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This paper provides an overview of the U.S. regulatory framework governing genetic biocontrol efforts for invasive fish. Genetic biocontrol refers to the intentional release of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) into the environment to control a target population of a non-native species. The terms “genetically modified” and “genetically engineered” are often used interchangeably, despite the scientific distinctions. A GMO is an organism that has had its genetic material altered or modified by humans through any method, including conventional breeding. Genetic engineering, as defined by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), is the use of recombinant DNA techniques to introduce new characteristics or traits into an organism. GE organisms are therefore a subset of GMOs. As this paper will discuss, existing laws focus on GE organisms raising significant questions as to whether organisms modified without utilizing rDNA techniques fall within the jurisdiction of any federal agency. Under the 1986 Coordinated Framework for Regulation of Biotechnology, three federal agencies have primary responsibility over biotechnology—the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the FDA. Because the EPA has exempted biological control agents from regulation as pesticides and no fish species are currently considered plant pests, the FDA is the agency responsible for approving the use of genetically engineered fish for biocontrol. FDA regulates genetically engineered animals through its New Animal Drug Application (NADA) process. The NADA process presents several challenges to effective and transparent regulation of genetic biocontrol, including the FDA’s focus on drug safety, secrecy provisions potentially limiting disclosure of the results of environmental reviews, and the secondary role of the Fish and Wildlife Service, the federal agency with the most experience with invasive species management. In addition, relying on the NADA process creates a significant regulatory gap as NADA approval is only required for GE organisms. The regulatory framework for GMOs created for genetic biocontrol without rDNA technology is unclear and primary responsibility may fall to the states. Given its extensive experience with hatcheries, invasive fish species control, and environmental reviews, the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) is the more appropriate agency to review applications for genetic biocontrol. Efforts should be undertaken now, while genetic biocontrol is still in the theoretical stages, to increase the role of the FWS in the permitting process either through formal regulations or more informal mechanisms such as memorandum of understanding.  相似文献   

[目的]筛选合适的指标建立一套外来养殖鱼类的生物入侵风险评估体系,并对外来养殖鱼类的生物入侵防控提出对策建议。[方法]通过文献资料的收集和整理,对外来养殖鱼类中典型入侵物种的入侵过程、影响危害和入侵生物学特性进行分析和归纳,从适应能力、繁殖能力、扩散能力3方面指示其入侵性;从对生物的影响和对环境的影响2方面指示其生态影响;从自然因素和人为因素2方面指示环境可入侵性,以上述3方面为框架进行评估体系构建。[结果]筛选20个指标构建了外来养殖鱼类的生物入侵风险评估体系,并举例说明该评估体系的应用。从法规政策、科学研究、治理技术和公众参与等4个方面针对性地提出外来养殖鱼类生物入侵风险防控对策。[结论]防范和治理入侵生物是一个系统工程。对于外来养殖鱼类的管理,既不能只考虑经济效益而置生态风险于不顾,也不能片面放大外来养殖良种的入侵风险。科学管控的关键在于完善制度建设、加强风险评估、发展防治手段、促进公众参与,使外来鱼类养殖业在严格受控的前提下发挥其经济效益,将其潜在的生态危害效应降到最低。  相似文献   

Plant-mediated indirect interactions among herbivores (arthropods and pathogens) are common and extensively reported in the ecological literature. However, they are not well-documented with respect to weed biological control. Such interactions between biological control agents can have net positive or negative impacts on total weed suppression depending on the strength of the interaction(s), the relative importance of the agent indirectly impacted, and the combined weed suppression that results. A better understanding of plant-mediated interactions may improve decision-making about which agents to introduce in classical biological control programs for greatest impact on invasive weeds. This paper reviews the subject, including examples from the biological control literature; outlines the need for research on indirect effects of herbivores on other herbivores; discusses how such knowledge may strengthen classical biological control programs for invasive weeds; and provides recommendations for the kind of studies that should be done and how information about plant-mediated interactions could be integrated into agent evaluation protocols, to assist in decision-making about agents for importation and release.  相似文献   

