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The risk of predation can have large effects on ecological communities via changes in prey behaviour, morphology and reproduction. Although prey can use a variety of sensory signals to detect predation risk, relatively little is known regarding the effects of predator acoustic cues on prey foraging behaviour. Here we show that an ecologically important marine crab species can detect sound across a range of frequencies, probably in response to particle acceleration. Further, crabs suppress their resource consumption in the presence of experimental acoustic stimuli from multiple predatory fish species, and the sign and strength of this response is similar to that elicited by water-borne chemical cues. When acoustic and chemical cues were combined, consumption differed from expectations based on independent cue effects, suggesting redundancies among cue types. These results highlight that predator acoustic cues may influence prey behaviour across a range of vertebrate and invertebrate taxa, with the potential for cascading effects on resource abundance.  相似文献   

Life is a continuous stream of decisions: organisms are repeatedly confronted with multiple options from which to choose. To make the best decisions and maximise their fitness, individuals need to collect information: from direct interactions with the environment (personal information) or from observing other individuals interacting with the environment (social information). Yet, very little is known about the details of decision‐making by animals in their natural environments, including the sources of information they use in the process. We set out to determine the relative importance of social and personal information in breeding habitat decisions in the migratory pied flycatcher, Ficedula hypoleuca. In a field experiment in Finland, we manipulated flycatcher breeding success and then allowed individuals to choose among breeding sites labelled with artificial cues (arbitrary symbols) associated with their own (manipulated) and neighbour's reproductive success, respectively, for laying a replacement clutch. Birds did not appear to distinguish among the symbols representing their own, their neighbour's or a neutral symbol, indicating that they did not use either information source when deciding about a replacement clutch. Also, the choice did not influence subsequent investment into breeding (clutch size). This may suggest that pied flycatchers utilise other cues (e.g. breeding success or predation risk on larger scales) when having to make a decision about replacement clutches. We discuss our results in light of constraints imposed by a short breeding season of migratory birds.  相似文献   

Social decision making involves the perception and processing of social stimuli, the subsequent evaluation of that information in the context of the individual's internal and external milieus to produce a decision, and then culminates in behavioural output informed by that decision. We examined brain networks in an anuran communication system that relies on acoustic signals to guide simple, stereotyped motor output. We used egr-1 mRNA expression to measure neural activation in male túngara frogs, Physalaemus pustulosus, following exposure to conspecific and heterospecific calls that evoke competitive or aggressive behaviour. We found that acoustically driven activation in auditory brainstem nuclei is transformed into activation related to sensory-motor interactions in the diencephalon, followed by motor-related activation in the telencephalon. Furthermore, under baseline conditions, brain nuclei typically have correlated egr-1 mRNA levels within brain divisions. Hearing conspecific advertisement calls increases correlations between anatomically distant brain divisions; no such effect was observed in response to calls that elicit aggressive behaviour. Neural correlates of social decision making thus take multiple forms: (i) a progressive shift from sensory to motor encoding from lower to higher stages of neural processing and (ii) the emergence of correlated activation patterns among sensory and motor regions in response to behaviourally relevant social cues.  相似文献   

How the brain combines information from different sensory modalities and of differing reliability is an important and still-unanswered question. Using the head direction (HD) system as a model, we explored the resolution of conflicts between landmarks and background cues. Sensory cue integration models predict averaging of the two cues, whereas attractor models predict capture of the signal by the dominant cue. We found that a visual landmark mostly captured the HD signal at low conflicts: however, there was an increasing propensity for the cells to integrate the cues thereafter. A large conflict presented to naive rats resulted in greater visual cue capture (less integration) than in experienced rats, revealing an effect of experience. We propose that weighted cue integration in HD cells arises from dynamic plasticity of the feed-forward inputs to the network, causing within-trial spatial redistribution of the visual inputs onto the ring. This suggests that an attractor network can implement decision processes about cue reliability using simple architecture and learning rules, thus providing a potential neural substrate for weighted cue integration.  相似文献   

