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The rise of dinosaurs during the Triassic is a widely studied evolutionary radiation, but there are still many unanswered questions about early dinosaur evolution and biogeography that are hampered by an unevenly sampled Late Triassic fossil record. Although very common in western North America and parts of South America, dinosaur (and more basal dinosauriform) remains are relatively rare in the Upper Triassic deposits of Europe, making any new discoveries critically important. One of the most diverse dinosauriform assemblages from Europe comes from the Por?ba site in Poland, a recently described locality with exposures of the Zb?szynek Beds, which have a palynomorph assemblage characteristic for the mid–late Norian in the biostratigraphic schemes of the Germanic Basin. Using a synapomorphy‐based approach, we evaluate several isolated dinosauriform specimens from Por?ba. This assemblage includes a silesaurid, a herrerasaurid and remains of another type of theropod (potentially a neotheropod). The Por?ba herrerasaurid is the first record of this rare group of primitive dinosaurs from Europe and one of the youngest records worldwide, whereas the silesaurid is the youngest record of a silesaurid from Europe. These findings indicate that silesaurids persisted alongside true dinosaurs into the mid–late Norian of Europe and that silesaurid–herrerasaurid–neotheropod assemblages (which are also known from the Norian of North America, at low latitudes) were more widespread geographically and latitudinally than previously thought. Silesaurid–herrerasaurid–neotheropod assemblages may have been a common ecological structuring of dinosaurs during their early evolution, and their widespread distribution may indicate weak palaeolatitudinal controls on early dinosaur biogeography during the latest Triassic.  相似文献   

In extant birds, the hand is permanently abducted towards the ulna, and the wrist joint can bend extensively in this direction to fold the wing when not in use. Anatomically, this asymmetric mobility of the wrist results from the wedge-like shape of one carpal bone, the radiale, and from the well-developed convexity of the trochlea at the proximal end of the carpometacarpus. Among the theropod precursors of birds, a strongly convex trochlea is characteristic of Coelurosauria, a clade including the highly derived Maniraptora in addition to tyrannosaurs and compsognathids. The shape of the radiale can be quantified using a ‘radiale angle’ between the proximal and distal articular surfaces. Measurement of the radiale angle and reconstruction of ancestral states using squared-change parsimony shows that the angle was small (15°) in primitive coelurosaurs but considerably larger (25°) in primitive maniraptorans, indicating that the radiale was more wedge-shaped and the carpal joint more asymmetric. The radiale angle progressively increased still further within Maniraptora, with concurrent elongation of the forelimb feathers and the forelimb itself. Carpal asymmetry would have permitted avian-like folding of the forelimb in order to protect the plumage, an early advantage of the flexible, asymmetric wrist inherited by birds.  相似文献   

Theropod dinosaurs are well known for having a ziphodont dentition: serrated, blade-shaped teeth that they used for cutting through prey. Serrations along the carinae of theropod teeth are composed of true denticles, a complex arrangement of dentine, enamel, and interdental folds. This structure would have supported individual denticles and dissipated the stresses associated with feeding. These particular serrations were previously thought to be unique to theropod dinosaurs and some other archosaurs. Here, we identify the same denticles and interdental folds forming the cutting edges in the teeth of a Permian gorgonopsian synapsid, extending the temporal and phylogenetic distribution of this dental morphology. This remarkable instance of convergence not only represents the earliest record of this adaptation to hypercarnivory but also demonstrates that the first iteration of this feature appeared in non-mammalian synapsids. Comparisons of tooth serrations in gorgonopsians with those of earlier synapsids and hypercarnivorous mammals reveal some gorgonopsians acquired a complex tissue arrangement that differed from other synapsids.  相似文献   

