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Rosette strain gages indicate shear and principal strains at specific points, whereas photoelastic coatings provide shear strain information over a broad area. Information regarding bone loading and load transfer from a prosthetic implant to adjacent bone can be obtained using either strain-measuring technique on loaded femora. This study compared proximal femoral strains derived from photoelastic coatings to those obtained from rosette strain gages applied directly to the bone in order to determine the relationships between photoelastic shear strains and rosette shear and principal strains. Photoelastic shear strains underestimated rosette shear strains and exceeded the larger of the rosette principal strains. Principal strains derived from photoelastic coatings augmented with strain separator gages underestimated their rosette counterparts in most instances. Correlation was strong and nearly linear for all measures, indicating that photoelastic coatings can accurately express proportional strain changes despite imperfect agreement in absolute strain magnitudes. The best agreement between absolute strain magnitudes occurred in the proximal medial, or calcar, region. Understanding the relationships between the various measures obtained using the two strain measurement methods will allow more accurate estimates of actual strains to be made from photoelastic coatings.  相似文献   

Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is a significant health problem. Current clinical rupture-risk relies primarily on the maximum diameter of the AAA and also growth rate. However, AAAs are a patient-specific problem and recently, numerical tools have been employed to estimate rupture-potential. Alternatively, experimental assessment of AAA biomechanics receives less attention, yet, rigorous validation of numerical tools is required prior to clinical acceptance. This paper examines the use of the photoelastic method to assess wall strain and its validation using finite element analysis (FEA) in a small number of patient-specific AAA models. Experimental models were manufactured in-house using the injection-moulding procedure together with a commercially available photoelastic material. The material was mechanically characterised prior to testing, with models examined under three loading regimes (80, 120 and 160mmHg). Each experimental model was imaged using computed tomography (CT) and reconstructed in three dimensions (3D) for numerical analyses. Experimental wall strain was measured and numerical wall strain calculated with finite element analysis (FEA). Results were qualitatively and quantitatively compared. There was good qualitative agreement between the experimental and numerical methods, with similar trends apparent throughout all models at all pressures. Overall, acceptable percentage errors between the techniques were observed for all models. Median errors of -6.5%, -0.4% and 3.9% for the models at 80, 120 and 160mmHg pressures, respectively, were determined. The photoelastic method is a very useful experimental tool that provides instant, easy to interpret, information regarding wall strain. The technique is useful for validation of numerical AAA studies.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to quantify the three-dimensional spatial strain distribution of a scoliotic spine by nonhomogeneous transformation without using a statistically averaged reference spine. The shape of the scoliotic spine was determined from computed tomography images from a female patient with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. The shape of the scoliotic spine was enclosed in a rectangular grid, and symmetrized using a thin-plate spline method according to the node positions of the grid. The node positions of the grid were determined by numerical optimization to satisfy symmetry. The obtained symmetric spinal shape was enclosed within a new rectangular grid and distorted back to the original scoliotic shape using a thin-plate spline method. The distorted grid was compared to the rectangular grid that surrounded the symmetrical spine. Cobb's angle was reduced from 35° in the scoliotic spine to 7° in the symmetrized spine, and the scoliotic shape was almost fully symmetrized. The scoliotic spine showed a complex Green–Lagrange strain distribution in three dimensions. The vertical and transverse compressive/tensile strains in the frontal plane were consistent with the major scoliotic deformation. The compressive, tensile and shear strains on the convex side of the apical vertebra were opposite to those on the concave side. These results indicate that the proposed method can be used to quantify the three-dimensional spatial strain distribution of a scoliotic spine, and may be useful in quantifying the deformity of scoliosis.  相似文献   

This paper describes the practical aspects of the design, construction and use of strain gauged transducers in clinical orthopaedics. The role of force measurement as a procedure for diagnosis and evaluation in orthopaedics is reviewed and the type of useful data this technique can yield is indicated. The procedure for setting up a load measuring programme is then covered in detail. This includes the formulation of a clinically viable procedure which yields meaningful data, design and construction of the tranducers, choice of gauges, their associated instrumentation and analysis of data. The strain gauge itself is dealt with in sufficient detail to cover all the measurement situations which may be encountered in the orthopaedic clinic. Practical aspects, such as the source of supply of components, are fully described.  相似文献   

