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The degradation of ecosystems is often associated with losses of large organisms and the concomitant losses of the ecological functions they mediate. Conversely, the resilience of ecosystems to stress is strongly influenced by faunal communities and their impacts on processes. Denitrification in coastal sediments is a process that may provide ecosystem resilience to eutrophication by removing excess bioavailable nitrogen. Here, we conducted a large-scale field experiment to test the effect of macrofaunal community composition on denitrification in response to two levels of nutrient enrichment at 28 sites across a biologically heterogeneous sandflat. After 7 weeks of enrichment, we measured denitrification enzyme activity (DEA) along with benthic macrofaunal community composition and environmental variables. We normalised treatment site specific DEA values by those in ambient sediments (DEACN) to reveal the underlying response across the heterogeneous landscape. Nutrient enrichment caused reductions in DEACN as well as functional changes in the community; these were both more pronounced under the highest level of nutrient loading (on average DEACN was reduced by 34%). The degree of suppression of DEACN following moderate nitrogen loading was mitigated by a key bioturbating species, but following high nitrogen loading (which reduced the key species density) the abundance and diversity of other nutrient processing species were the most important factors alleviating negative effects. This study provides a prime example of the context-dependent role of biodiversity in maintaining ecosystem functioning, underlining that different elements of biodiversity can become important as stress levels increase. Our results emphasise that management and conservation strategies require a real-world understanding of the community attributes that facilitate nutrient processing and maintain resilience in coastal ecosystems.  相似文献   

Temperate Coastal Marine Communities: Biodiversity and Threats   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
SYNOPSIS. Temperate marine ecosystems are some of the most productiveand diverse of all ecosystems. Over the past century the resourcescontained within these communities have been subjected to grossmismanagement. They are continually subjected to threats frommultiple stresses imposed mostly by human activities, predominantlyas a result of increased population growth. The most significantcategories of threats derive from: (1) habitat loss and degradation,(2) pollution from numerous sources including sewage, pesticides,pulp mills, thermal effluents, polychlorinated biphenyls, heavymetals, oil and radionuclides, (3) overexploitation, (4) speciesintroductions, (5) global climate change, (6) misguided humanperceptions and (7) legal complexities. Furthermore, becausesubtidal and offshore coastal marine communities are not easilyobserved, their deterioration often goes mostly unnoticed. Impacts from stresses on coastal marine communities are manifestedat the individual species level, but magnify in effect throughoutthe entire ecosystem because of complex inter-connected relationshipsbetween species at different trophic levels, including interactionssuch as predation, competition and mutualism. Therefore, onemissing species or group of species that may be affected bysome particular local pollutant, for example, may have unpredictabledirect or indirect consequences through secondary effects onthe ecosystem, possibly leading to the loss of a few to manyspecies. Rather than striving to maintain some specific levelof diversity, we should endeavor to understand the basic ecologicalprocesses that control populations, communities and ecosystemsso we can best predict what kinds of stresses will cause themost serious alterations to the system and avoid them. In addition,we should be conservative about protecting systems even beforewe understand the processes fully.  相似文献   



The marine benthic nitrogen cycle is affected by both the presence and activity of macrofauna and the diversity of N-cycling microbes. However, integrated research simultaneously investigating macrofauna, microbes and N-cycling is lacking. We investigated spatio-temporal patterns in microbial community composition and diversity, macrofaunal abundance and their sediment reworking activity, and N-cycling in seven subtidal stations in the Southern North Sea.

Spatio-Temporal Patterns of the Microbial Communities

Our results indicated that bacteria (total and β-AOB) showed more spatio-temporal variation than archaea (total and AOA) as sedimentation of organic matter and the subsequent changes in the environment had a stronger impact on their community composition and diversity indices in our study area. However, spatio-temporal patterns of total bacterial and β-AOB communities were different and related to the availability of ammonium for the autotrophic β-AOB. Highest bacterial richness and diversity were observed in June at the timing of the phytoplankton bloom deposition, while richness of β-AOB as well as AOA peaked in September. Total archaeal community showed no temporal variation in diversity indices.

