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One of the central goals of the field of population ecology is to identify the drivers of population dynamics, particularly in the context of predator–prey relationships. Understanding the relative role of top‐down versus bottom‐up drivers is of particular interest in understanding ecosystem dynamics. Our goal was to explore predator–prey relationships in a boreal ecosystem in interior Alaska through the use of multispecies long‐term monitoring data. We used 29 years of field data and a dynamic multistate site occupancy modeling approach to explore the trophic relationships between an apex predator, the golden eagle, and cyclic populations of the two primary prey species available to eagles early in the breeding season, snowshoe hare and willow ptarmigan. We found that golden eagle reproductive success was reliant on prey numbers, but also responded prior to changes in the phase of the snowshoe hare population cycle and failed to respond to variation in hare cycle amplitude. There was no lagged response to ptarmigan populations, and ptarmigan populations recovered quickly from the low phase. Together, these results suggested that eagle reproduction is largely driven by bottom‐up processes, with little evidence of top‐down control of either ptarmigan or hare populations. Although the relationship between golden eagle reproductive success and prey abundance had been previously established, here we established prey populations are likely driving eagle dynamics through bottom‐up processes. The key to this insight was our focus on golden eagle reproductive parameters rather than overall abundance. Although our inference is limited to the golden eagle–hare–ptarmigan relationships we studied, our results suggest caution in interpreting predator–prey abundance patterns among other species as strong evidence for top‐down control.  相似文献   

Despite their important role in regulating gene expression, posttranslational histone modifications remain technically challenging to analyze. For identification by bottom‐up MS, propionylation is required prior to and following trypsin digestion. Hereby, more hydrophobic peptides are generated enabling RP HPLC separation. When histone dynamics are studied in a quantitative manner, specificity, and efficiency of this chemical derivatization are crucial. Therefore we examined eight different protocols, including two different propionylation reagents. This revealed amidation (up to 70%) and methylation (up to 9%) of carboxyl groups as a side reaction. Moreover, incomplete (up to 85%) as well as a specific propionylation (up to 63%) can occur, depending on the protocol. These results highlight the possible pitfalls and implications for data analysis when doing bottom‐up MS on histones.  相似文献   

Environmental change strongly affects primary productivity of ecosystems via modifying bottom–up and top–down regulation of primary producers. Here we present a novel approach to quantify the relative importance of regulating factors in natural systems over various time scales: we calculated daily effect sizes of major factors affecting phytoplankton growth during the spring bloom period during almost three decades of lake oligotrophication using numerical experiments with a data based simulation model. We show that with oligotrophication the regulation of spring phytoplankton shifts from primarily top–down to bottom–up, and that the changes in regulation are non‐linearly related to the nutrient (phosphorus) concentrations. Our findings indicate that long‐term changes in top–down regulation cannot be understood without considering multiple herbivore taxa, here, microzooplankton (ciliates) and mesozooplankton (daphnids). We further demonstrate that bottom–up and top–down regulation are not independent from each other and that their interaction is time‐scale dependent.  相似文献   

Research on the role of top–down (predation) and bottom–up (food) effects in food webs has led to the understanding that the variability of these effects in space and time is a fundamental feature of natural systems. Consequently, our measurement tools must allow us to evaluate the effects from a dynamical perspective. A population‐dynamics approach may be appropriate to the task. More specifically, because food and predators both affect birth rate, birth rate dynamics may be a key to understanding their impact on the population of interest. Based on the Edmondson–Paloheimo model for birth rate, we propose a new population metric to assess the relative strength of top–down vs bottom–up effects. The metric is the ratio of contributions of changes in proportion of adults and fecundity to change in birth rate. Proportion of adults reflects a top–down effect (predators are assumed to be size‐selective), fecundity reflects a bottom–up effect, and birth rate appears as a common currency with which to compare the former and the latter. Using microcosm experiments and computer simulations on the cladoceran Daphnia, we calibrate the metric and show that, in both types of tests, the ratio of contributions is typically 0.5–0.7 under a strong bottom–up effect and 2.0–2.2 under a strong top–down effect. This provides experimental evidence that the ratio of contributions may allow one to distinguish a strong top–down effect from a strong bottom–up effect.  相似文献   

