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Mechanosensitive (MS) ion channels are activated by mechanical stress and then transduce this information into electrical signals. These channels are involved in the growth, development and response to environmental stress in higher plants. Detailed analyses of the electrophysiology in higher plants are difficult because such plants are composed of complex tissues. The large cells of the charophytes facilitate electrophysiological measurements and allow us to study MS ion channels at the level of single cells. We draw parallels between the process of touch-perception in freshwater Chara, and the turgor-regulating response to osmotic shock in salt-tolerant Lamprothamnium. In terms of electrophysiology, these responses can be considered in three stages: (1) stimulus perception, (2) signal transmission and (3) induction of response. In Chara the first stage is due to the receptor potential (RPD), a transient depolarization with a critical threshold that triggers action potentials, which are responsible for stages (2) and (3). Receptor potentials are generated by MS ion channels. Action potentials involve a transient influx of Ca(2+) to the cytoplasm, effluxes of K(+) and Cl(-) and a temporary decrease of turgor pressure. Reducing cell turgor increases sensitivity to mechanical stimulation. In Lamprothamnium, a hypotonic shock produces an extended depolarization that resembles an extended RPD and is responsive to osmotic rather than ionic changes. Like the action potential, a critical threshold depolarization triggers Ca(2+) influx, opening of Ca(2+)-sensitive Cl(-) channels and K(+) channels; effluxes that last over an hour and result in turgor regulation. These processes show us, in primal form and at the level of single cells, how mechanoperception occurs in higher plants. Recent progress in research into the role of MS ion channels in the freshwater and salt-tolerant Characeae is reviewed and the relevance of these findings to plants in general is considered.  相似文献   

This study describes the unusual growth forms of Chara (Charales) in a natural terrestrial environment in a temperate region (southern Siberia). Chara vulgaris had a moss‐like habit and grew on wet soil in small compact turfs probably germinated from oospores. The upper branchlets were curved in a hook‐liked manner and convergent above the apex of the thallus. The lowest internode and branchlets of fertile plants were ecorticate, whereas all other parts were normally corticated; the completely ecorticate plants were sterile. The terrestrial growth of charophytes had an irregular appearance but was successfully maintained in culture, providing a potential model of the first steps of land colonization by the ancestors of embryophytes.  相似文献   

Abstract. Chara vulgaris L. growing in an oligohaline lake was adapted to laboratory conditions and subjected to long-term salinity treatments ranging from 0 to 350 mol m 3 NaCl added to the lake water (40–680 mosmol kg 1). Osmotic potential and concentration of the main osmotically active solutes (K+, Na+, Mg2+, Cl and sucrose) in the vacuolar sap of the central internodal cells were estimated. C. vulgaris did regulate turgor but incompletely. Turgor decreased from 335 mosmol kg 1 under control conditions to 52–111 mosmol kg 1 at 350 mol m 3 NaCl. The enhancement of πi was achieved by increase in both ions and sucrose. Sterile and fertile plants differed in their response to osmotic stress. In sterile plants, the ions accounted for about 87% of the vacuolar osmotic potential. The increase of πi under osmotic stress was exclusively due to an accumulation of Na+ and Cl-. In fertile plants, sucrose accounted for about 35% of πi and ions for about 51% Under osmotic stress, sucrose content increased together with the ionic content of Na+ and Cl-.  相似文献   

Electrical impedance plethysmography: a critical analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A critical electrolyte concentration method previously proposed to distinguish RNA from DNA was considered for a rapid screening of apoptosis at the cellular level. For the monitoring of the apoptotic phenomenon, preparations subjected to anin situ 3 end DNA labelling assay were also analyzed. The results indicated that the critical electrolyte concentration assay as used here is a simple and useful tool for the rapid identification of apoptotic cells and could contribute to the determination of their frequency, localization and other characteristics.This investigation was supported by CNPq (300397/96-8, 520698/96-7) and FAPESP (95/6629-8) Brazilian Foundations and by the US National Cancer PHS (CA 67238).  相似文献   