Macrofauna, Microbes and the Benthic N-Cycle

Distance based linear models revealed that, independent from the effect of grain size and the quality and quantity of sediment organic matter, nitrification and N-mineralization were affected by respectively the diversity of metabolically active β-AOB and AOA, and the total bacteria, near the sediment-water interface. Separate models demonstrated a significant and independent effect of macrofaunal activities on community composition and richness of total bacteria, and diversity indices of metabolically active AOA. Diversity of β-AOB was significantly affected by macrofaunal abundance. Our results support the link between microbial biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in marine sediments, and provided broad correlative support for the hypothesis that this relationship is modulated by macrofaunal activity. We hypothesized that the latter effect can be explained by their bioturbating and bio-irrigating activities, increasing the spatial complexity of the biogeochemical environment.  相似文献   



Bioturbators affect multiple biogeochemical interactions and have been suggested as suitable candidates to mitigate organic matter loading in marine sediments. However, predicting the effects of bioturbators at an ecosystem level can be difficult due to their complex positive and negative interactions with the microbial community.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We quantified the effects of deposit-feeding sea cucumbers on benthic algal biomass (microphytobenthos, MPB), bacterial abundance, and the sediment–seawater exchange of dissolved oxygen and nutrients. The sea cucumbers increased the efflux of inorganic nitrogen (ammonium, NH4 +) from organically enriched sediments, which stimulated algal productivity. Grazing by the sea cucumbers on MPB (evidenced by pheopigments), however, caused a net negative effect on primary producer biomass and total oxygen production. Further, there was an increased abundance of bacteria in sediment with sea cucumbers, suggesting facilitation. The sea cucumbers increased the ratio of oxygen consumption to production in surface sediment by shifting the microbial balance from producers to decomposers. This shift explains the increased efflux of inorganic nitrogen and concordant reduction in organic matter content in sediment with bioturbators.


Our study demonstrates the functional role and potential of sea cucumbers to ameliorate some of the adverse effects of organic matter enrichment in coastal ecosystems.  相似文献   

微生物在碳的海洋生物地球化学循环中的作用   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
微生物在碳的海洋生物地球化学循环中的作用郑天凌,王海黎,洪华生(厦门大学环境科学研究中心361005)RoleofMicroorganismsinBiogeochemicalCyclingofCarboninOceans.¥ZhengTianling...  相似文献   

兴安落叶松人工林生态系统营养元素生物地球化学循环特征   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
生态系统营养元素的生物地球化学循环是生态系统重要功能过程之一。营养元素循环和动态平衡过程直接影响生产力水平,并直接关系到生态系统的连续与稳定。因此,营养循环  相似文献   

The role that neutrophilic iron-oxidizing bacteria play in the Arctic tundra is unknown. This study surveyed chemosynthetic iron-oxidizing communities at the North Slope of Alaska near Toolik Field Station (TFS) at Toolik Lake (lat 68.63, long −149.60). Microbial iron mats were common in submerged habitats with stationary or slowly flowing water, and their greatest areal extent is in coating plant stems and sediments in wet sedge meadows. Some Fe-oxidizing bacteria (FeOB) produce easily recognized sheath or stalk morphotypes that were present and dominant in all the mats we observed. The cool water temperatures (9 to 11°C) and reduced pH (5.0 to 6.6) at all sites kinetically favor microbial iron oxidation. A microbial survey of five sites based on 16S rRNA genes found a predominance of Proteobacteria, with Betaproteobacteria and members of the family Comamonadaceae being the most prevalent operational taxonomic units (OTUs). In relative abundance, clades of lithotrophic FeOB composed 5 to 10% of the communities. OTUs related to cyanobacteria and chloroplasts accounted for 3 to 25% of the communities. Oxygen profiles showed evidence for oxygenic photosynthesis at the surface of some mats, indicating the coexistence of photosynthetic and FeOB populations. The relative abundance of OTUs belonging to putative Fe-reducing bacteria (FeRB) averaged around 11% in the sampled iron mats. Mats incubated anaerobically with 10 mM acetate rapidly initiated Fe reduction, indicating that active iron cycling is likely. The prevalence of iron mats on the tundra might impact the carbon cycle through lithoautotrophic chemosynthesis, anaerobic respiration of organic carbon coupled to iron reduction, and the suppression of methanogenesis, and it potentially influences phosphorus dynamics through the adsorption of phosphorus to iron oxides.  相似文献   

