36 min (flank), which was twice as fast as in the abdomen (46.82 min). However, recovery time was not affected by nutritional condition. MRR during global rewarming (4.56 ± 0.42 W kg−1) was twice as high as resting metabolic rate (RMR; 2.16 ± 0.59 W kg−1). However, MRR was not dependent on feeding status and was significantly elevated above RMR only until subcutaneous temperature had recovered. Contrary to our prediction, fed individuals did not reduce the subcutaneous circulation compared to fasted penguins and did not show any changes in MRR during subsequent recovery. It seems likely that lower metabolic rate in fed king penguins on land reported in other studies might not have been caused primarily by increased circulation to the visceral organs.  相似文献   

Studies of the relationship between heart rate (f(H)) and rate of oxygen consumption (V(.) (O(2))), which are then used to predict field metabolic rate, frequently fail to incorporate body mass as a predictive variable. This is a potentially important omission in the study of animals whose body mass fluctuates substantially during their annual cycle. In an attempt further to improve estimates of field metabolic rate from f(H), we re-evaluated data on M(b), f(H) and V(.) (O(2)) from previous studies of macaroni penguins (Eudyptes chrysolophus) and king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus) and derived a new relationship to integrate these three quantities. This relationship is at least as accurate and precise as previously determined relationships. We applied this same principle to published data on 11 of the 20 recognised penguin taxa to derive a relationship to predict V(.) (O(2)) from f(H) and M(b) in penguins of any species. This result has interesting implications in terms of reducing the logistical burden in studies of field metabolic rate.  相似文献   

Spontaneous fasting during reproduction (sometimes with a full stomach) and moult is a major characteristic of the annual cycle of penguins. Long-term fasting (up to four months in male emperor penguins) is anticipated by the accumulation of fat (incubation fast) and of fat and protein (moult fast). During most of the incubation fast, birds rely almost entirely on lipids as an energy source, body proteins being spared. However, below a critical (but non-total) fat store depletion, marked behavioural, metabolic, and endocrine changes occur. Spontaneous locomotor activity increases and the egg is transitorily left unincubated for increasingly long periods, until its definitive abandon and the bird departs to re-feed at sea. These changes are thought to be activated by an endogenous re-feeding signal triggered before lethal energy depletion. An increase in body protein catabolism in the face of a reduction in lipid availability and utilisation, and an increase in circulating corticosterone vs. a decrease in plasma prolactin, are likely to be major metabolic and hormonal components of this signal. The survival and rapid restoration of energy stores in birds having departed to re-feed at a stage of near total lipid depletion demonstrates the effectiveness of the re-feeding signal. Penguins, and possibly other seabirds, are therefore appropriate animal models for understanding the long-term interactions between body energy reserves and fasting, breeding and feeding physiology and behaviour.  相似文献   

In 1902, the first breeding colony of emperor penguins was discovered. Over the following decades, the number of known emperor penguin colonies increased steadily and new ones are still being discovered. However, rigorous census work has been carried out at only a few colonies and accurate information on trends in breeding populations is limited to a small number of locations. Thus, the total number of breeding pairs is still unknown as is the size of the global population (breeders, non-breeders, juveniles). The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) lists the species’ status as ‘least concern’ and states that although the population trend for emperor penguins has not been quantified, the global population appears to be stable. This review summarises the currently available information on the populations of emperor penguins at known colonies in terms of survey methods, count units used and survey frequency. It examines what is known about the state of various colonies and demonstrates that currently available data are inadequate for a trend assessment of the global population.  相似文献   

Inferior vena caval (IVC) and anterior abdominal (AA) temperatures were recorded in seven emperor penguins (Aptenodytes forsteri) foraging under sea ice in order to evaluate the hypothesis that hypothermia-induced metabolic suppression might extend aerobic diving time. Diving durations ranged from 1 to 12.5 min, with 39% of dives greater than the measured aerobic dive limit of 5.6 min. Anterior abdominal temperature decreased progressively throughout dives, and partially returned to pre-dive values during surface intervals. The lowest AA temperature was 19 degrees C. However, mean AA temperatures during dives did not correlate with diving durations. In six of seven penguins, only minor fluctuations in IVC temperatures occurred during diving. These changes were often elevations in temperature. In the one exception, although IVC temperatures decreased, the reductions were less than those in the anterior abdomen and did not correlate with diving durations. Because of these findings, we consider it unlikely that regional hypothermia in emperor penguins leads to a significant reduction in oxygen consumption of the major organs within the abdominal core. Rather, temperature profiles during dives are consistent with a model of regional heterothermy with conservation of core temperature, peripheral vasoconstriction, and cooling of an outer body shell.  相似文献   

Because fasting king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus) need to conserve energy, it is possible that they exhibit particularly low metabolic rates during periods of rest. We investigated the behavioral and physiological aspects of periods of minimum metabolic rate in king penguins under different circumstances. Heart rate (f(H)) measurements were recorded to estimate rate of oxygen consumption during periods of rest. Furthermore, apparent respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) was calculated from the f(H) data to determine probable breathing frequency in resting penguins. The most pertinent results were that minimum f(H) achieved (over 5 min) was higher during respirometry experiments in air than during periods ashore in the field; that minimum f(H) during respirometry experiments on water was similar to that while at sea; and that RSA was apparent in many of the f(H) traces during periods of minimum f(H) and provides accurate estimates of breathing rates of king penguins resting in specific situations in the field. Inferences made from the results include that king penguins do not have the capacity to reduce their metabolism to a particularly low level on land; that they can, however, achieve surprisingly low metabolic rates at sea while resting in cold water; and that during respirometry experiments king penguins are stressed to some degree, exhibiting an elevated metabolism even when resting.  相似文献   