Conflicting pressures on the evolution of wing morphology are exemplified within the avian genus Anthus , where different migratory and flight display behaviours might be expected to exert different effects on the evolution of wing morphology. A phylogenetically controlled study of wing shape in relation to migratory distance and flight display suggests that migration has a larger impact on wing morphology than does flight display, despite the fact that flight display is generally the more heavily used flight-type. Correlations between single measures of morphology and migration were found only in males, although principal components analysis suggests that overall wing shape is correlated with migratory distance in both sexes. With regard to flight display, males, but not females, show a positive relationship between flight display type and the length of a flight feather that is highly elongated relative to other flight feathers. This exceptionally long flight feather is also found in other genera that perform flight displays.  相似文献   

Tracks of a juvenile theropod dinosaur with footprint lengths of between 2 and 9 cm as well as adults of the same ichnospecies with footprints of about 15–25 cm in length were found in the Bathonian (Middle Jurassic) Kilmaluag Formation of Score Bay, northwestern Trotternish Peninsula, Isle of Skye, Scotland, UK. Two footprint sizes occur together on the same bedding plane in the central portion of Score Bay, both in situ and on loose blocks. Another horizon containing footprints above this was also identified. The footprints from the lowest horizon were produced in a desiccated silty mud that was covered with sand. A close association of both adults and juveniles with similar travel direction indicated by the footprints may suggest post-hatching care in theropod dinosaurs. Other footprints, produced on a rippled sandy substrate, have been found on the slightly higher bedding plane at this locality. Loose blocks found 130 m to the northeast in the central part of Score Bay have not been correlated with any in situ sediments, but were preserved in a similar manner to those from the higher bedding plane. These tracks represent the youngest dinosaur remains yet found in Scotland.  相似文献   

简要回顾了莱阳恐龙和恐龙蛋化石群的研究历史和以杨钟健为代表的老一代地质古生物学者对莱阳恐龙和恐龙蛋研究发现的杰出贡献,并介绍了莱阳恐龙和恐龙蛋的最新发现和若干研究进展.在近年来对莱阳周边地层进行的大规模考察中,发现了一系列发育在平原上的恐龙峡谷群,以及其中蕴含的十几个恐龙和恐龙蛋新地点和新层位.2010年开始,在对莱阳金岗口村附近的2个化石地点的发掘中,发现了以鸭嘴龙科为主的大量脊椎动物化石和蛋化石,包括一类新的栉龙亚科成员,一些大型兽脚类恐龙化石,以及一新的龟鳖类蛋化石等.2号地点化石富集层具有典型的泥石流沉积特征和骨骼埋藏特征.对棘鼻青岛龙的特殊头饰进行了CT扫描和三维重建,发现其头饰是实心结构,但其他骨骼特征证明棘鼻青岛龙属于具有头饰的赖氏龙亚科是确定无疑的,所以目前发现的头饰应不是其真实状态或根本不属于其头部骨骼.此外,对谭氏龙1属3种的重新观察研究得出以下结论:中国谭氏龙和金刚口谭氏龙应是有效属种,但部分骨骼还有疑问,还需要进一步研究,而莱阳谭氏龙为无效属种.  相似文献   

Flying vertebrates change the shapes of their wings during the upstroke, thereby decreasing wing surface area and bringing the wings closer to the body than during downstroke. These, and other wing deformations, might reduce the inertial cost of the upstroke compared with what it would be if the wings remained fully extended. However, wing deformations themselves entail energetic costs that could exceed any inertial energy savings. Using a model that incorporates detailed three-dimensional wing kinematics, we estimated the inertial cost of flapping flight for six bat species spanning a 40-fold range of body masses. We estimate that folding and unfolding comprises roughly 44 per cent of the inertial cost, but that the total inertial cost is only approximately 65 per cent of what it would be if the wing remained extended and rigid throughout the wingbeat cycle. Folding and unfolding occurred mostly during the upstroke; hence, our model suggests inertial cost of the upstroke is not less than that of downstroke. The cost of accelerating the metacarpals and phalanges accounted for around 44 per cent of inertial costs, although those elements constitute only 12 per cent of wing weight. This highlights the energetic benefit afforded to bats by the decreased mineralization of the distal wing bones.  相似文献   

