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Foods of the south polar skua at Hop Island,Rauer Group,East Antarctica   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Summary Pellets regurgitated by south polar skuas at Hop Island, in the Rauer Group, East Antarctica, Princess Elizabeth Land were collected and analysed. Individual collections were grouped in relation to the nearest breeding colony of seabirds, but irrespective of their source the frequencies of occurrence of the food items identified in pellets indicated that Adélie penguins were of varying, but major (29%–72%), importance to skuas inhabiting the Island. Though the incidence of Antarctic petrel remains (from adult or chick) was generally low in pellets (<7%), the occurrence of remains of southern fulmars was high (>27%) at all sites near the fulmar breeding colonies. Fish remains, and beaks of cephalopods, were present in few pellets. Whilst indicating the range of foods eaten on Hop Island, and perhaps their relative importance, it is considered that the pellets by themselves do not reflect accurately the level of predation of eggs of Antarctic petrels and southern fulmars, nor do the pellets necessarily include the remains of young of these species.  相似文献   

Regurgitated pellets and fecal samples from south polar skuas Catharacta maccormicki breeding on Ross Island were analyzed for diet items. Adult penguin feathers were found in 79% of all the pellets and 42% of the fecal samples. Evidence of fish was found in 26% of the pellets and 39% of the fecal samples. The amount of refuse in the diet of skuas on Ross Island was directly related to the distance from McMurdo Station.  相似文献   

South Polar skuas (Catharacta maccormicki) breed on Ardery Island in the absence of a local breeding population of Adelie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae). Assessment was made of the food remains in skua feeding territories in 1995/1996. The diet of South Polar skuas largely consisted of fulmarine petrel species which bred on Ardery Island. Southern fulmar (Fulmarus glacialoides) remains were the predominant prey items found, and skuas appeared to feed preferentially on this species. Accepted: 3 June 2000  相似文献   

The diet of the brown skua Catharacta skua lönnbergi was studied on the Kerguelen archipelago, during the chick-rearing period, over four breeding seasons (1987/1988, 1990/1991, 1992/1993 and 1993/1994). Prey remains and regurgitated pellets left by the breeding pairs were analysed and compared between two nearby and similar islands that mainly differ according to the presence or absence of the rabbit, since its eradication from one of them in 1992. Proportions of prey in diets varied between sampling methods (remains/ pellets), localities, years, breeding territories, breeding pairs and non-breeding individuals. The brown skua preyed upon few species of burrowing petrels and mainly on the blue petrel. Rabbits were exploited secondarily although they apparently reduced the predation pressure on the blue petrel. The eradication of rabbits from one of the islands, during a restoration programme, has not basically changed the trophic interactions between brown skuas and petrels.  相似文献   

Ryan, P.G., & Moloney, C.L. 1991. Prey selection and temporal variation in the diet of Subantarctic Skuas at Inaccessible Island, Tristan da Cunha. Ostrich 62:52-58.

More than 2 500 prey items of Subantarctic Skuas Cuthuructa anturcricu were identified from regurgitated pellets collected at a roost of non-breeding skuas during summer 1989–90 at West Point, Inaccessible'Is-land. Most prey items (96,5%) were birds, primarily burrow-nesting procellariiforms. Sixteen bird species were recorfed in the diet, but five secies accounted for 94,6% of identifiable prey remains: Whitebellied Storm Petrel Fieettu grullariu (53,5%), Whitefaced Storm Petrel Pelugodrorna marina 15,1%), Broad-billed Prion Pacaptilu vittutu (14,0%), Great Shearwater Puffinus gruvis (7,3%), and Iommon Diving Petrel Pelecunoids urinutrix (4,7%). Petrel chicks were important in the diet, particularly Great Shearwaters. The main non-avian prey were fish and goose barnacles Lepas sp., but their importance may have been underestimated. The remains of a rat Rattus sp. presumably were derived from the neighbouring island of Tristan da Cunha; rats are not known to occur on Inaccessible Island. Prey size affected seabird availability to skuas, and dietary composition vaned throughout the summer in relation to seabird breeding cycles. Both these factors reduce the value of skua diet as an indicator of the relative abundances of burrow-nesting petrels. There was no correlation between skua diet and estimates of breeding bird abundance, but this may be a consequence of studying non-breeding skuas. Subantarctic Skua diet in 1989–90 was similar to that recorded in previous years, with consistent seasonal trends between years.  相似文献   