Responses to microhabitat are often neglected when ecologists sample animal indicator groups. Microhabitats may be particularly influential in non-passive biodiversity sampling methods, such as baited traps or light traps, and for certain taxonomic groups which respond to fine scale environmental variation, such as insects. Here we test the effects of microhabitat on measures of species diversity, guild structure and biomass of dung beetles, a widely used ecological indicator taxon. We demonstrate that choice of trap placement influences dung beetle functional guild structure and species diversity. We found that locally measured environmental variables were unable to fully explain trap-based differences in species diversity metrics or microhabitat specialism of functional guilds. To compare the effects of habitat degradation on biodiversity across multiple sites, sampling protocols must be standardized and scale-relevant. Our work highlights the importance of considering microhabitat scale responses of indicator taxa and designing robust sampling protocols which account for variation in microhabitats during trap placement. We suggest that this can be achieved either through standardization of microhabitat or through better efforts to record relevant environmental variables that can be incorporated into analyses to account for microhabitat effects. This is especially important when rapidly assessing the consequences of human activity on biodiversity loss and associated ecosystem function and services.  相似文献   

Marine bacteria play a central role in the degradation of dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) to dimethyl sulfide (DMS) and acrylic acid, DMS being critical to cloud formation and thereby cooling effects on the climate. High concentrations of DMSP and DMS have been reported in scleractinian coral tissues although, to date, there have been no investigations into the influence of these organic sulfur compounds on coral-associated bacteria. Two coral species, Montipora aequituberculata and Acropora millepora, were sampled and their bacterial communities were characterized by both culture-dependent and molecular techniques. Four genera, Roseobacter, Spongiobacter, Vibrio, and Alteromonas, which were isolated on media with either DMSP or DMS as the sole carbon source, comprised the majority of clones retrieved from coral mucus and tissue 16S rRNA gene clone libraries. Clones affiliated with Roseobacter sp. constituted 28% of the M. aequituberculata tissue libraries, while 59% of the clones from the A. millepora libraries were affiliated with sequences related to the Spongiobacter genus. Vibrio spp. were commonly isolated from DMS and acrylic acid enrichments and were also present in 16S rRNA gene libraries from coral mucus, suggesting that under “normal” environmental conditions, they are a natural component of coral-associated communities. Genes homologous to dddD, and dddL, previously implicated in DMSP degradation, were also characterized from isolated strains, confirming that bacteria associated with corals have the potential to metabolize this sulfur compound when present in coral tissues. Our results demonstrate that DMSP, DMS, and acrylic acid potentially act as nutrient sources for coral-associated bacteria and that these sulfur compounds are likely to play a role in structuring bacterial communities in corals, with important consequences for the health of both corals and coral reef ecosystems.Dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) is an organic sulfur compound implicated in the formation of clouds via its cleavage product dimethyl sulfide (DMS) and therefore has the potential to exert major cooling effects on climate (9, 38). The production of DMSP is mainly restricted to a few classes of marine macro- and microalgae (27, 68), with the main producers being phytoplankton species belonging to prymnesiophyte and dinoflagellate taxa (28, 62, 67). Recently, significant concentrations of DMSP and DMS have been recorded in association with animals that harbor symbiotic algae such as scleractinian corals and giant clams (7, 8, 68), raising questions about the role of coral reefs in sulfur cycling. The densities of symbiotic dinoflagellates (genus Symbiodinium, commonly known as zooxanthellae) in coral tissues are similar to those recorded for dinoflagellates in phytoplankton blooms (11, 68). Since dinoflagellates are among the most significant producers of DMSP and high intracellular concentrations of DMSP have been found in both cultured zooxanthellae (26) and scleractinian corals (6-8, 25), these observations suggest that endosymbiotic zooxanthellae have an integral role in sulfur cycling in oligotrophic reef waters.Most of the DMSP produced by planktonic dinoflagellates is exuded into the surrounding water, where it is degraded by bacteria via two possible pathways: the first one converts a large fraction (ca. 75%) of dissolved DMSP to methylmercaptopropionate, which is subsequently incorporated into the biomass of microbial cells (22, 27, 66). The second pathway transforms the remaining part of the dissolved DMSP to equimolar concentrations of DMS and acrylic acid (43, 66, 72). This metabolic pathway for DMSP degradation has been identified in the alphaproteobacterial species Sulfitobacter sp. and the enzyme involved (DMSP-dependent DMS lyase [DddL]) characterized (10). Another pathway for DMS formation (without production of acrylate) has been described for Marinomonas sp. and the gene responsible, dddD, identified. In addition, the protein DddR has been directly implicated in the regulation of the gene encoding DddD (66). The DMS produced by these enzymes are then released into the surrounding water (27). Prior to the 1980s, diffusion of supersaturated DMS from the oceans to the atmosphere was thought to be the major removal pathway of this compound from the oceans (35, 72). More recently, however, it has been estimated that between 50 and 80% of the DMS produced by DMSP-degrading bacteria is degraded directly by other types of bacteria (58, 59), although the populations and metabolic pathways involved in the degradation of DMS are still poorly understood.Coral-associated bacterial communities are known to be diverse and highly abundant (12, 30, 48, 49, 52). These dynamic communities exploit a number of habitats associated with corals, including mucus on coral surfaces (48), intracellular niches within coral tissues (3, 16, 45, 47, 52), spaces within coral skeletons (15, 51), and seawater surrounding corals (16, 61). Each of these habitats is believed to harbor different bacterial populations (4, 52). Despite high bacterial diversity, corals have been reported to harbor species-specific microbial communities for beneficial effects; however, their role in coral health is poorly understood (47-50). In coral reef environments, bacteria are dependent upon organic compounds produced by photoautotrophic organisms such as endosymbiotic zooxanthellae (48); therefore, photosynthates translocated to coral tissues and mucus may determine microbial communities closely associated with corals (48, 52). The high levels of DMSP and DMS produced by corals, coupled with the dependence of DMSP and DMS conversion on processes typically involving bacteria, suggest that corals are likely to harbor bacterial species involved in the cycling of these compounds. To investigate the potential of the organosulfur compound DMSP and its breakdown products, DMS and acrylic acid, to drive coral-associated microbial communities, we used these compounds as sole carbon sources to isolate bacteria from two coral species (Montipora aequituberculata and Acropora millepora) and then directly compared these microbial communities with coral-associated microbiota identified using culture-independent analyses. Genes implicated in the metabolism of DMSP were also characterized from isolated strains, confirming that bacteria associated with corals have the potential to metabolize organic sulfur compounds present in coral tissues.  相似文献   

