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Background: The occurrence of shrub patches, alternating with either bare soil or low herbaceous cover, is a common feature in arid and semi-arid shrublands throughout the world. This patchy pattern of vegetation may result from water limitation, modulated by plant interactions; grazing (offtake and tramping) by livestock may cause further patchiness vegetation structure.

Aims: We hypothesised that vegetation patchiness in the semi-arid shrublands of north-eastern Patagonia would be increased by livestock grazing, but not by positive interactions between adult plants of shrubs and grasses.

Methods: We compared vegetation cover and pattern at three grazing intensities (exclosure, light and heavy grazing) and measured the growth of a representative shrub and grass in the presence and absence of the other to quantify the role of plant-to-plant interactions and its interaction with grazing for vegetation structure.

Results: In the grazing exclosure and in moderately grazed areas, vegetation cover among shrub patches was larger, whereas the top cover of shrubs was lower than in the heavily grazed areas. We did not find any evidence of positive interactions between shrub and grass life forms.

Conclusions: Our results were consistent with the hypothesis that livestock grazing increased the formation of patchy vegetation cover in arid and semi-arid shrublands.  相似文献   

Savanna vegetation is controlled by bottom‐up (e.g. soil and rainfall) and top–down (e.g. fire and herbivory) factors, all of which have an effect on biodiversity. Little is known about the relative contribution of these factors to biodiversity, particularly the long‐term effects of top–down disturbance on patterns of woody plant composition. The aim of this study was to identify if various degrees of disturbance regimes create distinct woody species community assemblages. Data were collected over 1820 plots across Kruger National Park, South Africa. Woody species were identified and categorized into one of three height classes: shrub (0.75–2.5 m), brush (2.5–5.5 m), and tree (>5.5 m). Species richness and composition were calculated for each site and height class. A combination of long‐term fire and elephant density data were used to delineate areas with varying degrees of top–down disturbance (i.e. low, medium and high). Using these degrees of disturbance, species composition was identified and community assemblages constructed according to each disturbance regime. Our results suggest that areas with similar disturbance regimes have similar species composition. Shrub composition was mainly responsive to the number of fires between the years 1941–1990, while tree composition was more responsive to elephant disturbance. A few dominant species were found equally under all degrees of disturbance at all height classes, while others were more regularly found under specific disturbance regimes at particular height classes. This study highlights that while species richness does not appear to be influenced by long‐term, top–down disturbance regimes, species community composition may be responsive to these disturbances. Most species and structural classes persisted across all disturbance regimes, but the long‐term effects of top–down disturbances can influence compositional and structural biodiversity. This information provides context for management policies related to artificial water provision, elephants and fire.  相似文献   

We examined the nature of long‐term grazing management implemented in 51 Travelling Stock Reserves (TSRs) in the Albury region, and investigated potential relationships between grazing intensity and conservation values. In general, grazing intensities in most TSRs decreased over the 22 year study period. Most TSRs were lightly grazed (density = 1.1 DSE/ha/year), and stocked for <2 months per year, but some were much more heavily grazed. Spring grazing intensity was found to be negatively associated with TSR conservation values. Our results suggest that grazing management aims to achieve both production and conservation outcomes are not necessarily exclusive to each other.  相似文献   

Trioncinia retroflexa (Asteraceae) is a rare perennial herb endemic to Dichanthium‐dominated grasslands on basaltic soils in central Queensland. Trioncinia lives for approximately 5 years and some seed remains viable in the soil for at least 18 months. Population densities increased sixfold over 4 years, coinciding with recovery during a period of above‐average rainfall after a 4‐year drought preceding this study. The species’ lifespan, which can exceed 5 years, coupled with its extended seed‐bank viability ensures that populations can endure drought despite low levels of seedling recruitment. The restricted occurrence of the species to spasmodically grazed stock routes provides evidence that Trioncinia is sensitive to the continuous grazing that typically occurs in paddocks. The hypothesis that the species requires occasional disturbance for survival was experimentally tested. Recruitment was depressed with burning and inflorescence production enhanced with both burning and simulated intense spasmodic grazing after the first application of treatments. However, these effects were not evident after a second application of the treatments and there were no significant effects of treatment on population densities at the completion of the 4‐year experiment. Although not requisite, sporadic dry‐season grazing and burning of these areas would appear to be compatible with the survival of Trioncinia. This project highlights the value of stock routes for rare plant conservation.  相似文献   

