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There is a widespread belief that we are experiencing a mass extinction event similar in severity to previous mass extinction events in the last 600 million years where up to 95% of species disappeared. This paper reviews evidence for current extinctions and different methods of assessing extinction rates including species–area relationships and loss of tropical forests, changing threat status of species, co-extinction rates and modelling the impact of climate change. For 30 years some have suggested that extinctions through tropical forest loss are occurring at a rate of up to 100 species a day and yet less than 1,200 extinctions have been recorded in the last 400 years. Reasons for low number of identified global extinctions are suggested here and include success in protecting many endangered species, poor monitoring of most of the rest of species and their level of threat, extinction debt where forests have been lost but species still survive, that regrowth forests may be important in retaining ‘old growth’ species, fewer co-extinctions of species than expected, and large differences in the vulnerability of different taxa to extinction threats. More recently, others have suggested similar rates of extinction to earlier estimates but with the key cause of extinction being climate change, and in particular rising temperatures, rather than deforestation alone. Here I suggest that climate change, rather than deforestation is likely to bring about such high levels of extinction since the impacts of climate change are local to global and that climate change is acting synergistically with a range of other threats to biodiversity including deforestation.  相似文献   

Species are not independent points for comparative analyses because closely related species share more evolutionary history and are therefore more similar to each other than distantly related species. The extent to which independent-contrast analysis reduces type I and type II statistical error in comparison with cross-species analysis depends on the relative branch lengths in the phylogenetic tree: as deeper branches get relatively long, cross-species analyses have more statistical type I and type II error. Phylogenetic trees reconstructed from extant species, under the assumptions of a branching process with speciation (branching) and extinction rates remaining constant through time, will have relatively longer deep branches as the extinction rate increases relative to the speciation rate. We compare the statistical performance of cross-species and independent-contrast analyses with varying relative extinction rates, and conclude that cross-species comparisons have unacceptable statistical performance, particularly when extinction rates are relatively high.  相似文献   

Recent analyses have suggested that extinction and origination rates exhibit long-range correlations, implying that the fossil record may be controlled by self-organized criticality or other scale-free internal dynamics of the biosphere. Here we directly test for correlations in the fossil record by calculating the autocorrelation of extinction [corrected] and origination rates through time. Our results show that extinction rates are uncorrelated beyond the average duration of a stratigraphic interval. Thus, they lack the long-range correlations predicted by the self-organized criticality hypothesis. In contrast, origination rates show strong autocorrelations due to long-term trends. After detrending, origination rates generally show weak positive correlations at lags of 5-10 million years (Myr) and weak negative correlations at lags of 10-30 Myr, consistent with aperiodic oscillations around their long-term trends. We hypothesize that origination rates are more correlated than extinction rates because originations of new taxa create new ecological niches and new evolutionary pathways for reaching them, thus creating conditions that favour further diversification.  相似文献   

We explore extinction rates using a spatially arranged set of subpopulations obeying Ricker dynamics. The population system is subjected to dispersal of individuals among the subpopulations as well as to local and global disturbances. We observe a tight positive correlation between global extinction rate and the level of synchrony in dynamics among thesubpopulations. Global disturbances and to a lesser extent, migration, are capable of synchronizing the temporal dynamics of the subpopulations over a rather wide span of the population growth rate r. Local noise decreases synchrony, as does increasing distance among the subpopulations. Synchrony also levels off with increasing r: in the chaotic region, subpopulations almost invariably behave asynchronously. We conclude that it is asynchrony that reduces the probability of global extinctions, not chaos as such: chaos is a special case only. The relationship between global extinction rate, synchronous dynamics and population growth rate is robust to changes in dispersal rates and ranges.  相似文献   