Addressing the challenges of biodiversity conservation and sustainable development requires global cooperation, support structures, and new governance models to integrate diverse initiatives and achieve massive, open exchange of data, tools, and technology. The traditional paradigm of sharing scientific knowledge through publications is not sufficient to meet contemporary demands that require not only the results but also data, knowledge, and skills to analyze the data. E-infrastructures are key in facilitating access to data and providing the framework for collaboration. Here we discuss the importance of e-infrastructures of public interest and the lack of long-term funding policies. We present the example of Brazil’s speciesLink network, an e-infrastructure that provides free and open access to biodiversity primary data and associated tools. SpeciesLink currently integrates 382 datasets from 135 national institutions and 13 institutions from abroad, openly sharing ~7.4 million records, 94% of which are associated to voucher specimens. Just as important as the data is the network of data providers and users. In 2014, more than 95% of its users were from Brazil, demonstrating the importance of local e-infrastructures in enabling and promoting local use of biodiversity data and knowledge. From the outset, speciesLink has been sustained through project-based funding, normally public grants for 2–4-year periods. In between projects, there are short-term crises in trying to keep the system operational, a fact that has also been observed in global biodiversity portals, as well as in social and physical sciences platforms and even in computing services portals. In the last decade, the open access movement propelled the development of many web platforms for sharing data. Adequate policies unfortunately did not follow the same tempo, and now many initiatives may perish.  相似文献   

Ecosystems - Terrestrial ecosystems are experiencing increasing frequency and intensity of droughts as a result of climate change. Despite a wealth of previous studies investigating soil responses...  相似文献   