Question: What are the long‐term effects of grazing exclusion on the population structure and dynamics of, and interactions among, three dominant shrub species? Location: Grass‐shrub Patagonian steppe, Chubut, Argentina. Methods: Permanent plots were established in grazed paddocks and paddocks excluded from grazing in representative Patagonian rangelands. Shrub abundance, population size‐structure, short‐term (two 3‐yr periods) and long‐term (matrix models) population dynamics, and neighborhood interactions of three native and codominant shrub species (Mulinum spinosum, Senecio filaginoides and Adesmia volckmanni) were measured and analysed using different statistical approaches. Results: The total density of shrubs was 74% higher in paddocks excluded from grazing, owing mainly to increases in Mulinum (80%) and Senecio (68%) species. However, differences in size structure between ungrazed and grazed paddocks were only detected in Mulinum. Demographic rates differed between shrub species, time‐periods and grazing conditions. In particular, recruitment in the short term (especially in wet years) and population growth rate in the long term (λ) were higher in paddocks excluded from grazing only in Mulinum populations. Senecio populations showed a marginal increase in recruitment and mortality independent of the grazing condition in the wet and dry period. Grazing exclusion modified the balance of neighborhood interactions among the three shrub species. In grazing‐exclusion paddocks, there was a balance between positive and negative interspecific interactions, while in grazed paddocks there were more negative intraspecific and interspecific interactions, resulting in a net negative balance of neighborhood interactions. Conclusions: Our understanding of woody encroachment in arid rangelands can be informed through evaluation of direct and indirect effects of grazing exclusion on the abundance and demography of dominant woody species. In Patagonian arid steppes, the occurrence of woody encroachment in rangelands excluded from grazing can be explained by altered responses in plant‐animal and plant‐plant interactions among shrub species.  相似文献   

为了揭示高寒小嵩草草甸群落在放牧扰动下,探讨土壤养分供给水平的变化对生态系统初级生产力和多样性影响,为高寒草地的退化演替机理研究提供依据,以野外样地调查和室内分析法研究了放牧扰动下高寒草甸植物多样性、生产力对土壤养分条件变化的响应.结果表明,放牧干扰不仅改变了高寒小蒿草草甸群落土壤根系和蕴育土壤根系的"载体"量及根土比例,改变了植物群落的结构和功能,而且使土壤的物理和化学特性发生了明显的改变.随着放牧强度的增加,蕴育土壤根系的基质量逐渐减少,根土比特别是0~10 cm土层的根土比例增加;"载体"量减少导致大部分地下根系由于营养供给水平的降低而死亡,归还土壤中有机质的数量逐渐减少,加之地上部分持续利用,土壤养分也在不断消耗,土壤基质量的减少和土壤资源持续供给能力的下降,草地发生逆向演替(退化),表现在:物种数减少、多样性下降、能量的分配转向地下等;土壤性状上的某些改变(土壤容重、土壤湿度等),也会引起植被组成、物种多样性变化;放牧主要通过影响土壤环境及其养分含量来改变草地群落生物量(地上、地下);土壤表面的适度干扰和原有植物的适度破坏为新成员提供了小生境,从而允许新的植物侵入群落,并提高了植物的丰富度.但是,在受到强度干扰时,草地植物群落的主要物种的优势地位发生明显的替代变化.  相似文献   

Question: We studied the interactive effects of grazing and dwarf shrub cover on the structure of a highly diverse annual plant community. Location: Mediterranean, semi‐arid shrubland in the Northern Negev desert, Israel. Methods: Variation in the biomass and plant density of annual species in the shrub and open patches was monitored during four years, inside and outside exclosures protected from sheep grazing, in two contrasting topographic sites: north and south‐facing slopes that differed in their dominant dwarf shrubs species: Sarcopoterium spinosus and Corydothymus capitatus, respectively. Results: Above‐ground biomass, density and richness of annual species were lower under the canopy of both shrub species compared to the adjacent open patches in the absence of grazing. Grazing reduced the biomass of annuals in open patches of both topographic sites, but not in the shrub patches. On the north‐facing slope, grazing also reduced plant density and richness in the open patches, but increased plant density in the shrub patches. At the species level, various response patterns to the combined effects of grazing and patch type were exhibited by different annuals. Protection against the direct impacts of grazing by shrub cover as well as species‐specific interactions between shrubs and annuals were observed. A conceptual mechanistic model explaining these interactions is proposed. Conclusion: In semi‐arid Mediterranean shrublands grazing and dwarf shrub cover interact in shaping the structure of the annual plant community through (1) direct impacts of grazing restricted to the open patches, (2) species‐specific facilitation/ interference occurring in the shrub patches and (3) subsequent further processes occurring among the interconnected shrub and open patches mediated through variation in seed flows between patches.  相似文献   