Experiments on decision making by humans show that the choices that we make can be very labile. The magnitude of our preferences, and even our rank ordering of options, can vary according to the number and type of alternatives available for comparison. This apparent irrationality has been argued to result from our use of decision heuristics that have evolved to enable us to choose quickly and efficiently between options differing in multiple attributes. Here, we argue that, because there is also selective pressure for animals to make mating decisions quickly, and because potential mates also differ in multiple attributes, similar decision heuristics might have evolved for mate choice. Following this reasoning, the attractiveness of a given mate will depend on the others with whom he or she is being compared, rather than being an absolute function of his or her underlying quality. We describe some of the ramifications of such comparative evaluation, and argue that it could offer new insights into some of the biggest outstanding problems in mate choice and sexual selection.  相似文献   

When making mating decisions, individuals may rely on multiple cues from either the same or multiple sensory modalities. Although the use of visual cues in sexual selection is well studied, fewer studies have examined the role of chemical cues in mate choice. In addition, few studies have examined how visual and/or chemical cues affect male mating decisions. Male mate choice is important in systems where males must avoid mating with heterospecific females, as is found in a mating complex of Poecilia. Male sailfin mollies, Poecilia latipinna, are sexually parasitized by gynogenetic Amazon mollies, P. formosa. Little is known about the mechanism by which male sailfin mollies base their mating decisions. Here we tested the hypothesis that male sailfin mollies from an allopatric and a sympatric population with Amazon mollies use multiple cues to distinguish between conspecific and heterospecific females. We found that male sailfin mollies recognized the chemical cues of conspecific females, but we found no support for the hypothesis that chemical cues are by themselves sufficient for species discrimination. Lack of discrimination based on chemical cues alone may be due to the close evolutionary history between P. latipinna and P. formosa. Males from populations sympatric with Amazon mollies did not differentially associate with females of either of the two species when given access to both visual and chemical cues of the females, yet males from the allopatric population did associate more with conspecific females than with heterospecific females in the presence of both chemical and visual cues. The lack of discrimination by males from the sympatric population between conspecific and heterospecific females based on both chemical and visual cues suggests that these males require more complex combinations of cues to distinguish species, possibly due to the close relatedness of these species.  相似文献   

The use of multiple cues in mate choice   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
An increasing number of studies find females to base their mate choice on several cues. Why this occurs is debated and many different hypotheses have been proposed. Here I review the hypotheses and the evidence in favour of them. At the same time I provide a new categorisation based on the adaptiveness of the preferences and the information content of the cues. A few comparative and empirical studies suggest that most multiple cues are Fisherian attractiveness cues or uninformative cues that occur alongside a viability indicator and facilitate detection, improve signal reception, or are remnants from past selection pressures. However, much evidence exists tor multiple cues providing additional information and serving as multiple messages that either indicate general mate quality or enable females that differ in mate preferences to choose the most suitable male. Less evidence exists for multiple cues serving as back-up signals. The importance of receiver psychology, multiple sensory environments and signal interaction in the evolution of multiple cues and preferences has received surprisingly little attention but may be of crucial importance. Similarly, sexual conflict has been proposed to result in maladaptive preferences for manipulative cues, and in neutral preferences for threshold cues, but no reliable evidence exists so far. An important factor in the evolution of multiple preferences is the cost of using additional cues. Most theoretical work assumes that the cost of choice increases with the number of cues used, which restricts the conditions under which preferences for multiple cues are expected to evolve. I suggest that in contrast to this expectation, the use of multiple cues can reduce mate choice costs by decreasing the number of mates inspected more closely or the time and energy spent inspecting a set of mates. This may be one explanation for why multiple cues are more common than usually expected. Finally I discuss the consequences that the use of multiple cues may have for the process of sexual selection, the maintenance of genetic variation, and speciation.  相似文献   

Sexual selection theory predicts that members of the choosy sex, usually females, should employ multiple sensory systems to obtain information about potential mates. Such predictions should also apply to systems in which sexual selection acts most strongly on females (i.e. sex-role-reversed species), and males of these taxa should be the individuals employing multiple cues to assess female attractiveness. Very little work has been directed toward mate choice involving multiple sensory systems in sex-role-reversed taxa, but fishes of the family Syngnathidae (pipefishes, seahorses, and sea dragons) provide an excellent opportunity to contribute to this research enterprise. While much is known about visual communication in pipefish, the role of chemical communication has not been investigated. Using dichotomous choice tests, we found that male, but not female, Gulf pipefish attended to chemical cues of opposite sex conspecifics. Given that males distinguished sex on the basis of chemical cues, we also tested whether males could assess female body size, an important trait with respect to mate choice in pipefish, on the basis of chemical cues alone. When given the choice between chemical cues produced by large vs. small females, males exhibited no preference. Our results suggest that male pipefish can use chemical cues to distinguish between males and females but not to differentiate females of different body size.  相似文献   

