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To what extent are patterns of biological diversification determined by natural selection? We addressed this question by exploring divergence in foraging morphology of threespine stickleback fish inhabiting lake and stream habitats within eight independent watersheds. We found that lake fish generally displayed more developed gill structures and had more streamlined bodies than did stream fish. Diet analysis revealed that these morphological differences were associated with limnetic vs. benthic foraging modes, and that the extent of morphological divergence within watersheds reflected differences in prey resources utilized by lake and stream fish. We also found that patterns of divergence were unrelated to patterns of phenotypic trait (co)variance within populations (i.e. the ‘line of least resistance’). Instead, phenotypic (co)variances were more likely to have been shaped by adaptation to lake vs. stream habitats. Our study thus implicates natural selection as a strong deterministic force driving morphological diversification in lake–stream stickleback. The strength of this inference was obtained by complementing a standard analysis of parallel divergence in means between discrete habitat categories (lake vs. stream) with quantitative estimates of selective forces and information on trait (co)variances.  相似文献   

广义飞蛾藤属(旋花科)花粉形态   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对广义飞蛾藤属Porana s.l.18个分类群的花粉进行了光学显微镜和扫描电镜观察。除前人报道过的7种1变种外,其余均为首次报道。根据花粉粒的大小、形状、外壁纹饰、沟膜特征,该属花粉可细分为4个类型。研究结果不支持Staples(1993)把该属分为4个独立属的观点,而认为在属内划分为4个亚属较为合理。除毛果飞蛾藤外,花粉形态支持Staples对其它种、变种的归并。从花粉萌发孔类型上看,广义飞蛾藤属在旋花科内应处于较为原始的位置。  相似文献   

In populations that are distributed across steep environmental gradients, the potential for local adaptation is largely determined by the spatial scale of fitness variation relative to dispersal distance. Since altitudinal gradients are generally characterized by dramatic ecological transitions over relatively short linear distances, adaptive divergence across such gradients will typically require especially strong selection to counterbalance the homogenizing effect of gene flow. Here we report the results of a study that was designed to test for evidence of adaptive divergence across an altitudinal gradient in a natural population of deer mice, Peromyscus maniculatus. We conducted a multilocus survey of allozyme variation across a steep altitudinal gradient in the southern Rocky Mountains that spanned several distinct biomes, from prairie grassland to alpine tundra. As a control for the effects of altitude, we also surveyed the same loci in mice sampled along a latitudinal transect through the prairie grassland that ran perpendicular to the east-west altitudinal transect. We used a coalescent-based simulation model to identify loci that deviated from neutral expectations, and we then assessed whether locus-specific patterns of variation were nonrandom with respect to altitude. Results indicated that the albumin locus (Alb) reflects a history of diversifying selection across the altitudinal gradient. This conclusion is supported by two main lines of evidence: (1) Alb was characterized by levels of divergence across the altitudinal transect that exceeded neutral expectations in two consecutive years of sampling (in contrast to the spatial pattern of variation across the latitudinal transect), and (2) levels of divergence at the Alb locus exhibited a positive association with altitudinal distance in both years (in contrast to the pattern observed at unlinked loci). We conclude that clinal variation at the Alb locus reflects a balance between gene flow and diversifying selection that results from elevational changes in fitness rankings among alternative genotypes.  相似文献   

The Sematophyllaceae s.l. (Sematophyllaceae s.str. + Pylaisiadelphaceae) is one of the most diversified families of pleurocarpous mosses, distributed worldwide. The familial definition and subfamilial delimitation of the family have been controversial since their inception. Phylogenetic analyses were carried out using Bayesian inference, maximum likelihood, and maximum parsimony analyses. Our molecular phylogenetic analysis using five molecular markers (nad5, rbcL, rps4, trnL-F, and 26S) from mitochondrial, chloroplast, and nuclear genomes revealed the paraphyly of the Pylaisiadelphaceae and the monophyly of Sematophyllaceae s.l. Based on the molecular and morphological evidence, the Sematophyllaceae s.l. were further divided into six subfamilies, Taxithelioideae, Isopterygoideae, Pylaisiadelphoideae, Aptychelloideae, Platygyrioideae, and Sematophylloideae. The Taxithelioideae is established to accommodate Taxithelium, Taxitheliella, and Vernieri, the Isopterygoideae is established to accommodate Isopterygium and Yakushimabryum, the Pylaisiadelphoideae is newly circumscribed to accommodate Brotherella, Pylaisiadelpha, and Orientobryum, the Aptychelloideae is established to accommodate Aptychella, the Platygyrioideae is temporarily established to accommodate Clastobryella, Clastobryum, Gammiella, Platygyrium, and Trachyphyllum, the Sematophylloideae is resurrected to accommodate the Sematophyllaceae s.str., and Isocladiella, Isocladiellopsis, Mastopoma, Heterophyllium, Pseudotrismegistia, Trismegistia, and Wijkia are transferred to the subfamily. A new classification for the Sematophyllaceae s.l. is then proposed.  相似文献   

