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Fourteen genes encoding putative secondary amino acid transporters were identified in the genomes of Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris strains MG1363 and SK11 and L. lactis subsp. lactis strains IL1403 and KF147, 12 of which were common to all four strains. Amino acid uptake in L. lactis cells overexpressing the genes revealed transporters specific for histidine, lysine, arginine, agmatine, putrescine, aromatic amino acids, acidic amino acids, serine, and branched-chain amino acids. Substrate specificities were demonstrated by inhibition profiles determined in the presence of excesses of the other amino acids. Four knockout mutants, lacking the lysine transporter LysP, the histidine transporter HisP (formerly LysQ), the acidic amino acid transporter AcaP (YlcA), or the aromatic amino acid transporter FywP (YsjA), were constructed. The LysP, HisP, and FywP deletion mutants showed drastically decreased rates of uptake of the corresponding substrates at low concentrations. The same was observed for the AcaP mutant with aspartate but not with glutamate. In rich M17 medium, the deletion of none of the transporters affected growth. In contrast, the deletion of the HisP, AcaP, and FywP transporters did affect growth in a defined medium with free amino acids as the sole amino acid source. HisP was essential at low histidine concentrations, and AcaP was essential in the absence of glutamine. FywP appeared to play a role in retaining intracellularly synthesized aromatic amino acids when these were not added to the medium. Finally, HisP, AcaP, and FywP did not play a role in the excretion of accumulated histidine, glutamate, or phenylalanine, respectively, indicating the involvement of other transporters.  相似文献   

Lhx4基因是LIM同源框基因家族的一员 ,它在运动神经元的发育过程中发挥着重要的作用 .从人脊髓cDNA文库中筛选到了 1个人源性Lhx4基因的cDNA全长序列 ,它与鼠源性的Lhx4基因的cDNA序列有 92 %同源性 .它的基因被定位在 1号染色体 1q 2 4 .1- 1q 2 4 .3的位置 ,并包含有 6个外显子 .其中同源框结构域由外显子 4和 5表达 ,LIM结构域 1由外显子 2表达 ,LIM结构域2由外显子 3表达 .  相似文献   

Indolethylamine N-methyltransferase (INMT) catalyzes the N-methylation of tryptamine and structurally related compounds. We recently cloned and characterized the rabbit INMT cDNA and gene as a step toward cloning the cDNA and gene for this enzyme in humans. We have now used a PCR-based approach to clone a human INMT cDNA that had a 792-bp open reading frame that encoded a 263-amino-acid protein 88% identical in sequence to rabbit INMT. Northern blot analysis of 35 tissues showed that a 2.7-kb INMT mRNA species was expressed in most tissues. When the cDNA was expressed in COS-1 cells, the recombinant enzyme catalyzed the methylation of tryptamine with an apparent Km value of 2.9 mM. The human cDNA was then used to clone the human INMT gene from a human genomic BAC library. The gene was 5471 bp in length, consisted of three exons, and was structurally similar to the rabbit INMT gene as well as genes for nicotinamide N-methyltransferase and phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase in several species. All INMT exon–intron splice junctions conformed to the “GT-AG” rule, and no canonical TATA or CAAT sequences were present within the 5′-flanking region of the gene. Human INMT mapped to chromosome 7p15.2–p15.3 on the basis of both PCR analysis and fluorescence in situ hybridization. Finally, two possible single nucleotide polymorphisms were identified within exon 3, both of which altered the encoded amino acid. The cloning and expression of a human INMT cDNA, as well as the cloning, structural characterization, and mapping of its gene represent steps toward future studies of the function and regulation of this methyltransferase enzyme in humans.  相似文献   

A globulin fraction prepared from rice embryos contained polypeptidesor polypeptide groups of 49 kDa (designated REG1), 46 kDa (designatedREG2), about 35 kDa, 32 kDa and 25 kDa. The amino-terminal sequencesof REG1 and the major polypeptide in the 35-kDa group were identical,suggesting that the REG1 polypeptide undergoes partial proteolyticprocessing that removes a carboxy-terminal region. A cDNA clone,designated pcREG2, encoding REG2 was isolated, and its nucleotidesequence was determined. The deduced amino acid sequence ofREG2 was found to be 68% identical to that of the maize GLB2globulin. Reg2 mRNA was present at high levels during embryodevelopment for up to 14 days after flowering (DAF). Lower levelswere found 20 DAF when the maturation of embryos was almostcompleted, and at the dry mature stage. Reg2 mRNA almost disappearedupon imbibition of isolated dry mature embryos but it was re-inducedat a low level by further treatment with ABA. The expressionof Reg2 was not induced by ABA in suspension-cultured cells,unlike that of Osem, one of the late embryogenesis abundantprotein (LEA) genes. (Received November 6, 1995; Accepted April 22, 1996)  相似文献   