A systematic review focused by plant on non-target impacts from agents deliberately introduced for the biological control of weeds found significant non-target impacts to be rare. The magnitude of direct impact of 43 biocontrol agents on 140 non-target plants was retrospectively categorized using a risk management framework for ecological impacts of invasive species (minimal, minor, moderate, major, massive). The vast majority of agents introduced for classical biological control of weeds (>99% of 512 agents released) have had no known significant adverse effects on non-target plants thus far; major effects suppressing non-target plant populations could be expected to be detectable. Most direct non-target impacts on plants (91.6%) were categorized as minimal or minor in magnitude with no known adverse long-term impact on non-target plant populations, but a few cacti and thistles are affected at moderate (n = 3), major (n = 7) to massive (n = 1) scale. The largest direct impacts are from two agents (Cactoblastis cactorum on native cacti and Rhinocyllus conicus on native thistles), but these introductions would not be permitted today as more balanced attitudes exist to plant biodiversity, driven by both society and the scientific community. Our analysis shows (as far as is known), weed biological control agents have a biosafety track record of >99% of cases avoiding significant non-target impacts on plant populations. Some impacts could have been overlooked, but this seems unlikely to change the basic distribution of very limited adverse effects. Fewer non-target impacts can be expected in future because of improved science and incorporation of wider values. Failure to use biological control represents a significant opportunity cost from the certainty of ongoing adverse impacts from invasive weeds. It is recommended that a simple five-step scale be used to better communicate the risk of consequences from both action (classical biological control) and no action (ongoing impacts from invasive weeds).  相似文献   

Vascular endothelial growth factor-C (VEGF-C) has a well-defined action on neoplastic lymphangiogenesis and angiogenesis through VEGF receptor-3 (VEGFR-3) and VEGFR-2, respectively, which are generally expressed in endothelial cells. The function of the VEGF-C/receptors pathway in tumor cell types is largely unknown. In this study, we examined the expression and role of VEGF-C/receptors in gallbladder cancer (GBC) cells. We examined the expression of VEGF-C in 50 surgical specimens from gallbladder cancer and three human gallbladder cancer cell lines. Both siRNA and neutralizing antibody to deplete the expression of VEGF-C were used to characterize the biological effect of VEGF-C in GBC NOZ cells. Furthermore, we examined the expression of its receptors, VEGFR-3 and VEGFR-2, in three human GBC cell lines. Our results are as follows: The expression of VEGF-C in the invasive marginal portion was significantly higher than the expression in the central portions. All the three GBC cell lines expressed VEGF-C. Treatment of NOZ cells with VEGF-C siRNA or a neutralizing antibody suppressed cell proliferation and invasion. Moreover, all the three GBC cell lines expressed VEGFR3, but only the NOZ cells expressed VEGFR-2 mRNA. Treatment of NOZ cells with a VEGFR-3 neutralizing antibody suppressed cell invasion, but treatment of NOZ cells with a VEGFR-2 neutralizing antibody suppressed cell proliferation and invasion. In conclusion, GBC cells express both VEGF-C and its receptors. VEGF-C may have a role in the progressive growth and invasion of human GBC through an autocrine mechanism.  相似文献   

Integrating classical biological control with other management techniques such as herbicide, fire, mechanical control, grazing, or plant competition, can be the most effective way to manage invasive weeds in natural areas and rangelands. Biological control agents can be protected from potential negative impacts of these weed control methods through untreated refugia or by applying the treatment at a time when the agent is not vulnerable. A literature review of experiments that integrated biological control with other management strategies from 1987 to 2017 yielded 39 terrestrial and 16 aquatic studies. The tactics most frequently integrated with biological control were herbicide applications and plant competition. Despite numerous examples of successful programs and calls for more widespread integration of biological control with other weed management strategies, there was no increase in the number of studies reported annually over time. Additional studies investigating the ecological and economic benefits of integrated weed management are needed.  相似文献   