We combined two ultrasound techniques to develop a safe, non-invasive, transcutaneous method of observing the circulation in the umbilical arteries and vein in the fetus. The umbilical cord can be located by standard echo ultrasound procedures, and this information can be used to direct a Doppler ultrasound beam on to the vessels in the cord. The signals can be heard through audio headphones or recorded on a tape recorded and spectrum-analysed. The method was successful in each of 20 patients examined, whose pregnancies ranged from 12 to 40 weeks'' gestational age, and was suitable for outpatient use. It should be useful in assessing such conditions as pre-eclampsia and intrauterine growth retardation.  相似文献   

Chimeric animals are very useful for analysis of cell lineage, homeostasis in tissue architecture, and cell-cell interactions during both organogenesis and carcinogenesis. However, there is not a generally effective means for marking cells of chimeric mice. We have therefore developed a polyclonal antibody that is useful for this purpose. This antibody specifically recognizes those cells derived from C3H strain mice. The specificity of this antibody was checked by both immunoblotting and immunoadsorption methods. The antigens were immunohistochemically detected in cytoplasm of both epithelial and mesenchymal cells of C3H/HeN strain mouse in many different organs, but not the corresponding cell types from BALB/c or C57BL/10 or several other mouse strains. The validity of these antibodies as markers for C3H cells was further checked by tissue recombination experiments and in mixed cultures of mouse and rat cells. In each case the antibody recognized only the C3H mouse cells. Next, chimeric mice were prepared between strains C3H/HeN and BALB/c, and C3H/HeN and C57BL/10 mice. Chimeras 2-mo old were examined for antigen distribution using the indirect immunofluorescence method. Many tissues in chimeric mice were composed of cells that were both stained and unstained by the anti-C3H specific antigen. The chimeric patterns were classified into four types, A-D. In well-defined structural units such as intestinal crypts, small intestinal villi, kidney convoluted tubules, exocrine gland acini, ovarian follicles, thyroid gland follicles, stomach glands, adrenal cortex, lingual papillae, etc., (A) each unit was composed entirely of either positive or negative cells, or else (B) in some organs each unit was composed of both types of cells. In the uniform tissues without such distinguishable units, such as stratified squamous epithelium, mesenchymal tissue, corpora lutea, pituitary gland, Islets of Langerhans, adrenal medulla etc., (C) the tissue was composed of definite small cell groups made entirely of either positive or negative cells, or else (D) the tissue was composed of both types of cells which were intermingled with one another. These findings strongly suggest that the chimeric patterns demonstrated here reflect the cell proliferative unit in each tissue. This cell marker system has proven useful for analysis of cell lineage and cell renewal systems in many organs of chimeric mice.  相似文献   

Computer modeling and simulation techniques have been increasingly used to investigate anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) loading during dynamic activities in an attempt to improve our understanding of injury mechanisms and development of injury prevention programs. However, the accuracy of many of these models remains unknown and thus the purpose of this study was to compare estimates of ACL strain from a previously developed three-dimensional, data-driven model with those obtained via in vitro measurements. ACL strain was measured as the knee was cycled from approximately 10° to 120° of flexion at 20 deg s?1 with static loads of 100, 50, and 50 N applied to the quadriceps, biceps femoris and medial hamstrings (semimembranosus and semitendinosus) tendons, respectively. A two segment, five-degree-of-freedom musculoskeletal knee model was then scaled to match the cadaver’s anthropometry and in silico ACL strains were then determined based on the knee joint kinematics and moments of force. Maximum and minimum ACL strains estimated in silico were within 0.2 and 0.42% of that measured in vitro, respectively. Additionally, the model estimated ACL strain with a bias (mean difference) of ?0.03% and dynamic accuracy (rms error) of 0.36% across the flexion-extension cycle. These preliminary results suggest that the proposed model was capable of estimating ACL strains during a simple flexion-extension cycle. Future studies should validate the model under more dynamic conditions with variable muscle loading. This model could then be used to estimate ACL strains during dynamic sporting activities where ACL injuries are more common.  相似文献   