Rhipicephalus sanguineus Latreille (1806) (Ixodida: Ixodidae) is considered to be the most widely distributed tick and to have a vast range of habitats and hosts, including livestock, pets and wildlife. In addition to morphological differences, recent investigations using approaches based on molecular genetic markers have revealed the existence of different R. sanguineus lineages in different geographic regions. In this study, 475 ticks collected from dogs in the western Iberian peninsula were studied both morphologically and genetically, using 12S and 16S rDNA and COI gene markers in order to clarify the controversy over the systematic status of R. sanguineus sensu lato in Western Europe, and to compare the present data with those sourced from studies conducted in other regions of the world. Despite the high morphometric variability, particularly on spiracles in both genders and in female genitalia, data obtained with different genetic molecular markers show very low variability, suggesting the existence of a unique species. In addition, the phylogenetic analysis showed genetic uniformity, supporting the existence of a well‐defined clade consisting of R. sanguineus s.l. specimens from Western Europe that are distinct from R. sanguineus s.l. from Africa. Furthermore, these data corroborate the existence of a polymorphic species in Western Europe, which requires to be consensually redescribed in view of its medical and veterinary importance in pathogen transmission.  相似文献   

首次报道用扫描电镜观察的国产广义飞蛾藤局10种1变种植物的种子表面微形态特征。该属种子表面微形态特征可分为两大类型,其中I类型又可细分为3个亚型。除模式种Porana volubilis Burm.f.外,广义飞蛾藤属的种子表面微形态特征较为一致。因此,种子表面微形态特征不支持将广义飞蛾藤属拆分为4属或5属。研究结果显示,种子表面微形态在作为属内种的分类鉴别特征具有一定价值,如种子表面微形态支持保留毛果飞蛾藤的变种等级。将种子表面微形态与该广义属的花粉形态,以及宏观形态学特征进行对比分析,结果表明,广义飞蛾藤属种子表面微形态在属下等级的划分上没有很大价值。此外,鉴于P.volubilis Burm.I.具特殊的种子表面微形态特征,该种与广义飞蛾藤属属内其余种的关系值得进一步深入研究。  相似文献   

In plants, ecologically important life history traits often display clinal patterns of population divergence. Such patterns can provide strong evidence for spatially varying selection across environmental gradients but also may result from nonselective processes, such as genetic drift, population bottlenecks and spatially restricted gene flow. Comparison of population differentiation in quantitative traits (measured as Q(ST) ) with neutral molecular markers (measured as F(ST) ) provides a useful tool for understanding the relative importance of adaptive and nonadaptive processes in the formation and maintenance of clinal variation. Here, we demonstrate the existence of geographic variation in key life history traits in the diploid perennial sunflower species Helianthus maximiliani across a broad latitudinal transect in North America. Strong population differentiation was found for days to flowering, growth rate and multiple size-related traits. Differentiation in these traits greatly exceeds neutral predictions, as determined both by partial Mantel tests and by comparisons of global Q(ST) values with theoretical F(ST) distributions. These findings indicate that clinal variation in these life history traits likely results from local adaptation driven by spatially heterogeneous environments.  相似文献   

Different species from the Achillea millefolium aggregate are used against gastrointestinal and hepato-biliary disorders in traditional European medicine. In this work, a fraction enriched in dicaffeoylquinic acids (DCCAs) and luteolin-7-O-β-d-glucuronide was investigated on its choleretic effect in the isolated perfused rat liver (IPRL) compared to cynarin (1,3-DCCA), the main choleretic compound of Cynara scolymus L. A fraction containing 3,4-, 3,5- and 4,5-DCCA and luteolin-7-O-β-d-glucuronide was prepared by solid phase extraction from a 20% methanolic extract of yarrow. A total amount of 48.8% DCCAs and 3.4% luteolin-7-O-β-d-glucuronide was determined by HPLC analysis with cynarin as internal standard. IPRL experiments revealed a dose-dependant increase in bile flow (23–44–47%) by the Achillea fraction. Choleresis was two- to three-fold higher than that of cynarin. The combined effect of DCCAs and luteolin-7-O-β-d-glucuronide stimulated bile flow more effectively than the single compound cynarin. Due to their polar structure, these compounds are quantitatively extracted into teas and tinctures; hence, they seem to be the choleretic active principles in the traditional application forms of yarrow.  相似文献   