The availability of micronutrients is a key factor that affects primary productivity in High Nutrient Low Chlorophyll (HNLC) regions of the Southern Ocean. Nutrient supply is governed by a range of physical, chemical and biological processes, and there are significant feedbacks within the ecosystem. It has been suggested that baleen whales form a crucial part of biogeochemical cycling processes through the consumption of nutrient-rich krill and subsequent defecation, but data on their contribution are scarce. We analysed the concentration of iron, cadmium, manganese, cobalt, copper, zinc, phosphorus and carbon in baleen whale faeces and muscle, and krill tissue using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Metal concentrations in krill tissue were between 20 thousand and 4.8 million times higher than typical Southern Ocean HNLC seawater concentrations, while whale faecal matter was between 276 thousand and 10 million times higher. These findings suggest that krill act as a mechanism for concentrating and retaining elements in the surface layer, which are subsequently released back into the ocean, once eaten by whales, through defecation. Trace metal to carbon ratios were also higher in whale faeces compared to whale muscle indicating that whales are concentrating carbon and actively defecating trace elements. Consequently, recovery of the great whales may facilitate the recycling of nutrients via defecation, which may affect productivity in HNLC areas.  相似文献   

To investigate the role of primary amino nitrogen (PAN) in nitrogen regeneration by marine sediments, the distribution and fluxes of PAN in organic-rich coastal sediments off Massachusetts (USA) were investigated. Decreases with depth in the sediment of total organic carbon, organic nitrogen, and PAN contents indicate that organics with C to N ratios of about 6, such as primary amines, are selectively consumed. Near the sediment surface, dissolved PAN (DPAN) accumulates and supports a large DPAN flux into the water column and this flux greatly exceeds the inorganic nitrogen flux. Consumption of C, N, and PAN was investigated using diagenetic equations describing their exponentially decreasing distributions with depth and which included the effects of sediment mixing, sediment accumulation, and consumption, considered to be a first-order reaction rate. Calculations showed that the reaction rate constant for PAN was between 5.1 and 26.1 times faster than that for the utilizable organic N and the depth-integrated consumption of PAN accounted for between 8.6 and 43.9% of the N disappearance rate. These ranges are estimated when sediment accumulation dominates over sediment mixing (the lower values) and when mixing dominates over accumulation (the upper values). Although the magnitude of D is unknown, these calculations indicate that PAN, which comprises less than 2% of the organic N, has an important role in sedimentary nutrient dynamics because of its enhanced reactivity.  相似文献   

Nowadays we are seeing the largest biodiversity loss since the extinction of the dinosaurs. To conserve biodiversity it is essential to plan protected areas using a prioritization approach, which takes into account the current biodiversity value of the sites. Considering that in the Mediterranean Basin the agro-ecosystems are one of the most important parts of the landscape, the conservation of crops is essential to biodiversity conservation. In the framework of agro-ecosystem conservation, farmland birds play an important role because of their representativeness, and because of their steady decline in the last Century in Western Europe. The main aim of this research was to define if crop dominated landscapes could be useful for biodiversity conservation in a Mediterranean area in which the landscape was modified by humans in the last thousand years and was affected by the important biogeographical phenomenon of peninsula effect. To assess this, we identify the hotspots and the coldspots of bird diversity in southern Italy both during the winter and in the breeding season. In particular we used a scoring method, defining a biodiversity value for each cell of a 1-km grid superimposed on the study area, using data collected by fieldwork following a stratified random sampling design. This value was analysed by a multiple linear regression analysis and was predicted in the whole study area. Then we defined the hotspots and the coldspots of the study area as 15% of the cells with higher and lower value of biodiversity, respectively. Finally, we used GAP analysis to compare hotspot distribution with the current network of protected areas. This study showed that the winter hotspots of bird diversity were associated with marshes and water bodies, shrublands, and irrigated crops, whilst the breeding hotspots were associated with more natural areas (e.g. transitional wood/shrubs), such as open areas (natural grasslands, pastures and not irrigated crops). Moreover, the results underlined the negative effects of permanent crops, such as vineyards, olive groves, and orchards, in particular during the winter season. This research highlights the importance of farmland areas mainly for wintering species and the importance of open areas for breeding species in the Mediterranean Basin. This may be true even when the species’ spatial distribution could be affected by biogeography. An important result showed that the hotspots for breeding species cannot be used as a surrogate for the wintering species, which were often not considered in the planning of protected areas.  相似文献   

