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Background and Aims

Soil texture is an important determinant of ecosystem structure and productivity in drylands, and may influence animal foraging and, indirectly, plant community composition.


We measured the density and composition of surface disturbances (foraging pits) of small, soil-foraging desert vertebrates in shrubland and grasslands, both with coarse- and fine-textured soils. We predicted that the density and functional significance of disturbances would be related more to differences in texture than shrub encroachment.


Soil texture had a stronger influence on animal foraging sites than shrub encroachment. There were more disturbances, greater richness and abundance of trapped seed, and greater richness of germinating plants on coarse- than fine-textured soils. Pits in coarse soils trapped 50 % more litter than those in finer soils. Apart from slightly more soil removal and greater litter capture in shrubland pits, there were no effects of encroachment.


Although the process of woody encroachment has been shown to have marked effects on some ecosystem properties, it is likely to have a more subordinate effect on surface disturbances and therefore their effects on desert plant communities than soil texture. Our results highlight the importance of animal activity in shaping desert plant communities, and potentially, in maintaining or reinforcing shrub dominant processes.  相似文献   

The brain is one of the most energetically expensive organs in the vertebrate body. Consequently, the energetic requirements of encephalization are suggested to impose considerable constraints on brain size evolution. Three main hypotheses concerning how energetic constraints might affect brain evolution predict covariation between brain investment and (1) investment into other costly tissues, (2) overall metabolic rate, and (3) reproductive investment. To date, these hypotheses have mainly been tested in homeothermic animals and the existing data are inconclusive. However, there are good reasons to believe that energetic limitations might play a role in large-scale patterns of brain size evolution also in ectothermic vertebrates. Here, we test these hypotheses in a group of ectothermic vertebrates, the Lake Tanganyika cichlid fishes. After controlling for the effect of shared ancestry and confounding ecological variables, we find a negative association between brain size and gut size. Furthermore, we find that the evolution of a larger brain is accompanied by increased reproductive investment into egg size and parental care. Our results indicate that the energetic costs of encephalization may be an important general factor involved in the evolution of brain size also in ectothermic vertebrates.  相似文献   

Feeding rates and mass loss during chick rearing were comparedfor individually marked parents of male and female Common Murre(Uria aalge) chicks at Great Island, Newfoundland, Canada, from1997–2001. Both parents in this socially monogamous seabirdspecies share parental care duties until colony departure, afterwhich the single chick is fed only by its father. Because murresprovision their single chicks with one clearly visible fishper trip, it is possible to accurately determine whether parentsdifferentially feed male and female chicks. Based on slightlygreater mass of males in adulthood, possibly favored by sexdifferences in breeding roles, we predicted that male nestlingswould be fed more than females. Fathers' feeding rate to sons,but not daughters, increased with chick age, whereas maternalfeeding rate increased with chick age for both sexes. When year-correctedfeeding rates of pairs rearing both sexes were compared, bothmothers and fathers fed their sons significantly more than theirdaughters in the later part of the chick-rearing period. Moreover,parents rearing male chicks lost mass at a significantly higherrate than those rearing females. There was no difference infledging age for sons and daughters. These results indicatethat differential parental allocation occurs and has measurablecosts even in a species with only slight adult sexual dimorphism.  相似文献   

Summary Mitochondrial genomes from yeasts in the Dekkera/Brettanomyces/Eeniella group vary in size from 28 to 101 kb. Mapping of genes has shown that the three smallest genomes, of 28–42 kb, have the same gene order, whereas the three larger mitochondrial DNAs of 57–101 kb are rearranged relative to the smaller molecules and between themselves. To examine the relationships between these genomes, a phylogenetic tree has been constructed by sequence comparison of the mitochondrialencoded cytochrome oxidase subunit gene (COX2) from the six species. Contrary to expectation, the tree shows that the larger rearranged genomes are more closely related than the smaller mtDNAs. This result indicates that the gene order of the smaller mtDNAs (28–42 kb) is ancestral and that larger mtDNA molecules (57–101 kb) are more prone to rearrangement than smaller forms.Offprint requests to: G.D. Clark-Walker  相似文献   

