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Pieces of fresh nervous tissue 3-5 mm thick are put into a mixture of: 6% K2Cr2O7, 40 ml; 5% KClO3, 20 ml; 20% chloral hydrate, 30 ml; and concentrated formalin (38% HCHO), 10 ml; allowed to fix 3 days, with a daily change of fluid; transferred to 3% K2Cr2O7 for 3 days, with twice daily changes; then to 1% AgNO3 for 3 days at 20-25° C. Frozen sections are cut, dehydrated, cleared and mounted in Permount with a cover glass. The method gives good results for microglia and oligodendroglia in addition to the usual staining of nerve cells and their processes.  相似文献   

For staining in toto, planarians are fixed in a mixture of 10 ml of commercial formalin, 45 ml of 95% ethanol and 2 ml of glacial acetic acid. After treatment with 70% ethanol 3-10 days, they are washed in distilled water and immersed in 10% CuSO4. 5H2O for 3 hr at 50° C, transferred without washing to 1% AgNO3 for 1.0-1.5 hr at 50° C; and then developed in: 10 ml of 1% pyrogallol, 100 ml of 56% ethanol and 1 ml of 0.2% nitric acid. Gold toning, 5% Na2S2O3 and dehydration follow as usual. For staining sections, material is fixed in the same fixative, embedded in paraffin and sectioned at 10 μ. After bringing sections to water, they are immersed in 20% CuSO4. 5H2O for 48 hr at 37° C; then rinsed briefly in distilled water and placed in 7% AgNO3 for 24 hr at 37° C. They are washed briefly in distilled water and reduced in: hydroquincne, 1 gm; Na2SO3, 5 gm and distilled water 100 ml. Gold toning, followed by 5% Na2S2O3 and dehydration completes the process. Any counterstaining may follow.  相似文献   

Two standard cytological techniques have heen modified to stain specifically the interstitial cells of the testis. In Method 1, the tissue is fixed in Zenker-formol or Regaud's fluid for several hours or overnight and subsequently postchromed in 3% K2Cr2O7 for 72 hr at 37°C. After paraffin embedding, sections are cut at 5μ, dewaxed, brought down to 70% alcohol and stained in an unfiltered saturated solution of Sudan black in 70% alcohol for 10-30 min. Sections are washed briefly in 70% alcohol to remove all excess dye, differentiated, if necessary, in 50% alcohol, downgraded to water and mounted in Farrants' medium or glycerol jelly. Interstitial cells: deep blue black; remainder of testicular tissue: light blue. Method 2 is essentially the Champy-Kull technique but specific staining for mitochondria is omitted and the sections are downgraded to water; then they are mounted in Farrants' medium or glycerol jelly without further treatment. In this way osmicated lipoids are preserved. Interstitial cells: conspicuous due to the variable number of black granules in their cytoplasm; the remainder of the tissue: yellow.  相似文献   

Frozen sections of avian tissue fixed 7 days or longer in 10% formalin or formol-saline are cut at 20-50 μ, left in distilled water for 2 hr, and placed in 0.002% aqueous AgNO3 for 3-4 days. Subsequent procedure is essentially that of Weddell and Glees. Sections are placed in 20% AgNO3 for 30 min, then carried through 3 baths of 3% formalin in less than 10 min. Immediately thereafter they are washed 1-2 sec in a 0.1% solution of NH4OH (cone) and placed in the ammoniacal silver solution (made with 20% AgNO3) until the nerves become distinct, as seen under a microscope; usually, in about 15 min. After washing briefly, the sections are fixed in 5% Na2S2O3 for 3-10 min, dehydrated, cleared, and mounted in the usual way.  相似文献   

The surface of the specimens subjected to a modified Golgi technique (formalin fixed material; specimens in the following solution for 8-10 days at 27 C: 3% K2Cr2O7, 100 ml, with the addition of 2.5-10 ml of 10% formalin and 6-25 gm of sucrose; then in 0.75% AgNO3 for at least 2 days at 27 C) is sometimes covered with a fur of filamentous crystals and sometimes with a powdery precipitate of laminar crystals. In a series of experiments in which about 500 blocks of tissue were treated with variations of the staining procedure, good axonal stain was positively correlated with the appearance of filamentous crystals. These filaments have a thickness of 1-4 μ and grow at a rate of 160-330 μ/hr, reaching a length of 2-7 mm.  相似文献   