Animals that fly must be able to do so over a huge range of aerodynamic conditions, determined by weather, wind speed and the nature of their environment. No single parameter can be used to determine-let alone measure-optimum flight performance as it relates to wing shape. Reconstructing the wings of the extinct pterosaurs has therefore proved especially problematic: these Mesozoic flying reptiles had a soft-tissue membranous flight surface that is rarely preserved in the fossil record. Here, we review basic mechanical and aerodynamic constraints that influenced the wing shape of pterosaurs, and, building on this, present a series of theoretical modelling results. These results allow us to predict the most likely wing shapes that could have been employed by these ancient reptiles, and further show that a combination of anterior sweep and a reflexed proximal wing section provides an aerodynamically balanced and efficient theoretical pterosaur wing shape, with clear benefits for their flight stability.  相似文献   

Hadrosaurs grew rapidly, and quantifying their growth is key to understanding life-history interactions between predators and prey during the Late Cretaceous. In this study, we longitudinally sampled a sequence of lines of arrested growth (LAGs) from an essentially full-grown hadrosaur Hypacrosaurus stebingeri (MOR 549). Spatial locations of LAGs in the femoral and tibial transverse sections of MOR 549 were measured and circumferences were calculated. For each bone, a time series of circumference data was fitted to several stochastic, discrete growth models. Our results suggest that the femur and the tibia of this specimen of Hypacrosaurus probably followed a Gompertz curve and that LAGs reportedly missing from early ontogeny were obscured by perimedullary resorption. In this specimen, death occurred at 13 years and took approximately 10-12 years to reach 95 per cent asymptotic size. The age at growth inflection, which is a proxy for reproductive maturity, occurred at approximately 2-3 years. Comparisons with several small and large predatory theropods reveal that MOR 549 grew faster and matured sooner than they did. These results suggest that Hypacrosaurus was able to partly avoid predators by outgrowing them.  相似文献   

Three small and gracile jaw fragments are recovered from the Boren Quarry, one of the lowest fossil quarries of the Upper Triassic Dockum Group of Texas. The specimens are referred to archosauromorphs, where the morphology of the dentary and teeth of two specimens resemble what is observed in basal saurischians. Growing numbers of early dinosaur fossils from the lowest quarries of the Dockum Group of Texas which correspond to the lowermost Norian raises doubts concerning early dinosaur dispersal during the late Carnian-early Norian interval and the first occurrence of North American dinosaurs which might have happened earlier than previously suggested.  相似文献   

Evolutionary transitions between quadrupedal and bipedal postures are pivotal to the diversification of amniotes on land, including in our own lineage (Hominini). Heterochrony is suggested as a macroevolutionary mechanism for postural transitions but understanding postural evolution in deep time is hindered by a lack of methods for inferring posture in extinct species. Dinosaurs are an excellent natural laboratory for understanding postural transitions because they demonstrate at least four instances of quadrupedality evolving from bipedality, and heterochronic processes have been put forward as an explanatory model for these transitions. We extend a quantitative method for reliably inferring posture in tetrapods to the study of ontogenetic postural transitions using measurements of proportional limb robusticity. We apply this to ontogenetic series of living and extinct amniotes, focusing on dinosaurs. Our method correctly predicts the general pattern of ontogenetic conservation of quadrupedal and bipedal postures in many living amniote species and infers the same pattern in some dinosaurs. Furthermore, it correctly predicts the ontogenetic postural shift from quadrupedal crawling to bipedal walking in humans. We also infer a transition from early ontogenetic quadrupedality to late-ontogenetic bipedality in the transitional sauropodomorph dinosaur Mussaurus patagonicus and possibly in the early branching ceratopsian Psittacosaurus lujiatunensis but not in the sauropodomorph Massospondylus carinatus. The phylogenetic positions of these ontogenetic shifts suggest that heterochrony may play a role in the macroevolution of posture, at least in dinosaurs. Our method has substantial potential for testing evolutionary transitions between locomotor modes, especially in elucidating the role of evolutionary mechanisms like heterochrony.  相似文献   