Self-fertilization is classically thought to be associated with propagule dispersal because self-fertilization is a boon to colonizers entering environments devoid of pollinators or potential mates. Yet, it has been theoretically shown that random fluctuations in pollination conditions select for the opposite association of traits. In nature, however, various ecological factors may deviate from random variations, and thus create temporal correlation in pollination conditions. Here, we develop a model to assess the effects of pollination condition autocorrelation on the joint evolution of dispersal and self-fertilization. Basically, two syndromes are found: dispersing outcrossers and nondispersing (partial) selfers. Importantly, (1) selfers are never associated with dispersal, whereas complete outcrossers are, and (2) the disperser/outcrosser syndrome is favored (resp. disfavored) by negative (resp. positive) autocorrelation in pollination conditions. Our results suggest that observed dispersal/mating system syndromes may depend heavily on the regime of pollination condition fluctuations. We also point out potential negative evolutionary effects of anthropic management of the environment on outcrossing species.  相似文献   

A meta‐analysis approach was used to test for chromosomal speciation in rodents. Forty‐one pairs of sister species, identified in the two most species‐rich rodent families (Cricetidae and Muridae), were used as phylogenetically independent data points, each resulting from a speciation event. About 30% of sister species have an identical karyotype. There was a significant difference in the number of chromosomal differences between sympatric and allopatric sister species, compatible with a direct role of chromosomal rearrangements in speciation.  相似文献   

Aim To determine whether life‐history characters that affect population persistence (e.g. habit and life span) and those that influence reproductive success (e.g. sexual system and fruit type) are non‐randomly correlated with extinction risk (i.e. threat category) in the Australian flora (c. 19,000 species, of which c. 14% is threatened). To identify patterns that present useful conservation directions. To understand patterns of extinction risk in the Australian flora at a broad scale. Location Continental Australia. Methods A country‐wide exploration of four life‐history characters in the Australian flora (n = 18,822 species) was undertaken using reference texts, expert opinion, herbarium records and field work. For each character and threat‐category combination, a G‐test (using a log‐linear model) was performed to test the null hypothesis that the two factors were independent in their effects on count. A generalized linear model (GLM) with a logit link and binomial error distribution was constructed with the proportion of taxa in each extinction risk category as the response variable and the habit, sex and fruit‐type characters as explanatory terms. In a separate approach, we investigated patterns across the threat categories of non‐endangered extant, endangered, and extinct using a multinomial model. We examined whether or not species‐poor genera were more likely to contain threatened or extinct species than species‐rich genera. A GLM with a binomial error distribution and logit link function was constructed to obtain a weighted regression on the proportion of species listed as extinct or endangered within a genus versus the log of the size of the genus. We also used a supertree analysis and character tracing to investigate the role of phylogeny on extinction risk. Results We found that the Australian flora is primarily composed of bisexual shrubs with dry‐dehiscent fruits. Dioecious breeding systems (separate female and male flowers on separate plants) in many floras are the predominant unisexual system, but in Australia there are unexpectedly high levels of monoecy (separate female and male flowers on the same plant). Within the extinct data set of 31 species we detected a significant departure from that expected for habit but not for life span, sexual system or fruit type. There are significantly fewer trees on the extinct list than expected. This may reflect the greater resilience of trees than of other growth habits to extinction processes as well as the observation time‐frame. Within the endangered data set of 450 species we found significant differences in the representation of the observed characters from that expected within sex systems and fruit types. We show that, depending on the life form, unisexual breeding systems can be significantly and positively associated with endangered species compared with non‐threatened species. For example, there are more monoecious species than expected by chance among the tree species listed as endangered but fewer among the herbaceous life forms. Threat category was found to be non‐randomly clustered in some clades. Main conclusions Life‐history characters in certain combinations are predictive of extinction risk. Phylogeny is also an important component of extinction risk. We suggest that specific life‐history characters could be used for conservation planning and as an early warning sign for detecting vulnerability in lists of species.  相似文献   

