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采用超临界CO2 萃取雅致枝霉的油脂 ,从最小样品需要量、处理样品能力及油脂得率等方面将其与索氏提取法进行综合对比评价 ,并对两种方法提取的雅致枝霉油脂的脂肪酸组成进行气相色谱分析。索氏法的油脂得率最高 ,但耗时较长 (>6h) ,样品需要量大 (>2 0 0 0mg) ,且提取的油脂中杂质较多 ;超临界CO2 萃取法油脂得率较索氏法低 ,但提取的油脂中杂质较少 ,单位时间内样品处理能力强 ,是索氏法的 6倍 ,且可处理微量样品 (5 0mg)。气相色谱分析结果表明两种方法提取的油脂 ,均含 12种已知脂肪酸 ,且每种脂肪酸的含量相近。综合各项指标考虑 ,超临界CO2 萃取法优于索氏法 ,是一种简便、有效的真菌油脂提取方法 ,适合油脂及多不饱和脂肪酸高产株菌筛选的实际应用需要  相似文献   

本实验采用超临界CO2萃取技术从冻干洋葱粉中萃取挥发油。以洋葱挥发油得率为考察指标,经单因素及正交试验,考察了萃取温度、萃取压力、CO2流量、萃取时间4个因素对超临界CO2流体萃取的影响。结果表明萃取压力20 MPa,萃取温度35℃,CO2流量为14 kg/h的条件下萃取2.5 h为最佳工艺,洋葱挥发油得率达0.53%。  相似文献   

超临界CO2技术萃取蛋黄磷脂   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
采用新型物理分离技术──超临界CO2萃取法,提取天然蛋黄粉中的磷脂.在40MPa,先去除蛋黄粉中甘油三酯和胆固醇,再萃取磷脂.结果显示,磷脂纯度为95%,N/P比值为1.003,λmax=214nm,薄层层析显示磷脂着色点清晰,并去除了绝大部分甘油三酯和胆固醇.此法操作简单、产品质量高、安全和不污染环境,还可得到天然纯蛋黄油和蛋白.  相似文献   

以硅藻金色奥杜藻(Odontella aurita)为实验材料,利用高效液相色谱法分析了其色素组成与含量,采取超临界CO2萃取技术研究了从干藻粉内提取岩藻黄素的条件。结果表明,该藻主要含有岩藻黄素、硅甲藻黄素、β-胡萝卜素、硅藻黄素等类胡萝卜素以及叶绿素a和叶绿素c1,其中岩藻黄素为该藻含量最高的类胡萝卜素。色素的萃取率与压强、温度、夹带剂含量以及萃取时间呈正相关,夹带剂含量对萃取率影响最大,CO2流速的影响最小;与有机溶剂法相比,超临界CO2萃取岩藻黄素效率略低,而更利于岩藻黄素的选择性萃取及分离提纯;岩藻黄素的SFE-CO2适宜条件为压强400 bar、温度50℃、CO2流速0.2 L/min、夹带剂比例10%、萃取时间2~3 h。  相似文献   

报道冬虫夏草挥发性成分的组成,为其进一步的研究工作奠定基础。采用超临界CO2萃取法从冬虫夏草子座中提取挥发性成分,气相色谱-质谱联用技术对其化学成分进行分析。超临界流体萃取物共鉴定了39种组分,占总馏出组分的86.6%以上,占色谱总馏出峰面积的98.56%以上。已鉴定组分中,含量最高的为油酸,相对含量25.6%;其次为亚油酸,相对含量22.67%;再次为棕榈酸11.86%。超临界CO2萃取法能更真实、全面的反映药材中的化学成分,适合于珍稀中药材相关组分的测定。  相似文献   

王维恩 《菌物学报》2015,34(2):321-327
超临界CO2萃取黄绿卷毛菇所得产物进行了GC-MS分析,分离和鉴定了25种脂肪酸的成分和含量,其中亚油酸相对含量为10.6%,单不饱和脂肪酸相对含量占31.5%,包括反式油酸、顺式油酸、反式-10-羟基-6-甲氧基-十八烯(10)酸、顺式-10-羟基-6-甲氧基-十八烯(10)酸、反式-11-羟基-5-甲氧基-十八烯(11)酸、顺式-11-羟基-5-甲氧基-十八烯(11)酸、7-甲氧基-11-羟基-二十烯(11)酸和6-甲氧基-12-羟基-二十烯(12)酸等,饱和脂肪酸相对含量占56.9%。  相似文献   