The diet of brown skuas (Catharacta antarctica lonnbergi) on Bird Island, South Georgia was assessed using a combination of stable isotope analysis (SIA) and mixing model techniques. We found evidence that individual specialisation in diet of adult brown skuas was related to timing of breeding, which may reflect differences in intrinsic quality. Adults with more enriched 13C values hatched chicks earlier than those with depleted 13C values. Individuals with enriched 13C fed predominantly on Antarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus gazella) carrion and placenta while those with lower ratios appeared to rely more on burrowing petrels (e.g. Antarctic prions Pachyptila desolata). Individual foraging differences clearly influenced timing of breeding and potentially the reproductive output of breeding pairs. We confirmed that the main components of the diet of brown skuas during incubation are, in decreasing order of importance, Antarctic fur seal placenta, burrowing petrels and fur seal muscle. In addition, we identified fur seal faeces in the diet during this stage, which had not been detected previously by traditional sampling methods. Finally we identified a correlation in δ13C values between pair members, attributable to the influence of courtship feeding of females by males, or assortative mating according to foraging preference or intrinsic quality.  相似文献   

Pelagic fish are an important component of Antarctic food webs but few quantitative data exist on energy transfer from fish to seabirds for the Seasonal Pack-ice Zone. We studied a local population of south polar, skuas Catharacta maccormicki during a whole breeding cycle and estimated its entire annual food consumption. The lengths of foraging trips suggested that skuas foraged in an area of 817 km2 of coastal waters around the breeding site. Their fish prey consisted almost entirely of two pelagic species, Electrona antarctica and Pleuragramma antarcticum, with individual mean energy contents of 28.62 and 30.26 kJ/g dry weight and body masses of 4.6 and 10.9 g, respectively. Total energy budget estimates of the entire south polar skua population resulted in 3 and 5 tons of pelagic fish caught per season (1994 and 2001, respectively), wherein a single breeding pair raising two chicks requires approximately 115.7 kg E. antarctica and 24.4 kg P. antarcticum. Our study suggests that the pelagic fish in coastal areas are highly important for surface feeding seabirds in the maritime Antarctic.  相似文献   

Antarctic seabird populations have been much studied over the last decades as bioindicators of the nature of variability in the Southern Ocean marine ecosystem, and most attention has been focused on the role of food supply and the extent of sea ice. In addition, the rapid spread of tourism and the activities of researchers since the early 1960s have raised questions related to their real and potential impact on bird populations. Our data sets start in 1952 for several species of Antarctic seabirds and this study documents the trends over a 14-year period (1985–1999) in seven species breeding on Pointe Géologie archipelago (Terre Adélie, Antarctica). This is the first study where the direct impact of destruction of breeding sites (for building of an airstrip) is examined and where such long-term populations trends have been assessed in such a number of Antarctic species at one site. Trends from 1985 show that for the whole archipelago and when excluding islands destroyed, Adélie penguins and south polar skuas were the only species to show a significant increase (>3.5% annual change). The others species showed opposite trends, three increasing slightly (southern fulmars +0.4%, cape petrels +2.3%, snow petrels +0.9%) and two decreasing (emperor penguin −0.9%, southern giant petrel −3.9%). Three species particularly affected by the destruction of their breeding habitat (Adélie penguin, cape petrel, snow petrel) showed the capability to restore their populations. The availability of food and nesting sites is discussed in relation to environmental change. Species feeding on krill (Adélie penguins and cape petrels) increased more than other species; however, decrease of ice cover can increase availability of nesting sites. The importance of long-term studies is shown when assessing the role of human activities in Antarctica compared to larger-scale changes. Accepted: 18 September 2000  相似文献   

