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Ultracentrifugal analyses show that β-carotene and chlorophyll a are incorporated into the membranes of lecithin liposomes without any increase of the particle size. The sedimentation coefficient and particle weight of the liposomes increase up to a maximum value (4.3 S and 3.1 × 106 respectively) for a molar ratio of pigment to lecithin of about 0.02, due to an increasing number of lecithin molecules per particle. The pigments lower the average surface area of the polar heads of lecithin down to a minimum of 79 A2/molecule. When the molar ratio of chlorophyll a to lecithin is above 0.02, the characteristics of the vesicles do not change, indicating a different type of incorporation of the chlorophyll molecules in the membranes.  相似文献   

Avidin. 5. Quenching of fluorescence by dinitrophenyl groups   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文

Quenching of fluorescence occurs when Lactobacillus casei thymidylate synthetase is titrated with fluorodeoxyuridylate in the presence of 1-L-methylenetetrahydrofolate to form a ternary complex. Neither fluorodeoxyuridylate nor 1-L-methylenetetrahydrofolate added singly has any effect on enzyme fluorescence but d-L-methylenetetrahydrofolate alone causes quenching. Thus ternary complex formation and interaction with d-L-methylenetetrahydrofolate alter the environment of tryptophan residues in thymidylate synthetase in a similar manner.  相似文献   

1. Perylene, whether incorporated into lecithin or lecithin/cholesterol (1:1) liposomes, exhibits identical fluorescence spectra, but fluorescence in the presence of cholesterol is enhanced by 30-50%. 2. The fluorescence of perylene in pure dipalmitoyllecithin vesicles increases sharply at the transition temperature (Tt equals 41 degrees C). No such fluorescence jump is observed in lecithin/cholesterol (1:1) micelles. 3. In lecithin liposomes maximal quenching of perylene fluorescence at 25 degrees C is effected by cholestane spin label (80%) followed by androstane spin label (70%), 5-nitroxide stearate (60%) and 16-nitroxide stearate (50%). 4. In liposomes containing 5 mol % cholesterol these differences are reduced; however, the sequence of quenching efficiencies is the same except for the nitroxide stearates, which interchange their positions. 5. 5. Paramagnetic quenching of perylene fluorescence is stable below 35 degrees C and above 45 degrees C, but decreases sharply about the phase-transition temperature of dipalmitoyllecithin. 6. In lecithin/cholesterol (1:1, molar ratio) lipsomes fluorescence quenching diminishes linearly, but only slightly, with increasing temperature. 7. Cholestane spin label and androstane spin label at concentrations of greater than 20 mol % themselves suppress the quenching discontinuity at Tt, indicating a cholesterol-like structural effect. 8. The quenching phenomena observed are attributed to a non-random accommodation of fluorophore and quencher molecules (co-clustering) below the phase transition and a statistical distribution of both impurities above Tt. 9. In the presence of cholesterol the clustering tendencies are reduced or even eliminated; this is compatible with the concept that cholesterol fluidizes the phosphatide acyl chains below the transtion temperature.  相似文献   

Quenching of tryptophan fluorescence by brominated phospholipid   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
E J Bolen  P W Holloway 《Biochemistry》1990,29(41):9638-9643
Bromolipids [1-palmitoyl-2-(dibromostearoyl)phosphatidylcholine] with bromines at the 4,5-, 6,7-, 9,10-, 11,12-, and 15,16-positions were used to examine the fluorescence quenching of a synthetic, membrane-spanning peptide (Lys2-Gly-Leu8-Trp-Leu8-Lys-Ala-amide) incorporated into both small and large unilamellar vesicles. The peptide-lipid vesicles were analyzed to show that at least 75% of the peptide was in a transbilayer configuration, placing the single tryptophan in its predicted place in the center of the bilayer. Quenching profiles of the peptide in bromolipid showed maximal (90%) quenching by the 15,16-bromolipid, indicating that the bromolipids can accurately locate the position of a tryptophan in the bilayer. The quenching by the other bromolipids decreased with an r6 dependence and an apparent R0 of 9 A. In addition, indole in methanolic solution was subjected to quenching by a variety of mono- and dibrominated hydrocarbons. The quenching was analyzed, by using a modified Stern-Volmer equation, and found to be greatly dependent upon the number and positioning of the bromines. Monobromobutanes were found to have a quenching efficiency of only 7% while dibromobutanes, with bromines on adjacent carbon atoms, had efficiencies of over 80%. In addition, the dibromobutanes exhibited significant "static" quenching whereas the monobrominated butanes did not. These data suggest that the bromolipids are more appropriately defined as short-range quenchers rather than strictly contact quenchers.  相似文献   

