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Summary The activities of the transport systems A, B° and XAG- are induced by various forms of stress in renal epithelial cells. Amino acid deprivation induces System A and XAG- in a protein-synthesis dependent process. In the case of System XAG- evidence is presented that induction of transport does not involve an increase in the amount of mRNA for the transporter or of the amount of transport protein. Preliminary evidence for the existence of a novel glycoprotein which is induced in parallel to the induction of these transport systems is presented. It is suggested that the induction of amino acid transport proteins and of some of the so-called stress proteins may be triggered by a common molecular mechanism.  相似文献   

Summary Our understanding of amino acid biosynthesis in plants has grown by leaps and bounds in the last decade. It appears that most of the amino acid biosynthesis takes place in the chloroplast. Recent demonstration of glutamine synthetase and DAHP synthase in the vascular tisuue has added a new dimension in the complexity of the nitrogen cycle in plants. Isolation of various genes and transformation of plants with the modified forms of the genes are providing tools for understanding the regulation of various pathways. Plant transformation approaches are also going to provide the food of the future with an improved amino acid composition.  相似文献   

Characteristics of amino acid uptake in barley   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Plants have the ability to take up organic nitrogen (N) but this has not been thoroughly studied in agricultural plants. A critical question is whether agricultural plants can acquire amino acids in a soil ecosystem. The aim of this study was to characterize amino acid uptake capacity in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) from a mixture of amino acids at concentrations relevant to field conditions. Amino acids in soil solution under barley were collected in microlysimeters. The recorded amino acid composition, 0–8.2 μM of l-Serine, l-Glutamic acid, Glycine, l-Arginine and l-Alanine, was then used as a template for uptake studies in hydroponically grown barley plants. Amino acid uptake during 2 h was studied at initial concentrations of 2–25 μM amino acids and recorded as amino acid disappearance from the incubation solution, analysed with HPLC. The uptake was verified in control experiments using several other techniques. Uptake of all five amino acids occurred at 2 μM and below. The concentration dependency of the uptake rate could be described by Michaelis–Menten kinetics. The affinity constant (K m) was in the range 19.6–33.2 μM. These K m values are comparable to reported values for soil micro-organisms.  相似文献   

Summary Effects of arginine deficiency and hyperammonemia on the brain concentrations of amino acids and urea cycle enzyme activities in young and adult ferrets were investigated. Only young ferrets developed hyperammonemia and encephalopathy immediately after consuming the arginine-free diet. Brain ornithine and citrulline concentrations in young ferrets fed arginine containing diet were significantly lower than those in adult ferrets. Compared to rats and other animals, young and adult ferrets had lower concentrations of brain glutamic acid and glutamine. Unlike in other species, brain glutamine was not elevated in young, hyperammonemic ferrets. Brain arginase and glutamate dehydrogenase activities were significantly increased in young ferrets fed arginine-free diet. Young ferrets provide a useful animal model for investigating the neurotoxicity of acute hyperammonemia.Abbreviations ACD Arginine-containing diet - AFD Arginine-free diet This work was presented, in part, at the annual meeting of the Midwest Society for Pediatric Research, Chicago, IL, 1991.  相似文献   

Cuin TA  Shabala S 《Planta》2007,225(3):753-761
The amino acid content increases substantially in salt-stressed plants. The physiological relevance of this phenomenon remains largely unknown. Using the MIFE ion flux measuring technique, we studied the effects of physiologically relevant concentrations of 26 amino acids on NaCl-induced K+ flux from barley root epidermis. We show that 21 (of 26) amino acids caused a significant mitigation of the NaCl-induced K+ efflux, while valine and ornithine substantially enhanced the detrimental effects of salinity on K+ homeostasis. Our results suggest that physiologically relevant concentrations of free amino acids might contribute to plant adaptive responses to salinity by regulating K+ transport across the plasma membrane, thus enabling maintenance of an optimal K+/Na+ ratio as opposed to being merely a symptom of plant damage by stress. Investigating the specific mechanisms of such amelioration remains a key issue for future studies.  相似文献   