Seafloor basalts are widely distributed and host diverse prokaryotic communities, but no data exist concerning the metabolic rates of the resident microbial communities. We present here potential extracellular enzyme activities of leucine aminopeptidase (LAP) and alkaline phosphatase (AP) measured on basalt samples from different locations on Loihi Seamount, HI, coupled with analysis of prokaryotic biomass and pyrosequencing of the bacterial 16S rRNA gene. The community maximum potential enzyme activity (Vmax) of LAP ranged from 0.47 to 0.90 nmol (g rock)−1 h−1; the Vmax for AP was 28 to 60 nmol (g rock)−1 h−1. The Km of LAP ranged from 26 to 33 μM, while the Km for AP was 2 to 7 μM. Bacterial communities on Loihi basalts were comprised primarily of Alpha-, Delta-, andGammaproteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and Planctomycetes. The putative ability to produce LAP is evenly distributed across the most commonly detected bacterial orders, but the ability to produce AP is likely dominated by bacteria in the orders Xanthomonadales, Flavobacteriales, and Planctomycetales. The enzyme activities on Loihi basalts were compared to those of other marine environments that have been studied and were found to be similar in magnitude to those from continental shelf sediments and orders of magnitude higher than any measured in the water column, demonstrating that the potential for exposed basalts to transform organic matter is substantial. We propose that microbial communities on basaltic rock play a significant, quantifiable role in benthic biogeochemical processes.  相似文献   

Invertebrate Biodiversity in Antarctic Dry Valley Soils and Sediments   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
We studied invertebrate communities across a transition zone between soils and stream sediments in the cold desert landscape of Taylor Valley, Antarctica. We hypothesized that hydrological and biogeochemical linkages in the functionally important transition zone between streams and surrounding soils should be important in structuring invertebrate communities. We compared invertebrate communities along transects beginning in the saturated sediments under flowing stream water and extending laterally through the hyporheic zone to the dry soils that characterize most of the dry valley landscape. Nematodes, rotifers, and tardigrades assembled into different communities in soils and sediments, but there was no relationship between the total abundance of invertebrates and moisture. Community diversity was, however, influenced by the moisture and salinity gradients created with distance from flowing waters. The wet, low-salinity sediments in the center of the stream contained the most invertebrates and had the highest taxonomic diversity. Adjacent to the stream, communities in the hyporheic zone were influenced strongly by salt deposition. Abundance of invertebrates was low in the hyporheic zone, but this area contained the most co-occurring nematode species (three species). In dry soils, communities were composed almost entirely of a single species of nematode, Scottnema lindsayae, an organism not found in the stream center. These results suggest spatially-partitioned niches for invertebrates in soils and sediments in the dry valley landscape based on proximity to sources of moisture and the interactive effects of salinity. Received 22 September 1998; accepted 16 April 1999.  相似文献   

Microbial Nitrogen Cycling Processes in a Sulfidic Coastal Marsh   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sulfide distribution is a key controller of vegetation zonation in coastal ecosystems, but data are limited regarding its impact on the spatial distribution of important N cycling processes. We assessed vegetation distribution and density and, mineral N pool sizes, composition and transformations in a sulfidic coastal marsh in relation to distance from sulfur springs. We observed strong relationships between vegetation attributes (species and density) and mineral N status with greater total inorganic N, NO3 and denitrification enzyme activity (DEA) in sediment samples from areas populated by Crithmum maritimum (mid-way between S springs and sea shore) than in sediments from areas colonized by either Agropyron repens (closest to the S springs) or mangrove (Rhizophora mangleL., farthest from the springs). Our data also suggest close links between N cycling and SO4−2 reduction. The latter resulted in net release of NH4+ ranging from 0.9 mg N kg−1 in the low density C. maritimum to 3.2 mg N kg−1 in the high-density A. repens, during a 3-day incubation. We also tested for microbial adaptation to long-term high sulfide exposure by measuring DEA using the C2H2 block method (which has been found to be strongly affected by the presence of sulfide) and amendment of marsh sediment samples with NaMoO4 to suppress reduced S production. In sediments extracted from sites near the sulfur springs (A. repens and C. maritimum), the C2H2 blockage assay yielded similar results without and with NaMoO4 addition. However, in samples from a mangrove located further downstream from the springs, DEA was substantially lower (2.3 vs. 6.8 mg N2O-N kg−1 sediment d−1) when production of reduced S was not inhibited by NaMoO4. These results suggest that denitrifying microbes in the high sulfide areas may have adapted to the presence of sulfide, allowing for high rates of N and S cycling to occur simultaneously in these marshes.  相似文献   