The impacts of drought are expanding worldwide as a consequence of climate change. However, there is still little knowledge of how species respond to long‐term selection in seasonally dry ecosystems. In this study, we used QSTFST comparisons to investigate (i) the role of natural selection on population genetic differentiation for a set of functional traits related to drought resistance in the seasonally dry tropical oak Quercus oleoides and (ii) the influence of water availability at the site of population origin and in experimental treatments on patterns of trait divergence. We conducted a thorough phenotypic characterization of 1912 seedlings from ten populations growing in field and greenhouse common gardens under replicated watering treatments. We also genotyped 218 individuals from the same set of populations using eleven nuclear microsatellites. QST distributions for leaf lamina area, specific leaf area, leaf thickness and stomatal pore index were higher than FST distribution. Results were consistent across growth environments. Genetic differentiation among populations for these functional traits was associated with the index of moisture at the origin of the populations. Together, our results suggest that drought is an important selective agent for Q. oleoides and that differences in length and severity of the dry season have driven the evolution of genetic differences in functional traits.  相似文献   

Resistance to agricultural pesticides is an important and insufficiently studied concern for pest and disease vector research. We determined the malathion resistance of species in the Anopheles maculipennis mosquito group in a habitat near Novosibirsk, Russia. Most of the 851 individuals we measured were members of the Anopheles messeae s.l. complex (An. messeae and An. daciae species). The LC50 value for malathion was 0.052 mg/L for the mixed specimens, and we failed to find any differences between species. The LC50 value was within the range of values for malathion resistance of Anopheles stephensi and Culex quinquefasciatus. As the main resistance mechanism to organophosphate and carbamate insecticides is a single mononucleotide substitution in the ace‐1 gene, we searched for this mutation in An. messeae s.l. and An. beklemishevi by restriction analysis. This mutation was not found in 347 of the specimens. We sequenced the ace‐1 gene fragment for 24 specimens from four species of the Anopheles maculipennis group, including An. messeae, An. daciae, An. atroparvus, and An. beklemishevi. These specimens harbored a nucleotide substitution in the triplet where a mutation can lead to insecticide resistance, but this substitution would make it difficult for the resistance to develop. Since the studied specimens belong to branches of the Palearctic portion of the Anopheles maculipennis group, we suspect that all other Palearctic species of this group would have difficulties harboring the ace‐1 mutation that would lead to organophosphate and carbamate resistance.  相似文献   

以6种广义虾脊兰属植物和2种树兰亚科植物为材料,利用液相色谱 串联三重四极杆质谱仪(LCMS QQQ)测定了冻伤处理前后花和叶片中靛苷、靛红、靛蓝和靛玉红4种吲哚基衍生物的含量,分析广义虾脊兰属植物吲哚基衍生物的生成及种属间含量的差异。结果显示:(1)4种吲哚基衍生物在所测定的6种广义虾脊兰属植物中均被检出,但在2种树兰亚科植物五唇兰和足茎毛兰中均未被发现。(2)在所测定的6种广义虾脊兰属植物花和叶片中,冻伤处理后的靛蓝、靛玉红和靛红含量均显著上升,而靛苷含量显著下降,同时花中的吲哚基衍生物含量均高于叶片。(3)6种广义虾脊兰属植物花和叶中吲哚基衍生物总含量以黄兰花最高,三褶虾脊兰叶最低。研究表明,冻伤处理引起靛苷向靛蓝的大量转化是导致冻伤后广义虾脊兰属植物组织中呈现出蓝色的主要原因,推测吲哚基衍生物可能也是一类与植物防御相关的化合物,在植物抵御逆境中扮演着重要的角色。  相似文献   

Populations of Phlebotomus major were examined in two endemic and nonendemic foci of visceral leishmaniasis in Iran. Based on the shape of the aedeagus and ventrally located hairs of coxite and pharyngeal armatures, two morphotypes were found sympatrically in the endemic area of Borazjan. Significant differences in morphometric survey were observed in at least 11 measured characters. The aedeagus of the non‐endemic Miyandoab morphotype, and also of a few specimens from Borazjan, is completely parallel throughout its length with a slightly expanded end. Ventrally located hairs of the middle coxite were longer and more compact. It is close morphologically to P. major neglectus (P. neglectus), which was recently recorded from Iran. It is also morphologically similar to P. notus, which has not yet been reported from Iran and needs further investigation. The aedeagus of the morphotype occurring only in Borazjan is narrower in the middle and the hairs are closer to the base of the coxite and are shorter and more outspread, which makes it similar to P. major krimensis or P. neglectus. The two morphotypes occurring sympatrically in Borazjan do not appear to be subspecies and it may be premature to propose them as separate species. Further investigation is needed to clarify the actual status of P. major s. l. in Iran.  相似文献   