Organic solutes, in particular glycine betaine and proline, have been detected as osmoprotective compounds in many microorganisms and herbaceous species. However, for woody plants, very little information is available on mechanisms of adaptation to salt stress. In the present study, effects of NaCI treatment on betaine and free amino acid contents in a clone of Populus trichocarpa X deltoides micropropagated vitroplants were analyzed using HPLC and silicate plate chromatography. The application during 12 days of 50 to 200 m M NaCI to viroplants cultured on Murashige and Skoog medium (Murashige and Skoog 1962. Physiol. Plant. 15: 473–497) led to a progressive decrease of growth, leaf senescence, abscission, and apical necrosis. Populus trichocarpa X deltoides was characterized by the absence of glycine betainc and/or proline accumulation. However, trigonelline was found to increase in vitroplants subjected to 100 m M NaCI. Trigonelline was also present in dormant buds harvested in natural conditions and missing in active buds. In vitroplants, the content of some amino acids was strongly modified by salt stress. A progressive accumulation of alanine and γ-amino butyrate was particularly significant in roots, whereas the relative concentration of glutamine was strongly enhanced in leaves. Leaf content of glutamate and ornithine attained maximum in the presence of 100 and 150 m M NaCI concentrations, and then decreased. Arginine and serine pools were not significantly modified by salt treatment. The variations in vitroplants were of small amplitude compared to those observed in mature poplars where winter rest was associated with a very high arginine level and with a disappearance of nearly all other free amino acids. The results are discussed in relation to previous data obtained with herbaceous species and in relation to some metabolic pathways in poplars where trigonelline could be considered as a sensitive stress indicator.  相似文献   

Summary A convenient method for the synthesis of symmetric and asymmetric diamides of amino acids including DOPA and citric acid from 2-tert-butyl-1,3-di(N-hydroxysuccinimidyl)citrate and 1-tert-butyl-2,3-di(N-hydroxysuccinimidyl)citrate is described.Abbreviations AcOtBu tert-butyl acetate - i-Bu iso-butyl - tBu tert-butyl - Bzl benzyl - p-OH-Bzl p-hydroxybenzyl - m,p-(OH)2-Bzl m,p-dihydroxybenzyl - DCCI dicyclohexylcarbodiimide - Et ethyl - Me methyl - Su succinimidyl - SuOH N-hydroxysuccinimide - Ph phenyl  相似文献   

An automated precolumn derivatisation method has been developed for the measurement of fourteen amino acids in brain tissue and microdialysate samples. The method involves labelling amino acids with naphthalene-2,3-dicarboxaldehyde (NDA) in the presence of cyanide (CN). The resulting highly stable N-substituted 1-cyanobenz[f]isoindole (CBI) derivatives were separated using a binary gradient elution profile and detected fluorometrically. The order of elution of the derivatised amino acids was confirmed by using liquid chromatography with fluorescence and mass spectrometric detection in tandem. Linear calibration plots were obtained for all amino acids in the range studied (0.2–12.5 μM). The limit of detection for CBI derivatives of amino acids was in the range 5–20 fmol (S/N=2) using a 5 μl injection volume. The method has been used for the measurement of amino acids in microdialysates from rat brain and tissue homogenates from different regions of mouse brain.  相似文献   

A high-performance liquid chromatographic method for measuring neutral amino acids in rat sera, brain tissues, and perfusates was developed by using o-phthalaldehyde sulfite as a pre-column derivatization reagent. With the present method, it was possible to separate the neutral amino acids within a single run in 25 min, while the acidic amino acids were eluted near or at the solvent front. The recovery was above 88.8% with a relative standard deviation (RSD) below 4.2%. The within- and between-day assay reproducibility for the determination of rat serum amino acids showed RSDs below 1.35 and 7.61%, respectively. In the present study, the neutral amino acids were assayed with high sensitivity, accuracy and good reproducibility in a relatively short time and on a small sample size.  相似文献   