We compared the biogeochemical cycling of phosphorus (P) in northern hardwood forest plots invaded by exotic earthworms versus adjacent uninvaded reference plots. In three of the six pairs of plots, earthworm invasion resulted in significantly more total P in the upper 12 cm of soil. The finding of increased amounts of unavailable and occluded inorganic P forms in the invaded plots suggests that earthworm activity mobilized unweathered soil particles from deeper layers of the soil, increasing the stocks of total P in surface soils. In two pairs of plots, the earthworm-invaded soils had less total P than the reference soils. In these plots, earthworm activity resulted in augmented rates of P cycling and alteration of the physical structure of the soil that increased loss of P in leaching water, reducing the total amount of P. We hypothesize that the different effects of earthworm invasion on the soil P cycle result from unique characteristics of the ecological groups of earthworms dominating each site. The invaded plots with increased total P were dominated by the anecic species Lumbricus terrestris, a large earthworm that constructs deep, vertical burrows and is effective at moving soil materials from and to deeper layers of the profile. In contrast, the earthworm-invaded plots where the total P in the surface soil decreased were dominated by the epi-endogeic species L. rubellus, which feeds and lives in the upper organic layers of the soil. In these plots, earthworms significantly increased the amount of readily exchangeable P in the soil, increasing the loss of this element in leaching water.  相似文献   

Semi-arid and arid ecosystems dominated by shrubs (“dry shrublands”) are an important component of the global C cycle, but impacts of climate change and elevated atmospheric CO2 on biogeochemical cycling in these ecosystems have not been synthetically assessed. This study synthesizes data from manipulative studies and from studies contrasting ecosystem processes in different vegetation microsites (that is, shrub or herbaceous canopy versus intercanopy microsites), to assess how changes in climate and atmospheric CO2 affect biogeochemical cycles by altering plant and microbial physiology and ecosystem structure. Further, we explore how ecosystem structure impacts on biogeochemical cycles differ across a climate gradient. We found that: (1) our ability to project ecological responses to changes in climate and atmospheric CO2 is limited by a dearth of manipulative studies, and by a lack of measurements in those studies that can explain biogeochemical changes, (2) changes in ecosystem structure will impact biogeochemical cycling, with decreasing pools and fluxes of C and N if vegetation canopy microsites were to decline, and (3) differences in biogeochemical cycling between microsites are predictable with a simple aridity index (MAP/MAT), where the relative difference in pools and fluxes of C and N between vegetation canopy and intercanopy microsites is positively correlated with aridity. We conclude that if climate change alters ecosystem structure, it will strongly impact biogeochemical cycles, with increasing aridity leading to greater heterogeneity in biogeochemical cycling among microsites. Additional long-term manipulative experiments situated across dry shrublands are required to better predict climate change impacts on biogeochemical cycling in deserts.  相似文献   

Residential development of lakeshores affects the structure and function of riparian and littoral habitats. Organic detritus in sediments is a critical component of littoral food webs, but the effects of urbanization on sediment characteristics are unexplored. We characterized the quantity of organic sediments in Pacific Northwest lakes along a development gradient and found a 10-fold decline in the proportion of detritus in littoral sediments associated with density of lakeshore dwellings. In a comparison between two fully developed lakes and two undeveloped reference lakes, we examined several possible controls on sedimentary organic content, including terrestrial inputs, decomposition rates and associated macroinvertebrate communities, and physical retention by coarse wood. The littoral sediments of undeveloped lakes ranged from 34 to 77% organic by mass, whereas the range on urban lakes was an order of magnitude less, ranging from 1 to 3% organic. We found no significant differences in terrestrial litter inputs between the two sets of lakes. Leaf litter decomposition rates did not vary significantly between the two sets of lakes, and we found higher densities of shredder macroinvertebrate taxa in the littoral zones of undeveloped lakes. Sedimentary organic matter on undeveloped lakes accumulated in shallow waters and declined with distance from shore, whereas the opposite pattern existed on urban lakes. Our results suggest that coarse wood physically retains organic matter in littoral zones where it can enter the detrital energy pathway, and the loss of this feature on urban lakes alters littoral sediment characteristics, with potentially far-reaching consequences for lake food webs.  相似文献   

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