The aldolase A binding to the lecithin liposomes (Kd = 2.4 +/- 0.1 X 10(-3) M) has been shown by the fluorescence and tryptophan phosphorescence at the room temperature. The interaction is accompanied by an increase in the phospholipid bilayer microviscosity, and some conformational changes in the hydrophobic part of the enzyme, pronouncing themselves in Trp-147 environment rigidity, decrease. The observation of membrane viscosity vs. incubation time revealed practically instant enzyme-membrane interaction and no gradual incorporation. The accessibility of the NAD-binding domain of aldolase for NADH in the liposome presence remains unaltered.  相似文献   

Iodide is an efficient quencher of antithrombin III intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence. The quenching pattern indicates that about 60% of the tryptophyl fluorescence originates from exposed residues in the multitryptophan-containing protein. In denaturing media all of the tryptophyls are solvent-exposed. The binding of heparin to antithrombin III influences the number of solvent-exposed tryptophan residues. By studying the dependence of the quenching on pH, information regarding the presence of charged residues adjacent to tryptophyls was obtained.  相似文献   

The lytic action of several homologous series of surfactants including N-acyl derivatives of the Na-salt of amino acids on the egg lecithin multilamellar liposomes was examined. The affinity for the lipid membrane and the solubilising capacity of the agents were estimated. The contribution of a CH2 group and that of the polar head group of surfactants to the free energy of the agent's binding to the membrane were evaluated. The results obtained indicate that the contribution of a CH2 group to the free binding energy depends on the nature of the surfactants' head group. This dependence is attributed to either various localisation of the agent's molecules in the lipid bilayer or to different properties of the agent's hydrocarbon tails. The contributions of the head groups of the surfactants are assumed to reflect the affinity of these head groups for the lecithin polar head group at the membrane interface. The results obtained indicate some degree of specificity involved in the interactions of the head groups.  相似文献   

The migration of alkylpyridinium surfactants and pyrene-substituted fatty acids between vesicles has been studied. The results are in accord with the assumption of diffusion-controlled processes. Changes in relaxation time with charge type, degree of ionization, pH, and alkyl chain length of the migrating species are investigated and discussed.The presence of a slower relaxation type, apparently due to a transmembrane transport was established in the case of the pyridinium surfactants, but could not be found for pyrene-substituted fatty acids. Fluorescence-quenching studies indicate that these are present at both vesicle interfaces.  相似文献   

Quenching of tryptophanyl fluorescence of human growth hormone by I- followed saturation kinetics and was abolished by KSCN. In the presence of 6 M guanidine hydrochloride quenching was linear between 0 to 0.2 M KI. These results suggest that I- quenched the fluorescence of the native hormone by binding at or near the single tryptophanyl residue. Quenching by 0.1 M KI decreased exponentially with increasing concentrations of human and bovine growth hormones. Acidification did not have a significant effect on quenching of the human hormone, but it markedly decreased quenching of the bovine hormone. Conformational differences at the vicinity of the lone tryptophanyl residue that could be inferred by these and other experiments may be contributing to the biological specificity of native human and bovine growth hormones.  相似文献   

The interaction between lecithin liposomes and acid clay was investigated to clarify the mechanism for liposome adsorption to the clay. It was found that the multilamellar vesicular structure of the liposomes was broken as a result of primary adsorption. The acid clay particles aggregated and were eventually covered by the lecithin layer structure. In the case of kaolin, on the other hand, the liposomes were weakly adsorbed to the clay and maintained the vesicular structure. The amount of primary adsorption to the clay surface, which was estimated from the adsorption isotherm, was more for acid clay than for kaolin, and the total amount adsorbed to the acid clay was also more than to kaolin. This result can be explained by the much higher density of the negative charge on the acid clay surface than that for kaolin. The liposomes are therefore considered to be adsorbed to the acid clay mainly by the choline positive charge residing at the end of the lecithin molecule, although this is of no net charge as a whole.  相似文献   