This study aimed to assess the effects of four contrasting proteinogenic amino acids on copper (Cu) uptake and translocation in maize (Zea mays L.) seedlings grown in a modified Hoagland solution. Glycine, aspartic acid and lysine at three concentrations (10, 25 and 100 μM) did not have any significant effect on Cu uptake and translocation in maize seedlings over a two-day experimental period. However, cysteine (a reductive amino acid) at the three concentrations increased very significantly (P < 0.01) Cu accumulations in the root symplast and the shoots of maize seedlings in comparison to the control. Cu uptake in the whole plant and Cu translocation from root to shoot were also increased in the cysteine treatments. In the 25 μM cysteine treatment, where cysteine was in moderate excess, the Cu uptake in the whole plant and Cu translocation from root to shoot were significantly (P < 0.01) higher than those of the 10 or 100 μM cysteine treatments, where the concentration of cysteine was equivalent to that of Cu(II) or in great excess according to the stoichiometry of the redox reaction of cysteine with Cu(II). It is hypothesized that the cysteine-induced oxidation state alteration from Cu(II) to Cu(I) could be responsible for the increased Cu uptake and Cu translocation, on the ground that Cu(I), as free cuprous ion or cysteine cuprous complex, may be more available to maize roots than Cu(II).  相似文献   

Summary The functionality of isolated brain microvessels — used as anin vitro model of the blood-brain barrier — can be influenced by interaction with cationic proteins. The various polylysines (Mr ranging from 0.9 to 180 kDa) tested affected the activity of both the Na+-dependent (A) and the Na+-independent (L) systems for neutral amino acid transport. Exposure to the 180 kDa polylysine caused a conspicuous inhibition of both transport systems, associated to an increased passive permeability. There was a constant, Mr-dependent, inhibition of the the L-system-mediated uptake of hydrophobic neutral amino acids. The activity of the A-system was enhanced, upon exposure to polymers larger than 22 kDa reaching its peak at 68 kDa and and declining at higher Mr values. The effect which was Na+-ions dependent and abolished by phloretine, could be essentially ascribed to an increased affinity of the MeAIB for its carrier (Km value decreasing from 265 to 169µM in presence of 68 kDa polylysine).  相似文献   

In this paper we present a study of classification of the 20 amino acids via a fuzzy clustering technique. In order to calculate distances among the various elements we employ two different distance functions: the Minkowski distance function and the NTV metric. In the clustering procedure we take into account several physical properties of the amino acids. We examine the effect of the number and nature of properties taken into account to the clustering procedure as a function of the degree of similarity and the distance function used. It turns out that one should use the properties that determine in the more important way the behavior of the amino acids and that the use of the appropriate metric can help in defining the separation into groups.  相似文献   

Summary This study was undertaken to evaluate water stress effects during vegetative, flowering, and podfilling stages of cowpea plants (Vigna unguiculata L.) grown under natural field conditions in southern California on seed yield and protein and free amino acid content of the cowpea seeds. The lowest concentration of N was found in the seeds of the control treatment plants while the seed yield from these treatments was the highest as compared with the N concentration and yield of seeds from plants subjected to water stress during flowering and podfilling stages. The concentration of N in the seeds was inversely related to the seed dry weight yield. Protein arginine,-threonine,-serine,-cystine,-valine,-methionine, and-isoleucine were significantly affected by water stress at the three growth stages. There was no consistent pattern in the effect of water stress on the individual amino acids. The sum of protein amino acids in the cowpea seeds was not significantly influenced by the various treatments since some of the protein amino acids increased and others decreased producing an averaging effect on the figures comprising the sums of the amino acids. Water stress during the flowering and pod-filling stages increased the free amino acid pool, and at the same time, inhibited incorporation of the amino acids into the protein chain-thus lowering the protein amino acid fraction simultaneously. With the exception of methionine plus cystine, the essential amino acids in the seeds were present at concentrations equal to or greater than recommended by the World Health Organization and FAO. It is of particular importance to note that the concentration of lysine in the cowpeas was substantially higher than that found in wheat grain. It is also important to note that the amount of essential amino acids per gram of protein was not measurably affected by the water stress treatments during any of the growth stages.  相似文献   

In order to maximize milk protein production, one must present sufficient amounts of the essential amino acids to the intestinal tract in forms that can be absorbed. We do not know the specific tissue-level amino acid requirements of lactating cows, but they are likely to be similar to the amino acid content of milk protein with requirements for other metabolic functions similar to those in nonruminants. Formulating diets to meet these amino acid requirements is complicated because much of the dietary crude protein is converted to rumen microbial protein. Knowing the amount of dietary crude protein converted to ruminal microbial protein and the amino acid content of the rumen microbes; and the proportion of ruminally undegradable protein, its postruminal digestibility and amino acid content will allow one to make a reasonable estimate of the quality of protein presented for gastrointestinal digestion and absorption. Hypothetical calculations indicate potential dietary differences in quality of protein presented for absorption. Many of these differences correspond very well with production responses observed in research trials. Failure of this system to explain production results in other studies points to areas where additional information is still needed.  相似文献   