《Biological Control》2006,36(3):330-337
Biologically based control methods offer many advantages for the control of invasive plant species; however, these methods are not without risks to native species. Thus, there is a need for more effective and efficient methods of risk analysis for biological control agents. We show how the process of ecological risk assessment established by the United States’ Environmental Protection Agency may be adapted to improve assessment of the risks of proposed biological control agents. We discuss the risks posed by weed biological control agents, and present a simple individual-based model of herbivorous insect movement and oviposition on two species of host plant, a target invasive plant species and a non-target native species, in simulated landscapes. The model shows that risks of non-target impacts may be influenced by the details of the movement behavior of biological control agents in heterogeneous landscapes. The specific details of insect movement that appear to be relevant are readily measured in field trials and the general modeling approach is readily adapted to real landscapes. Current biological control risk assessments typically emphasize effects analysis at the expense of exposure analysis; the modeling approach presented here provides a simple and feasible way to incorporate exposure analyses. We conclude that models such as ours should be given serious consideration as part of a comprehensive strategy of risk assessment for proposed weed biological control agents.  相似文献   

Biologically based control methods offer many advantages for the control of invasive plant species; however, these methods are not without risks to native species. Thus, there is a need for more effective and efficient methods of risk analysis for biological control agents. We show how the process of ecological risk assessment established by the United States’ Environmental Protection Agency may be adapted to improve assessment of the risks of proposed biological control agents. We discuss the risks posed by weed biological control agents, and present a simple individual-based model of herbivorous insect movement and oviposition on two species of host plant, a target invasive plant species and a non-target native species, in simulated landscapes. The model shows that risks of non-target impacts may be influenced by the details of the movement behavior of biological control agents in heterogeneous landscapes. The specific details of insect movement that appear to be relevant are readily measured in field trials and the general modeling approach is readily adapted to real landscapes. Current biological control risk assessments typically emphasize effects analysis at the expense of exposure analysis; the modeling approach presented here provides a simple and feasible way to incorporate exposure analyses. We conclude that models such as ours should be given serious consideration as part of a comprehensive strategy of risk assessment for proposed weed biological control agents.  相似文献   

China has become one of the countries most seriously affected by invasive alien weeds in the world. Weeds impact agriculture, the environment and human health, and conventional control methods such as herbicides are expensive, damaging to human health and unsustainable. As the impacts and costs of weed control in China increase, there is an urgent need to manage some of the more important weeds through more sustainable methods. Classical biological control of invasive alien weeds is environmentally-friendly and sustainable. Biological control in China began in the 1930s with the introduction of two agents into Hong Kong for the control of Lantana camara. Since then, a further seven biological control agents have been introduced into China to control four weed species. In addition, 11 biological control agents targeting seven weed species have naturally spread into China. Together, these biological control agents are helping to control some of China's worst weeds. However, these efforts are only a small portion of the weeds that could be targeted for weed biological control. This paper reviews the current status of weed biological control efforts against introduced weeds in ten provinces and regions in southern China and provides a platform to identify the most effective and appropriate weed biological control opportunities and programmes to pursue in the future. Introducing additional safe and effective biological control agents into China to help manage some of the worst weeds in the region should reduce the use of herbicides and impacts on human health and the environment, while increasing productivity and food security.  相似文献   

Biological control of exotic invasive plants using exotic insects is practiced under the assumption that biological control agents are safe if they do not directly attack non-target species. We tested this assumption by evaluating the potential for two host-specific biological control agents ( Urophora spp.), widely established in North America for spotted knapweed ( Centaurea maculosa ) control, to indirectly elevate Sin Nombre hantavirus by providing food subsidies to populations of deer mice ( Peromyscus maniculatus ), the primary reservoir for the virus. We show that seropositive deer mice (mice testing positive for hantavirus) were over three times more abundant in the presence of the biocontrol food subsidy. Elevating densities of seropositive mice may increase risk of hantavirus infection in humans and significantly alter hantavirus ecology. Host specificity alone does not ensure safe biological control. To minimize indirect risks to non-target species, biological control agents must suppress pest populations enough to reduce their own numbers.  相似文献   

Practitioners of classical biological control of invasive weeds are confronted with a dual expectation: to achieve successful control of plant invaders and to avoid damage to nontarget plants and adverse indirect effects. In this paper we discuss key issues that we consider to be crucial for a safe, efficient, and successful classical biological control project, and that have also caused some recent controversy. These include selection of effective control agents, host specificity of the biological control agents, implications of the genetic population structure of the target populations, and potential impact on native food webs. With regard to improving the success rate of biological control of plant invaders, we first emphasize the importance of a clear a priori definition of success and a more ecosystem-based approach to better document both negative effects of the invasive plant as well as potential positive and negative effects of introducing biological control agents. Secondly, pre-release impact assessment could be improved by better focusing on how to reach high densities of the control agents and by including tolerance to and compensation of herbivory. Thirdly, we advocate a reinforced effort to integrate and combine biological control in combination with existing or potential management options. Finally, we propose various ecological and evolutionary hypotheses in the framework of our topic to document that biological control programmes against plant invaders also offer a great opportunity to gain new insights into basic processes in ecology and evolution.  相似文献   