The abundance and composition of seed rain was measured over 14 months (February 2004 to March 2005) in Currawinya National Park, western Queensland. The experimental design included four measurement periods, three vegetation communities and two grazing regimes. A total of 12 586 seeds from 104 species were captured. There were significantly more seeds and species captured during the measurement period with the least rainfall, although no significant correlation was found between the amount of rainfall and the number of seeds or species captured. More seeds and species were captured where native and feral grazing pressure was removed, but this was only significant for the number of species. The above‐ground vegetation showed no significant difference between grazing treatments over the study period and exhibited far fewer species than the seed rain. However, the majority of species found in the above‐ground vegetation were represented in the seed rain. Hypotheses are explored as an attempt to understand the apparent lack of a relationship between seed rain and rainfall. The effects of grazing and seed movement and storage are also discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. Question: Does the seed bank filter annual plant composition and determine cover at the species level? Location: 510 m a.s.l., central Spain. Methods: Seven transects and 136 quadrats were established in a semi‐arid gypsum system. Seed bank samples were collected in each quadrat in September. The community was sampled the following April. For each quadrat we measured slope, microslope, landform, elevation, perennial cover and crust cover. Seed bank was estimated using the direct emergence method in glasshouse. Relationship among seed bank and annual community was assessed by Mantel correlations. Above‐ground cover for the five most abundant species was modelled with GLMs. Results: Seed bank density was the best predictor for annual community cover; perennial cover and landform were also included in the model. Species composition between September seed bank and April annual community cover was also highly related according to the Mantel test. This relationship was constant, even when the effect due to other abiotic (landform, microslope) or biotic (perennial cover, crust cover) parameters were partialled out. Microslope, elevation and seed bank density were the best parameters to predict spring cover of the five most abundant species. Conclusions: Above‐ground and below‐ground community compartments are strongly related in terms of abundance and species composition. This relationship is filtered by several environmental factors (e.g. perennial cover, landform, microslope) that exert a strong control at community and individual levels. Our results support the hypothesis that annual community performance is affected by seed bank pattern.  相似文献   

Abstract. Question: What are the grazing effects in the spatial organization and the internal structure of high and low cover patches from a two‐phase vegetation mosaic? Location: Patagonian steppe, Argentina. Methods: We mapped vegetation under three different grazing conditions: ungrazed, lightly grazed and heavily grazed. We analysed the spatial patterns of the dominant life forms. Also, in each patch type, we determined density, species composition, richness, diversity, size structure and dead biomass of grasses under different grazing conditions. Results: The vegetation was spatially organized in a two‐phase mosaic. High cover patches resulted from the association of grasses and shrubs and low cover patches were represented by scattered tussock grasses on bare ground. This spatial organization was not affected by grazing, but heavy grazing changed the grass species involved in high cover patches and reduced the density and cover of grasses in both patch types. Species richness and diversity in high cover patches decreased under grazing conditions, whereas in low cover patches it remained unchanged. Also, the decrease of palatable grasses was steeper in high cover patches than in low cover patches under grazing conditions. Conclusions: We suggest that although grazing promotes or inhibits particular species, it does not modify the mosaic structure of Patagonian steppe. The fact that the mosaic remained unchanged after 100 years of grazing suggests that grazing does not compromize population processes involved in maintaining patch structure, including seed dispersal, establishment or biotic interactions among life forms.  相似文献   

There is a general perception that dust accumulation on plant surfaces causes negative impacts to plants. Consequently, it is common for environmental regulatory agencies to apply vegetation monitoring requirements to oil, gas and mining developments. We use two independent, medium‐term monitoring studies in semi‐arid Australia to examine this relationship at two scales: plant health and survivorship of a threatened subspecies (Tetratheca paynterae paynterae: Elaeocarpaceae) at Windarling Range between 2003 and 2014; and changes in plant health and floristic composition on Barrow Island between 2009 and 2014. Accumulation of dust decreased rapidly with distance from source. At Windarling Range, even at the site with the highest dust load, there was no significant impact on Tetratheca paynterae paynterae compared with the less dusty sites for 10 years. Similarly, there was no significant effect between distance from the source of dust and floristic composition on Barrow Island for 5 years. The probability of plants transitioning to a lower health condition between one year and the next did not appear to be related to dust load. This is further supported by comparing the same site before and after paving the road (removal of dust source), which showed no clear trends. Trends in plant health are likely to be driven more by the variability of cumulative rainfall in the preceding 5 months than dust load. The observed temporal variation in the mean dust load may also be related to variation in rainfall. In conclusion, in these case studies from semi‐arid Australia, we find no evidence to support the perception that, under the observed climatic condition and dust deposition rates up to 20 or 77 g m?2 per month at Windarling Range and Barrow Island, respectively, dust accumulation on plants causes negative impacts.  相似文献   