We experimentally and theoretically investigated the persistence of hosts and parasitoids interacting in a metapopulation structure consisting of ephemeral local patches (MELPs). We used a host–parasitoid system consisting of necrophagous Diptera species and their pupal parasitoids. The basal resources used by the host species were assumed to be ephemeral, supporting only one generation of individuals before completely disappearing from the environment. We experimentally measured the host–parasitoid persistence and the effects of local demographic processes in two scenarios: 1) constant occurrence of basal resources at a single site (no dispersion or colonization of other sites) and 2) variable occurrence of basal resources between two sites (colonization of a new patch requiring species dispersal). The experimental setup and findings were then formalized into a mathematical model describing the interaction dynamics in a MELP structure. We evaluated the contribution of several factors to the host–parasitoid coexistence, such as resource allocation probability (probability of resource appearance in a site), variation in resource size and number of sites available to receive resources in the MELP. We found that demographic fluctuations and environmental stochasticity affected the density of migrants, patch habitat connectivity, persistence and spatial distribution of interacting species.  相似文献   

Understanding the ecological mechanisms that underlie species diversity decline in response to environmental change has become an urgent objective in current ecological research. Not only direct (lethal) effects on single species but also indirect effects altering biotic interactions between species within and across trophic levels comprise the driving force of ecosystem change. In an experimental marine benthic microalgae–grazer system we tested for indirect effects of moderate temperature change on algal diversity by manipulation of temperature, nutrient supply and grazer density. In our model system warming did not exert indirect effects on microalgal diversity via effects on resource competition. However, moderate warming strengthened consumer control and thereby indirectly affected algal community structure which ultimately resulted in decreased diversity. Only in low temperature and low nutrient regimes did the antagonizing mechanisms of bottom–up and top–down regulation establish a balancing effect on algal diversity within 29 days (corresponding to 15–29 algae generations). Effects of thermal habitat change did not appear before 9–18 algae generations, which points to the relevance of longer‐term experiments and ecological monitoring in order to separate transient biotic responses and subtle changes of community dynamics in consequence to global change.  相似文献   

Plant genotypes are known to affect performance of insect herbivores and the community structure of both herbivores and higher trophic levels. Still, only a limited number of studies demonstrate differences in the performance of predators and parasitoids because of plant genotypic effects and most of these focus on gall formers. We designed a greenhouse experiment to investigate the effects of host plant genotype on fitness components in a grass‐aphid‐carnivore system. We used clones of quackgrass [Elytrigia repens (L.) Desv. ex Nevski (Poaceae)], the aphid Rhopalosiphum padi (L.) (Hemiptera: Aphididae), the parasitoid wasp Aphidius colemani (Viereck) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), and the predatory lacewing Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae). The number of aphid offspring differed considerably among plant genotypes. These differences were only in part because of differences in the production of biomass among host genotypes. Therefore, genotypes may differ in their nutritional value for phytophages. The number of aphids attacked by the parasitoid also differed among genotypes and aphid numbers only partly accounted for this effect. Moreover, pupal development time of female parasitoids was affected by plant genotype. We found no differences in mortality, body size, or sex ratio of hatching wasps between genotypes of quackgrass. Development time of the larvae and larval weight of the predatory lacewings differed among genotypes, but not weight of pupae and adults. Generally, the proportion of the total variance explained by the plant genotype was smaller for parasitoids and predators than for aphids. Overall, our experiments indicated that the plant genotype affects tri‐trophic interactions, but also that the strength of these effects decreases along the food chain.  相似文献   

We examined the importance of temporal variability in top–down and bottom–up effects on the accumulation of stream periphyton, which are complex associations of autotrophic and heterotrophic microorganisms. Periphyton contributes to primary production and nutrient cycling and serves as a food resource for herbivores (grazers). Periphyton growth is often limited by the availability of nitrogen and phosphorus, and biomass can be controlled by grazers. In this study we experimentally manipulated nutrients and grazers simultaneously to determine the relative contribution of bottom–up and top–down controls on periphyton over time. We used nutrient diffusing substrates to regulate nutrient concentrations and an underwater electric field to exclude grazing insects in three sequential 16–17 day experiments from August to October in montane Colorado, USA. We measured algal biomass, periphyton organic mass, and algal community composition in each experiment and determined densities of streambed insect species, including grazers. Phosphorus was the primary limiting nutrient for algal biomass, but it did not influence periphyton organic mass across all experiments. Effects of nutrient additions on algal biomass and community composition decreased between August and October. Grazed substrates supported reduced periphyton biomass only in the first experiment, corresponding to high benthic abundances of a dominant mayfly grazer (Rhithrogena spp.). Grazed substrates in the first experiment also showed altered algal community composition with reduced diatom relative abundances, presumably in response to selective grazing. We showed that top–down grazing effects were strongest in late summer when grazers were abundant. The effects of phosphorus additions on algal biomass likely decreased over time because temperature became more limiting to growth than nutrients, and because reduced current velocity decreased nutrient uptake rates. These results suggest that investigators should proceed with caution when extending findings based on short‐term experiments. Furthermore, these results support the need for additional seasonal‐scale field research in stream ecology.  相似文献   