The simplicity and genetic tractability of the nervous system of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans make it an attractive system in which to seek biological mechanisms of decision making. Although work in this area remains at an early stage, four basic types paradigms of behavioral choice, a simple form of decision making, have now been demonstrated in C. elegans. A recent series of pioneering studies, combining genetics and molecular biology with new techniques such as microfluidics and calcium imaging in freely moving animals, has begun to elucidate the neuronal mechanisms underlying behavioral choice. The new research has focussed on choice behaviors in the context of habitat and resource localization, for which the neuronal circuit has been identified. Three main circuit motifs for behavioral choice have been identified. One motif is based mainly on changes in the strength of synaptic connections whereas the other two motifs are based on changes in the basal activity of an interneuron and the sensory neuron to which it is electrically coupled. Peptide signaling seems to play a prominent role in all three motifs, and it may be a general rule that concentrations of various peptides encode the internal states that influence behavioral decisions in C. elegans.  相似文献   

It has been established that living things are sensitive to extremely low-frequency magnetic fields at vanishingly small intensities, on the order of tens of nT. We hypothesize, as a consequence of this sensitivity, that some fraction of an individual’s central nervous system activity can be magnetically detected by nearby individuals. Even if we restrict the information content of such processes to merely simple magnetic cues that are unconsciously received by individuals undergoing close-knit continuing exposure to these cues, it is likely that they will tend to associate these cues with the transmitting individual, no less than would occur if such signals were visual or auditory. Furthermore, following what happens when one experiences prolonged exposure to visual and like sensory inputs, it can be anticipated that such association occurring magnetically will eventually also enable the receiving individual to bond to the transmitting individual. One can readily extrapolate from single individuals to groups, finding reasonable explanations for group behavior in a number of social situations, including those occurring in families, animal packs, gatherings as found in concerts, movie theaters and sports arenas, riots and selected predatory/prey situations. The argument developed here not only is consistent with the notion of a magnetic sense in humans, but also provides a new approach to electromagnetic hypersensitivity, suggesting that it may simply result from sensory overload.  相似文献   

1. Males in many animal species exercise mate choice to maximise their reproductive success, assessing females by characteristics related to reproductive potential, such as mating status, body size, and age. The sensory modalities involved in mate choice are often not firmly demonstrated, but only inferred. This is especially true for chemical cues and signals. 2. The present study tests whether males of the cricket Acheta domesticus are able to choose among females based only on chemosensory cues. In A. domesticus, as in many crickets, males call to attract females or roam the habitat silently to search for females. In three‐way choice trials, males were presented with two filter papers that had been placed with females for 24 h prior to the trials and one blank control. Females were either mated or virgin and starved or well‐fed. It was predicted that males would prefer virgin over mated females and those in good condition over starved ones. 3. Males were more likely to contact filters that had been exposed to females. They spent more time examining filter papers from virgin females than those from mated ones, while the condition of the females had no effect. 4. We conclude that males can detect chemical cues from females on substrate and distinguish virgin females from mated ones. Being able to assess sperm competition risk prior to mating or even before further pursuing a trail with chemical cues should confer a considerable benefit to males.  相似文献   

Conclusions Preliminary tests of this model have been successful using as inputs responses to pure chemicals. When the trained model is presented with computer-synthesized spike trains as inputs, it predicts behavioral results that are plausible. Future tests will employ more complex stimuli, such as binary and trinary mixtures of compounds and natural stimuli from host and non-host plants.The use of this operational computer model represents a powerful new approach to the currently intractable problem of deciphering complex, acrossfiber sensory codes. This approach provides a more comprehensive and objective assessment of the data than do the current alternatives, such as analysis of individual records by trained experts. In addition, the model can assimilate data from any number of inputs, which is well beyond the abilities of individual investigators compiling data manually. Finally, the model is dynamic and can be updated with new data, and is sufficiently general to be used for any species or comparison across species.A model trained with responses to plants ranging from highly acceptable host plants to highly deterrent non-host plants would be capable of simulating the insect's entire repertoire of feeding decisions. Because the model can divulge the rules by which it made a decision, inspection of these rules will permit identification of which sensory inputs and input patterns were the most important for that decision, thereby providing a crucial insight into complex across-fiber sensory coding. In addition, probing the model with synthesized spike trains as inputs will permit understanding of input/output relationships over wider ranges or in more combinations than would be possible to test experimentally, and thus would be helpful in predicting behavioral responses to multi-component mixtures. Modeling acceptance or rejection, and thereby determining the operative rules associated with these behaviors, may supply a rational basis for the development of baits and antifeedants and provide direction for genetic engineering of semiochemical in plants.  相似文献   