In this paper, the binding of flavonoids (quercetin and rutin) to hemoglobin (Hb) have been investigated by fluorescence, absorption spectroscopy and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy. The binding parameters and binding mode between flavonoids and Hb are determined and the results of CD and synchronous fluorescence spectra indicate a conformational change of Hb with addition of flavonoids. The effects of lecithin liposomes on the binding parameter of quercetin and rutin to Hb are also studied. When incorporated into liposome, flavonoids can reduce the fluorescence of tryptophanyl residues of Hb to a lesser extent. The difference of the structure characteristics between quercetin and rutin has a significant effect on their binding affinity for Hb.  相似文献   

Pullulan, one of polysaccharides, induces aggregation of egg lecithin multilamellar liposomes as detected by turbidity of the solution. The turbidity disappears upon treatment with pullulanase, indicating that the aggregation induced by pullulan is reversible. On the other hand, the turbidity induced on single-walled liposomes is not completely reversed by incubation with the enzyme. The phenomenon is interpreted as the involvement of irreversible fusion of liposomes. Thus, the enzyme digestion method provides a novel simple means to distinguish fusion of liposomes from aggregation.  相似文献   

The fluorescence quantum yield in spinach chloroplasts at room temperature has been studied utilizing a 0.5-4.0 mus duration dye laser flash of varying intensities as an excitation source. The yield (phi) and carotenoid triplet concentration were monitored both during and following the laser flash. The triplet concentration was monitored by transient absorption spectoscopy at 515 nm, while the yield phi following the laser was probed with a low intensity xenon flash. The fluorescence is quenched by factors of up to 10-12, depending on the intensity of the flash and the time interval following the onset of the flash. This quenching is attributed to a quencher Q whose concentration is denoted by Q. The relative instantaneous concentration of Q was calculated from phi utilizing the Stern-Volmer equation, and its buildup and decay kinetics were compared to those of carotenoid triplets. At high flash intensities (greater than 10(16) photon . cm-2) the decay kinetics of Q are slower than those of the carotenoid triplets, while at lower flash intensities they are similar. Q is sensitive to oxygen and it is proposed that Q, at the higher intensities, is a trapped chlorophyll triplet. This hypothesis accounts well for the continuing rise of the carotenoid triplet concentration for 1-2 mus after the cessation of the laser pulse by a slow detrapping mechanism, and the subsequent capture of the triplet energy by carotenoid molecules. At the maximum laser intensities, the carotenoid triplet concentration is about one per 100 chlorophyll molecules. The maximum chlorophyll ion concentration generated by the laser pulses was estimated to be below 0.8 ions/100 chlorophyll molecules. None of the observations described here were altered when a picosecond pulse laser train was substituted for the microsecond pulse. A simple kinetic model describing the generation of singlets and triplets (by intersystem crossing), and their subsequent interaction leading to fluorescence quenching, accounts well for the observations. The two coupled differential equations describing the time dependent evolution of singlet and triplet excited states are solved numerically. Using a single-triplet bimolecular rate constant of gammast = 10(-8) cm3 . s-1, the following observations can be accounted for: (1) the rapid initial drop in phi and its subsequent levelling off with increasing time during the laser pulse, (2) the buildup of the triplets during the pulse, and (3) the integrated yield of triplets per pulse as a function of the energy of the flash.  相似文献   

Quenching of the fluorescence of DNA-bound Hoechst 33258 in erythroid precursors was studied by flow cytometry and cytochemistry. This quenching artifact may affect the measurement of ploidy in specific cases. The bone marrow cells of two patients with hemolytic disease and active erythropoiesis contained subpopulations of cells with an apparent hypodiploid DNA content as measured by flow cytometry of paraformaldehyde-fixed cells stained with Hoechst 33258. No aneuploidy was detected in either of the two cases when cells were stained with mithramycin or 7-aminoactinomycin D. Cells exhibiting reduced Hoechst 33258 fluorescence expressed glycophorin A and low amounts of CD36, and were therefore erythroid precursors. In one case studied, the number of cells with reduced Hoechst 33258 fluorescence and glycophorin A expressed agreed well with the number of cells containing nuclear hemoglobin. In the other case, hemoglobin was present in a significant proportion of nucleated cells. Calculated values for the efficiency of resonance energy transfer from Hoechst 33258 to hemoglobin were in accordance with the observed levels of quenching (approximately 10%). However, the results could also be explained by hemoglobin reabsorption of Hoechst 33258 fluorescence. Nuclei stained with Hoechst 33258 showed uniform fluorescence, probably due to extraction of hemoglobin during the isolation procedure.  相似文献   