Different methodologies for the measurement of peptide amino acid (PAA) in blood and plasma were compared in sheep. Preparation of blood and plasma samples consisted of a deproteinization, either chemical with sulfosalicylic acid (0.04 g for 1 ml of sample) or physical by ultrafiltration (10,000‐MW cut‐off filters), with or without a subsequent ultrafiltration through a 3,000‐MW cut‐off filter. Peptide concentrations were determined by quantification of amino acid concentrations before and after acid hydrolysis of samples. Free amino acid concentrations were similar by all the method used (about 2.5 and 2.7mM, for blood and plasma respectively). Peptide concentrations were higher with chemical deproteinization (10.6 and 4.2 mM, for blood and plasma respectively) than with physical deproteinization (5.7 and 3.3 mM, for blood and plasma respectively). When the deproteinized samples were further treated to remove material of molecular weight above than 3 kDa, peptide concentrations were significantly reduced, which indicates inefficiencies in the ability of the deproteinizing procedures in removing all the proteinaceous materials. Concentration of small PAA (< 3kDa) in blood was about 1.5‐fold that in plasma, mainly due to peptide Gly and Glu derived from the hydrolysis of the erythrocyte glutathione. The choice of a methodology for quantifying circulating peptides is discussed.  相似文献   

A comparison was made of the in vitro growth of the gut of Culex tarsalis in Grace's insect culture medium, supplemented with fetal bovine serum in the presence of dividing cells of Antheraea eucalypti, with a similar preparation of a gut infected with oocysts of the avian parasite, Plasmodium relictum. In the latter case, after 16 hr, significant decreases occurred in the concentration of arginine, asparagine, and glutamine combined, glutamic acid, glycine, histidine, lysine, proline, and serine. Lower and less marked decreased concentrations of alanine, β-alanine, cystine, isoleucine, leucine, methionine, ornithine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophane, tyrosine, and valine also took place. This indicated utilization of certain amino acids by the developing oocysts of P. relictum in the presence of metabolizing insect cells.  相似文献   

Summary (Z)--[(Benzyloxy)- or (tert.-butyloxy)carbonylamino]- (thienyl)-or (furyl)-acrylic acids and their esters were prepared by known methods and hydrogenated to the corresponding optically active alanine derivatives with optical yields in the range of 58–93% ee using the cationic rhodium complex of PROPRAPHOS.  相似文献   

Summary The enantioselective synthesis of phosphonic analogue of kainic acid is described.  相似文献   

Summary Certain amino acids were transported across buccal mucosa in vivo by a carrier-mediated process. Metabolic loss of L-amino acids from the mouth in a 5 min test period was negligible. The buccal mucosal transport process was stereospecific for most L-amino acids tested. The uptake of L-methionine and L-leucine showed a tendency to saturation with increasing substrate concentration. The absorption of L-leucine, L-isoleucine and L-methionine as single amino acids was inhibited in the presence of each other suggesting at least one common transport mechanism. Administration of equimolar amounts of amino acids revealed a specific pattern of absorption that could be classified into fast, intermediate, and slow groups. Absorption of some amino acids was at least partly dependent on the presence of sodium ions in the luminal solution. In conclusion, our studies demonstrate that the human buccal mucosa is permeable to L-amino acids in a selective manner, and may resemble absorption pattern similar to other locations of the gastrointestinal tract.This work was supported by Grant DK39147 from the National Institutes of Diseases and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, National Institutes of Health, United States Public Health Service, and The Lord Dowding Fund for Humane Research, London, U.K.  相似文献   

The described procedure allows quantitative, highly precise and reproducible analysis of free amino acid concentrations in single polymorphonuclear leucocytes (PMLs). This method is superior to previously described procedures with regard to sample size, PML separation, sample preparation and stability, as well as the chosen fluorescence high-performance liquid chromatography procedure, and can satisfy the high demands for ultra-sensitive and comprehensive amino acid analysis, especially for the continuous surveillance of severe diseases and organ dysfunction.  相似文献   

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