A global synthesis of plant extinction rates in urban areas   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Plant extinctions from urban areas are a growing threat to biodiversity worldwide. To minimize this threat, it is critical to understand what factors are influencing plant extinction rates. We compiled plant extinction rate data for 22 cities around the world. Two-thirds of the variation in plant extinction rates was explained by a combination of the city's historical development and the current proportion of native vegetation, with the former explaining the greatest variability. As a single variable, the amount of native vegetation remaining also influenced extinction rates, particularly in cities > 200 years old. Our study demonstrates that the legacies of landscape transformations by agrarian and urban development last for hundreds of years, and modern cities potentially carry a large extinction debt. This finding highlights the importance of preserving native vegetation in urban areas and the need for mitigation to minimize potential plant extinctions in the future.  相似文献   

E M Goodman  P S Kim 《Biochemistry》1991,30(50):11615-11620
The two-stranded coiled-coil motif, which includes leucine zippers, is a simple protein structure that is well suited for studies of helix-helix interactions. The interaction between helices in a coiled coil involves packing of "knobs" into "holes", as predicted by Crick in 1953 and confirmed recently by X-ray crystallography for the GCN4 leucine zipper [O'Shea, E.K., Klemm, J.D., Kim, P.S., & Alber, T. (1991) Science 254, 539]. A striking periodicity, extending over six helical turns, is observed in the rates of hydrogen-deuterium exchange for amide protons in a peptide corresponding to the leucine zipper of GCN4. Protons at the hydrophobic interface show the most protection from exchange. The NMR chemical shifts of amide protons in the helices also show a pronounced periodicity which predicts a short H-bond followed by a long H-bond every seven residues. This variation was anticipated in 1953 by Pauling and is sufficient to give rise to a local left-handed superhelical twist characteristic of coiled coils. The amide protons that lie at the base of the "hole" in the "knobs-into-holes" packing show slow amide proton exchange rates and are predicted to have short H-bond lengths. These results suggest that tertiary interactions can lead to highly localized, but substantial, differences in stability and dynamics within a secondary structure element and emphasize the dominant nature of packing interactions in determining protein structure.  相似文献   

The birth-death process is widely used in phylogenetics to model speciation and extinction. Recent studies have shown that the inferred rates are sensitive to assumptions about the sampling probability of lineages. Here, we examine the effect of the method used to sample lineages. Whereas previous studies have assumed random sampling (RS), we consider two extreme cases of biased sampling: "diversified sampling" (DS), where tips are selected to maximize diversity and "cluster sampling (CS)," where sample diversity is minimized. DS appears to be standard practice, for example, in analyses of higher taxa, whereas CS may occur under special circumstances, for example, in studies of geographically defined floras or faunas. Using both simulations and analyses of empirical data, we show that inferred rates may be heavily biased if the sampling strategy is not modeled correctly. In particular, when a diversified sample is treated as if it were a random or complete sample, the extinction rate is severely underestimated, often close to 0. Such dramatic errors may lead to serious consequences, for example, if estimated rates are used in assessing the vulnerability of threatened species to extinction. Using Bayesian model testing across 18 empirical data sets, we show that DS is commonly a better fit to the data than complete, random, or cluster sampling (CS). Inappropriate modeling of the sampling method may at least partly explain anomalous results that have previously been attributed to variation over time in birth and death rates.  相似文献   

Aim Conservation of species is an ongoing concern. Location Worldwide. Methods We examined historical extinction rates for birds and mammals and contrasted island and continental extinctions. Australia was included as an island because of its isolation. Results Only six continental birds and three continental mammals were recorded in standard databases as going extinct since 1500 compared to 123 bird species and 58 mammal species on islands. Of the extinctions, 95% were on islands. On a per unit area basis, the extinction rate on islands was 177 times higher for mammals and 187 times higher for birds than on continents. The continental mammal extinction rate was between 0.89 and 7.4 times the background rate, whereas the island mammal extinction rate was between 82 and 702 times background. The continental bird extinction rate was between 0.69 and 5.9 times the background rate, whereas for islands it was between 98 and 844 times the background rate. Undocumented prehistoric extinctions, particularly on islands, amplify these trends. Island extinction rates are much higher than continental rates largely because of introductions of alien predators (including man) and diseases. Main conclusions Our analysis suggests that conservation strategies for birds and mammals on continents should not be based on island extinction rates and that on islands the key factor to enhance conservation is to alleviate pressures from uncontrolled hunting and predation.  相似文献   