Resting metabolic rate is lower in women than in men   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Summary The diet of the emperor penguin Aptenodytes forsteri in the eastern Weddell Sea, Antarctica was studied during October and November 1986 by stomach content analysis. Emperor penguins fed mainly on Antarctic krill Euphausia superba, Antarctic silverfish Pleuragramma antarcticum and squid Psychroteuthis glacialis. Benthic prey was not found. The prey composition suggests two different feeding strategies, shallow dives exploring the rugged underside of sea ice where krill is taken, and deep dives when mesopelagic fish and squid are consumed. Chicks were fed on average every 1.44 days.  相似文献   

Resting metabolic rate in southern catfish of 2 and 5 day fasting groups were significantly higher than that of the 15 day fasting group ( P  < 0·05). After feeding, peak metabolic rate of specific dynamic action (SDA) of the 15 day fasting group was significantly lower than that of the 2 and 5 day fasting groups ( P  < 0·05). The duration of the SDA of the 15 day fasting group was significantly longer than that of the 2 day fasting group ( P  < 0·05) and the SDA coefficient of the 15 day fasting group was significantly lower than that of the 2 day fasting group ( P  < 0·05).  相似文献   

Birds respond to capture, handling and restraint with increased secretion of corticosterone, a glucocorticoid hormone that helps birds adjust to stressful situations. Hoods are reported to calm birds, but possible effects of hoods on corticosterone responses have not been reported for any bird. Corticosterone responses to restraint in Adelie penguins held by their legs with their head covered by a hood were markedly lower than responses of penguins restrained in a mesh bag inside a cardboard box (corticosterone at 30 min 15.69+/-1.72 cf. 28.32+/-2.75 ng/ml). The birds restrained by the two methods were sampled at the same location but in different years, so the differences in corticosterone responses cannot unequivocally be ascribed to an effect of hoods to reduce corticosterone responses. Corticosterone responses have been measured in some penguins, but not in the largest, the emperor penguin (Aptenodytes forsteri). The relationship between body mass and corticosterone responses to capture and restraint in penguins was examined in emperor penguins captured on sea ice in McMurdo Sound and Adelie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) captured at Cape Bird, Ross Island, Antarctica. Total integrated corticosterone responses were higher in the emperor than the Adelie penguins, but corrected integrated corticosterone responses, which represent the increase in corticosterone from initial concentrations and hence the corticosterone response to restraint, were the same. The results for the emperor and Adelie penguins, together with data from other penguin species, suggest that there is no relationship between the size of corticosterone responses and body mass in penguins.  相似文献   

This study aims to determine how glucagon intervenes in the regulation of fuel metabolism, especially lipolysis, at two stages of a spontaneous long-term fast characterized by marked differences in lipid and protein availability and/or utilization (phases II and III). Changes in the plasma concentration of various metabolites and hormones, and in lipolytic fluxes as determined by continuous infusion of [2-3H]glycerol and [1-14C]palmitate, were examined in vivo in a subantarctic bird (king penguin) before, during, and after a 2-h glucagon infusion. In the two fasting phases, glucagon infusion at a rate of 0.025 microg. kg(-1). min(-1) induced a three- to fourfold increase in the plasma concentration and in the rate of appearance (Ra) of glycerol and nonesterified fatty acids, the percentage of primary reesterification remaining unchanged. Infusion of glucagon also resulted in a progressive elevation of the plasma concentration of glucose and beta-hydroxybutyrate and in a twofold higher insulinemia. These changes were not significantly different between the two phases. The plasma concentrations of triacylglycerols and uric acid were unaffected by glucagon infusion, except for a 40% increase in plasma uric acid in phase II birds. Altogether, these results indicate that glucagon in a long-term fasting bird is highly lipolytic, hyperglycemic, ketogenic, and insulinogenic, these effects, however, being similar in phases II and III. The maintenance of the sensitivity of adipose tissue lipolysis to glucagon could suggest that the major role of the increase in basal glucagonemia observed in phase III is to stimulate gluconeogenesis rather than fatty acid delivery.  相似文献   

Huddling is the key energy-saving mechanism for emperor penguins to endure their 4-mo incubation fast during the Antarctic winter, but the underlying physiological mechanisms of this energy saving have remained elusive. The question is whether their deep body (core) temperature may drop in association with energy sparing, taking into account that successful egg incubation requires a temperature of about 36 degrees C and that ambient temperatures of up to 37.5 degrees C may be reached within tight huddles. Using data loggers implanted into five unrestrained breeding males, we present here the first data on body temperature changes throughout the breeding cycle of emperor penguins, with particular emphasis on huddling bouts. During the pairing period, core temperature decreased progressively from 37.5 +/- 0.4 degrees C to 36.5 +/- 0.3 degrees C, associated with a significant temperature drop of 0.5 +/- 0.3 degrees C during huddling. In case of egg loss, body temperature continued to decrease to 35.5 +/- 0.4 degrees C, with a further 0.9 degrees C decrease during huddling. By contrast, a constant core temperature of 36.9 +/- 0.2 degrees C was maintained during successful incubation, even during huddling, suggesting a trade-off between the demands for successful egg incubation and energy saving. However, such a limited drop in body temperature cannot explain the observed energy savings of breeding emperor penguins. Furthermore, we never observed any signs of hyperthermia in huddling birds that were exposed to ambient temperatures as high as above 35 degrees C. We suggest that the energy savings of huddling birds is due to a metabolic depression, the extent of which depends on a reduction of body surface areas exposed to cold.  相似文献   

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