Invasive stink bugs (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) are responsible for high economic losses to agriculture on a global scale. The most important species, dating from recent to old invasions, include Bagrada hilaris (Burmeister), Halyomorpha halys (Stål), Piezodorus guildinii (Westwood), Nezara viridula (L.), and Murgantia histrionica (Hahn). Bagrada hilaris, H. halys, and N. viridula are now almost globally distributed. Biological control of these pests faces a complex set of challenges that must be addressed to maintain pest populations below the economic injury level. Several case studies of classical and conservation biological control of invasive stink bugs are reported here. The most common parasitoids in their geographical area of origin are egg parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae, Encyrtidae, and Eupelmidae). Additionally, native parasitoids of adult stink bugs (Diptera: Tachinidae) have in some cases adapted to the novel hosts in the invaded area and native predators are known to prey on the various instars. Improving the efficacy of biocontrol agents is possible through conservation biological control techniques and exploitation of their chemical ecology. Moreover, integration of biological control with other techniques, such as behavioural manipulation of adult stink bugs and plant resistance, may be a sustainable pest control method within organic farming and integrated pest management programs. However, additional field studies are needed to verify the efficacy of these novel methods and transfer them from research to application.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Classical biological control of insect pests and weeds may lead to potential conflicts, where insect pests are closely related to weed biological control agents. Such a conflict may occur in the classical biological control of the cabbage seedpod weevil, Ceutorhynchus obstrictus (Marsham) in North America, which belongs to the same subfamily, Ceutorhynchinae, as a number of agents introduced or proposed for introduction against non-indigenous invasive weed species. We propose a step-by-step procedure to select non-target species and thereby to develop a non-target species test list for screening candidate entomophagous biological control agents of a herbivore pest insect in a way that would simultaneously evaluate non-target potential on weed biological control agents and other non-target species. Using these recommendations, we developed a non-target test list for host specificity evaluations in the area of origin (Europe) and the area of introduction (North America) for cabbage seedpod weevil parasitoids. Scientifically based predictions on expected host–parasitoid interactions and ecological information about the ecological host range in the area of origin can help avoid conflicts, while still allowing the introduction of safe and effective agents against both insect pests and weeds.  相似文献   



Carcinoma of the gallbladder (GBC) clinically mimics benign gallbladder diseases and often escapes detection until advanced stage. Despite the frequency of cholecystectomy, diagnosis of GBC remains problematic in many situations. We sought to identify pathologic features that contribute to the difficulty in recognition of GBC.


We identified 23 patients (ranged from 45 to 86 years, male to female ratio 1:4.5) with carcinoma involving the gallbladder referred to an academic medical center over a period of 10 years for study. This includes 10 cases of primary GBC, 6 cases of metastatic tumor to gallbladder, 6 cases of directly invasive adenocarcinoma arising elsewhere in the biliary tree, and one case of unidentified origin adenocarcinoma. Primary tumors include adenocarcinoma not otherwise specified (NOS) in 6 cases, papillary adenocarcinoma in 2 cases, and single cases of undifferentiated carcinoma and combined adenocarcinoma and neuroendocrine carcinoma (NEC). Metastatic tumors to gallbladder were from a wide range of primary sites, predominantly the gastrointestinal tract.


These cases illustrate seven potential pitfalls which can be encountered. These include: 1) mistakenly making a diagnosis of adenocarcinoma of gallbladder when only benign lesions such as deeply penetrating Rokitansky-Aschoff sinuses are present (overdiagnosis), 2) misdiagnosing well-differentiated invasive carcinoma with minimal disease as benign disease (underdiagnosis), 3) differentiating between primary NEC of gallbladder and metastasis, 4) confusing primary mucinous adenocarcinoma of gallbladder with pseudomyxoma peritonei from a low grade appendiceal neoplasm disseminated to gallbladder, 5) confusing gangrenous necrosis related to cholecystitis with geographic tumoral necrosis, 6) undersampling early, grossly occult disease, and 7) misinterpreting extracellular mucin pools.