覆膜对绿洲棉田土壤CO2通量和CO2浓度的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于静态箱法和气井法分别测定新疆棉田覆膜位置的土壤CO2通量和CO2浓度.结果表明:土壤CO2通量和CO2浓度时间变化特征与土壤温度变化趋势一致,均表现为7月较高,10月最低.观测期内,棉田土壤CO2累积排放量非覆膜处理为2032.81 kg C·hm-2,覆膜处理为1871.95 kg C·hm-2;而1 m深度内土壤CO2浓度非覆膜处理为2165~23986μL·L-1,覆膜处理为5137~25945μL·L-1,即覆膜减少了棉田土壤排放CO2的同时增加了土壤CO2积累量.覆膜和非覆膜处理下不同深度土壤CO2浓度和CO2通量的相关系数分别为0.60~0.73和0.57~0.75,表明地表释放的CO2强烈依赖于土壤剖面储存的CO2.覆膜和非覆膜处理下Q10值分别为2.77和2.48,表明覆膜处理下的土壤CO2通量对土壤温度变化的响应更敏感.  相似文献   

超临界CO2萃取百合花挥发油的工艺研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文介绍了超临界CO2萃取百合花中挥发油的提取分离工艺,重点研究了超临界CO2萃取压力、温度、时间对出油率的影响。正交试验结果表明:影响超临界CO2萃取的主要因素为C3〉A2〉B2(A为萃取压力,B为萃取温度,C为萃取时间);最佳工艺参数:SC-CO2萃取压力为18MPa,温度为50℃,时间为90min,流量为25L/min,所得百合花挥发油的出油率高达2.92%。  相似文献   

优化超临界CO2低压、低温杀菌技术,降低细菌群体感应对杀菌效果的影响。采用液质联用法和苯酚硫酸法分别测定副溶血弧菌群体感应信号分子和胞外多糖的含量,采用微量扩散法测定所选群体感应抑制剂姜精油的群体感应抑制活性,优化联合超临界CO2杀菌工艺。随着菌落总数的增加,群体感应信号分子和胞外多糖在菌悬液中积累,激活相关基因的表达从而增强菌体感应导致超临界CO2杀菌效果下降。姜精油可作为群体感应抑制剂,其最小抑制浓度为200μg/mL,且在亚抑菌浓度下可以显著抑制副溶血弧菌的泳动性、生物膜形成(抑制率为64.20%)及菌悬液中的胞外多糖产生(抑制率为45.1%)。联合杀菌的最优工艺为群体感应抑制剂浓度75μg/mL,杀菌条件为15 MPa、40℃、20 min。姜精油可作为群体感应抑制剂应用于超临界CO2杀菌可以大幅度提升其杀菌效果,为群体感应抑制剂的应用提供理论基础。  相似文献   

研究了日光温室内CO2浓度的时空变化规律.结果表明,日光温室CO2浓度日变化曲线通常呈不规则“U”形,有时呈不规则“W”形.冬春栽培过程中日最高CO2浓度逐渐减小,日最低浓度和昼平均浓度先降后升,CO2亏缺时间逐渐延长.温室内CO2空间分布特点通常是早晨和傍晚为前部>中部>后部,近地面层>作物冠层>顶层;中午前后为前部<中部<后部,近地面层>顶层>作物冠层.影响日光温室CO2浓度变化的主要环境因素是光照度,通风不能阻止温室内高浓度CO2外逸和避免CO2亏缺.幼苗期群体光合较弱、土壤呼吸旺盛,温室CO2浓度较高;结果期群体光合旺盛、土壤呼吸衰竭,CO2亏缺严重.  相似文献   

The characteristic surface lipid compositions of several C3 and C4 plants are discussed. C4 plants produce surface lipids (epicuticular waxes) made up of the ubiquitous classes of aliphatic compounds: free fatty acids, aldehydes, primary alcohols, alkanes and aliphatic linear esters. C3 plants synthesize surface lipids comprising the ubiquitous classes and either of the two following groups of compound: (i) lβ-diketones, hydroxy lβ-diketones, alkan-2-ol esters; (il) ketones and secondary alcohols with the functional group in the middle of the hydrocarbon chain. These features are suggested to represent physioIogical characteristics of the plant and to be related to ecological adaptations. Wax class compositions might also be an ancillary method for defining the C3 or C4 mechanism of CO2 assimilation in cases where uncertainty exists.  相似文献   