Laura Burkle  Rebecca Irwin 《Oikos》2009,118(12):1816-1829
Striking changes in food web structure occur with alterations in resource supply. Like predator–prey interactions, many mutualisms are also consumer–resource interactions. However, no studies have explored how the structure of plant–pollinator networks may be affected by nutrient enrichment. For three years, we enriched plots of subalpine plant communities with nitrogen and observed subsequent effects on plant–pollinator network structure. Although nitrogen enrichment affects floral abundance and rates of pollinator visitation, we found no effects of nitrogen enrichment on the core group of generalist plants and pollinators or on plant–pollinator network structure parameters, such as network topology (the identity and frequency of interactions) and the degree of nestedness. However, individual plant and pollinator taxa were packed into the nested networks differently among nitrogen treatments. In particular, pollinators visited different numbers and types of plants in the nested networks, suggesting weak, widespread effects of nitrogen addition on individual taxa. Independent of nitrogen enrichment, there were large interannual differences in network structure and interactions, due to species turnover among years and flexibility in interacting with new partners. These data suggest that the community structure of small‐scale mutualistic networks may be relatively robust to short‐term bottom–up changes in the resource supply, but sensitive to variation in the opportunistic behavior and turnover of plant and pollinator species among years.  相似文献   

Benthic invertebrates mediate bottom–up and top–down influences in aquatic food webs, and changes in the abundance or traits of invertebrates can alter the strength of top–down effects. Studies assessing the role of invertebrate abundance and behavior as controls on food web structure are rare at the whole ecosystem scale. Here we use a comparative approach to investigate bottom–up and top–down influences on whole anchialine pond ecosystems in coastal Hawai‘i. In these ponds, a single species of endemic atyid shrimp (Halocaridina rubra) is believed to structure epilithon communities. Many Hawaiian anchialine ponds and their endemic fauna, however, have been greatly altered by bottom–up (increased nutrient enrichment) and top–down (introduced fish predators) disturbances from human development. We present the results of a survey of dissolved nutrient concentrations, epilithon biomass and composition, and H. rubra abundance and behavior in anchialine ponds with and without invasive predatory fish along a nutrient concentration gradient on the North Kona coast of Hawai‘i. We use linear models to assess 1) the effects of nutrient loading and fish introductions on pond food web structure and 2) the role of shrimp density and behavior in effecting that change. We find evidence for bottom–up food web control, in that nutrients were associated with increased epilithon biomass, autotrophy and nutrient content as well as increased abundance and size of H. rubra. We also find evidence for top–down control, as ponds with invasive predatory fish had higher epilithon biomass, productivity, and nutrient content. Top–down effects were transmitted by both altered H. rubra abundance, which changed the biomass of epilithon, and H. rubra behavior, which changed the composition of the epilithon. Our study extends experimental findings on bottom–up and top–down control to the whole ecosystem scale and finds evidence for qualitatively different effects of trait‐ and density‐mediated change in top–down influences.  相似文献   

Evolution of life history traits can occur rapidly and has the potential to influence ecological processes, which can also be shaped by abiotic and biotic factors. Few studies have shown that life history phenotype can affect ecological processes as much as commonly studied biotic ecological variables, but currently we do not know how the ecological effects of life history phenotype compare in size to the effects of abiotic factors, or whether the ecological effects of phenotypes are sensitive to variability in abiotic conditions. Using a factorial mesocosm experiment we compared the ecosystem effects of guppy Poecilia reticulata life history phenotypes in two light treatments representing a four‐fold difference in light levels, which was comparable to upstream downstream differences in light availability in Trinidadian streams. Light and phenotype had significant effects on similar aspects of ecosystem function. Whereas light had a stronger effect on ecosystem structure (algal and invertebrate stocks) than phenotype, phenotype and light had nearly equal effects on many ecosystem processes (nutrient recycling, nutrient fluxes, ecosystem metabolism and leaf litter decomposition). Light had a stronger effect on most guppy life history traits and guppy fitness than differences between phenotypes. The effect of light on these traits was consistent with higher availability of food resources in the high light treatments. Interactions between light and phenotype were weak for the majority of response variables suggesting that abiotic variability did not alter the mechanisms by which phenotypes affect ecosystem function. We conclude that subtle phenotypic differences in consumers can affect ecosystem processes as much as meaningful variability in abiotic factors which until recently were thought to be the primary drivers of ecosystem function in nature. However, despite its effects on traits and the ecosystem, light did not alter the effect of guppy phenotype on ecosystem function.  相似文献   