Angiotensin exerts numerous contractile and secretory effects by activating specific receptors. Recent pharmacological findings obtained with this peptide in various laboratories are analyzed, using the order of potency of agonists and the affinity of competitive antagonists as criteria for the classification of receptors for angiotensin in several systems. The analysis is restricted to experiments in which biological effects have been measured. Desensitization (the third criterion for classification of receptors) is discussed and a new protocol is proposed for its utilization. The analysis reveals that receptors for angiotensin in intestinal and vascular smooth muscles, in the heart, and in the vas deferens are all of the same type, while the receptors mediating the release of catecholamines from the adrenal medulla and those subserving the steroidogenic action on the adrenal cortex remain still unidentified. The recently proposed role of ATI as mediator of renin in the adrenal medulla is not substantiated by pharmacological findings with decapeptide antagonists. Moreover, the utilization of ATI as an agonist to determine the order of potency of angiotensins and the use of SQ 20881 as an inhibitor of the converting enzyme have shown serious limitations and should be reconsidered. The hypothetical role of ATIII as mediator of the renin-angiotensin system in the adrenal cortex, at least in other species than the rat, appears to be supported by the high affinity of heptapeptide antagonists for the adrenocortical receptor. However, these antagonists have generally been compared with [Sar1,Ala8]-ATII, A compound which is definitely inadequate for evaluating the affinities of octapeptides in the adrenal cortex. Therefore most of the data supporting the role of ATIII in this system have to be carefully reconsidered. Analogues of ATII are proposed for using as agonists and as antagonists instead of the natural angiotensins (for determining the order of potency of agonists) and instead of [Sar1,Ala8]-ATII (for measuring the affinities of competitive antagonists).  相似文献   

The reaction between the cyclic dianhydride of diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA), a bifunctional reagent, and proteins under various conditions was studied using porcine insulin as a model protein. The reaction was compared with that between citraconic anhydride, a monofunctional reagent, and insulin. Products were characterized chromatographically and electrophoretically before and after deesterification by hydroxylamine. A DTPA-conjugated product was further characterized by proteolytic fragmentation. The reaction with citraconic anhydride yielded the expected number of products exclusively acylated on amino groups. In contrast, the reaction with the cyclic dianhydride of DTPA under all conditions examined yielded a much higher number of products than expected. Among the products formed were O-acylated ones and products of intermolecular cross-linking. It is concluded that the use of the cyclic dianhydride of DTPA does not allow the reliable preparation of proteins or other macromolecules conjugated with a high number of DTPA molecules in which each molecule of DTPA is linked to one amino group of the macromolecule through a single amide bond.  相似文献   

N. Alan Walker  Dale Sanders 《Planta》1991,185(3):443-445
Ion-gradient-coupled transport systems in plants are normally electrophoretic and carry inward current. Rapid inward electrical currents elicited by K+, by urea and by lysine in the freshwater acidophilic alga Nitella translucens Agh. are all very strongly dependent on the presence of Na+ or (except in the case of K+) Li+. These results indicate that Na+-coupled solute transport in plants, which had previously been demonstrated only in an alkalophilic species (Chara australis), did not evolve recently as an alternative to H+-coupled transport in high-pH environments, and might therefore be more widely distributed than has hitherto been recognised.We are very grateful to Professor E.A.C. MacRobbie and Mr J. Banfield (Botany School, University of Cambridge) for supplies of Nitella translucens. Financial support for this work was obtained from the Australian Department of Industry, Technology and Commerce and the Joint Research Council's Biotechnology Collaboration Scheme between Britain and Australia (to N.A.W. and D.S.), and from an Agricultural and Food Research Council Grant (PG 87/501 to D.S.). D.S. was a Nuffield Foundation Science Research Fellow.  相似文献   