Cortistatin is a 14-residue putative neuropeptide with strong structural similarity to somatostatin and is expressed predominantly in cortical GABAergic interneurons of rats. Administration of cortistatin into the brain ventricles specifically enhances slow-wave sleep, presumably by antagonizing the effects of acetylcholine on cortical excitability. Here we report the identification of cDNAs corresponding to mouse and human preprocortistatin and the mRNA distribution and gene mapping of mouse cortistatin. Analysis of the nucleotide and predicted amino acid sequences from rat and mouse reveals that the 14 C-terminal residues of preprocortistatin, which make up the sequence that is most similar to somatostatin, are conserved between species. Lack of conservation of other dibasic amino acid residues whose cleavage by prohormone convertases would give rise to additional peptides suggests that cortistatin-14 is the only active peptide derived from the precursor. As in the rat, mouse preprocortistatin mRNA is present in GABAergic interneurons in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus. The preprocortistatin gene maps to mouse chromosome 4, in a region showing conserved synteny with human 1p36. The human putative cortistatin peptide has an arginine for lysine substitution, compared to the rat and mouse products, and is N-terminally extended by 3 amino acids.  相似文献   

Abstract: The diverse physiological actions of galanin are thought to be mediated through activation of galanin receptors (GalRs). We report the genomic and cDNA cloning of a mouse GalR that possesses a genomic structure distinct from that of GalR1 and encodes a functional galanin receptor. The mouse GalR gene consists of two exons separated by a single intron within the protein-coding region. The splicing site for the intron is located at the junction between the third transmembrane domain and the second intracellular loop. The cDNA encodes a 370-amino acid putative G protein-coupled receptor that is markedly different from human GalR1 and rat GalR3 (38 and 57%) but shares high homology with rat GalR2 (94%). In binding studies utilizing membranes from COS-7 cells transfected with mouse GalR2 cDNA, the receptor displayed high affinity ( K D = 0.47 n M ) and saturable binding with 125I-galanin ( B max = 670 fmol/mg). The radioligand binding can be displaced by galanin and its analogues in a rank order: galanin ⋍ M40 ⋍ M15 ⋍ M35 ⋍ C7 ⋍ galanin (2–29) ⋍ galanin (1–16) ≫ galanin (10–29) ⋍ galanin (3–29), which resembles the pharmacological profile of the rat GalR2. Receptor activation by galanin in COS-7 cells stimulated phosphoinositide metabolism, which was not reversed by pertussis toxin. Thus, the galanin receptor encoded in the cloned mouse GalR gene is the type 2 galanin receptor and is active in both ligand binding and signaling assays.  相似文献   

XPMC2 is a Xenopus gene identified on the basis of its ability to correct a mitotic defect in fission yeast. Here we report the identification of cDNA clones for human XPMC2H, its mapping to the tuberous sclerosis gene TSC1 region on 9q34, determination of genomic structure, and identification of several coding region polymorphisms. The predicted protein has strong sequence similarity to the Xenopus gene. Through SSCP and heteroduplex analysis of genomic DNA, we found two intragenic polymorphisms but no evidence for significant mutations in patients with tuberous sclerosis in this gene.  相似文献   

We have previously isolated a novel Ras GTPase-activating protein (Ras GAP), Gap1m, from rat brain. Gap1mis considered to be a negative regulator of the Ras signaling pathways, like other Ras GAPs, neurofibromin, which is a gene product of the neurofibromatosis type I gene, and p120GAP. In this study we have isolated a human cDNA of this Gap and mapped the gene. The gene encodes a protein of 853 amino acids that shows 89% sequence identity to rat Gap1m. The human gene was mapped to chromosome 3 by PCR analysis on a panel of human–mouse hybrid cells. FISH analysis refined the location of the gene further to 3q22–q23.  相似文献   