The spatial response of an 8x4 block detector made up of 5.6-mm-wide, 12.9-mm-high, 30-mm-thick individual detector crystals to a collimated line source of 511 keV annihilation photons was examined. The response of each crystal showed a spread around the average positioning values and distributions from adjacent crystals overlapped as the collimated source scanned the individual detectors. This leads to possible errors in the event assignment. The implementation of double differentiation or the second derivative method was proposed for the removal of scattered photons so as to reduce the overlap and, hence, avoid mispositioning. This method is a mathematical solution implemented when analysing the results. A curve in a spatial spectrum could be considered to be a function f(x), wherex is the position. When double differentiation of f(x) is carried out, then the normalized curve d2f(x) appears with some reduction in the wings. It was shown that a reduction of the scattering contribution in the tails without overestimating the contribution of scattered events could be achieved by implementing a double-differentiation process.  相似文献   

To compare endogenous cholesterol biosynthesis measured by deuterium incorporation (DI) and mass isotopomer distribution analysis (MIDA), cholesterol fractional and absolute synthetic rates were measured simultaneously by both techniques under identical physiological conditions. Twelve subjects (22 to 39 years of age) underwent a dual stable isotope protocol, involving oral deuterium oxide administration and measurement of incorporation of deuterium into cholesterol coincident with constant infusion of sodium [1-(13)C]acetate and measurement of the mass isotopomer distribution pattern of newly synthesized cholesterol. Synthesis was determined over 24 h with a 7-h feeding period. Both methods yielded similar measurements of fractional cholesterol synthesis (7.8 +/- 2.5% day(-)(1) for DI vs. 6.9 +/- 2.2% day(-)(1) for MIDA). Correlation of fractional synthesis across techniques was strong (r = 0.84, P = 0.0007). Absolute synthesis rates were also not different at 24 h (13.4 +/- 4.3 mg kg(-)(1) day(-)(1) for DI vs. 11.9 +/- 3.6 mg kg(-)(1) day(-)(1) for MIDA, r = 0.79, P < 0.002).We conclude that despite different assumptions and analytical requirements, deuterium incorporation and MIDA yield similar rates of cholesterogenesis in humans when measurements are made over 24 h. The decision as to which method to adopt depends on available clinical and analytical facilities  相似文献   

In this study, a constitutive law based on a nearly incompressible transversely isotropic hyperelastic potential is proposed to describe the mechanical behaviour of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). The constitutive formulation is valid for arbitrary kinematics (finite elasticity) and is thermodynamically admissible. Based on anatomic measurements performed on a human cadaveric knee specimen, a three-dimensional continuum finite element model of the ACL was developed. The numerical model was used to simulate clinical procedures such as the Lachman and drawer tests, which are performed to assess the existence and severity of an ACL injury. Finite element analyses showed that the two procedures have distinct effects on the behaviour of the ACL and provided new insights into the stress distributions. Moreover, good qualitative and quantitative agreement was found between the present study and results obtained experimentally in comparable conditions.  相似文献   

In this study, a three-dimensional finite element model of the human anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) was developed and simulations of passive knee flexion were performed. The geometrical model of the ACL was built from experimental measurements performed on a cadaveric knee specimen which was also subjected to kinematics tests. These experiments were used to enforce the particular boundary conditions used in the numerical model. A previously developed transversely isotropic hyperelastic material model was implemented and the ability to pre-stress the ligament was also included. The model exhibited the key characteristics of connective soft tissues: anisotropy, nonlinear behaviour, large strains, very high compliance for compressive or bending loading along the collagen fibres and incompressibility. Simulations of passive knee flexion were performed, with and without pre-stressing the ACL. The resultant force generated by the ACL was monitored and the results compared to existing experimental data. The stress distribution within the ligament was also assessed. When the ACL was pre-stressed, there was a good correlation between the predicted and experimental resultant forces reported in the literature over the entire flexion-extension range. The stress distribution in the pre-stressed and stress-free ACL were similar, although the magnitudes in the pre-stressed ACL were higher, particularly at low flexion angles.  相似文献   