If the large brains and great intelligence characteristic of primates were favoured by selection pressures associated with life in complex societies, then cognitive abilities and nervous systems with primate-like attributes should have evolved convergently in non-primate mammals living in large, elaborate societies in which social dexterity enhances individual fitness. The societies of spotted hyenas are remarkably like those of cercopithecine primates with respect to size, structure and patterns of competition and cooperation. These similarities set an ideal stage for comparative analysis of social intelligence and nervous system organization. As in cercopithecine primates, spotted hyenas use multiple sensory modalities to recognize their kin and other conspecifics as individuals, they recognize third-party kin and rank relationships among their clan mates, and they use this knowledge adaptively during social decision making. However, hyenas appear to rely more intensively than primates on social facilitation and simple rules of thumb in social decision making. No evidence to date suggests that hyenas are capable of true imitation. Finally, it appears that the gross anatomy of the brain in spotted hyenas might resemble that in primates with respect to expansion of frontal cortex, presumed to be involved in the mediation of social behaviour.  相似文献   

Human decision-making is driven by subjective values assigned to alternative choice options. These valuations are based on reward cues. It is unknown, however, whether complex reward cues, such as brand logos, may bias the neural encoding of subjective value in unrelated decisions. In this functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study, we subliminally presented brand logos preceding intertemporal choices. We demonstrated that priming biased participants' preferences towards more immediate rewards in the subsequent temporal discounting task. This was associated with modulations of the neural encoding of subjective values of choice options in a network of brain regions, including but not restricted to medial prefrontal cortex. Our findings demonstrate the general susceptibility of the human decision making system to apparently incidental contextual information. We conclude that the brain incorporates seemingly unrelated value information that modifies decision making outside the decision-maker's awareness.  相似文献   

Prey fishes, like many organisms under fluctuating predation threat, rely on multiple sources of information to accurately gauge current risk. This includes the use of chemical cues such as alarm cues from damaged conspecifics or familiar heterospecifics, as well as the odour of known predators. While each fish is well equipped with its own array of sensory abilities, they should also be alert to the behaviours of nearby neighbours who may have information they lack. In the present study, we tested the ability of fathead minnows to use social cues in combination with the odour of damaged conspecifics and heterospecifics to mediate the assessment of predation risk. Specifically, we tested whether the presence of a shoal of conspecifics or familiar heterospecifics would significantly change a minnow's antipredator behaviour when exposed to the odour of a damage‐release cue from a conspecific or ecologically similar heterospecific. The results of our study showed a significant interaction between the damage‐release cues to which the minnows were exposed and the presence/absence of shoalmates. These findings have important implications for the design of future investigations of antipredator responses because most studies of group‐living prey have been conducted on solitary subjects.  相似文献   

The postulates of developmental instability–sexual selection hypothesis is intensely debated among evolutionary biologists, wherein despite a large amount of empirical data, evidence for or against it has been largely inconclusive. A key assumption of this hypothesis is that animals assess symmetry in potential mates as an indicator of genetic quality (developmental stability), and consequently use this information to discriminate against those with higher asymmetries while choosing mates. However, the perceptional basis that must underlie such discriminatory behavior (is symmetry a signal or is symmetry signaled) is not clearly defined. It is also argued that since asymmetry levels in natural populations are very low, the low signal‐to‐noise ratio would make accurate assessment of symmetry both difficult and costly. Rather than attempting to validate this hypothesis or even as to whether animals assess mate symmetry, this review simply aims to examine the plausibility that animals perceive symmetry (directly or indirectly) and consequently discriminate against asymmetric mates in response to perceived irregularities during courtship. For this, we review mate choice and courtship literature to identify potential sensory cues that might advertise asymmetry or lead to discrimination of asymmetric individuals. Although signaling associated with mate choice is commonly multimodal, previous studies on asymmetry have mainly focused on visual perception. In the light of a recent study (Vijendravarma et al., 2022, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119, e2116136119), this review attempts to balance this bias by emphasizing on non‐visual perception of asymmetry. In conclusion, we discuss the methodological challenges associated with testing the role of multimodal cues in detecting mate asymmetry, and highlight the importance of considering ecological, behavioral, and evolutionary aspects of animals while interpreting empirical data that test such hypothesis.  相似文献   