Abstract. We investigated the effects of recent fires on the native ant communities in two habitats of north-west Patagonia that differ in vegetation structural complexity. Using bait traps, we sampled ants in replicated scrub and steppe areas including paired burned and unburned sites. Fires significantly reduced plant cover and ant diversity only in scrub sites. The drop in diversity was due to (a) a reduction in the abundance of rare species associated with woody vegetation, and (b) an increase in the abundance of the dominant species, which thrive in more xeric microclimatic conditions. Consequently, ant assemblage structure of burned scrub approaches that of steppe sites. Our findings suggest that the effects of disturbances on ant assemblages depends both on habitat characteristics, which in turn determine the extent of the changes induced by the disturbance, and on the regional context of the ant fauna, which in turn determines the ability of the ants to deal with the post-disturbance conditions.  相似文献   

客观、综合评价野果林放牧强度对正确认识林牧矛盾,制定科学合理的放牧制度具有重要意义。目前的研究主要集中在野果林放牧对植被群落特征和物种多样性影响上,然而野果林放牧活动本身的关注以及放牧强度的量化方法等方面尚不明确。基于此以新疆野果林6个典型放牧区为试验地,分析对比各放牧区的草本群落组成结构、生长特征、物种多样性以及牧道特征,并筛选出评价放牧干扰强度的主导因子,对其放牧干扰强度进行定量评价。结果表明:(1)草本群落特征方面,杏花沟物种数最多,且以禾本科种属植物为优势种;但莫乎儿沟草本密度比杏花沟高1.26%;各放牧区物种多样性水平存在显著差异,与其他放牧区相比,莫乎儿沟Shannon-Wiener多样性、Simpson优势度指数最高,分别为1.92、0.84,而吾都布拉克沟的Pielou均匀度指数最大;(2)牧道特征方面,伊勒格代沟的牧道密度显著大于匹里青沟,分别为19.23%、14.77%,而杏花沟的牧道宽度显著大于大西沟;在牧道分布格局上,除匹里青沟外,其他放牧区皆为均匀分布;(3)相关性分析表明草本群落结构特征、物种多样性水平及牧道特征指标间均存在较好的相关关系,对其12个指标主成分分析筛选出草本群落盖度、生物量、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Simpson优势度指数以及牧道密度与格局指数可作为评价放牧干扰强度的主导因子,依据牧压指数判定杏花沟与莫乎儿沟为轻、中度放牧干扰,大西沟、伊勒戈代沟、吾都布拉克沟与匹里青沟为重度或极度放牧干扰。当前新疆野果林整体受到放牧重度干扰,急需优化或者制定科学的放牧制度维护野果林的可持续发展。  相似文献   

Continuous livestock grazing can have negative effects on biodiversity and landscape function in arid and semi‐arid rangelands. Alternative grazing management practices, such as rotational grazing, may be a viable option for broad‐scale biodiversity conservation and sustainable pastoral management. This study compared ground cover, plant species composition and floristic and functional diversity along gradients of grazing intensity between a pastoral property rotationally grazed by goats and an adjacent nature reserve (ungrazed by commercial livestock) in semi‐arid south‐eastern Australia. Understorey plant species composition differed significantly between the rotationally grazed property and the nature reserve, with a greater proportion and frequency of palatable species recorded in the nature reserve. Understorey plant species richness, diversity, functional biodiversity measures and ground cover declined with increasing grazing pressure close to water points under commercial rotational grazing management. However, at a whole‐paddock scale, there were few differences in plant biodiversity and ground cover between the rotationally grazed property and the nature reserve, despite differences in overall plant species composition. Flexible, adaptive, rotational grazing should be investigated further for its potential to achieve both socio‐economic and biodiversity conservation outcomes in semi‐arid rangelands to complement existing conservation reserves.  相似文献   

An extensive study of vegetation changes as a consequence of fire and grazing pressure and their effect on small mammal populations inside the Maasai Mara National Reserve, Kenya, was carried out during May–June 1997. Comparison of vegetation maps from 1979 and 1998 suggested that vegetation in 46% of the Reserve area converted from shrubland to grassland, possibly as a result of fire and grazing pressure. We tested the hypothesis that in areas with high fire and grazing impact the population of small mammals was negatively affected. A low density of rodents was recorded in all habitats except in areas of human activity, where artificial resources are constantly present. Capture efforts were unsuccessful in grasslands. Our results confirm those of Norton‐Griffiths (1979) and Dublin (1995) , i.e. that fire and grazing pressure impact the vegetation of the Serengeti–Mara ecosystem and limit the natural regeneration of woodlands. This indirectly affects the small mammal community, which is limited in its long‐term establishment.  相似文献   

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