Hortega's ammoniated silver carbonate method was used to demonstrate lysosomes in the central nervous system and kidney of adult rats. Formol-CaCl2, (10%:1%) fixed, frozen sections were impregnated for 10 min in Hortega's solution: 30 ml of 10% AgNO2 and 90 ml of 5% Na2CO3, with concentrated NH4OH added until the precipitate dissolved, then distilled water to make 400 ml. This procedure revealed silver-positive cytoplasmic structures whose form, shape and distribution were similar to that seen by staining adjacent sections for acid phosphatase. A short fixation of 18-24 hr appears to be essential. A useful, nonenzymatic method for the demonstration of lysosomes is thereby available.  相似文献   

Specimens of brain or spinal cord fixed in formalin, Cajal's formol-bromide, or Koenig, Groat and Windle's formalin-acacia can be used to stain oligodendrocytes in frozen, in paraffin, or in celloidin sections. The sections are soaked 3-5 min in 0.02% acetic acid, pH 3.4, then rinsed 2-3 sec in 3% H2O2 and transferred to a silver bath prepared as follows: Mix equal parts of 10% AgNO3 and 10% Na2WO4, and dissolve the precipitate with concentrated NH4OH; avoid an excess of ammonia. Silver at room temperature for 15-20 sec, develop in 1% formalin, dehydrate, and mount. For embedded material, prepare a mixture consisting of 1 part of 10% aqueous Aerosol MA and 4 parts of 10% Aerosol OT in 95% alcohol. Add 5 drops of this mixture to each 50 ml of dilute acetic acid and 3% H2O2; 5 drops to each 20 ml of the silver bath.  相似文献   

Axoplasm is selectively impregnated by the following steps: (1) fixation in 10% formalin or in 10% formalin with added sucrose, 15%, and concentrated NH4OH, 1%, for 1-7 days; (2) frozen sections; (3) extraction of the sections in 95% ethyl alcohol, absolute alcohol, xylene, and 95% ethyl alcohol and absolute alcohol, 1 hr each; (4) distilled water, 3 changes of 10 min each; (5) 20% AgNO3 (aq.) at 25°C, 30 min; (6) distilled water, 3 changes of 1-2 sec each; (7) 6.9% K2CO3, 1 hr; (8) water, 3 changes of about 1 min each; (9) 0.2%AuCl3, 2 min; (10) distilled water; (11) 5% Na2S2O3, 2 min; (12) washing, clearing and mounting. This procedure is proposed as a simplified stain for axoplasm, with other tissue components remaining unstained. The few reagents necessary suit this method for histochemical investigation of the mechanism of silver staining.  相似文献   

The action of K2Cr2O7, Ag2O, KMnO4, HgO and NaIO3 in polychroming methylene blue is explored. The last two have no action in neutral or acid methylene blue solutions. With the other three reagents the amount of polychroming, as measured by the shift in the absorption spectrum, is roughly proportional to the amount of oxidant used. Various lots of methylene blue produce similar products with similar proportions of K2Cr2O7. With similar quantities of this reagent similar products are produced by polychroming at 100°, 80°, 70° or 60° C. At 100° C. the action of K2Cr2O7 or of Ag2O appears to be completed in 15 minutes. In K2Cr2O7 polychroming, H2SO4 can be substituted for HCl, and subsequent BaCO3 neutralization removes the salts formed and prevents accidental alkali polychroming. K2Cr2O7 polychroming produces products with narrower absorption bands than alkali polychroming.  相似文献   

Fragments of tissue, immediately after death, are fixed in Debaisieux's modification of the Duboscq-Brazil picro-aceticformol fluid, and treated as follows: Hydrate by soaking 2-6 hr. in distilled water with 30 drops of cone. NH4OH per 100 cc. Freeze and cut sections about 25μ in thickness. Bleach sections about 15 min. in ammoniacal water (52 drops cone. NH4OH per 100 cc. water). Transfer to 20% AgNO3 solution and heat at 45° C. till light brown. Add cone. NH4OH drop by drop till the Ag precipitates and then redisolves into an opalescent solution. Pour solution and sections into a little distilled water and transfer sections quickly to formaldehyde solution (3 cc. formalin to 100 cc. water). Dip sections in distilled water and transfer to 1% aqueous gold chloride till deep blue. Place for about 10 minutes in 5% aqueous sodium thiosulfate solution for fixing and clearing. Wash thoroly in tap water, dehydrate and mount. Special directions are given for applying this technic to delicate material such as insects, and for use with serial sections.  相似文献   