Two new yeast strains (SPT1 and SPT2) were isolated and immobilized on glassy carbon electrodes to form microbial biosensors for estimation of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). Ferricyanide was proven to be the most efficient mediator to shuttle electrons from the redox center of reduced microbial enzymes to the electrode in the presence of excess glucose/glutamic acid (GGA). With a 3-fold greater metabolic assimilation capability and greater responses to various effluent samples, SPT1 was selected for sensor-BOD measurements. BOD estimations for the GGA standard resulted in an extended linear range: 2-100 mg/l. Response reproducibility was +/-10% for a GGA standard containing 10 mg BOD/l. For analysis of pulp mill effluents, the BOD detection limit was 2 mg/l with a response time of 5 min.  相似文献   

The menisci are frequently injured due to both degeneration and traumatic tearing. It has been suggested that the success of a meniscal replacement is dependent on several factors, one of which is the secure fixation and firm attachment of the replacement to the tibial plateau. Therefore, the objectives of the current study were to (1) determine the failure properties of the meniscal horn attachments, and (2) determine the strain distribution over their surfaces. Eight bovine knee joints were used to study the mechanical response of the meniscal attachments. Three meniscal attachments from one knee of each animal were tested in uniaxial tension at 2%/s to determine the load deformation response. During the tests, the samples were marked and local strain distributions were determined with a video extensometer. The linear modulus of the medial anterior attachment (154+/-134 MPa) was significantly less than both the medial posterior (248+/-179 MPa, p=0.0111) and the lateral anterior attachment (281+/-214 MPa, p=0.0007). Likewise, the ultimate strain for the medial anterior attachments (13.5+/-8.8%) was significantly less than the medial posterior (23+/-13%, p<0.0001) and the lateral anterior attachment (20.3+/-11.1%, p=0.0033). There were no significant differences in the structural properties or ultimate stress between the meniscal attachments (p>0.05). No significant differences in ultimate strain or moduli across the surface of the attachments were noted. Based on the data obtained, a meniscal replacement would need different moduli for each of the different attachments. However, the attachments appear to be homogeneous.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to measure the effect of bone-patellar tendon-bone autograft harvest for anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction on the surface strain of the human patella. Through progressive removal of bone from the patella, three different defect shapes as well as the intact patella were tested in each of seven knees. Maximum principal strain and corresponding principal direction were determined from each of three gages around the defect for the four conditions (intact plus three defect shapes). There were no statistically significant differences in overall average surface strain between any of the defect shapes. Following graft harvest, overall average strain (all three defects combined) increased in the patella both medial (15 percent increase) and lateral (34 percent increase) to the defect, while decreasing in the region directly proximal (22 percent decrease) to the harvest site compared to the intact patella. A statistically significant 7.5 deg shift of principal direction from longitudinal toward a more transverse (lateral-superior to medial-inferior) direction was observed in the medial region when a shallow-dome defect was made. We conclude that removal of a bone block from the anterior, inferior part of the patella induces a significant redistribution of the surface strain. This results in greater local strain adjacent to the upper border of the bone block increasing the risk for patella fracture. This effect may be of importance in various complications known to occur after ACL reconstruction.  相似文献   

A mutant strain of Pyropia yezoensis, strain E, was isolated from the free‐living conchocelis of a pure strain (NA) treated with ethyl methane sulfonate. The incremental quantities of young strain E blades were higher than those of NA after 14 d of cultivation, indicating that young blades of mutant strain E released more archeospores. The mean length and weight of large E blades were both over three times greater than those of NA after 4 weeks of cultivation. The photosynthetic parameters (Fv/Fm, Y[I], Y[II], and O2 evolution rate) and pigment contents (including phycoerythrin and phycocyanin) of strain E blades were higher than those of NA (P < 0.05). The cellular respiratory rate of strain E blades was lower than that of NA (P < 0.05). In order to investigate the causes of changes in strain E blades, total RNA in strain E and NA blades were sequenced using the Illumina Hiseq platform. Compared with NA, 1,549 unigenes were selected in strain E including 657 up‐regulated and 892 down‐regulated genes. According to the physiology measurement and differentially expressed genes analysis, cell respiration in strain E might decrease, whereas anabolic‐like photosynthesis and protein biosynthesis might increase compared with NA. This means substance accumulation might be greater than decomposition in strain E. This might explain why strain E blades showed improved growth compared with NA. In addition, several genes related to stress resistance were up‐regulated in strain E indicating that strain E might have a higher stress resistance. The sequencing dataset may be conducive to Pyropia yezoensis molecular breeding research.  相似文献   

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