A life history strategy that favours somatic growth over reproduction is well known for long-lived iteroparous species, especially in unpredictable environments. Risk-sensitive female reproductive allocation can be achieved by a reduced reproductive effort at conception, or the subsequent adjustment of investment during gestation or lactation in response to unexpected environmental conditions or resource availability. We investigated the relative importance of reduced investment at conception compared with later in the reproductive cycle (i.e. prenatal, perinatal or neonatal mortality) in explaining reproductive failure in two high-density moose (Alces alces) populations in southern Norway. We followed 65 multiparous, global positioning system (GPS)-collared females throughout the reproductive cycle and focused on the role of maternal nutrition during gestation in determining reproductive success using a quasi-experimental approach to manipulate winter forage availability. Pregnancy rates in early winter were normal (≥0.8) in all years while spring calving rates ranged from 0.4 to 0.83, with prenatal mortality accounting for most of the difference. Further losses over summer reduced autumn recruitment rates to 0.23–0.69, despite negligible predation. Over-winter mass loss explained variation in both spring calving and autumn recruitment success better than absolute body mass in early or late winter. Although pregnancy was related to body mass in early winter, overall reproductive success was unrelated to pre-winter body condition. We therefore concluded that reproductive success was limited by winter nutritional conditions. However, we could not determine whether the observed reproductive allocation adjustment was a bet-hedging strategy to maximise reproduction without compromising survival or whether females were simply unable to invest more resources in their offspring.  相似文献   

Species extinctions and declines are occurring globally and commonly have cascading effects on ecosystems. In Australia, mammal extinctions have been extensive, particularly in arid areas, where precipitation drives ecosystems. Many ecologically extinct mammals feed on soil‐dwelling insects. However, how this top‐down pressure affected their prey and how this contrasts with the bottom‐up impacts of fluctuating precipitation remains unclear. We constructed a long‐term exclusion experiment in a multi‐species mammal reintroduction zone in semi‐arid Australia to test how top‐down (reintroduced mammals) and bottom‐up (precipitation) factors affect root‐feeding chafer beetles (Coleoptera: Melolonthinae). We used emergence traps in ten replicate 20 × 20 m plots of control, exclusion and procedural control treatments to trap chafers biannually from 2009 to 2015. Annual precipitation during this period varied from 173 to 481 mm. Mammal exclusion did not affect chafers, indicating that top‐down regulation was not important. Instead, chafer abundance, species density and biomass increased with precipitation. Chafer body size and assemblage composition were best predicted by sampling year, suggesting that random drift determined species abundances. Increased resource availability therefore favoured all species similarly. We thus found no evidence that mammal predation alters chafer populations and conclude that they may be driven primarily by bottom‐up processes. Further research should determine if the cascading effects of species loss are less important for herbivores generally than for higher level trophic groups and the role of ecosystem stability in mediating these patterns.  相似文献   

Synchronous breeding in animals and plants has stimulated both a theoretical and empirical examination of the possible benefits of active synchronization. The selective pressures of predation and infanticide are the strongest candidates proposed to explain the evolution of reproductive synchrony. Alternatively, breeding asynchronously with conspecifics may ensure a greater availability of resources per breeder. However, the possible fitness benefits resulting from active asynchronization have not yet received attention in evolutionary ecology. Here we present a hypothesis, based on a graphical model, illustrating the costs and benefits of the two modes of reproduction. We tested the hypothesis empirically using a 2 x 2 full factorial study design, where reproductive synchrony and infanticide tactics were manipulated in enclosed populations of the bank vole. The results reveal a relationship between infanticide tactics and breeding synchrony as illustrated by our hypothesis. In general, female reproductive success (number and size of offspring surviving to weaning) was significantly lower in infanticidal populations. Moreover, an asynchronous breeding pattern proved to be advantageous in the noninfanticidal population but this advantage of asynchrony was lost as infanticide became common in the population. Our findings support the idea that synchronous reproduction could have evolved as a counterstrategy against infanticide.  相似文献   