Over the past decade or so it has become increasingly popular to use reconstructed evolutionary trees to investigate questions about the rates of speciation and extinction. Although the methodology of this field has grown substantially in its sophistication in recent years, here I will take a step back to present a very simple model that is designed to investigate the relatively straightforward question of whether the tempo of diversification (speciation and extinction) differs between two or more phylogenetic trees, without attempting to attribute a causal basis to this difference. It is a likelihood method, and I demonstrate that it generally shows type I error that is close to the nominal level. I also demonstrate that parameter estimates obtained with this approach are largely unbiased. As this method can be used to compare trees of unknown relationship, it will be particularly well‐suited to problems in which a difference in diversification rate between clades is suspected, but in which these clades are not particularly closely related. As diversification methods can easily take into account an incomplete sampling fraction, but missing lineages are assumed to be missing at random, this method is also appropriate for cases in which we have hypothesized a difference in the process of diversification between two or more focal clades, but in which many unsampled groups separate the few of interest. The method of this study is by no means an attempt to replace more sophisticated models in which, for instance, diversification depends on the state of an observed or unobserved discrete or continuous trait. Rather, my intention is to provide a complementary approach for circumstances in which a simpler hypothesis is warranted and of biological interest.  相似文献   

A model of population growth is studied in which the Leslie matrix for each time interval is chosen according to a Markov process. It is shown analytically that the distribution of total population number is lognormal at long times. Measures of population growth are compared and it is shown that a mean logarithmic growth rate and a logarithmic variance effectively describe growth and extinction at long times. Numerical simulations are used to explore the convergence to lognormality and the effects of environmental variance and autocorrelation. The results given apply to other geometric growth models which involve nonnegative growth matrices.  相似文献   



A positive relationship between diversification (i.e., speciation) and nucleotide substitution rates is commonly reported for angiosperm clades. However, the underlying cause of this relationship is often unknown because multiple intrinsic and extrinsic factors can affect the relationship, and these have confounded previous attempts infer causation. Determining which factor drives this oft-reported correlation can lend insight into the macroevolutionary process.  相似文献   

Estimating the rate of change of the composition of communities is of direct interest to address many fundamental and applied questions in ecology. One methodological problem is that it is hard to detect all the species present in a community. Nichols et al. presented an estimator of the local extinction rate that takes into account species probability of detection, but little information is available on its performance. However, they predicted that if a covariance between species detection probability and local extinction rate exists in a community, the estimator of local extinction rate complement would be positively biased.
Here, we show, using simulations over a wide range of parameters that the estimator performs reasonably well. The bias induced by biological factors appears relatively weak. The most important factor enhancing the performance (bias and precision) of the local extinction rate complement estimator is sampling effort. Interestingly, a potentially important biological bias, such as the covariance effect, improves the estimation for small sampling efforts, without inducing a supplementary overestimation when these sampling efforts are high. In the field, all species are rarely detectable so we recommend the use of such estimators that take into account heterogeneity in species detection probability when estimating vital rates responsible for community changes.  相似文献   

Recent climate change has caused the distributions of many species to shift poleward, yet few empirical studies have addressed which species will be vulnerable to longer-term climate changes. To investigate past consequences of climate change, we calculated the population extinction rates of 35 reptile species from 87 Greek land-bridge islands in the Mediterranean that occurred over the past 16,000 years. Population extinction rates were higher for those species that today have more northern distributions. We further found that northern species requiring cool, mesic habitats had less available suitable habitat among islands, implicating loss of suitable habitat in their elevated extinction rates. These extinctions occurred in the context of increasing habitat fragmentation, with islands shrinking and separating as sea levels rose. Thus, the circumstances faced by reptiles on the islands are similar to challenges for numerous species today that must cope with a changing climate while living in an increasingly human-fragmented landscape. Our island-biogeographical approach to investigating historical population extinctions gives insight into the long-term patterns of species responses to climate change.  相似文献   