The fluorescence quantum yield in spinach chloroplasts at room temperature has been studied utilizing a 0.5–4.0 μs duration dye laser flash of varying intensities as an excitation source. The yield (Ф) and carotenoid triplet concentration were monitored both during and following the laser flash. The triplet concentration was monitored by transient absorption spectroscopy at 515 nm, while the yield Ф following the laser was probed with a low intensity xenon flash. The fluorescence is quenched by factors of up to 10–12, depending on the intensity of the flash and the time interval following the onset of the flash. This quenching is attributed to a quencher Q whose concentration is denoted by Q. The relative instantaneous concentration of Q was calculated from Ф utilizing the Stern-Volmer equation, and its buildup and decay kinetics were compared to those of carotenoid triplets. At high flash intensities (1016 photon · cm−2) the decay kinetics of Q are slower than those of the carotenoid triplets, while at lower flash intensities they are similar. Q is sensitive to oxygen and it is proposed that Q, at the higher intensities, is a trapped chlorophyll triplet. This hypothesis accounts well for the continuing rise of the carotenoid triplet concentration for 1–2 μs after the cessation of the laser pulse by a slow detrapping mechanism, and the subsequent capture of the triplet energy by carotenoid molecules.

At the maximum laser intensities, the carotenoid triplet concentration is about one per 100 chlorophyll molecules. The maximum chlorophyll ion concentration generated by the laser pulses was estimated to be below 0.8 ions/100 chlorophyll molecules. None of the observations described here were altered when a picosecond pulse laser train was substituted for the microsecond pulse.

A simple kinetic model describing the generation of singlets and triplets (by intersystem crossing), and their subsequent interaction leading to fluorescence quenching, accounts well for the observations. The two coupled differential equations describing the time dependent evolution of singlet and triplet excited states are solved numerically. Using a singlet-triplet bimolecular rate constant of γst = 10−8 cm3 · s−1, the following observations can be accounted for: (1) the rapid initial drop in Ф and its subsequent levelling off with increasing time during the laser pulse, (2) the buildup of the triplets during the pulse, and (3) the integrated yield of triplets per pulse as a function of the energy of the flash.  相似文献   

The hypocrellin B (HB) was used as a fluorescence quencher to study the basic physical characteris-tics of HB in membrane systems, including the diffusion speed of quencher from aqueous phase into membrane phase, the partition coefficient (P) of quencher between membrane and water, and the fluorescence quenching constant of protein (Ksv; Kq). The experimental results show that the quenching of fluorescence in membrane protein by HB can be determined by the principle of dynamic quenching. The experimental process of fluorescence quenching was ob-served in detail by using the ESR technique. The signal of HB" was found to arise from an electron transfer from ex-cited trytophan to HB.  相似文献   

Several kinds of hydrophilic proteins were examined to determine their interaction with artificial liposomes. Mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferase (m-GOT) [EC], as well as cytochrome c, was found to interact strongly with negatively charged liposomes. In each case, an appreciable amount of the protein bound to liposomes remained unreleased after raising the salt concentration in the medium. The m-GOT tightly bound to the liposomes was also found to become latent in its enzymatic activity, and could be reversibly activated by solubilization of the liposomes with detergent. This is also the case for cytochrome c, which ceases to be reducible by external reductant, such as dithionite. Furthermore, the tightly bound m-GOT was not susceptible to the proteolytic action of trypsin, or that of Nagarse. From these observations it can be inferred that these basic proteins interact with acidic liposomes not only electrostatically but also hydrophobically. This kind of hydrophobic interaction was not observed in the combination of positively charged liposomes and acidic proteins, including s-GOT. Mitochondrial GOT was shown to be bound to isolated intact mitochondrial, but the bound enzyme was fully active, in contrast to the case of acidic liposomes. The hydrophobic interaction of water-soluble protein with liposomes is discussed in connection with the penetration of matrix enzyme through mitochondrial membranes.  相似文献   

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