【背景】随着从鱼类、农作物原料中提取不饱和脂肪酸的成本越来越高,寻找特殊且成本低的提取原料迫在眉睫。海洋环境的特殊性造就了丰富而特有的微生物资源,成为获取产不饱和脂肪酸的新策略。【目的】从湛江徐闻马尾藻中分离筛选产油脂真菌,并对其脂代谢产物进行气相色谱分析(GC)。【方法】通过利用选择性培养基及苏丹黑染色方法从马尾藻中筛选高产油脂真菌,对目标菌进行形态特征、培养特征及ITS序列鉴定,利用GC技术对三氯甲烷-甲醇提取的油脂进行组成成分分析与含油量测定。【结果】共筛选到7株产油脂真菌,其中菌株A17脂肪颗粒大且密集,是一株高产菌株,经形态与基因水平鉴定,确定菌株A17为变红镰孢菌(Fusarium incarnatum)。提取的油脂占细胞干重的24.75%,并且不饱和脂肪酸占总油脂的60.76%,其中油酸与亚油酸分别为32.80%和26.20%。【结论】该研究可为开发马尾藻中产油脂菌株提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The fatty acid (FA) composition of fresh mycelia of anaerobic rumen fungi was determined. The fatty acids methyl esters (FAME) of six strains belonging to four genera (Neocallimastix, Caecomyces, Orpinomyces, Anaeromyces) and one unknown strain were analyzed by gas chromatography. All studied fungi possess the same FAs but differences were found in their relative concentrations. The FA profile of anaerobic fungi comprises carbon chains of length ranging from 12 to 24; the most common fatty acids were stearic (C(18:0)), arachidic (C(20:0)), heneicosanoic (C(21:0)), behenic (C(22:0)), tricosanoic (C(23:0)) and lignoceric (C(24:0)) with relative amount representing >4% of total FA. Significant differences were determined for heptadecanoic, oleic, behenic and tricosanoic acids. Rumen anaerobic fungi can contain very long chain fatty acids; we found unsaturated fatty acids including cis-11-eicosenoic (C(20:1)), cis-11,14-eicosadienoic (C(20:2)), erucic (C(22:1n9)), cis-13,16-docosadienoic (C(22:2)) and nervonic (C(24:1)) acids in very small amounts but their presence seems to be unique for anaerobic fungi.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic lipid bodies (also known as lipid droplets) are intracellular deposits of arachidonic acid (AA), which can be metabolized for eicosanoid generation. PGE2 is a major AA metabolite produced by epithelial cells and can modulate restoration of epithelium homeostasis after injury. We studied lipid body biogenesis and their role in AA metabolic pathway in an epithelial cell line derived from normal rat intestinal epithelium, IEC-6 cells. Lipid bodies were virtually absent in confluent IEC-6 cells. Stimulation of confluent IEC-6 cells with unsaturated fatty acids, including AA or oleic acid (OA), induced rapid lipid body assembly that was independent on its metabolism to PGE2, but dependent on G-coupled receptor-driven signaling through p38, PKC, and PI3K. Newly formed lipid bodies compartmentalized cytosolic phospholipase (cPL)A2-α, while facilitated AA mobilization and synthesis of PGE2 within epithelial cells. Thus, both lipid body-related events, including highly regulated biogenesis and functional assembly of cPLA2-α-driven enhanced AA mobilization and PGE2 production, may have key roles in epithelial cell-driven inflammatory functions, and may represent relevant therapeutic targets of epithelial pathologies.  相似文献   

The bioluminescence-dependent oxidation of a long-chain fatty aldehyde catalyzed by luciferase from Photobacterium phosphoreum has been studied in 18O2 experiments. The results show the incorporation of one atom of molecular oxygen into the product, the corresponding fatty acid. This incorporation is not the result of exchange of 18O2 with the aldehyde prior to oxidation to the acid, thereby indicating that the bacterial luciferase catalyzes an aldehyde monooxygenase reaction which is coupled with bioluminescence.  相似文献   

Adding one equivalent of H2O2 to compounds of stoichiometry MoCl2(O)2(OPR3)2, OPR3 = OPMePh2 or OPPh3, leads to the formation of oxo-peroxo compounds MoCl2(O)(O2)(OPR3)2. The compound MoCl2(O)(O2)(OPMePh2)2 crystallized with an unequal disorder, 63%:37%, between the oxo and peroxo ligands, as verified by single-crystal X-ray diffractometry, and can be isolated in reasonable yields. MoCl2(O)(O2)(OPPh3)2, was not isolated in pure form, co-crystallized with MoCl2(O)2(OPPh3)2 in two ratios, 18%:82% and 12%:88%, respectively, and did not contain any disorder in the arrangement of the oxo and peroxo groups. These complexes accomplish the isomerization of various allylic alcohols. A mechanism of this reaction has been constructed based on 18O isotopic studies and involves exchange between the alcohol and metal bonded O atoms.  相似文献   

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