Increases in phytoplankton biomass have been widely observed over the past decades, even in lakes experiencing nutrient reduction. However, the mechanisms giving rise to this trend remain unclear. Here, we unveil the potential mechanisms through quantifying the relative contribution of bottom–up versus top–down control in determining biomasses of phytoplankton assemblages in Lake Geneva. Specifically, we apply nonlinear time series analysis, convergent cross mapping (CCM), to decipher the degree of bottom–up versus top–down control among phytoplankton assemblages via quantifying 1) causal links between environmental factors and various phytoplankton assemblages and 2) the relative importance of bottom–up, top–down, and environmental effects. We show that the recent increase in total phytoplankton biomass, albeit with phosphorus reduction, was mainly caused by a particular phytoplankton assemblage which was better adapted to the re‐oligotrophicated environment characterized by relatively low phosphorus concentrations and warm water temperature, and poorly controlled by zooplankton grazing. Our findings suggest that zooplankton act as a critical driver of phytoplankton biomass and strongly impact the dynamics of recovery from eutrophication. Therefore, our phytoplankton assemblage approach in combination with causal identification of top–down versus bottom–up controls provides insights into the reason why phytoplankton biomass may increase in lakes undergoing phosphorus reduction.  相似文献   

Climate warming is pronounced in the Arctic and migratory birds are expected to be among the most affected species. We examined the effects of local and regional climatic variations on the breeding phenology and reproductive success of greater snow geese ( Chen caerulescens atlantica ), a migratory species nesting in the Canadian Arctic. We used a long-term dataset based on the monitoring of 5447 nests and the measurements of 19 234 goslings over 16 years (1989–2004) on Bylot Island. About 50% of variation in the reproductive phenology of individuals was explained by spring climatic factors. High mean temperatures and, to a lesser extent, low snow cover in spring were associated with an increase in nest density and early egg-laying and hatching dates. High temperature in spring and high early summer rainfall were positively related to nesting success. These effects may result from a reduction in egg predation rate when the density of nesting geese is high and when increased water availability allows females to stay close to their nest during incubation recesses. Summer brood loss and production of young at the end of the summer increased when values of the summer Arctic Oscillation (AO) index were either very positive (low temperatures) or very negative (high temperatures), indicating that these components of the breeding success were most influenced by the regional summer climate. Gosling mass and size near fledging were reduced in years with high spring temperatures. This effect is likely due to a reduced availability of high quality food in years with early spring, either due to food depletion resulting from high brood density or a mismatch between hatching date of goslings and the timing of the peak of plant quality. Our analysis suggests that climate warming should advance the reproductive phenology of geese, but that high spring temperatures and extreme values of the summer AO index may decrease their reproductive success up to fledging.  相似文献   

Low spring temperatures have been found to benefit mobile herbivores by reducing the rate of spring‐flush, whereas high rainfall increases forage availability. Cold winters prove detrimental, by increasing herbivore thermoregulatory burdens. Here we examine the effects of temperature and rainfall variability on a temperate sedentary herbivore, the Eurasian beaver, Castor fiber, in terms of inter‐annual variation in mean body weight and per territory offspring production. Data pertain to 198 individuals, over 11 years, using capture‐mark‐recapture. We use plant growth (tree cores) and fAPAR (a satellite‐derived plant productivity index) to examine potential mechanisms through which weather conditions affect the availability and the seasonal phenology of beaver forage. Juvenile body weights were lighter after colder winters, whereas warmer spring temperatures were associated with lighter adult body weights, mediated by enhanced green‐up phenology rates. Counter‐intuitively, we observed a negative association between rainfall and body weight in juveniles and adults, and also with reproductive success. Alder, Alnus incana, (n = 68) growth rings (principal beaver food in the study area) exhibited a positive relationship with rainfall for trees growing at elevations >2 m above water level, but a negative relationship for trees growing <0.5 m. We deduce that temperature influences beavers at the landscape scale via effects on spring green‐up phenology and winter thermoregulation. Rainfall influences beavers at finer spatial scales through topographical interactions with plant growth, where trees near water level, prone to water logging, producing poorer forage in wetter years. Unlike most other herbivores, beavers are an obligate aquatic species that utilize a restricted ‘central‐place’ foraging range, limiting their ability to take advantage of better forage growth further from water during wetter years. With respect to anthropogenic climate change, interactions between weather variables, plant phenology and topography on forage growth are instructive, and consequently warrant examination when developing conservation management strategies for populations of medium to large herbivores.  相似文献   

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