The appearance of silver impregnation of the Golgi apparatus can be enhanced by the use of nitrocellulose as an embedding medium. Fixation of 1.5 mm thick pieces of fresh tissue for 8 hr in: glycine, 1.7 gm; 15% formalin, 100 ml; HNO3, conc., 0.5 ml, at pH 2.6 followed by rinsing in water, 4 hr in 1.5% AgNO3, another rinse, and 2 hr reduction in 1.5% hydroquinone in 15% formalin. This staining procedure yields consistently good results for rat, rabbit, and human tissues. Low-viscosity nitrocellulose embedding is done by infiltrating at 56 C in 7% nitrocellulose for 0.5 hr, 15% for 4 hr, and 27% for 1 hr. The nitrocellulose is hardened 2 hr in chloroform, after which, sections as thin as 5 μ can be cut on a sliding microtome. Gold toning and counterstaining can be done with the tissue affixed to the slide. The Golgi apparatus is stained dark brown to black, and there is better preservation of cellular detail than in tissues processed in paraffin.  相似文献   

A method of fixation compatible with both the Nauta-Gygax and Swank-Davenport procedures for degenerating nerve fibers, which shortens the time required by the former procedure, is as follows: The central nervous system is perfused with a 0.9% aqueous solution of NaCl followed by an aqueous solution containing 5% K2Cr2O7 and 2.5% KClO3. The central nervous system is then hardened in 10% formalin for 1-3 days. Tissue for Marchi-type staining can be taken at this stage. For silver staining, the processing is continued by immersion overnight in 10% formalin in 20% alcohol, and frozen sections cut the next day. Sections, up to 50μ in thickness, are collected in 10% formalin and impregnated by the Nauta-Gygax technique. Best results are obtained by impregnating within 24-48 hr after sectioning.  相似文献   

Brains of rat with surgical lesions 3-5 days old are fixed in 10% neutralized formalin (excess of CaCO3), 20 μ serial frozen sections cut therefrom and kept in neutralized formalin for an additional 24-48 hr. The sections are soaked in distilled water 12-24 hr, transferred to 50% alcohol containing 0.75 ml of concentrated NH4OH (sp. gr. 0.91) per 100 ml 12-24 hr, placed in distilled water 2-3 hr and then in silver-pyridine solution (AgNO3 3% aq., 20 ml; pyridine, 1 ml) for 48 hr. Test sections are transferred directly to each one of 3 ammoniated silver-solutions, pH 12.8, 13.0 and 13.2, made as follows: To 200 ml of solution 1 (silver nitrate, 6.4 gm; alcohol 96%, 220 ml; NH4OH (sp. gr. 0.91), 28 ml and distilled water, 440 ml) is added respectively 8-12 ml, 12-16 ml and 16-20 ml of solution 2 (2% NaOH) to give the pH desired. The test sections are studied and the optimal ammoniated silver solution chosen. Two baths of ammoniated silver are used, the section placed with continuous agitation into the first bath for 30 sec and the second bath for 60 sec. The sections are then transferred directly into a reducing bath (formalin 10%, 2ml; alcohol 96%, 5 ml; citric acid 1%, 1.5 ml and distilled water, 4.5 ml) for 2 min and from there to 5% Na2S2O3 for 1 min, rinsed in 3 changes of distilled water, dehydrated and mounted.  相似文献   

The optic fibers in the retinas of diverse species may be Selectively stained and viewed en bloc in the embryonic and adult state. Treat the eye as follows 1) 50% pyridine for at least 16 hr, 2) distilled water 3-4 hr, 3) 20% H2O2 until the eye is a light brown, 4) 95% ethanol overnight, 5) 1.5% AgNO2 for 2-6 days at 37 C, 6) in water, remove the vitreous, then direct 0.25% pyrogallic acid in 1.25% formalin against the retina for 2-5 secs until the optic fibers are reduced to a coffee-copper color (1-4 minutes), 7) dissect the retina and mount flat on a glass slide, 8) ewer with glycerin, apply a coverslip and fix in place with nail polish. Variants for particular species are given.

The technique offers an advantage over Golgi and methylene blue methods which tend to stain only a small percentage of fibers and frequently do not work at the earliest stages of development.  相似文献   

Optic tecta of goldfish were coated with egg yolk and immersed for only one week in one of the following impregnation fluids: a) Solution A + B; A = 1 g K2Cr2O7 and 1 g HgCl2 boiled for 15 min in 85 ml distilled water and allowed to cool; B = 0.8 g K2Cr2O7 and 0.5 g KWO4 dissolved in 20 ml distilled water, b) Solution A + B two volumes diluted with boiled distilled water, c) Solution A + B four volumes diluted with boiled distilled water. Each tectum was immersed 6 hr in 100 ml distilled water containing 0.5 g LiOH and 15 g KNO3, washed 18 hr in 500 ml 0.2% acetic acid, dehydrated with ethanol, and embedded in low viscosity nitro cellulose. Sections were cut at 100 pm with a rotary microtome after clearing with cedarwood oil. Methods b) and c) have two advantages compared with method a), the original Golgi-Cox method. First, more cells are impregnated, especially in the layers extending 200-400 μm below the surface, and dendrites as well as unmyelinated axons are well impregnated. Second, myelin sheaths are impregnated and can be recognized by their peculiar chain-like appearance. The described Golgi-Cox modification offers an appropriate method to study the morphology of superficially located nervous tissue.  相似文献   