Habitat destruction is a critical factor that affects persistence in several taxa, including Pacific salmon. Salmon are noted for their ability to home to their natal streams for reproduction. Since straying (i.e., spawners reproducing in nonnatal streams) is typically low in salmon, its effects have not been appreciated. In this article, we develop both a general analytical model and a simple simulation model describing structured metapopulations to study how weak connections between subpopulations affect the ability of a species to tolerate habitat destruction and/or declines in habitat quality. Our goals are to develop general principles and to relate these principles to salmon population dynamics. The analytical model describes the dynamics of two density-dependent subpopulations, connected by dispersal, whose growth rates fluctuate in response to environmental and demographic stochasticity. We find that, for moderate levels of environmental variability, small dispersal rates can significantly increase mean extinction times. This effect declines with increasing habitat quality, increasing temporal correlation, and increasing spatial correlation, but it is still significant for realistic parameter values. The simulation model shows there is a threshold rate of dispersal that minimizes extinction probabilities. These results cannot be seen in classical metapopulation models and provide new insights into the rescue effect.  相似文献   

不同生境毁坏速度下的物种灭绝机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘会玉  林振山  温腾  梁仁君 《生态学报》2007,27(6):2410-2418
已有似Levins的多物种模型,在研究生境毁坏的影响时,一方面主要集中在对瞬间毁坏影响的研究,另一方面主要研究生境毁坏对强物种影响的研究。在Tilman的多物种竞争共存模型的基础上,同时考虑了生境毁坏直接效应和生境毁坏时间异质性,提出了全新的普适的多物种竞争共存的非自治动力模式。通过模拟物种灭绝对不同速度的生境毁坏时间异质性的响应发现:(1)物种灭绝既存在强物种由强到弱的灭绝,也存在弱物种由弱到强的灭绝。同时,弱物种灭绝机制进一步分为弱物种瞬间集体灭绝,以及较长时间由弱到强的灭绝。(2)生境毁坏速度越快,物种灭绝的时间越短,弱物种灭绝的越多,因此,生境毁坏速度越慢,越有利于弱物种的长期续存。(3)最强物种的多度越大,强-强物种抵御生境毁坏的能力越强,而弱-弱物种抵御生境毁坏的能力越弱,集体灭绝的弱-弱物种就越多。最强物种的多度大的群落(如温带森林),主要发生的是弱-弱物种灭绝,而最强物种多度小的群落(如热带雨林)同时发生强-强和弱-弱物种的灭绝。因此,争对不同结构的集合种群,不同的保护对象,应采取不同的管理策略。  相似文献   

Mutational meltdown describes an eco‐evolutionary process in which the accumulation of deleterious mutations causes a fitness decline that eventually leads to the extinction of a population. Possible applications of this concept include medical treatment of RNA virus infections based on mutagenic drugs that increase the mutation rate of the pathogen. To determine the usefulness and expected success of such an antiviral treatment, estimates of the expected time to mutational meltdown are necessary. Here, we compute the extinction time of a population under high mutation rates, using both analytical approaches and stochastic simulations. Extinction is the result of three consecutive processes: (a) initial accumulation of deleterious mutations due to the increased mutation pressure; (b) consecutive loss of the fittest haplotype due to Muller''s ratchet; (c) rapid population decline toward extinction. We find accurate analytical results for the mean extinction time, which show that the deleterious mutation rate has the strongest effect on the extinction time. We confirm that intermediate‐sized deleterious selection coefficients minimize the extinction time. Finally, our simulations show that the variation in extinction time, given a set of parameters, is surprisingly small.  相似文献   

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