Vertebrates have achieved great evolutionary success due in large part to the anatomical diversification of their jaw complex, which allows them to inhabit almost every ecological niche. While many studies have focused on mechanisms that pattern the jaw skeleton, much remains to be understood about the origins of novelty and diversity in the closely associated musculature. To address this issue, we focused on parrots, which have acquired two anatomically unique jaw muscles: the ethmomandibular and the pseudomasseter. In parrot embryos, we observe distinct and highly derived expression patterns for Scx, Bmp4, Tgfβ2 and Six2 in neural crest-derived mesenchyme destined to form jaw muscle connective tissues. Furthermore, immunohistochemical analysis reveals that cell proliferation is more active in the cells within the jaw muscle than in surrounding connective tissue cells. This biased and differentially regulated mode of cell proliferation in cranial musculoskeletal tissues may allow these unusual jaw muscles to extend towards their new attachment sites. We conclude that the alteration of neural crest-derived connective tissue distribution during development may underlie the spatial changes in jaw musculoskeletal architecture found only in parrots. Thus, parrots provide valuable insights into molecular and cellular mechanisms that may generate evolutionary novelties with functionally adaptive significance.  相似文献   

Although evolutionary theory predicts an association between the evolution of elaborate ornamentation and speciation, empirical evidence for links between speciation and ornament evolution has been mixed. In birds, the evolution of increasingly complex and colorful plumage may promote speciation by introducing prezygotic mating barriers. However, overall changes in color complexity, including both increases and decreases, may also promote speciation by altering the sexual signals that mediate reproductive choices. Here, we examine the relationship between complex plumage and speciation rates in the largest family of songbirds, the tanagers (Thraupidae). First, we test whether species with more complex plumage coloration are associated with higher speciation rates and find no correlation. We then test whether rates of male or female plumage color complexity evolution are correlated with speciation rates. We find that elevated rates of plumage complexity evolution are associated with higher speciation rates, regardless of sex and whether species are evolving more complex or less complex ornamentation. These results extend to whole-plumage color complexity and regions important in signaling (crown and throat) but not nonsignaling regions (back and wingtip). Our results suggest that the extent of change in plumage traits, rather than overall values of plumage complexity, may play a role in speciation.  相似文献   

Variation in gene expression leads to phenotypic diversity and plays a central role in caste differentiation of eusocial insect species. In social Hymenoptera, females with the same genetic background can develop into queens or workers, which are characterized by divergent morphologies, behaviours and lifespan. Moreover, many social insects exhibit behaviourally distinct worker castes, such as brood‐tenders and foragers. Researchers have just started to explore which genes are differentially expressed to achieve this remarkable phenotypic plasticity. Although the queen is normally the only reproductive individual in the nest, following her removal, young brood‐tending workers often develop ovaries and start to reproduce. Here, we make use of this ability in the ant Temnothorax longispinosus and compare gene expression patterns in the queens and three worker castes along a reproductive gradient. We found the largest expression differences between the queen and the worker castes (~2500 genes) and the smallest differences between infertile brood‐tenders and foragers (~300 genes). The expression profile of fertile workers is more worker‐like, but to a certain extent intermediate between the queen and the infertile worker castes. In contrast to the queen, a high number of differentially expressed genes in the worker castes are of unknown function, pointing to the derived status of hymenopteran workers within insects.  相似文献   

Acne is the most common skin disorder and can directly affect the patients’ self-esteem. Systemic treatment has been indicated for nodular, cystic or persistent acne rather than another type of treatment, such as a topic one. Isotretinoin is an analogue of vitamin A and by suppressing the sebaceous glands the disease can be controlled. This study was designed to mimic the treatment performed in young patients using the dosage of 1 mg/kg, and a higher one of 10 mg/kg, for 60 days in young male Wistar rats. 24 Wistar rats were divided into four groups: control(water), D0(soybean oil, control group), D1(1 mg/kg of Isotretinoin solution), D10(10 mg/kg of Isotretinoin solution). Using the morphometry tool and histochemical techniques we evaluated the villus, intestinal crypts, and goblet cells to find signs of possible alterations of the duodenum, jejunum and ileum segments of the small intestine. We found no signs of changes in the jejunum mucosa after 60 days of treatment with 1 mg/kg and 10 mg/kg. The duodenum is also less affected, whereas significant modifications were found in the ileum. The goblet cell frequency was altered, indicating a proliferative potential for the substance. Although some patients have described intestinal symptoms, no important alterations were found with this protocol, reaffirming the security involved in the treatment with this substance.  相似文献   