The wingless mutant flügellos ( fl ) of the silkworm lacks all four wings. Although wing discs of the fl seem to develop normally until the fourth larval instar, wing morphogenesis stops after the fourth larval ecdysis, probably caused by aberrant expression of an unidentified factor, referred to as fl . To characterize factor fl , the wing discs dissected from the wild-type (WT) and fl larvae were transplanted into other larvae and developmental changes of the discs were examined. When the wing disc from a WT larva was transplanted into another WT larva and allowed to grow until emergence, a small wing appeared that was covered with scales. Thus, the transplanted wing discs can develop autonomously, form scales and evert from adult skin. The WT wing discs transplanted into the fl larvae also developed at a high rate. However, the fl wing discs transplanted into the WT larvae did not develop during the larval to pupal developmental stages. These data suggest that the fl gene product (factor fl) works in the wing disc cells during wing morphogenesis. Its function cannot be complemented by hemolymph in the WT larva. It is also implied that the level of humoral factors and hormones required for wing morphogenesis are normally maintained in the fl larva.  相似文献   

Since the discovery of exceptionally preserved theropod dinosaurs with soft tissues in China in the 1990s, there has been much debate about the nature of filamentous structures observed in some specimens. Sinosauropteryx was the first non‐avian theropod to be described with these structures, and remains one of the most studied examples. Despite a general consensus that the structures represent feathers or feather homologues, a few identify them as degraded collagen fibres derived from the skin. This latter view has been based on observations of low‐quality images of Sinosauropteryx, as well as the suggestion that because superficially similar structures are seen in Jurassic ichthyosaurs they cannot represent feathers. Here, we highlight issues with the evidence put forward in support of this view, showing that integumentary structures have been misinterpreted based on sedimentary features and preparation marks, and that these errors have led to incorrect conclusions being drawn about the existence of collagen in Sinosauropteryx and the ichthyosaur Stenopterygius. We find that there is no evidence to support the idea that the integumentary structures seen in the two taxa are collagen fibres, and confirm that the most parsimonious interpretation of fossilized structures that look like feather homologues in Sinosauropteryx is that they are indeed the remains of feather homologues.  相似文献   

The blackcap Sylvia atricapilla shows a complex migratory pattern and is a suitable species for the studies of morphological migratory syndrome, including adaptations of wing shape to different migratory performance. Obligate migrants of this species that breed in northern, central, and Eastern Europe differ by migration distance and some cover shorter distance to the wintering grounds in the southern part of Europe/North Africa or the British Isles, although others migrate to sub-Saharan Africa. Based on ˃40 years of ringing data on blackcaps captured during autumn migration in the Southern Baltic region, we studied age- and sex-related correlations in wing pointedness and wing length of obligate blackcap migrants to understand the differences in migratory behavior of this species. Even though the recoveries of blackcaps were scarce, we reported some evidence that individuals which differ in migration distance differed also in wing length. We found that wing pointedness significantly increased with an increasing wing length of migrating birds, and adults had longer and more pointed wings than juvenile birds. This indicates stronger antipredator adaptation in juvenile blackcaps than selection on flight efficiency, which is particularly important during migration. Moreover, we documented more pronounced differences in wing length between adult and juvenile males and females. Such differences in wing length may enhance a faster speed of adult male blackcaps along the spring migration route and may be adaptive when taking into account climatic effects, which favor earlier arrival from migration to the breeding grounds.  相似文献   

The origin and evolution of insect wings has been the subject of extensive debate. The issue has remained controversial largely because of the absence of definitive fossil evidence or direct developmental evidence of homology between wings and a putative wing origin. Recent identification of wing serial homologs (WSHs) has provided researchers with a potential strategy for identifying WSHs in other species. Future comparative developmental analyses between wings and WSHs may clarify the important steps underlying the evolution of insect wings.  相似文献   