Clinical history and a high index of suspicion are prerequisite to detecting GBC. Detection of GBC at an early stage is difficult because the symptoms mimic benign gallbladder diseases. Misinterpretation of subtle microscopic abnormalities contributes diagnostic failures in early cases. Careful attention to any evidence of mural thickening, thorough sampling, particularly in older patients, and close examination of any deeply situated glandular structures are critical. Correlations with radiographic and clinical findings are important helps to avoid misdiagnosis in this commonly resected organ.  相似文献   

郦珊  陈家宽  王小明 《生物多样性》2016,24(6):672-1213
生物入侵已经成为全球面临的三大环境问题之一。鱼类入侵现象也随全球经济一体化的进程日益严重。本文综述了全球淡水鱼类入侵的现状和研究进展, 包括鱼类入侵的定义及分布、入侵途径和机制、产生的生态和社会经济影响以及预防措施等。据统计, 目前全球外来鱼类达624种, 该数量超过30年前的两倍。外来鱼类主要通过水产养殖(51%)、观赏渔业(21%)、休闲垂钓(12%)、渔业捕捞运输(7%)等多种途径被引进。入侵鱼类对本地种产生了捕食、种内种间竞争、杂交和疾病传播等负面影响, 破坏本地生态系统, 但是其正面的生态及社会经济影响也不可忽略。近20年来全球鱼类入侵日益受到重视, 相关论文发表数量翻了8倍。值得提出的是, 近10年来全球鱼类入侵风险评价系统的研究显著增加, 一些鱼类入侵模型已应用于五大洲的多个国家。我国淡水外来鱼类共计439种。然而, 我国关于鱼类入侵的研究起步较晚, 发表文献数仅占全球的3.7%, 且主要研究方向仍集中在入侵物种的分布及生物学特性等基础研究上, 缺乏对于鱼类入侵机制及风险评价预测的研究。因此, 我们建议: (1)开展全国范围的本底调查并建立数据库, 实现数据共享, 明确鱼类入侵的历史与分布现状; (2)联合多个政府部门和机构, 对鱼类入侵进行长期观测, 从整个水生生态系统的角度出发, 深入了解其入侵机制及其产生的正面和负面生态和社会经济影响; (3)加强增殖放流的科学研究和管理; (4)构建区域性外来鱼类入侵风险评价系统, 有效预测鱼类入侵活动, 评价入侵种的危害, 并为相关政府部门的决策提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Biological invasion is now considered one of the three major environmental issues worldwide. Freshwater fish invasion becomes more serious with globalization of the world economy. We reviewed the current status of global freshwater fish invasions and discussed the definitions, distributions, introduction pathways, mechanisms, ecological and economic impacts, and risk assessments of freshwater fish invasions. Non-native fish are mainly introduced through food aquaculture (51%), as ornamental fish (21%), or for sport fishing (12%) and fisheries (7%). The number of introduced fish has reached 624 species, doubled the number found thirty years ago. Successful invasions may bring many negative ecological consequences, such as predation, hybridization, structure and function alteration of local freshwater ecosystems, as well as diseases transmission. However, it also brings positive biological and economic values. The number of fish invasion studies has increased eight times over the last 20 years, with studies mainly focusing on biology and the biological impact of invasive fish species. Risk assessments of freshwater fish invasions were studied over the last 10 years, and fish invasiveness screening models have been applied in countries of five continents. The number of non-native freshwater fish in China totaled 439. However, research papers on freshwater fish invasions in China was only 3.7% of the global total, and these researches were mainly on the distribution and biology of invasive fish species, and very few studies included risk assessments. Therefore, we suggest investigating the history, distribution, and mechanisms of invasive species at the national level, evaluating both the positive and negative effects of freshwater fish invasions, and also reinforcing studies of risk assessments in China.  相似文献   

Australia and South Africa have a long history of sharing successful biocontrol agents for cactus weeds but other countries, such as Namibia, could also benefit. There are four biological control agents that are widely utilised in South Africa and/or Australia for the control of 10 invasive alien Cactaceae in Namibia.  相似文献   