Arsenic trioxide (ATO) can regulate many biological functions such as apoptosis and differentiation in various cells. We investigated an involvement of ROS such as H(2)O(2) and O(2)(*-), and GSH in ATO-treated Calu-6 cell death. The levels of intracellular H(2)O(2) were decreased in ATO-treated Calu-6 cells at 72 h. However, the levels of O(2)(*-) were significantly increased. ATO reduced the intracellular GSH content. Many of the cells having depleted GSH contents were dead, as evidenced by the propidium iodine staining. The activity of CuZn-SOD was strongly down-regulated by ATO at 72 h while the activity of Mn-SOD was weakly up-regulated. The activity of catalase was decreased by ATO. ROS scavengers, Tiron and Trimetazidine did not reduce levels of apoptosis and intracellular O(2)(*-) in ATO-treated Calu-6 cells. Tempol showing a decrease in intracellular O(2)(*-) levels reduced the loss of mitochondrial transmembrane potential (DeltaPsi(m)). Treatment with NAC showing the recovery of GSH depletion and the decreased effect on O(2)(*-) levels in ATO-treated cells significantly inhibited apoptosis. In addition, BSO significantly increased the depletion of GSH content and apoptosis in ATO-treated cells. Treatment with SOD and catalase significantly reduced the levels of O(2)(*-) levels in ATO-treated cells, but did not inhibit apoptosis along with non-effect on the recovery of GSH depletion. Taken together, our results suggest that ATO induces apoptosis in Calu-6 cells via the depletion of the intracellular GSH contents rather than the changes of ROS levels.  相似文献   

Several mutations have been found in the leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 gene (LRRK2), encoding the protein dardarin, which are associated with autosomal dominant Parkinson disease. We have previously shown that mutant LRRK2/dardarin is toxic to neurons and neuron-like cell lines in culture and that some mutations are also associated with an inclusion-body phenotype. There is a homologous kinase, LRRK1, which has a similar domain structure but is not known to carry mutations causing Parkinson disease. In the current study, we introduced mutations at equivalent residues in both LRRK2 and LRRK1 to determine their effects in cells. We show that mutations in dardarin are more prone to form inclusion bodies in transfected cells and are more toxic than equivalent mutations in LRRK1. This work suggests that dardarin/LRRK2 is inherently more damaging than LRRK1.  相似文献   

In plants, Ca2+-dependent protein kinases (CDPKs) are characterized as important sensors of Ca2+ flux in response to varieties of biotic and abiotic stress. A comprehensive survey of global gene expression performed by using an Arabidopsis thaliana whole genome Affymetrix gene chip revealed that CDPK tends to be significantly higher in tetraploid Isatis indigotica than in diploid ones. To investigate different CDPK expression in response to polyploidy, a full-length cDNA clone (IiCPK1) encoding CDPK was isolated from the traditional Chinese medicinal herb I. indigotica cDNA library. IiCPK1 contains some basic features of CDPKs: a catalytic kinase domain including an ATP-binding domain and four EFhand calcium-binding motifs. Real-time PCR analysis indicated the expression of IiCPK1 from two kinds of I. indigotica (tetraploid and diploid). They both were induced in response to cold stress, but tetraploids I. indigotica which has good fertility, exhibited an enhanced resistance and higher yield, and presented to be more responsive and adaptable. Our results suggest that IiCPK1 gene plays a role in adapting to the environmental stress.  相似文献   

Telomeres, DNA‐protein structures at chromosome ends, shorten with age, and telomere length has been linked to age‐related diseases and survival. In vitro studies revealed that the shortest telomeres trigger cell senescence, but whether the shortest telomeres are also the best biomarker of ageing is not known. We measured telomeres in erythrocytes of wild common terns Sterna hirundo using terminal restriction fragment analysis. This yields a distribution of telomere lengths for each sample, and we investigated how different telomere subpopulations (percentiles) varied in their relation to age and fitness proxies. Longer telomeres within a genome lost more base pairs with age and were better predictors of survival than shorter telomeres. Likewise, fitness proxies such as arrival date at the breeding grounds and reproductive success were best predicted by telomere length at the higher percentiles. Our finding that longer telomeres within a genome predict fitness components better than the shorter telomeres indicates that they are a more informative ageing biomarker. This finding contrasts with the fact that cell senescence is triggered by the shortest telomeres. We suggest that this paradox arises, because longer telomeres lose more base pairs per unit time and thus better reflect the various forms of stress that accelerate telomere shortening, and that telomeres primarily function as biomarker because their shortening reflects cumulative effects of various stressors rather than reflecting telomere‐induced cell senescence.  相似文献   

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