Demographic parameters were estimated for snow petrels Pagodroma nivea nesting at the study colony of Reeve Hill near Casey station, Antarctica between 1984 and 2003. Average breeding success for the colony varied from 18.2% to 76.5%. Breeding effort, hatching and fledging success were subject to a high interannual variability. We examined the influence of regional sea-ice extent on the breeding performance of snow petrels at Reeve Hill. Fewer birds were breeding when sea-ice had been extensive during April–May. Overall breeding success and fledging success were improved during years with extensive sea-ice cover in winter. Successful breeding effort and breeding success were depressed when there was extensive sea-ice cover during January–February. Sea surface temperatures also correlated to snow petrel breeding performance parameters. Previous work showed that large-scale climatic events (ENSO, Antarctic circumpolar wave) and the related sea-ice cover around the Antarctic might affect the lower trophic levels of the marine environment and consequently food availability for snow petrels. A comparison with the long-term study conducted at Ile des Pétrels (Terre Adélie) suggests that despite similarities in the underlying biological processes that control snow petrel breeding performance, the nature of the correlation of large-scale environmental factors with breeding performance differs substantially between the two colonies, probably because of the confounding effects of other environmental factors acting at a local scale (local weather, nest quality), which also affect bird body condition.  相似文献   

M. L. Brooke  D. Keith  N. Røv 《Oecologia》1999,121(1):25-31
During the austral summer of 1996/1997 we studied south polar skuas at Svarthamaren, Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica, where the world's largest known colony of Antarctic petrels is found. Our censuses suggested approximately 250 full-grown skuas and 140,000 breeding pairs of petrels were present. During their breeding season, skuas did not visit the open sea at least 200 km from the site; they relied entirely on prey caught and scavenged from the petrel colony. Because the site is so isolated, we asked whether the prey (petrels) had swamped the predators (skuas), or whether there was evidence that predator numbers were limited by the size of the prey population. Particularly at the end of the petrel incubation period, we found a close correspondence between the energy required by adult skuas and their chicks, ascertained from time budget studies, and the rate at which petrel eggs disappeared from the colony. This suggests that, in this closed system, the predator population was limited by the prey population, and that predator swamping was not an advantage that petrels gained by nesting in this remote location. Received: 12 April 1999 / Accepted: 30 June 1999  相似文献   


A population of lonnbergi skuas (family Stercorariidae) was studied over December and January 1974–75 on Rangatira Island, Chatham group (44°22′S,176°11′W). The main aim was to compare the behavioural ecology of these birds with that of maccormicki skuas of Antarctica, and to assess the moderating effect of environment on habits. The skuas held extensive territories along the coast and in inland areas clear of forest and bracken. Five of the 11 study territories were occupied by trios of adult birds. A major effect of the vegetation was to reduce contact between neighbours on the ground at territorial boundaries, and most territorial defence was by aerial display and attack. Eggs were laid from late September, and chicks began flying in late December and January. This breeding schedule is about 2 months earlier than for lonnbergi at Signy Island or for skuas in Antarctica, but falls on a trend line of latitude against egg-laying when all populations are considered. Seventeen chicks were reared on the 11 territories, a breeding success of 1.55 chicks per nest. This high success rate was attributable largely to success in rearing both chicks when two were hatched. This is seldom achieved in more extreme climates, and is apparently determined by the intensity of sibling competitiveness. It is hypothesised that this intensity is graded, and aggression by the older chick of the pair is provoked more easily by food shortage as environmental conditions become increasingly severe. The most important prey items recorded were adult petrels, especially broad-billed prion (Pachyptila vittata vittata) and white-faced storm petrel (Pelagodroma marina maoriana) captured on the ground at night. The skuas were mostly inactive during the day, and were not seen to fish or to chase or harass any other bird on or about the island. Southern blue penguins (Eudyptula minor minor), though very common on the island, were not attacked by the skuas. Skuas were not seen to attempt to dig out petrel or penguin nesting burrows. Of the differences in ecology recorded, only the presence of three adults on territories appears to be characteristic of lonnbergi; it has not been recorded for maccormicki or hamiltoni, and is either unknown or very rare in skua.  相似文献   