Sections of 6 μ from tissues fixed in Susa or in Bouin's fluid (without acetic acid) and embedded in paraffin were attached to slides with Mayer's albumen, dried at 37 C for 12 hr, deparaffinized and hydrated. The sections fixed in Susa were transferred to a I2-K1 solution (1:2:300 ml of water); rinsed in water, decolorized in 5% Na2S2O3; washed in running water, and rinsed in distilled water. Those fixed in Bouin's were transferred to 80% alcohol until decolorized, then rinsed in distilled water. All sections were stained in 1% aqueous phloxine, 10 min; rinsed in distilled water and transferred to 3% aqueous phosphotungstic acid, 1 min; rinsed in distilled water; stained 0.5 min in 0.05 azure II (Merck), washed in water; and finally, nuclear staining in Weigert's hematoxylin for 1 min was followed by a rinse in distilled water, rapid dehydration through alcohols, clearing in xylene and covering in balsam or a synthetic resin. In the completed stain, islet cells appear as follows: A cells, purple; B cells, weakly violet-blue; D cells, light blue with evident granules; exocrine cells, grayish blue with red granules.  相似文献   

Slices, 1-2 mm thick, of alcohol-fixed bone are immersed in 2% aqueous AgNO3 in the dark for 48 hr. After thorough washing in running tap water, the silver phosphate formed at the interface of osteoid and calcified bone is reduced to a black deposit by 5% aqueous sodium hypophosphite containing 0.1 N NaOH, 0.2 ml/100 ml. The blocks are then immersed in 5% aqueous Na2S2O3 and after further washing pass through a routine formic acid decalcification and paraffin wax embedding schedule. Sections cut at 5 μ thickness and counterstained with Van Gieson's picrofuchsin show a clear differentiation between osteoid tissue and the outer limit of calcification in trabecular or cortical bone, thus making them suitable for quantitative studies. The main advantage of the method is the production of intact stained sections without specialised embedding or cutting techniques.  相似文献   

This bromine-iodine-gold chloride-reduction sequence stains reticulin in formalin-fixed paraffin sections without risk of sections becoming detached. After hydration, sections are exposed to 0.2% bromine water containing 0.01% KBr for 1 hr, then rinsed and placed for 5 min in a solution consisting of KI, 2 gm; iodine crystals, 1 gm; and distilled water, 100 ml. After this the sections are well washed in distilled water, immersed for 5 min in 1% w/v aqueous solution of chloro-auric acid, again rinsed in distilled water, and the gold is reduced by placing in freshly made 3% H2O2 for 2-4 hr at 37 C, or in 2% oxalic acid for 1-3 hr at the same temperature.  相似文献   

Deparaffinized, 3-5μ, sections are brought to water, oxidized 3.5 min in an equal-parts mixture of 0.3% H2SO4 and 0.3% KMnO4, and decolorized with 4% K2S2O5. Nuclei are stained with Gomori's (1939) chromium-hematoxylin, and cell granules with Cason's (1950) mixture. The eosinophilic cells of the hypophysis and the alpha cells of pancreatic islets (of Langerhans) stain carmine red; basophilic and beta cells stain dark blue. Heidenhain's susa is the most suitable fixative for hypophysis, Bouin's fluid for pancreas; but a satisfactory result is obtainable after formalin-sublimate or plain formalin. Besides studying the ratio of the cell types in the hypophysis or in pancreatic islets, it is possible to estimate the granule content of the cells. The method works on human autopsy material provided fixation of hypophysis occurs within 24 hr, and. pancreas, 12 hr post mortem, and it is suitable also for quite fresh organs.  相似文献   

Thallium can be histochemically localized in formalin-fixed, paraffin-processed tissues by treating sections, after passing them through xylene and graded alcohols to water, with gaseous H2S for 15 min and with 20% ammonium sulfide saturated with powdered selenium for 10 min. Sections are then washed, treated 10 min with 20% H2O2, and incubated in darkness for 20-30 min in the following mixture: 25% gum acacia, 10 ml; 2% hydroquinone in 5% citric acid, 1 ml; and 10% AgNO3, 0.1 ml. Tissues and cells, which contain thallium, are demonstrated by small black granules of silver.  相似文献   

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