利用电子克隆的方法寻找具有重要结构域的人类新基因ACBP5 ,根据得到的序列信息用RT PCR的方法获得全长基因 .通过生物信息学方法预测其结构 ,采用整体原位杂交和组织RT PCR的实验方法 ,在小鼠和鸡胚胎实验模型中研究该基因在发育过程中的表达情况 ,并对其功能进行初步的预测 ,获得一个含有乙酰辅酶A结合蛋白 (acyl CoAbindingprotein ,ACBP)结构域的人类新基因ACBP5 .ACBP5基因的cDNA长度为 10 83bp ,生物信息学方法预测其定位在人第 1号染色体上 ,包含 7个外显子 ,6个内含子 ,包含一个 35 4bp的完整阅读框架 ,编码一个 118个氨基酸残基的蛋白 .在以小鼠胚胎和鸡胚为模型的整体原位杂交中 ,以ACBP5基因全长编码区为探针的结果均显示该基因在胚胎头部特异表达 ,并且主要集中在中脑与间脑之间的峡部 .成体小鼠的组织RT PCR的结果显示 ,ACBP5的同源基因在各组织中均有表达 .这提示ACBP5基因在不同物种中的表达可能比较保守 ,并与头部发育有密切关系 ,同时也对维持细胞的正常功能起到重要的作用 .  相似文献   

A 516-bp winged bean chymotrypsin-trypsin inhibitor (WbCTI) gene was amplified from genomic DNA and cDNA isolated from winged bean using a pair of degenerate primers designed on the basis of the amino acid sequences of WbCTI. The amplified PCR products were cloned and sequenced to confirm their authenticity. DNA sequence analysis of the genomic and cDNA clones of WbCTI revealed the same nucleotide sequence in the coding region and showed WbCTI to be an intron less gene. WbCTI was subcloned into pTrc99A and expressed in Escherichia coli to yield a recombinant protein (rWbCTI). rWbCTI was purified by a rapid and single step immunoaffinity chromatography method, with an overall yield of 1.1 mg/g of wet cells. The homogeneity of the purified protein was checked by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, which showed the presence of a single protein band. Functionally rWbCTI is indistinguishable from WbCTI, since both inhibit bovine trypsin and chymotrypsin in a 1:1 molar ratio. FPLC binding studies also confirmed that rWbCTI binds the proteases in a 1:1 molar ratio.  相似文献   

利用PCR技术,从正常人胎肝染色体DNA中克隆到长度为1572bp的人促红细胞生成素(EPO)基因组基因片段,它包含除第一个外显子和第一个内含子外所有外显子及内含子。再人工合成13bp外显子1的编码区,并与1572bp片段拼接,从而得到除第一个内含子的人促红细胞生成素基因组基因。将克隆得到的EPO基因插入载体pSV2-dhfr得到pSV2-EPO表达载体,转染COS-7细胞后获得高效表达。利用自行研制的小鼠抗人EPO单抗及兔抗人EPO多抗,对表达产物进行ELISA定量测定,细胞分泌EPO量高达251±7U/ml.Krystal法测得体外生物活性241.5±6.5U/ml.用EPO单抗免疫沉淀结合SDS-PAGE对转染细胞的表达产物做了进一步鉴定,清晰地看到了EPO条带。从高效表达EPO的转染细胞中分离纯化mRNA,用RT-PCR方法扩增并克隆到EPO的cDNA,这为EPO在其它系统中的表达及EPO的功能与结构的研究打下了基础。  相似文献   

Gap junctions arc intercellular, water-filled channels composed of transmembrane proteins called connexins, six of which are arranged radially and dock with six homologous proteins in an adjacent cell to form an approximate 16 A pore. Through this pore cell-to-cell transfer of small water-soluble molecules up to about 1000 daltons occurs along concentration gradients. Connexins comprise a multigene family that share consensus sequences in the trans-membrane domains and the first and second extracellular loops. Comparison of the protein sequences of known human connexins with the draft nucleotide sequence of the human genome revealed two clones from chromosome 6 which showed strong similarity to highly conserved connexin sequences. Detailed analysis revealed the presence of a 672 nt open reading frame in these clones, encoding a 223 amino acid polypeptide with a predicted molecular weight of about 25 kD. This is smaller than other known human connexins. The ORF of the potential connexin25 was amplified by semi-nested PCR using human genomic DNA as a template. To confirm that this new gene encodes a connexin, Cx25 was transfected into a gap junction deficient subclone of the human HeLa cell line. After selection of transformants, cells were microinjected with the fluorescent dye Lucifer yellow. Transfectants but not controls successfully transferred dye, demonstrating that this new gene encodes a functional connexin.  相似文献   

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