It is broadly accepted that the brown skua (Stercorarius antarcticus lonnbergi) competitively excludes the south polar skua (S. maccormicki) from penguin colonies when breeding sympatrically, forcing the latter to feed on marine resources. The purpose of this work was to examine the diets and trophic niche breadths of each species where they co-occur and to determine the degree of overlap. To this end, we analyzed 169 pellets of brown skuas, collected in two different areas (20 individuals), and 152 of south polar skuas, collected in three different areas (18 individuals), on Deception Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, during the austral summer 2000. Pellet analysis often underestimates the amount of easily digestible prey, but allows for comparisons of the relative contributions of different items in the diet. South polar skuas at our study locations consumed seven different food items and had a trophic niche breadth of 0.133 compared to brown skuas that fed on 10 different items and had a trophic niche breadth of 0.078. The niche overlap between the species was 82.1%. Penguins were the principal food source of both species, however, brown skuas fed mostly on chicks, while south polar skuas fed on adults (carcasses). The use of different age classes of penguins as a food source offers an alternative to competitive exclusion, allowing the coexistence of these species on Deception Island.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Samples such as regurgitated pellets and food remains have traditionally been used in studies of bird diets, but these can produce biased estimates depending on the digestibility of different foods. Stable isotope analysis has been developed as a method for assessing bird diets that is not biased by digestibility. These two methods may provide complementary or conflicting information on diets of birds, but are rarely compared directly. We analyzed carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios of feathers of Glaucous Gull (Larus hyperboreus) chicks from eight breeding colonies in northern Alaska, and used a Bayesian mixing model to generate a probability distribution for the contribution of each food group to diets. We compared these model results with probability distributions from conventional diet samples (pellets and food remains) from the same colonies and time periods. Relative to the stable isotope estimates, conventional analysis often overestimated the contributions of birds and small mammals to gull diets and often underestimated the contributions of fish and zooplankton. Both methods gave similar estimates for the contributions of scavenged caribou, miscellaneous marine foods, and garbage to diets. Pellets and food remains therefore may be useful for assessing the importance of garbage relative to certain other foods in diets of gulls and similar birds, but are clearly inappropriate for estimating the potential impact of gulls on birds, small mammals, or fish. However, conventional samples provide more species‐level information than stable isotope analysis, so a combined approach would be most useful for diet analysis and assessing a predator's impact on particular prey groups.  相似文献   

Thin blood smears prepared from 125 South Polar skuas (Catharacta maccormicki) at breeding islands and feeding sites in the Vestfold Hills region of Antarctica between December 1999 and January 2000 did not contain hematozoa. These findings confirm results of previous smaller studies, and provide baseline data for this species.  相似文献   

K. Green 《Polar Biology》1986,6(3):185-186
Summary Regurgitated boluses of undigested material were examined from six sites in East Antarctica. Skuas nesting near Adelie penguin, southern fulmar and Antarctic petrel colonies showed greater site fidelity in their feeding than did skuas nesting close to cape petrels or a Weddell seal pupping site.  相似文献   

Bird observations were made as part of a preliminary biological survey of the southern half of the Mawson Escarpment in the southern Prince Charles Mountains, Mac.Robertson Land between 26 January and 4 February 1998. A new breeding colony of snow petrels (Pagodroma nivea) is described, together with details of individual snow petrel sightings. At 440 km from the coast, the snow petrel colony is the furthest inland of any confirmed breeding site for this species. Accepted: 1 May 2000  相似文献   

EINAR ARNASON  P. R. GRANT 《Ibis》1978,120(1):38-54
Breeding and kleptoparasitism of Arctic Skuas was studied at Vik, Iceland, in 1973. Hatching success was 88.9%; fledging success was 0.27 fledglings per pair. The heavy chick mortality occurred mostly in the first week after hatching. In the early part of the breeding season skuas fed by robbing kittiwakes of their food at sea and by eating arthropods at the breeding grounds. At the time of hatching of skua eggs, which coincided with the hatching of Puffin eggs, skuas switched their feeding activities to kleptoparasitism of Puffins and fish so obtained was the principal item of most skuas' diet thereafter. In the first week post-hatching, the energy balance of an average adult skua pirating Puffins was estimated to be negative, but changed to positive a week later, although later, coinciding with an influx of non-breeders it turned back to negative. Arctic Terns which normally breed at Vik, and are exploited by skuas, failed to breed in 1973, and the abnormally heavy chick loss is therefore attributed to this failure of the terns. The success of the skuas kleptoparasitizing Puffins depends on the proximity of the interactions to the cliff or to the ocean, where Puffins seck refuge. Skuas catch fish mostly in the air, especially if it is dropped from high. Fish dropped from low is mostly taken by competing gulls and Ravens, which mostly control the ground and lower airspace. Skuas chasing in groups enhance their success, but the average success per member decreased with group increase. However, the success of the group-member in the ‘best’ position was equal to that of a single skua. Puffins carry 1 (large)-6 (smaller) fish, an approximately equal load irrespective of number of fish. Skuas preferentially chase Puffins carrying ‘large’ fish, thus maximizing their yield per effort. Arctic Skuas responded to changes in the numbers of arriving Puffins with a functional response, but their monitoring of the food supply was far from perfect.  相似文献   