The charophyte green algae (CGA, Streptophyta, Viridiplantae) occupy a key phylogenetic position as the immediate ancestors of land plants but, paradoxically, are less well‐studied than the other major plant lineages. This is particularly true in the context of functional genomic studies, where the lack of an efficient protocol for their stable genetic transformation has been a major obstacle. Observations of extant CGA species suggest the existence of some of the evolutionary adaptations that had to occur for land colonization; however, to date, there has been no robust experimental platform to address this genetically. We present a protocol for high‐throughput Agrobacterium tumefaciens‐mediated transformation of Penium margaritaceum, a unicellular CGA species. The versatility of Penium as a model for studying various aspects of plant cell biology and development was illustrated through non‐invasive visualization of protein localization and dynamics in living cells. In addition, the utility of RNA interference (RNAi) for reverse genetic studies was demonstrated by targeting genes associated with cell wall modification (pectin methylesterase) and biosynthesis (cellulose synthase). This provided evidence supporting current models of cell wall assembly and inter‐polymer interactions that were based on studies of land plants, but in this case using direct observation in vivo. This new functional genomics platform has broad potential applications, including studies of plant organismal biology and the evolutionary innovations required for transition from aquatic to terrestrial habitats.  相似文献   

The concept of a brain renin-angiotensin system originated with the observation that the components necessary for the formation of angiotensin II are present in the central nervous system. This observation has been confirmed and extended, and it is now frequently assumed that there is a functional brain renin-angiotensin system. However, careful analysis of the available evidence has revealed a number of significant problems. It appears that most of the renin-like activity measured in extracts of brain is due to the acid protease cathepsin D; this is unlikely to function as an angiotensin-forming enzyme in vivo. Experiments involving central administration of renin substrate have not provided convincing evidence for a significant renin-renin substrate interaction in vivo. Attempts to demonstrate the presence of angiotensin in the brain have been plagued with problems of specificity and it is still not clear if the peptide is actually present in the central nervous system. These problems do not rule out the possibility that there is a brain renin-angiotensin system, but more definitive evidence is required before it can be concluded that such a tensin system exists.  相似文献   

Diffusion in gels containing immobilized cells: a critical review   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Eleven experimental investigation of diffusion in gels containing immobilized cells are reviewed. The experimental data, which quantitatively express the diffusion coefficient as a function of the cell concentration, are compared with a number of well-known equations developed for mass transfer in heterogeneous media. Based on this comparison, a procedure for the theoretical prediction of effective diffusion coefficients in cell-containing gels is recommended.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates the novel use of the HeLaS3 human tumor cell line for propagating ONYX-411, a recombinant oncolytic adenoviral vector. HeLaS3 cells enabled high levels of vector production without the risk of generating vector recombinants, which is possible with HEK293 cells. The development of a high-cell-density perfusion process using ATF technology yielded production levels as high as 6 x 10(11) vp/mL, which was approximately sevenfold greater than the titers achieved in fed-batch bioreactors. Several experiments were performed at the bench (15 L) and pilot (70 L) scales to demonstrate the robust and scalable nature of this industrially relevant technology.  相似文献   

Applications of mitochondrial DNA analysis in conservation: a critical review   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:21  
Patterns of variation in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) increasingly are being investigated in threatened or managed species, but not always with clearly defined goals for conservation. In this review I identify uses of mtDNA analysis which fall into two different areas: (i) 'gene conservation' - the identification and management of genetic diversity, and (ii) 'molecular ecology' - the use of mtDNA variation to guide and assist demographic studies of populations. These two classes of application have different conceptual bases, conservation goals and time-frames. Gene conservation makes extensive use of phylogenetic information and is, in general, most relevant to long-term planning. Appropriate uses here include identification of Evolutionarily Significant Units and assessment of conservation priority of taxa or areas from an evolutionary perspective. Less appropriate are inferences about fitness from within-population diversity and about species boundaries. Molecular ecology makes more use of allele frequencies and provides information useful for short-term management of populations. Powerful applications are to identify Management Units and to define and use naturally occurring genetic tags. Estimating demographic parameters, e.g migration rate and population size, from patterns of mtDNA diversity is fraught with difficulty, particularly where populations are fluctuating, and is unlikely to produce quantitative estimates sufficiently accurate to be useful for practical management of contemporary populations. However, through comparative studies, mtDNA analysis can provide qualitative signals of population changes, allowing efficient targeting of resource-intensive ecological studies. Thus, there are some relatively straightforward uses of mtDNA, preferably in conjunction with assays of nuclear variation, that can make a significant contribution to the long-term planning and short-term execution of species recovery plans.  相似文献   

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