The saltwater mosquito, Aedes vigilax, is prolific in coastal wetlands including mangroves and saltmarshes. Ae. vigilax is a vector for arboviruses such as Ross River and Barmah Forest viruses, with significant consequences for human health and economic productivity. In Australia the dominant form of mosquito control is chemicals. For mangroves, this is because there is a critical lack of knowledge supporting alternative approaches, such as environmental modification or biological control using larvivorous fish. This review examines the potential of fish as biological agents for the control of mosquito larvae in mangroves. We consider two key aspects: how larvivorous fish use mangroves; and can larvivorous fish reduce larval mosquito populations sufficiently to provide effective mosquito control? The link between fish and mangroves is reasonably well established, where mangroves act as refuge habitat for small and juvenile fish. Also, research has established that fish can be significant predators of mosquitoes, and therefore may be effective control agents. However, studies of fish activity within mangroves are limited to study of the fringe of the mangroves and not the internal structure of mangrove basins and as a result, fish populations within these areas remain unstudied. Also, until recently there was little appreciation of the mangrove-mosquito habitat relationship and, as a consequence, the importance of the mangrove basin as the key mosquito habitat has also been overlooked in the literature. Similarly, the predator/prey relationships between fish and mosquitoes within mangrove basin environments also remain unstudied, and therefore the importance of fish for mosquito management in mangrove basins is not known. There are substantial knowledge gaps regarding the potential of fish in controlling larval mosquitoes in mangroves. The gaps include: understanding of how larvivorous fish use mangrove basins; the nature of the fish-mosquito predator/prey relationship in mangrove basins; and whether larvivorous fish are effective as a mosquito control option in mangroves.  相似文献   

Because of inadequate supply of water, inhabitants of five villagesclose to Tapachula, Chiapas, México, store water in cement tanksthat support large populations of Aedes aegypti. Biologicalcontrol using indigenous fish species were studied to control A. aegypti larvae in thosecontainers, since other organisms used as biological control agents areexpensive and unfamiliar to inhabitants of those towns. Other measures(chemical or physical control) are expensive and time consuming. Fiveindigenous fish species, Lepisosteus tropicus (Gill)(Lepisosteiformes: Lepisosteidae), Astyanax fasciatus (Cuvier)(Cypriniformes: Characinidae), Brycon guatemalensis (Regan)(Cypriniformes: Characinidae), Ictalurus meridionalis(Günther) (Cypriniformes: Ictaluridae) and Poecilia sphenopsValenciennes (Cyprinodontiformes: Poeciliidae), currently used asmosquito control agents in the area were tested. Container indexes (ameasure of disease transmission potential) in the tested area werealways zero during the year of the study, independent of towns and fishspecies; this was significantly (P < 0.05) different from containerindexes prior to the test as well as from controls without fish. Nosignificant (P > 0.05) differences were recorded in the efficiency ofthe tested fish species feeding on A. aegypti larvae. Our resultsshow that all tested fish species can be considered as good biologicalagents for controlling A. aegypti larvae in Southern Mexico.  相似文献   

Most species of Tamarix originate in Eurasia and at least five species have become invasive around the world, including South Africa. However, T. usneoides is indigenous to southern Africa, where the potential for biological control of the invasive species is being investigated. Recent research on the invasive species is reviewed here with particular reference to these South African biocontrol efforts. The successful biological control programme against invasive Tamarix in the USA, using several species of “Tamarisk beetle”, is being used as a guide for the South African research. The South African programme is complicated by firstly, the presence of the indigenous T. usneoides which raises the precision of host-specificity required, and secondly, the introduced and indigenous Tamarix have a high intrinsic value for phytoremediation of mine tailings dams in South Africa. The phylogenetic proximity of these Tamarix species to each other has contributed to this challenge, which has nevertheless been successfully addressed by molecular techniques used to separate the species. In addition, classical morphological techniques have been used to separate the Tamarisk beetles, so that now they can generally be matched to Tamarix tree species. Overall, it is concluded that given the broad knowledge now available on the ecology and identity of both the trees and their biocontrol agents, the prospects for successful biological control of Tamarix in South Africa are good.  相似文献   

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