Alcohol use during adolescence has profound and enduring consequences on decision-making under risk. However, the fundamental psychological processes underlying these changes are unknown. Here, we show that alcohol use produces over-fast learning for better-than-expected, but not worse-than-expected, outcomes without altering subjective reward valuation. We constructed a simple reinforcement learning model to simulate altered decision making using behavioral parameters extracted from rats with a history of adolescent alcohol use. Remarkably, the learning imbalance alone was sufficient to simulate the divergence in choice behavior observed between these groups of animals. These findings identify a selective alteration in reinforcement learning following adolescent alcohol use that can account for a robust change in risk-based decision making persisting into later life.  相似文献   

Multisensory integration was once thought to be the domain of brain areas high in the cortical hierarchy, with early sensory cortical fields devoted to unisensory processing of inputs from their given set of sensory receptors. More recently, a wealth of evidence documenting visual and somatosensory responses in auditory cortex, even as early as the primary fields, has changed this view of cortical processing. These multisensory inputs may serve to enhance responses to sounds that are accompanied by other sensory cues, effectively making them easier to hear, but may also act more selectively to shape the receptive field properties of auditory cortical neurons to the location or identity of these events. We discuss the new, converging evidence that multiplexing of neural signals may play a key role in informatively encoding and integrating signals in auditory cortex across multiple sensory modalities. We highlight some of the many open research questions that exist about the neural mechanisms that give rise to multisensory integration in auditory cortex, which should be addressed in future experimental and theoretical studies.  相似文献   

Although adult parasitoids spend a majority of their lives above ground, females of several species must search for their host in the water or on the soil. Adult parasitoids above ground can use a variety of sensory cues to detect their hosts from a distance. However, their sensory cues can be impaired from volatile chemicals, and their visual stimuli can be decreased while submerging or burrowing in the water of soil during their search for their hosts. Searching underwater or underground would incur high foraging costs, that is, time and energy consumption and increase risk of drowning. Therefore, to reduce such costs and increase searching efficiency, the decision on where to start submerging or burrowing for attacking hosts is important for parasitoids. Furthermore, there are no studies that have examined the cues of submerging or burrowing parasitoids on their exploit for the decision to attack their hosts. We have examined the cues used by the egg parasitoid Tiphodytes gerriphagus attacking underwater hosts. We compared the searching behaviors of T. gerriphagus among four oviposition site conditions. The four sites investigated were oviposition site with both host adult chemical residues and presence of eggs, with only the presence of eggs, with only the host adult chemical residues, and without any cue. Our results indicated that T. gerriphagus more frequently contacted and submerged at oviposition sites with the adult residues rather than at oviposition sites without them. Nonetheless, the presence of underwater host eggs did not affect the host‐searching behavior. This suggests that T. gerriphagus decided to submerge at the oviposition site in response to the adult residues. Furthermore, our observation also suggested that T. gerriphagus has already detected that the adult residues might be volatile before contacting the oviposition site. Finally, we will discuss the exploitation patterns of host‐searching cue by parasitoids that need to submerge from the context of its reliability and detectability problems.  相似文献   

Recent work suggests that global variation in toolkit structure among hunter-gatherers is driven by risk of resource failure such that as risk of resource failure increases, toolkits become more diverse and complex. Here we report a study in which we investigated whether the toolkits of small-scale farmers and herders are influenced by risk of resource failure in the same way. In the study, we applied simple linear and multiple regression analysis to data from 45 small-scale food-producing groups to test the risk hypothesis. Our results were not consistent with the hypothesis; none of the risk variables we examined had a significant impact on toolkit diversity or on toolkit complexity. It appears, therefore, that the drivers of toolkit structure differ between hunter-gatherers and small-scale food-producers.  相似文献   

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