Abstract A new conifer, Austrohamia acanthobractea, sp. nov., is described from the Jurassic Daohugou flora, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China. The material consists of impressions represented by well‐preserved leafy twigs and branches as well as ovulate cones. Leafy shoots with at least two orders of branching; ultimate branchlets alternate or sub‐opposite with helically arranged leaves, decurrent at base with distal rounded tip; dorsiventrally flattened and univeined. Ovuliferous cones elliptical, less than 1 cm long, terminally borne on ultimate and penultimate branches, composed of helically arranged bracts with ovules disposed on their adaxial surfaces. The presence of similar, if not identical taxa, on both sides of the Pacific indicates the cosmopolitan distribution of primitive Cupressaceae between East Asia (Eurasia) and South America in the Pangaea.  相似文献   

Three diploid taxa – Hieracium transylvanicum (subgenus Hieracium), Hieracium caespitosum subsp. brevipilum and Hieracium pavichii (subgenus Pilosella) – from five natural Bulgarian populations were investigated embryologically. The peculiarities of the male and female gametophytes, embryo- and endospermogenesis were established in each species. The results suggest that the species propagate sexually as expected from their diploid chromosome number. However, some forms of apomixis have also been observed, e.g. somatic apospory and integumental embryony in H. pavichii. The presence of apomixis in a diploid taxon shows that polyploidy is not an obligatory prerequisite for apomixis and the two phenomena are independent. The embryological plasticity detected in H. pavichii and H. transylvanicum suggests they may have higher opportunities for adaptation and successful reproduction.  相似文献   

Abstract: Six metal-tolerant populations and sub-populations of Armeria maritima ssp. halleri, ssp. hornburgensis, and ssp. bottendorfensis and two non-tolerant populations of ssp. elongata in Central and Northeast Germany have been analysed using RAPD markers. The populations show very strong genetic differentiation (ΦST = 0.46), corresponding gene flow between them is low (Nem = 0.29). A moderate positive correlation between the matrices of genetic and geographical distances was found between the seven populations and sub-populations of central Germany (r = 0.68, p < 0.001). Calculated parameters of genetic variability are molecular variance, percentage of heterozygosity and percentage of polymorphic loci. A significant correlation between population size and parameters of genetic variability was not recognisable. Genetic structure was investigated by an analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA). The studied populations show strong genetic differentiation. Genetic variation within populations ("normal" as well as metalliferous) is higher (53.9 %) than among them (46.1 %). Six hypotheses of possible genetic relatedness between the studied populations have been tested by AMOVA. A data set structure above the populational level is hardly recognisable. It was impossible to combine the populations to edaphic (tolerant and "non-tolerant") or taxonomic groups. A. maritima ssp. halleri of the north Harz mountains and ssp. hornburgensis are clearly separated from a geographical group containing all other populations (across taxonomic and edaphic boundaries). These results are a further indication for a polyphyletic origin of metal-tolerant populations of A. maritima s.l. by multiple colonizations of metalliferous sites from neighbouring populations on non-metalliferous soil.  相似文献   

Two species belonging to the Dugesia gonocephala group are found in the area of Montpellier, France. The karyology of these two species, D. gonocephala s. str. and S. subtentaculata, and of fissiparous Dugesia races has been studied.Two populations belonging to D. gonocephala s. str. are diploids with a chromosome number of 16, whereas the specimens of a third population are sexual aneuploids; the majority of cells possess 24 chromosomes, but some cells contain 23 or 25. The specimens attributable to D. subtentaculata are triploids, the most notable karyological feature being the presence of a single unmatched acrocentric chromosome. The fissiparous Dugesia strains are all aneuploids, the most common chromosome number being 27 with up to three small B-chromosomes.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was (a) to analyse natural Fagus sylvatica L. s.l. regeneration in low elevation stands located in the central part of Evros region in northeastern Greece in relation to factors such as site productivity, type of silvicultural treatment and regeneration origin and (b) to determine whether or not sprout origin regeneration is significant for the maintenance of beech stands. One hundred and twenty plots (3 m × 3 m) were established in areas where thinnings and regeneration fellings had taken place, and in two site productivity regimes. In each plot, the number of beech seedlings, saplings, and stump or root sprouts (regeneration plants) with a height of up to 3 m was counted, and their height measured. Our findings indicate that even though reproduction by seed is the predominant regeneration mechanism in our stands, in the medium productivity sites sprouts represent a significant percentage of the total number of plants. Moreover, sprouting functions as a mechanism of maintenance of beech stands in medium productivity sites. During the regeneration fellings practised in this area, it is advisable to cut the seedlings and saplings of the advanced regeneration in order to supplement the seed-derived plants with seedling sprouts.  相似文献   

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