In the maritime Antarctic, brown skuas (Catharacta antarctica lonnbergi) show two foraging strategies: some pairs occupy feeding territories in penguin colonies, while others can only feed in unoccupied areas of a penguin colony without defending a feeding territory. One-third of the studied breeding skua population in the South Shetlands occupied territories of varying size (48 to >3,000 penguin nests) and monopolised 93% of all penguin nests in sub-colonies. Skuas without feeding territories foraged in only 7% of penguin sub-colonies and in part of the main colony. Females owning feeding territories were larger in body size than females without feeding territories; no differences in size were found in males. Territory holders permanently controlled their resources but defence power diminished towards the end of the reproductive season. Territory ownership guaranteed sufficient food supply and led to a 5.5 days earlier egg-laying and chick-hatching. Short distances between nest and foraging site allowed territorial pairs a higher nest-attendance rate such that their chicks survived better (71%) than chicks from skua pairs without feeding territories (45%). Due to lower hatching success in territorial pairs, no difference in breeding success of pairs with and without feeding territories was found in 3 years. We conclude that skuas owning feeding territories in penguin colonies benefit from the predictable and stable food resource by an earlier termination of the annual breeding cycle and higher offspring survivorship.Research licence: Umweltbundesamt Bonn 13.4-94003-1/5-7.  相似文献   

Abstract The provision of foods to wild birds is an extremely common practice among householders throughout the Western world. Nonetheless, concerns over potential impacts of the practice are currently being raised, including the possibility that some species may become reliant on human‐provided food. We compared the foraging and breeding ecology of pairs of fed and unfed Australian magpies Gymnorhina tibicen living in suburban environments in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Detailed behavioural observations of both foraging and chick provisioning were made for males and females of both groups throughout the breeding season. Natural foods dominated the diets of both fed and unfed magpies, making up 76% and 92% of all items consumed respectively. During the morning, fed magpies obtained fewer food items during ground foraging than did unfed birds, apparently because they visited suburban feeding stations more often during the early part of the day. At other times, the amount of food items obtained during foraging was similar for both fed and unfed birds. Magpies utilizing suburban feeding stations started all breeding activities significantly earlier than unfed magpies, except during the fledgling phase. Both fed and unfed magpie parents provisioned their chicks predominantly with natural food. Magpies were not reliant or dependent on supplementary food provided by wildlife feeders at any time during the breeding season. Although many magpies did utilize suburban feeding stations extensively, they continued to forage for and provision their chicks with natural food.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the trophic position of adult Yellow-legged Gulls Larus michahellis atlantis resident in the Azores archipelago in the past (1921–1928) and in the present (2009–2010), and analyses the decadal variation in the diet of breeding birds from the 1990s to the 2000s for three main colonies (Topo Islet, Baixo Islet and Mistério da Prainha). Using mixing models, we compared stable isotope signatures of nitrogen and carbon in adult breast feathers between birds from 1921 to 1928 (held in museum collections) and 2009 to 2010, jointly with both isotopic signatures of their main prey groups (fish, goose barnacles (Lepas anatifera), seabirds, mammals and refuse). The diet of breeding birds was analysed using pellets collected in 1989, 1995, 1996, 2004, 2009 and 2010. Stable isotopes analysis (SIA) results were in accordance with the results provided from the analysis of pellets, showing a relatively recent and significant change in the diet of adult gulls. In particular, SIA revealed a significant decrease in the trophic position of Yellow-legged Gulls in the Azores, over the last 89 years in response to the decrease in the consumption of seabirds and fish and, an increase in the consumption of marine invertebrates (goose barnacles) and refuse. The analysis of pellets confirmed the significant decrease in the fish ingested, whereas the ingestion of lower trophic level prey (i.e. goose barnacles, mammals and refuse) increased. Both methods reflect the feeding plasticity and opportunistic foraging behavior of this species, and are in accordance with patterns described for continental Europe.  相似文献   

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