The majority of migrant monarchs (Danaus plexippus) from the eastern USA and south‐eastern Canada migrate to Mexico; however, some of them migrate to Cuba. Cuban migrants hatch in south‐east Canada and eastern USA, and then engage in a southern trip of 4000 km to this Caribbean island. In Cuba, these migrants encounter resident monarchs, which do not migrate, and instead move between plant patches looking for nectar, mating partners and host plants. These differences in flight behaviour between migrant and resident Cuban monarchs may have resulted in different selective pressures in the wing size and shape. Two modes of selection were tested, directional and stabilizing. In addition, wing condition was compared between these two groups. Monarchs were collected for 4 years in Cuba and classified as resident or migrant using two independent techniques: Thin‐layer chromatography and stable hydrogen and stable carbon isotope measurements. Wing size was measured and wing condition was rated in the butterflies. Fourier analysis and wing angular measurements were used to assess wing shape differences. Migrants have significantly longer wings than residents, thus supporting the action of directional selection on wing size. In addition, directional selection acts on wing shape; that is, migrant females differ significantly from resident females in their wing angles. However, the results do not support the action of stabilizing selection: there was no significant variance between migrant and resident monarchs in their wing size or shape. Also, migrant females and males differed in wing condition as a result of differences in flight behaviour. In conclusion, eastern North American monarchs offer a good opportunity to study the selective pressures of migration on wing morphology and how different migratory routes and behaviours are linked to wing morphology and condition. © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 92 , 605–616.  相似文献   

Abstract: New dinosaur tracksites are described from the Bajocian–Bathonian Bemaraha Formation of western Madagascar. Two track‐bearing surfaces can be followed over a distance of at least 4 km, suggesting the existence of a hitherto unrecognized megatracksite. The track assemblage is theropod dominated, but sauropod tracks also occur at one site. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the abundant theropod track material suggests that most, if not all, theropod footprints are attributable to a single trackmaker and are referred to Kayentapus isp. Although this ichnogenus, originally described from the Lower Jurassic of North America, has never been recorded from Gondwana nor from the Middle Jurassic, track morphology strongly suggests this attribution. Palaeogeographical, sedimentological and ichnological data suggest that the dinosaur tracks formed in an intertidal to supratidal setting where the coastline influenced the preferred walking direction of the animals.  相似文献   

The gross morphology and the flexibility along the neck of the ostrich (Struthio camelus) were examined using fresh tissue as well as neck skeletons. The results of the morphologic studies were compared with results from observations of living ostriches. The investigation was focused on differences in the morphology and the function between different sections of the neck. Additionally, the function of major dorsal neck ligaments was examined, including measurements of force-strain-relations. Comparative studies of giraffes (Giraffa camelopardalis) and camels (Camelus bactrianus) were conducted to find relations between the flexibility along the neck and the general feeding strategy. The examinations revealed that the neck of the ostrich can be divided into four sections with different functions. The first is the atlas-axis-complex which is responsible for torsion. The adjacent cranial section of the neck is flexible in dorsoventral and lateral directions but this part of the neck is usually kept straight at rest and during feeding. Dorsoventral flexibility is highest in the middle section of the neck, whereas the base of the neck is primarily used for lateral excursions of the neck. For giraffes and camels, the posture and utilization of the neck are also reflected in the flexibility of the neck. For all three species, it is possible to reconstruct the pattern of flexibility of the neck by using the neck skeletons alone. Therefore, it appears reasonable to reconstruct the neck utilization and the feeding strategies of dinosaurs with long necks by deriving the flexibility of the neck from preserved vertebrae. For Diplodocus carnegii the neck posture and the feeding strategy were reconstructed. Two neck regions, one around the 9th neck vertebra and the second at the base of the neck, indicate that Diplodocus, like the ostrich, adopted different neck postures. The neck was probably kept very low during feeding. During interruptions of the feeding, e.g., in an alert, the head could have been lifted in an economic way by raising the cranial section of the neck. During standing and locomotion the head was probably located well above the shoulders.  相似文献   

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